Dexter: Early Cuts (2009) s02e06 Episode Script

That Crazy Robot

Hello? Surprise.
Okay, this isn't going so well.
You're nothing like I hoped.
He's disappointed I'm not who he wants me to be.
A mirror image to validate his own darkness.
Now the monster doesn't like what he sees.
He didn't listen.
He's not me.
Peter, Peter, Peter.
I was willing to let the whole Jenna thing go.
She deserved what you did.
Well, what I was going to do.
But that campus cop, not so much.
You saw what I did to the Professor and thought: "The guy is just like me.
" But what you were lacking was context.
You couldn't know my father taught me to only go after those who deserved it.
He's dead.
No, I didn't kill him.
Just the opposite.
When I do this I honor his memory.
Peter Thornton was a defective copy I had to destroy.
Never to know what he was missing.
The code.
A gift from a loving father.
I miss you, Dad.
Well, as much as I suppose someone like me can.
I read once, good men must die, but death cannot kill them.
Harry Morgan did all he could to make sure I'd never wind up like Peter.
I may be no angel, but I'm no demon neither.
I'm just my father's son.
And without him to turn to, there're a few things I'll have to figure out for myself.

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