Everwood s02e19 Episode Script


Hey Delia.
Did you need the mirror or something? Why do you take so many pills? I don't take so many pills.
I've seen you.
What? I've seen you before.
You take them everyday.
Are you sick? Come here.
I have a disease.
It's called HIV.
Have you ever heard of it? No.
Well, it's a virus and if you catch it, it makes it harder for your body to get better if you catch something else.
Like a cold or an infection, and, um, it doesn't go away.
But you don't have to worry because I'm OK.
How did you get it? I got it from a patient that I was trying to help.
It was a few years ago but you can't catch it from me.
You can only get it, um, if something like your blood touches.
That's why doctors wear gloves when they give shots.
Does that make sense? I thought you were a druggie.
Not me.
I can, uh, I can barely drink wine.
I know this might be a kind of confusing so if you have any questions that you want to ask me or your dad, go ahead any time.
Just do me a favor, OK? This isn't something I usually talk about.
Actually, it's kind of a secret.
Can you keep it for me? It's OK.
I'm great with secrets.
Unless they're mine.
Then I tell everyone.
I won't.
Thank you.
You never hugged me before.
I know.
It was time.
Delia! At the door! In the jacket! Bus is waiting! I better go.
Yeah, I don't want to get in trouble.
"Sick" You're sure the cream will work? I don't want to spend half of my granddaughter's wedding scratching up the pits.
Twice a day everyday, Ollie.
You'll be itch free in time to pick up your tux.
Edna, could you please call in Mrs.
Hayes? Oh, you're not Mrs.
I can tell because you're not ninety and you don't have jaundice.
I just need a minute, Andy.
Is this because I didn't kiss you goodbye this morning? I mean that's very sweet but it's not very nice to the poor sick people waiting outside to see me.
Andy, I had a talk with Delia this morning.
What about? I told her.
She saw me taking my pills and asked what they were for and, and so I told her.
How could you do that? Well, she asked me and there didn't seem to be a better way to handle it.
Well, I can think of a few.
We talked about this.
We decided that if the time came that I would tell them.
Yeah, but you haven't.
Well, it's not like you've told Bright and Amy.
I, I wasn't ready for this.
I'm not accusing you.
I'm just saying that we waited.
And Delia came to me.
I mean she's not so young like she doesn't notice things and I guess she just couldn't hold it back anymore.
Well, how did she handle it? What did she say? I don't know.
She seemed comfortable with it.
I mean, she asked me some questions and I think she understands.
She can't be comfortable with it.
She doesn't even know what "it" is.
This isn't a conversation you have with her three minutes while she's brushing her teeth.
What time is it? Maybe I can pick her up from school and I talk to Did you tell her how serious this is? Do you know she's told anyone? Andy, it's me.
Give me some credit.
I mean I told her it was a secret and I think she got it.
But you can talk with her when she gets home from school if you don't believe me.
Oh I will.
I hope you can fix all of my mistakes.
Can you put something good on already? There is nothing good on.
That's the problem.
Oh, there's always something good on TV.
That's been my motto since I was a little kid.
I'm sticking to it.
See, pandas.
Now could you change the channel please? 'Cause Madison used to have a stuffed panda.
I'm trying to forget about her over here.
Don't complain.
At least your ex isn't going into rehab.
Well, I wish she was.
At least then I'd know she couldn't date.
This is exactly why I keep my relationships under one month.
No muss, no fuss.
And no depth.
Did you ever think maybe the reason why you two are heartbroken, the reason why you just got dumped, is that you're both annoying? You're right.
Maybe we'd go big, make it a town thing and call it Dump Fest, get Dido.
Sit here with the bitter twins or free Internet porn? Excuse me.
Bitter twins.
He's getting funnier.
Yeah, maybe he's right.
Maybe I am broken.
I used to have the skin like a hobbit's feet.
Nothing used to get to me.
But now you got any extra Zoloft lying around? Fresh out.
You still enjoying the unmedicated life? No.
But I'm actually OK with not enjoying it if that makes any sense.
Yeah, if that works.
Is there anywhere we could go to get your mind off of it? No.
Not really.
Madison and I went out for just long enough so that everything in this town reminds me of her.
I can't even look at a street sign without seeing something that reminds me of being reminded of her if that makes any sense.
Actually, you kinda lost me on that one.
See, the annoying deep-dish lady? Yeah.
That reminds me of Chicago.
Which reminds me of that episode of Samurai Jack where they gotta stop the wind from blowing away those little blue guys.
Which reminds me of that nasty blue cotton candy you made me buy you the first time we ever hung out at Thaw Fest a million years ago, which you got all over your nose and it was pretty cute.
But anyway, it's like that, only with Madison.
That makes sense.
You pick.
Come on, Arnie.
One more game before your mom picks you up.
I don't want to play.
Delia throws too hard and I get nosebleeds.
You have to, Arnie.
I'm the team captain and I said.
But I'm scared.
You should be.
You're in a bad mood.
What's wrong? Nothing.
You can't start faking now.
It's just that I can't say.
It's a secret.
What is it? I'm not allowed.
Best friends share their secrets.
It's like the first rule.
But it's not my secret.
Whose is it? Linda's.
You don't even like her.
And I told you my secret about how I throw out away my PB&J's when they get too smushy.
You have to promise you won't tell anyone.
Promise promise? Like pinky.
Linda says she has a disease.
Which one? HIV.
That's a bad one.
I know.
If you get that, you die.
Linda said that that's not true anymore.
She said they have medicine now.
That makes it OK.
That's not what my dad said.
He told me that's why you can't touch homeless people because they could have AIDS.
There's no cure.
Linda is not going to die.
Forget I said anything.
I shouldn't have even told you.
Don't worry.
I won't say anything really.
You know, you can't be unsupervised for five minutes, can ya? Honestly.
How you manage to get coinage of increasing value lodged in your ear is behind me.
Now the dime, I could forgive.
What's going on here? Please calm down.
I will not calm down.
Now you listen to me.
I would be happy to talk to you.
Why don't we don't go into my office and we can discuss it? I just want to know if it's true.
There's no reason to yell.
What are you doing here? Is Brittany alright? What the hell is wrong with you? -What? What do you mean? -We heard she has AIDS.
Does she? How many times did we let you do acupuncture on our daughter? Using needles without gloves.
I am not How could you expose our daughter like this? Do you actually care one bit about the people you pretend to help? -Oh come on, it is not like that.
-It is or you would never put them at risk.
How could you not tell us? I assure you at no point was your daughter or anybody else in any danger of any kind.
-We take precautions with -Are you trying to tell me that this is all perfectly normal? Well, if it's so safe and so legal, why didn't you tell your patients? Why was it so "secret"? Well, you know what? It really doesn't matter.
It's not your secret anymore.
How in the world did they ever find out? Delia.
Oh my God.
Delia must have told Brittany and Brittany must have told her parents.
And now they're hell-bent on telling the whole town.
We'll be swarmed by midnight.
Trust me.
I'm so sorry, Harry.
We have been over this.
You have no legal duty to disclose as long as you are not dangering your patient's health or safety.
They're not claiming their child got infected.
Yeah, but there's still an argument.
Doctors have been sued for nondisclosure before and lost.
Yeah and just as many cases have been thrown out.
According to our lawyers, this decision was at our discretion.
Well, maybe you dotted your I's and maybe you didn't but we've got bigger problems than that now.
If the Clarks know, everybody in town will know before breakfast.
I have to talk to the kids.
You can wait two seconds to check Fantasy Basketball.
You'd think I could.
Hurry up.
Here you go.
So, um, did you think that it was weird today? The three of us watching TV? No, I thought it was sad.
I mean, hanging out with Ephram.
We haven't done that in a while.
I have.
Well, I haven't.
So I thought you guys were in friend zone now.
Where it's nice and safe.
We are.
Good It's just, you know, we were all sitting there smushed together and he was being all funny and I dunno, for a second I thought I felt a shift.
Oh no, no way.
There's no shifting allowed, OK? We have a perfectly working situation here, don't mess it up.
I'm not messing.
Yes, you are.
So don't.
No messing, no smushing, no shifting.
It's just, he and I never really had a chance - not on our own.
There was always something there to screw us up.
But, I dunno, now he's not dating Madison, and I'm not dating any crack dealers this week and I guess for the first time there's nothing getting in the way.
Yeah there is me! You were the one that told me to go for it with him That was before I cared whether or not he got creamed, OK? He's my friend now.
See, I've been there.
The guy's a mess.
He can't take any more of what you're about to give him.
So, short of an asteriod collision, last night on Earth situation, it's not worth it, OK? Trust me.
So when you start to feel that shift, why don't you go ahead and shift back? Hi.
Can I talk to you two? She's known for about three years now.
When did she tell you? Uh, a few months ago.
Before we started dating.
She made sure that I knew what I was getting myself into.
So she's got it but she's not sick? No.
Not at all.
She's fine.
Has she ever been? No.
It's always been under control.
But she can get sick at any time, right? Well, technically, yes.
But more than likely, that will never happen.
I didn't want to keep this from you.
I've been wanting to tell you for a long time.
So has Linda.
So why are you telling us now? Because you may start to hear things about her.
Does everyone know because of me? No, sweetheart.
You have been dealing with this the entire time you've been going out with her.
I don't get why you haven't told us before.
I suppose I didn't tell you because I've been feeling so well and bringing it up makes me have to deal with it again.
Well, I get it now why you didn't want to come home again that whole time.
Yeah, that was part of it.
That was dumb.
Now you tell me.
Is there anything we can do to help? You're not supposed to do anything.
It's my job to live with it and I do.
Remember that quote that I showed you on my desk from The Lotus Sutra? "I have carried out my endeavors with great passion " " and cast aside the body that I loved.
" Mmmhmm.
I live in this body now.
It took some time, but I figured out a way to love it just as much.
Go upstairs, brush your teeth, put your pajamas on.
We'll see you in a few minutes.
Have you been sleeping with her? Yes.
I have.
Have you been safe? Very.
Always? Always.
You been tested? I told you we've been very safe.
But have you been tested? No.
They're going to be OK.
You don't know that.
Do you think I should call them? Poor Linda.
I should do something.
They're talking now .
Give them time.
Well, what do you want me to do? I can't read, I can't sleep.
We should be planning.
For what? I told you what those people said.
We have to know how we're going to handle this.
There's nothing to handle.
There's just one pair of overprotective parents.
They'll get a few other parents half as mad as they are, they'll all shoot their mouths off, someone may write a mean anonymous letter.
Then tomorrow, Everwood will find something else to gossip about.
This goes way past gossip.
I know this place, I know how it's going to go down.
What do you think they're going to do, throw rocks? Not when they have an excuse to be bigots and call it self-defense.
It'll be worse.
It'll be subtle, it'll be quiet, and it'll be a lot scarier than a broken window.
Why do you always have to be so apocalyptic about everything? These people here may surprise you.
Are we talking about the same quaint people who took us so well when we got married? Or have you forgotten that? Now that's different.
The people here loved your husband.
They respected him.
You can't believe that after all this time that anyone cared because my husband had just died.
It was never that.
It's because you're black, and I'm white, and guess what? They can't handle it.
Why are you making excuses for them? Because, you can't fight it.
They're just scared.
That's what makes them the most dangerous.
Do you really think you can protect her? I can let her know I'm trying.
/Ooh child/ /Things are only going get to harder / / Ooh child/ Please tell me that's Marlowe and there's lots more of it.
How'd it go? Oh, loads of fun.
You? I'm feeling pretty lucky.
The kids were great actually.
How's Ephram? He had his questions.
I think he was just shocked by it all.
Listen, um, this morning wasn't the best reaction in my repertoire.
No, it wasn't.
I mean, the truth is, you did an amazing job with Delia.
You made her understand and that's not easy.
I'm not even sure if that's possible.
But you did.
I'm sorry for blowing up.
You know if you didn't say something like that in the next five minutes, several large men in ski masks were going to come out and beat you up.
Does that mean I can sit down now? You know you are impossibly beautiful sometimes.
No, no, I mean it.
I keep on seeing you in crowded rooms, thinking "I wonder who that gorgeous woman is?" And then it hits me.
Oh yeah.
I took your apology.
Why are you still going? 'Cause I don't know.
'Cause it's true.
/Ooh child / /Things are going to get/ We are going to get through this.
/Things are going to get brighter/ Louise.
Where is everyone? We had a full schedule this morning.
They all cancelled.
Every one? For the whole week, the month.
Sal called.
No one's coming.
We knew this would happen.
All that is required is a tinker of time.
The place is empty, Harry.
They're not coming.
They will.
Oh, they'll throw their little fit, try their hand at the silent treatment for a few days, and then the flu will loop back through Sh-boy-gun and they'll be lined up looking shots and zinc trouts.
Mark my word.
This practice has been around since Dad started it fifty years ago.
It has weathered through far worse times.
They'll be back.
We have a situation.
We can see that, Rose.
I had twenty families in my office just now, mad as hell.
They're threatening to file a malpractice suit against you.
Against Linda.
Against the whole practice.
They want to shut you down.
Yes, by sassing it at me.
I'm sorry I wasn't polite enough for you but I walked in on an ambush this morning.
I have just done everything I could to do to calm down fifty people and their lawyers.
Trying to keep them from getting the police involved.
Oh oh, let them try it.
You know we have followed all state regulations.
We have disclosed Linda's condition to our insurers and the health board months ago.
But you didn't disclose it to them.
We had no obligation to.
They told care about that.
They trusted you.
What did you expect? Did you really think you could keep this a secret forever? I don't know what I was thinking.
She's supposed to care about her health.
Not about the town's approval.
I was only trying to protect her.
Well, you can't do that.
Not now.
They're filing for fraud and emotional distress.
They think they can make a case on both.
You know I hate this as much as you do but I did get them to tell me what it would take to make this go away.
They want Linda to go.
They will drop She has done nothing wrong.
They will drop everything and they will waive all rights to damages if she walks away quietly and today.
Absolutely not.
Let them sue us all they want.
I will not bow to their prejudices and petty fears.
Not when we are right.
You never told them she was sick and she kept on practicing.
It doesn't matter if you're right.
They feel threatened and they are ready for a fight.
If you fight back, you could lose.
Cork it, people.
Or I'll give you a reason to need a doctor.
OK, everybody, freeze.
Due to an overwhelming need and the absence of a proper line, you will now see the doc in the order of where you stand right this second.
Starting with you, Mr.
Facial Hide and proceeding clockwise clockwise around the room, OK? Let's go.
What's all of this? Is today Bat day? They've been pouring in all morning.
If any more try to get by, I'm going to need a velvet rope.
Alright, let's see.
Gerry Block.
I know you.
You're one of Dr.
Abbott's patients.
You've been seeing him for your sciatic for months now.
What brings you here? Second opinion.
Uh huh.
And you, Mister Myase that been acting up again? Another Abbott refuge ? Well contrary to proper belief, I am not interested in poaching their patients.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
In fact, all of you should.
All right, come on, everybody out.
Let's go.
Everybody out.
That's it.
All of ya.
Jumping ship on a good doctor.
You outta be ashamed of yourselves.
Go on.
Store's closed.
He's even starting to sound like Abbott.
I gotta hand it to County High.
Not much for their education but the pudding has never ever disappointed me.
One of the few things I'll miss around here.
Chocolate, vanilla, underrated butterscotch.
I mean, and just right around the skin too.
'Cause you know how when you get the pudding Good pudding, gotcha.
Mmm, yeah.
I may have to get some more.
However, I'm not sure I should go right now.
Try not to pay attention to him.
Yeah, I got that covered.
What's with you? Still reminded of things that remind you? No, just some stuff at home.
They told you too? You know, I actually almost called you after.
Why didn't you? I didn't think that I could.
Of course you could, we can always talk.
How 'bout now? Sure.
How about anywhere else? Yeah.
It was beyond strange for me.
I mean, one minute I'm fighting with Bright about whatever and the next minute my family's a statistic and everybody's all upset.
I didn't know what to do after.
I mean, is it wrong to do homework after something like that? I sort of just sat there.
I mean, everything I know about HIV comes from lectures from my dad or Dr.
It's always so Unreal.
I know.
And now it's my aunt.
I just, I kept thinking, she doesn't deserve this.
How does she sound? Oh, somebody tells you they're fine that many times, you stop believing them.
Well, she's been happy later.
With your dad.
Wow, I can't even guess how bizarre this must be for you.
It doesn't really matter.
Why not? Because no matter how freaked this whole situation makes me, my dad has been there and had it worse.
Therefore my opinions feel pretty much up to a minimum.
I don't think there are rules or right or wrong with things like this.
It's too big.
One thing I do know is whatever is going on in there is going to come out whether you like it or not.
So, you might as well just say it on purpose and choose your words.
You know, it's amazing how you do that.
Do what? Don't be mad.
You told.
I had to.
And then I tell you.
Now they're all mad at me.
I'm sorry? No, you're not.
You swore.
You promised to keep it a secret.
It doesn't count if it's that big.
I had to tell.
Why? Because she's dangerous.
No, she's not.
Then why was it such a secret? Because it was.
You were supposed to be my best friend.
I am.
Not anymore.
First you got me in trouble.
Then you made me get Linda in trouble.
Now everyone hates me.
Well, that's great to hear.
Well, very good.
Yeah, I will talk to you then.
Well, that was our lawyer.
It is just like I said.
We were in complete compliance with the acupuncturist licensing statutes which means their fraud claim can't possibly hold up.
Now, there is a chance we could end up in court over emotional distress.
Harry No, no.
Apparently the whole firm is up in arms and ready to wage war.
I suspect it's more for the publicity but I'll take it.
I want you to stop.
What? Well, I've thought this through and I don't want you to fight anymore.
We have an out and I think we should take it.
I'll quit the practice.
No, I've had my spouts with the local literati before.
-We can win this.
-And what if we don't? Then we will keep fighting until we do.
Whatever the cost.
Sometimes the cost isn't worth it and they're going to push you there.
-You have a family to consider -This as much yours as mine.
It was Dad's first.
And I'm not gonna let you let them destroy it.
Not for me.
Well, fine.
Then for me.
Look, if Everwood isn't a town that can find some way of accepting you, who have done nothing but give to the world, then this isn't a town where I want to practice.
Let them shut us down.
I'd rather lose.
I know you would.
God, Harry, it's Jakey Keller's arm all over again.
Remember that, that giant kid who lived up the street who used to sniffle all the time? Yeah.
And we would have those vicious snowball fights and you'd hide behind me but eventually he'd pommel you and you just took it? Until that time, he beamed me with an ice ball right above the eye and the second you saw blood, you went, running after him with a shovel, smashing him as hard as you could.
You broke his arm, remember? That's what you do, Harry.
When someone comes after you, you argue.
But when someone comes after someone you love, the minute you see blood, you go for the throat.
That's what you do for family.
You fight.
You go too far.
I will see you at the office.
Tomorrow morning at the usual time.
May I be excused? No, finish.
No TV, no sports.
Just school and studying.
How long? Oh, let's just say, by the end, she could be fluent in Japanese.
I said I was sorry.
You weren't sorry when you gave Brittany a black eye, were you? Why are you going after her? She was fighting in school.
She should know better.
Oh, it's not as if you care about the fight.
You're just mad she told about Linda, everybody found out, and now you have to deal.
Well, don't take it out on her.
You have no right.
Oh, I think I do.
She practically pulled that kid's hair out by the roots.
Delia, go to your room.
You can't send her to her room.
-That's my thing.
You said I could ask you anything I want.
Well, I have one question.
What are you doing? She got into a fight at school.
With Linda.
Why are you going out with her? What do you mean "why?" How could you expose yourself to something so dangerous? Wait a minute.
Hold on here.
Slow down here.
I told you we were being careful.
I thought you were OK with this.
Well, I'm not.
But, are you angry with me for being with Linda? Even being careful doesn't make it safe.
Not completely.
How many lectures have you given me about that? Look, it's not that simple, Ephram.
There's only a miniscule chance of transmission in our case.
People know that.
You should know that too.
It's not like I haven't thought this through.
Well, I don't think you did.
Well, it doesn't matter what you think! Well, it should.
I care about her I know there's a chance that she could get sick.
She is sick! OK, maybe she's fine right now.
Maybe the risk for you is like nothing, but it's still a risk.
-If something happened -Nothing is going to happen.
OK, OK fine.
What if you're right? What if nothing happens? What if everything goes great? What if Delia falls in love with her and we turn into a big happy family? What if she gets sick then and Delia has to go through losing another mother? Did you think about that? Yes, yes, something could happen to Linda or to me.
Cars crash and things that people are too scared to think about happen all the time, but you have to be willing to take certain risks.
No, no, not you.
You don't get to take those risks.
I do if I'm going to have a life, Ephram.
Don't you get it? -I get that you're scared.
-Of course I'm scared! You're all we've got.
Alright, enough you can't control This isn't a car crash, this is a choice.
If there's even the slightest possible chance you could get sick, what would we do? Louise, will you please get my sister on the phone and remind her that it is now 9 AM? We are a 9 AM office which means we begin our every morning -.
at 9AM.
-9 AM.
I get it.
Thank you.
If you are looking for your daughter, she is not here.
I know.
She's not coming.
Oh, really? Well, she will when I talk to her.
You're right.
She will.
So don't.
Let her quit, Junior.
Again with this.
You've got to stop.
What they're asking me for is wrong.
You of all people should be helping me.
I wanted to fight right there with you.
Shove a sock down this town's throat.
But it's not their fault.
You should have disclosed.
I know you did it for the right reasons.
But they deserve to know.
It was a mistake, son.
If Linda leaves the practice, she'll have nothing left here.
She'll leave, Mother.
We'll lose her again.
We don't know that.
She has a life here now.
Someone she loves.
She has me, the kids plus a pain-in-the-ass brother who thinks he knows what's best for everyone.
That's a lot to make a lady stick around.
I hope you're right.
Can you give me a ride to Aunt Linda's? You guys going to do something? Um, I was going to ask her to help me with my Spanish.
You know, she'll kick your ass if she thinks you're feeling sorry for her.
I know.
I'm, I just wanna go over there.
You can come if you'd like.
I'm OK.
See, I figure the best thing I can do for her, is just, let her have the same life she would've had if she had never gotten sick.
You know? Because she doesn't really miss out on anything unless we do something different.
Know what I mean? Wow, that was actually kinda deep.
Yeah, might spend a few extra bucks on her birthday present or you know, give her a little extra hang time.
when I thought the worst thing that could happen was you trying to get on Ephram again.
This is new.
Shouldn't the TV be on? I'm in trouble.
I'm supposed to read.
Not the worst punishment.
What did you do? I beat up Brittany.
And I got you into trouble.
With everyone.
Oh, Delia.
I'm not in trouble.
And I'm not mad at you.
But I told your secret.
I know but sometimes secrets need to be told.
Especially one like this.
Believe me, I know what it's like to walk around with a battle like that around your neck.
I kept it in for a long time.
What did you do? Well, basically I spent all my energy just trying not to burst and tell everyone.
I didn't do much of anything but keep it a secret.
I got so far away, I finally had to come home so I had to tell the people I trusted.
And it was still too much.
I told you.
And that helped.
And now more people know and it doesn't feel so big anymore.
Maybe if everybody takes a little piece of the secret, the part I have to carry gets less heavy.
So in a way, I'm glad it happened.
I don't know.
Well just so you know , we're good.
Really good? Good as frosting.
Now, I am no lawyer but I am pretty sure the Colorado state law says that your dad can't ground me for something that you did to me.
So I am revoking your punishment.
You can do that? Watch me.
I hereby dub thee ungrounded.
Thy curse is lifted.
Go watch much television.
Well, what about my dad? He's still angry.
I'll take care of the big guy.
For the record, I just ungrounded Delia.
I told her to play and eat fudge.
I am prepared to fight you on this if you are prepared to lose.
Oh, it's cold.
It's freezing.
It's snowing.
Just started.
I still blame the snow for us dating in the first place.
I like the way you kissed me that day if it hadn't started coming down on us.
I just couldn't resist such a dramatic moment.
Is something going on in there? That bad? I can't do this anymore.
I thought what I was doing was OK but I was wrong.
Ephram is scared.
And I can't ask him not to be.
-It's OK.
It's not OK.
It was coming.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
And after that, who do I have? Justin Sherivak for his acne.
And noon? Empty.
But you do have a 1:15.
Apparently Pat Beardly got another quarter stuck in his ear.
Uh, may I help you? I appear to be free for the moment.
I'm not here for treatment, Dr.
I'm with Regency Fidelity, your insurance company.
I'm here to inform you you have problem with your malpractice policy.
Oh, what seems to be the trouble? Everything should be in order.
I paid all my bills, my sizable bills myself, in full, in advance.
You were recently threatened with a malpractice suit, knowing to your partner's HIV status.
Well, they didn't file and uh, my partner no longer practices here.
Nevertheless, your policy is under review.
On what grounds? Failure to notify your intent of nondisclosure.
The situation is explained in your case file.
And what will this tell me? Until the conditions of your policy are re-evaluated, Abbott & Abbott Medical will not be covered by Regency Fidelity.
You're suspending my insurance? I won't be able to practice.
How long will this take? We expect to have your answer in a few months.
Shouldn't you be in school? Yeah.
Math, actually.
I think we're studying fractals today.
This can't wait? It shouldn't.
I wanted to stop you before you did something about Linda.
You don't have to do this, Ephram.
Yeah, I kinda do.
You were right.
What I said wasn't fair.
There didn't seem to be any stopping you.
Well, I just had to get off my chest.
It didn't mean you had to listen to me.
OK, I get why you want to be with her.
No matter what.
It's a crappy disease.
But you shouldn't let that stop you.
You deserve what you want and so does she.
I already talked to her last night.
Oh, you ended it? Well, you can fix it, can't you? I mean, take it back.
Tell her, call her, tell her you were sorry, tell her that you were hormonal.
Tell her I made you do it and I was being a dick.
I can't.
Yeah, sure you can.
No I can't.
I didn't do it for you, I did it because you were right.
Whether I want to or not, I make decisions for a whole family.
It's not just me.
But you love her, don't you? You can't just stop loving somebody What are you going to do? Go to school, Ephram.
Script: Gaby Srt: Juanfran.

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