FBI (2018) s07e09 Episode Script


Babe, I don't know how much longer
I can do this stupid job.
He has me running all over the city,
picking up his wife from her facelift,
delivering flowers to his girlfriend.
No, I can't!
I still have so much to do.
[SIGHS] OK, yeah.
Love you too.
- You got a dollar?
- I'm sorry, no, I don't.
Come on, look at you.
You gotta have something.
- I really don't.
- Come on, look at this car.
You gotta have some one dollar,
you rich, selfish bitch!
Get back! I said get back!
I'll call the police,
I swear to God I will!

That's not what I meant
by going out for breakfast.
Yeah, well, I have a 9:00 a.m. at BAU,
so two birds, one bagel.
- Yes, I guess so.
I'm bummed I never got to meet Syd.
Yeah, I know.
She she impressed somebody
high up at headquarters.
They transferred her to D.C.,
put her on a special task force.
- Mm.
- Hey, Nina.
- Hi.
- Surprised to see you.
- How you been?
- Busy, you know.
You running and gunning with us today?
I wish. I have my hands full.
- Oh, well, uh, before you leave
- Mm-hmm.
If you could solve this mystery for us.
You see that letter on
your man's desk right there?
- This one?
- Mm-hmm.
Yes, it's been sitting there
unopened for months.
Well, he's a mystery to me, too.
So do you care to explain?
Yes. Nothing good
ever comes in the mail.
It's either a bill
or some Christmas card
from an old friend
with pictures of their kids
that you don't even know.
Mm, well, this one is
from the mayor's office, so
My point exactly.
- So I can open it?
- Uh, no.
- Open it.
- No, that
- I'm opening
- Hey, Nina.
Good to see you.
Duty calls. My office.
See? Perfect timing.
Do you guys remember Allen Champion?
He's the former AUSA
of the Southern District.
He prosecuted a lot of cases for us.
What's going on?
Well, according to NYPD,
he leapt from his 14th floor
apartment building yesterday morning.
God, that's awful.
Yeah, I just spoke to his wife.
She said they just put down
an offer on a lake house,
that things were going well for Allen.
He had a new private defense firm,
and clients were lining up.
So not the actions of a man
about to take his own life.
- Agreed.
- Are we thinking foul play?
Well, Allen prosecuted major cases.
He gets death threats every other week.
He put away cartel leaders,
sex traffickers.
I'd like us to take a second
look at NYPD's evidence.
Got it.
Cell phone was charging on the counter.
Wallet was on the table.
Keys on the side table.
And way over by the balcony
was the note.
What's this?
Crime scene photos with
the evidence inside, too,
in case the FBI wants
to double check that too.
No one's looking over
your shoulder, Detective.
- We're just being thorough.
- Yeah, sure.
You know, I used to know
this old bailiff
at 100 Center Street that would say,
judges are lawyers
pretending to be honorable,
prosecutors are honorable
pretending to be lawyers,
and defense attorneys are neither
pretending to be both.
Well, Allen Champion was
an AUSA and defense attorney.
- So what's that make him?
- A depressed guy
whose wife was out of town,
so he jumped,
at least according to that note.
But only after he made sure
his phone was fully charged?

Come here.
Look at this
you got matching shelves,
right, you got lamps,
I mean, even the plants.
Symmetrical. So what?
And then you have that.
Now that you mention it,
it's all I can see.
Check this out.
It's chipped.
It's a long shot.
Let's have ERT process it.
All right, folks,
so this was Allen Champion,
former AUSA.
NYPD ruled his death a suicide,
but that theory is evolving.
So where we at on authenticating
the note found at his residence?
I'm still waiting on
forensic handwriting analysis.
But here's what we know
about that murder weapon.
Possible murder weapon.
Luminol confirms trace
amounts of Allen's blood
on the statue not visible
to the human eye.
Someone wiped it clean.
Not clean enough.
And a missing fragment
from the same statue
was found lodged in Allen's skull.
OK, so what are we thinking?
Allen was bludgeoned in his own home,
and our perp dropped him
headfirst over the balcony
to cover his tracks, yeah?
No other prints or DNA
were found in the apartment.
OK, so let's rebuild
Allen Champion's last day.
Maybe his route can tell a story.
Ian, can you use his
cell phone's location services,
- or
- I can, yeah.
His phone used a dual frequency GPS,
which can pinpoint
his location down to 6 feet.
This is the day before his death.
Usual routine, starts at his apartment,
hits up a local coffee shop,
then he heads towards the courthouse.
But check it out on this day,
he turns around, crosses the river,
- then heads east.
- OK, so where does he end up?
It's a parking lot at some
low-end motel on Long Island.
Tell me it's not too low end
to have surveillance.
It's limited, but something.
Yeah, yeah. Ding, ding, ding.
Look at this. Looks tense.
I mean, that that could be
the killer, right?
- Can we ID him?
- Yeah.
Wendell Troost, a software
developer for Canto Airlines,
a mid-sized carrier
throughout the northeast.
Although, it looks like
he resigned last week.
Wendell Troost, what's your story?
Manager identified Wendell Troost
immediately, said he's been
here all week, paid in cash.
Lent me the key to his room,
76, upstairs.
The guy makes six figures.
What is he doing laying his head here?
Uh, did they just walk
out of Wendell's room?
I don't know. Go check it out.
We'll follow them.


In pursuit!

Suspects fleeing
in a late model Ford Edge
north on Drexel Street.
I can't get a plate.
Wendell Troost is dead,
hanging by his bed sheets.
Who the hell were those two?
Hey, two men just
opened fire on our agents
after they found our second victim,
Wendell Troost,
while they were investigating
Allen Champion's murder.
This man managed to escape.
That is the best shot
we were able to pull off
the motel security camera.
It's still not enough for facial rec.
Yeah, I tried to track his Ford Edge,
but he had a cover
that obscured the plates.
OK, what about the other man,
the man Maggie took down?
Yeah, that's where things
get interesting.
This man here, Ricardo Aguilar,
he is former Bolivian Special Forces.
No record of him
coming into the country.
He must have entered illegally.
To execute a mid-level
software engineer for Canto Airlines?
Is there a connection between
Bolivia and Canto Airlines?
Nothing. Canto only operates in the U.S.
All their manufacturing is done here.
There's no ties to South America.
OK, what is the connection
between Wendell Troost
- and Allen Champion?
- That's the easy part.
Allen Champion was Wendell's lawyer.
According to Allen's files,
Wendell retained him
six days ago after quitting his job.
And within a week,
they both turn up dead.
And both crime scenes are
made to look like suicides.
So could this have something
to do with Canto Airlines?
Maybe Wendell Troost found something
at work, something big. He quits.
He retains a lawyer who
specializes in labor disputes,
and they silence him.
Do you honestly think
that Canto Airlines
hired Bolivian Special Forces
to silence a whistleblower?
Hmm, Canto Airline's
operating revenue is 1.5 billion.
That's a lot of bottom line to protect.
All right, let's get
Wendell's boss in here.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, Wendell Troost was
my lead software engineer,
but he quit a week ago.
Are you aware that
he retained outside counsel?
I wasn't.
What about these two?
Do you recognize those guys?
No. Should I?
They murdered Wendell Troost.
And then they murdered his lawyer,
made it look like suicide.
I'm sorry.
What is the purpose of this meeting?
Well, somebody commissioned these two
to kill your engineer.
We want to know why.
Look, I am sorry about Wendell,
but we have nothing to do with this.
Was Wendell working on
anything sensitive when he quit?
We're the fastest growing
airline in the country.
Everything we do is sensitive.
And we are not at liberty to divulge
the work product of any employee.
You really don't want that
to be your answer.
We have nothing to hide.
Well, here's what
we're going to figure out, OK?
This guy stumbled on something,
something big that could have
damaged your entire company,
so Canto made damn sure
that he did not go public.
So what did he learn
that is making the chief
technical officer clam up?
- Safety issue?
- Absolutely not.
Safety is our highest priority.
One accident in the news
would not only be a tragedy,
it would bankrupt us.
What if Wendell found something big,
so big he was afraid to tell you?
- Riva, this interview is over.
- Wait.
If he did,
he would have brought any
concerns to Daniel Ruskin.
Who's Daniel Ruskin?
Our chief development officer.
He's Wendell's supervisor.
OK, we're going to need
to speak to him now.
Daniel is on vacation.
In Italy, I think.
Oh, is he?
Murders made to look like suicides,
and we have a missing software developer
that works on U.S. airplanes.
And this is all connected
to the Bolivian military?
I've got a bad feeling about this.
Maggie, he's bolting.
I'm on him.

I didn't do anything.
I didn't hurt anyone, I swear.
Then why are you running?
To save her.
To save who?
Anna's the love of my life, my fiancée.
I didn't know what else to do.
OK, slow down, Daniel.
Tell us what happened.
OK, um,
a week ago, I asked Anna to marry me.
We were celebrating at my apartment.
Then two men broke in.
They had guns.
Anna tried to call the police,
but they
they grabbed her and they
they hit her.
And I couldn't do anything to stop them.
I couldn't protect her.
They took her.
They they still have her somewhere.
OK, why didn't you call the police?
They said they'd kill her
if I involved the authorities.
Are these men your attackers?
Yes. Yeah, that was that was him.
He was in charge.
But there was
a different guy with him
buzz cut, mean.
And they had accents.
What did they want with Anna?
It's my fault.
They were just using her as leverage.
They knew.
Somehow, they knew that I had top level
superuser access into
Canto's internal software.
These guys brought in
a portable command unit
in one of those big Pelican
cases with a built-in computer.
Buzz cut put a gun to Anna's head,
and they made me open a rootkit
backdoor into the system.
They were only keeping me
alive for insurance.
Then what happened?
Wendell found this backdoor?
Wendell tried to patch it, but I
I couldn't let him do it.
But he just he wouldn't quit.
Told me he was going
to talk to a lawyer.
So I so I
I tipped them off.

I just I thought they'd scare him.
I didn't mean for him to die.
What does this back door
give them an access to?
They can control the NAV system
on every plane
in Canto's fleet.
OK, well, we need you
to shut that back door now.
OK, well, it is not that easy.
The the the patch,
it just can't be FOTA.
What does that mean?
F-O-T-A, firmware over-the-air.
We would need to hard reset
the online computers,
and you can't exactly shut
them off when they're flying.
So hold on a second.
Are you saying that every Canto plane
that's in the air currently
is vulnerable?
Yes. Yes.
That is exactly what I'm telling you.
They can bring them down
one by one, all at once.
There is nothing
you can do to stop them.

There are currently
5,400 planes in U.S. airspace,
345 of them are in Canto's fleet.
That means 70,000 innocent lives
are in the hands of terrorists.
They can control NAV systems.
They can tamper
with collision detection.
If it can give you nightmares,
they can do it.
So let's get these planes
on the ground now.
FAA, talk to me.
All air traffic has been
grounded coast to coast.
OK, so no additional flights
will be taking off, right?
That's right, and we're
coordinating nationwide
to prioritize Canto's planes
for landing clearance.
121 flights have already been
diverted to emergency airstrips.
The only problem is some of the planes
have been flying over remote terrain,
just no infrastructure to safely land
large commercial jets.
Right. OK, well, stay on it.
As soon as they get
within reach of an airport,
bring them in. All right.
Now, how do we track
the men responsible for this?
We need to get our hands
on that laptop, yeah?
I got something.
It's a little out of the box.
Well, OK, we're already
way outside the box here, so
We need the portable
command unit, right?
And we know these guys are holding Anna.
This is an engagement photo
of Anna and Daniel,
but look at her engagement ring.
Instead of a diamond,
she's wearing a Bezel.
Oh, yeah, it's one of those
smart rings, right?
Yeah, it checks heart rate,
blood oxygen, sleep.
Before Canto, Daniel worked
for a biotech company
that designed them
kind of romantic
but where there's code
Wait, you think you can track that ring?
I know we can.

Heads up.
We need everyone's eyes peeled
for a portable command unit.
It contains a custom computer.
We need it intact, highest priority.
Copy that.
Go. Move, move, move!
Go, go.
- Two, one.
- All right, all right.
It's OK. Got her!
Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!
Please don't hurt me!
It's all right. You're OK.
You're OK.
[SOBBING] I didn't do anything, I swear.
Don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me.
- You're OK.
- Don't hurt me.
All right, we got Anna Fox.
We need an ambulance immediately.
There's no sign of
the mobile command unit.
I repeat, it's not here.

Hey. Hey. Oh.
[SOBS] I was so scared.
Oh, I thought I'd never see you again.
I love you.
I love you too.
What does she know?
Uh, not much.
She was locked in a room
since they grabbed her.
So these guys have
the planes, but for what?
We have to figure out
what they really want.
- Yeah.
- Isobel, we got a big problem.
It just started.
Flight 6730, nonstop
from Virginia to New York,
deviated from his flight plan.
Is there any way to get eyes inside?
Ever since the Malaysian crash in '14,
FAA started testing
in-cockpit dash cams,
and Canto Airlines is using them.
- How we doing?
- Looping us in now.
- OK, great.
- Here we go.
Captain, Isobel Castille,
Special Agent in Charge with the FBI.
What is your status?
This is Captain Tim Marks.
We have a bit of
a situation up here.
90 seconds ago, Canto flight 6730
began to descend
without my command.
We ran the protocols and
discovered we are no longer
in control of this aircraft.
Can you anticipate your trajectory?
We were headed towards Teterboro
when we got locked out
of our system.
Your guess is
as good as ours, ma'am.
They're over the Hudson.
Flight 6730,
this is air traffic control.
You are not approved for descent.
Maintain your altitude
at 2,200 feet.
It's not us, HQ.
6730 is being controlled
remotely, over.

Tim, we just lost thrust
on both engines.
We're losing altitude.
Engaging emergency generator.
205 knots and dropping.
At their rate of descent,
they won't make the runway.
Ian, any way we can intervene?
Not without that mobile command unit.
They're going to crash into the Hudson.
How many people are on that plane?
175 passengers plus crew.
190 knots.
175 knots.
Emergency generator
not responding.
155 knots.

750 feet and dropping.
This is your captain speaking.
We are going down.
Brace for impact.
I repeat, brace for impact.
Brace, brace, brace.
Brace, brace!
Did they oh, God.
Talk to me. What's happening?
They're still pinging.
I don't know what happened.
This is flight 6730.
I don't know what changed, but
our engines have re-engaged.
We still don't have control,
but we are climbing again.
Damn, that was close.
- That was a warning.
- Boss?
- Yeah?
- You need to see this.
And our network just
received a statement
from a Bolivian separatist group.
Press has it already?
They call themselves Mina Rota,
claiming responsibility
for a cockpit hack
of Canto flight 6730
from Virginia to New York.
We are Mina Rota.
We now control hundreds
of planes in U.S. airspace.
America wants to profit off
the backs of the Bolivian people.
America will fail.
Today, Congress will vote
on a trade deal
with the U.S. mining company
Capstone Lithium.
This corrupt deal
will let America
steal rare earth metals
from Bolivia
and profit off them
at our expense.
Congress will reject this deal,
or Mina Rota will crash
one plane every minute
until our demands are met.

So a group called Mina Rota just
claimed responsibility for
the attack on our airspace.
What do we know about them?
Bolivian separatist group
led by this man, Luis Zamora.
This is the guy that
was talking on the video,
the ransom video, yeah?
Yes, his group is ruthless,
backed by black market money,
operating solely in South America.
Never attempted anything
in the U.S. before.
All right, give me some good news.
Yeah, well, we we safely grounded
88% of Canto's fleet,
which leaves only 42 flights
still in U.S. airways
with compromised avionics.
That's still over 7,000 people.
I I know. DHS is threat level red.
We're coordinating with NSA and FAA.
It's minute to minute.
What did the Bolivian
foreign ministry say?
They are denying any involvement,
but they did send
military forces to raid
all Mina Rota safe houses in Bolivia.
OK, uh, any luck
running a digital trace
of the ransom video?
They passed it through
a dozen onion routers.
- It's untraceable.
- OK.
Ian, how you doing cracking
Canto's NAV software?
Not good.
Even their firewalls have firewalls.
- Right.
- Boss?
Pentagon's asking for an update.
- I I got this.
- OK.
- Jubal?
- Yeah?
You got a sec?
When we rescued Anna Fox,
she was scared out of her mind
But her restraints, they
they weren't tight, Jubal.
She has no record, no flags.
We looked at her.
Something is not sitting right.
Uh, OK.
Yeah, uh, Elise, let's
let's look at Anna Fox again.
Um, what do we know about her?
Anna Fox had nearly zero
social media presence for years.
It only picked up after
she met Daniel Ruskin.
Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, these were
young lovers, you know,
pretty standard post.
I got 42 cruise missiles in the air.
- We've been over this.
- OK, but there
Elise, can you just
can you play the one
at the gun range?
- OK, let's see it, babe.
You're a badass.
What are you doing?
Hold on.
Can you play that back?
You're a badass.
Right there. Stop.
What are we what are we looking at?
What what are you seeing here?
Elise, can you throw up
a photo of an AK, 47 or 12?
Either one, doesn't matter.
So on an AR-15,
the charging handle is located
on the top of the rifle.
You see, Anna,
she tilts the ejection port,
reaches with her non-dominant hand
to rack a charging handle
that isn't there.
AK-47s and 12s,
they've got a charging handle
on the right side.
What she's doing there, Jubal,
that's muscle memory.
So you're saying
she trained using an AK?
Yeah, she did.
And you want to take
a wild guess who's using AKs?
Bolivian Special Forces.
Thanks for your patience.
Thank you again for saving her.
I-is it done?
No. We just have a few more questions
about the men behind today's attacks.
I told you everything I know.
The questions aren't for you.
They're for Verona Da Silva.
Who's Verona Da Silva?
She is.

What are they talking about?
This is Verona Da Silva,
former soldier in the
Bolivian Special Forces
and founding member of
the terrorist group Mina Rota.
The resemblance is striking.
And this is the leader of Mina Rota,
Luis Zamora, her husband.
Her, um
What you're married?
No, no, no. We were
We were engaged.
We were supposed to be married.
You going to tell him, or should we?

I'm sorry.
Daniel, they've known
that the Capstone Lithium
trade deal vote was on the calendar.
They've been planning this for a year.
No, no, no, no, no.
I was in love with you.
I asked you to marry you said yes!
I was just a mark to you?
This is it's all just a lie?
This is bigger than you, Daniel.
Hey, where's your husband?
You'll never find him.
Why are you doing this?

Foreigners have come before
to strip our land.
This time, they want lithium
for their cell phones
and their electric cars.
They're going to make billions.
And that money is going
to line the pockets
of Americans and Europeans
while my people starve.
So it's political.
But what you're doing,
this isn't going to change anything.
My father worked in
the salt flats for pennies.
He died there.
It was slavery.
This is about my people.
I'm sorry about your father.
But the last time that a bunch
of terrorists like yourselves
started hijacking planes,
my brother paid the price.
Right now, there are people
on those planes that I care about.
So you need to call this off.

You know our demands.

You really know people on these planes,
or was that a tactic?
Well, here's an idea.
What if we gave them
exactly what they want?
Anna Fox's phone was a burner,
but I was able to unlock it.
Her history revealed regular calls
to one other burner phone
over the past three months.
Assuming that was her husband's?
Stands to reason.
OK, so how's this going to work?
I've digitized all the audio
from your interview with Anna,
ran it through my own
voice cloning software.
You can speak, but the person
on the other end of the line
will hear her voice.
OK. No time like the present.
Verona, are you OK, my love?
Yes, I'm OK.
Yes, I'm OK.
Where are you?
You sound different.
- I'm with the FBI.
- I'm with the FBI.
- They know who I am.
- They know who I am.
- The FBI?
- But it's OK.
But it's OK.
They're willing to make a deal.
They're willing to make a deal.
What deal?
The Deputy U.S. Trade Rep
says that Capstone Lithium
will share its profits with Bolivia 40%.
The Deputy U.S. Trade Rep
says that Capstone Lithium
will share its profits
with Bolivia 40%.
All of that money will go to our people.
All of that money
will go to our people.
Mmm. OK.
Hey, do you remember
that night in Potosí?
The one with the full moon.
Yes, how could I forget?
Yes, how could I forget?
I don't know who this is,
but the deaths that come
are on your soul.
Did we get enough?
It's cutting it close.
I got it.
Triangulating Luis Zamora's cell signal
to a two-block radius
near the South Street Seaport.
Good enough. Let's move.
Our agents are en route
to Lower Manhattan.
NYPD is creating a perimeter
around a two-block radius
where Zamora's phone last pinged.
- No entrance or exit.
- OK, OK.
Things have taken a turn in here.
Zamora got spooked
after our little ploy.
He's bringing the planes down.
This is a real-time feed
from the tower at LaGuardia.
He's redirecting several planes
toward high-value targets in New York.
There will be civilian casualties.
And one of them is flight 6730.
Where is that heading?
That's Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station.
- How much time do we have?
- 23 minutes.
- OK.
- Boss?
- Yeah?
- Pentagon just called it.
177th Fighter Wing has scrambled jets
to intercept the planes
Zamora's controlling.
They're going to shoot them down.
They'd have no choice.
The only way to save those people
is to find that mobile command unit
and take back control of the plane.

I might have an idea.
Didn't say it was a good one.
Captain Marks,
this is Jubal Valentine again.
We have a team working on your issue.
Just a matter of seconds now.
Says here you have kids.
Three boys.
Oldest is at the Air Force Academy.
Oh, yeah?
My my my son just told me
he wants to join the FBI someday.
I mean, of all the roads
he could pick, right?
I know what you're doing,
Agent Valentine.
I'm grateful for it.
We're just having a conversation here.
You're bearing witness.
We can both see the map.
My plane is about to cross over into
Nine Mile Point's restricted airspace.
My team is going to fix this.
I think we're out of time.
And the military has their orders.
I spoke with our guy at DoD Cyber.
We got a signal jammer
en route to the location.
Figures it covers
a four-square-block radius.
OK, how do we stay
in contact with our team?
It shouldn't affect our comms,
but just to be safe, we placed
a repeater on a nearby rooftop.
Jubal, we are right outside
of the target area.
Have we gotten a more specific
location on Zamora and this laptop?
Well, not exactly.
We're gonna we're gonna
try to flush him out.

And how are we going to do that?
Yeah, I'll I'll explain.
- Just stand by, OK?
- Tell me we're a go.
Still into it with ConEd.
Give me a second.
Ugh, that is not an option.
- OK, OK, we're a go.
- OK, hold.
All teams, listen up.
We know Zamora is using
a portable command unit
to control the planes.
We know he's somewhere
within your two-block radius.
We are going to disrupt
his access to the cockpits
by taking down the power grid
and knocking out
the cell towers in the area.
That should put him on the run.
Now, NYPD will be
on the ground to assist,
but things could get hairy.
We're in position.
Ready to go with SWAT.

[SIGHS] Here goes everything.
OK, let's go.
Team, night has fallen.
The cockroach should be about to scurry.
Find him.
Remember, Zamora needs a cell tower,
so he should be on the move.
All eyes should be peeled,
for a man with a heavy Pelican case.
- Guys, stay where you are.
Hey, hey! Go inside!
Stay in the vehicle. In the vehicle!
Keep it locked down.
Sir, I'm gonna need you
to stand down please!
Get back in your car.
Nothing like searching for a needle
in a pitch black haystack.
Yeah, well, that's not going to stop us.
FBI. Stay in your vehicle.
- Jubal?
- Yeah?
Don't ask me how, but cutting the power
didn't sever Zamora's
connection to the NAV systems.
You kidding me?
Captain Marks,
this is Jubal Valentine, FBI.
You should have full control
of your aircraft.
Can you confirm?
Negative. We're still locked out.
Don't want to lose hope up here,
but we're seeing fighter jets in range.
Hey, Captain, we got
nothing but hope down here.
You stay with me.
I'll be right back at you.
All right, talk to me.
How is this possible?
Cell towers are down. There's no Wi-Fi.
Zamora's laptop has nothing
to connect to, right?
Jubal, our window is closing.
Four more minutes,
and those fighter jets
have no choice but
to bring down that plane.
Damn it.
- Ian, what are we missing?
- OK, just a guess.
What if Zamora is using
a satellite uplink?
Yeah, well, a SAT uplink
still needs juice.
So what's he using, a generator?
What if he's using a car?
OK. Teams, listen up.
Zamora is still in control of the plane,
so he might be stationary.
What are you talking about? How?
We think he may have
hooked a SAT link up
to the 12-volt of a vehicle.
So keep your eyes open
for that Ford Edge.
Copy that.

OA, 11:00.
Scola, we have him at
Front Street and Dover.
Got it. We're on our way.
Spread out! Move!
- Get out now.
- Sir, get to safety.
Go down the street.
Luis Zamora, this is the FBI.
Get out of the car with your hands up!
We should circle around.
We got a crossfire situation here.
We don't have enough time.
Guys, I'm on his 6:00. Stand down.
Copy that.
Suspect down. Move, move, move!
Go, go, go!
Come on, move up. Move up.

Guys, computer is here.
- Where is he?
- Special teams are incoming.
- Come on. Let's go.
- OK.
- All right, let's go, come on.
- OK, OK.
You're going to make
this right, right now.
- Let's go. In you go.
- OK. Yeah, yeah.
- OK, OK.
- Hurry. Hurry up.
How much time do you need?
Uh, I'm going as fast as I can.
Can we ask the Pentagon
to give us more time?
Jubal, you know I can't do that.
We have to regain control of that plane.
Let's go.
We need that back door closed now!
- Hurry up, come on!
Let's go, Ruskin, talk to me!
[STAMMERS] I'm I'm going
as fast as I can.
Let's go, come on!
Flight 6730 will cross
into the nuclear plant's
airspace in 19 seconds.

Air Force jets have taken
at firing position.
Agent Valentine,
I just want to say thank you
to everyone down there for trying.
Apologize to the families
of the passengers.
Hey, hey, hey.
Tim, we are not doing that.
You stay with me. This is not over.
As fast as you can please!
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Come on, Ruskin.
What? What? Where are we?
Come on. Come on.
We are locked on Canto 6730.
Do I have firing authorization?
- Come on, let's go!
- We're done.
- It's done?
- It's done. It's done.
- Jubal, it's patched.
Tell the Pentagon to stop those jets.
It's done.
Captain Marks, you should
have full access to your systems.
Flight 6730 is under our command.
Request nearest runway
for emergency landing.

They've cleared a runway
for you in Rochester.
Copy that, my friend.
I can see why your son wants
to follow in your footsteps.
I was about to tell you the same thing.

ConEd's restoring power.
Should be back up any second.
Well done, everybody.
- Bravo.
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
Great work, Jubal.
I really thought
we were going to have to
relive that horrible day all over again.
Well, different outcome this time.
Different outcome.

- Hey.
- Hey.
What time did Dougie go down?
Oh, not till, like, 9:30.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
How are you doing after today?
You know how
you always just kind of
see right through me?
It came like two months ago, and
I mean, I figured,
why even bother opening it, you know?
What's the point?
Like, why relive all of it?
It just doesn't make any sense.
But now?
Um, well, now
I mean, I think I realized that
I don't have to do this alone.

You want me to read it?
OK. Yeah.

"Dear Stuart Scola,
"on behalf of the mayor's office,
"we are writing to you about
"the New York Genetic
Identification Project,
"which has been dedicated to identifying
"all of the victims of 9/11.
"We're writing because thanks
to advanced DNA technology,
"we were able to positively ID
the remains of your brother,
"Douglas Scola.
"May this knowledge
bring you and your family
closure and peace of mind."
They found him.

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