Farscape s02e01 Episode Script

Mind the Baby

Pilot: The Sheyang vessel is about to fire.
Starburst now.
Moya can't.
She isn't ready.
Zhaan! Zhaan, do something.
He can help him.
He can talk to them.
-No, no, no.
Listen to me.
D'Argo is gone.
No D'Argo, no Aeryn, no Crichton.
Just us, okay? And in a few microts, we'll be dead, too.
No, D'Argo can save us.
He can.
He, he has to save us.
They're firing.
D'Argo, we need you.
Zhaan?! (echoing screams) D'Argo! D'Argo.
Shake it off.
Come on Rock, get off the canvas.
You can do it.
Rise and shine.
Up and at 'em.
Break through.
Man, this is getting old.
The least you can do is talk in your sleep.
What would you like me to say? Whoa.
How about great to be back? Was I away? You sure as hell were.
I don't know how many.
I kind of lost track of time.
Do you know who I am? Yes, I recognize you, John, but I do not recognize this place.
Am I dead? -No.
-Am I dead?! No.
You're not dead.
I, uh I thought we were dead.
Why aren't we? Aeryn.
She finally managed to scoop us up, brought us here.
Some asteroid.
Abandoned mining camp, factory.
I don't know, something like that.
Where is she? She's in the Prowler, grocery shopping.
This rock gets a nine on atmosphere but only two on food and water.
We have a lot to thank her for.
Aeryn: Prowler to Talyn.
Crais: What delayed you? You were supposed to check in two arns ago.
I can't always get away on schedule.
Don't forget, I have to give Crichton a reason for my absence.
He still has no knowledge of our arrangement? Aeryn: None.
It might facilitate matters if you explained to him.
Eventually, you'll have to.
Only when it's too late for him to interfere.
My name is John Crichton, an astronaut.
A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole.
Now I'm lost in some distant part of the universe on a ship, a living ship, full of strange alien life-forms.
Help me.
Listen, please.
Is there anybody out there who can hear me? I'm being hunted by an insane military commander.
I'm doing everything I can.
I'm just looking for a way home.
Crichton: You sure your memory's okay? How long was I without oxygen for? Long enough to scare the hell out of me.
What's the last thing you remember? Space.
Gammak base aflame.
Magnificent sight.
Did Moya get away? Moya did but Talyn Talyn? Yeah, Moya's baby.
Awful name.
What happened to him? Crais happened.
He made off with the baby.
We should never have let him live.
-Yeah, I know.
What happened to the Command Carrier? It's still in the area.
Aeryn has spotted Marauders checking the asteroid field out but they haven't seen us yet.
So now we have to evade Scorpius.
And then we have to find Crais, remove him from Talyn.
Who the yotz named him Talyn? I did.
After my father.
Aeryn, check out who finally woke up from his little siesta.
Yes, I have eyes, Crichton.
I have eyes as well, and they're very pleased to see you alive.
Hey, yo.
What's the matter? Is there a problem? All I managed to find was a little water.
I'll have to keep exploring.
If this asteroid is unsuitable then we should all leave.
Good idea.
Change of scenery.
This is the only asteroid I've seen with structures that'll hide you from the Marauder patrols.
Yeah, but D'Argo's awake.
We get out of the asteroid, we signal to Moya, she comes and she picks us up.
We don't even know if Moya is in range and we can't outrun a Command Carrier.
So we have to remain hidden until the Carrier withdraws.
What if it never does? Well, Scorpius can't look for us forever, and he can't even be certain that you survived.
Aeryn, Scorpius wants me pretty bad.
His patience may outlast our Prowler's fuel.
When the Prowler's fuel runs out we starve.
As John once said, I would rather go down on a swing.
" That you want to go down "swinging.
" Swinging.
The only reason we'll starve is if you don't stop this useless discussion and let me keep searching for food.
-This discussion -Aeryn, D'Argo.
Stop it! Both of you.
If not for me you'd both be dead, all right? So stop fighting me! Chiana: Rygel, eat.
I can't eat.
What, you you can't eat? Nnn What? Any fever? Or dizziness? Or secretions that are even abnormal for you? I'm not sick.
I'm simply not hungry.
Ask Pilot why.
Bad news, Pilot? Moya is returning to the asteroid field where she last saw Talyn.
What? There, you see? Is Moya unclear on the concept of why we ran away? She insists on searching for her offspring despite the risk.
A Peacekeeper Command Carrier is slightly more than a risk.
Moya and I have chosen a course that should allow us to re-enter the field undetected.
But even then, we're flying back in unarmed, defenseless.
We aren't entirely defenseless.
Ha! As good as.
All we have is that antiquated defense screen we took from the wreck of the Zelbinion.
This pile of dren? Well, I-is it even functional? I'll have the DRDs give it a thorough going-over.
Moya doesn't understand your distress.
Besides Talyn, we might also find Crichton, D'Argo and Aeryn.
If they could have gotten out, they would have by now.
All patrols still report nothing, sir.
Uh, no signal from Leviathan offspring.
No trace of Crichton.
I comprehend the meaning of nothing, Lieutenant.
After Crichton ejected from the Transport, it may have been a mistake to pull back and allow that rogue Prowler to rescue him.
Oh, you had little choice, sir.
Oh, true.
He would have chosen to perish rather than be saved by us.
But the Prowler eluded capture, and continues to.
In a field of this size, we may never find it.
Time for a change of tactics.
Talyn! Stop this senseless behavior.
You mother has gone.
Do you understand? Moya has abandoned you.
What are you doing? Power down your engines at once.
Leaving the protection of the field right now is suicidal.
I know you detest all this hiding.
You're a gunship, a warrior.
You want to move, to fight.
But you're not yet strong enough to take on a Command Carrier.
He's going berserk.
Talk to him! Talyn.
What's the matter? Show us.
There's no reason to be afraid.
I'm here.
So is Crais.
Talyn, we want to help you, please.
Let us see what's upsetting you.
Broadband transmissions.
Random noises mixed with distortion spikes.
Talyn, these signals mean nothing.
They're intended to alarm you and to make you run.
Talyn, do not play into the hands of your enemy.
Remain right where you are.
You're brave enough to do that, aren't you? (systems powering down) Very good, Talyn.
Talyn, excuse us for a moment.
D'Argo's regained consciousness.
He and Crichton are eager to leave.
And don't suggest that we simply abandon them because that was not part of our arrangement.
We can't leave just yet.
Talyn is still too immature.
No weapons, no Starburst and he continues to ignore my commands.
You can't command a Leviathan.
You can only persuade.
Talyn is part Leviathan, part Peacekeeper.
He was designed to take orders.
Why don't you let me talk to him? Alone.
I'm willing to share command of Talyn.
I will not relinquish it.
-Again? -Yeah.
One, two, three.
(laughing) Again, I win.
No, I win.
Paper wraps rock.
No, paper cannot possibly beat rock.
It does.
Paper beats rock.
Rock rips through paper.
D'Argo, that's not how it works.
-Paper beats rock.
-That is unrealistic.
Well, it's the rules and it's not supposed to be realistic.
It's supposed to be entertaining.
My coma was more entertaining.
It's a kid's game.
Good hunting? Should we give you a hand? No need.
It's no problem.
What did I say? I don't need any help.
You know what? I think you do.
I'm certain you do.
This is ridiculous.
I have a question.
How many times have we saved each others lives? I've lost count.
Safe to say more than once? Sure.
And how many times have you and I been close? Just the once.
(clearing throat) No, no, uh, not that kind of close.
Oh, uh, friend close? Yes.
Um (clearing throat) Um, 'em, ah, ah, more than once.
Yeah, right.
Whatever our relationship is we should be at a place where we can trust one another.
I think you're holding something back.
Look me in the eye.
Look me in the eye.
Tell me that I'm wrong.
You're not going to like what I have to say.
Maybe not.
In order to save your lives I had to make a deal with Crais.
What?! Slow down.
You had to what? By the time I retrieved you, Moya had gone you were both about to suffocate.
And then Crais signaled me from Talyn with the coordinates to an oxygen-atmosphere asteroid.
This asteroid.
I never would have found it on my own.
Not in time, anyway.
Back up.
What's your end in this deal? When Moya left, Talyn got upset, stopped obeying Crais.
I agreed to help calm Talyn down and teach him to start obeying Crais's orders.
Oh, well that makes sense.
You're helping Talyn obey the guy who kidnapped him?! I didn't have a another choice.
You should have let us die.
No, I couldn't have.
That offspring has weaponry! And you've put that weaponry within the grasp of Crais.
Oh, what would you prefer, D'Argo? That Scorpius gets Talyn, or destroys Talyn? Right now, even Crais's control is better than no control at all.
Right now?! When exactly is that going to change, Aeryn? After Crais has brainwashed him he's going to give him back?! I told you you wouldn't like what I had to say.
I don't! Neither do I.
Yeah, well, it's all we have.
No, it isn't.
All right, we cannot allow Crais to remain aboard Talyn.
Do you agree? Absolutely.
She's going to be pissed when she gets up, though.
It was a time-saver.
You look after her while I go and break Crais' neck.
D'Argo, you couldn't break wind right now.
I'm going.
I owe Crais.
You think I don't owe him? Shoot for it.
One, two, three.
I'll see ya.
(chanting softly) Zhaan? It's me.
Hello? It's me.
Look, I hate to disturb you while you're so busy.
Well, not that I understand what you're doing.
I mean, I understand it's part of the Delvian Seek thing so you can become a priest again or or something.
But I don't see how it works.
Not that it's my business.
You have 30 microts.
Moya's got some farhbot idea about going back to the asteroid field to look for her baby even though we're sure to get captured by Peacekeepers and I don't have to tell you what happens then.
So, I was wondering if you could talk to Pilot so he could talk to Moya to convince her that this bad idea is, well, a bad idea.
Did you get all that? Yes.
So, you'll do it? No.
Aeryn: You've killed all three of us now.
Without Crais and Talyn's help we'll never get out of here alive.
Do you really think that Crais would return us to Moya once Talyn is under his control? His word is worth next to nothing.
He no longer considers himself a Peacekeeper.
Or so he claims.
I believe him.
He knows Scorpius would have him executed.
Oh, then his conversion doesn't mean much, does it? Well, perhaps not, but he is a fugitive, just as we are which means that his goals and ours may no longer conflict.
If he has deserted the Peacekeepers, then his loyalties lie only to himself, which makes him more dangerous not less.
Locking scramble, Security Three Velka.
Please confirm.
Scramble confirmed.
The gunship is still not my concern.
Where's Crichton? Officer Sun won't tell me yet.
Building her trust is time-consuming, as is building the gunship's trust.
The latter task is made no easier when the gunship is panicked by your spurious transmissions.
Your progress report was overdue, I concluded you were incapacitated, and I attempted to retrieve the gunship.
Then it is among your concerns? As a means to recovering Crichton, no more.
Deliver Crichton to me and I will allow you to keep the gunship.
Demonstrate some of the formidable patience you're always bragging you possess.
My patience is formidable, Crais but it is not infinite.
Crais: Talyn, you heard Scorpius.
You are not his concern.
Merely a tool he can use or barter away.
This is how the Peacekeepers treat their own.
You, me, Officer Sun.
But we are alike now.
Orphaned from all we ever knew.
We have only one another to rely upon.
You must believe me, trust me.
I know.
I know.
You know, I should have called but I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd drop in, say hi.
How you doing? Where's Officer Sun? Have you harmed her? You're asking me if I've harmed Aeryn? That's a winner, Crais.
Do Sebaceans have a word for "chutzpah"? What do you want, Crichton? Oh, a couple of things.
Your head on a platter, for starters.
I'm unarmed.
You can kill me easily.
Be warned, however.
Talyn regards me as a friend.
I heard that you had a long way to go in that department.
I have.
Nevertheless, I believe he would react badly to my death and retaliate by killing you.
Well, but if you're dead, he's out of your clutches.
A fair price to pay, I'd say.
Consider this.
Neither of us wants to see Talyn in Scorpius' hands.
I give.
What do you want, Crais? Simply to escape.
To travel deeper into the Uncharted Territories.
To re-examine my path.
You want to have a midlife crisis? Fine.
Just ditch the firm, head off to Maui, shack up with a supermodel, but you do not get to keep the Porsche! You don't get the keys to Moya's baby.
(groans) You're about to lose your head.
Now, tell Talyn to put away the toys.
Talyn Now open the hatch.
We're going to go for a little drive.
Wha? Pilot! What the yotz was that? Moya is accelerating.
I know that.
I felt it in all three stomachs.
She heard a transmission from Talyn.
He's in the asteroid field, apparently in great pain.
I'll try to find out more.
Moya's in full lunatic mother mode.
She'll blunder right into Scorpius' bad teeth.
Ah, that, ah module thing of Crichton's is still operational.
We could let Moya go on without us.
Mmm, we could.
Not that any planet in this vicinity was very hospitable.
(grunts) Pilot and Pilot and Moya didn't abandon us during Zhaan's trial.
We can't ditch.
We have to stick.
Stupid though it may be.
There is a transport pod available should you not wish to accompany us.
What? Leave you and Moya? No.
We we couldn't! Could we? Uh, no.
Oh, we'd never consider such a thing.
(grunts) Scorpius: This transmission can only be one thing: a Leviathan distress call.
Then if Moya is anywhere in the area, she should come running.
But the gunship has not emerged from the asteroid field.
If Moya joins her offspring in concealment, we have gained nothing.
Nearing the origin of Talyn's transmission, but there's no sign of Talyn.
He may have fled further into the field.
Any other ships around? None.
A Prowler.
Has it seen us? Apparently, it's changing course to intersect with ours.
It's been a thrill, Your Frogness.
May your afterlife be almost as pleasant as mine.
This is odd.
The Prowler has not initiated any communications.
Not sending word home? No.
In fact it's maneuvering as if it wishes to dock.
You don't think? No.
It couldn't be.
Pilot, let it dock.
Chiana, but don't you? -Chiana? Yo, Chi! What up? Stay where you frelling are! How do I know it's you? You want to check my birthmarks? Yeah, maybe.
Uh Why didn't you signal? 'Cause the bad guys might be listening.
Okay, so, uh so what are you doing with him? What? This guy? I'm putting this guy back in his cell! (grunts) Whoa! (excited laughter) You survived! Hey, don't I always? Hey, blue.
Hey, darling, can you hear me? Certainly I can hear you, John.
I can always hear you.
You okay? Perfectly.
You're not surprised to see me? Not at all.
I apologize for shouting at you, John.
(chuckles) That's okay.
Um, when exactly was that? On Litigara.
I accused you of not being there for me.
I realize now that that wasn't true.
Liti gara? I don't think that I've been there but I'm here now.
Your spirit is with me.
The flesh is unimportant.
It's kind of important.
Whoa! Oh, ho, oh, I'm not dead.
She thinks I'm dead.
I'm real.
Yes, John.
You always will be to me.
Oh! (groans) Uh, what the ah, hell? Pilot thinks nothing's wrong.
She's resumed the Delvian Seek.
What wait.
The Del Why didn't you tell me? Is this supposed to be important? Oh, you tell me.
You've seen more Delvians than I have.
You think that's a help? (sighs) D'Argo: Oh, tie.
We're low on food.
I'd conserve your energy, if I were you.
For what purpose? To live longer.
If I am to die on this asteroid, I would rather it was sooner than later.
Besides, if I die, you can eat me.
You don't look ripe to me.
Crichton: Somebody call for a taxi? Crichton, you succeeded? I'm one for two.
I'll give you the details on the way back.
Crichton, you must return now.
Moya's made contact with Talyn.
Where is Talyn? About to leave the asteroid field.
We're on the way, Pilot.
There's no mistake, sir.
The gunship is leaving the asteroid field and Moya is pursuing.
Follow them, but stay well clear of their sensor range.
They must not see us, until they are too far from the asteroid field to hide again.
But we won't be able to catch the Leviathan if she Starbursts.
She won't because her offspring can't.
On my signal, cripple both ships.
Commando units will take Crichton alive, but I care for no other prisoners.
Clear? Sparky! How's my favorite Hynerian? (gasping) Even I'm pleased to see you.
(gasping) Are, uh are you not well? (gasping continues) Crichton: You got a frog in your throat? You need a Hynerian heimlich? Fine.
I'll be fine.
(gasping) A slight case of the intons.
The what? It's a Hynerian airway seizure caused by very strong emotions.
(laughing) I didn't know you had strong emotions in you, Sparky.
Other than greed, of course.
A simple reaction to the shock of seeing you again.
Pilot: It is good to have you all back aboard.
Crichton: We missed you, too, Pilot.
Very much.
What's Talyn's status? Highly distraught.
He continues to flee and won't even acknowledge Moya's signals.
Pilot, I might have a little more luck.
Is Moya willing to let me try? Moya consents.
You may proceed.
Thank you.
Talyn, this is Aeryn.
Please answer.
Talyn, you don't have to run from Moya.
She only wants to protect you.
Look Talyn, I know you're confused.
You've heard so many voices.
But you know that I care about you.
At least let me know that you can hear what I'm saying.
Hey, you might want to give it a rest.
Poor kid's confused.
He doesn't know who to listen to.
Moya's still trying to catch him, which can't be helping matters.
Look, I'm going to go have a chat with Pilot.
I'm sorry, Commander.
Moya refuses to allow Talyn to get further away.
Look, does she not realize that by chasing him, she's making him more nervous? She's convinced she can still get through to him and talk him down.
Having found him, she's terrified at the thought of losing him again.
I know.
I know.
It's her kid.
It's her kid.
I know that.
I know that.
Maybe Mom really does know best.
There's no sign of the Command Carrier, right? None yet.
(ethereal, rhythmic ringing) Zhaan? Hello, Aeryn.
Come in.
Crichton said you were chanting.
Are you finished yet? I'll never be finished.
This is a different phase of the Seek.
Well, I just wanted to see how you were.
I love you.
You what? I love you.
Oh, yes, I did hear it the first time and you know what? I, I I love all living beings.
The Seek has reopened my eyes to the wonder of the spirit.
I am now going to devote my life to enlightenment.
Well, I think that's, um really selfish, actually.
You know, before you bliss off completely into oblivion, you might want to have a little look around you, because Moya and Talyn are in danger.
Worldly concerns do not interest me now.
Oh, really? Well, then, don't give me any dren about how much you love me.
Love in its most rarefied sense Too rarefied for me.
I'm just an ignorant warrior who believes that love means you're willing to fight and die for your fellow living beings.
(discordant ringing) You're an atypical Luxan, Ka D'Argo.
You left your military service to raise a family upon a rural planet.
Spare me your disapproval.
I don't.
I lived upon a farming community until the Peacekeepers conscripted me.
My wife was a Sebacean.
Tell me you approve of that.
I find it repellent.
But that reaction, the concept of irreversible contamination was instilled in me by the Peacekeepers.
As such, it needs to be questioned, re-examined.
A containment cell is a fine place for reflection.
Pa'u Zhaan achieved much during her incarceration, but I cannot stay here.
Talyn needs me.
Too frelling bad.
Your hatred of me, though well earned blinds you.
I can keep Talyn out of Peacekeeper hands.
And I will.
You're not getting back aboard Talyn.
Get used to the idea.
Re-examine it.
I shall.
Before you were arrested, were you happy? Happier than you can ever imagine.
Then I envy you.
Braca: Both Leviathans are decelerating.
Either they have no plan whatsoever, or they're about to implement one which isn't immediately apparent.
Our wisest move in both cases is the same.
Overtake and engage.
Well, don't take your time or anything.
You're sure it's the Command Carrier, Pilot? Yes.
Closing fast.
Firing range in 6,000 microts.
Scorpius, he just can't live without me.
Talyn sees the Carrier.
He's powering up his main cannon.
Excellent! Have him aim dead amidships, right in Scorpius's He's aiming for Moya.
Damn it! What the hell's he doing? Talyn says that was a warning shot.
He's sending Moya a demand.
What's he want? A captain.
Talyn's afraid.
He doesn't know what to do about the approaching Command Carrier.
Oh, like we do? He insists he needs guidance.
Let's get that boy some guidance before he turns into a full-blown Menendez brother.
I'll go at once.
Talyn demands that we send over Crais.
-What? He said he wants Crais? -He can't have him.
Pilot, get that boy on the phone.
He's unwilling to discuss it further.
He says he'll fire upon us unless we agree to return Crais now.
Pilot, evasives.
Moya won't.
She doesn't believe he'll fire.
Pilot, let's get the defense screen up just in case mama's wrong.
But it may not hold.
Man, haven't you people ever heard of fuses? Moya's unhurt, but the defense screen is out.
No? Really? And another shot would do Moya considerable harm.
Scorpius will be upon us in no more than 5,000 microts.
I'm going to take Crais to Talyn.
And then what? We leave Talyn in Crais' control? His and mine.
I'll stay aboard Talyn with Crais.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! For how long? For as long as necessary to protect Talyn.
He's very intelligent, John.
Once he matures, he'll no longer want a captain.
Yeah, but Aeryn in the meantime I'll be there to mitigate any damage that Crais does.
Crais is never going to go for that.
Yes, he will.
He's already offered to take me with him.
And you'd do that? I don't have another choice.
There are always choices, Aeryn.
The only other choice is death for everyone, Talyn included.
Well, I'm not going to let you go with him.
There isn't another solution.
There has to be.
We're out of time.
Your nephew wants to see you.
(grunts) I knew he would, eventually.
Officer Sun, make your choice.
I want to go with you.
Crichton, this is a beneficial turn of events for all concerned, with the happy exception of Scorpius.
Crais, I don't like this plan and I never will.
So you better behave yourself with Talyn and Aeryn.
'Cause if you hurt either one of them, I'm going to hunt you down.
You hunt me down.
That would complete the symmetry nicely, wouldn't it? Last time we stood here, we didn't say goodbye.
And it wasn't goodbye, as it turned out.
Here's hoping history repeats itself.
Talyn, we have returned.
We are prepared to guide you out of danger, take you far from the domain of the Peacekeepers.
Maneuver very close to Moya and her Starburst will carry us all to safety.
What is that? It's the Hand of Friendship.
It's the greatest honor it can bestow.
Talyn who's it for? (beeping) Thank you.
I humbly accept.
No, Talyn.
(screaming) Talyn, what's happening? Talyn, what have you done? What is that? A neural transponder.
A direct interface with Talyn.
His senses his propulsors his weaponry.
I command them all.
You command him? Every system.
It's indescribable.
It's a pity you can't experience it.
Crais, we were going to share command of Talyn.
-Talyn chose otherwise.
He needs both of us.
We no longer need you.
Talyn can only have one master.
You may return to Moya.
I will not.
You must.
He and I are of like mind on this.
Crais, take that thing off.
Take it off.
Take it off or I will! (laser firing) (firing) Talyn, I'm not the enemy.
We know that.
But you cannot stay aboard here.
You have 50 microts to get back to your Prowler before we open that passageway into space.
Good health, Officer Sun.
Pilot, why hasn't Talyn tucked in close? We need a Starburst damn soon.
In 90 microts.
The Carrier will be in range to fire.
Then what's keeping them? The Prowler has just emerged from Talyn.
Who's aboard? Officer Sun.
She's asking to return to Moya.
Pilot, get her aboard fast.
Scorpius: Braca: Charging all frag cannons.
Boarding parties standing by.
Fire when at optimal range.
Crais: Scorpius.
My final progress report.
Stay that command.
The gunship is secured, and I am resigning my Peacekeeper commission effective immediately.
Crais, cease this nonsense.
As for Crichton, he is dead.
I killed him with my bare hands.
My brother is avenged.
Here ends my report, Captain.
(growls) Fire upon both Leviathans.
Chiana: Starburst? I thought Talyn wasn't ready.
He obviously learns a lot faster than we thought.
Pilot, is the Prowler aboard? Yes.
Prepare for immediate Starburst.
Your tactical expert claimed the gunship's ability to Starburst would not mature for an arn.
Send him to me so I might educate him.
Yes, sir.
Start searching for Moya, on her most probable Starburst vectors.
Not the gunship, sir? After all, with Crichton dead Crichton isn't dead.
That's merely Crais' small attempt to take revenge upon me.
How can you be so sure? If Crais had killed Crichton, he wouldn't tell me.
Crichton is alive! And I will find him.
If you are going to sit there in a coma, you could at least smile.
Sweet D'Argo.
I was just thinking.
Part of the Seek? No, Aeryn was right.
As much as I wish to immerse myself in the Seek and in the next level of existence, I cannot abandon you all.
I will slow down the Seek.
The next level will always there.
This one will not.
Then we must cherish it while we have it.
And we must cherish each other.
I failed.
Well, you did everything you could.
In other words, I failed.
Pilot: Officer Sun, Talyn told Moya he was choosing Crais of his own volition.
For what that's worth.
He'll contact her from time to time and let her know he's okay.
Well, they say they'll call home, Pilot, once a week.
They never do.
Talyn will be all right, won't he? Well, he's young, and he's going to make mistakes.
But he'll learn.
And if Crais ever mistreats him, he'll bounce him.
Maybe Crais won't mistreat him.
He could have killed me, you know.
He could have killed all of us and he didn't.
Maybe he just needed to save the energy for Starburst.
Or maybe he's changed.
Well, you do believe people can change, don't you, John? (chuckles) Well? Well, you have.
Mmm? -Mm-hmm.
I have.
But Crais?
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