Elkhorn (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

The Greenhorn

MAN: Run mister!
JAKE: Which one of you
grass-bellied sons-of-guns
is treatin’ me to
a shot of whiskey!?
Do you not hear me?!
Making quite a
story, am I, newsboy?
Front page
Very well could be Jake.
JAKE: Yeah
How’s about a little
compensation for that
fine display of shooting,
All right.
On the paper, then.
Watch it, four eyes.
Give me whiskey!
what’s a New York reformer
doing in the Dakota territory?
Arthur Packard,
at your service.
Of The Bad Lands Cow Boy.
Well you’re
assemblyman Roosevelt,
are you not?
Not anymore.
I see.
Done with New York then?
Off to bigger and
better things, no doubt.
With statehood all but
certain, a man like yourself
would be well-positioned
for a senate run.
I’ve no interest in politics,
local or otherwise.
I see.
Well then,
why are you here?
Why don’t we schedule
an interview
sometime next week when
I’m a little bit more settled.
of course.
On the record.
Oh, uh
we’ve reprinted that obituary
from the Times.
I just wanted to offer
my deepest condolences,
I can’t even begin to imagine
how difficult that must’ve been.
JAKE: Who’s your
friend newsboy?
Well, he seems well off.
Days are hard for
us cowhands, Mister.
How’s ’bout you treat
a hardworking fella
to a shot of whiskey.
ARTHUR: Hey, Jake how’s
’bout you call it a night?
Oh, he’s tenderfoot.
Too good for me
Come on
time to treat
Pumpkin Lilly.
Well, if I’ve got
to, I’ve got to.
ARTHUR: Oh my goodness,
Mr. Roosevelt,
that was amazing.
I had no idea that you-
JOE: That should be everything.
Though you might be wanting
some ice for that hand.
Oh, didn’t realize
you had any Joe.
JOE: I don’t, not since April.
Summer takes it real quick.
Just thought you might be
wanting it, Mr. Roosevelt.
Whole town’s talking about
your quarrel last night,
and Jake, well he’s,
he’s one of the nicer
ones around here.
Well, I just thought it
a shame to let the brute
mistake my silence for weakness.
Any word from your
brother about my cattle?
JOE: Sylvane cleared Dickinson
yesterday with the herd.
I reckon that puts him here
’round midday tomorrow.
Ah, He’s made good
time from Minnesota.
JOE: Oh, they’re
good stock too.
Better than them Texan
Longhorns to be for sure.
A thousand strong, and he
ain’t lost one of them.
then our adventure will
be off to a swell start
Morning, Merrifield!
Morning, Mr. Roosevelt.
I’m afraid we got a
matter needs tending to.
Had a few boys survey the
acreage, and it turns out,
there’s already a man on it.
A flea bitten fella,
called Bennet.
And he’s built himself
a bona fide shack, so
he’s got claim.
I don’t suppose there’s
any sense in convincing you
to change your mind.
Certainly not.
Did your men not make
him a fair offer?
Well, they tried.
Once your name was invoked,
he wouldn’t speak
to no one else.
I reckon he’s looking
for a mighty pay out.
Figured you’d wanna
handle it now,
before that herd arrives.
I’ll deal with this, Bennet.
But, I’ve got two men
arriving by train.
Could you meet
them in my absence?
I could.
I guess I didn’t realize
we were going to have
outside help on
this undertaking.
Bill Sewall and his
nephew Wilmot Dow.
Lumberjacks from Maine.
kind of like yourself.
Seems mighty unlike between
riding horses and riding logs.
Bill, you’re a fine partner.
But we need managers,
and I trust these
two men with my life.
questioning your judgment.
It’s just
I don’t know what your
boys are capable of.
And well, cattle ranchin’s
hard business, Mr. Roosevelt.
Good! I have no interest
in cultivated taste
and an easy life.
Though, I could do
with more formal ways
of purchasing property.
MERRIFIELD: Territory is
no place for contracts
and lawyers just yet.
Only the packs of men.
Now, what have we got here?
Howdy stranger,
you just ride on by
without so much
as a good morning?
Don’t touch that pistol.
Now I’m going to ask this once.
Remove that gun belt.
All right, all right
MERRIFIELD: Nice and easy.
Go on, dismount.
kindly bring my associate
here that fine horse
I went through to all that
trouble purchasing for him.
shame to let a would-be thief
back into the world, but
we are occupied at present.
So git!
no lawyers here
and no law.
Not for a hundred miles.
I wouldn’t trust them boys from
Deadwood to deliver anyhow.
this here is Manitou.
Means great spirit,
wise, sure-footed
Hello Manitou.
get you loaded up.
You know
it is a long ride.
Forty miles due North.
Yes, that’s exactly the point.
As far from any wagon
trails as can be.
Just pace yourself, is all.
Plenty-worse things
out there than thieves
if you don’t keep an eye out.
Sometimes even if you do
You pay off that squatter
and me and your
lumberjacks will meet you
there tomorrow with the herd
welcome to The Badlands.
This place sure is something,
ain’t it uncle?
An excessively
unattractive little hamlet.
Oh, hold on, no.
This is an adventure, you know?
Adventure’s for daredevils,
hot blood and no wits.
Well, then
’ll probably fit
right in, won’t I?
Hey um,
I mean, we best enjoy it
while we can you know.
Mr. Roosevelt says the west is
gonna be gone before
you even know it.
It’ll be lost, like the
city of Atlantis.
faster it gets to
sinkin’ the better.
Uncle, you can’t just-
New to town boys?
then I’d say you’re due for a
proper welcome.
- DOW: No! Don’t!
[LAUGHTER] Nice shot Billy.
Hey, welcome to Medora boys!
This is pretty good, actually.
Thanks for the welcome.
Hey, we don’t want no problems.
Come on boys.
Let’s get out of here.
SEWALL: That enough
adventure for you?
DOW: Yeah, I’m
full up for today.
Stay down, you filthy mongrel.
Hey you
you must be the
woodsmen then, hmm?
Not that anyone
would know by your
interesting attire.
SEWALL: Yeah, that’s us.
Yeah, Mr. Roosevelt said
to be expecting you.
let’s go.
Herd’s awaitin’.
ISAAC: A healthy baby girl,
Alice Lee Roosevelt,
was delivered yesterday
with great love and care
Theodore, what is this
about your mother?
Is she ill?
Just a bug. She picked it up
going back into
the city, I’m told.
Bamie wrote yesterday with
the doctor’s assurances.
She is resting well,
nothing to fret about.
Then I’ll hold the
fretting and be
only happy for you my friend.
A toast then!
To Theodore Roosevelt,
fearless reformer,
shameless knickerbocker,
and now proud father!
Here, Here!
Excuse me.
Another telegram for
you, Mr. Roosevelt.
ISAAC: Don’t tell me it’s twins.
Let’s get a move on.
Should’ve been to
the herd by now.
DOW: Sir!
Is it supposed to bounce
this much? Because
I am bruising my
hindcorners something awful.
Now, why would you come
all the way out here,
you can’t even ride?
You know, I’m in a bit
of a conundrum here.
I can’t, for the life of me,
figure why, Mr. Roosevelt,
in all his wisdom,
bring you two logs.
We’re to build his
lodge, or start anyhow.
dozen men here could build
a sturdy homestead,
including myself.
So, it kind of
begs the question,
why’d he hire you son?
- Well, I’d say- - I’ve
been asking the same thing.
Truth is,
can’t make much sense,
Mr. Roosevelt’s actions of late.
He’s always had fire,
this is something different.
else, indeed.
A lot of Easterners
lining their pockets
out here as cattlemen,
Europeans too.
Ever since they
cleared them Sioux,
Territory’s been
prime for grazing.
Couse, lots of ranchers
gettin’ rich off it.
And how many that ain’t?
Always some,
but mark my words gentlemen.
I don’t aim on letting
Mr. Roosevelt being among them.
No matter what bumpkins
he brings along.
- Here we go.
- Come on!
We wasted enough time.
Brother. Elliot!
ELLIOT: There is a
curse upon this house.
How are they?
BAMIE: She’s
beautiful isn’t she?
Your telegram
Where’s Alice?
She was fine at first.
And the birth always
takes a toll, but
the doctor is with her now.
And what of our mother??
BAMIE: She’s gone Theodore.
It was typhoid.
She went peacefully
in her sleep.
BAMIE: Theodore,
I need you to come with me.
Your wife needs you.
DOCTOR: We’ve done everything
we can, Mr. Roosevelt,
but your wife’s body is failing.
Then get another doctor.
Get every doctor!
I don’t care what the cost-
BAMIE: Theodore
there’s not much time.
You need to go to Alice now.
You need to go to your wife.
What are you saying?
BAMIE: I’m saying
there might not be another
chance to tell her goodbye.
You look all kinds of
lost there, Mister.
Don’t worry,
you’re in good hands now.
PADDOCK: What’s the
matter there four eyes?
You some kinda lung-er?
a bout of asthma.
It’s nothing.
I’ll be all right.
Don’t speak too soon.
Lots of other bad things
befall Rawheels this far out
Lucky for you,
I’d be more than happy
to offer my services.
What services might those be?
PADDOCK: Guidance,
a lendin’ of expertise
E.G. Paddock,
at your service.
I long found that survival in
this land requires a certain
familiarity with its wickedness.
And I assume you’d expect
a fee for these services?
Only what’s reasonable.
What you got on you, mister?
About twenty shells of buckshot.
Ain’t no self-respecting
cowboy carries a shotgun.
We ain’t much into
hunting small prey.
I find it quite effective on
large ones as well,
especially when they’re
dumb enough to get
themselves too close.
MARQUIS: What is the
meaning of this?!
Imbécile téméraire
this is no way to treat
a man of such esteem.
My apologies,
Monsieur Roosevelt.
I’m afraid my associate here
has the temperament
of a rattlesnake
and the manners to match.
am the Marquis de Morés,
humbled to make
your acquaintance.
And I assure you,
you are quite welcome here
in my West.
I didn’t know it was yours.
You will
in enterprise I mean.
You are joining the beef
bonanza are you not?
If you are to
become a cattleman,
we will soon be in league.
My slaughter house,
my train cars.
I think you will find me
far easier to deal with
than those crooks in Chicago.
Well then
good day gentlemen.
MARQUIS: It is inevitable
we meet you know?
Not just out here, I mean
The world
is too small for great
men such as ourselves.
Let us dine together soon,
so much to discuss.
We can help each other here.
Help bring industry and
civility to the Badlands.
TR: I look forward to it,
after I’ve removed a
squatter from my property.
Until then, I have
business to attend to.
Ever on the hunt for greatness.
Au Revoir.
La prochaine fois
choisseisez bein votre cible.
Quelqu’un qui ne
parle pas Francais.
MARQUIS: Happy hunting,
Monsieur Roosevelt.
MERRIFIELD: Well gentleman,
there’s your herd.
You’re shorter than I thought.
buffalo, I take it?
big one.
Lots of meat on them bones too.
I used to hunt ’em
for the Union Pacific,
taste of the West for all you
Eastern types.
Yeah, used to be teeming
with buffalo up here.
Two, three years ago
Couldn’t spit without
hittin’ a herd.
Couldn’t tell you where
to find a single one
Not since you
tenderfoots came and
mass-hunted them into the dirt.
world’s changing.
Time to move on.
Let you have a go four-eyes.
Surely, I cannot be the only man
in the Territory
who wears glasses.
The blind don’t survive
in the Badlands
something you need to know
before we get to dealin’.
I ain’t no fool, Roosevelt.
This here’s my property,
and I expect to be compensated
a fair price.
Name it, Mr. Bennet.
I figure uh,
I couldn’t take less than uh
ROOSEVELT: How about four?
For any expenses you may incur
while relocating your
seems she’s all yours.
I’m here,
Don’t you know
that our lives have just begun.
Years spent were so
wonderful, but the ones ahead
are ever so much brighter.
We have a beautiful
baby girl now,
little Alice Lee.
We’ll take her to the house
on Coveneck in the summer,
when it’s finished.
And she’ll play in
the rolling woodlands
and catch frogs near the bay
We’ll watch the
sunrise over the sound,
and we’ll take
her to Tranquility
just down the way,
and we’ll tell her about the
summers that we spent there,
and how we fell in love.
And when she’s older,
we’ll tell her ghost stories
and take her on adventures
the other children as well.
Sons and daughters,
we’ve not yet named.
And they’ll be
filled with laughter
and life
and light
like their mother.
No man
ever deserved your love,
but how I tried
how I will keep trying.
No. Alice. Please.
Alice stay with me.
You must fight,
fight Alice please
Alice, no.
MERRIFIELD: Dow, get up here.
Dow, come on.
Oh, easy now. Easy.
Next. Get up here.
ROOSEVELT: They’re of
extraordinary stock,
aren’t they?
get what you pay for.
I’d say that 26,000 got you one
heck of a herd, Mr. Roosevelt.
TR: Yes, Bill.
I’ve never been more sure
of anything in my life.
This will be quite the endeavor.
DOW: But, it won’t be
without some gettin’ used to.
May we have a word in
private, Mr. Roosevelt.
Yes, of course.
In fact, there’s something
I’d like to show you.
It’s magnificent,
don’t you think?
SEWALL: I think, the man
that christened this place
the "Badlands" hit
it about right.
It don’t look much like
cattle country to me.
Well, everyone here says it is.
And you don’t know
a thing about it.
That’s a fact.
I don’t know nothing.
Don’t change that that’s
the way it looks to me.
TR: I told you when I wrote,
If you were afraid of privations
and discouragements, don’t come.
And I came.
Yes, you did.
I came at your whim,
with Mary’s blessing.
I ain’t decided
whether I’m staying.
Not yet.
Not till you tell me what
we’re doing here Mr. Roosevelt.
I’ve been quite clear, Bill.
We are here to make cattle
ranching, our business.
And what of your life back East?
What are these questions?
You know I didn’t
seek a fourth term.
are well behind me
why are we here?
Why, to feel the beat of
a hardy life in our veins!
To find the glory of work
and the joy of living!
There’s an unlimited
rise ahead of us, Bill!
A future as bright
as we ourselves
choose to make it!
- Theodore!
What about your daughter?
Bamie can take care of her a
great deal better than I could.
Keep her happy, healthy.
baby Lee,
her life will be
better without me.
What child is better off
without their father?
TR: Her father is gone,
She’ll never know him.
The past is the past.
And to dwell on it would be
You know, I
I met a boy once.
First huntin’ trip to Maine.
Scrawny little kid,
sick all his life.
His cousin warned me,
said that the boy was
gifted with great ambition.
Cursed with a weak heart.
That even if he’s ailing,
he won’t tell ya.
Not till he falls dead
That scrawny kid
walked 20 miles on that hunt.
Wore clean through his shoes and
bloodied his feet
something awful.
Never said a word.
We can play at cowboys
if you want to.
we may even become em.
One day or another
you won’t feel as you do now.
When that day comes, well
you’re gonna wanna be
back there somewhere
where you could be more
of a benefit to the world,
and your daughter
But for now,
I guess it’s the business
of ranching for us.
- This way.
- Yeah.
We’re here.
Theirs’s certainly was
a duel to the death.
Neither one yielding,
until the very end.
We’ll build it here.
This will be Elkhorn Ranch!
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