Erky Perky (2006) s01e11 Episode Script

She Loves Me Not

Life was good
on Hot Dog Stand ♪
For two bugs
with food demands ♪
Had our last meal
one sunny day ♪
They got caught
up and swept away ♪
Into Kitchen's
where they landed ♪
We're so hungry ♪
And we're stranded ♪
Finding food is
quite a mission ♪
Other bugs are competition ♪
Now just one question ♪
How do we find our
way back home? ♪
(evil laughing)
- Well thanks to Mad
Margaret, kitchen doesn't hold
a candle to hotdog stand.
- I wouldn't hold
a candle at all.
- At hotdog stand no one
would tell us what to do.
I was king, king
of all I surveyed.
- And I was queen.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
- At hotdog stand bugs
were free to do their
own thing and nobody
tried to take food from you!
- I'm a princess.
- Well take this
box for example.
If this was hotdog stand,
we'd be allowed as much
of whatever's in this
box as we could eat.
- That's crazy.
- Why?
- Because I'd be a
prince, what was I thinking.
What are we talking about?
- What's in the box?
- Oh!
Smells good.
Can we go see what's in there?
- No there's no point, Mad
Margaret will swoop down
and take it from us as
soon as she finishes her nap,
so why bother?
"It's ours, we
found it," we'll say.
"But I can't see your
name on it," she'll reply.
- (gasping) Your picture!
- That looks like me!
You know what this means?
- No.
- It means all the food in
there must belong to me!
Let's go!
We're so close!
We'll have to lick our way in.
Go Perky!
- Hey why do I have to--
- We don't have
time to argue, lick!
Lick like you've
never licked before!
My whole life I knew I
was somehow important,
but this, this is amazing!
- What?
- Keep licking!
Here's the real
questoin, how do I tell the
other bugs about this?
Oh you're right,
rub their faces in it!
Oh I can't wait!
Oh Perky, how could
I have been so foolish.
I'm much too important to go.
I'm gonna stay here with my box.
- Ugh, I didn't
- You're right, it really
does look like him!
Well well well, I'm gonna
have to form an entirely
new opinion of you, Erky.
I never knew you
were this important.
- I have been trying
to tell everyone.
- Have you found
out what's in it?
- No, still working on that.
- Mind if I make a suggestion?
- What?
We're gonna have so much food
Ta da da da
- So it's true.
- Yes it is, what?
- Legend speaks of a bug,
a bug whose picture will
be written on the sky.
A bug who will lead
us into a golden age
of grease and crumbs!
- Go on.
- This bug is the chosen one.
- Wow, I'm the chosen one!
- You still have
to get through that
crinkly clear stuff before
you can get the food.
- I'm sure there'll be lots of
bugs happy to help me out.
After all, I am the chosen one!
- What are you doing?
- I'm just getting
some congealed milk.
I need it to get an autograph.
- A what?
- An autograph,
haven't you heard?
Erky's picture is
on this huge thing!
Word on the counter is
that he's the chosen one.
- Whoa!
- Oh ow ow!
- Get the chosen
one's autograph here!
(chanting "Erky")
- I wanna be just
like you some day.
- Good choice, but
remember there's only one me.
- [Perky] Hey Erky.
- Hey buddy, what's up?
- Seduza here would
like an autograph.
- Any friend of Perky's
is a friend of mine.
There you go.
- Wow, Perky, thanks
for getting me to the front
of the line.
- Erky, I will never be
able to pay you back.
- Well check on those bugs
who are chewing through
the crinkly stuff.
- You got it.
- Who's the chosen one!?
(chanting "Erky")
I can't hear you!
(chanting and cheering)
- Who's Erky?
- Let me get this straight.
I go for a little nap,
everything's fine,
I wake up after
leaving you in charge,
and everyone is
worshiping some other bug!
Where's Seduza!?
- She went to get an autograph.
- Mad Margaret.
- Uh oh.
- Alright this is it,
this is the moment
we've been waiting for.
- Which moment?
- You're the chosen one,
you're suppose to stand up
to Mad Margaret and
end her reign of terror!
We're all counting
on ya, especially me.
- How could I let down my fans?
- I take one little nap
and you get too big
for your boots, eh?
- I am not wearing boots.
- Soon Erky will have
more food than you because
he's the chosen one.
And so you better
be nice to him!
- That's right, we've been
cowering in fear of you
for too long!
It's time the bugs of kitchen
took back the crumbs!
- Ha!
- Oh laugh all you want,
but from now on everyone
gets whatever they find!
Grease for the grease
bugs, dust for the dust mites,
and you aren't allowed
to confiscate any of it!
- Oh yeah, and
who's gonna stop me?
- Me, I am the chosen one!
When we are through
the crinkly stuff there will
be enough food for everyone!
First of course I will get
to eat, but then everyone
will get as much as they want!
And you won't stop them!
- We're through
the crinkly stuff!
- See, proof I am
the chosen one!
- [Perky] Yay!
- Mad Margaret, the chosen
one commands you to leave
and never come back!
- Hey that doesn't
look like you at all.
- Sure it oes, if you
kinda squint your eyes
and move your head around.
- You know what this means?
You aren't the
chosen one, and I still
rule kitchen, yeeha!
Leave that food alone,
it's all mine, bug off!
(laughing evilly)
- Hurry up!
I can't believe it.
I was the chosen one,
then suddenly I wasn't.
- Well at least you
got your 15 seconds.
Most bugs never become famous.
- I even had my image
painted in the sky,
just like Moldy said.
- [Perky] I wonder who
the real chosen one is.
- [Erky] I guess we'll
never know Perky,
I guess we'll never know.
(upbeat music)
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