Easy (2016) s02e08 Episode Script

Baby Steps

- [ANNIE.]
- Hi.
I brought food.
- Great.
I'm starving.
- [SIGHS.]
Me too.
- How was the day? - [SIGHS.]
- I had seven students - Seven students? which is seven too many.
That's a lot of hours of "curl your fingers.
" Oh, my God.
I just want to drink.
I have a bottle of wine open.
Want a glass? Perfect.
- Red is fine? - That's great.
Wait, how was your call? It was, um It was interesting.
So, Jordan has decided to close down the Chicago office, and he wants everybody in Seattle.
What does that mean for your job? - Do you still have a job? - Yeah.
Um Actually, I got promoted.
I'm the head of my division now.
That's what you wanted.
- Yep.
- Oh, my God.
I feel so proud.
So we are [SIGHS.]
moving to Seattle.
I don't I mean [STUTTERS.]
I guess I could try to [STAMMERS.]
We could talk about it.
I've never been to Seattle.
But I mean Actually, um I meant, uh we're going to Seattle.
The company.
You don't You don't need to move to Seattle.
But I could move.
I could do it.
I can move to Seattle if you Are you saying you want You want to do a long-distance - Is that what you're thinking? - Annie - You wanna - I don't, um [EXHALES.]
I don't think it's gonna work out for us.
But we could just try it.
We could You don't want to just try and see No.
- Blue water - [CONTINUES CRYING.]
What's up? [ANNIE.]
Then he was like, "I'm still gonna be here for four weeks if you want to keep sleeping together.
" - What? - Yeah.
- Ew.
- Ugh.
Fuck him.
Well, no.
I'm not gonna fuck him.
That's the point.
I'm 37, and I don't really have that much time if I wanna have kids.
It's like dog years.
You know how, if you're a dog, one year is seven years? I'm in the dog years of my fertility.
And that's a horrible feeling.
- [SIGHS.]
- Like, what am I gonna I mean Yeah, maybe I'll get a dog.
I can't believe I'm single again.
- One and then two.
Okay, so for this week, I'm gonna have you do that five times each, left hand and right hand, then put it together.
Next week, you'll have it.
- All right.
- Okay, great.
Um, so I'll write that and then why don't we go into your arpeggios? - Arpeggios.
- You want to start with C? - Yeah.
- Great.
- Wait, let me restart.
- Go on.
Hello? Oh, hi.
How are you? Oh.
You know, I, uh I have classes that I teach, but I can make I can make a few calls.
If you wouldn't mind, I'll, just, um I'll see if I can get a sub or two to cover for me.
And then I can let you know probably within an hour or so.
Yeah, no, um It's just a woman I babysit for.
Her husband There's some family emergency or something and I'm gonna watch her two-year-old for a couple days, but I promise I will get your next two Fridays.
I owe you big time on this one, so [KNOCK ON DOOR.]
Hey, Annie.
Thank you so much for coming.
- So last minute.
Oh, my God.
- No, it's not a problem.
It all worked out, so I appreciate it.
It's so good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Just bring your bags.
I've got a sofa made up back here.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- There's clean sheets, pillows, towels.
Move the table out of the way and you can pull it out.
I've got the schedule laid out here.
Her sippy cup's here.
There's a bunch of food in the freezer and fridge for dinner and stuff.
If you need to buy anything, obviously buy it and I'll pay you back.
- Okay.
- She's waking from a nap, so Okay.
I hope everything is going all right.
- I know it was a last-minute thing.
- Uh, yeah.
Super awkward.
Um, David is an addict, and he was living in Florida with his parents to get clean and, uh they called me yesterday and I Uh he OD'ed, so we're, um [CHUCKLES.]
I don't know what we are.
I've just got to get down there, and I can't bring Abby, obviously.
No, I'm really sorry to hear that.
Yeah, me too.
I'm sorry that this is what my life is right now.
You're gonna play with Annie.
You remember Annie? Can you say, "Hey"? [ANNIE.]
Hi, Abby.
What does she got? She got a cow? - Hi.
- You want that? - How's it going? Yeah, you guys want to play? - Here you go, pumpkin.
- Hey, there.
- You want to come back up? - Aw.
What if Annie comes and sits here and you can sit on Annie's lap, okay? Okay? Sweet little pumpkin.
Hey, come here.
- You want to sit on Annie's lap? - Aw.
Come here.
You're gonna have a good time, pumpkin.
Yeah, it's okay.
Do you have, um oh.
Here you go.
What number is this? - I'm gonna sit you right here, okay? - Five.
- Sit right here.
- [ANNIE.]
All right.
- You're gonna play with Annie.
- Eight.
I'm gonna run, okay, angel? I love you.
- [BOTH.]
Bless you.
- I'm gonna call when I get there, okay? - Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye, baby.
- [GASPS.]
Thank you.
- Mama loves you.
Thank you so much.
- M.
- [ABBY.]
And then it's a W.
Oh, thank you so much.
But A.
You want the A? Come on.
One, two, three.
All right, where do you want to go? Should we go and see? Okay.
You want to do the slide? You got it.
I'm gonna scooch you over a little bit.
Okay, bye.
Come on.
That's great.
Can you do this one? [ANNIE LAUGHS.]
What are you doing? [ANNIE.]
Where should I land? Where do I land? Right next to you? Okay.
Here I go! [GRUNTS.]
Oh, here goes Abby.
Here she goes! [CHUCKLES.]
Did you know that my boyfriend broke up with me? Yeah.
What do you think? Am I better off? Okay.
- [ANNIE.]
"As a family of moose " - [ABBY.]
Hmm? - Moose.
- Moose.
- "Close their eyes for the night " - Tucked.
"Before you drift off, give me a big hug.
Hey, Annie.
Hey, Samantha.
Hey, how's Abby doing? How did today go? Oh, she's doing great.
She's really such a sweet kid.
Did you have any problems today? Do you need anything for tomorrow? - No, I think we're all good.
- Thank you.
Thanks for checking in.
Everything okay over there? It's pretty complicated.
I don't, uh I can't really talk about it right now.
Uh, but Well, if you want, we can FaceTime with you tomorrow so you can see her.
Yeah, I don't want her to get upset or confused if she sees me on FaceTime, so I might call you after she goes to bed, if that's okay? Yeah, no, totally.
All right.
Thank you so much.
Let me know if you need anything at all tomorrow and I can figure it out, okay? All right, sounds good.
- All right, have a good night.
- You too.
- Okay, bye, Annie.
- Bye.
Check this out, Abby.
One, two, three.
Whoa! Okay.
Looks perfect.
- Agua? - Yeah.
- Do you want to go in the agua? - Yeah.
We can do that.
- [ABBY.]
Up? - [ANNIE.]
Up? Okay.
One, two, three.
Say hi to the kids.
Why are you taking that off? You got to go over there.
No, keep it on if you stand over there.
You see these kids? Look, they're burying themselves.
Does it feel funny? - Yeah.
- [ANNIE.]
Yeah, do you want to join, Abby? Come here.
If you can get some sand in your hand and then you drip it on top.
Thank you.
You want more ham? Okay.
No problem.
There you go.
- Your baby's really cute.
- [ANNIE.]
- How old is she? - Thank you.
Uh, she's almost two.
- Almost two? Oh, my gosh.
- Yeah.
- It's Abby.
- Abby? - Yeah.
- Hi, Abby.
Abby, you want to say hi to the nice people? Say, "Hi.
" [MAN.]
- [WOMAN.]
She's focused.
She's focused on her ham.
- Ooh! - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
How does it go again? [BOTH SQUEALING.]
Excuse me.
Can you tell me where my friends are? - Where are my friends? - [GIGGLES.]
Where did all my friends go? Let's get your back.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, good.
- Oh! [SQUEALS.]
Close your eyes.
There you go.
- Yeah, yeah.
Good job.
Good job.
- [ANNIE.]
Hey, Annie.
How's it going? Oh, it's going okay.
Um Good.
How's Abby? She's great.
She's just the sweetest.
She's a good kid.
I'm having a really good time with her.
How are you doing? I'm not great.
I wanted to ask you if I could push my flight by a day? Um is there any chance you would be able to watch her - tomorrow and tomorrow night? - Oh, um.
Listen, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
I know you already changed your schedule for me.
No, I'm pretty sure I can make it work.
Is it just one more day? Yeah, just like, um I'll get on that same flight the day after tomorrow.
So it would be in the afternoon.
It will be all day tomorrow and tomorrow night.
- Okay.
Yeah, I'll make it work.
- You sure? I'm having a really great time with her.
She's so much fun, so I Worry about what you have to do there and I'll see you the next day.
It's not a big deal.
Oh, my gosh.
Thank you so much.
Honestly, I wouldn't be getting through this without you.
So, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Oh, it's no problem, and I hope things get better over there.
Give Abby a hug for me.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Okay? All right, sounds good.
Have a good night.
- All right, get some rest.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, it's me.
I know I was supposed to come over tonight to pick up my stuff, but I ended up having to help out a friend, so, um maybe I can do it tomorrow or something.
I'll try you then.
All right, I hope you're doing well.
All right.
She's now in the lead.
Can you believe it? She's got one more turn to go, folks.
Can she make it? Can she win the race? Oh, here she goes! And she won! - [BABBLES.]
Look out, Abby.
Look out, Abby.
Abby, how did it feel to win the race? [BABBLES.]
Yes, you won the race.
Did it feel great? [ANNIE GRUNTS.]
Some dinner.
And we'll get you avocado.
You want a green apple? Or I will trade you that for that.
- Hi.
Can I please get two bratwurst - Hi.
What can I get for you? and a half pound of the snack sausage? Two bratwursts, half a pound of snack sausage.
Anything else for you? - That's it.
- All right.
You got it.
You want me to get your bib? Here.
You don't like it? There.
How's that? - Good.
Good? - [ANNIE.]
A piggy? - Yeah.
- What can this - Blue.
That is blue.
You're right.
And yellow.
- Yellow? - Yeah.
Thank you.
Look who it is.
Can you wave to Mommy? Say, "Hi, Mom.
" There's Mommy.
Hi, guys.
Hey, welcome back.
Thank you.
Hi, baby.
- There's Mama.
Hi, sweet girl.
- Oh, was today okay? - [ANNIE.]
Yeah, she was - Show me your chair.
- She was awesome.
We played and - Show me your chair.
- [ABBY.]
Oh, your lion.
- [ANNIE.]
And your lion.
You want to hop on the lion again? - [ABBY BABBLES.]
- Oh, you want Mommy.
- Thank you for - You're welcome.
- I'm glad you're back.
- the extra day and everything.
It was really actually no problem.
We had such a good time.
Abby, did we have fun? How did everything go with your husband? - You want me on the lion? - [ANNIE CHUCKLES.]
He's in pretty bad shape.
His parents are gonna take care of him and, um Yeah, I just don't think he's gonna come back up here.
- Um - [BABBLING.]
His parents gotta take care of him 'cause I have to take care of her and - Yeah.
- I just, um I don't know.
It's just super complicated and just, like, really not where I thought I would be right now.
Well, if you need anything, you know, let me know.
- Okay.
Guess I'm gonna get going.
- Oh, thank you so much.
- Yeah, no.
Honestly, you saved me.
I'm glad you're back.
Bye, Abby.
I had so much fun.
- Aw.
- Say bye to Annie.
Say bye-bye.
I'll see you next time.
Yeah, thank you, Annie.
- No problem.
- Have a good night.
Thanks, you too.
Can you say "bye-bye"? - [ABBY.]
You say "bye-bye"? - You want to see her in the window? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Should we go look? - [BABBLES.]
Hey! Hey! - [CHUCKLES.]
- [ABBY.]
Hey! Bye-bye.
Abby, Mama's got to run outside for a second, okay, baby? - Hey.
- Oh.
- Hey.
- Sorry.
What's wrong? What's happening? No, I'm just not [SNIFFLES.]
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
It's just really hard to say bye to Abby.
We had such a good couple days, you know.
I'm sorry.
That's so sweet.
No, she's so sweet.
She's just She's the best.
Are you sure you're okay? Yeah.
I just I have a lot of my own stuff.
I don't know.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I'm sorry I didn't even ask how you were doing.
Oh, no.
It's okay.
We're just about to have dinner.
I mean, do you wanna come back in and have dinner with us? [STUTTERS.]
Oh, I wouldn't want to impose.
You just got home.
No, please.
- Really? - Yeah.
Abby would be so psyched.
Yeah, okay.
I would like that.
I'm gonna run back in.
- Okay.
I'll be a minute.
- See you in a second.
Look at the agua.
She loves this.
I missed you, pumpkin.
Should we fill up the cup? Why don't we clean these bowls and then Mama can set the table for dinner, okay? Do you want oregano on the chicken? - [SAMANTHA.]
Um, that sounds great.
- Great.
Let me wash my hands of the chicken.
Just gonna borrow some water, if that's okay.
We might have to share this knife.
Is that okay? [ANNIE CHUCKLES.]
That's okay.
I'll wash some more.
No problem.
Oh, wow.
This looks good.
Oh, it smells good.
I feel so bad about leaving her.
Thank you so much.
Honestly, it was [CHUCKLES.]
It was the best time.
I had so much fun.
- Are you serious? - Yeah.
I had Yeah.
I don't wanna leave.
It's great.
She's the best.
She's like my pal.
Is Annie your pal? Is Annie your pal? [ANNIE.]
Have you been able to unpack yet? I can take care of her for the next hour if you need time to, like I can give Abby a bath? I feel so bad.
I'm taking up all of your time.
No, seriously.
I don't mind at all.
That way you can settle in.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
- [ABBY.]
- You're all done? - [ABBY.]
- [ANNIE.]
You want to take a bath? Yeah.
- [ANNIE.]
- Soap.
- I've got the soap.
- And bubbles.
And the bubbles.
Let's get the front.
Oh, look, it's Alfalfa.
It's Alfalfa.
Did you have so much fun with Annie? Yes.
- This book? - Yeah.
Isn't it nice for Annie to help us? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
She's so nice.
- This.
- Yeah.
No More Noisy Nights.
Oh, hey, I got this.
Don't worry about this.
- Are you sure? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I wanted to clean up a little before You've done so much.
Thank you.
- Really? I - Yeah.
- I don't want to be in your way.
- This is so much easier with two people.
You have no idea, so Oh, yeah, truly.
I did it for three days and I don't know how you do it all the time.
Well, I'm doing a really shitty job.
That's how.
I was supposed to have my mom come and help but uh, she's too old to help.
- You know what I mean? - Yeah.
I just think it's probably a bad idea to have her come.
Well, you know, I don't want to impose or anything, but if you would want, I could come by and help, whenever you needed.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I can I definitely We would love to have you babysit, you know.
You wouldn't even have to pay me.
I would come over and hang out and watch Abby when you need or whatever you would need.
No pressure.
If your mom is the better option - Oh, no.
She's definitely not.
Well - I mean you just would be cool helping out and hanging out with Abby or Yeah.
We could even, if you wanted, make a schedule or something and we could have times I'm here and times I'm not I just know that the past few days have been so good for me, too.
It's been a kind of rough time for me and - I'm sorry.
- No.
That's okay.
It's nothing, really.
It's just I feel like I would be so happy to be a part of, you know, taking care of her when you need and There's no pressure, though.
So you know Yeah, no.
I mean, that sounds I don't know.
That sounds like it could work.
Uh, I just gotta think about it and figure some stuff out.
- Yeah.
- Can I let you know later? Totally.
Just Yeah, let me know.
I will get out of your hair.
You just got home.
You need to have a night, so [CHUCKLES.]
Listen, thank you so much.
- You saved me this weekend.
- Oh, yeah.
Of course.
"I'll be a part of your family.
And it's so awkward.
It was like asking a family out.
You know, "Hey, wanna hang out more?" - That's cool.
- Oh, no.
I felt so weird about it, though.
You shouldn't feel weird about it.
She's probably so excited and if she took a moment's pause to think about it, it's probably because she's super stressed out.
Yeah, that's true.
I'm sure she's got a million things on her mind.
She'd be so obviously lucky to have you as a part of the situation.
I feel like we're talking about a guy.
I'm like, "What was he thinking? What did he mean by that pause? Hmm.
" More people should date families.
- Right? - Yeah.
I know.
It could be a - I don't know.
- It's the way of the future.
Or at least like a pause on my maternal I get to be a mom, but not be a mom, but be a mom.
- Yeah.
- [SIGHS.]
I really wanna be a mom.
I know you do.
- Soon.
- Yeah.
Are you gonna move out of this apartment? [CHUCKLES.]
Not like I'm moving into their house.
Although, oddly, their pull-out couch is very comfortable.
- Okay.
Enough about the pull-out.

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