Dragons: Race to the Edge (2012) s04e06 Episode Script

A Grim Retreat

[Hiccup] This changes everything.
All right, Meatlug, there we go.
Good girl.
Hey, you know what I just realized?
This is a new record
for Gronckle Iron production.
Who's a good iron-making machine?
Yes, you are.
Whatever. If it weren't for Hookfang,
that would just be a glob of useless
barfed-up metal.
Well, if it weren't for Barf and Belch
-We rest our case.
[both groaning]
Uh, Hiccup? I think Meatlug
might be ready for a break.
She's starting to lose her gag reflex.
Guess the perfect little machine
isn't so perfect, after all.
Have you checked your dragon?
The giant oven doesn't look
too perky, either.
[both growl]
-Really? You too, bud?
All right, that's it!
Dragons, to your corners!
Hey, Hiccup. Did you know that upside-down
you actually have a metal arm
instead of a metal leg?
What is going on around here?
Hiccup, we've been working really hard
on these reinforcement walls.
Everyone is just tired.
Look at the dragons.
You know, Hookfang and I
could really use a vacay.
Vacation? Count us in.
We'll grab our straw helmets
and a chilling tale of Viking murder
to read on some enchanted beach,
laughing as the waves crash against us.
Guys, I get that you're all tired,
but remember why we're doing this.
Oh, because you told us to.
No, because Viggo is out there.
And when he finally realizes he can't use
the Dragon Eye without the key,
he's gonna come looking for it.
We can't leave the Edge unguarded again.
So, yay or nay on the vacay?
Oh, gods.
Working on your map, huh?
Need any help?
-No, thanks, I'm just kind of--
-You sure? 'Cause, you know,
-Fishlegs is really great with maps.
-[Fishlegs] Really great.
[chuckles nervously]
Okay, fine, out with it, you two.
You didn't come all the way up here
because you love cartography.
We object.
We think everyone could use a break.
The dragons are really cranky
from being overworked.
-I thought we went over this.
-Just hear us out.
As you know, we've been making
Gronckle Iron. A lot of it.
In doing so, we've exhausted
the supply of sandstone on the Edge.
And as you know, no sandstone,
no Gronckle Iron.
There's a nearby island
that has a huge supply of it.
It's also deserted, quiet,
and would be a great place to relax,
and take a little break from real work.
I don't really have a choice
on this one, do I?
Where is this island, exactly?
All right. Viggo would most likely
wait for low tide
and try to penetrate the lower wall,
then come up through the arena.
Which is why you've secured it
from the outside.
Hiccup, Gobber and I have defended Berk
from much worse than a bunch of
namby-pamby Dragon Hunters.
I know, Dad, of course.
Someone die? You two look like
you're going to a Viking funeral.
This is our vacation attire.
Uh, this is not a vacation.
Call it what you will.
But we plan to kick off our shoes
and let the worries of the day melt away.
[gasps] Did someone die? Was it Fishlegs?
No, it's not Fishlegs. I'm right here
and ready to go.
Go where? No one ever tells me anything.
Hey, Chief. What are you doing here?
I'm here to look after your base
until you all return.
Return from where?
You remember that vacation
we were talking about?
-Well, it's not that.
We're not going to a deserted island
paradise to have any fun whatsoever.
Instead, we're going to work,
slave away in the sandstone mines.
All right, saddle up.
We need to get there before dark.
Remember, Chicken eats six times a day.
Small portions.
She's trying to trim down.
Then she gets "special time" before bed.
You can read to her,
tell her stories, massage her.
But if you're reading stories,
nothing too scary though.
[whispers] Horrible nightmares
where she scratches and claws in the air.
Stay about three feet away
when she's sleeping.
I got it, Tuffnut. I'll look after her
as if she were one of my own.
All right, everyone. Let's do this.
This place is insane!
Look at that lagoon!
Last one in is a rotten 2000-year-old egg.
Uh, all right, fine, just a quick swim,
then it's back to work.
[Fishlegs] Whoo!
Oh, no!
What's the matter, bud?
Don't feel like a swim?
Ah, okay. You just keep watch, then.
Watch the eyes, not the eyes!
Okay, guys. Got that out of our system.
Now it's time for the other kind of fun.
Dude, lighten up. R-E-L-A-X. Relax.
Take a load off, H.
Those rocks aren't going anywhere.
Unless you move them.
Oh, not you, too, Astrid.
You're killing me.
Hiccup, we're all behind you 100 percent.
Snotlout! [laughs]
Oh, that's nice.
But you can't expect them to be you.
They're your soldiers.
And good soldiers will work
until their hands are raw
and until their backs are almost breaking.
But there does come a point
when they need time to regroup,
to forget about being soldiers
and just be people.
[sighs] You're right.
I've been pushing really hard.
-Snotlout! Snotlout! Oy! Oy! Oy!
-They deserve this.
Dinner is served.
What is that smell?
[all retch]
What is this?
Oh, glad you asked, milady.
That would be salt-encrusted sea bass
with a salted seaweed gravy.
Mixed in with salt and all finished
with a little pinch of salt on top.
Whoa, that is salty.
Too much, you think?
Oh, weird. The dragons usually love fish,
no matter how bad it tastes.
Hookfang won't even touch it,
and I've seen him eat piles of yak dung.
I mean piles of fresh-out-of-the--
Okay, we get it, Snotlout.
Well, I chalk it up
to underdeveloped palates.
Both human and dragon.
-I need to lay down.
-Me, too.
-[Fishlegs shushes]
It's okay, girl. It's sleep time.
It's deep sleepy time.
Meatlug? Meaty? Where are you?
Oh, no. It's not safe out there
for a Gronckle alone in the wild.
Quiet and serene, my butt.
Meatlug? Here, girl. It's Daddy.
And I'm really scared, so it'd be great
if you came out and
Is she sleepwalking?
Oh, thank Thor.
I'm here to take you home?
-All right! All right!
I knew she was too tired.
But I pushed her.
Bad Fishlegs. Bad!
Okay, listen, girl.
-I promise, no more work until you're
You know, this is really Hiccup's fault,
if you think about it.
Shouldn't you be mad at him?
[screams] Help! Somebody! Anybody!
Everybody, wake up!
Zip it, Fish Face. The sun's not even out.
Oh, Thor!
[Hiccup] What's going on with the dragons?
[Fishlegs] No idea. All I know is that
Meatlug was sleepwalking,
and when I found her
she was in a really bad mood
and chased me through the forest
and tried to kill me.
-I don't think they're playing.
-Stormfly, no!
-This is all your fault.
-My fault?
Yeah. That stupid salty fish.
They hate us 'cause they went to bed
hungry and now they're all cranky.
That salt was properly pinched.
Your brain is properly pinched.
[both growling]
No, it's not the fish.
Look at their saddles.
They've been chewed off.
It's a revolt.
They're rising up against us!
-Why would they do that?
-I don't know. Why would they?
You think this is my fault?
Okay, everyone split up.
If we're together, we're vulnerable.
Got it!
Hiccup, come on!
-It seems as though Toothless is okay.
We'll hold them off
until you guys are clear.
We'll find you.
[Hiccup] We better
get out of here too, bud.
We better find the others
before the dragons do.
Chicken! Chicken!
Here, chicky, chicky. It's "special time."
I've got a nice story to tell you
about a sheep family
and their igloo made of wool.
Oh, hello, Skullcrusher.
You haven't seen Chicken, have you?
Please, tell me you didn't.
You did. You ate Chicken.
Stoick is going to lose his--
Gobber, are you bothering my dragon
while he's eating?
-Yes, well, about that, chief.
-Leave him be.
He might try to take a bite out of you
if he's feeling extra hungry. [laughs]
Wouldn't want that, now, would we?
No. We wouldn't.
Oh, Gobber. Come on.
You ate the boy's pet?
And of course, I have to break
the news to the lad.
Or do I?
Nothing. They must have really split up.
See if you can pick up any sounds, bud.
Okay, those weren't the sounds
we were looking for.
I haven't seen them act like this
since we trained them.
They're hunting like wild dragons.
And apparently, they're still
pretty good at it.
No! Don't shoot!
Ruff! You okay?
No, I'm not okay.
I'm cracking under the pressure.
Ruff, you're fine.
Have you seen any of the others?
You said split up!
I know, but--
-Get down!
We need to find
the rest of the Riders. Fast.
Meatlug! There's my Meatlug!
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Trying to get us
a one-way ticket to Valhalla?
My dragon is still inside there, Tuffnut.
I can reason with her.
Did you see the look in her eyes?
That was the look of a killer.
I know this because I see it
in my own reflection.
Pure killer.
[Snotlout] I never should've trusted that
dragon. The way he looks at me sometimes,
I know he thinks of me as a dinner,
or a light lunch, at least.
I should have picked
a less ferocious dragon, like a Nadder.
[Astrid] Snotlout,
if you don't shut your piehole,
I'm gonna leap out into the open
and plead with them to eat us both.
[Snotlout] Shh! I hear something.
[Meatlug snorts]
[Astrid] They're actually hunting us.
How did it come to this?
[Snotlout] Let's just hope Hiccup and
Toothless get them before they get to us.
All right,
you're going to have to get used to
Tuffnut's strange affection for you.
He's going to squeeze you
and hold you and talk to you
and tell you ridiculous stories.
But trust me, it's better than what
my chickens have in store for them.
Now, let's go find some paint,
so we can get you looking exactly right.
Here we go.
Hopefully, Tuffnut will believe
this is his chicken.
What am I saying? I'm the chief.
I'll order him to believe it.
Hey, I'm not proud of it,
but that's the plan, so stick to it.
Hiccup! Run!
-Why? What's the matter?
Hookfang. He landed in the woods
and he's coming this way!
Oh, he certainly is!
-Barf and Belch are right behind us!
We played right into their hands.
Technically, dragons don't have hands,
so that expression doesn't--
Maybe "We fell right into their talons"?
The point is, we're about to be
Other way!
Hiccup, how long are we gonna wait until
we make our next move?
What next move? I'm out of next moves.
That way!
There! A cave.
Hiccup, that's not gonna hold for long.
We need to find another way out of here.
Just say it. I know what you're thinking.
All I'm saying is we wouldn't be in this
position if your tyrannical behavior,
due to your obsessive need
to one-up Viggo,
had not driven our poor dragons
to the brink of insanity.
There, I said it.
Wow. That was both dramatically
impressive and logically sound.
Thank you, Tuffy.
You all think this was my fault?
Okay, well, how about this?
If the dragons have been driven
to the brink of madness, as you say,
why is Toothless completely unaffected?
Great argument.
That would be just as logically sound,
if it weren't for one small thing.
[Hiccup] Oh, great.
Look at me. It's me, it's Hiccup.
Toothless, whatever's going on,
we can get through this.
Just talk to me.
Toothless, just relax.
I am not going out this way.
What in the name of Thor was that?
That, my friend, was salt. Just a pinch.
[all] Salt?
Hey, I didn't see any of you stepping up,
so I went with what I had.
And what I had was salt.
And you fed us that stuff?
[high-pitched noise]
Hiccup, it's coming from Toothless.
Did you see that?
It jumped out of Toothless' skin.
That was awesome. Quick! Put it on me!
Of course. A Grimora.
That's why the dragons were hunting us.
-A Grim-what-a?
It's a rare parasite that attach
themselves to dragons
and release a toxin
that causes them to turn wild.
But Grimora usually only
live in fresh water.
The lagoon. Our dragons must have
picked them up when we went swimming.
They chewed off their saddles
to get the Grimoras off of them.
Not because they were rebelling. See?
And you thought I was
working them too hard.
Okay, you're right.
I was working them too hard. Point taken.
Okay, so all we need to do is find
the rest of our dragons
and throw salt on them.
You know, that could work.
Sorry, gonna have to disagree
with you there, Fishy. Out of salt.
Used the last of it on T and then,
you know, the salt-crusted sea bass,
which, I might add, no one liked.
Everybody likes salt now,
but when it was on the sea bass Nuh-uh.
Well, we're just gonna have to lead them
to the next best salt location.
Lead them? They're trying to eat us.
Did you forget that?
No, just don't let them catch you.
Okay, bud. Plasma Blast!
[sighs] Thank Thor, they're gone.
-[screams] Meatlug!
Remember the plan!
You'll be fine as long as you remember
[all screaming]
the plan.
Please, don't eat me. I love you.
Oh, Thor!
Keep coming, Stormfly!
Come on in.
Bath time. You love bath time.
Pyrite. It's your favorite, girl.
Go get it!
It worked.
It actually worked!
Come on, Stormfly. You love the water.
All right. I hate to do this but you're
not giving me much of a choice.
There's my girl.
Don't worry. We won't tell anyone
about your soft spot.
We'll just keep that between you and me.
Come on, remember all those great times
we had burning places down together?
You really want to throw that all away?
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Yes, 5000 pounds of raw dragon power
back in action!
Stop spilling the water, will ya?
Stop yelling at me, will ya?
I'm sorry! I yell when I'm terrified!
You know that!
I do know that,
but it doesn't make it okay!
See you later, you leeches.
Good job, guys.
No, no, no, no!
We gotta get you in the water.
Stay with me.
No, Toothless, the water!
No, Toothless!
[all gasp]
Come on. Come on.
-[all cheer]
-[Astrid] Yes!
Welcome back, bud.
[all laughing]
Hookfang and I decided,
no more vacation for us.
I think a better plan would be
when we need a break,
we'll just stay a little closer to home.
I'm all for that.
Actually, the best plan would be
for me to lighten up a little
on my Viggo obsession.
And tyrannical behavior.
Don't forget that.
[all giggle]
Gobber, you decided to get
one of your own? Can't blame ya.
No, this is yours.
This is "The Chicken," himself.
Uh, no, it's not.
He's right. The real Chicken
is right here, isn't he?
-Just read him a story and everything.
That's great, Chief, but nope.
Not my chicken, either.
Different chicken.
[groans] Tuffnut, by order of the Chief
of Berk, this is your chicken!
-[Chicken clucking]
-Hey, Chicken!
Come here. Yes, that's it.
You have a good time
playing with Uncle Gobber?
-Of course, you did.
Come on, my one and only Chicken,
I'll tell you a new story.
It's got dragons and little slimy leechy
things that turn them into killers.
It's hard to believe it all happened,
but it's a true story.
You're gonna love it.
Can't believe you tried to fake a chicken.
You're the chief, for crying out loud.
Me? Yours didn't even look like a chicken,
it looked like a rooster.
I'm good at weapons.
I'm not good at chickens.
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