Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s09e02 Episode Script

Dead Meat

OFFICER 1: Stop where you are!
OFFICER 2: Okay, take it easy, now.
OFFICER 3: Oi, you! Come here.
—Hey, morning, Saul.
—All right?
Ooh, you look rough.
We didn't get back that late.
It's all very well Mr Latimer
giving us a night on the town.
—Still expects us to start work at 5:30.
Well, I'd hardly call a Chinese meal
and a movie a night on the town.
—Unnecessary is what I call it.
What, you didn't like
your dinner date, then?
No, no, you were great company.
Danny this, Danny that.
As if I haven't got enough
to get on with here.
Well, I'm gonna thank Mr Latimer,
even if you're not.
You don't have to crawl to him, Katie.
He's not your future father—in—law.
Ah, yes.
The most notorious unsolved murder
of the '70s took place on this estate.
Belonged to Lord Harper then.
Tiger, they called him. Tiger Harper.
It was 1979, wasn't it,
when Harper stabbed that bloke?
Yeah, fight over a girl.
Husband found out.
Next thing you know,
he's dead on the floor
with Harper's knife in his back.
Harper did a runner
and has never been seen since.
JACKSON: But how could he just vanish?
His boyfriend Latimer,
who runs this place now,
helped smuggled him abroad.
He insists he's dead
but I reckon he's still alive.
All right, that's hurting!
Yeah, well, I'll do
a lot more than that.
I told you to stay away!
What's going on, Mr Latimer?
Why are all the police here?
Get out of here now.
Someone see Tiger, did they?
If you print that, I'll sue.
You didn't succeed last time.
What makes you so sure this time?
There's no ID and no one
reported missing from the staff.
—Who found the body?
—Head keeper and his assistant.
But they didn't get a closer look.
What a way to go.
Except I don't think
that's necessarily how he went.
Look here.
A severe injury to the skull.
Would certainly have knocked him out
and could well have killed him.
He could have got it
by falling from a height
onto something with an edge.
-Are you all right, Maria?
—Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I would take the road
through the woods if I were you.
Are you going to be all right
on your own?
Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure
she's comfortable.
—Okay, I'll call you later.
—All right.
There's a grappling hook at the top,
wedged on the fence.
The body had a backpack,
which they've taken for analysis to see
if it contained fibres from the rope.
What's on the roof?
Just skylights.
There's one over each cage.
So, he's up there for some reason,
falls through, smashes his head
and the tiger grabs him.
Nah, we all saw inside the cage.
What's there to smash his head on?
There's no sharp edges, just straw.
What about the edge of the skylight
as he falls through?
No, he would have left some blood,
even hair behind.
Supposing he didn't get into the cage
through the skylight?
Is it possible he was still alive by
the time the tiger got to work on him?
Can't tell at this stage.
Time of death
will be tricky to establish.
But let's say
it was in the last 12 hours.
So after seven last night?
Looks like murder to me.
Where the hell is Danny?
Have you seen him this morning?
No. He drove past us last night
when we were coming back from town.
Well, he's not in his room.
Danny, it's your father.
Where the hell are you?
As soon as you get this message,
call me back.
For God's sake.
Listen, tell the staff no one
is to talk to the press, all right?
Not a word.
That hack Priddy is already
chewing on my ankles.
If you find anyone else snooping around,
let Marnham know.
What about tonight's operation?
There's a cataract operation booked
for one of the lemurs.
Oh. Uh, no, cancel it.
No more operations till I say so.
And definitely none tonight.
Make a list of everyone
who was here overnight.
Anything else turn up?
There's some grazing
on the back of his hands.
That could be from a fight
or being dragged over rough ground.
This is Saul Axton, Head Keeper.
He and his assistant
found the body this morning.
Superintendent Dalziel, DI Pascoe.
Where were you last night?
Night off. Went for a meal in Wetherton,
then the pictures.
I was with one of the keepers,
Katie Donovan.
I don't suppose you've got the bill
handy? Or the tickets?
No, actually, Mr Latimer paid.
He paid for you to take a woman out?
It wasn't like that.
Mr Latimer treats us from time to time.
Don't get that in the police force,
do you?
Perhaps we should have a word
with our Chief Constable, Peter.
PASCOE: What time did you set off?
Must have been about 7:00.
Checked on the tigers and
locked them up for the night.
What did you do with the key?
-Never leaves me.
—Is that the only one?
Maria Chan, the assistant vet,
she has the other one.
She needs 24—hour access
for the storeroom
at the back of the tiger house.
Must be weird living in a zoo
in the middle of nowhere.
What do you normally do
in your evenings?
Oh, well, we usually work
till 9:00 or 10:00, so
Well, I enjoy it, so
But if I do get off early,
I'll go and hang out with Danny.
That's Mr Latimer's son.
So he lives here, too, then?
—What does he do?
Good question.
# Good times
# These are the good times
# Leave your cares behind
# Good times
# Oh yeah #
So, the question is
where did Colonel Mustard kill
Professor Plum with the lead pipe?
Can you smell what I can smell?
That smells like cannabis to me.
If I remember rightly,
there was a big party the night
of the murder, down at the pool.
Tiger Harper slipped off for a smoke
and a shag with his mate Latimer.
Billy Huddle stone, later found murdered,
tracked them down to the stables.
So Latimer was there at the murder?
Well, he claimed he'd
gone to fetch more booze
and when he got back,
Harper had disappeared
and Huddle stone was dead.
Do you think that's true?
Well, if we ever find Latimer,
you can be the judge.
Tiger! Are you in there?
PASCOE: That's Lord Harper, isn't it?
"Tiger, tiger, burning bright."
—William Blake.
"What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"
Uh, Mr Latimer, isn't it?
Superintendent Dalziel.
And this is DI Pascoe.
Whoever you are,
you have no right to be here.
Well, you don't exactly
own the place, do you?
Something to hide? Or someone?
What's that supposed to mean?
—We'd just like to
—No, hold on.
What do you mean by that last comment?
You know what I mean.
Where do you keep your mate Tiger?
Down in the cellar?
Or behind a secret panel?
I don't have to listen to this.
Mr Latimer,
last night's death at the 200
is suspicious.
We need to establish as much
information as possible.
Well, it might help if you
focus on last night
instead of 25 years ago.
That case will be laid to rest
when Tiger is.
So, while you're getting off on that,
we're turning away hundreds of visitors.
Any idea who the fellow
in the tiger cage is?
No idea.
After the takings,
chose the wrong building to break into.
I really just want him scraped up
and out of there.
Now, when can we re—open?
Not yet.
So, um, last night
you sent your live—in staff
off for a night out. Why?
(CHUCKLES) Why do you think?
—As a thank—you for their hard work.
So who was looking after Tiger?
(CHUCKLES) Oh, sorry. The tigers.
Was it you and your helper, Mr Marnham?
Once they're locked up for the night,
that's it. They're left alone.
This is where your enquiry should lie.
Animal rights lunatics.
Why would they accuse you
of murdering animals?
Who knows what goes on
in their warped, obsessive little minds?
It's over. Cardiac arrest.
Resus was impossible.
The rest will have to
continue as planned.
I've sorted everything at this end.
We're clear.
Whatever else happens,
we have to finish this tonight.
It's not going to be easy,
I need you here now.
I'm on my way.
But this will have to be
the last one for me.
No more. You know that, don't you?
—Latimer wants us to stick to the plan.
-What about the body in the rage?
Do the police know who the man was
or what happened?
I'll find out what I can
and fill you in when you get here.
You weren't around this morning
when the local police arrived.
Where were you?
I was walking around the estate,
I don't sleep well.
—Any witnesses?
—Uh, Courtney.
William Courtney, our vet,
and Ronny Marnham
was around on night duty.
My son, Danny.
Danny, these are police officers.
DALZIEL: We're investigating
a suspicious death
in the tiger house last night.
Were you around?
No, I was at my flat
in Leeds last night.
—And you have witnesses?
—Of course.
Anyway, we'll discuss all that later.
Firstly, I need to find Mr Courtney.
Round the back, in the veterinary block.
I'll go talk to Marnham.
Where the hell have you been?
You heard me, I went to the flat.
—What were you thinking of?
—I don't know what you mean.
You know damn well what I mean.
What happened?
You don't care
what kind of trouble I'm in.
As long as you're okay.
Wake up, Danny.
We're talking about a man's life here.
If you've screwed this up
DALZIEL: Quite a set—up.
Especially compared
to the rest of the zoo.
Perhaps you can sort out
my ingrown toenail for me?
but it's not my speciality.
Must have cost a packet.
Guy's a trustee of the Harper estate.
He sold off some of the properties
in the village.
And Harper gave it his blessing,
did he?
It's Guy's view that Harper,
were he alive,
would have approved
a rather more positive legacy.
Your surgery was financed
by a murderer on the run.
Alleged murderer.
—You ever meet Harper?
—Do I look that old?
—What do you do?
—What do you think?
Well, apart from caring for the animals,
we do work for other zoos.
Sounds like a lot of work
for one person.
We couldn't sustain
a big full—time staff
so I call in specialists as required.
—What about research?
—All we do is care for sick animals.
Where were you before?
A suburban practice in Surrey.
—Not many tigers there.
—A lot of rats, though.
Look, I don't meant to be rude
but we really do have a lot of work
to be getting on with.
Oh, yeah.
What's on for today?
Late-night operation?
Yeah, actually, we're performing
an operation on one of our lemurs.
—I suppose you'll be telling me next
that one of your lions
is having a triple bypass operation.
You're not hiding Elvis in this,
are you?
Animals deserve privacy
when they're ill, the same as humans.
Hot on privacy round here, aren't you?
If I can be of any
further assistance, Superintendent.
Don't you give them names?
When they die, their names pass on.
We've had five lions called Leo so far.
So you've worked for Mr Latimer
for quite a while, then?
Since the 705?
I guess so, yeah.
I used to be a roadie with a rock band
till I did my back in and then, uh,
Guy gave me a job here.
—You must have seen it all.
—Yeah, they were good times.
Did you know Lord Simon Harper?
I thought you were investigating
the body in the tiger house?
—Your back obviously got better.
—Yeah. I had an operation.
What kind of shoes
were you wearing last night?
—What do you mean?
—It's a simple enough question.
You know, boots,
like the keepers wear, trainers?
Just shoes, mate.
A friend was arriving to stay.
I had to meet him there to let him in.
Why don't you live at the flat
all the time?
I'm not working just now
and here's free, so
Anyway, why shouldn't I?
This is my home, where I grew up.
And your father can keep an eye on you.
What do you mean?
Is he trying to keep you off the drugs?
You've got a record, Danny.
Are you still dealing?
I was never a dealer.
I was done for possession, that's all.
And I've been clean now for years.
Amazing place to grow up in, eh?
Amongst all these lords,
rock stars.
Yes, it was fantastic.
So as a kid,
you had the run of this place.
Until Dad banished me
to boarding school when I was 13.
You must have missed your mother.
Yeah, I still miss her now.
My house master told me
on the Tuesday that she had died
two days earlier.
He said my father would be down
on the weekend to see me.
Not to take me home.
When he did turn up,
I was told she had been ill for
some time,
and it came as no great surprise.
I never even said goodbye.
Put it down here.
So we are still
set for tonight, then, yeah?
Guy's decision, it's essential.
Police or no police.
Okay, come on.
FRANK: I'd say the blow
rendered him unconscious.
But he could have been alive
when the tiger attacked him.
And the cause of it?
Well, the shape is quite distinct.
It's like that.
So something where
three hard edges come together
to form a point.
Like the corner of a brick or something?
Well, the wound had what appeared
to be cement particles in it.
Forensic will confirm that
but yeah, something like a brick
or the corner of a paving stone.
He was either hit by that
or fell on it from a height.
He also had sand in his hair.
I didn't notice any sand
in the tiger cage.
Can I offer you his stomach contents?
I've never been known
to refuse a last meal.
Chicken, cashew nuts,
some sort of vegetables,
rice and noodles.
Shortly before he died
he had a Chinese meal.
So, there's nothing sharp
he could have fallen on in the cage.
He's got sand in his hair,
no sand in sight.
And grazes on the back of his hands
which looks like he'd been dragged.
And to top it all,
there's no evidence that
he was on the roof of the tiger cage.
Like I said, then.
Set up an interview room at the 200,
search the whole premises.
And get up to Latimer's mansion.
Have a good look round.
—Inside it, sir?
—No, no, he won't let us
and I haven't got enough
for a warrant yet.
What about the staff?
There's only one with a record.
That's Saul Axton, head keeper.
Assault after a brawl in a pub
three year ago.
Well, find out what that was about.
All right, there. There you go.
KEEPER 1: She's all right
and they can reach it from there.
A right fussy one, this one.
She'll eat that up.
KEEPER 2: She likes that, look.
Okay, who would like to be
my brave volunteers for today?
You've got your hand up,
thank you, madam.
Give her a nice big round
of applause, everybody.
And we're going to have you, sir.
Do you want to come up and join me?
Give him a nice big round
of applause, everybody.
A helmet for you, sir.
—My name's David. Your name is?
—DAVID: Rosie and
—BOY: Ewan.
DAVID: Rosie and Ewan.
Sorry, Andy.
I was just miles away there.
Just thinking about a day
we had here with Rosie.
Me daughter's growing up
and I'm missing it all.
Well, that's how it happens, Peter.
The job wins.
Do you really wish you'd gone to America
with Ellie and Rosie?
What, and miss all those
microwave meals in front of the telly?
Or if I'm really lucky I can join you
and watch the rugby
while we eat a takeaway.
I don't understand. There's no answer.
Sounds like there's hundreds of messages
on the answering machine.
Oh, come on. They'll be fine.
But I've tried Ellie's mobile
and there's still no answer.
Has Rosie got a mobile?
—I tried that. Nothing.
—Look, don't worry.
It's probably something to do
with these bloody things.
What do you remember from your training?
How do you search a premises
without a warrant?
—Well, you can't, sir.
So you think of crime prevention.
Locks on doors, bars on windows.
They all need checking.
And have a wander round
the stables of the Latimers' house.
Use your nose and not your head.
And we haven't had this conversation.
Sir, they've matched the fingerprints
of the body found at the tiger house.
We've got a definite ID
and his name is Robin Challoner.
PASCOE: Oh, hi, Mary.
DALZIEL: I'll get back to you on that.
I can't seem to get hold of Ellie
and Rosie on any of their US numbers.
Just wondered if you knew anything?
Oh, it's Peter, by the way.
Challoner had quite a record.
Assault, breach of the peace,
breaking and entering.
Standard animal rights stuff.
One of the keepers, Katie Donovan,
said they'd had a lot of trouble
with the animal rights lot.
DALZIEL: Mrs Challoner,
may we come in?
Bloody stupid boy.
What am I going to do without you?
He was part of a group, wasn't he?
Animal rights.
It's insanity.
They put them above human rights.
I'd already lost him to it.
All of them.
Mrs Challoner?
Sorry. Would you mind if I had
a quick look round Robin's room?
Robin had been to the 200 before,
hadn't he?
The owner said he'd had some problems.
It would really help
if you could remember, Mrs Challoner.
Well, by the time I got home,
he'd already left.
So the last time I saw Robin
was yesterday morning.
But someone had been round to see him.
Two mugs in the sink, cigarette ends.
Robin doesn't smoke.
—Have you washed up the mugs?
—Well, of course.
—And the cigarette ends?
—They went in the rubbish.
And the dustmen have already been.
Was it unusual for Robin
to have a friend around?
—Go and keep an eye on her.
—Why didn't they tell me they were here?
What do you think of an animal rights
activist who eats chicken?
—What's happened?
—It's Ellie and Rosie.
-Are they all right?
—Yeah, they're at Ellie's mum's.
Are they?
Seven years I was married to Ellie,
not even a phone call.
Well, go on, then. Go and see them.
We'll cover for you.
Right, I will.
Er, what about me?
Am I getting the bus?
Robin Challoner was always
trying to cause trouble for us.
Handing out leaflets outside the gates,
making accusations.
Just a load of rubbish.
—What was he doing last night?
—I assume the same as before.
—Spying on who?
Tiger Harper?
Trying to find out something
to use against us.
He must have got onto
the roof of the tiger house
and fell through the skylights.
If only it were that simple.
Thing is
I'm looking for his murderer.
You bloody little fool!
You're so spaced out all the time
you don't know what you're doing.
Oh, that's rich coming from you.
I do what you tell me.
I did not tell you to do that!
What a bloody great father you are.
It doesn't matter about me,
what I'm feeling.
Oh, no. We all know where
your affections lie, who comes first.
I've done everything I can for you.
—You're a hypocrite.
—And you're a liability!
Where's my passport?
I'll give it to you
when we finish tonight.
You do know there's a window of
only 17 hours left, don't you?
We've got to do it tonight,
we can't wait any longer.
Whatever happens, tomorrow I'm gone.
I don't care what you say.
DANNY: Maria. Maria?
For Christ's sake,
you can't come in here and just say,
"Oh, I'm taking my passport.
I'm leaving.
"I can suddenly just leave like that."
Look, you can't leave.
Since when has this been your concern?
Please, just let's talk.
You can at least talk to me?
I've got nothing to say to you.
Don't ever speak to me again.
I thought you wanted to be with me.
You're a waste of space, Danny.
Don't ever come near me again. Got it?
But Maria, I love
Don't say it.
Hello, Mary.
Come on in.
ELLIE: Rosie, are you sure you
don't want to stay here with Grandma
while Mummy and Geoff go to London?
—Rosie, it's Daddy.
Hey! Hiya.
What are you doing here?
I was worried about you.
I came to your room last night,
you weren't there.
Were you with Maria?
You agreed to leave me alone.
I know. I'm sorry.
Um, I just wanted to see you, Danny.
I don't want to see you.
Danny, what's happened to us?
I don't understand! Why her and not me?
So what's all this I've heard about you
cancelling Bertie's cataract operation?
For God's sake, Katie,
it's a bloody lemur,
one more day is not going
to make any difference.
Yeah, but this has been planned
for the last two weeks.
Listen, I don't have time
to argue with you now.
If you're not happy,
speak to Mr Latimer.
Um, who do you think you are,
talking to me like that?
You may think you can come in here
and take my boyfriend
but that does not mean to say
that you can walk all over me.
Listen, I don't love Danny.
And I never did.
Yeah, but you slept with him, though,
didn't you?
And that was enough to ruin everything.
Yeah, and once was enough.
You're welcome to him. Although
I don't think he's all that interested.
Well, what do you know
about love, anyway?
You don't even care about
the animals that we look after.
It's all just money to you, isn't it?
I know what you're doing.
I've seen what's in that fridge
in that storeroom.
And don't you think for one second
that you can stop me
from going to the police.
Look, Geoff was coming over to Europe
on business and suggested we tag along.
I thought it would be a good opportunity
for him to meet Mum.
-But not to let Rosie see me.
-We're only here for a couple of days.
Ellie, I haven't seen my daughter
for over a year.
Well, you could've got on a plane
at any time and come over.
You're going to let me see her
while you're here?
Well, you're welcome to join us now,
we're just
Without him.
Geoff. My fiance's name is Geoff.
I'm getting married again, Peter.
So he's going to be Rosie's stepfather?
He's the man
who's going to bring up my daughter?
Oh, that's nice, Janet. A leaf.
Sure you don't fancy
a little puff yourself now and then?
As Ronnie said,
he grows a tiny amount of cannabis
for medicinal purposes.
Oh, that'll be your famous back.
Hey, it's for my own use, man, you know?
Everything else in there
is for the reptiles.
LATIMER: Where are you going?
DALZIEL: So, is this really
the last place you saw Tiger?
Or do you, uh, still keep
that old flame burning bright?
Look, Dalziel,
I have really had enough
of these slanderous references.
And you have no right
to be in here, anyway.
Unlike your journalist friend, Priddy,
you can't throw me out.
The government hired me
to get the truth.
You have no warrant for this building.
Do I really need one,
when I just walked through
a room full of cannabis?
I don't like you, Dalziel,
or your ways.
And the sooner you're off
my premises, the better.
DALZIEL: Thing is, I think we both know
that Challoner's murder
has got something to do with
your old mate Tiger Harper.
That is preposterous! Now, get out!
I'll be the judge of that, man.
What do you think of Geoff, Daddy?
Oh, he's, uh, he's charming.
I might marry him myself.
No, he's nice.
I'm happy for you. Really.
Can we see Daddy tomorrow?
—I told you, he's got to work.
—I'll make time.
Yeah, I hadn't forgotten.
I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Look, just phone me, yeah?
—Bye, sweetheart. See you tomorrow.
—Yeah, see you, Daddy.
"Further misery for the mother of
recently murdered Robin Challoner."
I've got to go. I'll finish this later.
Pick up my messages on my voice mail,
extension 4493.
—Where's Mrs Challoner?
—Next door with the neighbours.
Where's the dad in all of these?
All of Robin's animal rights files
have been gone through upstairs.
Anything incriminating to the group?
What, you reckon they did this?
They could have had illegally
obtained information.
Future plans.
Maybe someone was looking for these.
The storeroom in the tiger house.
I'll organise 24—hour cover.
You keep your eyes open.
If they didn't find what they were
looking for, they might be back.
Sir, here you are.
Oh, good old Vernon.
I knew he'd have a copy.
Little bedtime reading.
Right, you get yourself
over to the zoo again.
Have a good snoop around
the vet's surgery.
That Courtney
seemed a bit slippery to me.
And try and have a chat
with the Chinese girl, Maria.
Use your charm on her.
Wasn't Jackson on a raid last night
over in Chinatown?
I wonder if there's a connection?
I think the Chinese community
in Wetherton is quite big, sir.
what do we do with her now?
MARNHAM: Hide her somewhere.
For how long?
At least until the operation's over.
And we can't tell Latimer,
'cause he'll go mad.
And then what? We let her go,
she goes straight to the police
and tells them everything.
Right, that's just brilliant. Next?
We can't kill her
because we'd be had up for murder.
So, for the moment, abduction
and physical assault are just fine.
God! I've got a career.
Well, I used to have one
up until about five minutes ago.
If you think you're so smart,
you think of something.
Why did you have to involve me, anyway?
Surely this beefcake could have
just taken her to the cemetery
and buried her
with the rest of the menagerie.
LATEEF: Hello? Anyone about?
Anyone there?
My name's DC Lateef.
Do you mind if I have a look around?
—What for?
—I'm looking for a murder weapon.
Well, It's not for me to say.
You need to get
Mr Courtney's permission, he's not here.
As soon as he's back,
I will ask him to call you.
Better still,
why not give him a call now?
Sounds like he's switched
his phone off.
He must just be out of range.
And I thought I worked long hours.
It's very difficult to tell an animal
in pain that we are closed.
This is amazing. It all looks
like real hospital equipment.
What are you operating on tonight?
A lemur, bad cataracts.
I didn't think cataracts
would be an emergency.
Well, he's been booked in for ages
and it's now or never, really.
So, it's brutal open eye surgery, then?
Well, there's no keyhole
implements here.
And you are?
DC Lateef.
Well, I'm very sorry, DC Lateef,
but we're busy and we've got to get on.
It's probably just one of our patients
coming round.
Well, I'll, erm
I'll leave you guys to it
—and I'll drop round again tomorrow.
—It won't take long.
—What are you going to do, sir?
Have a look in here.
It will be locked, won't it?
The one they lent the SOCOs.
I just want to check out something
I saw in Challoner's room.
Let me know if anyone's coming.
Oh, and if you hear me shout "tiger!"
you'll know I'm being eaten.
(SHOUTING) Jackson!
Jackson! Jackson!
—PASCOE: Jackson!
-Oh, right.
Get someone to close the hatch!
PASCOE: Tiger!
Get Get someone to close the hatch!
-Hello, Andy
How'd it go with Ellie and Rosie?
I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Oh. Okay.
What are you doing, anyway?
I was just about to feed the cat.
How did the tiger get out?
Someone opened the gate.
It's the only way.
—You're the only one around!
Of course not me!
I've just risked my life
getting it back in!
What the hell are you doing here anyway?
Janet, get SOCO and backup down here!
Someone just tried to kill me.
It's no good, I can't get it.
I tried.
I can't. They're still there and
there's more police on the way.
You have to abort.
Well, I'm making the decision
for Latimer. Get everyone out!
I'll some up and help. just move!
Right, that's it. Stop everything now!
—Lot of ghosts around here, Guy.
What happened to Robin?
Did you kill him?
Oh, for goodness sake.
Of course not, Jenny.
I know he hated me because
of what happened to his father.
But I've spent 25 years honouring
my commitment to your son.
You've taken away
the only two men I ever loved.
If you and your husband
hadn't come into our lives,
all this would never have happened.
You sent a minion round to my house
to ransack it. Why?
Did you think Robin had seen something?
I'm so sorry Robin's dead,
but I didn't kill him.
The fact is
we all helped to destroy his life.
He's all I had left.
Why didn't Tiger ever contact me?
Tiger didn't contact anyone.
He died years ago of kidney failure.
I don't believe you.
They say he's still alive.
go home.
I'll call you
and we'll talk it all over.
I really am most terribly sorry
about Robin.
if Tiger's alive and you're hiding him,
tell me he's all right.
Tell him I still love him.
Are you there? We've got work to do.
Well, there's a fiance,
Geoff, late forties.
Kids from a previous marriage.
Successful business in Florida.
Nice enough bloke.
Not going to be coming home at all hours
smelling of police stations.
I think he keeps regular hours.
Very regular.
So Ellie's happy.
Well, she wasn't skipping round
the garden picking daisies.
But I suppose she must be happy.
And Rosie?
(SIGHS) She's lovely.
I just wish I could see more of her.
Well, you should go over to America
more often.
Yeah, maybe it is time for me
to make a move.
What do you mean?
I'm talking about moving to the States.
It's, uh It's not easy, you know,
starting your career all over again
in your mid—thirties, Peter.
I just think
it's all got a bit too cosy.
Same boss, future all mapped out.
So how did you leave it with her?
I said I'd like to see them today,
but with all this going on
Well, get them over here, then.
—Of course.
I'd like to see my goddaughter.
Marnham was using this
in the animal cemetery.
Be a good way to move a body.
So if this is where the barrow lives
We'd better get the SOCO round here.
Maybe Challoner was snooping around
the veterinary block,
rather than the tiger house.
There's a skylight. You coming up?
No. No, no, no.
I've got to maintain the dignity
of rank, you know.
There's some marks up here.
Could be from the grappling hook.
LATIMER: Oh, my God.
I've got to ask you to stay back.
FRANK: Marks on the neck
from strangulation.
Also some facial bruises.
She obviously had some sort
of a beating before she went in there.
Care to hazard a time of death?
No. Although her watch
stopped at 10:15.
And then there's Saul Axton.
If we say the time of death
was when her watch stopped,
he's in the clear.
He was in the tiger house with you.
Sir, what about the Chinese man
I saw in the woods?
I'm sure it's the same man I chased
at the Chinese warehouse.
Well, maybe he knew Maria.
You're going back to the warehouse
for another look, aren't you, Janet?
Sir, the camera you found
on the roof of the vet block,
there's nothing inside the memory card.
That's modern technology for you.
If it had been an unused roll of film,
we'd have known straightaway.
—What about the serial number?
—Still checking on that.
Ask Jenny Challoner if Robin had one.
Okay. I've also found the Chinese
restaurant where Challoner ate.
Got description of the man he was with.
Mid—thirties, medium height, brown hair.
He picked up the tab. Cash, I'm afraid.
They said that Challoner
was a regular customer there
but that his friend wasn't.
We found the letter you wrote to Maria.
Then you know everything
there is to know.
You had a relationship with her?
Very briefly.
I think, at the end of the day,
she just wasn't interested.
She rejected you?
Well, you've seen what I said
in the letters. She didn't respond.
Were you angry with her, Danny?
I was upset.
I was mad on her.
Not angry enough to kill her.
Your eyes are very red,
if I may say so.
Is that through tears or alcohol?
—You were drunk last night?
Got to be allowed some vices in life,
haven't I?
—Can we go ahead without Maria?
-Oh, for God's sake, Guy.
Look, we've got to pull ourselves
together and think about this.
It's got to happen today, regardless.
This is obscene, Guy. The whole thing.
How many more people have to die?
I don't understand it.
Why would anyone want to kill her?
Could it be the people
from the warehouse?
What do you mean?
Well, she had been dealing
with the Chinese for the last few years.
Look, as soon as you've spoken
with the police,
we go right back into the preparations.
How can we even think about it, Guy?
The place is crawling with them.
Then we do it somewhere else,
but we are going to do it!
Now, what you must focus on now
is the money.
The money I'm about to put
into your bank account.
—I feel terrible about this.
—Well, don't.
You can't cancel 'em now.
Little Rosie will be heartbroken.
Anyway you've got to convince Ellie
to ditch this Geoff fellow
—and move back here.
I don't think
that's going to happen, Andy.
Then make it happen.
I'm I'm so sorry, Danny.
I know how much you cared for Maria.
Oh, what'swhat's the matter?
Maria Chan did, in fact, drown.
There's water in the lungs,
so she wasn't actually dead
when she went into the water.
-But she was unconscious?
She had been strangled
and hit around the face.
A severe beating?
Well, no, I wouldn't say severe.
If she hadn't fallen into the pool,
she would definitely have survived.
So it was more like an argument
that turned violent.
Well, maybe it happened elsewhere,
and as she was running away,
she fell into the pool.
There's nothing on her
to identify the killer?
They might get something on her clothes
or from underneath her fingernails.
-Right. Thanks, Frank.
—All right.
Oh, yeah. Maria Chan was pregnant.
She was all I ever wanted.
But she didn't want me.
Story of my life, I suppose.
Oh, come on, Danny.
You've got your whole life ahead of you.
There'll be others.
The more she rejected me,
the more I wanted her.
Oh, well(SIGHS)
That's love for you.
I know I haven't been
the best of fathers
but I promise you
as soon as it's all over,
I'll do all I can
to give us a fresh start.
It'll be okay, Danny.
It is so strange coming here, Peter.
I know.
Anyway, we've got an hour or so.
Oh, me too.
You squared it with Geoff?
You squared it with Andy?
Do you remember this place, Rosie?
We used to bring you here.
Yeah, kind of.
Thing is, we're actually, uh,
working here at the moment.
You brought us to a crime scene.
PASCOE: I was rooted to the spot.
Then the tiger suddenly
turned around for a moment,
so I leaped into his cage
and slammed the door.
Like, I really believe you, Dad.
You so didn't get chased by a tiger.
Peter, she's 12.
She's not interested
in stories about tigers.
Now, if you'd said you'd been chased
by Justin Timberlake, different matter.
The indentation on the parapet
matches the grappling hook.
We found Challoner's palm print
on the skylight and also some fibres.
So he uses the rope to haul
himself up on the roof,
looks through the skylight.
Someone hears him, comes after him
and he drops the camera
down the hopper during the chase.
Rosie, careful.
Ellie, I don't want to go through life
without the two of you.
Oh, now, hold on.
No, please.
I really regret
what happened between us.
Don't go there.
We've all got new lives now.
Mine's complicated enough.
Never mind all that.
Why don't we give ourselves
another chance?
Just come home.
What did Challoner find so interesting
in there?
This is a log book of all the comings
and goings of all the animals
and the treatments given.
What were they doing
when Challoner was killed?
Um, 6:00 pm. Delivery.
Snake from Pakistan, via Holland.
There's also some hotel receipts.
Five rooms for one night
at the airport hotel.
—Same again, six months ago.
Courtney said they bring in
specialist vets when they need them.
What's in the diary for last night?
Mmm, nothing.
Hang on a minute.
Maria and Courtney
were both here last night
and they were talking about
doing an operation on a lemur.
So Challoner saw them taking a delivery
of a snake from Pakistan.
There was also a snake on the loose
last night, that's why I left.
Maybe it was an illegal import
or something?
Just forget about it, Peter, all right?
It's not going to happen.
But why shouldn't it?
You're not even considering it.
No, I'm not even considering it.
Because I don't want it.
You can't turn the clock back.
I know you can't turn the clock back.
But I'm willing to change.
Whatever it takes.
I asked you five years ago to come
to America and you wouldn't.
Will you come now?
What will you do there?
See, Peter?
You haven't really thought about it.
Wait a minute, Ellie.
Are you giving me a choice?
We've got the DNA for Danny's
drug conviction.
Ask them to compare it to
Maria's baby's, see if he's the father.
(SIGHS) Danny
you didn't mention this before, but
had Maria told you she was pregnant?
Six to eight weeks, they reckon.
Is the baby yours?
I'm sorry.
Sir, they've traced the serial number
of the camera.
It's registered to the Wetherton Argus.
And it was booked out
by that journalist, Glen Priddy.
"Tiger, tiger, burning bright."
Uh, sorry to bother you again,
Mrs Challoner.
I just wanted to have another look
at one of your photos.
DALZIEL: This was taken
at Latimer's house, wasn't it?
I recognise the statue.
Yeah, I think it was.
I must have taken Robin
for a day out at the zoo.
How old is he there?
About two?
I don't think the 200 was there yet.
Still in Harper's day.
Anyway, this is at the house,
not the zoo.
So who did you know? Latimer or Harper?
Who's this?
My late husband.
It's a good one of Robin, isn't it?
Why didn't you tell me
your husband was the man
murdered in the Tiger Harper case?
All that is nicely tucked away.
I changed my name from Huddle stone
to Challoner, forgot about it.
But it might be relevant
to Robin's murder.
I take it he knew?
That hack Priddy turned up
about a year ago,
wanted to interview me.
I told him to get lost.
But he got to Robin.
Presumably, Robin was trying to get
something on Harper and Latimer.
Because he learned that Harper
had killed his father.
Perhaps he discovered that Harper
was still alive. What do you think?
How would I know?
Ask Guy Latimer.
Billy Huddle stone.
Jenny's husband. Robin Challoner's dad.
Chase up the database
on Robin Challoner's DNA.
See if you come up
with any similar profiles.
And don't forget, there was blood
everywhere at the Harper crime scene.
Not much alike for father and son,
are they?
Quite a resemblance.
DALZIEL: Anyone here
called Rosie Pascoe?
I've got a delivery for Rosie Pascoe.
Do you remember your Uncle Andy, Rosie?
Your Godfather?
He's not really your uncle,
he's Daddy's boss.
Peter's boss.
Oh, aye. There you are.
My, how you've grown, eh?
Do you remember me? Fat Andy?
You sound like a Yank!
Like that Britney Ferries.
And you, Ellie,
oh, you're looking
bonnier than ever, lass.
Here you go, Rosie, this is for you.
Sorry I couldn't wrap it.
It's in case you want to take
some photos of someone.
Cool, thanks.
So, how do you like
being back in England?
I love it.
DALZIEL: Don't you miss
all that sunshine in Florida?
It's hello and goodbye,
I'm afraid, Andy.
We're on our way. Cab's waiting.
Oh, right. See you, then.
Bye, Rosie.
How did it go?
Pretty well, I think.
As far as Rosie's concerned, anyway.
DALZIEL: So, what were you after?
I've always believed
that Tiger Harper is still alive.
And that he's spent
some of that time right here,
hidden by Latimer.
I've hung around here for several years
and I've seen things.
People coming and going,
all hours of the night.
Unmarked vehicles,
Why? It's only a zoo.
So, you got Challoner
to do your dirty work for you
by telling him that
Harper had murdered his dad.
There was no stopping him.
So, you sent Robin in
the night before last.
And let me guess,
your number at
the Wetherton Argus is 4493.
You took him for a meal
at his local Chinese.
The Silver Lake.
I could even tell you
what he had to eat.
DALZIEL: Then an hour later,
he was dead.
Do you know what he saw?
But for my money,
Challoner is Harper's son.
And that's what this is all about.
Did Challoner know this?
Afraid not.
That's for the re—launch of my book.
I knew he had been a user.
That's why I persuaded him
to stay here as much as possible.
Where I could keep an eye on him.
I thought he'd stopped it.
I know Danny was very cut up
when your wife died.
Of course he was!
That's what got him into drugs
in the first place.
I tried to build bridges with him.
I thought I was getting somewhere.
Mr Latimer,
there's something I have to tell you.
Maria Chan was pregnant, by Danny.
Don't worry, Guy.
I know you've done your best.
And I know that it's far too late
for you to do anything more for me.
Danny is dead.
I think he took his own life.
Is it time for my last appearance?
I'm determined to save your life!
We've been through too much together
for you to leave me now.
I came to England two years ago.
I was smuggled here.
I worked in a medicine shop
in Wetherton
and I did many other jobs.
All I ever wanted was
for my daughter, Liu Ying, to join me.
I tried to save
everything I had for two years,
to pay for the £20,000 loan
I had for my own passage.
I heard from my friends in the village
that Liu Ying suddenly got money
and had gone to Zhanjiang.
She was on her way.
But I couldn't understand
where she got the money from
and why she didn't tell me
she was coming.
She was here and I didn't know.
—When was this?
—She left four months ago.
But the most puzzling thing
was she never got in touch with me.
I became really worried
and started asking after her.
I found someone who had met her
when she first arrived.
He said she had come up here.
Do you see? She had been here.
I found out Liu Ying had been
staying at a warehouse
with other Chinese people.
She had gone,
but she didn't take her bag.
That's where I found this address.
We know Maria
had been to that warehouse.
I came to the zoo
and saw a Chinese woman.
I thought she must be Maria Chan.
I couldn't get close enough
to speak to her.
Then, last night,
I saw her in the gardens.
I was just about to talk to her but
Go on, Mr Han.
But she met a man.
They started arguing.
This man, what did he look like?
—I just want to say
—Just get out of my way!
I've got nothing to say to you!
—My dad's got your passport, you bitch.
-Get off me!
MARIA: Go away!
Think that's reliable?
Oh, yeah. It was Danny, all right.
Those scratches
on him will be from Maria.
Sir, toxicology report
on Danny Latimer.
There was a huge amount of heroin
in Danny's body.
That's obviously what killed him.
Suicide, then?
He didn't know she was pregnant.
Yes, he took his own life.
It's my fault.
I never put him first.
I also have to tell you
that we now have a witness
who saw Danny having an argument
with Maria Chan last night.
Danny wouldn't kill her.
She was carrying his baby.
But he didn't know that.
And unlike some, Mr Latimer,
science never lies.
The skin under Maria's fingernails
was Danny's.
DNA match.
You couldn't live in the States, Peter.
You'd hate it.
You know how fussy you are
about your beer.
Sir, the DNA from
Robin Challoner's clothing,
they've got an exact match.
It's Danny Latimer.
Danny boy, he did go off the rails.
And Danny's shoes,
an exact match to the footprints
found outside the tiger house.
They had sand on 'em, too.
So Danny killed Challoner? Why?
Think Challoner was
threatening Danny's dad?
It wouldn't have bothered Danny.
There are two close unidentified
matches to Challoner's DNA.
DALZIEL: Where from?
The blood that was taken
from the Harper crime scene
when the murder took place in the '705.
So one of them must have been
the murder victim Billy Huddlestone's.
PASCOE: No, I don't think so, Andy.
According to this,
it's absolutely certain
that Billy
wasn't Robin Challoner's father.
you were there with Tiger Harper
and Guy Latimer that night, weren't you?
You were at the house.
Working as a waitress at the party.
—DALZIEL: Why didn't you tell us?
Billy wasn't Robin's father, was he?
Robin was Harper's son, wasn't he?
PASCOE: DNA profiling has proved
that the blood samples
taken from that room
are from two different people.
There were two kinds of blood
on the knife that killed Billy.
His own, of course.
And someone else's.
Who killed your husband, Jenny?
Who killed Billy?
Thank you, Jenny.
—I bring you some Champagne.
—I saw that, Tiger.
Oh, don't be jealous, Guy.
I'm going to get more Champagne.
Billy, what are you doing? No!
Billy, no!
Let's go, bastard!
Come on!
—You prick!
Come on!
No! No, stop!
How could you take a man's life away?
You're supposed to love him.
I never wanted Tiger to take the blame.
All these years in hiding.
He did it for Robin's sake.
He wouldn't have done it for me
or for Guy.
He did it for our son.
And I
I loved Tiger.
And I still do.
You do not have to say anything.
But it may harm your defence
if you do not mention when questioned
something that you later rely on
What do you lot want?
Is Courtney in there?
—No one's in there.
—Shove off.
Get out!
What are they doing?
—Please 90.
—Just tell me.
Is that Tiger Harper?
Yes. Please, let us finish.
COURTNEY: You have to go now!
There's risk of infection.
This is a kidney transplant.
-How's the patient?
—He's fine.
I'd like to thank you for letting us
complete the transplant earlier.
If we'd stopped then,
we really would have lost him.
What about the donor of the kidney?
She died when that kidney was removed.
The same night Challoner
saw what we were doing.
Do you know who the Chinese girl was?
Oh, it was just someone
recruited by Maria
and her contacts at the warehouse.
What, her kidney for free passage
to the land of hope and glory?
We gave good money to save a life.
Yeah. One poor life for one rich one.
Anyway, most of the money would've
gone to the gang at the warehouse.
You still haven't told me
who the Chinese girl is.
Her name was Liu Ying.
She developed an embolism,
had a cardiac arrest and
I'm afraid we didn't know
who her family were.
(SIGHS) We were absolutely devastated.
But you still used her kidney.
It was harvested and
put into the fridge in the tiger house.
I'm sure you won't forget the night
you got too close, Mr Pascoe.
That's where Maria came in.
She checked that the donors
were the right blood type
and then cared for the kidneys.
And Courtney?
Like many people,
Courtney and Maria were seduced
by the smell of money.
Anyway, Tiger's operation was
successful and he went back into hiding.
It was actually Maria who suggested
we did more operations for money.
And many of the
immigrants who helped us
now have a good life here in England.
I hope you're not trying to justify it.
Well, of course, I'm sure you know
that you'll all be arrested
in connection
with the death of Liu Ying.
And some of you could even be facing
manslaughter charges.
Good morning, gentlemen. Simon Harper.
Superintendent Dalziel.
This is DI Pascoe.
How are you feeling?
Surprisingly well.
It's all been worthwhile, then.
For you.
Tiger Harper, eh?
Who'd have thought it?
where shall we start?
Where have you been?
Madagascar. Shit—hole. Next.
Oh, come on Tiger! It's not that bad.
He's been living on
a remote mountaintop in Madagascar
for the last 20—odd years,
in considerable comfort.
DALZIEL: You've been there?
Many times.
Guy used to bring me
all the essentials of life.
Including buying you a new kidney?
Wouldn't you do the same thing
for the person you loved?
Guy looked after me very well.
And then your mate here
starts running this as a business.
So more people like yourselves
can just buy what you want.
So why did you come back?
My original transplant
had started to fail.
Maria found another young Chinese
who was a suitable donor for Tiger
and we removed the kidney that night,
hoping to transplant it straightaway.
And that's what Challoner
saw through the skylight.
-You—you mean
Your son saw you through
the surgery skylight,
the night when a young woman died in the
process of donating a kidney to you.
Where's Robin now?
I'd like to see him.
You obviously haven't told him.
A higher price than
all the money you've had to pay.
You'd better tell him now.
LATIMER: Someone was up
on the veterinary roof
and could have seen the operation,
I sent Danny to find out
who was up there.
Danny chased him off the roof
but he climbed up high again,
tripped, fell and banged his head.
Danny panicked and
put him in the tiger cage,
making it look like
he had fallen in there.
I didn't know it was Robin.
Both our sons perished
because of our actions,
Hi. Where are you going?
The airport.
You're not going back already, are you?
Oh, change of plan.
We're going to Frankfurt
to meet up with Geoff
and then we're all flying back
to the States from there.
Hold on. Can we
Can we just talk for a moment?
Hiya, Rosie.
I want a word with Mummy.
Can you wait inside with Gran
for a minute?
Good girl.
I'll give up my life here
to be with you and Rosie.
You left it so late, Peter.
I'm pregnant.
The offer's still open if you want it.
Thank you.
Love you.
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