Dawson's Creek s04e13 Episode Script


Okay, l' ll ask him.
Keira, l gotta go.
l' ll talk to you.
She's a talker.
Where is table nine's cabernet? l asked you for it 1 0 minutes ago.
Friday night frenzy.
We've already gone through 1 0 bottles of Cakebread Reserve.
Which means you're having an amazing night.
lt's nothing if we can't put orders on the tables.
lf you weren't taking personal calls you'd have time to get the other case.
lt took me a while to find it.
Thank you.
Table nine, ASAP.
So please tell me that your mother is this edgy at home too.
That it's not just me that gets her knickers in a twist.
lt's called the hormones.
ln case you haven't noticed, she's close to popping out number two.
So it's not like it has anything to do with, well, us? No, are you kidding? My mom loves you.
Yeah, me as Pacey's sister and her ever-trusty barkeep, maybe.
Me as Mrs.
Robinson, maybe not.
Come on.
Three years does not make you Mrs.
So that incredibly hostile vibe l just felt, not about us? Because we' re good and we' re good together.
-l'd like to think so.
l was thinking maybe it's time you and l progressed to the next stage.
After a few weeks coupling it's time that we actually go out amongst others and meet the friends.
As in your friends? Aren't you curious to meet my friends? Yeah.
How's tomorrow? My pals from college are swinging by to see this band and l told them if it was okay with you, that we'd go.
Tomorrow? l know meet-the-friends night can be incredibly scary for the new guy.
-You refer to me as the new guy? -Well, not me.
But that's why you need to meet them so they can get to know you.
You can invariably wow and impress them.
And if l only variably wow and impress? Well, then l dump you.
Well, very kind of you.
Just be yourself.
They' ll love you.
Thank you.
l give you a lot of leeway around here, Drue.
You want that to continue, you will do as l say.
The pushier you get, the more you resemble a Disney villainess.
You want something, Miss Potter? No.
Actually, l'm good.
l just stopped by to let you know that l was here.
This wouldn't, by any chance be about that quaint upcoming senior trip, would it? The one where if you have any hope of going -you'll need Friday and Saturday off.
-l'd really rather come back another time.
Maybe catch you in a rare moment of open-minded generosity.
This is it, princess.
Grab it while you can.
You'd actually consider giving me the time off? Giving? No.
Trading, perhaps.
There is this date tonight that Drue is going on with Anna Evans.
As in Dr.
Evans, the president of the club's board? Anna is his daughter.
You probably wouldn't know her.
She's your age, but she goes to a much better school.
She's rich and important, so Drue's taking her out.
And l want you and that boyfriend of yours to go with them.
-You two are the perfect couple.
-Thank you.
lt's important Anna have a nice time.
lf she does, the days off are yours.
lf not, you' ll be working Friday and Saturday shifts for the rest of the year.
When should we be ready? How come you chose that clip over the Tuesday interview? Because you were more concise here.
Well, whatever you like best.
They' re both fine.
You two have been at that all morning.
Why don't you take a break? Well, l've actually got lunch plans, so as much as l hate to stop.
l have to go get another bottle of pills.
l' ll be right back.
Before you go, l have something l wanna ask you.
What's up? l can't get to the store to get my pills.
Evelyn's been taking me and l hate it.
Yeah, whatever l can do to help.
Sign these.
lt's just lawyer talk.
Legalese, gobbledygook.
-Saying what exactly? -lt designates you as my gofer.
Gives you the right to go get my medicines for me, if you want.
-l'm flattered you'd ask.
Hurry up before Evelyn gets back.
l don't want to hurt her feelings.
All right.
Be back in about an hour.
Have a good time, Dawson.
Oh, God.
The nursing agency called.
They said they haven't received a check yet for next month.
Well, l remember sending it.
Damn post office is enough to make anybody sick.
Oh, no, no.
Are you offering a fashion opinion here, Pace? You' ll have to excuse me if l find your credibility in that department lacking.
l'm offering a brother's opinion.
As a brother, l can tell you that that is not a going-out outfit.
lt's the bottom layer of what could be a going-out outfit but not without a sweater.
-This is a sweater.
-No, it's not.
A sweater is a baggy, shapeless thing that hides the human form.
They' re designed for sisters about to go out on dates.
lt isn't a date.
lt's a group activity.
Keira and Jessica are gonna pick me up any second.
And what are you still doing here anyway? l was getting prepared for a night of being the perfect boyfriend.
lt's a thankless job.
Long hours, very few rewards.
Not that l'm in it for that.
No, of course not.
True love waits.
And waits and waits.
-ls there something up? -No.
-lf something were up-- -But nothing's up.
-lf you wanted to talk about it-- -Then l would.
l would.
l'm not gonna, because guess what's up? -Something? -Nothing.
You are so saved by the horn.
Have fun working the boulevard.
l should have known you' re the type that jogs.
What type is that exactly? The country club family type.
You probably play a mean game of tennis.
Golf, actually.
Tobey, what are you doing here? l've come to proposition you.
Merely a turn of phrase.
l'm tutoring kids with the Boston lnner City Reading Council.
We' re desperate for anybody who can read.
That makes me feel special.
Come on.
Check your attitude at the door and get serious for a minute.
Jen told me you liked working with kids.
Here are kids who need you.
You interested or not? lt's that simple.
l'm not interested in another soccer incident.
Well, everybody at the council knows l'm gay.
Nobody cares.
lt's not an issue.
l don't know.
l don't think l wanna get into that right now.
lf you change your mind, we tutor in the library at Jordan Junior High.
Weekend nights, after 7.
l know you work for Satan's handmaiden and all but must it involve double-dating with her evil spawn? You want me on our senior trip, don't you? Well, of course.
But you know me.
l want you on a boat, ski resort, parking lot.
Not choosy.
Look, just remember we' re not here to have a good time.
-l wouldn't dream of it.
-This Anna, whoever she is she's having a good time.
No matter how high she registers on the bitchometer, promise you' ll be nice.
-When am l ever not nice? -Pace.
A very good boy.
l don't understand why people always honk their horns.
-Like l don't know they' re behind me? -Could it be because you camped in the intersection rethinking your makeup? -lt could've smudged.
ls it smudged? -Relax.
Potter here knows as much about makeup as l do.
No one's told her the natural look went out before she was born.
-Oh, poor me.
-Don't listen to him.
The natural look is so in.
l totally read about it in the new Allure.
You must be Joey.
Nice to meet you.
-You' re not Joey.
l'm Joey.
lt's nice to meet you, Anna.
Pacey, guy.
Joey, girl.
l told you 1 000 times in the car.
-Who's Potter? -So much for the polite chit-chat.
Let's get this disaster on the road.
Let me get that for you.
Thank you.
Just being nice.
My passion for pictures was gone.
Hard as I tried, as far into my soul as I searched, I.
I couldn't find it.
So l think that section's pretty much done.
lt's all done.
Ninety-three minutes of the life and filmic times of A.
A little work in the Columbia years could help it move along a little faster.
Lock the picture, do your credits and run it for an audience.
You don't think that a tweak here or there would make it better? Could be better, could be worse.
Could be just different.
The best thing you do now is let it go.
At least for tonight, anyway.
Let's get you into the living room for some of that music you love to blare.
Hey, when are you gonna tell me more about your girl? Gretchen? The one you refer to as the local ditz? That was said with great affection.
Yeah, right.
She's pretty terrific.
But, you know, we' re taking it easy.
Hey, don't take it too easy.
You' re not my age, you hear me? l hear you.
You' re young enough to fall in and out of love a few more times before you get it right.
-That doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
-lt isn't.
And is.
And it isn't.
lt's worth it every damn time.
Someone's on a prophetic roll this evening.
Pancreatic cancer will make a prophet out of anybody.
l guess l' ll head out, unless there's anything else you want me to do.
Hard for me to get out of this chair.
Give me a hand, will you? Yeah, sure.
-There you go.
The picture's not half bad.
Not just because it's about me either.
We should make another one sometime.
Anytime, kid.
-There you are.
-l was thinking you forgot about me.
We just started talking and we totally lost track of time.
Dawson, this is Keira and Jessica, my two suitemates from freshman year.
Which means we' re friends due to random computer assignment.
-Great house.
Rental? -No, this is my parents' house.
Speaking of whom, here's one of them now.
Mom, this is Keira and Jessica.
-Nice to meet you.
Are we gonna make it? Yeah.
The show doesn't start till 9-ish so we have more than enough time.
-What show are you going to? A club in Bingham Bay.
We'll be back late.
Wait a second, Dawson.
l'm not sure l like the idea of you going to a club.
-Do they serve alcohol? -There's alcohol in the restaurant.
lt doesn't bother you there.
Why is this a problem? You' re my son and l worry about you, that's why.
And since when do you go clubbing? We' re not dropping in on Studio 54.
We' re having dinner and seeing a band.
l'd feel better if l knew you were gonna be home at a certain time.
Say, by 1 .
That sounds like a curfew which l've never had before in my life-- You know, can l just meet you guys outside in a second? Okay.
-Thank you.
-l' ll see you in the car.
lf you' re trying to embarrass me, consider it a job well done.
-l'm completely humiliated.
-l'm trying to protect you.
From what? From the dangers of having a good time with my girlfriend? No, the dangers of getting hurt by a woman whom as perfect as she seems now might actually be in a different place in her life.
lt's not like that with Gretchen.
-Honey, l'm not so sure.
-Well, l am.
lt really doesn't matter what you think because it's my life and it's my relationship.
lf you want maternal control, you'll have to wait for the next one to come along because l really don't want that from you.
Just hit the ball already.
We' re gonna be here all night.
Well, it's a date.
We' re supposed to be here all night.
Take your time, Anna.
You know what? Let me give you a hand with this.
Can l give you a word of advice? -Thanks.
-lt's not about power.
lt's all finesse.
So you just loosen up on your grip and swing through.
Just because you skeeves have nothing better to do doesn't mean l' ll spend my night among the socially challenged.
l've got a date later with a honey l want to be with.
What is your problem with mobile technology? lt's invasive and irritating, like you.
You are on a date.
Unless you want a repeat of what l did to you in the storage room -you' ll start being nice to her.
-l get it.
You'd like me to be a little more like Pacey.
Well, now that you mention it, it definitely wouldn't hurt.
He does seem to be enjoying himself, doesn't he? But then, why wouldn't he be? Oh, my God.
l did it.
l did it! Nice work, you two.
Very nice.
Hey, l' ll be right back.
Well, well.
Look who's slumming.
Little Jack Sprat.
l didn't come here to be your whipping boy, Tobey.
So check the attitude at the door and let's get serious for a second.
All that and sass too.
Maybe you're one of the tribe after all.
All right, so tell me how this tutoring thing works exactly.
You read with them.
Encourage them to sound out a word and then help them if they can't.
Mostly though, just be nice to them.
-l can do that.
-l know.
That's why l asked you down here.
After the impromptu kitchen counter event, which by the way l do not recommend if you've left sharp implements lying around.
-And the chill factor.
Just remember that tile is very cold.
We' re in the living room, heading for the bedroom and the next thing l know, round two.
The guy needed no recovery time.
-Oh, is this too much for you? -No, it's not.
lt's fascinating.
Keira's love life is always a little fascinating.
Oh, God, do you guys remember this song? Turn it up.
There was this guy on our floor, total Dionne Farris freak.
He used to play this on his keyboard to try to impress us.
You know it? Vaguely, yeah.
Sing it, Dionne.
So this whole myth that certain girls can't wear red lipstick is a total lie.
lt makes people with yellowy skin tones feel bad about themselves -which is so mean.
-What's mean? We were just discussing the beauty industry and how it manipulates and contorts our perceptions -in service of a capitalist economy.
-See what we missed, Pacey? An intellectual conversation.
Perhaps Anna can grace us with her opinion on that electoral college controversy.
-Drue, lay off.
-No, it's okay.
People should be allowed to go to whatever college they want to.
As long as they can afford it, what's the big deal? l present to you the marvelling, idiotic mental feats of Anna Evans.
Warning, do not try this at home or with more than two brain cells.
You' re such a jerk.
You ordered your daddy to arrange this night for you.
Happy? Unlike your nose job, l can't be bought.
With that happy little anecdote, l think this sick and twisted evening is over.
lt's sweet.
The way you rise to the defences of damsels in distress.
-Especially the blonder ones.
-Do we agree that punching him is now appropriate? Before you do, answer me one question, Witter.
Guy to guy, okay? How come beautiful girls who are dumb as rocks only put out if you tell them they' re smart, while the ones who are smart only do it if you tell them they' re beautiful? -This is all my fault.
-No, it's not.
Nothing is your fault.
Yes, it is.
l can't believe l was so stupid.
l feel like such an idiot.
Oh, l can't believe l slept with you.
l gotta admit, l didn't see that one coming.
How you doing? lt's been an interesting evening so far.
l've been humiliated by my mother l've learned more about Keira than l think l want to and honestly, l've never felt so 1 7 in my entire life.
My God, are you really 1 7? What am l doing with you? l'm kidding.
Keira, Jess, and l are just catching up.
lt' ll be over soon.
So the worst of the night is already behind you.
How you all doing this evening? Drink safe and designate a driver.
That's me.
l'm not drinking.
-Are you under 21 ? -Yeah.
Let me see your left hand.
You have no idea how perfectly this encapsulates my life right now.
Please tell me that you' re not shedding a tear over Drue Valentine.
The man is a world-class moron.
Yeah, well, if that's the case, shouldn't we be perfect for each other? You know how some people are good at books? l'm not good with books.
People like you and l we just, we have to figure out what our thing is and become good at it.
l know what l'm good at.
l suppose it's a good thing that you've already figured that out.
There has to be something else.
Not really.
That's always been the easiest thing for me.
But with Drue, l wanted him to like me for more than the way l look.
You don't know that he doesn't.
But now l' ll never know.
l blew it.
l fell into bed too easily.
lf l hadn't, do you think he might have liked me? l can't answer that.
But l can answer you this.
l have only just met you, Anna and l can tell that there are nice things about you besides the way you look.
And if Drue Valentine can't see them, then that's his loss, not yours.
So not only does he have another girl but he has another apartment across town that she's living in.
-Oh, bastard.
-That's terrible.
One more for my loser list, which means l edge past you with seven.
But l'm still the leader, with nine.
You guys keep a count of all the losers you've dated? Only the ones we've slept with.
lf we included the ones we dated, we'd be in triple digits by now.
Don't worry, Dawson.
You' re way too nice to ever end up on my loser list.
Oh, wait.
How often have l heard that before? For all of Gretchen's strong points, she's not the best judge of men.
But l'm sure that doesn't include you.
You seem nice.
Why does everybody keep saying that? l'm not really that nice.
l think she just means you' re not the kind of a guy who would take me to a concert, meet another girl in line, then dump me leaving me to find a ride back to school.
-That actually happened to you? -Oh, yeah.
-Loser number two.
-He's no number six.
Okay, you know what? Let's not do this.
l'm not drunk enough to go through the list of my life's most embarrassing choices.
Come on.
He doesn't know about Lucky? -Jess.
-Lucky? Which loser is he? Lucky is a leprechaun that Gretch had tattooed on her hip to impress loser number five.
He's a total rocker.
lt's there to remind me to never date a musician again no matter how hot or sexy he might be.
But that's why l'm so happy to have Dawson, you know? At least l know he won't shred my heart.
''And then they took the me-a-su-ra.
'' l don't like this story.
We could read another one.
You have to have something ready for class, right? There's nothing good in here.
You know, l used to have the same problem.
School stories, bored me.
l mean, where do they come up with this stuff? l bet you, you and l, we could make up a better story.
Have you ever done that? You just sit and think up your own story? Sometimes, l guess.
Yeah? Okay.
Will, tell me the last story that you thought of.
l had this idea about aliens taking me to the moon.
That's perfect.
l love that.
This is what we' re gonna do.
You tell me the story.
l' ll write it down.
Monday, you tell it to your class.
-Can l do that? -Yeah, sure.
l mean, the assignment was to read a story.
lt can be whatever you want.
Except there's one rule.
You can only use words that you can spell.
-Deal? -Okay.
Give me a title.
Beam Me to the Moon.
-A story about a spaceship that-- -Well, hold on, hold on.
How do you spell '' beam''? B-E-E-M? Close, close, very close.
Look it up, buddy.
B-E-A-M? Oh, yeah, and spaceship.
ls that right? Absolutely.
And that's a tough one to spell.
l'm very impressed.
Keep going.
Anytime, come to the Yacht Club, l' ll take you out on one of my boats.
Okay? Drue, l think it's time we talk about the baby.
l think you need to take responsibility and marry me.
Everyone here thinks you' re so sweet.
But l know better.
You' re really a minion from the deep, sent here to make my life hell.
Hell would be too good for you.
Could you explain how you can sleep with her and then treat her like that? -Have you no capacity for kindness? -Very little.
-How did you end up so--? -Damaged? -Completely.
-Just lucky, l guess.
You have this whole witty Drue routine you do.
lt's a front for some scared kid who's desperate for people to love him and desperately trying to keep any intimacy away.
-How insightful.
-lt doesn't take a Ph.
D to interpret your behaviour.
lt's classic first grade.
You know what? Keep acting like this and your worst fear is gonna come true.
You' re gonna walk through life alone.
l'm not really good with girls.
l'm actually incredibly bad with them.
How come? My guess? Spending my formative years in all-boys institutions.
Pretty much all l know how to do is pick on women or sleep with them.
l was never around them much longer to get good at doing anything else.
You' re doing something else right now.
l mean.
You' re being honest and real.
You should work on that.
They look kind of cute together, don't they? They have that warm, wondrous glow of two people who have had sex.
Not with each other, of course-- Separate.
You get my drift.
l forgot.
That's a subject you know nothing about.
l can't believe you spent the whole summer on a boat.
My dad could totally use someone like you.
He's always looking for help, and l'm like, ''Sailing? No way.
'' Well, you just haven't done it with the right person yet.
All right.
Next week have another one ready.
Good job, buddy.
That's the first time l've seen Will excited about coming back.
Yeah, well, he's a good kid.
He just needed to be interested in something.
And you got him there.
That must feel good.
lt feels great, actually.
l'm all wired from it.
Hey, l'm meeting some friends for coffee, around the corner.
Why don't you come? l promise not to keep you out too late.
Okay, yeah.
Just for a little bit, though.
l do not want to get in the car and drive back yet.
l know.
lt went so fast.
l feel like we've barely talked.
l know what this group needs: Some french fries and some Black and Tans.
-Dex's! -Dex's! You' ll love Dex's.
lt's one of our favourite places.
l probably can't get in.
They never used to card.
They probably still don't.
-Oh, right.
-You guys go.
-Without you? Just because l can't get in doesn't mean the evening should end.
You guys go, have a great time, and l' ll take a cab back.
Don't be ridiculous.
No, we've been drinking.
You take the car, we' ll get the cab.
God, l have the best boyfriend.
-l' ll call you tomorrow.
Bye, Dawson.
lt was great to meet you.
Guess this is it.
Sorry about that whole left turn from the right lane thing.
You know what? These lanes, they aren't even really marked right on this part of Market Street.
-lt was nice meeting you, Joey.
-You too.
l almost forgot.
l feel really weird keeping this.
-lt was your quarter.
-Well, l think Joey would like it.
Thank you.
Good night.
-Good night.
lf you ever want to go out again sometime you don't have to get my mother to coerce me, you know.
l won't.
l promise.
Thanks for giving me a break for not calling.
Most girls would consider that unforgivable.
Well, l don't.
But l'm easy.
That's cute, the way you sort of make fun of yourself.
Cute, likeable, or cute, annoying ditz? No, likeable.
lf l'd only had an S, l could have bingoed.
-You all right, Arthur? -Oh, just a little tired.
Well, why don't we stop then.
l should be getting home anyway.
-What? -l'm glad that Leery kid stole my boat.
We'd met before.
Barbara Siebertz brought you to the church bazaar and you purchased two of my apple pies after complaining bitterly that they were highly overpriced.
They were peach, and worth every penny.
A compliment.
Ten years late, but nice to have all the same.
l have to stay alert if l'm gonna play Scrabble with you.
This is not funny, Arthur.
You've been hoarding your medication for weeks.
l knew you'd understand.
How could l possibly understand something like this? Because you know that living without dignity is not living.
This is in God's hands, Arthur.
There is a natural course of events.
As long as l can think for myself, l determine them.
l mean, this doesn't belong in God's hands or in yours.
lt belongs in mine.
Look, with all your faith would you really want any less for yourself? Good night.
Good night, Arthur.
-Hey, over here.
-Hey, guys.
So pick your poison.
Regular or decaf? Can l talk to you? You didn't tell me we were meeting another couple.
-l didn't think it was important.
lt kind of is, Tobey.
lt's Saturday night.
You want me to meet your friends.
l'm thinking it's more than coffee to you.
ls it? Actually, l'd really like it if it were.
The tutoring thing? Did you start that because of me? lt's possible that may be part of the reason.
A big part.
l thought it was something that we could do together.
So everything you said about being friends it was just a set-up to be with me.
Jen said that if l wanted to get to know you, l should try to be your friend.
-So l'm trying.
That's all.
-Friends? Yeah, that's fine.
But l want to make it clear that there's not gonna be anything more, ever.
-Why not? -Tobey, we don't click.
Even if you wanted to change that, you couldn't.
That's just the way it is.
Look, l know this isn't gonna make you feel any better but l really do wish we had something.
l don't know if it's such a good idea for us to do this tutoring thing.
Jack, you' re great at it.
You've got to keep going.
l' ll find something else.
Forget l said that.
That's crazy.
There's no reason for either one of us to quit.
As long as you have no problem with us just being-- No.
l'm fine.
That's fine.
See you next Saturday.
-Waiting up for me? -l'm a mother.
That's what we do.
Did you have a good time? No.
No, l didn't, actually.
l fear l' ll end up number seven on the loser list.
And what does that mean? lt means that as much as l hate to admit it l think you were right about Gretchen and me.
No, honey, l'm not.
l was wrong.
And l have been sitting here all night long regretting what l said to you earlier.
Like it or not, l'm gonna have to let my first baby go.
But l probably will get hurt.
l mean, Gretchen has just got a lot more life experience than l do.
All of her experiences make her the person that she is.
l know.
Someone who is clearly crazy about you.
That's why it's important to see where it goes and not be afraid to put your heart at risk.
That's the only way that you' ll ever find love again.
-l hope it's not too late.
Come on in.
-Hi, Gretchen.
And good night.
l think l should get up to bed.
Good night, Mom.
Good night, honey.
Gretchen, l don't know what happened tonight but l hope we both agree that Dawson will never be number seven on any list.
lf it makes you feel any better as soon as l got to Dex's, l felt bad and l had the cab bring me here instead.
Actually, it does.
And the good part was that l got the uncensored, new-guy evaluation and they were invariably wowed and impressed.
The age thing didn't bother them? No.
And even if it did, l don't care what they think about your age.
-l mean, it doesn't bother me.
-lt bothers me.
l mean, l-- There are things that l want to do with you.
Take you to a club or order a bottle of wine.
Go to a bar with your friends.
l don't wanna be some guy who's holding you back.
l'm doing exactly what l want to do.
l'm with you.
Earlier tonight you said l would never be the kind of guy who would shred your heart.
And you' re right.
l would never intentionally hurt you.
But l can't be the nice guy that you date after a bad relationship because there's no risk.
l need to know that l've made some sort of impression.
-lt's already done.
-Really? Oh, yeah.
So when will l get to see Lucky? We' ll see.
So in his own Drue-like way he was just freaked out because she liked him back.
Well, that kind of freaks me out too, though.
Why on earth would she give him another chance? She seemed like a perfectly reasonable girl.
lt kind of makes you wonder.
Yeah, sleeping with somebody you just met is totally reasonable.
You know, maybe it's a little rash, but to be perfectly honest if two people do something they both want to do that's completely natural, l don't exactly think that's crazy.
Unlike what we' re doing? What are you talking about? The thing that we don't talk about, Pace.
-We have a problem.
-Yes, we do.
lt used to be this little problem that we could easily ignore.
All we really did was make it bigger.
Now, unfortunately, it's so damn big it's obscuring my view of you.
Basically you' re saying that if l don't sleep with you soon we' re gonna break up and it' ll be all my fault? No.
No, not at all.
l'm agreeing with you.
l'm saying that we have a problem.
And this is something that we need to talk about.
l'm not saying it's your fault that we haven't-- Because it's not.
l mean, we talked about this, Pacey.
And you were fine with waiting.
l have been fine with waiting.
l'd have been too scared to sleep with you too soon.
l don't want to do anything that will jeopardize the most amazing relationship l've had.
Jo, l am happy that you and l took the time to really fall in love with each other.
But we' re here now, Jo.
This is eight months and counting.
So l just-- l want.
l need for you to know that if our relationship is not gonna be progressing onto that level it's not because of me.
Pacey l want you.
l really do.
l need to know that.
Know it.
l don't really know what's wrong but l just keep holding back.
l'm sorry, but l'm just scared.
Well, good.
Do you think l'm not scared? l'm terrified, Jo.
-You are? -Yeah.
So then can we just be scared together? Mr.
Brooks? Where'd you?
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