Dexter: Original Sin (2024) s01e08 Episode Script
Business and Pleasure
Previously on Dexter: Original Sin
Regarding the murder of Jimmy Powell
and the kidnapping of Nicky Spencer,
we're pursuing every avenue to
find the Los Tigres safe house.
You get demoted, and as punishment
you're assigned to me?
What if this victim
and the last two we found,
the one in Overtown and
the sex worker in Coconut Grove,
what if they're all connected?
There's no consistent M.O.
The killer's still
learning what he enjoys.
- A serial killer?
- The killer's methods
are escalating.
He's-he's experimenting,
he's becoming more violent.
The Pontiac is registered
to a Paul Petrie
in Tampa. Road trip mañana?
I can't believe you're taking
his side over mine.
He's my brother.
Got kicked off the team
and suspended from school.
What about the scholarship?
It's a fucking miracle
I have made it this far.
[HARRY] You just have to trust me.
There's a large shipment
going out next Tuesday.
I'd like you to be at the shipyard
to learn more about the operation.
[NICKY] You're gonna have
to come in here
and make me eat them, motherfucker!
No, let me go!
Hmm. These are really popular.
My kid loves 'em.
[SHUSHING] It's gonna be okay.
Hey, where's your sister?
Oh. Um, I don't know. In her room?
No, she didn't come home last night.
Maybe she crashed at Sofia's.
She said she was going to Gio's.
You know where he lives?
I think he mentioned he's
got a place by the beach.
This kid has his own place?
How old is he?
- I don't know, like 25?
- Son of a bitch!
[SIGHS] I assumed that
he was in high school.
Oh, Deb.
You went on the double date with them,
what-what'd you think?
- I liked him.
- Yeah?
He seemed protective of Deb.
We had fun hot-wiring a car.
You stole a car?
It was just a prank
on one of Deb's friends.
You taught me how to do it.
[SIGHS] All right, well, we'll
discuss your joyride later.
LaGuerta and I are heading to Tampa
to chase down a lead on
the N.H.I. serial killer case.
My serial killer?
The one I told you about?
Please find Deb, all right?
- Before you leave
- Dex! I'm running late.
I know this is gonna
sound crazy, but
I think Captain Spencer
killed Jimmy Powell
and kidnapped Nicky.
You're right.
That is crazy.
But You know how
I found that spot of blood
on the outside of the box that
contained Nicky's finger?
Well, Spencer got all up in my
business when he heard about it.
And I walked in on him in my lab
reading the blood report.
And he's got a fresh cut on his arm.
You know, I-I cut myself
shaving this morning.
You gonna accuse me of murder, too?
- Dad
- Listen to me!
You don't know what it's like
to be a father and lose a child.
I have known Spencer since
before you were born.
Christ, I just went to Nicky's
confirmation last year!
He's hiding something.
I-I-I feel it in my bones.
This has nothing to do with Spencer.
This is all about you.
You-You're like a hammer.
Everything you see is a fucking nail!
I know you have a
darkness inside of you.
I just didn't know that
you were gonna project it
on everyone around you.
Just focus on finding
your sister, okay?
"In Your Room" by The Bangles ♪
This rom-com shit is cute and all,
but I need some fucking coffee.
A la orden.
I love it in your room at night ♪
You're the only one
who gets through to me ♪
In the warm glow
of the candlelight ♪
Oh, I wonder what
you're gonna do to me ♪
In your room ♪
I come alive when I'm with you ♪
I'll do anything you want me to ♪
In your room ♪
In your room ♪
I feel good in your room ♪
Let's lock the world out ♪
Un cortadito para la dama.
Shit, I could get used to this.
Nobody ever made me
crazy like this ♪
My shirt looks good on you.
You look good on me.
- So, what are you up to today?
I have to take the boat to Bimini.
Little business trip. Pick
something up for my dad. You?
Um I was suspended
from school, so
Want me to drive you home?
I can drop you on
the way to the marina.
Mm, fuck no. [SCOFFS]
The last place I want to be
is with my family right now.
Maybe I could hang out here today?
Or you could come with me.
To Bimini?
You down?
Uh Fuck yes. [LAUGHS]
I don't have a swimsuit.
Or-or a passport.
You don't need anything
when you're with me.
Sofia! Hey.
Quick, put your arm around me.
[SIGHS] Well, this is awkward.
Dexter, this is
my new boyfriend, Chad.
Chad, this is my ex.
This the dude who beat up
Tiffany's brother?
- [SOFIA] Mm-hmm.
- [CHAD] Hey, man.
I don't want any problems.
Oh, grow a pair, Chad.
Nice to meet you, Chad.
Babe, I'll see you at the lockers?
The mating rituals of high schoolers
out in the wild always mystified me.
[SIGHS] Go. What do you want?
Uh, you know where Deb is?
Why would I? We're not speaking.
Like, today?
Like, at all.
Not since she totally betrayed me
by taking your side in the breakup.
[SIGHS] She didn't even
tell you. That's typical.
Look, she went to Gio's
last night and never came home.
My dad's freaking out.
You know Gio's phone number,
address, anything?
I think his last name is "Martino"?
Like the Dolphins quarterback
but with a "T"?
Cool. Okay.
Wherever Deb is,
she doesn't want to be found.
She pushed everyone away.
Even me.
Well, thanks.
I'm driving.
Here I thought you were one of those
married-to-the-job types.
It's not serious.
All work and no play?
His name is Miguel Prado.
He's still in law school.
Well, he's not gonna be
a student forever.
Yeah, well, he's delusional.
Thinks he's gonna be DA someday.
[HARRY] Why would Petrie drive
from Tampa to Miami
- to commit three murders?
- Hmm.
Murder vacation?
This doesn't make sense.
- Long night?
- Hmm.
Aren't they all?
Mm. We don't have to talk about it.
It's just things have been rough
with my daughter, Deb, lately.
She's, uh, 17, she's acting out.
Isn't that what they do?
Ah, I'm her dad.
And I want to fix everything,
I just have no idea how to help her.
I thought daughters usually
give their mothers hell
- at that age.
Yeah. Her mom passed away a year ago.
I didn't know.
I do know what it's like
to grow up without a mother.
I immigrated to the U.S. as a kid.
[CHUCKLES] I can't believe
they put up with me.
Well, you couldn't have been that bad.
Ran away with
a tattooed guy on a motorcycle.
- Wow
Made it all the way to Boston
before they tracked me down.
Still, no matter
how far away I strayed,
I always found my way back home.
Deb will, too.
There's a big shipment of cocaine
heading to New York tomorrow night.
Estrada wants me there with him
to oversee the transfer.
He say why?
So I can learn the operation.
This is it.
Uh, you did it.
We are gonna bust that fucker
and every scumbag who works for him.
Where'd he say it's going down?
Jimenez will contact me
with the details tonight.
Let me know as soon as he does.
Couple of days,
this is all gonna be over.
Be able to get the kids out of here.
Start a new life.
Listen, Laura.
This last year,
with you and the boys
Please, Harry.
We can't let go by holding on.
[DEXTER] Swing! Swing!
Hey. Oh
Okay. It's okay.
All right,
j-just for a minute, all right?
All right, you have
to beat me there, okay?
Oh, I'm coming Oh! You win.
[OFFICER] Miami Metro Crime
Stoppers, how can I assist you?
[BOBBY] Yeah, so we've been
hitting up informants,
especially ones with cartel ties.
But so far, no sightings of Nicky.
What about Campos's guys?
Los Tigres.
[BOBBY] Word on the street is
they're out to make a name
for themselves in Miami.
Well, kidnapping
a Homicide captain's son
would certainly do that.
This is all we've been able
to gather on them so far.
Get more.
I want names of every member.
Addresses, phone numbers.
I want to know what they're
gonna do before they do it.
These motherfuckers could have my son
and we are running out of time.
- We'll keep pushing.
- Hey, you know we also set up
an anonymous Crime Stoppers tip line
that's being monitored
around the clock.
Someone out there knows something.
[DEXTER] Normally, the hunt
for Deb would have been low
on my to-do list.
But what Harry wanted, Harry got.
Not much to go on, but
Special delivery. Oops.
Sorry about that, Dex.
Damn aloe gets everywhere.
Gene's only job
is to bring the two
most essential things
every boat outing must have
- Sunscreen and life jackets?
Sunscreen and rum cocktails.
At least he remembered the mai tais.
You know, if you ever want
to borrow the boat, just ask.
Camilla, thank you
for bringing those up.
What is all this?
Your reward for impressing the boss.
Captain Spencer requested
that you review the blood
spatter on these cold cases.
Oh, wow, Dexter.
He must think a lot of you.
And I had thought a lot about him.
If I was so valued,
why did Spencer want me
working on every case
except the most important one
his own son's?
Okay, I'm gonna go home.
Quick shower, change
and then I'm gonna be back.
Okay. We'll call with any news.
What did Spencer want me to find?
Or not find?
I had to know where he was going.
A left heads toward Coral
Gables, where Spencer lives.
Maybe Harry was right,
maybe I was projecting my darkness
onto a grieving father.
Or maybe I wasn't.
"The Scroll" by Lord Nelson ♪
You have no defense ♪
Whether you're old,
if your blood's not cold ♪
You can do the Scroll ♪
The Scroll will help you unwind ♪
Your muscle, your daily strain ♪
And your razzle-dazzle ♪
Put your hand on
your partner's shoulder ♪
Warm up yourself
as you come together ♪
[MARCO] Refill?
Shit, yeah.
Fucking pinch me.
This cannot be real.
It's real.
Who are you?
One lucky guy.
Fire ♪
Fire ♪
Fire ♪
- You ready?
- Yep. Let's do it.
All right.
Are you sure this is Petrie's home?
Looks like someone got to him first.
[SIGHS] Shit.
What are you up to, Captain?
I had to know what was in that bag.
[SIGHS] Shit.
Hey. About time. What'd you find out?
"Find out"?
Yeah, about Deb. Uh, is she okay?
Oh, right, uh
I-I spoke with Sofia,
got Gio's address.
And? You brought her home, right?
Sofia said Deb
didn't want to be found.
So, what are you saying?
Y-You just stopped looking for her?
I saw Spencer do something weird,
and I followed him.
You are not a detective, Dexter,
you're fucking Forensics.
And you're talking about a guy
who has served on the force
for 30 years.
- But Dad
- You want to know what
Spencer and I have in common?
We both have kids that are missing,
one of them is your
sister for fuck's sake.
Find her. Now.
- Miami Metro?
- Hey. Sergeant Morgan.
I'm Detective Raymond. This is Bean.
Wow, was that a real deal
car phone you were just on?
Uh, yeah, that was a phone.
- And it works?
- Yeah.
So you could've called us at any point
- during your drive up here?
Unwad your panties, Detective.
We're just following a lead.
We didn't want to sound the alarm
until we knew we had something.
A little professional courtesy
would've been nice is all.
[MARIA] We just have a few questions.
Then we'll be out of your
- Right.
Uh, so, how'd Paul Petrie
end up on your radar?
He's a possible suspect in
a homicide case we're working.
And when'd the homicide occur?
Little over a week ago.
Ah. Then Petrie's
definitely not your guy.
Here, come see for yourself.
- Come on in.
Okay, so Petrie's family
called in a wellness check
when they couldn't
get in touch with him.
Discovered his body right there.
Three weeks ago.
And what's your theory
on the whole thing?
Uh, well, it started in here,
the victim tried to crawl
and, well, he didn't make it very far.
[MARIA] Cause of death?
- Wasn't hugs.
[RAYMOND] Blunt force trauma.
Someone took a fire poker,
beat the guy like a piñata
and kept going
after the candy came out.
I wish your son was here
so he could do his thing.
What have you learned
about the victim?
Petrie was a psychiatrist.
Specialized in adolescent
behavior disorders.
Worked at
Harbor Light Mental Hospital.
He also ran a private practice
here in his home office.
And this was Dr. Petrie's
desk calendar
with all of his appointments?
Yup. And as you can see,
the last few months' pages
were torn out.
[HARRY] Hmm.
The killer didn't want us
seeing Petrie's schedule.
So you're thinking
it's a, uh, former patient
- of Dr. Petrie's, hmm?
- Yeah.
Any suspects?
[CHUCKLES] Yeah. 300 of 'em.
[LAUGHS] We got patient files
going back 22 years
at the station, if you want
to take a look at 'em.
Day after day I'm more confused ♪
[LAURA] Ooh la la.
Would you look at that?
You got skills, baby.
Dex, what do you think
of Mommy's nails?
- Pretty.
You got a good eye, my love.
Okay, what color next?
- Green.
- [LAURA] Mm. Perfect.
Got a big night tonight.
Give me the works.
And drift away ♪
Beautiful, baby. You got it.
Oh, give me the beat, boys,
and free my soul ♪
I want to get lost
in your rock 'n' roll ♪
Oh, my God!
- [JUAN] Come here.
- Get off me!
- No, let them go! No!
- Mom!
- Mommy!
- [DEXTER] Mom!
- [DEXTER] Mommy!
Mommy! No!
- Primo.
¡Mis primos favoritos!
That's Andrea and that's Stefano.
Damn, G. Your yacht get
bigger since last time?
Bigger boat to distract
from your tiny dick, eh?
Uh, Gio's dick doesn't need
any distractions.
Trust me.
Una gringa chistosa. Me gusta.
Get in here, chica.
Okay, now, who's ready
to have a good time?
- Huh?
"Rico Suave" by Gerado ♪
Suave ♪
Rico ♪
- Suave ♪
So please don't judge
a book by its cover ♪
There's more to being
a Latin lover ♪
You got to know how to deal
with a woman that won't let go ♪
The price you pay
for being a gigolo ♪
I need water.
Hurry back.
Rico ♪
Suave ♪
- Water, please.
- You got it.
Suave ♪
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
What are you staring at?
Hey, you got prettier things
to look at right here.
I saw some people
going onto your boat,
I thought they might be
breaking in or something.
Don't worry about that.
I told you I was here for business.
- And what's with the big-ass crate?
- I said don't worry about it.
I've got something for you.
Fuck you.
Is that a good "fuck you"?
- Fuck yes.
Rico ♪
[DEB] I love it.
I love you. [LAUGHS]
You don't have to say it back
or anything.
It's totally cool
if you're not there yet.
Rico ♪
Suave ♪
I don't want any encyclopedias.
Uh, no, uh, I'm Deb's brother.
Who the fuck is Deb?
Gio's girlfriend?
[CHUCKLES] Of course she is.
- Are they here?
- Gio knows better than to bring
his "New Bitch on the Cock"
around when I'm in town.
And who are you?
Ariana. Gio's fiancée.
Oh. Congratulations.
I know.
[DEXTER] You know where they are?
[ARIANA] Told me
he was going to our condo
at the Bimini Royale.
Some business trip.
But if he brought your sister,
it's probably also a fuck trip.
Uh, and sorry, I guess.
Don't be.
Told him I was visiting
my sister in New York.
I'm an only child.
We done here?
Actually, can I use your phone?
Yeah, whatever. Knock yourself out.
Thanks. It'll be quick.
Gio pays the bills,
so call China for all I care.
Hey, Camilla.
Is that offer still good?
"Arroz Con Pollo" ♪
[DEXTER] Harry taught
me there's a clear difference
between good and evil.
People who deserve to die,
and people who don't.
But I knew I wasn't the only
one living with secrets.
And I was learning something
Harry didn't want to admit:
there's Darkness in everyone.
Cha cha cha ♪
Dr. Petrie's patient files.
Let your fingers do the walking.
It'll take weeks for us
to get through all this.
Why don't we write down
the names, we'll check them
against our records in Miami,
maybe there'll be some overlap.
Tell you what,
you find any connections,
we're happy to fax you
the details. Yeah?
Coffee's down the hall.
It's shitty. You're welcome.
Good luck.
Even just copying down all
the names is gonna take hours.
[HARRY] Melodia
[HARRY] B. Moser?
You know, uh, cup of that
coffee does sound kind of good.
The shitty one?
Okay. I'll get it for us.
But, uh, you're buying dinner.
Got it.
[MUTTERS] Disorderly conduct.
"Mother's affair."
That stuff will put hair
on your chest.
Or, well, in your case
Think carefully before
you finish that sentence.
"Attending nurse: Raul Martinez."
Holy shit.
What did I miss?
[COUGHS] Whole lot of nothing.
Hey, thanks.
Well, maybe Jimenez just
hasn't contacted her yet.
Laura always picks up her phone.
I've called her five times.
- You can stay here if you want.
[HARRY] Shit.
I'll go this way.
Dexter? Brian?
Laura! Laura?
[BOBBY] House is empty.
[HARRY] They've been taken.
[LAURA] It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Yeah, Mommy's here with you, okay?
Everything's gonna be okay. [SOBS]
Diamonds look good on me.
Really brings out my wrist. [LAUGHS]
Shit. [SNIFFS]
Gabe, I got to use
the back room to make a call.
I'll just be a few minutes.
If my boyfriend comes back,
can you tell him
that I went to grab my jacket?
[GIO] You don't want to do that.
Fuck. You scared me. [LAUGHS]
I told you to forget what you saw.
[SCOFFS] Yeah, but
I brought you here because
I thought you'd be a good girl
and stay out of the way.
I was just curious.
And I was wrong.
Gio, come on. Why are you making
this into such a big deal?
Get off my boat.
- What?
- Now.
That's fucking crazy.
How am I supposed to get home?
Not my problem.
Don't fucking touch me! Asshole.
[DEB] Fuck!
Fuck your fucking yacht, Gio!
Fuck you and your
stupid fucking yacht!
Dex?! [GASPS]
You would not believe the day
that I've had.
Turns out Gio's
a lying son of a bitch.
He came out here on some
slimy business deal,
and when I called him on it,
he kicked me off the boat.
Wait, how did you find me?
I went to Gio's apartment and
his fiancée told me.
[SCOFFS] Fiancée?
Of-fucking-course, that piece of shit!
Are you okay?
[SIGHS] Just take me home.
[DEB] I'm so fucking stupid!
It's like he was some other
person and I didn't even know.
I'm such a loser.
Fuck liars!
Shit! I could've pawned that. [SIGHS]
Too late to get it back?
Once it's in the ocean,
it's gone forever.
I've lost everything, Dex.
My boyfriend, my best friend, my team,
my scholarship, my future.
I have nothing.
You have Dad.
And me.
[SIGHS] Dad's so
emotionally constipated,
he hasn't given a shit in years.
The whole reason we're sitting here
is 'cause he's worried about you.
Yeah, so worried,
he couldn't come himself?
You know him and work.
I know that even when he's trying,
he still doesn't get it.
When he's talking to me,
it's like he's talking to
The version of you he wants you to be?
[SIGHS] He's like that with me, too.
I thought Dad was the one
that really got you.
Like Mom got me.
Well, for what it's worth?
I get you.
Oh, great.
My freak brother is the only one
who understands me. [CHUCKLES]
- Let me show you how it's done.
Hey, you want to rent
a Blockbuster? Order a pizza?
Only thing better than a pizza?
Two pizzas.
[LAUGHS] Deal. Hey, I might have
some of those brownies left.
[SIGHS] It's work. I got to
Go. Yeah, I know.
[TANYA] We received an anonymous tip
over the Crime Stoppers hotline.
Nicky Spencer was spotted
at a known cartel stash house.
[VINCE] Welcome to your first
SWAT raid, brother.
Why is Forensics coming?
Because they want us
to process anything
and everything we find immediately.
Clock is ticking.
You can't tell me to stay back,
Carl. It's my fucking son!
Let's go!
If Nicky was at a cartel house,
then Spencer was innocent.
Harry was right.
I was projecting my own darkness.
[VINCE] Think fast, Dex!
So you don't get fucking shot.
The cartel has a gnome.
[DEXTER] I wasn't projecting darkness.
I was witnessing it.
Back team ready.
[QUIETLY] Front team ready.
Breach in three, two, one. Ram.
- Get your hands up!
- Move, move, move!
- Miami Metro PD!
- Bring him in.
- Put him in the corner!
- What the fuck, man?
- Go! Put your fucking hands up!
- Shit!
Clear the back rooms! Let's go!
- Get your fucking hands up.
- Hey! Hey!
- Oh, fuck!
- Where's my son?!
- Where is he?!
Goddamn you, stupid pig!
- Hey, hey.
- Fuck.
House is clear.
- Any sign of Nicky?
- Negative.
What about you? Where's my son?
Fuck you, pig. I don't know what
the fuck you're talking about.
- Keep your fucking hands up.
- [WOMAN] Déjelo quieto.
[BATISTA] Cállate. Cállate.
- What the fuck is this?
- Cállesela.
La fucking jeta.
I got something.
It's Nicky's.
- Where is he?
- Fuck you!
- You heard what he said!
- Hey! You! Where is he?!
Don't give me that fucking attitude!
- Aaron.
- Give me my fucking son!
Where is he?! Where's my goddamn son?
- I'll fucking touch you!
- Aaron, stop.
- Tell me where my fucking son
- is, motherfucker.
- Aaron, stop. Aaron!
I'll blow your fucking head off!
Down! Down!
- Back, back!
Officer down! Officer down!
Go in! Go in!
On your right! On your right!
All the way.
- Oh, shit.
[BATISTA] Keep pressure.
Just keep pressure.
Call an ambulance! Help!
There's no fucking time.
Bring in a SWAT van!
- Hang in there, primo.
- Give me a shield! Come on!
[OFFICER] Hurry up!
- Go.
Let's go!
We got you, Bobby.
You're good, bro. You're good.
I need your weapon, Aaron.
I'm sorry.
I have to take it.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Who the hell is Brian Moser?
with, uh, mojo sauce on the side.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
You good?
- Yup.
Detective Morgan.
What? Is he okay?
- We'll be right there.
- What is it?
- It's Bobby. He's been shot.
- Oh, shit. Is he?
- It's bad.
[DEXTER] Spencer planned all of this.
And I could have prevented it.
If I hadn't taken my eye off Spencer,
Bobby wouldn't have gotten shot.
He's not here, sir.
We swept the whole house.
No. No. My son has to be here!
We've swept every room.
Sweep it again! We've got
to find my fucking son!
Hey! Hey!
- Goddamn it!
- Hey!
I need to find my son!
[DEXTER] Everyone has darkness
they think they can keep hidden.
But not from me.
- [CRYING] No. No.
- Aaron. Aaron.
- It's okay.
- No.
We'll find him.
[DEXTER] I could see it in others.
Their darkness.
Ever since I was little.
And I was always looking for it.
It's okay. It's okay. Come here.
I'm disappointed in you.
Why am I here?
- What do you want from me?
No games.
You'll only upset me more.
I know you've been talking
to the police.
You, Sergeant Morgan, the kids?
One big, happy family.
No, please.
Spare my boys.
[SHUDDERING] It's not their fault.
- [ESTRADA] No, it's not.
But the sins of the mother.
¡Lo siento!
Don't look, boys.
¡Por favor, lo siento!
No. Por favor.
[LAURA] Please don't. Please.
- Don't look.
[LAURA] Close your eyes, Dexter.
Previously on Dexter: Original Sin
Regarding the murder of Jimmy Powell
and the kidnapping of Nicky Spencer,
we're pursuing every avenue to
find the Los Tigres safe house.
You get demoted, and as punishment
you're assigned to me?
What if this victim
and the last two we found,
the one in Overtown and
the sex worker in Coconut Grove,
what if they're all connected?
There's no consistent M.O.
The killer's still
learning what he enjoys.
- A serial killer?
- The killer's methods
are escalating.
He's-he's experimenting,
he's becoming more violent.
The Pontiac is registered
to a Paul Petrie
in Tampa. Road trip mañana?
I can't believe you're taking
his side over mine.
He's my brother.
Got kicked off the team
and suspended from school.
What about the scholarship?
It's a fucking miracle
I have made it this far.
[HARRY] You just have to trust me.
There's a large shipment
going out next Tuesday.
I'd like you to be at the shipyard
to learn more about the operation.
[NICKY] You're gonna have
to come in here
and make me eat them, motherfucker!
No, let me go!
Hmm. These are really popular.
My kid loves 'em.
[SHUSHING] It's gonna be okay.
Hey, where's your sister?
Oh. Um, I don't know. In her room?
No, she didn't come home last night.
Maybe she crashed at Sofia's.
She said she was going to Gio's.
You know where he lives?
I think he mentioned he's
got a place by the beach.
This kid has his own place?
How old is he?
- I don't know, like 25?
- Son of a bitch!
[SIGHS] I assumed that
he was in high school.
Oh, Deb.
You went on the double date with them,
what-what'd you think?
- I liked him.
- Yeah?
He seemed protective of Deb.
We had fun hot-wiring a car.
You stole a car?
It was just a prank
on one of Deb's friends.
You taught me how to do it.
[SIGHS] All right, well, we'll
discuss your joyride later.
LaGuerta and I are heading to Tampa
to chase down a lead on
the N.H.I. serial killer case.
My serial killer?
The one I told you about?
Please find Deb, all right?
- Before you leave
- Dex! I'm running late.
I know this is gonna
sound crazy, but
I think Captain Spencer
killed Jimmy Powell
and kidnapped Nicky.
You're right.
That is crazy.
But You know how
I found that spot of blood
on the outside of the box that
contained Nicky's finger?
Well, Spencer got all up in my
business when he heard about it.
And I walked in on him in my lab
reading the blood report.
And he's got a fresh cut on his arm.
You know, I-I cut myself
shaving this morning.
You gonna accuse me of murder, too?
- Dad
- Listen to me!
You don't know what it's like
to be a father and lose a child.
I have known Spencer since
before you were born.
Christ, I just went to Nicky's
confirmation last year!
He's hiding something.
I-I-I feel it in my bones.
This has nothing to do with Spencer.
This is all about you.
You-You're like a hammer.
Everything you see is a fucking nail!
I know you have a
darkness inside of you.
I just didn't know that
you were gonna project it
on everyone around you.
Just focus on finding
your sister, okay?
"In Your Room" by The Bangles ♪
This rom-com shit is cute and all,
but I need some fucking coffee.
A la orden.
I love it in your room at night ♪
You're the only one
who gets through to me ♪
In the warm glow
of the candlelight ♪
Oh, I wonder what
you're gonna do to me ♪
In your room ♪
I come alive when I'm with you ♪
I'll do anything you want me to ♪
In your room ♪
In your room ♪
I feel good in your room ♪
Let's lock the world out ♪
Un cortadito para la dama.
Shit, I could get used to this.
Nobody ever made me
crazy like this ♪
My shirt looks good on you.
You look good on me.
- So, what are you up to today?
I have to take the boat to Bimini.
Little business trip. Pick
something up for my dad. You?
Um I was suspended
from school, so
Want me to drive you home?
I can drop you on
the way to the marina.
Mm, fuck no. [SCOFFS]
The last place I want to be
is with my family right now.
Maybe I could hang out here today?
Or you could come with me.
To Bimini?
You down?
Uh Fuck yes. [LAUGHS]
I don't have a swimsuit.
Or-or a passport.
You don't need anything
when you're with me.
Sofia! Hey.
Quick, put your arm around me.
[SIGHS] Well, this is awkward.
Dexter, this is
my new boyfriend, Chad.
Chad, this is my ex.
This the dude who beat up
Tiffany's brother?
- [SOFIA] Mm-hmm.
- [CHAD] Hey, man.
I don't want any problems.
Oh, grow a pair, Chad.
Nice to meet you, Chad.
Babe, I'll see you at the lockers?
The mating rituals of high schoolers
out in the wild always mystified me.
[SIGHS] Go. What do you want?
Uh, you know where Deb is?
Why would I? We're not speaking.
Like, today?
Like, at all.
Not since she totally betrayed me
by taking your side in the breakup.
[SIGHS] She didn't even
tell you. That's typical.
Look, she went to Gio's
last night and never came home.
My dad's freaking out.
You know Gio's phone number,
address, anything?
I think his last name is "Martino"?
Like the Dolphins quarterback
but with a "T"?
Cool. Okay.
Wherever Deb is,
she doesn't want to be found.
She pushed everyone away.
Even me.
Well, thanks.
I'm driving.
Here I thought you were one of those
married-to-the-job types.
It's not serious.
All work and no play?
His name is Miguel Prado.
He's still in law school.
Well, he's not gonna be
a student forever.
Yeah, well, he's delusional.
Thinks he's gonna be DA someday.
[HARRY] Why would Petrie drive
from Tampa to Miami
- to commit three murders?
- Hmm.
Murder vacation?
This doesn't make sense.
- Long night?
- Hmm.
Aren't they all?
Mm. We don't have to talk about it.
It's just things have been rough
with my daughter, Deb, lately.
She's, uh, 17, she's acting out.
Isn't that what they do?
Ah, I'm her dad.
And I want to fix everything,
I just have no idea how to help her.
I thought daughters usually
give their mothers hell
- at that age.
Yeah. Her mom passed away a year ago.
I didn't know.
I do know what it's like
to grow up without a mother.
I immigrated to the U.S. as a kid.
[CHUCKLES] I can't believe
they put up with me.
Well, you couldn't have been that bad.
Ran away with
a tattooed guy on a motorcycle.
- Wow
Made it all the way to Boston
before they tracked me down.
Still, no matter
how far away I strayed,
I always found my way back home.
Deb will, too.
There's a big shipment of cocaine
heading to New York tomorrow night.
Estrada wants me there with him
to oversee the transfer.
He say why?
So I can learn the operation.
This is it.
Uh, you did it.
We are gonna bust that fucker
and every scumbag who works for him.
Where'd he say it's going down?
Jimenez will contact me
with the details tonight.
Let me know as soon as he does.
Couple of days,
this is all gonna be over.
Be able to get the kids out of here.
Start a new life.
Listen, Laura.
This last year,
with you and the boys
Please, Harry.
We can't let go by holding on.
[DEXTER] Swing! Swing!
Hey. Oh
Okay. It's okay.
All right,
j-just for a minute, all right?
All right, you have
to beat me there, okay?
Oh, I'm coming Oh! You win.
[OFFICER] Miami Metro Crime
Stoppers, how can I assist you?
[BOBBY] Yeah, so we've been
hitting up informants,
especially ones with cartel ties.
But so far, no sightings of Nicky.
What about Campos's guys?
Los Tigres.
[BOBBY] Word on the street is
they're out to make a name
for themselves in Miami.
Well, kidnapping
a Homicide captain's son
would certainly do that.
This is all we've been able
to gather on them so far.
Get more.
I want names of every member.
Addresses, phone numbers.
I want to know what they're
gonna do before they do it.
These motherfuckers could have my son
and we are running out of time.
- We'll keep pushing.
- Hey, you know we also set up
an anonymous Crime Stoppers tip line
that's being monitored
around the clock.
Someone out there knows something.
[DEXTER] Normally, the hunt
for Deb would have been low
on my to-do list.
But what Harry wanted, Harry got.
Not much to go on, but
Special delivery. Oops.
Sorry about that, Dex.
Damn aloe gets everywhere.
Gene's only job
is to bring the two
most essential things
every boat outing must have
- Sunscreen and life jackets?
Sunscreen and rum cocktails.
At least he remembered the mai tais.
You know, if you ever want
to borrow the boat, just ask.
Camilla, thank you
for bringing those up.
What is all this?
Your reward for impressing the boss.
Captain Spencer requested
that you review the blood
spatter on these cold cases.
Oh, wow, Dexter.
He must think a lot of you.
And I had thought a lot about him.
If I was so valued,
why did Spencer want me
working on every case
except the most important one
his own son's?
Okay, I'm gonna go home.
Quick shower, change
and then I'm gonna be back.
Okay. We'll call with any news.
What did Spencer want me to find?
Or not find?
I had to know where he was going.
A left heads toward Coral
Gables, where Spencer lives.
Maybe Harry was right,
maybe I was projecting my darkness
onto a grieving father.
Or maybe I wasn't.
"The Scroll" by Lord Nelson ♪
You have no defense ♪
Whether you're old,
if your blood's not cold ♪
You can do the Scroll ♪
The Scroll will help you unwind ♪
Your muscle, your daily strain ♪
And your razzle-dazzle ♪
Put your hand on
your partner's shoulder ♪
Warm up yourself
as you come together ♪
[MARCO] Refill?
Shit, yeah.
Fucking pinch me.
This cannot be real.
It's real.
Who are you?
One lucky guy.
Fire ♪
Fire ♪
Fire ♪
- You ready?
- Yep. Let's do it.
All right.
Are you sure this is Petrie's home?
Looks like someone got to him first.
[SIGHS] Shit.
What are you up to, Captain?
I had to know what was in that bag.
[SIGHS] Shit.
Hey. About time. What'd you find out?
"Find out"?
Yeah, about Deb. Uh, is she okay?
Oh, right, uh
I-I spoke with Sofia,
got Gio's address.
And? You brought her home, right?
Sofia said Deb
didn't want to be found.
So, what are you saying?
Y-You just stopped looking for her?
I saw Spencer do something weird,
and I followed him.
You are not a detective, Dexter,
you're fucking Forensics.
And you're talking about a guy
who has served on the force
for 30 years.
- But Dad
- You want to know what
Spencer and I have in common?
We both have kids that are missing,
one of them is your
sister for fuck's sake.
Find her. Now.
- Miami Metro?
- Hey. Sergeant Morgan.
I'm Detective Raymond. This is Bean.
Wow, was that a real deal
car phone you were just on?
Uh, yeah, that was a phone.
- And it works?
- Yeah.
So you could've called us at any point
- during your drive up here?
Unwad your panties, Detective.
We're just following a lead.
We didn't want to sound the alarm
until we knew we had something.
A little professional courtesy
would've been nice is all.
[MARIA] We just have a few questions.
Then we'll be out of your
- Right.
Uh, so, how'd Paul Petrie
end up on your radar?
He's a possible suspect in
a homicide case we're working.
And when'd the homicide occur?
Little over a week ago.
Ah. Then Petrie's
definitely not your guy.
Here, come see for yourself.
- Come on in.
Okay, so Petrie's family
called in a wellness check
when they couldn't
get in touch with him.
Discovered his body right there.
Three weeks ago.
And what's your theory
on the whole thing?
Uh, well, it started in here,
the victim tried to crawl
and, well, he didn't make it very far.
[MARIA] Cause of death?
- Wasn't hugs.
[RAYMOND] Blunt force trauma.
Someone took a fire poker,
beat the guy like a piñata
and kept going
after the candy came out.
I wish your son was here
so he could do his thing.
What have you learned
about the victim?
Petrie was a psychiatrist.
Specialized in adolescent
behavior disorders.
Worked at
Harbor Light Mental Hospital.
He also ran a private practice
here in his home office.
And this was Dr. Petrie's
desk calendar
with all of his appointments?
Yup. And as you can see,
the last few months' pages
were torn out.
[HARRY] Hmm.
The killer didn't want us
seeing Petrie's schedule.
So you're thinking
it's a, uh, former patient
- of Dr. Petrie's, hmm?
- Yeah.
Any suspects?
[CHUCKLES] Yeah. 300 of 'em.
[LAUGHS] We got patient files
going back 22 years
at the station, if you want
to take a look at 'em.
Day after day I'm more confused ♪
[LAURA] Ooh la la.
Would you look at that?
You got skills, baby.
Dex, what do you think
of Mommy's nails?
- Pretty.
You got a good eye, my love.
Okay, what color next?
- Green.
- [LAURA] Mm. Perfect.
Got a big night tonight.
Give me the works.
And drift away ♪
Beautiful, baby. You got it.
Oh, give me the beat, boys,
and free my soul ♪
I want to get lost
in your rock 'n' roll ♪
Oh, my God!
- [JUAN] Come here.
- Get off me!
- No, let them go! No!
- Mom!
- Mommy!
- [DEXTER] Mom!
- [DEXTER] Mommy!
Mommy! No!
- Primo.
¡Mis primos favoritos!
That's Andrea and that's Stefano.
Damn, G. Your yacht get
bigger since last time?
Bigger boat to distract
from your tiny dick, eh?
Uh, Gio's dick doesn't need
any distractions.
Trust me.
Una gringa chistosa. Me gusta.
Get in here, chica.
Okay, now, who's ready
to have a good time?
- Huh?
"Rico Suave" by Gerado ♪
Suave ♪
Rico ♪
- Suave ♪
So please don't judge
a book by its cover ♪
There's more to being
a Latin lover ♪
You got to know how to deal
with a woman that won't let go ♪
The price you pay
for being a gigolo ♪
I need water.
Hurry back.
Rico ♪
Suave ♪
- Water, please.
- You got it.
Suave ♪
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
What are you staring at?
Hey, you got prettier things
to look at right here.
I saw some people
going onto your boat,
I thought they might be
breaking in or something.
Don't worry about that.
I told you I was here for business.
- And what's with the big-ass crate?
- I said don't worry about it.
I've got something for you.
Fuck you.
Is that a good "fuck you"?
- Fuck yes.
Rico ♪
[DEB] I love it.
I love you. [LAUGHS]
You don't have to say it back
or anything.
It's totally cool
if you're not there yet.
Rico ♪
Suave ♪
I don't want any encyclopedias.
Uh, no, uh, I'm Deb's brother.
Who the fuck is Deb?
Gio's girlfriend?
[CHUCKLES] Of course she is.
- Are they here?
- Gio knows better than to bring
his "New Bitch on the Cock"
around when I'm in town.
And who are you?
Ariana. Gio's fiancée.
Oh. Congratulations.
I know.
[DEXTER] You know where they are?
[ARIANA] Told me
he was going to our condo
at the Bimini Royale.
Some business trip.
But if he brought your sister,
it's probably also a fuck trip.
Uh, and sorry, I guess.
Don't be.
Told him I was visiting
my sister in New York.
I'm an only child.
We done here?
Actually, can I use your phone?
Yeah, whatever. Knock yourself out.
Thanks. It'll be quick.
Gio pays the bills,
so call China for all I care.
Hey, Camilla.
Is that offer still good?
"Arroz Con Pollo" ♪
[DEXTER] Harry taught
me there's a clear difference
between good and evil.
People who deserve to die,
and people who don't.
But I knew I wasn't the only
one living with secrets.
And I was learning something
Harry didn't want to admit:
there's Darkness in everyone.
Cha cha cha ♪
Dr. Petrie's patient files.
Let your fingers do the walking.
It'll take weeks for us
to get through all this.
Why don't we write down
the names, we'll check them
against our records in Miami,
maybe there'll be some overlap.
Tell you what,
you find any connections,
we're happy to fax you
the details. Yeah?
Coffee's down the hall.
It's shitty. You're welcome.
Good luck.
Even just copying down all
the names is gonna take hours.
[HARRY] Melodia
[HARRY] B. Moser?
You know, uh, cup of that
coffee does sound kind of good.
The shitty one?
Okay. I'll get it for us.
But, uh, you're buying dinner.
Got it.
[MUTTERS] Disorderly conduct.
"Mother's affair."
That stuff will put hair
on your chest.
Or, well, in your case
Think carefully before
you finish that sentence.
"Attending nurse: Raul Martinez."
Holy shit.
What did I miss?
[COUGHS] Whole lot of nothing.
Hey, thanks.
Well, maybe Jimenez just
hasn't contacted her yet.
Laura always picks up her phone.
I've called her five times.
- You can stay here if you want.
[HARRY] Shit.
I'll go this way.
Dexter? Brian?
Laura! Laura?
[BOBBY] House is empty.
[HARRY] They've been taken.
[LAURA] It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Yeah, Mommy's here with you, okay?
Everything's gonna be okay. [SOBS]
Diamonds look good on me.
Really brings out my wrist. [LAUGHS]
Shit. [SNIFFS]
Gabe, I got to use
the back room to make a call.
I'll just be a few minutes.
If my boyfriend comes back,
can you tell him
that I went to grab my jacket?
[GIO] You don't want to do that.
Fuck. You scared me. [LAUGHS]
I told you to forget what you saw.
[SCOFFS] Yeah, but
I brought you here because
I thought you'd be a good girl
and stay out of the way.
I was just curious.
And I was wrong.
Gio, come on. Why are you making
this into such a big deal?
Get off my boat.
- What?
- Now.
That's fucking crazy.
How am I supposed to get home?
Not my problem.
Don't fucking touch me! Asshole.
[DEB] Fuck!
Fuck your fucking yacht, Gio!
Fuck you and your
stupid fucking yacht!
Dex?! [GASPS]
You would not believe the day
that I've had.
Turns out Gio's
a lying son of a bitch.
He came out here on some
slimy business deal,
and when I called him on it,
he kicked me off the boat.
Wait, how did you find me?
I went to Gio's apartment and
his fiancée told me.
[SCOFFS] Fiancée?
Of-fucking-course, that piece of shit!
Are you okay?
[SIGHS] Just take me home.
[DEB] I'm so fucking stupid!
It's like he was some other
person and I didn't even know.
I'm such a loser.
Fuck liars!
Shit! I could've pawned that. [SIGHS]
Too late to get it back?
Once it's in the ocean,
it's gone forever.
I've lost everything, Dex.
My boyfriend, my best friend, my team,
my scholarship, my future.
I have nothing.
You have Dad.
And me.
[SIGHS] Dad's so
emotionally constipated,
he hasn't given a shit in years.
The whole reason we're sitting here
is 'cause he's worried about you.
Yeah, so worried,
he couldn't come himself?
You know him and work.
I know that even when he's trying,
he still doesn't get it.
When he's talking to me,
it's like he's talking to
The version of you he wants you to be?
[SIGHS] He's like that with me, too.
I thought Dad was the one
that really got you.
Like Mom got me.
Well, for what it's worth?
I get you.
Oh, great.
My freak brother is the only one
who understands me. [CHUCKLES]
- Let me show you how it's done.
Hey, you want to rent
a Blockbuster? Order a pizza?
Only thing better than a pizza?
Two pizzas.
[LAUGHS] Deal. Hey, I might have
some of those brownies left.
[SIGHS] It's work. I got to
Go. Yeah, I know.
[TANYA] We received an anonymous tip
over the Crime Stoppers hotline.
Nicky Spencer was spotted
at a known cartel stash house.
[VINCE] Welcome to your first
SWAT raid, brother.
Why is Forensics coming?
Because they want us
to process anything
and everything we find immediately.
Clock is ticking.
You can't tell me to stay back,
Carl. It's my fucking son!
Let's go!
If Nicky was at a cartel house,
then Spencer was innocent.
Harry was right.
I was projecting my own darkness.
[VINCE] Think fast, Dex!
So you don't get fucking shot.
The cartel has a gnome.
[DEXTER] I wasn't projecting darkness.
I was witnessing it.
Back team ready.
[QUIETLY] Front team ready.
Breach in three, two, one. Ram.
- Get your hands up!
- Move, move, move!
- Miami Metro PD!
- Bring him in.
- Put him in the corner!
- What the fuck, man?
- Go! Put your fucking hands up!
- Shit!
Clear the back rooms! Let's go!
- Get your fucking hands up.
- Hey! Hey!
- Oh, fuck!
- Where's my son?!
- Where is he?!
Goddamn you, stupid pig!
- Hey, hey.
- Fuck.
House is clear.
- Any sign of Nicky?
- Negative.
What about you? Where's my son?
Fuck you, pig. I don't know what
the fuck you're talking about.
- Keep your fucking hands up.
- [WOMAN] Déjelo quieto.
[BATISTA] Cállate. Cállate.
- What the fuck is this?
- Cállesela.
La fucking jeta.
I got something.
It's Nicky's.
- Where is he?
- Fuck you!
- You heard what he said!
- Hey! You! Where is he?!
Don't give me that fucking attitude!
- Aaron.
- Give me my fucking son!
Where is he?! Where's my goddamn son?
- I'll fucking touch you!
- Aaron, stop.
- Tell me where my fucking son
- is, motherfucker.
- Aaron, stop. Aaron!
I'll blow your fucking head off!
Down! Down!
- Back, back!
Officer down! Officer down!
Go in! Go in!
On your right! On your right!
All the way.
- Oh, shit.
[BATISTA] Keep pressure.
Just keep pressure.
Call an ambulance! Help!
There's no fucking time.
Bring in a SWAT van!
- Hang in there, primo.
- Give me a shield! Come on!
[OFFICER] Hurry up!
- Go.
Let's go!
We got you, Bobby.
You're good, bro. You're good.
I need your weapon, Aaron.
I'm sorry.
I have to take it.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Who the hell is Brian Moser?
with, uh, mojo sauce on the side.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
You good?
- Yup.
Detective Morgan.
What? Is he okay?
- We'll be right there.
- What is it?
- It's Bobby. He's been shot.
- Oh, shit. Is he?
- It's bad.
[DEXTER] Spencer planned all of this.
And I could have prevented it.
If I hadn't taken my eye off Spencer,
Bobby wouldn't have gotten shot.
He's not here, sir.
We swept the whole house.
No. No. My son has to be here!
We've swept every room.
Sweep it again! We've got
to find my fucking son!
Hey! Hey!
- Goddamn it!
- Hey!
I need to find my son!
[DEXTER] Everyone has darkness
they think they can keep hidden.
But not from me.
- [CRYING] No. No.
- Aaron. Aaron.
- It's okay.
- No.
We'll find him.
[DEXTER] I could see it in others.
Their darkness.
Ever since I was little.
And I was always looking for it.
It's okay. It's okay. Come here.
I'm disappointed in you.
Why am I here?
- What do you want from me?
No games.
You'll only upset me more.
I know you've been talking
to the police.
You, Sergeant Morgan, the kids?
One big, happy family.
No, please.
Spare my boys.
[SHUDDERING] It's not their fault.
- [ESTRADA] No, it's not.
But the sins of the mother.
¡Lo siento!
Don't look, boys.
¡Por favor, lo siento!
No. Por favor.
[LAURA] Please don't. Please.
- Don't look.
[LAURA] Close your eyes, Dexter.