ER s15e06 Episode Script

Oh, Brother

-They're coming tonight?.
-We talked about this two weeks ago.
-It's not a good weekend.
-So when's good?.
Pick a date.
I'm working Saturday.
I won't be around.
They're excited, they've been planning.
They drive five hours to see you, see us.
-You want me to tell them not to bother?.
-You better.
Doing that since you got back.
They're starting to wonder.
-Wonder what?.
-What's wrong.
I got a full day, all right?.
The house is a mess.
-They need clean linen.
-Look, look.
I've already set up the guest room.
We'll stay in tonight, have dinner-- -I don't have time to cook.
-Then we'll go out.
After that drive?.
They're not gonna want to go out.
It's just three days.
They're your family.
And they miss you.
It's not my fault the pipes froze up and burst.
Okay, well, then you can always pay for the hotel.
No, no, no.
Yeah, well, I don't care what the law says.
I-- Okay, you know what, forget it.
Thank you, you jerk.
We have two days to find a place while they fix this stupid pipe that I don't-- You know, there is an obvious solution.
SAM: Hey.
Excuse me, sir?.
You can't be right there.
I gotta go pick up a physiology syllabus.
I'll see you inside, okay?.
Hold it.
Hey, come on, buddy.
We gotta let sick people in.
Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Come on, Jake.
Let's go.
You order me around.
Don't order me around.
And today's the fourth time in three weeks that you crashed your bike?.
-Where does it hurt at, exactly?.
-Right side, shoots down my leg.
-Any weakness in the foot?.
-Are you for real?.
I could hardly walk.
-Chaz, my man, how we doing?.
I put a splint on your ankle guy and restocked the paramedic cart.
-I need something for the pain, damn it.
-You've already had 1 0 of morphine.
-lt ain't touched me.
You should start taking the bus.
Not that we don't enjoy seeing you every week-- Dr.
Morris, I'm concerned about a L4 motor deficit.
She's never had that before.
Could be nerve-root impingement or cord compression.
We should check for cauda equina syndrome.
We're checking labs and doing blood draws?.
He's a first-year med student.
He should be observing.
Teacher's pet needs to learn a physical.
-He's an EMT.
He still works shifts.
-I can't stand do-it-all guys.
Especially ones named Chaz.
What kind of name is that?.
GATES: Chaz Pratt.
Nice coat.
-Ha, ha.
What's up, Tony?.
Hey, Frank, page Neurosurge.
I need a stat lumbar MRl on Patty.
You mean Patty, the pain in the ass?.
We all assumed that she's full of it but Chaz picked up a foot drop.
She may need emergent-decompression surgery.
Nice job, buddy.
Healing and dealing, I dig it.
-Hey, you guys take her up to Radiology.
-Maybe the med student could do that.
Good idea.
You know what?.
We'll all go.
-I'll meet you guys up there.
Chaz, he's a natural.
Must be in the genes.
-Oh, yeah?.
-Yeah, he's awesome.
-Smarter than I was.
-That ain't saying much.
--stable pneumonia, had ceftriaxone and Zithro, medicines admitting.
Why has cellulitis guy been here all night?.
Oh, get in line.
I just got here.
I haven't had my coffee.
--with intractable nausea.
Ultrasound's negative, so I'm thinking gastro.
Digitoxicity could explain the symptoms.
-She's right.
Good thinking.
-All right.
Well, I'll add a level.
Why are you all dressed up?.
You have a hot date?.
-You're blushing.
Banfield just suggested that I present myself more, you know, professionally, so.
These are not gonna cure themselves.
What do I gotta do to get some damn morphine?.
PATTY: What's wrong with you people?.
-Thank God.
-So, Chaz, you'll see a herniated disc at L4-L5, L5-S1, according to our exam on Miss McPhee.
-Doctor, can we go in the booth?.
-You cannot go in the booth.
Now get her in here.
I haven't got all day.
CHAZ: Let me give you guys a hand.
-Go in the booth.
-You didn't switch gurneys?.
-I thought he did it.
I thought you did it.
I didn't know it had to be done.
PATTY: Can I get my morphine now?.
How much?.
Does that come with breakfast or anything?.
Okay, thank you.
-Do you know any good, cheap hotels?.
-Good and cheap, no.
One or the other.
-Hey, Sam.
You think about my solution?.
SAM: Solution?.
-Y eah, to your problem.
-Oh, if you got one, spit it out.
All right.
I was thinking that maybe you-- DARlA: Sorry.
Excuse me, Sam.
Um, Mr.
Rappaport needs a TropT.
Should have been sent an hour ago.
I don't know why the night shift didn't tell me.
I'll get it.
And if he has two negative troponins?.
If Cards can do a treadmill, he'll go home.
All right, good plan.
Hey, Crash, how's it going?.
Radiology called, said you owe them -You heard about that?.
-You almost killed a woman.
No, her plain films were negative.
She's fine.
Chaz, I don't know if anyone's told you, but the M in MRl stands for ""magnetic.
"" Thanks for the tip.
Morris, Ms.
McPhee's still pretty upset about the whole gurney thing but her foot drop resolved.
She's got full range of motion.
Ha! The accident must have been some weird chiropractic manipulation.
Nice job.
You cured a patient.
I should check the carts in the exam rooms.
Through there are the trauma rooms where the serious cases go.
Hey, Brenner, I got your unstable angina admitted to Cards.
Morris, Frank, these are my mates, Collin, Roger.
These your derelict countrymen I've heard about?.
Good day.
Good day to you too.
Morris, we gotta rig coming in.
Oh, hello there.
-Dawn Archer.
-Hi, there.
BRENNER: That's about it, guys.
-There you have it.
County General.
Good on you.
I can't believe you guys trust the bastard with human lives.
-Us either.
BRENNER: Much appreciated, Frank.
-Where you headed?.
-Big game.
-Sevens against the dreaded Kiwis.
It's seven on seven against some boys from New Zealand.
I've always wanted to learn rugby.
Maybe I could come with you sometime.
-Yeah, maybe.
-I was a kicker for high school football.
If you ever need an extra.
No, we're good.
We're all signed out.
But I'll see you guys later.
BRENNER: Gonna play in your stubbies?.
COLLlN: Yeah.
I'm true blue.
Somebody print out a recipe for chicken piccata?.
Do you read everything that comes off the printer?.
Y es.
And if you need recipes, I got some that can knock your socks off.
Keep your recipes to yourself.
Looks like maybe it's just gastroenteritis?.
NEELA: Do think they'd call us down for a non-surgical problem?.
-ls this about my 2-year-old with vomiting?.
NEELA: Mm-hm.
-What's your differential?.
So something structural like.
I'm thinking malrotation with a possible volvulus.
-How do you think we should proceed?.
NEELA: Upper Gl.
-You mind if I do the cut down?.
Not today, too busy.
Go back to the floor.
I'll just put in the line and meet you at rounds.
Derrek Taylor, facial and chest trauma from a knockout in the fifth round.
MORRlS: How you doing, Derrek?.
DERREK: Been better.
They didn't say nothing about a southpaw.
-Dawn, what's open?.
-Trauma 2's ready.
Morris, I'd like to discuss the case of the levitating gurney at some point.
-Soon as I can.
-A broken nose.
Third time.
But I feel pretty good now, I don't need all this.
Chaz, facial trauma with LOC.
We can review the cranial nerve exam.
-Look what we got here.
-Bards, what's up, baby?.
BARDELLl: Not much, man.
Looks good on you.
You know how to assess for mandible fractures?.
-Good, I'll show you.
-Sending him to CT?.
Banfield said we should jump in.
Kaya, on your count.
Okay, 1, 2, 3.
Pleasure doing business with you.
Chaz, don't screw it up.
Trauma panel, portable chest, head and facial CT.
Kaya, eyes, nose.
Ryan, extremities.
Chaz, we'll do primary assessment.
DAWN: Pulse ox 99 on 2 liters.
Sixth round I was gonna make my move.
-You were a round late.
CHAZ: Breath sounds good, bilaterally.
-A little tachycardic?.
-I agree.
DERREK: Thought I had him.
Explain this sport to me.
Look at this poor man.
KAY A: Lid edema, no hyphema.
-Peripheral pulses intact.
They call it the sweet science for a reason.
It's hard.
I'm not saying it ain't hard, just stupid.
-So what are you, a middleweight?.
-You a fighter?.
-No, my dad just showed me a little bit.
Mine too.
Old man won the Golden Gloves back in the day.
CT is starting a guided biopsy.
If they can't take him next, I'll talk to Bettina.
-We had dinner the other night.
How's she doing?.
Real good.
She's putting in work on that program we started in Greg's name.
-You're pretty young for a doctor.
-I'm a med student.
DERREK: Brainiac, huh?.
Not really.
I just decided this is what I wanna do.
Looks like it's working out for you.
It's not easy though.
DERREK: I feel you.
Septal hematoma.
I need an 1 1 blade.
That's okay.
I'll do the procedure with Chaz.
-Labs come back on taxi lady?.
Isolated thrombocytopenia.
Yeah, like you thought.
-Hematology see her?.
They wanna start lVlG.
-Blood bank's gonna send it down.
No, I get this percent-latte thing.
Thanks though.
Hey, you want a hot coffee?.
It's cold out here.
I have an extra.
You wanna come inside?.
Have us check you out?.
-Have a shower, hot meal?.
-I hate hospitals.
All right.
Offer stands.
L-shaped incision from high to low, then along the floor of the nose.
-Okay, if we don't drain it we get something called pressure necrosis of the septum.
Go for it.
-Everything okay in here?.
-Draining a septal hematoma.
Pressure down to 80 systolic.
-Liter of saline.
-Pulse ox down to 85.
Slip the packing underneath the flap.
How are you doing, sir?.
One hundred percent non-rebreather.
Intubation tray and repeat the HemoCue.
Prep the cordis for the lJ.
T ell me why we're ignoring the ABCs of a critical trauma patient.
An emergent procedure and the patient was stable.
-You call Surgery?.
-On their way.
And who's your assistant with the short coat?.
-Med student.
-Fourth year?.
-With a scalpel up a patient's nose.
Anything wrong with that picture, Dr.
BANFlELD: Kaya, left upper quadrant?.
No perisplenic blood.
-And the subxiphoid view?.
-Negative for pericardial effusion.
-I'm not getting a flash.
-I'll try.
Forty-five degree angle.
Aim for the ipsilateral nipple.
-Level 1 is ready with 2 liters.
BANFlELD: Soon as they get the line.
NEELA: A little higherno.
-I can't get it.
-Okay, move.
-No blood in the belly.
NEELA: Flash.
Chest is still clear, pupils are still equal.
KAY A: Repeat HemoCue is 1 4.
We didn't miss any internal bleeding.
He's just dehydrated.
You got lucky.
All right, you, you, you and you, with me.
Was I not clear?.
Now, please.
Excuse me.
Wade's a surgical intern.
In my department.
I wanna see the two of you at the desk soon as you're finished here.
Now is when you acquire skills for the future.
Do not let upper-level residents and attendings decide your fate.
You get in there.
This is your shot.
Speak up for your right to be educated.
And if your supervisors aren't respecting that right, then you talk to me.
Except for you.
You, stay quiet, stand back and watch.
You are barely qualified to speak.
Okay, good.
Let's get back to work.
Look, I know what you're gonna say.
We are teachers at a teaching hospital.
Which means we have young kids running around trying to learn how not to kill patients.
-I understand-- -Then why teach a first-year student a procedure your interns should be doing?.
-Chaz was an EMT.
-That's irrelevant.
He is only here to observe.
Teach your interns, Dr.
Both of you.
They learn by doing.
Let them do things.
Teach, educate, delegate.
That's your job.
Now go clear the board.
Excuse me, Dr.
Banfield, but we have a different culture in Surgery.
-And I supervise my intern as I feel appropriate and I don't appreciate you undermining me.
Rasgotra, I prefer to handle this at the attending level.
You have a problem, have Dr.
Dubenko give me a call.
All right.
Keep him warm.
Keep the head of the bed up 3O degrees.
Hey, Sam.
I wanna ask you something.
Actually, I wasn't so clear earlier.
About what?.
-Move in with me.
You and Alex need a place to stay, you stay with me.
We're not a charity case.
Who said anything about charity?.
Split the rent.
-You mean, like, temporarily?.
-Yeah, if that's what you want.
Your place is too small.
We have a bedroom downstairs we don't use.
What do I tell Alex?.
Alex and Sarah get along.
Me and Alex are cool.
You're insane.
It's way too soon.
It would never work.
Why are you laughing at me?.
You wanted to get serious.
No, I do.
I'm not laughing at you.
It sure seems like you're laughing.
You're something else.
Why do you have to do everything the hard way?.
Forget it.
Forget I even asked.
Just forget it.
-T ony.
ClTY WORKER: Need a little help here.
Hey, some help, over here.
Excuse me.
ClTY WORKER: There's something wrong with him.
SAM: Hey.
How long you gonna keep this up?.
Eight hundred bucks, Pop.
Double if I win.
We need that.
Not this bad.
-Dawn, he needs three grams of Unasyn.
-I'm on it.
-Are you Derrek's dad?.
-Yeah, Louie Taylor.
The CT was negative.
No bleeding in the brain.
Good news.
That means you're gonna be okay.
Derrek, you have a depressed zygoma fracture.
Basically, your cheekbone is broken.
LOUlE: But that's serious?.
-It's completely fixable.
-But requires surgery.
-How long to come back from that?.
Good six weeks of recovery.
You should be able to train with headgear after that.
-Got another bout in two months.
Don't start, Pop.
I ain't loading boxes for $9 an hour.
No, you'd rather continue getting your ass beat?.
MORRlS: Let's take one thing at a time.
We'll get you through the operation first, okay?.
Surgery should be down soon, take you up.
Hey, Dr.
-He really gonna be able to fight again?.
-Yeah, there's a good chance.
The procedure's very routine and he's young.
-You okay?.
-Spinal stenosis.
Up until a couple months ago I was able to work full time you know, hit the gym a few days a week.
We've got some great surgeons.
Yeah, I'm on the list.
Eighteen-month wait.
Derrek's got it in his head that he's gonna make enough fighting get me the surgery.
That and a new car, a new house.
-Seems like a great kid.
He showed a lot of promise when he was young, you know?.
Then his mother died.
He's got a lot of heart, doc, but his record's 5 and 28.
Nothing's easy at first.
-But he keeps at it, who knows?.
-Yeah, but, doc.
You know what they say about a fighter like that?.
He's a stiff.
A bum.
A silent offering.
My son gets paid to lose.
They laugh at him.
They throw him in the ring at somebody for real who can use him to tune up.
Know what I'm saying?.
And for what?.
Oh, man, I was good.
And still, I was barely good enough to turn pro.
And Derrek ain't half the fighter I used to be.
The difference between us is that I knew when to hang it up.
Now, he won't listen to me, but maybe he'll listen to you.
Maybe you could talk to him.
Help me out.
Give him a real reason to stop, huh?.
Due respect, Mr.
Taylor, but I can't do that.
He's a grown man.
He's got something he wants, there's nothing I can say.
-He's killing himself.
-But he's going for what he wants.
Maybe you should think about giving him a little support.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
Watch out.
-Maybe he hit his head.
-No sign of trauma.
We gonna finish our talk later?.
Daria, give us a hand, please.
No, actually, Dr.
Banfield really wanted-- Now please.
-What do you think he's altered from?.
-Probably ingestion.
Of what?.
Coma's pretty deep.
-Benzos, barbs, opiates.
-No pinpoint pupils.
-Respirations aren't suppressed.
-Want me to start a line?.
No, Sam can do that.
It'd be really good for me to have the practice.
-Thank you, Daria.
GATES: Sam, vitals.
-I'm putting him on the machine now.
-What kind of labs you want?.
I want chemistry, I want CBC, ETOH levels acetaminophen and aspirin, please.
Looks like yours.
Oh, yeah.
We need to scan.
Can I have my light?.
-Secure his airway.
-I don't wanna wait.
-My light?.
Um, you two have this under control.
Will you stay here and check his Babinski?.
-Give him dextrose.
TONY: No, a finger stick.
SAM: lt'll take too long.
GATES: Whoa, whoa.
-Want me to get some Ativan?.
-Yeah, two mgs.
DARlA: Okay.
-I'll mix some Dilantin.
DARlA: Oh! Sorry.
-Get the Ativan.
Dilantin load's running.
-So his tattoo means he's Army, right?.
-Yeah, paratrooper.
-Same as you?.
-Y ep.
Let's get some antibiotics onboard.
Two grams of ceftriaxone and one gram of Vanco.
I think maybe we should get him on some steroids too.
Listen, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier.
Gates, he's waking up.
-So steroids?.
Decadron, 1 O milligrams.
Don't let me tell you what to do.
Don't worry, you're not.
All right.
-Feeling okay?.
How are you feeling?.
Like I got my bell rung.
Yeah, you had a seizure.
You ever have one of those before?.
I don't know.
Can you tell me your name?.
-Your last name?.
-How'd I get in here?.
The last thing I remember, I was drinking coffee.
We found you passed out on the street.
Where's Jake?.
-My dog.
-I'm sorry, I don't know.
Didn't see him.
I gotta go.
Where's my stuff?.
-I got stuff in my duffel.
-We got it.
Don't worry.
-I gotta go.
-No, no, no.
-Jake needs me.
All right.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Sit down, please.
-You need to stay in bed, sir.
We're gonna find him, okay?.
Don't worry.
And Neuro wants us to send CSF for prions and HSV for our ataxic guy.
He's stoned.
What's wrong with neurologists?.
I don't know.
I've got an ingrown toenail in 3 with my name on it, so I'm-- -Hey, hey, hey.
You okay?.
I mean, why wouldn't I be okay?.
-Do I not seem okay?.
-No, you seem hasty.
No, no, no.
I'm just busy, that's all.
Hey, Frank, do you have the LFT s on my jaundice guy?.
Yeah, I'll find them.
Excuse me, Dr.
I can't just stand by and watch.
Veal Frank-a-lini.
-I thought I told you-- You can't tell by looking at me.
I happen to be a culinary genius.
I used to cook for the guys at the precinct all the time.
And Chicago cops know good food.
Now, this is my variation on a timeless classic.
Veal scaloppine with a chanterelle cream sauce.
A little touch of heaven.
Now, the key is the chanterelles.
A good chanterelle is firm.
-You don't want a soft chanterelle.
-Please stop saying ""chanterelle.
"" Sorry.
Thank you, Frank.
You're welcome.
Hey, you.
Russ, what're you doing here?.
Didn't like the way we left things.
Got a minute?.
No, I don't.
I'm busy.
You should've called.
I've been trying your cell all day.
Left messages.
You just can't just show up at work like this.
-I need to talk.
-Well, not here.
Sorry, I can come back later.
What is it, doctor?.
My husband, Russell Banfield.
Hello, I'm Neela Rasgotra.
Nice to meet you.
-You too.
-Could you wait for me outside, please?.
You know, it really can wait, I didn't mean to interrupt.
I'm here now.
Okay, so I spoke to Dr.
Dubenko and he feels that I should handle our issue on my own.
-Since I'm the one-- -You know what, Dr.
We'll do it your way.
Make things nice and easy for you.
And you let me know if there's anything else I can do.
-What happened here?.
-Rugby match.
-You win?.
I think that qualifies as a massacre.
Can we get on?.
All I need is a drink.
Yeah, I'll go and get you wrapped.
We'll get some ibuprofen and some ice.
Hey, you should celebrate with us.
Bring your pretty nurse friends.
I don't think my surgeon friends would be interested.
We're gonna head to lke's.
Stop by if you're free.
Maybe you could have a spot of tea.
You know, leave the real drinking to us.
Unasyn finally came up from the pharmacy.
-Y o, med student.
CHAZ: What's up, man?.
-You graduate yet?.
-Not yet.
LOUlE: How much longer you gonna keep us here?.
-He needed surgery.
-He's next.
I'm sorry, they're swamped.
Isn't he an emergency?.
Look at him.
-Give the guy a break, Pop.
-It's okay.
Gives me time to do a full neuro assessment.
-Chaz, will you cover that eye, please?.
CHAZ: Sure.
Okay, I want you to look into my eye and not move yours.
Tell me when you see my finger moving.
-All right.
Tell me again when you see it moving.
How about now?.
-There's a visual-field deficit.
Well, your retina's fine, which means there could be a problem in your brain.
-You said my brain was okay.
Well, it might be something called a diffuse-axonal injury.
Doesn't show up on a CT.
Happens with repetitive head trauma.
You mean like getting punched over and over?.
Which is why you keep getting hit by all those shots, man.
I could step in there and take you out.
Imagine what somebody half my age would do.
-He's got brain damage, right?.
-We need to get an MRl to be sure.
-You can't keep doing this to yourself.
-I'm doing this for us.
LOUlE: This doesn't do us any good, son.
-Pulse ox is down.
-What's going on?.
-What's going on?.
DERREK: My chest.
MORRlS: Where?.
LOUlE: Derrek?.
DERREK: To the left.
To the left.
Decreased breath.
Get him to Trauma.
DAWN: I'll get the non-rebreather.
Best I could do.
Got you an extra Jell-O.
Is there anyone we can contact for you?.
Family or friends?.
Just Jake.
-I'm fine on my own.
-Yeah, well, you don't seem fine.
No one likes to be alone all the time.
-What do you know?.
-I've been on my own most of my life.
But it's up to me to fix that, you know?.
Could I get some mustard or something?.
MORRlS: The incision goes along the fifth rib, midaxillary line, all right?.
Tunnel superiorly to the next interspace.
Curved vascular clamp around the tube.
Know what?.
You push it through.
It's okay.
Banfield said I shouldn't touch anything.
I did the whole procedure.
We'll push it together, so you can get the feel.
Time out.
He's a student here, right?.
This is a teaching hospital, sir.
Right here, just above the rib margin.
Right there.
-Heard you guys needed help.
-I'm sorry if this hurts a little, man.
-A little force to get through the muscle.
-Shouldn't Chaz be observing?.
He's assisting.
-Feel it?.
Push it in.
A little harder.
-Pulse ox coming up, strong pulse.
MORRlS: Way to go, Chaz.
Now we just sew it in.
You mean, you sew it in.
0 silk.
-Thora-Seal provides-- -Dropped in pressure again.
Five hundred cc's.
What are you guys doing?.
Hang two units of blood.
I thought you said he had a collapsed lung.
-We bagged an intercostal artery.
Chaz, when you pushed the tube in -did it slip?.
I don't know.
-He's not breathing.
LOUlE: What?.
GATES: Prepare intubation tray.
Page Surgery.
LOUlE: Derrek.
Honey, I've been out here for half an hour.
I'm busy.
You should have called.
I don't like people knowing my business.
-How can you work in that?.
-You didn't pull me out to talk about this.
Russ, please, my board is full.
I made dinner reservations.
Mia Francesca, your favorite.
-We are not going to dinner.
-They'll be at our place in an hour.
That's not what I meant, damn it.
I'm going to cook.
I will cook.
I thought you didn't have time.
-I know what I said.
-I'm trying to make this easier for you.
By making your mother think that I can't make dinner or keep a home?.
-That won't make it easier.
Believe me.
-Baby, I'm sorry.
I'm just trying to help.
All right.
I'll be there at 7:3O.
Come on.
I can't get control of the bleeder.
-BP's in the toilet.
-Up inside the costal groove.
-Fourth unit's going in.
MORRlS: Come on, come on, come on.
-I got it.
-All right, 1 2O over 8O.
Not bad.
-Chest tube output's down.
-Surgery's here.
-Where's Neela?.
ANDREW: Gone for the day.
MORRlS: Finger on the vessel.
ANDREW: You got it.
-He gonna be okay?.
-Gotta get him up to Surgery.
-What's going on?.
-We tore an intercostal but he's stable.
And how'd you tear an intercostal doing a chest tube?.
Must have slipped.
It happens.
-OR's ready.
-Should be an interesting M and M.
-Stay ahead four units.
-Hey, Morris, you got a second?.
Got 1 8 gauge in each arm.
Get something central.
GATES: Come here.
What the hell are you doing?.
Chaz isn't trained to do chest tubes.
-He has EMT.
-They don't do chest tubes in the field.
-I was trying to teach him.
-By letting him kill a patient?.
Put in a situation he wasn't ready for.
Not a head start, that's setting him back.
COLLlN: Hey, look who it is.
Got a cup of Earl Grey waiting for you.
-You take milk with that?.
-You made it.
Well, looks that way.
Maybe some chamomile since it's almost bedtime.
Let's get you a drink.
Hey, I am so sorry that I barged in the other night.
-I didn't realize that you and Ray were-- -Not at all.
It's fine.
He and I were friends.
He was in town, catching up.
It's all good.
Oh, Jimmy, another round for my mates.
And whatever she's drinking.
Hey, Max, how you doing?.
-Your CAT scan looks good.
So you don't remember anything like this happening to you before?.
-I forget lots of stuff.
-No head injury?.
Maybe epilepsy?.
Look, could I get a sandwich?.
That nurse lady brought me one but l' m still hungry.
Sure, no problem.
Can you remember your last name for me?.
I tried to see it on your duffel but I couldn't read it.
All right.
You let me know if you can, all right?.
What about this ink on your chest?.
Oh, yeah.
Thing hurt.
I got one too.
-Screaming Eagles.
Where'd you get yours?.
This dude.
Max, do you remember where you served?.
Tal Afar.
-Hot as hell.
Up north by Mosul, right?.
-Homeless guy you were just in with?.
Neuro wants to discharge him.
Outpatient EEG and clinic referral.
He won't get his Dilantin filled.
-He'll never make it back here.
-Sam, I took care of it.
-You did?.
-Pulled some strings and got him admitted into the Neuro service.
Well, there you go.
There you go.
Look, I feel like-- ALEX: Hey, Mom.
You're early.
-What's up, Tony?.
-Alex, how you doing?.
-I'm good.
-Hey, can we go eat?.
Yeah, let me get my stuff.
-See you tomorrow.
-Later, Tony.
Good night.
Daria, before you leave, can you get a read on my pericarditis guy's echo?.
Y eah, no problem.
I was just wondering.
I wanted to make sure that everything was okay.
You know, with you and Sam.
-Y eah, everything's fine.
Well, no, that's great.
It was just because, you know, earlier, things got a little bit weird.
Not that weird, per se.
Just a little bit weird.
And so I just wanted to make sure that-- Yeah.
But everything's okay.
So that's great.
You good?.
-You sure?.
Because you're blushing again.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh! Oh, hi.
So you're ready for sign outs?.
After you tell me how today went.
Did Dr.
Gates instruct you well?.
You know what?.
These are the pass ons.
Good night.
Somebody had a poopy day.
-You sure?.
-I don't know.
Are you sure?.
I mean, what else are we going to do?.
-Lot of things.
We could go to a hotel.
-Mom, you hate hotels.
Hey, sorry to interrupt, but since I am, I wanna tell you, both of you that I want you to come stay with me.
Because I really like you guys.
And I know it's fast but if it doesn't work then you guys can move out.
I think we'd be great together.
I think we'd all be great.
All of us.
And Sarah's totally onboard.
And I have a flat-screen TV and I live in a great neighborhood-- T ony, we were actually just talking about it.
We're in.
-You are?.
You had me at flat-screen.
All right.
Up your bum.
-Yeah, no pressure now love.
-Shut up.
Shut up.
-Just don't miss.
-Don't listen.
Yeah, hold it.
You see that?.
You see that?.
-Oh, yes.
BRENNER: Come on.
-Thank you and thank you and thank you.
Green is my favorite color.
Don't worry, it is a British game.
God save the queen and all that.
-She's your queen too, you know?.
-Excuse me?.
Who invited the Brit?.
-You did.
-Sore loser.
-Shut up.
Oh, what?.
What did you just say to me, convict?.
Oh, again.
That's all right.
It's my shout.
Who's drinking?.
Oh, I am, if you're buying?.
All right.
So surgery went well.
I'm doing okay then, right?.
Well, your lung will heal and so will your face.
But the damage from repeated head trauma, that won't heal.
You gotta stop this mess.
-Pop, please.
Just let the man talk.
Actually, your dad's right.
Y eah, boxing's just not a good idea.
You saying I can't fight or I shouldn't fight?.
I know you think you don't have a choice-- -You don't know what I think.
-You want to do whatever it takes help your dad, to make him proud.
But if you keep fighting, you are risking serious brain damage.
I know I've been tough on you.
I'm sorry.
I take full responsibility for that.
But where you go from here is up to you, Derrek.
You got nothing to prove.
What're we gonna do, Pop?.
We'll find a way, like always.
We'll figure it out.
I'll come to check on you later.
LOUlE: Hey, doc?.
Thank you.
Banfield, I thought you were gone for the night.
-I needed to follow up.
-You don't have to check up on me.
-I was checking up on your patient.
My patient.
Yes, who thankfully survived your little therapeutic misadventure today.
May I ask you a question?.
How can such a good doctor be such a knucklehead?.
I thought Chaz was different.
It was a mistake.
After Greg Pratt died, I lost some focus.
I'm working on it.
Well, I hope you find clarity soon.
Morris, good night.
Good night.
Glad I caught you.
Here's everything you need.
Veal, cream, chanterelles.
-You'll never find good ones.
I got a guy.
-No, I can't accept that.
Please, I insist.
-Let me know how it turns out.
-And Frank.
Remember, this never happened.
Hey, man.
So how was your first day?.
I'm so sorry about that chest tube.
Don't worry.
He's gonna be fine.
-And all the interns hate me.
They don't hate you.
They probably hate me, but not you.
Listen, all that stuff, my fault.
I'm the one that should be sorry.
It's just, every time I see you, I see your brother.
And he was a hell of a doctor.
And you will be too, one day.
But you got a ways to go and I forgot that.
So, today, just chalk it up.
All right, it's your first step on a 1 OOO-mile journey.
I really appreciate you looking out for me.
That's what Greg used to do.
Hey, I'm off soon.
I was gonna go grab a burger.
Forgot to eat today.
-You wanna come?.
-I'd like that.
They're here.
MARlE: Cate, is that you?.
-It's me.
MARlE: Hi.
George, get down here.
Cate's here.
Oh, so good to see you, baby.
Let's get inside, it's freezing.

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