Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (2010) s01e04 Episode Script

Predator & Red Sky at Night

Narrator:Tonight on "fact or faked: Paranormal files" Jael: [ gasps .]
Ben: Oh! You see that? Yeah.
Three lights hovering in the sky.
Let us know when you're in position.
Bill: Our experiments could be a little dangerous.
[ laughing .]
no way! Ben: There have been several witnesses Who have seen an animal that kind of appears and disappears.
Bill: This is like an escapee from the genetic engineering lab.
The kill actually happened up there a bit.
If it drug it this far, it had to be something big.
Straight up there, I got a reflection of some eyes or something.
Right there.
Oh, my goodness! There's a flying saucer.
I'm getting a series of lights right there.
Oh, my god! What the heck is that? Ben: Hey, everyone.
How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? So, larry, we're up with you first, huh? Yes, I believe I I have a good video.
It's the kind of video That gets passed around between friends, And before you know it, It has almost two million hits on the internet.
She's got her cellphone camera out, And they're just being, you know, young girls.
Oh, this is a cellphone camera.
And this video is unedited, right? Yes.
When I first saw this, I legitimately was spooked.
So I want you to see why.
[ screams .]
young woman: Are you sure? I don't think so.
Yeah! What's that?! What? Up there! I told you, didn't I?! I told you I seen something! Bill: All of a sudden, it's outside? Now look in the windows.
Up top.
See, what'd I say? Now look in this bottom window.
Oh, no! No, shush, no.
Oh, no! Oh, no! Creepy.
That's pretty spooky.
That's kind of a sixth sense, you know? You pass by, and you see the girl.
And those girls genuinely seemed freaked out.
Ben: Okay, first reaction, girls who are freaking out -- They want to run towards this thing? Bill: Well, there was a cut Right before the camera pointed up the stairwell.
You back up, and you see the doorframe.
And, boom, all of a sudden, you've got a cut.
You say that it could be edited.
What about this last part where we see it up in the window, And as soon as she disappears in the window upstairs, She's in the window downstairs.
Doesn't look like the same person to me.
They got more than one person.
It's a shot at a very far distance.
Get back to where the ghost appears at the stairwell.
Okay, right there.
Now, right behind this ghost Looks like a shadow.
I'm not saying That we understand the physics of a ghost, If ghosts are real.
But the simpler explanation Is that this is a person Who's blocking the light and casting a shadow.
There's nothing that would otherwise indicate This is paranormal here.
Today, I brought you a legend -- the beast of dartmoor.
Now, if you guys have heard of the hound of the baskervilles Or read any sherlock holmes, hardy boys, It talks about this large hellhound-type creature.
Well, there's a 19-year-old, and he was out filming, And he kind of sees this thing off in the distance, Zooms in, and is is what he catches.
Chi-lan: Oh.
Bill: Wow.
Now, the witness wishes to remain anonymous.
The thing is, online, No one is really saying that this is a hoax.
The main discussion is, what is it? Have there been other eyewitnesses? In fact, there have.
Over the past several decades, There's been several witnesses of a large lion-type creature.
But there's also the paranormal theories Of hellhounds and alien cats.
We're talking about an animal with glowing eyes And an animal that kind of appears and disappears And is related to a centuries-old legend.
In trying to find out what this was, I spoke to a specialist.
Now, dr.
Farmer at the university of utah Is a vertebrate specialist and biologist.
She thinks that the legs are too long and slender to be a boar, And she was thinking maybe a pony, Except for the fact that this tail Does not look like a pony -- look at this.
As this animal is bounding along, You can almost see kind of like the tuft at the end of it.
It's bulky and massive up front and then kind of slender.
To me, this looks like a black lion.
That's what I was just about to say.
But look at it.
I mean, it could possibly be a dog.
How many black lions are in existence in the world? So, from what I understand, black lions are extremely rare, And wild lions don't even exist in britain.
I don't know, guys.
I really like this story.
I think we should put this one Way up there on the priority list.
Yeah, definitely.
That brings us to austin, I think.
Austin: I liked this.
It was filmed in 2008 by alex mayberry.
He was camping with some friends in brunswick, canada, Hanging around a campfire.
Play it.
Let's see what you think.
Man: This stick's getting pretty damn sharp.
Man #2: The smoke is in my face.
Man #3: Well, you've been sharpening it for like two hours.
Oh! Did you see it? Was that a dog? Is that, like, a person? Is that a person? I feel like that could be maybe a coyote or a deer.
No, the limbs on it are way too long.
To me, it looks like a human, the way it moves.
Let's take a look at it again.
Here's his face.
Here's his arm.
Watch when he comes through frame, his -- his What would be his hind legs are just normal legs, Hunch over h like that, Like he's crawling.
Bill: There it is.
Yeah, you can clearly see that that is a human, The way that the arm is bending.
The elbow pushes back as it's walking across.
Plus, how would they have not known That that creature was circling their campsite? Because even if there's a fire in front of us, We're gonna hear somebody four feet behind us.
Ben: I agree.
They could be in on it, or it could be just some guy Who's had a little too much to drink.
So, what do you guys think about it? I think this would just be Probably not worth our time right now.
I agree.
I agree.
Okay, so, our next clip is jael.
I have a story from san diego.
It was big in the local news down there In February of 2008.
It's in the southern part of the county In a place called el cajon.
Some people saw something in the sky.
And when I say "some people," I mean a lot.
So, check it out.
Three lights in triangular formation hovering in the sky.
This happened at 1:20 a.
And lasted for about half an hour.
The local news was flooded the following day By people that caught this on video.
I love the fact that there are multiple eyewitnesses And numerous calls to 911.
Now, there was some speculation the next day That it could have been a failed missile launch, But the timing was off.
Was there ever an official word on what it was? The san diego fire department Also said that perhaps it could have been Some chinese lanterns in the sky, Because there were some found on the ground That were burnt out.
But a lot of people think That it could just be some sort of aircraft Or some elaborate hoax of some kind.
There's so many different theories on what it could be, And I think we should put some of them to the test And try to replicate it.
So, does everyone agree this looks like a pretty good case, as well? Yeah.
I agree.
I give it a thumbs up.
We've got very compelling video.
We have a credle witness.
We should put this one high up on the list, as well, And look at our last video.
Bill: I've got a pretty good ufo video, This time over russia.
A gentleman by the name of dmitri zhukov Was just riding with three friends in his car, And he noticed something in the sky.
And he pulled out his camera, he started rolling, And here's what he got.
[ man speaking russian .]
It does looks like a pyramid, too.
Larry: Oh, yeah, it does.
Chi-lan: It has that weird triangular shape.
Jael: That's weird.
What is that light beam going up to it, bill? Bill: The palace area, there's a lot of floodlights.
It's a big tourist area.
Is this pyramid moving, or is it stationary? It looks like it's moving just slightly.
It's, like, hovering.
And they're shooting out of a car? 'cause I see the reflection of a steering wheel.
He's shooting right through the window.
Austin: Was this seen by anybody else in moscow? There weren't thousands of witnesses that reported it.
I mean, this was over moscow.
You'd think you would have tons of eyewitness reports, Not to mention pictures and videos, with technology now.
I think we should do some more backstory on this, Maybe wait for better a case, but let's see.
Let's move on today.
Sounds good.
So, what videos did we love today? I say dartmoor.
I say we do the beast of dartmoor.
Chi-lan: Dartmoor is awesome.
I mean, the fact that there are so many people That have witnessed it, And they literally want to know, what is this animal? I want to know what the animal is.
Dartmoor definitely.
Bill: El cajon.
Larry: I'm with bill.
I love el cajon.
Let's choose a solid ufo case and a cryptozoological case.
What do you say? The beast of dartmoor and el cajon? El cajon, triangle.
So, bill and larry and jael, Why don't you guys go there? Austin and chi-lan and I will head to the u.
We'll go check out this beast.
We've got a lot to prep with both of these cases, So let's get started.
[ lion growls .]
Narrator: Coming up on "fact or faked: Paranormal files" Larry, let's go! Ben: As a predator, This thing would literally be at the top of the food chain.
Look at that.
This has been picked clean.
Team to chi-lan.
We have another carcass.
I got this extinguisher Just in case one of you guys catch on fire.
Bill: There it goes! [ air whooshing .]
Yeah! Three lights hovering in the sky.
Ben: The beast of dartmoor -- An animal related to a centuries-old legend.
Let's choose a solid ufo case and a cryptozoological case.
Chi-lan: Dartmoor's absolutely beautiful! A native predator could easily survive in a place like this.
With 368 square miles Of just absolute nothing but untouched terrain.
You know, and dartmoor's known Not just for this legend of the dartmoor beast.
There was a story of some mysterious hands That grab your steering wheel And pull you over to the side of the road.
There's all sorts of fairy creatures and things.
It's a very mysterious place to be at.
I'm really excited to meet this cryptozoologist.
His name is john downes.
He's actually an expert in the folklore of dartmoor.
Hey, john.
It's good to see you.
Hey, john.
Hello, my dear.
Ben: Well, why don't we start with this video, And then you can tell us what you know about the beast.
Have you heard of the devil's hunting pack? No.
If you believe the local stories, The squire of buckfastleigh on the south of dartmoor In the 1600s Was such an evil, wicked man That when he died, The devil himself sent his hunting pack To drag his soul screaming down to hell.
And there have been stories Of these black dogs all over dartmoor.
And I've been coming here for the last 45 years, And I know people who have seen these black dogs.
I've never seen them myself, But there are enough stories up to the present day Of a big black dog, Sometimes this high off the ground With red, glowing eyes.
Ben: We're idartmoor national park, And we're looking for the exact spot Where the film was taken of the beast of dartmoor.
Chi-lan: I think this is it.
Let me get the laptop out.
Then we'll watch the video to compare.
'cause I think you're right, austin.
I think this is the spot.
You see it in the foreground, The rolling hill, And then a little bit of the lake in the back.
I think this is it.
Ben: The next thing that we're going to do -- We're going to go to an animal training facility Where they've got large animals.
And we're gonna see if any of them Look like it was what we saw in the video.
I'm chi-lan.
Thank you so much for having us here.
This place is amazing! That's a pleasure.
Now, some of the more popular theories About the beast of dartmoor is that it's a big dog, It's a pony, or even that it's a lion.
You know, we've got all three of those here, So we could shoot them.
We'll follow you.
Clubb: Come on.
Let's go.
Well, there's our dartmoor pony, guys.
Chi-lan: Dartmoor ponies are native to the moor, So why not, when you're looking for the beast, Go to an animal that is native to the land? Look at him go.
I mean, the speed is pretty good.
The mane is getting really big, but look at the back end.
There's a huge difference Between the front end and the back end When you're looking at the video of the beast.
And his legs in proportion to the length Of his body are different.
Austin: This is great, though, Because so many people think it's a dartmoor pony.
Being able to see one run like this, It's pretty easy to say, "that's not it.
" Austin: Amazing animals is the full green-screen setup.
And why this is great is we can have the animals That we're gonna be using To compare to the actual video run the same motion.
With the green screen, We can superimpose the animals against a backdrop of the moor And see if we can replicate the exact same video we have.
Ben: We're gonna start with the dog.
You put your hand through his chain there.
I'm gonna go over there, get him revved up a bit.
When you feel he's pulling to get to me, Just let him go.
Hey, austin, sonia, The cameras are up and running.
We're ready to go.
Buddy, buddy! Go! There you go.
Nice! There was a little hop there.
His gait and his appearance Was really not that similar To the beast of dartmoor that we're seeing.
Yeah, I agree.
I think in the video, You get this sense of an animal That's got a lot of weight behind it.
It's kind of got this wave of a bound.
I just don't think a dog could replicate that.
We debunked two popular theories Of what the dartmoor beast is -- a dog and a pony.
It's got to be something that's stronger, Possibly, you know, bigger build up front, More slender in the back.
I think it's time we get a lion.
I am all about a lion.
Jim, are you ready to do this? I'm ready.
All right, let's go.
[ cage clatters opens .]
[ lion growls .]
That is way bigger than you'd actually expect.
Ben: Now, other big cats have been sighted in the moors, But the lion is, I think, The one that closely resembles the animal we see in the video.
[ lion growls .]
Wow! You do not tell a lion what to do.
[ lion roars .]
[ shouting indistinctly .]
These guys are clapping bamboo sticks, Trying to get him to move, But the first couple of runs Only got him up to a trot.
The tail, the tuft of hair, the mane [ lion growls .]
He's obviously not a black lion.
[ shouting indistinctly .]
Ben: Well, it looks like we got him up to at least a trot, And we got several good passes of it.
Chi-lan: Definitely.
Well, let's just get one last pass, 'cause his last pass through the door Is gonna be the fastest.
Yeah, let's do it.
All right, jim, you ready to hit it? Yeah.
[ lion roars .]
One last time.
[ lion roars .]
[ lion roaring .]
Ben: Now, other big cats have been sighted in the moors, But the lion is, I think, The one that closely resembles the animal we see in the video.
[ lion roars .]
Chi-lan: Well, let's just get one last pass 'cause his last pass through the door Is gonna be the fastest.
Yeah, let's do it.
All right, jim, you ready to hit it? Yeah.
[ lion roars .]
One last time.
I would not want to be running from him.
That is a magnificent animal.
I think that matched the best.
He actually got into a run, you know, at one point, So I think it'll be great [ lion growling .]
[ lion roars .]
Anatomically, that looked almost exact.
But my problem was the locomotion of the lion Versus the creature we see here.
Speaking from a kinesiological standpoint, I don't think it mimicked it to an exactness.
From our experiment, we figured out that it's not a pony, It's not a dog.
Now, it is similar to the lion, But another explanation for the beast Is actually that it could be a wild boar.
So, we're gonna head out to the moors, And we've enlisted the help of a local tracker.
His name is danny bamping.
He's gonna help us track some wild boar To see if that is our beast.
How are you? Chi-lan.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
Did you get a chance to look at the video that we sent you? I did look at it, yeah.
In my opinion, I think it could be a wild boar, But, also, there's chance it could be a cat.
What kind of stuff are people seeing out here? Black cats -- large black cats, And that's the real mystery of big cats in britain.
What species are they? They can't all be melanistic leopards, black panthers.
And because there's lots of different species That have been released, There's a good chance they could be hybrids.
You know of locations where we could possibly find Wild boar and even cats? Yeah, absolutely -- Maybe not right now Because the boar and the cats are both nocturnal.
So we'll be very lucky if we saw anything during the day.
But, certainly, we'll be able to go down there And look for signs of them.
So, let's go and have a look and see what we can find.
Okay, so, guys, we might want to spread out a bit.
You want to be looking for any tracks, You know, paw prints, that kind of thing.
The other thing to look for is, obviously, You know, anything that the wild boar or the big cats Has eaten or killed.
If you find any carcasses of rabbits or pheasants.
Looks like part of a sheep.
Oh, my gosh! Is that a hoof? It is, yeah.
Oh, wow! It still has the hair on it.
Yeah, it's quite recent.
How old would you say this is? Uh, a few days.
Chi-lan: What animal could actually do this to a sheep? A sheep is not a small animal.
It's got to be something big that's killed it, So you're really looking at a fox or a dog Or even a big cat.
I think we should keep going and spread out a little bit And see what else we can find.
Ben: All right.
You have a missing hoof.
Ben: This is our same guy.
This thing has been just strewn across the whole hillside.
A fox couldn't do this.
I think maybe the kill actually happened up there a bit Because we've got this kind of trail of wool Coming all the way down here.
And you said this is a ram, so this is a bigger animal.
And if it drug it, I mean, this far, It had to be something big.
How can we tell if this thing was actually killed Or died on its own? One of the crucial things is, If we have a look on the skin, Especially on the neck If we can find a couple of puncture wounds, Which is kind of hard -- So turn him over? Chi-lan: There's a wound right there.
You see the hole? Stretch it again, ben.
It's right there.
Yeah, right there.
That's the puncture wound.
Austin: And the teeth can be bigger than that hole actually was Because the skin shrinks and tightens up.
Yeah, more likely, absolutely, 'cause it's been here at least a week.
Yeah, there's a lot of evidence That there's a big predator around.
Ben: That sheep was completely destroyed.
It had fur and bone and meat strewn all along the hillside.
I don't know what could do that to its prey.
People have been seeing strange creatures On the moors for centuries.
So maybe it is a hound from hell.
I think we need to find it and catch it on camera.
Most of the animals which we think Might be the dartmoor beast are nocturnal.
We're here at night.
We've got our I.
Camera up.
We're gonna be doing our own search in the dark.
So, you have your thermal imager.
You guys are on walkie, I'll keep my eyes on the screens, And we'll be ready to go.
Give us a call -- if there's anything, We'll be back here in a flash.
Stay safe out there, guys.
Good luck.
Ben: Austin and I are out here looking for more signs Of animals that have been devoured, Any signs of paw prints.
We're gonna be scanning with our thermal imager To see if we can capture something on film.
Let's keep going towards the tree line.
Stop for a second.
Do you hear that? Holy [ creature growls faintly .]
Dude, that was like a deep growl.
That was deeper and more intense Than that lion we had in a small room Where the voice would echo.
Austin and ben to chi-lan.
What's happening out there, guys? We heard a deep roar.
I mean, this thing was loud -- Louder than that lion we had.
We're gonna keep heading in the direction We heard the growl -- whatever you want to call it.
We're gonna head in that direction Up farther into the trees.
Sounds good.
Thanks, guys.
This way -- right up here.
Right over here.
Let's keep following.
He's close.
Right out there.
It's right out there.
I don't see anything.
It's just a rock.
Straight up there, I got a reflection of some eyes or something.
Right there.
Right there -- you see it? There's something reflecting off the eyes.
Watch this.
Ben: Most of the animals which we think Might be the dartmoor beast are nocturnal.
Straight up there, I got a reflection of some eyes.
Now, is it still there? Where is it on the I.
? It's literally directly in front of us.
Wow, okay.
Let's get closer before we light it up.
Holy crap.
Bloody horses.
[ laughs .]
We've been duped.
But in all fairness, whatever we heard, That deep growl, that wasn't a pony.
That was loud.
That was deep.
Something's out here.
Here we go again.
Look at that.
[ gasps .]
This has been picked clean.
Team to chi-lan, team to chi-lan.
Go for chi-lan.
We have another carcass.
Most of it's been eaten.
If something took this thing down, It had to be huge.
We got to take a closer look at it, Get some lights on this thing.
I don't see a lot of fur That would show signs that it had been dragged.
It's possible that it died naturally And something just scavenged it.
Team to chi-lan.
Temperature is almost the same temperature as the outside, Which is leading us to believe that it's been here a while.
If a predator is what killed this, I mean, it was huge.
Start heading back? Yeah.
[ laughs .]
So, big ben -- did you see big ben? Ben: We did.
[ chuckling .]
I saw big ben.
We saw a lot of things in the u.
And this beast ofartmoor -- wow.
We thought the only way to really find this beast Was to go into the moors.
We went along the fields and did our field search.
We started finding pieces of sheep and rams All over the place.
We were out there, and we heard loud roaring.
We never actually saw what was causing it, But something's out there.
So, we wanted to know exactly What it was we were dealing with.
And the most popular theory, People were saying it was more than likely a dog -- 'cause people walk around the moors with their dogs -- A pony, or a lion.
So we were able to get ahold of all these animals And a green-screen room So we could superimpose the images Of the footage that we took And put it against the same exact image from the moors.
Check it out.
Ben: So, first of all, you will see our dog.
Jael: That looks like a dog.
It's a different motion.
That's what's important, is the locomotion of the animal.
You can tell it's a completely different gait.
Since we're able to rule out the beast possibly being a dog, We decided to move on and test my personal favorite theory And see if it was a lion.
That's a lot closer.
The physicality of the beast matches the lion, But the movement is still different.
Ben: Now, remember, too, we had to film our lion In the green-screen room.
There wasn't a whole lot for him to get up really to speed.
Now, let me give you guys one more perspective on this.
Based on this video, Our estimations of how large this creature Would've had to have been to take down this prey, And the speed at which it was running, We created a 3-d model.
Take a look at this.
Now, if this thing was some kind of a hybrid Of a big cat and maybe a boar, It might look something like this.
Bill: So this is like an escapee From the genetic engineering lab.
Now, the head is in a lower position Respective to the shoulders -- Very massive upper body in the front.
As you move towards the hind quarter, It slenders and slims down.
Austin: This animal is not only built for just speed, But you can tell it's built for brute power, as well.
Yeah, as a predator, This thing would literally be at the top of the food chain.
So, what do you guys think about all this? I'd say at the very least, There's a cat out there in dartmoor.
England has declared publicly That there are no big cats out in the wild there.
There might be something worse.
Listen, when there are over 20,000-plus species Still being discovered every single year, What's to say that this isn't a new species That's living in the moors? Some people say that the devil himself Has a personal pack of hellhounds That he sends out To bring the souls of people down to hell.
I'm of the opinion that this video was not hoaxed, That there was something very large, Something unexplained In dartmoor.
So, jael, tell me about el cajon.
As you can remember, It had to do with a triangular shape of lights That were hovering above the sky.
And there were multiple witnesses.
Is wasn't c.
We got some really interesting results from our trip.
The eyewitness who shot this video and posted it is paul.
So, hopefully, in interviewing paul, We can get even more information That we weren't able to get through the traditional media.
Paul? Hi.
How are you doing? Bill murphy.
I'm paul.
I'm larry.
It's finally good to meet you.
Can we start off by asking you Where you shot this video or you saw the craft -- Whatever it is? Yeah, sure.
Just come down this way.
I'll show you.
I was actually at my friend's house, Which is just the red house on the corner.
I just came outside, Saw the lights coming over slowly, And I thought it was a bit strange at first.
I just saw, like, a red one.
And then there was two behind it, Anlirish tglkegl Ap Erwaths no sound or anything.
And I was thinking, "well, maybe it's just a helicopter.
" But, normally, when you see planes flying at night, Lights are flashing.
But these weren't, and they were just on all the time.
, sobi w hog was the object? It was really hard to tell 'cause I got the impression it was quite high.
But if it was quite high, it could've been quite big.
Anth d ghdilie tsts just fade out? Did they zoom off? Didn't zoom off.
They just kind of just, like, the lights on it Just kind of faded out.
You mean it just disappeared? It was gone.
Idy yokeu'idlid s li ueet up uon Yeah, I'd like to know if it was a helicopter or not.
We'll do our best.
Thanks a lot.
Larry: Thanks a lot, paul.
Thanks, guys.
Nice to meet you.
Bill: Since our experiments could be a little dangerous, We need to leave the city and head to a place Where we won't burn anything down.
There's a couple of theories as to what this object could be.
The san diego fire department Says that it could've been chinese lanterns.
It could've been weather balloons With flares attached to them.
You know, it could be some sort of aircraft That just had an odd configuration of lights.
We're gonna head to an open field Where we can test these theories safely.
Let's do this.
Guys, this looks like a perfect spot.
I mean, there's no power lines, There's no trees, there's no houses.
It's safe.
Jael: It's about to get really dark out here, So we've got these high-powered lights So that we can see what we're doing tonight.
[ engine revving .]
Ufo! Excellent.
Let's make some ufo magic.
Narrator: Coming up on "fact or faked: Paranormal files" Bill: There it goes! There it goes! Yeah! [ air whooshes .]
Guys, let's go! No way! Jael: Three lights hovering in the sky -- Could be some sort of aircraft.
We're gonna head to an open filed Where we can test these theories safely.
The official statement from the san diego fire department Is that these lights could've been sky lanterns.
That really seems unlikely to me, But we're gonna put it to the test.
It's really, really windy out here, And, obviously, because these are so light, It's gonna be very precarious.
To be prudent, we should just start with one.
Okay, instead of tying them together, let's do one.
So, this is similar to a hot-air balloon.
Just light this wick at the bottom.
That'll create the hot air, which fills the lantern, Causing it to float in the sky.
You got to be careful when you're lighting it That we don't catch the actual paper on fire, too.
I think it's caught pretty good.
Bring it low.
I got this extinguisher Just in case one of you guys catch on fire.
Jael: [ laughs .]
thank you.
Shall we try? Let go! Oh! And Nothing.
Hey, there it goes! There it goes! There it goes! Yeah! Although it's bursting into flames! Oh, no! It looks sort of like it, but it's burnt to the ground.
[ air whooshing .]
Well Success was short-lived.
Look at this thing.
It is torn to bit.
It couldn't have been sky lanterns.
The conditions have to be ideal.
There's got to be, like, no wind.
These things are supposed to get 400 feet into the air, D , 15? Gatit, wh I don't think this is the lights of el cajon.
I don't think it is, either.
Well, let's move on to something else.
Okay, let's clean up.
Bill: The sky lantern was a bust, But our witness, paul, Has a theory that it could've been a regular aircraft.
We've got ourselves a helicopter.
[ rotors whirring .]
So, we've built a rig right here Out of 1 3/4-inch aluminum tubing.
I have a cluster of six l.
Lights That I'm gonna attach to the rig.
Each cluster of light has its own battery and relay With our on-board receiver That we'll be able to control from the ground.
Bill: I'm hopeful that with the lights on, Flying over base camp, Larry and jael will see something similar To what paul recorded in his original video.
We're gonna take the helicopter, we're gonna go up, And we're gonna drop it on top of the framework.
We got to attach it.
All right, well, let's get to it.
All right.
Guys, that looks great.
Bill: Thanks, guys.
Gonna shut down the rotors, And we're gonna exit and attach the rig.
We've attached our entire rig to the safety cargo hook.
And it's got a quick-release system.
If anything goes wrong, You can jettison this entire rig.
You ready to go, bill? Yeah, I think we're good.
All right.
Getting ready to lift off in just a moment.
Larry, let's go! In a moment here, we're gonna turn on the l.
Just let us know when you're in position.
Copy that.
Cabin light is off.
Okay, we're ready to go, so go ahead.
We're going now.
1 Bill: Our witness has a theory That it could've been a regular aircraft.
We've got ourselves a helicopter.
Bill: Okay, we're ready to go, so go ahead.
We're going now.
1 All right.
All right, let's get into focus here.
[ rotors whirring .]
Oh, wow.
You know, I think it looks pretty convincing.
I mean, the only drawback to this is the sound.
Anybody would be able to know That that sound would be a helicopter.
What if we asked them to go higher? See if they can.
Bill, can you elevate the chopper a little bit? Copy that.
Larry, jael, stand by.
Those l.
Lights are lighting up the whole sky.
We have stabilized our position.
How do you read us? I read you, I read you.
I can still hear the chopper.
Oh, yeah.
It's still very loud.
I actually brought our decibel meter from our kit.
Right now, it's reading 102 decibels.
If there was a helicopter anywhere around, Paul would've easily been able to tell that that was it.
I mean, it is really, really loud out here.
Bring it home.
We've got everything we need.
Gonna go ahead and bring it on home.
It looked, actually, really, really, really good.
Did it really? The only problem is the sound.
At your farthest distance, I measured 102 decibels.
So, in your opinion, This is not necessarily what we're seeing in paul's video.
It just doesn't seem likely.
We need to rethink our approach.
Bill: One of the theories is that it could've been a hoax Inheusatllwebar ns oand safety flares.
And unlike a helicopter, A balloon would be totally silent.
Larry: What we're gonna do is attach flares to a t-shape rig That we built.
Our t-shape rig is gonna be connected To a 12-foot balloon with a 45-pound lift.
We have our pulley system here That's gonna be connected to our balloon.
And we have aircraft-strength cable running through it.
The cable is run into a winch That is connected to the back of our car, And we'll be able to let it out or pull it in as we wish.
Bill: All right, we're ready.
Let's fill it up.
[ air hissing .]
You can kind of feel this thing Starting to fight us a little bit.
It certainly wants to go airborne.
Bill, would you go ahead and disconnect it? Okay, it's off.
Larry: So, right now, bill and jael Are letting the balloon go up 100 feet So we can attach our rig And then get that in the air Without seeing the balloon above it.
Bill: All right, we're at 100 feet.
All right, bill, we're ready.
Okay, prepare to launch.
I've hit "record.
" Launch balloon.
[ laughing .]
no way! Ben: Tell us what happened.
One of the theories was that It could have been chinese lanterns That were floating in the sky.
So the first thing we did was to get one of them, Light it, and see if it could float up into the sky The way these were floating.
And as soon as we lit it, We realized that these are too delicate.
The wind blew it away, and then it actually burned up.
You burned up your experiment.
Larry: It burned itself up.
Bill: It was a disaster.
Chi-lan: Did it just go up in flames? Well, it tipped over, And the whole thing burst into flames like the hindenburg.
It crashed to the ground, and it was done.
It was pathetic.
[ air whooshing .]
And since that didn't work, We had to consider other possibilities.
And our witness said that He thought the lights were attached to some sort of craft.
So we took that, we actually got a helicopter, And I built a rig, attached it to the bottom of the helicopter, And here are the results.
They look extremely similar, But you can hear the helicopter extremely well.
In the original video, nobody said they heard anything.
I'm nvthind ceitat elicr.
Teopot Chn: Tsoexpehiris ment proved That the helicopter was way too noisy of a device.
What else did you guys try? One of the theories is that it was a weather balloon With safety flares attached to a rig.
So that's exactly what we went about doing.
No way! Ben: Wow.
That's like an exact replication.
Chi-lan: And it gives you that hovering effect That everyone reported.
Which is the original? I can't even tell.
Well, that's good.
That shows how close it was.
Jael: The original is the one on the right.
Our flares are on the left.
Lights over el cajon, faked.
Case closed.

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