Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s08e02 Episode Script

The Price of Fame

I didn't know what happiness was
till I got married.
Then it was too bloody late.
Can't hear you.
No, I'm only joking.
Me and my wife, we're inseparable.
Only last night, it took four coppers
and a police dog to tear us apart.
Efrona, just think about
what you're doing. Efrona!
-That's it.
-What do you say, eh? What do you say?
Oh, this is the business!
We've made it. We're here.
Let's get smashed!
-Come on!
Now a little bit of magic here
for the lads.
How do you turn a fox into an elephant?
You marry it!
-That'll be your missus, all right.
-You like 'em big, eh, Ben?
How many sexists does it take
to change a light bulb?
None, let the bugger cook in the dark.
How did you get Penny into your van?
What did you say to her?
You grabbed her, didn't you, Daynes?
She dropped her chips on the pavement.
You slimy, arrogant
-Hey, hey, hey!
What the hell got into you?
-It's been blown out of all proportion.
-It was on the tape, I heard it!
After you grabbed him, what happened?
-Well, it just sort of
-I'd rather Inspector Pascoe tell me.
Superintendent Dalziel seemed reluctant
to release the suspect, ma'am.
I tried to force him to let go.
How long did this go on for?
-Maybe a minute.
-And what was Daynes doing?
LAWRENCE: So what made
Superintendent Dalziel let go?
I eventually managed to pull him away.
This fella goes into the chemist.
He said, ”Can I have some
Viagra eye drops?”
The chemist said, ”Viagra eye drops?
What do you wan': them for?”
He said, ”I just want to look hard.”
-Oh, R's tasty.
-Hey! That's it
You're already on a promise,
you greedy sod.
Hey, one in the hand is not as exciting
as two in the bush, all right?
As I'm leaving home she said to ma,
"I'll dame on your grave."
I said, "I hope you do,
I'm getting buried at sea.”
Well, listen, when I was
-What are you doing?
-No, it was him!
-No, it wasn't! It wasn't.
-Oh, lighten up, what time is it?
-Right. Got to go meet that girl.
What are you like?
You've only been here two hours.
It's a gift, man. It's a gift.
So see you boys later, yeah?
-Take it easy.
-Take it easy, man.
-Have a good one, cooker.
-Yeah, I will.
She said, ”The cocoa sends
them to sleep,
'The Viagra stops them
falling out of bed.”
How do you think this is going to look?
A senior officer
taken off a high-profile abduction case.
If the papers get hold of it
Oh, God forbid the papers
should get hold of it, ma'am.
Your methods are outmoded,
With all due respect, ma'am, maybe
it's the procedure that's too advanced.
I'd count myself very lucky,
if I were you.
Mr Daynes doesn't want anything to do
with a misconduct hearing.
-Of course he doesn't, he just wants
-So despite my feelings,
we're not going ahead with it. However,
I want you to take some leave.
And then on your return, I'll refer you
to the Occupational Health Unit
-for assessment.
-Occupational Health Unit?
Will that be all, ma'am?
Here we go, fellas. Now listen,
how can you tell if the wife's dead?
The sex is the same
but the washing just piles up.
Oh, God! Anyway.
We'll keep it clean.
Okay, you've been very, very good.
And I told you if you were good
Isn't that the bit of skirt
Gavin's supposed to be meeting?
-Well, Wanda's here.
And when you see her you'll say,
"I wanda how she done that?”
So let's meet-and-greet,
put your hands together
for the one and only Wanda!
-You want to tell her she's missed him?
Looks like our Gav's
got some competition.
All of it!
-What did you expect me to do?
-Not twist the knife in so deep.
Well, it's better coming from me
than someone else.
Daynes said
he didn't want to get involved.
And his brief wasn't highly likely
to say anything.
You'd have done the same.
-That's not the point.
-So what is the point?
The point is it's only two days
since Penny Wilson went missing.
She may still be alive.
And my actions haven't helped find her
or her abductor.
She went to the chippy
and just disappeared.
PASCOE: We have to let it go.
We're not going to nail Daynes.
There's no girl.
No evidence, no conviction.
Something's not right.
We're missing something.
That is if there is something to miss.
And if there is,
let's see if the new SIO can find it.
My bet is he can't. So why don't
you just do what Lawrence says
-and take a break?
-Don't worry. I'm going to.
And at the moment, I'm in two minds
whether I'll ever come back or not.
How about that, hey? Ho! How about that?
That girl's responsible
That girl's responsible for 95%
of all the Viagra sold around here.
How do you stop the wife coming out
the kitchen and nagging you?
You shorten the chain. Oh!
Should I ring Gav,
tell him she's in here?
-Going to have to use your phone.
-Is yours somewhere safe?
-The chemist said, ”How old are you?”
He said, ”Eighty.”
He said, ”You wan': the Viagra tablets?"
He said, "It'll do your back in. ”
He said, ”You'll be here tomorrow ”
One lucky girl.
I've seen trained seals
with more going for 'em than her.
-Do you want a drink?
-Yeah, cheers.
-My phone's not here.
-What? It's got to be.
It's not.
Would you believe it?
Double-crossed or what?
Police are still hunting
the missing courier, Alan Turner.
He was last seen in Leeds and
Like so. And this one actually
is particularly clever
because there's a lever down
So where's Tweed Le-Dee?
Too far for him to come, is it?
Isn't he the one that said
leave was for wimps?
Well, let's see what we got.
-Anybody know who she is?
Efrona Davis. Girl off the telly.
That fly-on-the-wall documentary,
Way land Bay Watch.
She was the people's favourite.
-Reality TV.
Or how to be famous for a week.
'What is the point in learning maths?”
It's the sort of question you might
expect to hear from a bored 14-year-old,
not from the head of
a major teaching union.
That is exactly what the President
of the NASUWT asked delegates
at the organisation's annual conference.
WOMAN: Yes, and what's more, he went
on to suggest that it should be dropped
from the list of compulsory GCSEs
in favour of basic
So who are they going
to send in Dalziels place?
Second choice.
Well, let me know
if they find anything else.
Forget second choice.
-Who is it?
-DCI Derek Hawes.
-This is really scraping the barrel.
-So I've heard.
Well, I don't know, anything.
-How are you doing, Peter?
-Can't complain.
-Better than Dalziel, that's for sure.
-He's all right.
What a farce that were, eh?
What happened?
Thought he were back in the '70s,
did he?
He believes, and so do I,
that Roy Daynes has information
about the abduction of Penny Wilson.
And the sooner we can get
that information,
the more opportunity we have
to find Penny alive.
Yeah, well And you are?
-DS Milligan.
-Right, well.
I think we might be able
to wrap this one up pretty smartish.
-How come?
-We found a boat.
Washed up about half a mile
down the coast.
SOCO are down there now.
I bet 10 to 1 she was out of her skull
on some substance or other.
Decided to do a stint
of boat joyriding. Result,
out of her depth, boat turns over,
she drowns. Boom, boom.
The temperature last night
was just above freezing.
And there were gale force winds.
Hardly jolly boating weather.
-Even if she was high as a kite.
-Yeah, well. We'll see.
Kids, eh?
Drive me mad. Wasting our time.
-I don't think so.
-Oh my, my, we are keen, aren't we?
Well, you do what you feel is necessary.
I'll wait until the autopsy
before I decide to go running around
like the proverbial blue-bummed fly.
It's more than probably just
a tragic accident.
But the police are around and
will be wanting to ask you questions.
Just tell 'em all you know.
And I realise today will be difficult.
But let's all try our best.
All right, let's go.
-Is Hawes always like that?
Always has been, always will be.
Rather be anywhere than on the job.
I mean, this was no accident.
Doesn't make any sense.
Louise Russell?
They were rehearsing
right up to about 7:30.
After that I saw her in the bar,
but only briefly.
-Was she with anybody?
-No, I don't think so.
-Who does she normally hang around with?
-Well, she didn't lately.
-Why was that?
-The TV program me.
She became famous and, well,
the other entertainers became jealous.
-You know what it's like.
-Kim? Can't it wait?
-I'll be two minutes.
-Are you the police?
-That's right.
I just thought you ought to know.
Efrona arranged to meet
one of the guests last night.
So was it a regular thing,
Efrona dating the guests?
She gave a whole new meaning
to the term "casting couch".
For Efrona it could have been a casting
wall, casting car, casting beach.
Lot of Hollywood types
in Way land Bay, are there?
If you're young, female
and willing to sleep around,
it's amazing how many men
suddenly have friends and relatives
that can get you places.
-How many were the real thing?
-In my experience, none.
For Efrona, she got an agent.
The others got what they wanted.
But Efrona didn't care.
It was all part of it.
Part of the price of fame.
There they are.
-All right.
-PASCOE: Brandon Taylor?
-MILLIGAN: Ben Forsythe?
-That's right.
DI Pascoe and DS Milligan.
We need a word.
We believe one of you had a meeting with
a girl called Efrona Davis last night.
No, that was our mate Gavin.
Isn't that right?
-Do you know what time it was?
-So where is he now, this Gavin?
That's the thing, we don't know.
-Well, he didn't come back last night.
We thought he must we just
stayed out with her somewhere.
But then we heard she turned up dead.
We were just wondering
what we should do about it.
BRANDON: Look, Gavin's a bit of a lad.
But he'd never do anything
to hurt anybody.
PASCOE: One second.
We need to search their chalet.
If there's no joy, let's see if we can
get a description or photo circulated.
And we should contact the Coastguard,
see if we can't arrange
an aerial search of the sea.
Hawes may have had a point.
They might have been stupid enough
to go on that boat last night.
I need to know all there is to know
about your mate Gavin.
We believe Penny's been abducted.
PASCOE: You contacted her parents?
It's just her father. He's on his way.
It's not as though there's any doubt
about the identification.
There's bruising on the left cheek.
-Which could be the result of a punch.
—She was hit?
Or she collided with something
in the water.
Was she alive
when the bruising occurred?
I'd say so.
Didn't think you were
going to make it, sir.
Yeah, I've got another case
that's causing me grief.
-Another suspicious death?
-No, yesterday's diamond job.
Right pain in the neck.
So, what do you say then, Frank?
-Drunk, drugged, what?
-Possibility but unlikely.
-Of course it's likely.
-Mmm-mmm. There's this.
Deep laceration
on the side of the scalp.
—With a depressed skull fracture.
-Was that the cause of death?
I suspect so, but I need to examine
the head in more detail to confirm it.
And the degree of bruising and bleeding
indicates that the fracture
was sustained ante-mortem, not post.
-Do you know what caused it?
-(CHUCKLES) I'm not the detective.
Let's look at the lungs.
They could help us out here.
-Oh, if this starts to drag on
-I heard it was a courier.
That diamond job. What was his name?
Turner. Alan Turner.
He's just disappeared
off the face of the Earth.
-Not a clue where he is.
-Hmm. Florida, probably.
What was a courier doing
delivering diamonds?
Oh, they've been doing it for years.
Nobody thinks a courier
is worth hijacking.
Good idea, when you put it like that.
A courier never knows what
they're delivering. Could be anything.
Well, Turner obviously knew.
Hmm. She has water in her lungs.
Which means?
Well, given the condition
of the head wound
and the fact that she was alive
when she went into the water,
-I'd say we're looking at a murder.
-Oh, that's all I needed.
It'll turn out to be some
spotty boyfriend who got over-excited.
Hardly worth the money
or the resources.
She probably asked for it anyway.
That must be her father.
Yeah, I bet he doesn't think
his daughter asked for it.
I see what you mean about Hawes.
I'm going to speak to Lawrence,
see if we can't get Dalziel back.
No, I'm sorry, Peter.
Superintendent Dalziel's on leave
and that's where he's staying.
DCI Hawes is not the man for the job,
he doesn't want to be there!
That's a serious accusation.
Ask him yourself. All he's bothered
about is this diamond job.
-You need Dalziel.
-I said no.
It's ridiculous having someone of his
quality left waiting on the sidelines.
There's no other officer on the force
with his wealth of experience
in murder investigation.
This girl was big news.
If we don't do something positive, then
the press are going to have a field day.
-If I did agree
I won't put up
with any of his Neanderthal methods.
And if he goes anywhere
near the Penny Wilson case,
he'll be behind a desk
until the day he draws his pension.
-That goes without saying.
-You'd better speak to him, then.
What is it you're trying to tell me?
Uh, look, urn
Would you prefer if, uh
No. Karen's like family.
Just say what you got to say.
As from yesterday,
I'm no longer on the case.
Why not?
I got a bit heavy-handed with a suspect.
The one you arrested? This
-Roy Daynes.
-He's been released.
-Because of you?
No, not entirely because of me. We
We didn't have the evidence to keep him.
Well, you must have had something
to have arrested him.
-Nothing that would stand up in court.
-So what did you have?
Daynes' van
matches the description of a vehicle
a witness saw
cruising the area that night.
-He also had previous.
-Why isn't that enough?
It's got to be enough.
-We need something more.
-I don't care what you want!
I want me daughter back!
Three days ago she went off to a chippy.
She was go She was going to a mate's
to do some homework.
And I haven't seen her since.
She's out She's out there somewhere.
-And if he's got her
-We don't know that.
He'd never abducted anyone, had he?
No, but he came close.
Then perhaps he wasn't up to it.
Perhaps it isn't him?
-You've searched his house?
There's no indication
that he ever contacted Penny.
-But it was you that let him go.
If anything happens to Penny,
I'm going to blame you.
You know that, I'm going to blame you.
How'd you know I was here?
-Educated guess.
-Come to gloat?
There's been a murder. Young girl
at Way land Bay Holiday Village.
-Is it connected to Penny Wilson?
-No, it's not.
-So why are you talking to me about it?
I spoke to Lawrence.
She's willing to take you back
as SIO on the investigation.
She needs you on the case, Andy.
And I'm supposed to just jump back into
line because it's convenient for her?
I'm supposed to forget about the fact
there's a young girl still missing
and her mother's going half crazy
in there?
I need to find this girl and now, before
it's too late, and convict Daynes.
That's what I need to do.
But that's out of the question,
isn't it?
-You can't go near the case.
-Fine. Fine!
If she wants to find
another SIO for that,
then she can find another one
for the Way land Bay murder.
Because when it comes down to it, Peter,
I can't work with someone who doesn't
understand why I acted like I did.
Spike? Do me a favour.
Can you get me the number
of that TV company
that made the program me
Way land Bay Watch?
ROWAN: I'm old-school, love.
I always have a few jars before I go on.
-It helps me to relax.
-MILLIGAN: Was it busy?
ROWAN: Busy?
Stag nights are always busy.
They like the material, the lads,
don't they? And the strippers.
Uh, you could make a few bob
on the side, you know.
-You still got your uniform somewhere?
-I'll bear that in mind.
What's What's happening in there?
What are they looking for?
-Oh, you know. Anything and everything.
-Oh, right.
Thanks for that. I'll let you know
if we need to speak to you again.
Ta. If you ever need a turn
for the policemen's ball
Looks like it could be
some sort of contract.
-Employment contract?
-Yeah, maybe.
Oh, can I help you?
Yeah. I shared this place with Efrona
and I need to get
some of me publicity shots?
Sorry, we can't let you take anything
at the moment.
-But I need them, it's for a newspaper.
-And why do they want a photograph?
Well, it's to go alongside the article
they're doing about Efrona's death.
You know,
I was the girl that knew her best.
Did you get on with Efrona?
Well, we shared, so we had to get on.
Look, can I just take one photo?
-(SIGHING) Thanks a bunch.
What did they want?
I don't know.
I know what they might find, though.
-Did you tell them anything?
-Ow! No, of course I didn't!
PASCOE: These are
Efrona's publicity shots.
MILLIGAN: A bit tacky.
PASCOE: I wonder who took 'em?
I mean, these are all a bit amateurish,
this posing she's doing.
-That one's out of focus.
-Move over, David Bailey.
If Efrona was this budding starlet,
you'd have thought she'd get a
professional to take 'em, wouldn't you?
#Jesus Christ, Superstar
# Do you think
you're what they say you are?
#Jesus Christ, Superstar
# Do you think
you're what they say you are? #
You couldn't describe it
as a beehive of activity.
-What's going on?
-Julian Finch?
That's right. You the press?
-'Cause I've already spoken to someone.
-We're the police.
# And lo, your heart starts celebrating
# Right this way, your table's waiting
# What good's permitting
some prophet of doom
# To wipe every smile away
# Life is a cabaret, old chum
# It's only a cabaret #
- What'd you think of that number, Kim?
-Okay, why?
I don't think it's your song.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
You know. Heard it on the news.
Like a bolt out of the blue.
Poor Efrona.
-She was one of your clients?
-Yeah, she was going to be big.
-Such a waste of a life.
-When was the last time you saw her?
Uh, last time I saw her
The night she was killed,
in the bar at Way lands.
Had you gone there to meet her?
Yeah, I needed to discuss
a few things with her.
If I'd have known
that was the last time I'd see her
We've been told
she had some deals in the offing.
Yeah, there was a telly show,
possible West End show.
That must have caused some friction?
Amongst some of the others at Way lands.
Well, if it did,
I was never aware of it.
Efrona was a very popular girl.
-He doesn't like me.
-Of course he does.
- I was hitting all the notes, wasn't 17
-You were great.
# What good
is sitting alone in your room?
# Come hear the music play
# Life is a cabaret, old chum
# Come to the cabaret #
-How did you become her agent?
-She rang up,
wanted some representation.
Was that before or after
the television series?
It was just before.
How would you describe your relationship
with Efrona?
Professional, totally professional.
You never socialised with her?
No, took her out for dinner,
lunch occasionally.
To discuss her future.
Do you know someone called Gavin Oldham?
No. No, doesn't ring a bell.
Okay, thanks very much.
How many clients do you have, Mr Finch?
About 40 in all.
I'm, you know, quite small.
Yeah, I'm moving offices,
that's why there's not much stuff here.
-Where are you going?
-New offices in the mall.
Thanks for your time.
What are you doing, Luke?
Let me go! (SCREAMING)
EFRONA: You'll be sorry, you wait!
So far, these are the only pictures
we have of Gavin Oldham.
And after an aerial search of the area
where Efrona's body was found,
there's still no sign of him.
-He has to be our main objective.
-DALZIEL: I'd agree with that.
-You all right, Derek?
-What are you doing here?
What, didn't the ACC tell you?
You'd think she could we
picked up the phone.
I'm relieving you.
She wants you to concentrate
on the diamond job.
-She's letting you work this case?
-That's right.
She wants the big boys on it.
Well, don't look so surprised.
You know you can't keep a good man down.
Think you'll be able
to crack this one, do you?
Oh, no problem.
Then I'll come and do yours for you
as well.
Right, Peter.
-What do we know about Gavin Oldham?
-PASCOE: As yet very little.
Been unemployed for a couple of months,
before that he was in telesales.
DALZIEL: Any girlfriends, wives, kids?
He did live with a girl for six weeks,
till she caught him with someone else.
Seems like Gavin likes his women.
-Where is he living now?
-just down at Brandon Taylor's flat.
-That's where she was washed ashore.
-What about the boat?
Oh, about half a mile further down.
-Was it examined?
Didn't give us anything, though.
So, he comes on to her,
she gets a bit frightened,
things turn nasty and he whacks her one.
Then he takes her out in the boat,
hoping it will look like a drowning.
Yeah, but then why disappear?
-Throws suspicion immediately on him.
He could have nothing to do
with Efrona's disappearance
and it could just be
one big coincidence.
-Well, I don't think so, somehow.
-Neither do I.
What made you take the case?
Why'd you change your mind?
-You don't know?
You didn't send me the entire six hours
of Wayland Bay Watch, then?
Not me.
Have you heard anything new
on the Penny Wilson case?
-Don't even go there, Andy.
-I'm not going to.
Not until I have what it takes
to nail Daynes.
-Which is?
—Don't know yet. But I will do.
See, Penny Wilson bought some chips
from a local shop.
They were found on the pavement 20 yards
from the chippy.
Her DNA was all over 'em.
So how come nobody saw
or heard anything?
Because that's not where
she was abducted.
Now we're cooking.
See, the chips were thrown there to make
us think that's where it took place.
WOMAN: Help!
What's she doing?
Practising a semaphore?
Help! Over here!
What do you reckon
to an accident after all?
Two of them in a boat, messing about.
Two nights ago
that sea was kicking up some big waves.
No way were they messing around
in that swell.
What about a suicide?
Kills the girl and takes his own life.
What, throwing himself
in some freezing cold water?
Just thought I'd grasp at straws
so you could eliminate them.
Right, well, you get off,
and let's see what else we can find out
about that character.
Oh, and tell his pals
their mate's dead.
-Where are you going?
-To see Efrona's dad.
-Mr Davis?
Detective Superintendent Dalziel.
-Can I come in?
-Yeah, come in.
You must have been very proud
of your daughter.
-For what?
-I've been watching her on the box.
-I never saw her.
-How come?
I don't really watch
a lot of television.
-You knew about the program me, though?
-Of course.
-Didn't you talk to her about it?
-No. No, I didn't.
Is there something I'm missing here?
I wasn't talking to Efrona.
-Why not?
-I know this may sound a bit severe
but I didn't really approve
of what she was doing.
Working at the Village?
When she first got the job,
I thought she'd be waiting tables,
cleaning out rooms, not
not making a spectacle of herself.
-Carrying on.
-Being one of them entertainers?
Yes, and then suddenly
she wasn't going to university any more,
she was going to be a
Well, since her mother died,
I tried to do what I thought was best,
but all thisthis dancing and acting,
it just wasn't for her.
I thought she wasn't half bad.
It was waste.
Acting is not a subject, it's nothing.
I understand
people want to lead different lives,
I don't have a problem with that.
-But Efrona's behaviour became
It became unacceptable,
in more ways than one.
I prayed for her. That's all I could do.
Did she mention the name
Gavin Oldham to you?
Like I said,
I hadn't spoken to her for months.
PASCOE: This is a murder inquiry.
We need you to stay here
till we tell you you can go.
I'm sorry,
but that's the way it has to be.
Our mate's just died,
Ben's stag weekend's ruined and
you expect us to just hang around here?
-We'll be as quick as we can.
-It's not right.
Can you imagine
how Ben's fiancee is feeling?
-She's worried sick.
-There's nothing we can do about it.
Have you spoken to her?
-Your fiancée?
Yeah, yeah, I rang her.
You going to have to
postpone the wedding?
-No. No, you're not, are you, Ben?
You having a church do?
-Yeah, yeah, church do, yeah.
-Um, at St Paul's.
-In Wetherton. Come on, Ben.
Let's go drown our sorrows.
Oh, uh, just out of interest,
where does the name Eh on a some from?
I did a PhD on the Old Testament
so I had to learn Hebrew.
Efrona is Hebrew for sweet-singing bird.
-Very religious, aren't you?
-I'm a lay preacher. Presbyterian.
Have you questioned the man
at Way lands, the man she worked for?
-Rowan Priestley?
-That's him.
Something should be done about him.
-Why is that?
-He'd take Efrona out to restaurants,
he told her that she was going to
be a star, he had her meet people.
He said they were agents and managers.
-You don't think they were?
-Of course they weren't.
She thought he walked on water.
He paid for her photos, gave her
jewellery and clothes. It was wrong.
Did you speak to Efrona about him?
Oh, yes, but she wouldn't listen to me.
No, she wouldn't listen to me at all.
I said that he was a washed-up failure
seeing out his days
in a holiday village.
She didn't like that.
She didn't like being told
that her mentor was a has-been.
That's when I stopped talking to her.
-Presbyterian, yeah?
-That's right.
Not the Christian variety, then?
# Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not I, I will survive
# Oh, as long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive #
I mean, once upon a time
I was tipped to be the next Les Dawson.
Bu! well, if never happened.
Was I angry? Was I bitter?
-No, of course not.
- # Now, now, now go #
Now, as I see it, I give these kids
a chance to blossom, a chance to shine.
Well, that helps me
to get through the day.
EFRONA: Can't believe it.
People's Choice again, what can I say?
None of this could have happened
if it weren't for the rest of the team.
LOUISE: There's been a lot of interest
in Efrona
and she's been taken on by an agent.
Yeah, she's a great girl
and I'm very proud
of what I've helped her to achieve
in such a short space of time.
Bu': she She's my little star.
What do you reckon?
Well, if he's using his position
to seduce these girls,
-it's not exactly against the law.
But what if he made a big play
for Efrona and she knocked him back?
He lost his temper
and the result was she ended up
dead in the drink?
And where does Gavin Oldham fit in?
I'm working on that.
just want to crack this one first.
So do I.
I don't want another
Penny Wilson situation.
You did what you could.
We didn't find her. I failed.
I failed the team, I failed her mum.
Bu': more importantly,
if you don't find her alive,
1 failed the girl herself.
And X don't want to fa“ Eh on a Dams.
She's a great kid. Very impressed
with her the first time I saw her.
She's got a kind of confident maturity
way beyond her years.
I think she'll go really far.
-Come on, Finchie, come on.
-Here we go.
Skim it, skim it, skim it
Coming in. Coming in. Wahey!
# Come on, baby, do the locomotion
# Doin' it is easy now,
don't lose control!
# A little bit of rhythm
and a lot of soul
# So, come on, come on,
do the locomotion with me
# Hey, baby, won't you take a chance?
# Say that
you will let me have this dance #
-Okay, okay. What's happened?
-I'm not sure.
Well, can you just do it
the way Efrona did, please, can you?
-Like Efrona?
Yeah, I can do it just like Efrona.
Right then, if you will, this time.
From the top.
Hold it! Hold it!
I couldn't get in the front way,
the door was locked.
Yeah, it's to stop people getting in,
isn't it?
Do you mind? We're trying to rehearse.
Oh, uh, Superintendent Dalziel.
-What do you want?
-Well, not an audition, that's for sure.
Okay, take a break.
-What have you told the police?
-What do you mean?
They asked me some questions,
I gave them some answers. Why?
I've got a feeling
they've got it in for me.
-Why would they do that?
-You know what the police are like.
I'm going to keep a low profile
for a few days.
What's this about, Julian?
I'm just going to lie low
till it all blows over.
-Have you done something wrong?
'Cause if you have,
I'll stick by you, I swear it.
I've done nothing wrong.
You and Efrona.
Is there anything I should know about?
No, of course not. Really, trust me.
Efrona's dad said
that it was you that was using her.
Me? I was nurturing her.
This nurturing didn't take place in bed,
did it?
You'd better watch what you say,
I've got a reputation,
don't want it sullying by you.
What's that mean? Your reputation?
I'm an entertainer, an all-rounder,
there's not many of me left.
-How long you been here?
-Nearly 18 years.
-Not quite the Palladium, is it?
-Who needs the Palladium?
You don't get jealous?
Not even if it looks like someone's
going to make the big time?
No, and do you know why?
Because there is no big time.
Out there, they come and go.
One week they're top of the tree,
the next they're getting slagged off
as the worst act
that's ever trod the boards.
But here, I'm God 52 weeks of the year.
Sorry, sir, I tried to get in
the front way but the door was locked.
-Yeah, I know.
-PM's been put forward an hour
and I've got something
you might be interested in.
-Hey, Superintendent.
Did you hear about the little boy
who goes up to the policeman?
He said,
"Officer, Officer, I've lost me dad."
And the policeman said,
"What's he like?"
And he said, "Women and beer."
I can see now why you think you're God.
That ripped-up bit of paper
we found in Efrona's chalet
-Forensics have pieced it together
-and it is a contract.
-Who with?
Julian Finch Associates.
Think you'd better read it.
FRANK: You're lucky I'm here.
I've got a date tonight.
-Who's the girl?
-Met her at AA.
-She's very neat.
Twenty-three, quite tall, big bones,
well proportioned. (CHUCKLES)
I'm doing Tonno al Forno con Salmoriglio
with chilled homemade raspberry juice.
-Sounds neat.
-Sounds bloody awful.
-I thought you were on leave.
-What have we got?
-Give me a chance.
-What is it with you AA crowd?
You used to whip through these
like a rat up a drainpipe
when you thought
there was a pint waiting for you.
Hear about the contract we found
in Efrona's chalet?
-Make any sense of it?
Well, sort of.
Best to get the lawyer to take a look
before we jump to conclusions.
FRANK: There are no external marks
to suggest any form of assault
from a blunt instrument.
-I just need a cause of death.
-I'm getting there.
If he died of natural causes,
we have a problem.
He didn't.
-You certain?
-Yes, because he was shot.
Entry wound's at the back of the chest,
there's no exit wound.
The X-rays show
the bullet lodged close to the spine.
Well, dig it out, then,
let's see what we have.
This is interesting.
These marks on his waist.
He's had something tied around it.
The pattern is something braided.
It's almost certainly a rope.
It cut quite deeply into the skin.
The lack of bruising suggests
it was tied on after death.
Someone tried to weigh him down
so he didn't surface.
Rope snapped and up he popped.
Gavin Oldham was killed by a bullet
from a .35 handgun.
His body had been dumped in the sea
and weighted down.
Now, my guess is
that whoever murdered Gavin
wanted us to think
that he was still alive
and implicate him in Efrona's death.
So we need to get back to Way land Bay.
Someone there must know more
about Gavin and Efrona.
Oh, and remember, it's the '60s
Extravaganza weekend at that place.
So if any of you go undercover,
its cowbells, kaftans and miniskirts.
All right?
Oggy, oggy, oggy!
Oi, oi, oi!
Spike, what have you learnt
about our friend Julian Finch?
Julian Finch Associates
is not a registered company.
Nobody seems to know about it.
He took the office in Way land Bay
on a short-term lease. Three months.
Also, the people that own the offices
in the new mall in Wetherton,
no record of him
even applying to rent there.
-Have you got a current address for him?
-We're still working on it.
All right. Well, let's get to it,
everybody. I need results, okay?
As you know, this is
our '60s special weekend bonanza,
so sit back, relax, eat, drink
and be merry for tomorrow we diet,
by listening to the sound of the '60s.
Rowan, Julian Finch.
I just wanted to talk to you.
I think we can help each other.
Andy, Julian Godfrey Fisher,
alias Colin Fisher,
alias Julian Fisher, alias Julian Finch.
-Eleven convictions for fraud.
-A right little conman.
And the lawyer's come back with
the summary of that contract we found.
Basically it meant that Efrona
would have had to hand over
virtually all her earnings
to Julian Finch Associates
for the first two years.
Doing a nice job of stitching her up.
Perhaps Eh on a reamed?
They argued, she got hit
and Gavin Oldham walked in on it.
-That what you're thinking?
-One scenario. We need to pick him up.
-Well, we're still working on it.
One of the chalet maids interviewed
this afternoon
thinks she saw Efrona arguing
with a man on the night she was killed.
-She thinks just about 7:30,
-'cause that's when she got off shift.
-Could have been Finch.
Did she give a description?
Male. Well, that's about it,
it was getting dark.
But what she does know is that
he was driving a Morris Minor Traveller.
She recognised it 'cause her dad had one
when she was a kid.
You don't get many of those
through a motorway these days.
But believe it or not,
I've seen one quite recently.
Matthew Davis, by any chance?
Iran a check
through the national database
to see how many Morris Minor Travellers
are registered
in the immediate vicinity.
Up came Matthew Davis.
You're on the ball today, Spike.
Been sniffing the vitamin C again?
What's going on, Julian?
I need to get back
some of my investment.
-What investment?
-In Efrona.
There'll be other Efronas.
Won't be signing any contracts with me.
Think I'll get a look in anywhere else?
-Stop being so negative.
-I'm being honest.
I'm no agent, just saw our main chance.
But I introduced you to Efrona.
-That's right.
-You asked me to How could you?
Come on, you're going to tell me
you didn't know?
You had no idea? Come on,
you've been in this business long enough
to know I wasn't the real thing.
Why didn't you say something?
Because I didn't want
that to be the case.
Oh, it could we been brilliant. We could
have been earning a mint from Efrona.
So me and you, that meant nothing?
No. No, that meant everything.
No, that's the one good thing
to come out of all this, is you and me.
No, I promise, you know,
we're going to be fine.
Priestley is going to help us. Yeah?
MATTHEW: We can pretend all we like.
We can say this is the 21st century,
things must change,
things must progress.
But the Bible doesn't change.
This is the constant.
In all this craziness,
we know there is a place we can go
and know we are in safe hands.
That is the ever-reliable word
of our Lord.
And in here, in here, there is a phrase
which I have chosen to live my life by.
And that phrase is
"The wages of sin is death".
As you all know, my daughter
was found dead yesterday.
I could make excuses
but that would be wrong.
My daughter Efrona died because
she did not heed the words in here.
The wages of sin is death.
Are you arresting me?
I was just wondering whether you were at
the Way land Bay Village
the night before last?
And I've told you I wasn't.
A man was seen arguing
with your daughter that night.
The man was driving
a Morris Minor Traveller.
So that's what this is about?
I'm not the only person
to have a Morris Minor Traveller.
So you're sticking to the fact
that you weren't there?
-We'll check it out.
Is that all? Can I get on now?
Please do.
Mr Davis, does lying fall into
"The wages of sin is death" category?
-Take you back, does it, Andy?
-Oh, never my kind of thing, Peter.
All this jiggling about
rubs your tackle up the wrong way.
What's happened now?
just continuing with our enquiries.
Do you know if Efrona had
seen her father recently?
I have no idea.
Look, I don't wish to be rude,
but I'm a bit busy at the moment.
Perhaps her agent would know.
-Know where we could find him?
-Can you tell us where he lives?
-How well do you know him?
-Not very well at all.
Oh! Well, Mr Priestley here says
you introduced him to Efrona.
Well, yes. Yeah, urn, I did.
Look, Superintendent,
I know you have your job to do
but are your bulldozer tactics
strictly necessary?
All those police out there
questioning my staff, the guests
This is going to kill business.
Instead of '60s weekends
you could have murder weekends.
Is that meant to be funny?
-Just trying it out.
-Don't give up your day job.
If you'll excuse me.
You get on well with most of the girls,
do you?
-No law against it, is there?
-Must be nice for you.
What are you trying to say?
What he's saying is there's more crumpet
here than in Billy Bunter's tuck box.
You must want to sample it now and then?
LOUISE: Okay, a change of pace now,
as 1 hand you over to our entertainments
director Rowan Priestley,
for the famous Way land Bay Sixties Quiz.
-I've got to go now.
Time I got out of here.
Oggy, oggy, oggy!
Oi, oi, oi!
-Are you ready for the quiz?
Okay, go and get your question sheets,
there we go.
You want to come back to my place
and we'll watch them tapes again?
Yeah, I'll get us a biryani
and some saag aloo in.
Why don't you just take the night off?
You need to step back from it.
What, like you stepped back for
the Penny Wilson case, you mean?
Andy, it's the weekend.
I don't care,
we're getting nowhere fast with this.
It's not going to be another one
that gets away.
-Stop, stop! Hold it, hold it!
-EFRONA: Was that better?
No, it wasn't,
do it the way I showed you!
-Because that's the way I want it done!
-I was just saying
-Well, don't, I'm not listening!
I'm not listening.
Rowan is the boss, that's how it is.
He's been doing this for years.
1 sometimes think he's a bit stuck
in his ways but hey, what can you do?
MALE PRESENTER: Efrona's popularity
might not be waning with the viewers
but the same can”: be said
about her work colleagues.
So, Efrona, your new found fame,
has it made any difference to you?
EFRONA: No, not really.
PRESENTER: I've seen a lo': of
the holidaymakers cracking on to you,
-ls that a problem?
1 always remember what me Mum told me,
”Never go with strangers.”
He arrived at the village
and went straight to Efrona's chalet.
-He was caught breaking in.
-Has he said what he was after?
He hasn't said a word.
Mr Davis. What a surprise.
-Those for me?
-You better keep your promise, you know.
-My name better not be mentioned.
-It won't.
Look, as long as I get a cut
of what you make
You'll get your share.
Tasty-looking girl.
-People'll definitely pay to see these.
-How does all that work?
How you going to get them
on the internet?
-You leave that to me.
-And what about Louise?
What about her?
Well, I thought you and Louise
were in this together?
Were. I'm away from here tomorrow.
She delivered Efrona. Now there's
no Efrona, no need for Louise.
Help me out here. Is breaking
and entering not a sin, then?
Because if it is,
we'd better keep an eye on you.
I don't want you paying the price
before we've got a handle
on what you were up to.
Mr Davis, you were caught red-handed
by a police officer.
Every way you look at it,
it's breaking and entering.
Which I am more than prepared
to charge you with.
So unless you got an explanation,
your next sermon could be
from the pulpit in Strange ways.
I just wanted to get something.
Something of your daughter's?
Some photographs.
What photographs?
What photographs, Mr Davis?
Look, we're not messing about here!
These photographs may be the reason
why your daughter was killed.
They were photographs of Efrona,
of her posing.
Sexually explicit photographs.
You've seen them?
-How come?
-She showed them to me.
Her so-called agent
wanted to sell them to the press,
sell her story
about how she'd been exploited.
She didn't know what to do,
she was torn.
PASCOE: Between?
What her agent was telling her and me.
She knew what it would do to me.
Is that what you were arguing about
on the night she died?
I went to see her. I told her
what it would do to my ministry
if she went ahead with the sale.
My life would have been over.
She wouldn't change her mind?
I don't know what she was going to do.
But you couldn't take the chance,
so you killed her.
No! I didn't kill her.
I didn't kill her. She was She was
Your sweet-singing bird.
She was my daughter! My daughter!
Tonight I just wanted to destroy them
before anyone else found them.
Did you not think there might be a copy?
Yes, but she said the man who found it
would never go to the press with them.
-Why not?
-He was too frightened of being exposed.
Losing his world.
In his world he was God, she told me.
Rowan Priestley.
Oh, yes! That sick, disgusting excuse
for a human being.
Rowan Priestley.
He corrupted my daughter.
He made her what she became.
If there was someone I wanted to kill,
it was him.
DALZIEL: We'll get a search warrant
for Priestley's place.
See if he's got anything else
up his sleeve.
Oh, hello, Derek.
-You're in early.
-No need to point out the obvious.
You got your diamond job sewn up yet?
-(SCOFFS) Near enough, yeah.
-Well, either you have or you haven't.
We know who did it.
I just need to find him.
-Who was it?
-Alan Turner. The courier.
I reckon he had it well sussed.
Courier company said
somebody hacked into their computer
and changed the delivery address.
I think they're just
covering themselves.
But you don't know where Turner is?
He must have planned his disappearance
down to the last detail.
I bet he's out the country by now.
Sure you're not just after
a quick trip to Calais,
pick up some cheap booze?
Are you saying Rowan's involved
in Efrona's murder?
I'm not saying anything.
We're just pursuing a line of enquiry.
The photographs he's taken of her
feature strongly in this case.
He may have some more
that could help us.
So can you let us in, please?
DALZIEL: Company policy, is it?
Allowing the management to exploit
the younger members of staff?
LOUISE: He's not done anything illegal.
They all came
and had the photographs taken willingly.
And you decided to do nothing about it?
-It's their choice.
And if they didn't?
They were relegated to the chorus,
like Kim Slater.
I don't know anything about that.
These girls, what would they not do?
Mr Priestley, I believe we'd like a
-What do you know about him?
-I don't know anything.
-Why were you doing a runner?
-Why do you think?
I've seen you
going through my caravan and
Well, I knew what you'd find, didn't I?
Efrona was going to sell those pictures
to the press,
which would have exposed you.
Is that why you killed her?
Me? I didn't kill her.
You didn't mind,
her going to the papers?
Of course I minded.
But killing the girl? No way.
Okay. So what, I would've lost me job.
How many more years do I
have left here, anyway?
The person you'd want to talk to
is Julian Finch,
before he disappears.
He's got a set of the photographs now.
That's what this is all about, isn't it?
Finch told me Efrona had decided not to
go the papers with her photographs,
which meant he would have missed out
on his commission.
And Finch wouldn't like that.
-Do you know where he lives?
But I know somebody who does.
Miss Russell? I think you've got
some explaining to do.
Are you sure you're up to this?
Don't want you taking another dive
if the going gets tough.
Aye, he's not here.
We must have missed him.
What was that about me taking a dive?
We know all about your little scam
to con Efrona out of her earnings.
-She signed the contract.
-And she ripped it up. Was it that?
Or the fact that she didn't want
her photos in the paper
that caused you to argue?
So what are you saying? What,
you think I killed her? Why would I?
Okay, so she ripped up
the contract, you know,
I still had my copy,
it was still binding.
She was just impatient.
It was only a matter of time
before the money came rolling in.
So, you decided to make money
by selling her photos on the internet?
It's not illegal.
Didn't steal them or anything.
-She's internet-mad.
-All kids are.
-Does that make you a kid?
-I'm not that bad.
You're worse than Penny.
We've been out shopping and
you've nipped into one of them cafes.
I wouldn't know where to start.
Has she mentioned anyone
she might be in contact with?
No. just school friends.
And Karen.
You swap messages with her
all the time, don't you?
Jokes and things.
I didn't kill her.
I was with Louise that night, all night.
She didn't mention it.
Of course she didn't. She wanted
to keep our relationship private.
You can ask her. She'll tell you.
I didn't kill her.
Come on.
That checks out,
it'll let him off the hook.
I got a feeling it's going to.
So, who does that leave us with?
About 200 sad '60s people
who live in the past.
-Let's concentrate on Aquaman.
The man we pulled out of the pool.
BEN: What are we doing here?
BRANDON: Checkin' it out.
-What for?
-So, when we arrive on the night,
if there's anything unusual going down,
we might have a chance of spotting it.
If we don't know
what it looks like normally,
how will we know
if there's anything wrong?
You're supposed to be the bright one.
I'm not sure about this.
There's too many people.
That's why it's the right place.
—BEN: No, they make me sick.
-I'll go by me self, then.
-Does none of this bother you at all?
Yeah, of course it does.
Do you think I wanted it
to turn out like this?
-Gavin's dead.
-We've got to carry on, Ben.
It's the only way. Come on.
Sir, I just spoke to Ben Forsythe's mum.
She didn't even know
her son was getting married.
Didn't even know
he had a girlfriend, in fact.
-Go on.
-Well, I thought I'd check it out.
St Paul's has got no record
of a marriage booking,
no banns have been read, nothing.
And there's nothing
in the registry office, either.
-You are going to love this.
I know who Aquaman is.
Forensic identified him as Alan Turner.
Name rings a bell.
Well, remember those diamonds
that were nicked?
He was the courier Hawes thought
had nicked them.
Hawes had him out in the country
living the high life.
What was Turner doing in our pool?
He had no right to be there.
He was dead
before he was put in there. Shot.
They think with a .35 handgun,
same as Gavin Oldham was shot with.
It'll take ballistics
a little longer to work out
whether the bullets
were an identical match.
So, we have a possible link between
Gavin Oldham and Alan Turner.
They could have both been shot
by the same gun.
Therefore, maybe by the same person.
Now, Oldham was seeing Efrona
on Forsythe's stag night.
And now we just found out
Forsythe's marriage was a sham.
What's that got to do
with Efrona's murder?
DALZIEL: (SIGHS) Haven't got a clue.
This diamond job,
what do we know about it?
Someone hacked into the computer
and altered the location
for the delivery of the diamonds.
Well, Finch was into computers.
And so was Ben Forsythe,
did a two-year course.
And Brandon Taylor worked as a courier.
-So now we've got a motive.
Two million quids' worth of diamonds.
-All right, lads?
-Yeah, all okay.
Why did you go to computer classes?
Part of my rehabilitation.
-Did it include using the internet?
-Of course.
Did it include getting into chat rooms,
hiding your true identity?
I went and took computer classes
for work purposes.
Work purposes.
Last time you worked was four years ago.
That's why I took computer classes.
You know who liked
talking on the internet?
-You do, don't you?
-Penny Wilson never talked to me.
Check her computer.
Check mine.
The deal was
you stayed away from this, Andy.
I just needed some info
on computers, ma'am.
Well, it looks like there's a link
between the diamond robbery
and Way land Bay murders.
What's that got to do
with the Penny Wilson case?
The diamond robbers
hacked into the computer
to give a false delivery location
for Alan Turner.
The chaps here were just telling me
how it could be done.
Thanks, fellas. Ma'am.
-Anyone sitting here?
Excuse me, sonny, um
I'm trying to get into
one of them chat lines.
Yeah, that's it.
Sending messages to someone.
-You don't know how to do that?
-I wouldn't be asking if I did.
Can you show us?
-You don't mind, do you?
-No. No.
-She's internet-mad.
-All kids are.
-Does that make you a kid?
-I'm not that bad.
You're worse than Penny.
We've been out shopping and
you've nipped into one of them cafes.
I wouldn't know where to start.
DALZIEL: You know who liked talking
on the internet?
-You do, don't you?
-Penny Wilson never talked to me.
Check her computer.
Check mine.
Sir, guess what Ben Forsythe
used to boast about?
-I don't know, what?
-How he could hack in to any computer.
Brandon Taylor
worked for Personnel Space.
-Is that a posh name for a job agency?
-Oh, that's right.
He did several jobs for QAL Couriers
about 18 months ago.
And QAL was the company responsible
for moving the diamonds.
Oldham worked in the dispatch department
the same time.
Three kids, no phone between them,
and they pull off
a £2 million diamond heist?
Everyone starts somewhere.
Yeah, but the smart bit
was getting Ben Forsythe
to hack in the wrong delivery address.
Then out pops out Alan Turner
with the goodies and Bob's your uncle.
Do you think Efrona was in on it?
No. Maybe she found out
what they were doing and had to go.
-And Oldham?
-Time for an arrest.
Right, let's go.
You go. I'm not sure
I want any part of this any more.
When we talked about
doing it in the pub,
nobody mentioned anything
about anyone getting killed.
Two million quid doesn't come easy.
There has to be sacrifices.
The courier recognised Gavin.
We couldn't take the chance.
-But Gavin was our mate.
-Gavin tried to rip us off.
He took the diamonds from your jacket.
He even had it set up to meet that
bit of skirt as an excuse to get out
He didn't give a monkey's about us.
If she hadn't have been so hot for him,
then she wouldn't have seen what
happened and she'd still be alive now.
-She was only 19.
-It's past. Finished. Forget about it.
Now, let's go see the man, get our cash
and we'll be out of here.
Come on, let's go.
# You were made for me
# Everybody tells me so
# You were made for me
# Don't pretend that you don't #
Come on, this way.
Come on!
They've just been spotted
heading towards the fairground.
BRANDON: Keep your eyes out
for the bloke, he'll be by the waltzers.
-Well, what does he look like?
-He'll have a green hold-all.
-Well, what if he doesn't show up?
-He'll show.
He wants the diamonds.
Spike, get on the blower,
we'll need back-up.
-We're early.
-It's better than being late.
-Come on.
-Come on. just get in.
-What's going on?
There they are, on the waltzers.
You wait here.
They're on to us.
-They're on to us!
-Shut up!
-It's over, Brandon. We're finished.
-Don't be stupid. I'm not giving up.
I've got the diamonds.
They're here. I'll hand them over
and then we can
Then we can what? What?
What are you doing?
I told you, I'm not giving up.
Now, give me the diamonds.
Right, we're walking
out of here together.
Don't be stupid, Taylor!
We're walking out of here
or I kill her!
-No, you won't!
-Yeah, I will.
Brandon, don't do this.
-Just walk!
-Let her go!
Brandon, this is crazy.
Put the gun down.
-Brandon, put it down!
Back off or I'll shoot. I'm warning you!
MAN: Someone's been shot.
Get an ambulance!
Just stay there.
Spike, get an ambulance!
Somebody turn this thing off!
All right, Derek? You can go home now.
I've solved my case and yours.
Makes you feel a bit redundant,
doesn't it?
Shame you couldn't do the same
with the Penny Wilson case, eh?
We're like a family, really.
All working together.
We're like a family, really.
All working together.
We're like a family, really
No. Karen's like family.
You have to trust each other.
We joke with each other all the time.
Jokes and things.
You get to know people so well.
Get to know all about 'em.
Some things I might wish
you didn't know.
He'd never abducted anyone, had he?
Then perhaps he wasn't up to it.
Perhaps it isn't him?
-What's this all about?
-I'm going to see Lawrence.
I need back-up.
-About what?
-Penny Wilson.
-She wasn't dragged into a van.
-She'd arranged a meeting.
-What, with Daynes?
-But you said he was responsible.
He was. But the meeting
was with someone she trusted.
Someone she spent time with
on the internet.
Someone whose place
we haven't searched yet.
Lawrence isn't going to like this.
Screw Lawrence. I don't care about her.
It's Penny Wilson I care about.
She was never abducted
from where we thought she was.
The chips were thrown from the vehicle
to make us think that.
It was the neighbour, Karen Clark,
had arranged to meet her.
And all the communications
arranging the meetings
were done from Internet cafes.
So we couldn't trace them
to her personal computer.
Daynes never contacted her.
But Karen Clark did.
-Karen Clark?
Come in.
Look, if I'm wrong, ma'am,
I'll retire to a desk job
and go to Occupational Health
assessment every other day.
But I need this checked out.
Okay, Andy. Okay.
Thank you, ma'am.
I never had a long-term relationship
with a man.
You know, it was like
life was passing me by.
Then there was Roy.
I met him on the internet.
He was so nice. Really nice.
So I agreed to meet him.
I fell for him as soon as I saw him.
I'd have done anything for him.
Still would. Anything.
Sexually, I I did things
I'd never done with anybody before.
He told me
it was the first time for him as well.
Then he told me
about trying to pick up a girl.
It sounded exciting.
It was something I wanted to do.
So, we planned to pick up Penny.
[never knew how if was going to and.
I have a Social Services record here.
At the age of eight,
you were taken into council care,
having been abused by your father.
He never liked me.
He said he did. But he didn't.
Nobody really liked me.
Not until Roy came along.
-Penny's mother liked you.
-Not like Roy.
He trusted me. We were a team.
We did things
I'd never done with anybody.
Where is Penny?
She wasn't in Daynes' house.
So is she in yours?
If we find Penny in your house,
there'll be forensic evidence.
And if Daynes touched her at all,
that'll convict him.
He's already on the DNA database
for his previous of fence.
This is over, Karen.
Just tell me where she is.
Daynes tried to top himself in his cell.
But they got to him in time.
I'm sure Lindsey Wilson
would have preferred if they hadn't.
-You don't have to do this, Andy.
-I know.
I'm going to.
-I'll wait for you.
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