Dallas (2012) s01e05 Episode Script

Truth and Consequences

Oh, Rick had cleaned up.
He was back on track.
A photo like this gets into the hands of the authorities, that's strike three.
You write up a new contract and allocate it all to me.
I found an old stripper well on miss Henderson's land.
If I deepen it a little, I'll hit another oil reservoir.
I know you had feelings for John Ross.
What do you say you and I make a new deal? $20,000? I can't risk you coming back in a few years after I've built a company and trying to claim ownership.
It's about time we had a little talk About that e-mail you sent Elena.
There's something I need to tell you About The e-mail Elena got two years ago.
The one telling her You weren't showing up for the wedding.
How do you even know about that? I love you, Christopher, more than anything.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you.
But John Ross is blackmailing me.
Three years ago, Tommy moved to Dallas.
His roommate knew you.
Knew about you and Elena.
All I knew was that you were gonna be on the train! That you had just broken up with someone.
But I didn't know.
I swear I didn't know what Tommy had done.
And what did Tommy do? He sent the e-mail to Elena and made it look like it had come from your computer.
I swear I didn't know! I didn't know he did it.
I didn't know until yesterday when John Ross confronted me.
You need to believe that.
You need to believe I love you.
Theme music plays Hey, Tommy! No! No! Christopher, stop! Stop! No, no, no.
Stop! Stop! Please.
What the hell did I do to you?! I had to tell him, Tommy.
He knows you sent the e-mail to Elena breaking them up.
You did what?! It was a scam! The both of them! For our money.
No, don't blame it on Becca.
It was all me.
I'm sorry, man.
Why?! You son no, no, no! How could you do that to him?! Use us all like this.
I just did.
You son of a bitch! Chad! Get this punk off my ranch.
Christopher! I love you.
I never would've taken your money.
You've got to believe that.
You've got to believe me! Just believe me.
Make sure I never see you again.
I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
I shouldn't have accused you of sending that e-mail.
I just need to know you're not gonna chase after him.
He offered to pay me off.
He said I had no integrity.
Christopher and I are done.
All right.
Now I can do something.
Bobby won't let me help him.
I think it's rude.
Just trying to stay busy.
No word from Christopher? No.
I'm sure he's okay.
Can you imagine? Ugh.
And that brother.
I never liked him.
I hate myself for trusting him.
And her too.
Of course.
She just looked so devastated when she left.
I mean, you think it's possible that the whole thing was an act? Everything? Honey, it doesn't matter.
I left word for Mitch Lobell.
See if there's anything we can do legally about Rebecca and her brother.
I just hope Christopher's okay.
Hey, there.
Can I help ya? Robert James ewing? Yeah, that's me.
What do you got? Thank you.
What is it? It's from Lobell.
It's probably about the sale of the ranch.
What's wrong? J.
Southfork's deed is in your name.
Is this some kind of joke? No, Bobby.
It's not a joke.
Say, bum, give Bobby and me a couple of minutes, will you? Now, Bobby, let me explain, before you get your boxers in a knot.
Oh, I am gonna want to hear this story.
You know, I always felt a little funny about that Marta del sol girl, ever since I saw her at the cattle baron's ball.
Daddy always said beautiful women were the most dangerous.
I know all the things daddy used to say.
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I heard she was planning on selling Southfork to cliff Barnes.
I was surprised she could put it right back on the market after buying it from you.
But, hell, I figured that was just the deal you and Lobell made with her.
That wasn't the deal, J.
, and you know it.
Well, Bobby kept me out of the deal.
So, no, I don't know it, darlin'.
When I heard that vulture Barnes was trying to steal Southfork, get his hands on the ranch and all the oil my boy found under it, I got a group of investors together and swooped in and bought it from del sol.
Well, I don't think cliff Barnes knew what hit him.
And I guess maybe neither did you.
Now she's mine.
I'm gonna start sinking more Wells as soon as I can.
Ewing oil is back in business, Bobby.
That's not gonna happen, J.
This is not gonna happen.
That's why I wanted to sell Southfork in the first place to stop all this feuding and leave a legacy to mama.
You want to carry on mama's legacy? Well, I want to carry on daddy's.
I'm taking back what should have been mine in the first place.
That's how you justify this? How twisted can you get? Now, why don't you settle down and accept what's what? The deed is real, and this place is mine.
But you can stay here as long as you like, Bobby.
We're family.
I'm gonna make this right.
And I'm gonna take you down Brother.
Always did get a little hot under the collar when he didn't get his way.
But he'll come around.
You'll see.
They warned me, my whole marriage, they told me about you.
But in my wildest imagination, I never thought you could stoop to this.
Well, Annie, you're just gonna have to work on your imagination.
Bobby! Where are you going? Lobell's.
Dad? Dad! What happened? J.
Stole Southfork.
He's gonna drill.
He'd what? You heard me.
I can only imagine John Ross is deep in this, too.
Dad, wait! Wait! Wait.
I'm coming with you.
Oh, my God.
Son of a bitch! Lew, thanks for helping.
Yeah, I'm sorry about all this, Bobby.
It's devastating what Lobell has done.
I've known him for a long time, and I pegged him as a good guy.
Well, I worked with him for 30 years.
I want to break his neck.
I would, too, son.
So, how bad is it? Well, my team and I have gone through the files you brought.
I spoke with Carlos del sol and Dallas p.
Here's where things stand right now.
The del sol conservancy was never really in this deal Bobby.
Lobell lied to you about all of it.
All his due diligence was a fraud, as was the woman pretending to be Marta del sol.
Dallas p.
Has an apb out for her arrest, but they're pessimistic without her real identity.
Her cellphone number and her address were bogus.
Even the moneys that were exchanged were done through untraceable accounts offshore.
Police think it's likely she's left the country, and the same is true for Lobell and his family.
Then you can prove it was a fraud.
Just undo the deal and put the deed back in my name.
It's not that simple, Bobby.
How is it not that simple? Son, just a minute.
No jury is gonna doubt what went on here.
The sale of Southfork to Marta del sol was a fraud.
But it was also a bona fide sale.
Your father was paid the contract price and cashed the check.
Then I'll give the money back.
You can't, Bobby, because of the second sale to J.
He was a third-party purchaser for value, which means the sale of Southfork to him was valid And cannot be undone unless we can prove he was involved in or knew about the fraud of the first deal.
And how the hell am I supposed to do that, lew? Well, first things first.
We'll need all the private records you have on the deal.
And berman here will sit you down and take you through an oral timeline.
You're just lucky I was smart.
Getting all this stuff before you blew us up.
I told you, John Ross was gonna tell Christopher.
If there was a chance of Chris believing me, I had to tell him myself.
Well, that worked real well.
Do you really think I wanted him to hate me? Exactly the opposite.
At least I got us access to Christopher's computer.
So we can track his progress with the methane extraction.
And when that works, there's gonna be a lot of people we can sell those plans to.
And all these files that I copied there's got to be something in them we can monetize.
Don't you think? Yeah.
I put two years into this.
I plan on coming out a millionaire.
So you better pull yourself together and start helping me find something.
You're hurting me.
Don't forget we're in this together For the long haul.
If I'd have known you were coming I'd have got up earlier.
What have you done, John Ross? Southfork! Your daddy told Bobby this morning that it's his, that he's drilling section 18.
My daddy did what? Don't play games, John Ross.
The deed's in J.
'S name.
That's impossible.
I thought you let it go.
That we were moving forward with drilling the Henderson well.
And Bobby are at war! They think you're a part of this, too.
I got to talk to my father.
That's all you're gonna say, really? You're not even gonna deny it? I don't know what's going on! All right?! I was just starting to trust you again.
This is J.
After the beep, tell me what you know.
P J.
? J.
?! Open this door! J.
! He left, Bobby.
An hour ago.
Oh, damn it.
He's already got Ryland tankers headed to section 18.
Well, what did the lawyer say? Ha! Not only did Lobell hang me out to dry, but if I want to get Southfork back, I have to prove J.
Was in on the fraud, or at least he knew about it.
So they're interviewing everybody they can think of.
They're gonna subpoena his bank records and his phone records and even the visitor's log at the nursing home.
But I know my brother pretty well, and he's covered his tracks.
Well, what about Marta del sol? Oh, well, actually, she wasn't Marta del Sol, and the police are looking for her.
We need to start fighting fire with fire.
Dad, we need to start dealing with the same type of people they do to find what we need to bring them down.
We are not breaking the law to fix this, son.
And my cousin are gonna be pumping by the end of the week! If not sooner! We need to do more, and we need to do it now! I'm going to fight this with everything I've got, Christopher, but I'm not doing business with crooks.
That's not who we are.
Maybe not you.
Son The whole point of selling Southfork in the first place was to stop this family's descent.
I'm not going to let us lower ourself any further.
Look what it's already cost us.
Look at what Rebecca and Tommy's lies have done to you.
I am done sitting around while people walk all over me in this family! So am I! I have fought J.
Before, son, and I beat him.
And I'll beat him here my way.
We are doing this the right way.
Honey, you can have everybody just start unpacking, because we are not going anywhere.
Your father isn't here.
I don't know where he is.
Tell me it isn't true.
You tell me you did not cut me out of this deal and put Southfork into my father's name! You need to discuss that with J.
No, I brought you into this deal.
How could you turn around and give all of Southfork to J.
?! I warned you not to mix business with pleasure.
I gave you chance after chance.
What the hell are you talking about? It was taken yesterday.
You had me followed.
Your father did.
I guess he couldn't trust you, either.
You said you and Elena were broken up.
You lied to me.
You lied to me about where you were the other day, and you blew me off to be with her yesterday.
You hurt me.
I warned you.
I warned you not to toy with me.
I warned you not to confuse our business dealings by getting involved.
You let me fall for you.
I could have explained with another lie.
That picture's pretty obvious.
You undo what you did.
You put my name back on that deed.
It's too late.
Besides, it was a much better business deal anyway.
I should tell the cops where you are.
Who you are.
And lose any claim you have to Southfork by blowing up your father's deal? You stay the hell away from me.
If you know what's good for you.
I need you to be certain Because there's no turning back.
I've never met anyone like you.
We're two of a kind.
Are you sure you won't mix business with pleasure? What the hell did we do last night? Oh, I remember you like it rough, huh? John Ross.
I'm your daddy's friend, bum.
You're the son of a bitch who took those pictures.
I ought to kill you.
Asked me to come get you.
May you have as strong a second half as you had the first, Jerry.
Good to have you back in form, J.
And I appreciate you making sure everybody knows it.
I'll let you be alone with your boy.
Good to see you, John Ross.
You've got quite a father there.
I'll say.
Marta called.
Trying to know where your head is at.
A little word of advice you ought to be a lot nicer to that girl.
She's a bit of a loose Cannon.
I should call the police.
Have you arrested for what you did.
There's no reason for that.
The deed to Southfork is still yours for the having, John Ross.
It's just a matter of time.
You and I were supposed to be partners now.
That was the deal.
The deal was to teach you the oil business.
And I am.
I'm leaving town in a little while.
I'm putting you in charge.
I'm throwing you into the deep end just like my daddy did to me.
I'm gonna see if you can swim.
Or sink.
I don't need to be tested.
I was ready to do this all by myself.
Well, now if that were true, you wouldn't have had the deal stolen out from under you.
Here's my power of attorney so you can run things.
And bum's staying behind.
If you get into trouble, he can be resourceful, which I think you know.
Just start drilling.
By the time I'm back, Bobby will have gotten used to oil being pumped on Southfork and the damage will be done.
Just don't screw it up.
Jerry Jones and the cowboys organization is proud to welcome J.
Ewing to the cowboys stadium.
Smile for the camera.
Let's all give him a big Texas-size welcome.
Oh, I'm so glad you picked up.
I was terrified you wouldn't.
What do you want, Rebecca? I'm so sorry, Ann.
You were so nice to me.
You made me feel like family.
I didn't mean to once you started the lie, there was only one way out.
Can I see you? Explain it all to you in person? So you can look at me in the eye and see that I am not as horrible as you think I am.
Please, Ann.
I really appreciate the money, Mr.
I barely get tips around here, even at Christmas.
Hey, I just appreciate you doing my cousin a solid.
John Ross would be freaking out if I wasn't able to pick up this oil lease report that he left here.
Well, there she is.
I'll wait here for you.
You know what? Uh, it might take me a while to find it.
I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for Not Manning the front door.
I'll lock up on my way out.
Yeah, I-I should really wait, I think.
You know, I've already put you out enough already.
It's fine.
Trust me.
Marta oh, I remember you like it rough, huh? You like it rough Veronica.
I'm sorry it had to be done like this.
But I'm counting on you.
Make your daddy proud.
Where are you goin'? Well, what fun would I get out of telling you that? Besides, what you don't know, you can't tell.
When are you coming back? That depends on you, son.
There you go.
My father said you weren't moving out.
I'm glad.
Don't you come in this house and be smart with me, young man.
I'll toss you right out that door.
I'm in the mood.
Besides Your dad is not here.
I know.
Will you give my Uncle and I a minute, please? I don't want any trouble with you, Uncle Bobby.
Now, I know we've had our differences in the past, but what's gone on here is between you and my father.
I ain't got nothing to do with it.
You really expect me to believe that.
All you've ever wanted is to drill on this ranch.
You see my name anywhere on my father's deed? If you ask me, though, you should have let me drill when Elena and I asked.
If you did, I don't think my father would have been pushed to this.
You should've known J.
Wouldn't let a billion barrels of oil slip through his hands.
Yeah, well, I am gonna fight him on that.
And I think that hurt him.
One of the reasons why he left Dallas this afternoon.
Left? I just saw him go.
He's put me in a real uncomfortable situation.
Gave you his power of attorney.
Well, the two of you must really be enjoying this little joke.
Oh, I assure you it is no joke.
At my father's request, I'm moving in to Southfork to keep an eye on things in his absence.
Into his suite, of course.
I'm gonna start pumping section 18 as soon as I can.
Now, I know you're gonna have a problem with that.
But I'm hoping you and I can stay out of each other's way.
The last thing I'd want to do is have to kick you off this ranch.
Like you did to me.
Music plays I keep thinking if I could go back, make better choices Meet Christopher under different circumstances.
The funny thing is I'd probably have never met him if things had been different.
You're young, Rebecca.
You make mistakes when you're young.
It doesn't mean you can't change.
Move beyond this in time.
You really believe that? I've had to.
I keep letting myself fall into bad patterns.
Letting myself be swayed by my brother.
Your choices are yours, not his.
I know.
The thing is I don't know what he would do If he felt that I didn't have his back.
Where's Tommy now? Trying to figure out his next move.
And you? Trying to figure out a way to tell him to go to hell.
Maybe the first step to that is coming clean with Christopher.
Do you think Christopher could ever forgive me? It's more than forgiveness.
It's trust.
And somehow proving to him that you're worthy of a second chance.
No I heard you this morning.
Now, hear me out.
I spoke to my father.
He did what you said.
Southfork, the oil, it's all in his name.
He left town.
He wants me to do his bidding until he gets back.
Till Uncle Bobby settles down.
He thinks it will be better this way.
Well, I guess you got what you wanted.
I wanted it.
But not this way.
He's put my head in the cross hairs doing things his way.
And he has left me alone.
I never wanted to do it alone.
I wanted to do it with you.
Trust me.
I feel the same way about J.
I've spent my whole life trying not to be his son.
But this place That oil It's my birthright.
And now that it's all on me, I got to do whatever I can to make it work.
But Bobby doesn't deserve no, Bobby was hurt by my father, not me.
Not you.
Bobby also wanted to give away Southfork.
All of it.
I cannot say that I'm sorry that my father stopped him from doing that.
Uh You have accused me of awful things that I did not do.
And yet I'm still here, at your door Asking you to take a chance On me.
Asking you to do what we always said we would do Together.
I can't be a part of that.
You can't be a part of that Or a part of me? I don't know.
Thought he could get out of all of this by leaving town, so he put John Ross in charge.
I'm just afraid he's gonna tear up this whole ranch digging for oil before he's done.
I did this, Annie, by rushing it.
I tried to make things better, and I made them worse.
What the hell was I thinking? You were shouldering everything yourself.
Especially the cancer.
And you didn't make this bad.
You are the strongest man I know.
You will fix this.
Yeah, but they're gonna start pumping before I figure this out.
And I promised mama that wouldn't happen.
I've got to find a way to slow him down.
You will figure this out.
I just wish I was as certain as you.
Elena! Open the door! Elena! Please? You're drunk, Christopher.
You need to go home.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what I said the other day.
I'm just I'm sorry.
Oh, God.
Okay, come on.
Come in.
You helped me last night? You could barely make it to the couch, let alone the house.
Drink this.
Then get out.
I-I thought that you thought because I let you sleep on my couch that I forgive you? I let you sleep there because it was the decent thing to do.
You could learn something about decency, Christopher.
I'm sorry.
You know exactly what I'm insecure about, what hurts me, and still you went there.
I'm sorry about Rebecca, but don't come here looking to make peace.
To think that I let you put in my head that it was John Ross this whole time when that's what you think.
That's exactly how you think of me.
John Ross?! Do you have any idea what he's up to? Whatever you think, more than anyone he has always had my back.
And he has never, ever Made me feel bad The way you made me feel the other day.
Ryland? Your ex-wife is here to see you.
Thank you for seeing me, Harris.
Why don't you come over here and give me a hug? I don't think that's necessary.
Oh, well, I do.
You know, I expected you to sit up on your high horse for at least a couple more minutes before you caved.
Especially since, as I remember, I make your skin crawl.
Of course you always were prone to hyperbole.
I don't want to fight with you.
That's pretty obvious, Annie.
You're here for a favor.
Why would you want to start a fight? You have a contract with J.
Ewing to transport 2,000 barrels a day from his well on Southfork.
I want you to cancel the contract.
I'm the only one in Dallas with enough trucks to move that kind of oil.
If J.
Can't move his oil, then he's got to stop drilling.
Is that the endgame you're looking after? You can just nod your head if I'm hitting the mark.
After all these years, I can still read your mind.
Forget it.
After all we've been through, I thought you might have changed.
Oh, people don't.
Now, maybe the clothes we wear, the size of one's heels.
It's nice to see you're not afraid to be wearing them anymore, by the way.
But the soul? I think that stays pretty constant.
Otherwise you wouldn't be here.
I'll do it.
I like your husband.
And I always thought his brother was a prick.
So I'll pull my trucks.
It's gonna cost you a hug.
Saw the completion rig outside.
Crew already gone for the day? I thought you were in a hurry.
Well, they finished the casing faster than expected.
It still needs to dry, so I broke them early.
I'm a good boss, remember? Never met a crew that didn't like you.
A tycoon who gets his hands dirty who can resist that? So, you in this with me? I thought Bobby was wrong to not let us drill.
We were never gonna ruin the land.
But I can't drill on Southfork.
I can't be in the middle of that war.
I'll work my leases on the Henderson land.
Maybe give you a run for your money.
You're an independent woman.
I like that.
I understand why you're doing this.
It's your birthright.
You have to prove yourself to your father.
But promise me that you had nothing to do with stealing Southfork.
That it was all J.
Promise me you're the man I think you are.
I swear None of it was me.
Oh, you pulled yourself together.
I'm feeling better about things.
Find anything yet? Hmm.
Doorman let me in.
He's under the impression the two of us are close.
What are you doing here? Got something to show you.
Come on, John Ross.
You know what I like.
Don't you say? I remember you liked it rough.
Where'd you get this? Where do you think? She left it for you.
I especially like the part where you call Marta by her real name Veronica.
Proves that you knew who she was before the deal was made.
That you were conspiring against my father.
So what? The deed's not in my name.
Show it to the police, your father It's not gonna help you get Southfork back.
Or are you just gonna hold it over my head with Elena? You'd do anything to get her to hate me.
I wouldn't show her that.
I wouldn't do that to her.
Might not undo the deal, but fraud and conspiracy Are still a crime in the state of Texas.
I want proof From you that J.
Was in on the fraud.
Enough proof to undo the deal.
Or you're going to jail.

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