Downton Abbey s02e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Should we give them some more space between the beds? Well, we could give them Not much.
I'm determined to defend the library as a recreation room.
Where are we to sit? We can screen off the small library.
- Is that all? - I suppose Or we could leave you the boudoir.
I wanted to put the intermediaries in there, but we don't have to.
How kind.
Why will we only have officers? Surely all wounded men need to convalesce.
The hospital is for officers and the whole idea is to have a complementary convalescent home.
Of course.
But I don't know if we can make that an absolute rule.
If the world were logical, I would rather agree with you.
Which comes as no surprise.
You would not, I imagine.
You imagine right.
What these men will need is rest and relaxation.
Will that be achieved by mixing ranks and putting everyone on edge? - Granny.
- Mmm Different ranks can relax together.
It has been known.
Well, don't look at me.
I'm very good at mixing.
We always danced the first waltz at the Servants' Ball, didn't we, Carson? It was an honour, milady.
It's a lot to ask when people aren't at their best.
I'm searching for Lady Mary, Carson.
Will you tell her I'm in the library? Don't loiter, Edith.
There's plenty to be done.
- Of course, but I'm not quite sure what - Sybil, I wanted to have a quick word I'm going down to the village this afternoon if anyone wants anything.
Some stamps would be kind, I'll get you the money.
I'd like to thank you all for your work this morning.
It's so strange to see the rooms converted into dormitories.
But good.
It was wrong for our life to chug along as if the war were only happening to other people.
How will it be, though? Are we all working for Mrs Crawley now? We are not! I'm sure the chain of command will be sorted out soon.
Or there'll be blood on the stairs.
Thank you, Miss O'Brien But what do you think it meant? Really, Granny, Lavinia Swire knows Richard Carlisle.
So what? One knows lots of people in London.
I don't know many people who'd threaten me behind the laurels.
Aunt Rosamund said herself she didn't know what to make of it.
I still think it's a peculiar way for a gentleman to speak to a lady.
At least you think him a gentleman.
The point is, do you think he's a gentleman? I'm not sure it matters much to me.
Well, I'm going up to London to stay with Rosamund for a day or two.
I think we'll have Lavinia for tea.
You sound as if you're going to gobble her up.
If only we could.
But where are they going to eat? I understand from Mrs Crawley that they'll share the dining room with the officers who are almost well.
So am I running a canteen now? William says he's got time off between the end of his training and going overseas.
He'll be with his father, surely? He's going home first, but he wants to come here for his last night.
You wouldn't mind that, would you, Mr Carson? Certainly not.
I'd be glad to wish him well on his way.
Oh, for you, Mr Branson.
Why do you think he's coming here? To see us all and say goodbye.
What's wrong with that? But suppose it's something more.
Suppose he's got plans.
Well, you have to deal with that when it happens.
And mind you deal fair.
Now go and grate that suet before I grow old and die.
Who will be in charge? Cousin Isobel thinks it'll be her.
All I know is that she'll drive us mad before the end- - I'm going up to change.
- I just want to finish this.
- Aren't you going to the hospital? Not yet.
I'm on a night shift.
I'll walk down after dinner.
- And please don't start lecturing me.
- I won't.
The truth is I envy you.
Do you ever miss helping out on the Drakes' farm? That's a funny question.
- Why? - NO reason.
It's just you seemed to have such a purpose there.
It suited you.
It did suit me.
I enjoyed it, but now I feel like a spare part.
Trust me.
You have a talent that none of the rest of us have.
Just find out what it is and use it.
It's doing nothing that's the enemy.
The truth is, milady, Mrs Crawley has forgotten this is your house.
And we need a friend in charge of the day-to-day management.
Because if Mrs Crawley gets one of her toadies in to run things, she'll have her nose in every pie before you can say Jack Robinson.
But who? What about Thomas, milady? He's hospital trained and he's always had a soft spot for Downton.
Thomas, the footman? Managing Downton Abbey? But he's not a footman, now, is he? He's a Corporal, with real battle experience as a medic.
Could Doctor Clarkson spare him? Well, I suppose he'll have to spare somebody- Are you all right? You seem a bit preoccupied.
I had a No, never mind.
What? It was this afternoon, in the village.
I thought I saw Mr Bates.
Bates? isn't he in London? I might have been wrong.
I walked over to where he was standing and there was no sign of him.
Do you know his address in London? As long as he's still there.
Why? I'll telephone Sir Richard and ask him to look into it.
But what would he know? He works in newspapers, a world of spies, tip-offs and private investigators.
I promise you, he can find out whatever he likes.
All right, then.
If you think he can help.
I'll ring him tonight.
Not bad.
Try to fit in a bit of practice.
We've plenty of time to get it right before there's anyone to see me who matters.
I only know Sir Richard because he is Or was, a friend of my father's and of my uncle, Jonathan Swire.
- The Liberal minister? That's it.
- But I'm afraid they've fallen out.
- Oh.
This room is so pretty.
Has the house always been the Painswicks' London home? There's no "always" about the Painswicks, my dear.
They were invented from scratch by my son-in-law's grandfather.
We bought the house when we were married.
You make Mr Painswick sound rather a rough diamond, Lady Grantham.
Marmaduke wasn't a rough diamond, was he, Mama? No.
He was just out and polished comparatively recently.
Carson's told Papa you've been called up.
There's no need to look so serious.
You'd think me rather heartless if I didn't.
I'm not going to fight.
- You'll have to.
- I will not.
I'm going to be a "conscientious objector".
They'll put you in prison.
I'd rather prison than the Dardanelles.
- When will you tell them? - In my own good time.
I don't understand.
I'll go to the medical, I'll report for duty and when on parade, I'll march out front and I'll shout it loud and clear.
And if that doesn't make the newspapers, then I'm a monkey's uncle.
But you'll have a record for the rest of your life.
At least I'll have a life.
I know the popular fantasy is that you can feed six strong men from a single seed cake, but you and I know better.
Have we got the flour for any more? Go and check now.
Cheer up.
It's not as bad as that.
What's the matter, Mr Lang? Tell me.
I won't bite.
I sometimes feel I'm the only one who knows what's going on over there.
You all wander around ironing clothes and cleaning boots and choosing what's for dinner, while, over the Channel, men are killed and maimed and blown to pieces.
We know more than you think.
The war hasn't left us alone, it hasn't left me alone, however it may look.
Have you any idea how scared they are? How scared they all are? I lost my nephew, my sister's boy.
He was shot for cowardice.
That's what they said.
But I knew him and he'd never have done such a thing if he hadn't been half out of his mind with fear.
Don't blame him.
It was him, but it could have been me.
It could have been any of us.
Suppose I don't want to come back? To be in charge? Telling Mr Carson what to do? Why? What's in it for you? All right.
It's to stop Mrs Crawley bossing Her Ladyship about.
She behaves as if she owns the place.
You've changed your tune.
When I were last here, you'd have given money to see Her Ladyship eat dirt.
Well, like you say, I've changed me tune.
People do.
Not without a reason.
I've got me reasons.
You've also got Her Ladyship wrapped round your little finger.
That's my business.
But I'll not hurt her, and I'll not let anyone else hurt her, neither.
That's all I've got to say.
You're a queer one and no mistake.
So will you come if I can fix it? Why not? I like the idea of giving orders to old Carson.
I go away for five minutes and everything's settled.
Nothing's settled.
For a start, which rooms will we live in? The small library and the boudoir.
If Cousin Isobel can find somewhere else for the "intermediaries".
There's always the boot room.
I'm sure you'll have use of that! And where are we supposed to eat? You can share the dining room with those officers No.
- We all have to make sacrifices - No.
Then we'll have tables set up in the great hall for the mobile officers and for the nurses.
And, Lady Grantham, I know you'll be happy about one decision.
Lady Grantham asked that the house management might be put into the hands of Corporal Barrow.
Your former footman, Thomas.
Thomas? In charge of Downton? No, that's what I thought at first.
But he isn't a footman now.
He's a soldier.
He's worked in medicine.
The point is, someone has to run the place who's had medical training.
But I really feel The men won't accept the authority of a corporal.
I've thought of that.
I told my Commanding Officer that Lady Grantham had asked for Corporal Barrow and he's prepared to have him raised to the rank of Acting Sergeant.
- But can you spare him? - We can.
I've gone to some trouble to do so.
Sergeant Barrow will manage the daily running of Downton and I shall be in overall charge.
But you have the hospital.
Aren't we missing a tier? Surely there should be someone here permanently who is under you but over Thomas? That's correct, and I will make a decision before long.
Until then, I do assure you, Corporal Barrow is very efficient.
I say good.
If someone's to manage things, let it be our creature.
Why? Are you planning to divide his loyalties? I wouldn't say I was planning it.
William has asked to stay here, milord, just for a night.
- On his way to active duty in France.
I should like to see him.
I don't suppose there's any way we can keep him from harm? Him being an only child and all.
We'd hate for anything to happen.
Thank you, Lang.
I can do the rest.
Very sorry, milord.
To get back to the notion of Thomas as the manager of Downton.
He won't be a manager in that sense.
But Her Ladyship fixed it all with Clarkson and she was so pleased I didn't know what to say.
"I cannot have him working here because he is a thief.
" You know she's ignorant of Thomas' crimes.
We agreed at the time that would be best.
And anyway, is it honourable in us to hold Thomas' sins against him when he has been wounded in the service of the King? And who is to be in charge over Thomas? You mean under Dr Clarkson? Well, we asked today, but he hasn't decided.
So we just make it up as we go along? Unless you've got a better idea.
Are you still here, Mr Branson? Why don't you stay and have something to eat? Mr Branson's been telling us the news from Russia.
What news is that? Kerensky's been made Prime Minister, but he won't go far enough for me.
Lenin denounces the bourgeoisie along with the Tsar.
He wants a people's revolution and that's what I'm waiting for.
- It won't be long now.
- And what's happened to the Tsar? Imprisoned in the Alexander Palace with all his family.
What a dreadful thing.
They won't hurt them.
Why would they? To make an example? Give them some credit.
This is a new dawn, a new age of government.
No one wants to start it with the murder of a bunch of young girls.
You don't know that.
Nobody knows who'll get killed when these things start.
Look at her nephew.
Shot for cowardice.
Who'd have guessed that when he was saying hello to the neighbours? Or kissing his mother goodnight? Can you look at the crumble? I think it should come out, but it's five minutes earlier than you said.
- I'm sorry.
- I never thought - Then you should think, Mr Lang.
You're not the only member of the walking wounded in this house.
- Why are you coming in this way? - I'm the manager here now, Mr Carson.
Or had you forgotten? No.
I had not forgotten.
And will you be moving into your old room or should we prepare a guest bedroom? I'll sleep in my old room, thanks.
So, are we ready for the big invasion? - 'Cause they'll be here at tea time.
- We'll have to be ready, won't we, Thomas? We will, Mr Carson.
And it's Sergeant Barrow, now.
“Acting" Sergeant, I believe.
Quick as you can, gentlemen.
Driver, when you've finished unloading here, go straight back to the hospital - and find Orderly Wainwright This way, please, gentlemen.
Don't worry.
We'll get you seen to quickly.
Major Bryant, you're in the Armada Bedroom.
- Do you mind the stairs? - It depends what I find at the top.
- He's handsome.
- Handsome and off limits.
it'll be nice to have the house full of men.
Full of officers.
Officers aren't men.
Not where we're concerned.
Oh, speak for yourself.
I speak for you, too, if you know what's good for you.
I'm very sorry but I Matthew! What in the world are you doing here? We start our tour of Yorkshire and Lancashire tomorrow and General Strutt knew you lived up here, so he's given me a few hours off.
What a lovely lovely surprise.
Mrs Crawley, how can we separate the hospital's linen from our own? You go.
We'll talk later.
As soon as I've done this, I'll take your orders for books.
I hadn't cast you as Florence Nightingale.
We can't leave all the moral high ground to Sybil.
She might get lonely there.
How are you? I know I mustn't ask you what you're doing.
You can ask what I'm doing in Downton.
We've finished in the Midlands and tomorrow we start on the camps in the northern counties.
Will we see something of you? I think my general ought to come here.
It's exactly the sort of thing people like to read about.
Sybil Come.
Edith can do that.
Dear Mother.
She does love a bit of authority.
I suppose she's driving Cousin Cora mad? No names, no pack drill.
Breathe in.
And out.
I'm surprised they didn't get to you before now.
Some people have all the luck, sir.
You can get dressed.
Shall I report for duty in Richmond? You'll be told what to do.
But I must supervise the medical staff.
Overseen by me.
And, Carson, I'm relying on you to make sure that that is so.
What is going on? I was arranging the household duties.
Where they overlap with the duties of the nursing staff.
Shall we continue this upstairs? Well, I've made some charts and Of course.
Did you say you were the manager? Or the referee? - You can see what we're up against- - Don't worry.
We'll find a solution.
You take over every room in the house, you bark at me like a sergeant major - and you give orders to my servants! - Cora, I'm sure I'm sorry.
Are you in the middle of something? We're discussing the arrangements.
Oh, good.
Because we've had a letter from Evelyn Napier.
He's in a hospital in Middlesbrough and he's heard that we're a convalescent home now, and wonders if he can come here once he's released.
Of course he can come here.
- Well, now, just a minute.
- There's no question of him coming here.
What? The Middlesbrough General will have their own arrangements for where their patients convalesce.
I'm afraid Mrs Crawley is right.
Downton must function as part of the official system or it cannot function at all.
Now, I think perhaps I should make one thing clear.
Downton is our house and our home and we will welcome in it any friends or relations we choose.
And if you do not care to accept that condition, then I suggest you give orders for the nurses and the patients and the beds and the rest of it to be packed up and shipped out at once! Thank you, Lord Grantham, for making your position so clear.
Oh, just one more thing.
The dog.
What should we do to stop Isis getting into the patients' rooms? I can answer that Absolutely nothing! Ah.
Anna, there you are.
Ethel, could you leave us for a moment? That was Sir Richard on the telephone.
It might have been Bates you saw in the village.
Really? He's working up here at a pub.
The Red Lion in Kirkbymoorside.
That's odd.
Mr Bates in a pub? The question's what'll you do with the information now you've got it? Could you take this into the hall for me? Of course.
Are you waiting for Papa? Do you want me to go and find him? They turned me down.
The army.
- Why? - Apparently, I have a heart murmur.
Or to be more precise, "A mitral valve prolapse is causing a pansystolic murmur.
" I don't know what to say.
Is it dangerous? Only if you're planning to humiliate the British Army.
I suppose you're glad.
You're not going to be killed and you're not going to go to prison.
Of course I'm glad.
Don't count your chickens.
If I don't get them one way, I'll get them another.
Why do you have to be so angry all the time? I know we weren't exactly at our best in Ireland "Not at your best"? "Not at your best"? I lost a cousin in the Easter Rising last year.
- You never said.
- Well, I'm saying it now.
He was walking down North King Street one day and an English soldier saw him and shot him dead.
When they asked why he was killed, the officer said, "Because he was probably a rebel.
" So don't say you were "not at your best"! I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but we're going to have to step on it.
I'm not sure about Marryat.
I know we've got lots of G.
And I haven't forgotten about your tobacco, Captain Ames.
Just as soon as I can get into the village.
I'm not sure at all.
I think a bit of it might have come loose.
- Is that better? - Much.
But I may need some more tucking very soon.
Well, no one tucks better than I do.
Ethel! Go back inside, please.
There are still more bedrooms to be done.
Rosamund's going to find out.
She knows some of those feeble-minded idiots on the Liberal front bench.
Poor Lavinia.
I feel sorry for her.
She's an obstacle to your happiness, dear, and must be removed.
When it's done, you can feel as sorry as you wish.
But even if Matthew does break it off with her, why should he propose to me again? With your permission, dear, I will take my fences one at a time.
Any plans for your afternoon off? Major Bryant wants me to go to the pictures in York with him when he's allowed out.
But you'll say that's stupid.
Not stupid.
Oh, he really likes me though.
He says he wants to get to know me better.
Has he told you how he's planning to achieve it? Spoilsport.
What are you up to? Just practising with these for Lady Mary.
I promised her I would.
- That's one and eight, altogether.
There you go.
Might I have a glass of cider? Thank you.
I don't know if I've dreaded this moment or longed for it.
Well, either way, it's happened.
I'm glad I'm in time for tomorrow's state visit.
I gather Lavinia will be there.
We must seize the opportunity to challenge her.
I don't really see on what basis.
She stole secrets from her uncle, Jonathan Swire, and gave them to Carlisle to publish.
Swire told me.
And the papers showed that half the Cabinet were trying to get rich by buying shares before a government contract was announced.
Would you rather we were kept in ignorance? It wasn't Lavinia's business to make it public.
Without her, the Marconi scandal would never have happened.
The politicians broke the law.
Lavinia did nothing wrong.
She drags the Chancellor of the Exchequer's honour through the mud and you say it's nothing! It was only Lloyd George.
But why did she betray her uncle to Sir Richard in the first place? - Because they were lovers.
And now it is down to you to save Matthew from the clutches of a scheming harlot! Really, Rosamund, there's no need to be so gleeful.
You sound like Robespierre lopping off the head of Marie-Antoinette.
It was me.
I knew you used to go into the village on a Wednesday.
I so longed for a glimpse of you.
But why are you up here at all? And why didn't you tell me? Because I want to get things settled first.
You see, I've discovered that Vera has been unfaithful to me.
I've got proof.
We can't criticize her for that.
But it means I can divorce her.
I've had to leave the house to prove that it has broken the marriage.
So I came up here to be nearer you.
- But what if she fights it? - She can't.
For her to divorce me, she needs something beyond adultery, cruelty or suchlike.
For a husband, adultery is enough.
- That's not very fair to women.
- I don't care about fairness, I care about you.
The point is, I can get rid of her.
If she goes quietly, I will give her money and plenty of it.
If not, she leaves empty-handed.
And when will this be? I need to get her to accept it first.
She's made threats about selling stuff to the papers.
- What stuff? - Don't worry.
They won't offer what I will.
You've changed your hair.
I was trying out Lady Mary's new curling iron.
What do you think? I think I would love you, however, whatever, whenever.
We don't have to wait, you know.
If you want me to throw up everything and come with you, I will.
I can't marry you yet, not legally, and I won't break the law.
It's not against the law to take a mistress, Mr Bates.
I know you, Anna Smith, and I love you, and that is not the right path for you.
It won't be long now.
So, you're not going to war then? Apparently not.
Is it true about Mr Crawley bringing a famous general here? Captain Crawley, but yes.
Why? No reason.
If they arrive at 5:00, we'll walk him round the wards, then show him the recovering men at play and after that a fairly grand dinner.
I'll tell them to bring mess kit.
That is my challenge, milord.
How to make the dinner sufficiently grand with no footmen in the house.
Plenty of people give dinners without footmen.
Not people who entertain Sir Herbert Strutt, hero of the Somme.
I'm sure he'll have seen worse things at the front than a dinner with no footmen.
Carson only wants to show the general proper respect.
- We will not criticize him for that.
Indeed we will not.
But I think Lord Grantham's plan is a good one, with or without footmen.
Matthew writes Miss Swire is coming down from London for it.
Really? He never said so to me.
Does he need your permission? I think I should go round with him.
You and Lady Grantham will both come with us.
But won't he want to talk about treatments? The treatments and the house.
Miss? It's Captain Smiley, isn't it? We haven't met yet, but I'm Edith Crawley, and tomorrow I can show you where everything is.
It's just that I'd like to write a letter to my parents.
Of course.
There's paper and envelopes in the library.
You see, I've not written before because I didn't want to worry my mother with the different handwriting.
I'm left-handed.
How's that for luck? I'm surprised your school didn't force you to use the right.
My mother wouldn't let them, but now I wish they had.
I've asked the others and they say you're the one to help me.
Of course I will.
I'd be happy to.
That's what they said.
If you can just find a way to tell her? We'll both find a way.
I promise.
Mr Carson, might I have a word? I'm busy with this dinner for tomorrow night.
Well, that's just it.
I don't expect you'll be using Mr Lang.
Not after last time.
- I will not.
- So I wondered if I might be any help.
I've waited at table before.
Do you mean it? I know I've no right to ask it of a chauffeur.
We have to keep up the honour of Downton, don't we? I'm very grateful, Mr Branson.
I'll not hide it.
Very grateful, indeed.
- You know where to find a livery? - I do.
And I gather you won't be leaving us, after all? Who knows what the future will bring? Mrs Hughes? What is it? Who's shouting? What's going on? I'm about to find out.
It's Mr Lang.
What in heaven's name's happening? No! No, I can't do it! - Mr Lang.
Mr Lang wake up I can't do it! You're having a bad dream, Mr Lang! - You're having a dream.
- It's the soldiers, Mr Carson.
It's the soldiers, but I can't.
I can't go back, no matter what - No one's asking you to go back, Mr Lang.
- No.
Just to put a sock in it.
Don't worry, Mr Lang.
You've had a bad dream, that's all.
Is it a dream? Thank God.
Oh, thank God.
- Thank God.
- You're all right.
Let's get you back into bed.
You're all right.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right, Mr Lang.
- I'm sorry.
- You're all right.
Is it any wonder when he's been to hell and back? up.
UP- My cousin, Lord Grantham.
This is very kind of you, Lord Grantham.
- Welcome.
- Lady Grantham.
And this is Major Clarkson, who runs our hospital here.
And I am Captain Crawley's mother, and will accompany you on your tour and explain the different levels of care we practise here.
Lady Grantham and Mrs Crawley will both accompany us as we go round, sir.
Makes a nice change from the craggy-faced warriors I'm usually surrounded by.
I'd like to think that were true.
- Please, come this way.
There's a large recreational I don't believe you've ever been to Downton before Poor Mother.
How she longs to hold all the reins.
Crawley! I should go, if only to keep our respective mothers apart.
I'm afraid Mrs Crawley's none too pleased to play second fiddle, sir.
Well, I hope she doesn't spoil things.
Well, that's just what I've been meaning to talk to you about, sir.
You see, I'm trying to run a tight ship What's the matter with your aunt? We should follow them in or Mama will say we're unsupportive.
Tell me what it is, please.
All right.
I know he's going to propose.
Well, then you're going to accept.
Did you get that picture taken? - I did, yeah, but - Then fetch it.
Because if you think I'm gonna stand by and watch that boy's dreams stamped in the dust, you've got another think coming.
You can take back your promise when the war's over and not before! But it's a lie! Don't make him give up when he's off to face the guns.
You'd never forgive yourself if aught happened.
Do you remember when Aunt Rosamund found you and Richard Carlisle together in the garden? I knew I'd hear more about that.
She thought he was threatening you.
And now she's decided that you were behind the Marconi share scandal in 1912.
The Chancellor and other ministers were involved, including your uncle.
I remember the Marconi scandal.
Let's forget it.
It's absurd.
But Lady Rosamund is right.
I did steal the evidence for Sir Richard to print.
I did start the scandal.
The trouble is Aunt Rosamund can't understand why you would do such a thing unless you and Sir Richard were - Were lovers.
Mary, you must come.
The ground-floor rooms are for those men who need the most care, sir.
Yes, of course.
General Strutt, sir.
Oh, right.
Tell me about this officer.
Who is that man? I hope he's not complaining.
Oh, no.
That's Captain Smiley.
He hasn't an unkind bone in his body.
How do you know? Matthew, listen to this.
Everything all right, sir? What on earth is that about? Oh, don't worry.
Major Holmes can be a little waspish, but he wouldn't want to get us into trouble.
How do you know so much about a pack of strangers? They're not strangers to me.
This is all very impressive, Lady Grantham.
The nurses and your own staff are to be congratulated.
I believe they are.
I wouldn't say I was scared.
I'm nervous.
Of course I am But not scared.
I think I'm ready.
Don't mind me.
Only I'm thinking of what your dear mother would say.
Well, I wish she was here to see me off.
Oh, she'd be so proud.
Why, when we waved off our Archie, I remember What do you remember, Mrs Patmore? I'll tell you.
You remember a fine young man, who enlisted before he had to, and who gave his life for his country.
Because he'd be alive and well today if he hadn't chosen to go to war.
She's right.
Happen she is.
Come on, Daisy.
Back to the grindstone.
- What is it? - I just want a word with Daisy.
I'm needed in the kitchen.
There's plenty of time later on.
Let's see what my aim is like.
- And again.
- Oh.
You must be enjoying your respite from the front.
Actually, I'm struggling a bit.
I've just lost my soldier servant and I haven't managed to replace him yet.
So when will you tell Matthew? Dinner is served, milady.
Don't waste the opportunity.
Why must she be so savage? It's my broken heart.
And it was her advice that wrecked it in the first place.
It's classic Rosamund.
She's never more righteous than when she's in the wrong.
Come on.
- Everything all right, Mr Branson? - I think so, Mrs Hughes.
- Where's Mr Branson? - He's just taken up the soup.
Why? Read that! "They'll have arrested me by now, but I'm not sorry.
"The bastard had it coming to him.
" Oh! What in God's name! Read this! Where is he now? Oh, my God! I'm sorry to hear about your servant.
Yes, pneumonia, not a bullet.
I don't envy you.
A decent servant can change your war.
Get downstairs! Now! All right, all right! There's no need to be so rough.
There's every need! To stop a murder! Murder! What do you mean "murder"? You were going to assassinate the general! Kill the general? I was not! I was going to throw that lot all over him.
- What is it? - Oil and ink, and a bit of a cowpat, all mixed with sour milk.
He'd have needed a bath right enough, but not a coffin.
I thought you'd taken the soup up, but you left it in the pantry.
We'll use this.
It's not been heated, but the hell with that! And we'll decide what happens to you later! Never mind later! What about now? How do we keep this dinner going? I'll serve, Mr Carson.
I don't mind.
Who knows when I'll have the chance again? What was going on with the soup? It came, it went Nothing to worry about, milord.
Branson was taken ill, so William volunteered to be footman one last time.
- You don't mind, do you? - Oh, not a bit.
It's very kind of him.
Our footman, William, is leaving us tomorrow to join his regiment.
That's why he's not in livery.
You are a credit to this house and this country, young man.
There is no livery so becoming as a uniform.
Lady Rosamund, Mary, all of you, have been so kind to Lavinia.
Well, naturally.
We're all curious to know more of Miss Swire if she is to reign over Downton as queen.
Dear me.
I hope you haven't unearthed anything too fearful.
You must ask Mary.
One thing I am still not quite clear about.
Who precisely is in charge of Downton when you're not here? Uh, I've given it some thought, sir, and it seems to be only fair that Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham should share that responsibility.
Well said.
The fact is, I have been more than gratified by my visit here today, and I thank Captain Crawley for arranging it.
Hear, hear.
You are all to be praised for your response to our national crisis.
But I've been talking and I've been listening, and I feel there is one among you whose generosity is in danger of going unremarked.
It seems the daily cares and needs of the patients are being dealt with quietly and efficiently by Lady Edith.
Or that's what the officers tell me.
So, let us raise our glasses and drink her health.
- Edith.
Lady Edith! Edith, dear.
We were never lovers.
Not ever.
You don't have to explain anything.
Not to me.
But I want to.
You see, my father owed Sir Richard Carlisle a lot of money.
Enough to bankrupt him.
And Sir Richard offered to waive the debt if you gave him the evidence of the ministers' guilt? Papa was terrified, and I knew I could get into my uncle's office and find the proof.
What is it? He threatened to tell you all about it and now I've told you anyway.
My uncle was guilty.
They all were.
Sir Richard didn't make it up.
I believe you.
But that's not why I did it.
It was entirely to save Papa from ruin.
- Have you got that picture for me? - I might have.
Because you know what I'm going to ask you, so, will you? William, you're not sure.
You can't be sure.
I am sure.
So is she.
Aren't you, Daisy? Isn't it just what you told me you hoped would happen? It's like a fairy story.
Is she right, Daisy? Are we engaged? Because if we are, I know I can tackle whatever may come! Go on, then.
William? Do you want to go up top? The general's leaving and Mr Carson likes a full complement.
No, Daisy.
Not you.
The war has not changed everything.
The general is just about to leave.
I'm afraid he doesn't have time to come in here.
I hope it's all been a success.
Cousin Violet said you had something to say to me about Lavinia.
What is it? I haven't the slightest idea.
What a relief.
She was hinting you'd uncovered some horrid stain.
The only evidence I've uncovered is that she's a charming person.
What a testimonial.
The truth is, we're very much alike, so naturally I think she's perfect.
We all do.
Don't we, Aunt Rosamund? Quite perfect.
Is there any chance you might take our footman, William, for your servant? I can pull some strings, get him transferred to your lot.
If you'd like me to, of course.
I can't promise to keep him safe.
I know.
But he'd have someone looking out for him.
Oh, my God.
Lang, are you all right, old chap? Come, come, man.
Things can't be as bad as all that.
- Carson? - Mr Lang, what's happened? Sir.
The general and all these officers I don't have to go back with them, do I? - Because I can't, sir.
- No.
The general's looking for you, milord.
Excuse me.
It's been a great pleasure.
If I don't see you again before I have to go back, be safe.
You, too.
Come inside.
UP! Here.
We've earned it.
So, what will you do with him? - Branson or Lang? - Not Mr Lang.
He isn't well, but he's not a bad man.
Oh, not at all.
But he doesn't belong at Downton.
I meant Mr Branson.
Hmm, it's a delicate business, Mrs Hughes.
Would we really be right to tell the police and cause a furore and bring riot down on our heads? And all because he wanted to pour a pot of slop over a man's head? From your phrasing, I gather the answer you want from me is "no"? Well, would it help, Mrs Hughes? That's all I'm asking.
Would it help? Where's Mr Branson? Mr Carson sent him back to his cottage to stew in his own juice.
Will we see you in the morning, William, to wish you luck? Oh, yes.
But I've got something I'd like to say now.
- If you don't mind.
- Don't.
Not yet.
They must know sooner or later.
Daisy and I are going to be married.
Oh! You never are! When? After the war.
I'm not sure I can wait that long.
I see what I had planned to say is already superfluous, Mr Lang.
You got there before me.
I've let you down, Mr Carson, for that I'm sorry.
We let you down.
You weren't suited for work, and I should have spotted that.
You'll have two months' wages, and please tell us how you get on.
And when you're ready for work again, you may rely on a good report from me.
That's kind.
Thank you.
It was nice of William to serve tonight.
He didn't have to.
I'm going to arrange for him to be Matthew's servant.
With any luck, it'll keep him out of trouble.
Matthew and Mary looked so natural together.
Did you notice? Talking and laughing.
But I suppose Lavinia is a nice girl.
We've dreamed a dream, my dear, but now it's over.
The world was in a dream before the war, but now it's woken up and said goodbye to it.
And so must we.

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