FBI: International (2021) s04e09 Episode Script
The Kill Floor
I've seen you carrying
that around before.
Mike Brooks gave it to me.
- Ah!
It's been a symbol of loss.
Today, it means justice served.
Csonka will confess to everything,
including the murder of Mike Brooks.
Remember when I arrested you?
You were talking tough.
You were saying I'd
never see it coming.
Well, I saw it coming.
Get him out of my face.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Get down!
Hands behind your head now!
Get on your knees!
Come on, let's move!
Guys, I think we just missed him.
I got something over here.
What did they say?
It doesn't look good.
We're gonna go find Csonka,
and when we do, we're
taking our badges off.
- How is she?
- Stable.
But due to extensive
soft tissue damage
near her collarbone, the risk
of infection is extremely high.
We placed the wound under
a vacuum-assisted therapy,
and the negative pressure
should keep the wound
sealed and clear of bacteria.
But if an infection does take hold,
especially in that area
Then what? What happens?
For now, that's all I know.
OK? All I can share.
I know we all want to stay here,
and leaving feels like the
wrong thing to do right now,
but Greg Csonka is out there.
He's on the run,
and he's willing to
do God knows what else
to avoid capture.
Cam would want us to go get him.
I know I would.
Celeste, you're going
to post up here, OK?
- Of course.
- Give us constant updates.
- Absolutely.
The jet Csonka used
to fly out of Budapest
was found near
Strasbourg, on the border
- of France and Germany.
That narrows it down to
about a million square miles.
Europol just put out a
Red Notice on Csonka.
My dad spent 40 years
on the kill floor
of a meatpacking plant
in Vernon, California.
They're taking the
same cuts off the line
or using the stun gun,
and no talking, or barely thinking.
He'd come straight home
and sit on the couch
and watch TV until it's
time to go to sleep.
I swore I'd never go
down that same route.
So what happens?
When I get locked up,
there I was in gen pop,
watching TV until it's
time to go to sleep.
I mean, the irony, right?
Know one thing's for damn sure,
I'm not going back to
either one of those lives.
They're arriving.
I appreciate you meeting with me.
I would hope so.
You've seen the news, I'm assuming?
I have.
Even though my assets
have been seized,
I got a plan to secure some funds
and get out of Paris in a couple days.
That's why I'm asking for
your blessing, your protection
while I get that done.
And, of course, there'll
be a nice tribute for you
on the way out, say, uh, 300,000 euro.
Greg, I knew you were reckless,
but this, for you to
ask me this like that,
you know, with
with a straight face?
[LAUGHING] You fool.
You're like incredible.
You're incredible, Greg.
You're incroyable.
No, I apologize.
And believe me, if I
had a better option
You do have a better option.
Just keep moving.
There's way too much
heat on you right now.
You know, we worked
together before, Philippe.
You know I can keep a low profile.
Just keep moving.
Well, I have the 300,000 euro with me.
Just hold it in your
hands before you decide.
I have decided.
Enjoy the Eiffel Tower.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
The 300,000 euro just to help
me out for a couple days.
Do any of you want to
take your boss's place
and make that deal?
Great. What's your name?
Nice to meet you. We're in business.
You go.
ASAC Valentine just
called from New York.
He's got five officers
ready with go-bags
if you need an extra pair of hands.
Just say the word, and
they'll be on the next plane.
Kyle, throw up everything
we have on Csonka.
[SIGHS] Damn.
Sorry, I can take that down.
No, no, no, no, no. Leave it up there.
It's just hard to believe
he's gone sometimes.
OK, so here's what we got.
Csonka has a paper trail to a
criminal organization in Paris,
led by a Philippe Belmondo.
Csonka basically franchised
out his robbery tourism ring
to Belmondo for a fee.
Of note, Belmondo's dead body
was found a few hours
ago outside Paris,
for what that's worth.
All right, so Csonka is there,
maybe to get cash by
doing a hostile takeover
of Belmondo's organization.
And he's probably
trying to get a fake ID.
Yeah, he won't be in Paris for long.
Convicts always fall
back on old habits
when they get cornered.
When Csonka was arrested in
Los Angeles for armed robbery,
he went straight to
Vegas for two days,
collected some old debts,
did some more robberies.
Then he bolted to Mexico, which
is where he was for two years
before they got cuffs on him.
So then when he's flush
and he has his new ID,
he'll arrange some kind
of covert transport
to a nonextradition country.
That's quite a landing to stick.
Jet's ready.
OK, let's hit it.
You know, when I first ran into
Csonka at his youth center,
I looked into the eyes of
a guy that was surprised
he'd lived that long.
He has no fear of anything.
Our liaison will be
Detective Jean Deschamps.
He has conveyed to
me rather strenuously
that we are guests here in France
and we will need to conduct
ourselves accordingly.
Yeah, we're guests,
but we're also allies.
Us and France have a rich history.
He'll step up.
The French have no skin
in this game, as you say.
Monsieur Csonka is a dual citizen
of United States and Hungary.
And the career criminal is suspected
of killing Phillipe Belmondo.
He was a parasite and won't be missed.
Csonka is responsible for
the death of my partner
back in Los Angeles.
He's also responsible for the injury
to our colleague, Cameron Vo.
She's in the OR back in Hungary.
I'm sorry to hear that.
But, again, not our problem.
The only problem I can foresee
is the FBI overstepping here
on French soil.
Your team's reputation precedes you.
So you can work from here.
And I will add that
if you do overstep,
you will be asked to leave
or be forced to do so.
OK, Detective, a reminder,
Paris would be a crater
if the U.S. didn't land
in Normandy in '44
and liberate you guys.
We're friends here.
Well, you are here at our discretion.
That's it.
Tate's calling. Hey.
That accountant who cooked
the books for Csonka,
he wired 5K to a Parisian woman
two weeks ago, Valerie Mehrez.
She's a hostess at
a bar in the Marais.
I'll text you her photo and address.
OK, thanks, Amanda.
Ty and I are gonna go pay her a visit.
Why don't you guys get set
up, start putting together
a family tree on Csonka and Belmondo.
What's up?
I got the same feeling
I had before we raided
their compound in Montrose.
Blood's gonna get spilled
on this one, I just know it.
As long as it's not ours.
We're looking for Valerie Mehrez.
Oh, she's there.
Valerie Mehrez?
Agents Mitchell and
Booth with the FBI.
Let's have a little chat.
Let's go back there?
No, here's just fine.
Have a seat.
What's this regarding?
Greg Csonka.
What about him?
You tell us.
Everything OK?
All good. Merci beaucoup.
May I ask you what this is regarding?
Oh, we were just about
to chat with mademoiselle
about her involvement with a
violent international fugitive
who shot and injured a federal agent.
Would you like to join us?
So how do you know Csonka?
I met him here.
Any contact recently?
I do recall, yes.
Valerie, you're taking
about a half second
too long to answer each question.
I'm speaking with
American law enforcement.
I just want to make sure
I think it's more like you're trying
to get your story straight.
Valerie, we're not here
about some stolen Peugeot.
You get that?
He's wanted for
killing a federal agent
and for trying to kill another.
So if you put yourself
between us and him,
we're gonna make your
life very uncomfortable.
You understand?
I introduce people. That's all I do.
Who did you introduce Csonka to?
Philippe Belmondo.
And for that, Greg
sent me a finder's fee.
Is Csonka in Paris?
Last I've heard, yes.
At an apartment in the
5th Arrondissement.
We're gonna need an address.
How long until Deschamps gets here?
He hasn't texted back yet.
- He will though.
It's Celeste.
Hey, Celeste. We're all here.
What's the latest?
Well, the bullet caused a hemothorax,
internal bleeding in the chest cavity.
Hold on, I wrote it down to
make sure I got it exactly.
Blood has been pooling
around the lungs,
compressing them and making it
difficult for her to breathe.
The doctors inserted a chest
tube to drain the blood,
but the bleeding hasn't stopped.
What's next? They say?
The surgeons are prepping
for another procedure.
They'll have to go back in, and locate
the source of the
bleeding, and stop it
before more damage is done.
But if they can't control it soon,
Cameron's oxygen
levels are gonna drop,
leading to setbacks.
Thanks, Celeste.
I'll call as soon as
I get another update.
Deschamps can devote four
officers in half an hour.
OK, good.
We're gonna head in just
to scope things out.
- Wes.
- Just to scope things out.
Ty, you and me.
- Ty.
Sorry. Sorry.
It was a mistake.
Just a mistake.
Smitty, there's nothing here.
It's a dead end.
God forbid, but what if
things go sideways for Cam?
Have her family been notified?
Hey, Amanda. I need a favor.
Me and Cam, we have a pact.
In case one of us gets injured or
we both have a notify
list so they wouldn't have
to hear it from a stranger.
Hers should be in her desk drawer.
OK, walking to it now.
It should be both her
parents and her sister.
Got it.
Her parents are in Richmond, Virginia.
And her sis is in Atlanta.
Wait, say it again?
You're breaking up.
OK, I'll send you.
Amanda, can you can you hear me?
What'd you say there? [GRUNTS]
Andre, are you there?
- They speak English.
- OK, good.
We have a missing FBI agent.
We need every available Parisian unit
you have locking this whole area down,
a full perimeter, alleys, rooftops.
No one in or out
without getting checked.
I got Tate.
Hey, Amanda. Link with Paris PD.
Start combing through
surveillance feeds.
I want eyes on every single street cam
within a half mile radius.
On it.
Traffic cams,
storefronts, you name it.
See if we can identify the vehicle
and track the direction of travel.
I told Deschamps to shut down
all nearby access points, bridges,
- Metro stations, tunnels.
- Yeah, good.
OK, let's get this phone to forensics.
Give me every print,
every piece of DNA off it.
Anything that's gonna tell us
what happened in this alley.
- OK.
- Merci.
This is war.
Get that straight right now.
There's nothing I won't
do to bring Andre home.
What do we do with Cameron's list?
And Andre's?
He said he had one, too, right?
Do we have anything on the car?
Silver van, tinted windows, no plates.
We found it five blocks away.
OK, what about the
family tree on Belmondo?
- Is that up yet?
- On here.
Any idea who's running the show now?
It could be any of the
lieutenants on the second row.
All right, let's find
out about their routines,
where they live, where they work,
where they like to hang out.
Let's dig into their
finances, offshore accounts,
cash movements, any large payments.
Let's find any weaknesses,
family members,
debts, rivalries, anything
we can use to pressure them.
You entered the apartment building
without waiting for backup.
That's your concern right now?
Easy. Maybe go easy.
Yes, we did enter the
apartment building
because you have a psychotic fugitive
that's ready to carve a ditch
through your city if he has to.
You know what you're missing, Agent?
This is exactly what can happen
when you sidestep protocol.
Uh-huh, hindsight's 20/20 when
you never leave your desk,
huh, Detective?
Hello? Hello?
They're bouncing this off some routers
or cell towers or something.
I don't know, I'm not a tech guy.
I just know I got to
keep it under a minute.
You know, I got your guy.
You tell 'em.
Get your mouth moving, bro.
This is Agent Andre Raines.
Andre, are you OK? Are you hurt?
You remember when we were
locked up at Central?
Remember the rule of the yard?
That sometimes you got
to look the other way
to make it through the day.
Well, that's what you gotta do now.
Just shuffle some papers,
draw a bunch of diagrams
on a whiteboard.
Just slam some doors.
You do that for five hours,
and your boy will be dropped
off to you safe and sound.
And that's me being straight
with you, man to man.
Put Raines back on the phone.
You have five hours, Wesley.
If you press me before then,
I will field dress his ass
- right here on the concrete.
Your face is blasted to every
police station in Europe.
Well, let's get out of Europe.
At some point, I'm gonna
need something from you.
Just a few sentences, as an FBI agent,
for us to get through
some checkpoints.
But if you don't sell it, I got a guy
near the hospital where your
colleague is being treated,
Cameron Vo, right?
Room 43A.
Now, if you don't give me what I want,
well, there's a
flatline in her future.
You understand?
This guy is on a kamikaze mission.
That might be plan B.
I think he has an exit
strategy, for sure,
and I think he needs an
FBI agent to pull it off.
- I've got Tate.
- What's up, Amanda?
Scrubbed through all the visitors
Csonka had in prison here in Budapest,
including a legal aide
named Ana Horvath.
Except she wasn't a legal
aid or named Horvath.
It was Valerie Mehrez.
She didn't get her address wrong.
She sent us to that
family's apartment,
knowing Csonka was gonna
start picking us off.
- We have an address for her?
- We do.
- Come on, let's go.
- Hey, hey, hey!
You can't just barge
into her residence
and start questioning her.
- Are you on the take?
- Wes.
No, I mean it.
Why don't you want him caught?
I understand your
frustration and the urgency,
but if you want to interview her,
you'll need a réquisition
judiciare, all right?
The paper authorizing
the interrogation.
Without that, you can't touch her.
How long is that gonna take?
It varies.
I suggest you speak to the procurer.
But no warrant, no interview.
I will do my best to expedite this,
but please remember,
we cannot help Andre
if we get kicked out of here.
Your life's about to go in one of two
very different directions, Valerie.
You can't just break
into my apartment.
- Yet, here we are.
22 loaded?
Doesn't France have some
pretty tight gun laws?
Yeah, that's like seven
years right there.
I carry that because
my life is in danger.
- Hmm.
- From?
Greg Csonka.
You mean, your boyfriend?
No. Who said that?
We know you two are involved.
Maybe you don't realize
how deep this has gone.
He's not just on the run anymore.
He's wanted for attempted murder,
and he took an FBI agent,
one of my team, hostage.
So you need to think about yourself,
your future right now.
I told you everything I know.
OK, Valerie, you have
a chance right now
to go from suspect and
ultimately criminal
to cooperating witness.
You can change your
life for the better,
just like that.
We know your situation in France
isn't exactly rock solid.
You're French Algerian, right?
You have to renew your residency card
every three years.
What do you think French authorities
are gonna do when they find out
you've been aiding a fugitive?
They're gonna put your ass on
the next flight out of here,
unless they want to put you in prison.
Or, or you help us out.
And we made sure that the procurer
I can't pronounce it
the people in charge
know that you fully
cooperated and we fast-track
your citizenship, no prison time.
Plus, you're gonna get
50,000 euro from the FBI.
You see, we're offering
solutions here, not threats.
But I love him.
- Ty loves tequila.
- That's true.
- But he can't drink it.
- Also true.
Otherwise, bad things happen.
We all have to make
sacrifices, Valerie.
Now, I need your answer.
You can have the parachute or
you can have the handcuffs.
What's it gonna be?
You have three seconds.
It's not too late to turn back.
Well, you better hope
Agent Mitchell values
your life over his career,
because I meant what I said to him.
Now, where's the laminator?
You really need it?
What, am I gonna glue these together?
Yeah, I need it.
Why can't I come with?
We been through this, baby.
Let me get settled first,
then I'll arrange for you to meet me.
We've got him between
three cell towers.
Narrowing it down.
You know me, I'm greedy.
I want to be with you.
Running sound profile.
Don't worry.
Picking up traffic noises
and a faint train horn.
The next time I see you,
we won't leave the bedroom for a week.
Tell me. Tell me more.
What are you gonna do to me?
Just wait to hear from me.
Wi-Fi signal is identified.
Matching local SSIDs to locations.
Narrowing the search.
Got him, texting you
the coordinates now.
OK, we're on the move.
Not working out the way you planned?
We need to roll now.
- What about the laminator?
- The hell with it.
We'll make do.
Move his ass.
- Not yet.
- Valerie?
She's in the back seat. She's good.
Are we going in, or
do you want to wait
till we get a crowd out here?
- Apres vous.
- Let's go.
- Clear!
- Clear!
Well, they must have had Raines.
At least there's no blood.
Facial recognition is active.
System's scanning.
No hits yet.
We got something.
I recognize him, one
of Belmondo's men.
Jules Archambeau.
Yeah, what's up, Amanda?
One of Belmondo's men is hovering
around the edge of the crowd.
I just texted you
his name and mugshot.
Nice and slow.
What's this message from Amanda about?
- Stay with him.
- What?
All right, now tell me,
how did Agent Mitchell gain
access to the apartment
of Valerie Mehrez?
Imagine it was your colleague,
your friend, who has been abducted.
What would you do?
Just try to imagine that scenario.
That that is all I ask.
Flank him.
He's heading away from
the crowd toward the park.
We got him. We're moving in.
Don't lose him.
He's picking up the pace.
He's on the Rue du
Transvaal, heading south.
FBI, stop!
He's about to take an
alley on your right.
There are stairs down to the street.
Watch out. Watch out.
This street opens up into
a busy café district.
You'll be surrounded by
a lot of foot traffic.
We're on him!
He's trying to lose us
on the side streets!
- Ty! Ty!
- Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
He's heading for the boulevard.
Yeah, I'm right on him.
Hands! Let me see your hands now!
Hands! Hands. Don't move.
Yeah, we got him. Nice work.
Hello, Mrs. Vo?
My name is Amanda Tate,
and I am the supervisory
intelligence analyst
with the Fly Team here in Budapest,
and, um, I need to
bring you up to speed
on an incident involving Cameron.
Hey. He's in there.
I'm ready. Are we doing this?
Apres vous.
[SIGHS] All right.
Where's Greg Csonka?
We keep it in English,
and he ask the question.
I don't know.
Agent Andre Raines, where is he?
I don't know.
[CHUCKLES] I just do a little task.
I get espresso, a pack of cigarettes,
stuff like that.
They don't let me in the back room.
You're like an errand boy?
Well, here's what you're
looking at regardless, OK?
Harboring a fugitive, conspiracy,
aiding and abetting,
obstruction of justice,
accessory to murder.
You're gonna go away for decades,
you understand that? Behind bars.
Unless you want to start talking.
I don't know nothing.
You're tough now,
but I wonder how long
that will last when I transfer
you to Fleury-Mérogis?
You know what happens there, right?
You know the gangs run the place.
It won't take long for word to spread
to the Corsican mafia
or the North Africans
that you've been talking with us.
How long do you think
you will last after that?
Or you can help Agent Mitchell,
and instead of Fleury-Mérogis,
I get you a cozy cell in Réau.
Modern place, good security,
none of those unfortunate accident
that tend to happen elsewhere.
That sounds nice.
I strongly suggest
you accept my offer.
I swear, I won't be in
this charitable mood later.
Greg Csonka is going to use
your agent FBI credential
to bypass the security and
get into the FBO facility.
- I forget what that stand for.
- Fixed-base operator.
Right, that, at Paris-Orly Airport.
He's chartering a jet to
Dubai while we're talking.
FBOs are private
airline terminals hosted
at commercial airports but
managed by private companies,
not accessible to the public,
with separate entrances
and minimal security.
Vehicles can drive onto the tarmac,
right to the plane.
We need that entire airport shut down.
- OK.
I need confirmation
that all charter flights
have been locked down and
runway access closed off.
Detain all private flight
crews preparing to leave
and keep all charter
hangars under surveillance.
We'll be there in 10 minutes.
I've already coordinated
with the French authorities.
If this man gets on that
plane, he is gone for good.
You will be held responsible.
You're kidding me.
Any way in?
Pull over.
Pull over!
The airport's on lockdown.
Sorry, plan B.
- Hey!
Hey, Smitty. Smitty, it's me.
I'm OK.
Look, Csonka's on foot.
He's headed east near Rue
du Reuilly near the avenue
of Avenue Daumesnil.
We need the hospital where
Cam is at locked down now.
- Lock down the hospital.
- Hold on.
- How's it going?
- All right.
- Thank God.
- I'm good.
He took off that way, down the bridge.
I shot him in the leg,
man, so he's limping.
- Smitty, stay with him.
- Stay on coms.
Get him!
Thank God.
Ty, take the stairs.
Csonka, stop!
Let me see your hands now!
Here we are, brother, the kill floor.
- They'll carve me up.
- Get on your knees.
Oh, come on.
You know, if it's good enough
for a 1,500-pound steer
who never hurt nobody,
it's good enough for me.
It's over. Get on your knees.
Now, you ever seen one of them,
those big boys raising their feedlots
up in the Central Valley?
You know, they truck them
down in the dead of night,
hundreds of them crammed together.
Ty, we're on the bridge.
Get up here now.
They can barely stand
until they get pushed
into the slaughterhouse.
Well, then they perk up real quick.
Believe me.
My old man used to
watch 'em come through.
A pit in his stomach
just like the one you got
in your gut right now.
I'm arresting you, Greg.
It's just a job, Wesley.
Don't beat yourself up.
Some people sell insurance.
Others, they spill blood.
What did you stab him with?
I pulled this tack strip off the chair
they had me cuffed to.
Quantico's finest with the tack strip.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Hey.
Um, I'm sorry about the Valerie thing.
I had to.
I think she's happy with
the deal we gave her though.
Sounds like she is.
Detective Deschamps, less so.
Oh, I thought he and I were cool.
As did I, but he's
still making a fuss,
claiming it was unlawful
entry on her apartment.
I think he's generating a complaint.
Well, is there anything I can do?
I don't want to jam
you up on this one.
He can bugger off.
Celeste has an update.
Celeste, we're all here.
What's going on?
Cameron's in recovery.
She's going to be OK.
All right. What do you need?
[EXHALES SHARPLY] Uh, a drink.
All right, let's get one.
There's something I got to do first.
Just text me where
you guys are gonna be.
Hello, Mrs. Vo?
It's Amanda Tate here.
I've got some great news.
Avec mes avec mes
Avec mes excuses les plus sinceres.
Excuses acceptées.
- Bon soir.
- Bon soir.
I've seen you carrying
that around before.
Mike Brooks gave it to me.
- Ah!
It's been a symbol of loss.
Today, it means justice served.
Csonka will confess to everything,
including the murder of Mike Brooks.
Remember when I arrested you?
You were talking tough.
You were saying I'd
never see it coming.
Well, I saw it coming.
Get him out of my face.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Get down!
Hands behind your head now!
Get on your knees!
Come on, let's move!
Guys, I think we just missed him.
I got something over here.
What did they say?
It doesn't look good.
We're gonna go find Csonka,
and when we do, we're
taking our badges off.
- How is she?
- Stable.
But due to extensive
soft tissue damage
near her collarbone, the risk
of infection is extremely high.
We placed the wound under
a vacuum-assisted therapy,
and the negative pressure
should keep the wound
sealed and clear of bacteria.
But if an infection does take hold,
especially in that area
Then what? What happens?
For now, that's all I know.
OK? All I can share.
I know we all want to stay here,
and leaving feels like the
wrong thing to do right now,
but Greg Csonka is out there.
He's on the run,
and he's willing to
do God knows what else
to avoid capture.
Cam would want us to go get him.
I know I would.
Celeste, you're going
to post up here, OK?
- Of course.
- Give us constant updates.
- Absolutely.
The jet Csonka used
to fly out of Budapest
was found near
Strasbourg, on the border
- of France and Germany.
That narrows it down to
about a million square miles.
Europol just put out a
Red Notice on Csonka.
My dad spent 40 years
on the kill floor
of a meatpacking plant
in Vernon, California.
They're taking the
same cuts off the line
or using the stun gun,
and no talking, or barely thinking.
He'd come straight home
and sit on the couch
and watch TV until it's
time to go to sleep.
I swore I'd never go
down that same route.
So what happens?
When I get locked up,
there I was in gen pop,
watching TV until it's
time to go to sleep.
I mean, the irony, right?
Know one thing's for damn sure,
I'm not going back to
either one of those lives.
They're arriving.
I appreciate you meeting with me.
I would hope so.
You've seen the news, I'm assuming?
I have.
Even though my assets
have been seized,
I got a plan to secure some funds
and get out of Paris in a couple days.
That's why I'm asking for
your blessing, your protection
while I get that done.
And, of course, there'll
be a nice tribute for you
on the way out, say, uh, 300,000 euro.
Greg, I knew you were reckless,
but this, for you to
ask me this like that,
you know, with
with a straight face?
[LAUGHING] You fool.
You're like incredible.
You're incredible, Greg.
You're incroyable.
No, I apologize.
And believe me, if I
had a better option
You do have a better option.
Just keep moving.
There's way too much
heat on you right now.
You know, we worked
together before, Philippe.
You know I can keep a low profile.
Just keep moving.
Well, I have the 300,000 euro with me.
Just hold it in your
hands before you decide.
I have decided.
Enjoy the Eiffel Tower.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
The 300,000 euro just to help
me out for a couple days.
Do any of you want to
take your boss's place
and make that deal?
Great. What's your name?
Nice to meet you. We're in business.
You go.
ASAC Valentine just
called from New York.
He's got five officers
ready with go-bags
if you need an extra pair of hands.
Just say the word, and
they'll be on the next plane.
Kyle, throw up everything
we have on Csonka.
[SIGHS] Damn.
Sorry, I can take that down.
No, no, no, no, no. Leave it up there.
It's just hard to believe
he's gone sometimes.
OK, so here's what we got.
Csonka has a paper trail to a
criminal organization in Paris,
led by a Philippe Belmondo.
Csonka basically franchised
out his robbery tourism ring
to Belmondo for a fee.
Of note, Belmondo's dead body
was found a few hours
ago outside Paris,
for what that's worth.
All right, so Csonka is there,
maybe to get cash by
doing a hostile takeover
of Belmondo's organization.
And he's probably
trying to get a fake ID.
Yeah, he won't be in Paris for long.
Convicts always fall
back on old habits
when they get cornered.
When Csonka was arrested in
Los Angeles for armed robbery,
he went straight to
Vegas for two days,
collected some old debts,
did some more robberies.
Then he bolted to Mexico, which
is where he was for two years
before they got cuffs on him.
So then when he's flush
and he has his new ID,
he'll arrange some kind
of covert transport
to a nonextradition country.
That's quite a landing to stick.
Jet's ready.
OK, let's hit it.
You know, when I first ran into
Csonka at his youth center,
I looked into the eyes of
a guy that was surprised
he'd lived that long.
He has no fear of anything.
Our liaison will be
Detective Jean Deschamps.
He has conveyed to
me rather strenuously
that we are guests here in France
and we will need to conduct
ourselves accordingly.
Yeah, we're guests,
but we're also allies.
Us and France have a rich history.
He'll step up.
The French have no skin
in this game, as you say.
Monsieur Csonka is a dual citizen
of United States and Hungary.
And the career criminal is suspected
of killing Phillipe Belmondo.
He was a parasite and won't be missed.
Csonka is responsible for
the death of my partner
back in Los Angeles.
He's also responsible for the injury
to our colleague, Cameron Vo.
She's in the OR back in Hungary.
I'm sorry to hear that.
But, again, not our problem.
The only problem I can foresee
is the FBI overstepping here
on French soil.
Your team's reputation precedes you.
So you can work from here.
And I will add that
if you do overstep,
you will be asked to leave
or be forced to do so.
OK, Detective, a reminder,
Paris would be a crater
if the U.S. didn't land
in Normandy in '44
and liberate you guys.
We're friends here.
Well, you are here at our discretion.
That's it.
Tate's calling. Hey.
That accountant who cooked
the books for Csonka,
he wired 5K to a Parisian woman
two weeks ago, Valerie Mehrez.
She's a hostess at
a bar in the Marais.
I'll text you her photo and address.
OK, thanks, Amanda.
Ty and I are gonna go pay her a visit.
Why don't you guys get set
up, start putting together
a family tree on Csonka and Belmondo.
What's up?
I got the same feeling
I had before we raided
their compound in Montrose.
Blood's gonna get spilled
on this one, I just know it.
As long as it's not ours.
We're looking for Valerie Mehrez.
Oh, she's there.
Valerie Mehrez?
Agents Mitchell and
Booth with the FBI.
Let's have a little chat.
Let's go back there?
No, here's just fine.
Have a seat.
What's this regarding?
Greg Csonka.
What about him?
You tell us.
Everything OK?
All good. Merci beaucoup.
May I ask you what this is regarding?
Oh, we were just about
to chat with mademoiselle
about her involvement with a
violent international fugitive
who shot and injured a federal agent.
Would you like to join us?
So how do you know Csonka?
I met him here.
Any contact recently?
I do recall, yes.
Valerie, you're taking
about a half second
too long to answer each question.
I'm speaking with
American law enforcement.
I just want to make sure
I think it's more like you're trying
to get your story straight.
Valerie, we're not here
about some stolen Peugeot.
You get that?
He's wanted for
killing a federal agent
and for trying to kill another.
So if you put yourself
between us and him,
we're gonna make your
life very uncomfortable.
You understand?
I introduce people. That's all I do.
Who did you introduce Csonka to?
Philippe Belmondo.
And for that, Greg
sent me a finder's fee.
Is Csonka in Paris?
Last I've heard, yes.
At an apartment in the
5th Arrondissement.
We're gonna need an address.
How long until Deschamps gets here?
He hasn't texted back yet.
- He will though.
It's Celeste.
Hey, Celeste. We're all here.
What's the latest?
Well, the bullet caused a hemothorax,
internal bleeding in the chest cavity.
Hold on, I wrote it down to
make sure I got it exactly.
Blood has been pooling
around the lungs,
compressing them and making it
difficult for her to breathe.
The doctors inserted a chest
tube to drain the blood,
but the bleeding hasn't stopped.
What's next? They say?
The surgeons are prepping
for another procedure.
They'll have to go back in, and locate
the source of the
bleeding, and stop it
before more damage is done.
But if they can't control it soon,
Cameron's oxygen
levels are gonna drop,
leading to setbacks.
Thanks, Celeste.
I'll call as soon as
I get another update.
Deschamps can devote four
officers in half an hour.
OK, good.
We're gonna head in just
to scope things out.
- Wes.
- Just to scope things out.
Ty, you and me.
- Ty.
Sorry. Sorry.
It was a mistake.
Just a mistake.
Smitty, there's nothing here.
It's a dead end.
God forbid, but what if
things go sideways for Cam?
Have her family been notified?
Hey, Amanda. I need a favor.
Me and Cam, we have a pact.
In case one of us gets injured or
we both have a notify
list so they wouldn't have
to hear it from a stranger.
Hers should be in her desk drawer.
OK, walking to it now.
It should be both her
parents and her sister.
Got it.
Her parents are in Richmond, Virginia.
And her sis is in Atlanta.
Wait, say it again?
You're breaking up.
OK, I'll send you.
Amanda, can you can you hear me?
What'd you say there? [GRUNTS]
Andre, are you there?
- They speak English.
- OK, good.
We have a missing FBI agent.
We need every available Parisian unit
you have locking this whole area down,
a full perimeter, alleys, rooftops.
No one in or out
without getting checked.
I got Tate.
Hey, Amanda. Link with Paris PD.
Start combing through
surveillance feeds.
I want eyes on every single street cam
within a half mile radius.
On it.
Traffic cams,
storefronts, you name it.
See if we can identify the vehicle
and track the direction of travel.
I told Deschamps to shut down
all nearby access points, bridges,
- Metro stations, tunnels.
- Yeah, good.
OK, let's get this phone to forensics.
Give me every print,
every piece of DNA off it.
Anything that's gonna tell us
what happened in this alley.
- OK.
- Merci.
This is war.
Get that straight right now.
There's nothing I won't
do to bring Andre home.
What do we do with Cameron's list?
And Andre's?
He said he had one, too, right?
Do we have anything on the car?
Silver van, tinted windows, no plates.
We found it five blocks away.
OK, what about the
family tree on Belmondo?
- Is that up yet?
- On here.
Any idea who's running the show now?
It could be any of the
lieutenants on the second row.
All right, let's find
out about their routines,
where they live, where they work,
where they like to hang out.
Let's dig into their
finances, offshore accounts,
cash movements, any large payments.
Let's find any weaknesses,
family members,
debts, rivalries, anything
we can use to pressure them.
You entered the apartment building
without waiting for backup.
That's your concern right now?
Easy. Maybe go easy.
Yes, we did enter the
apartment building
because you have a psychotic fugitive
that's ready to carve a ditch
through your city if he has to.
You know what you're missing, Agent?
This is exactly what can happen
when you sidestep protocol.
Uh-huh, hindsight's 20/20 when
you never leave your desk,
huh, Detective?
Hello? Hello?
They're bouncing this off some routers
or cell towers or something.
I don't know, I'm not a tech guy.
I just know I got to
keep it under a minute.
You know, I got your guy.
You tell 'em.
Get your mouth moving, bro.
This is Agent Andre Raines.
Andre, are you OK? Are you hurt?
You remember when we were
locked up at Central?
Remember the rule of the yard?
That sometimes you got
to look the other way
to make it through the day.
Well, that's what you gotta do now.
Just shuffle some papers,
draw a bunch of diagrams
on a whiteboard.
Just slam some doors.
You do that for five hours,
and your boy will be dropped
off to you safe and sound.
And that's me being straight
with you, man to man.
Put Raines back on the phone.
You have five hours, Wesley.
If you press me before then,
I will field dress his ass
- right here on the concrete.
Your face is blasted to every
police station in Europe.
Well, let's get out of Europe.
At some point, I'm gonna
need something from you.
Just a few sentences, as an FBI agent,
for us to get through
some checkpoints.
But if you don't sell it, I got a guy
near the hospital where your
colleague is being treated,
Cameron Vo, right?
Room 43A.
Now, if you don't give me what I want,
well, there's a
flatline in her future.
You understand?
This guy is on a kamikaze mission.
That might be plan B.
I think he has an exit
strategy, for sure,
and I think he needs an
FBI agent to pull it off.
- I've got Tate.
- What's up, Amanda?
Scrubbed through all the visitors
Csonka had in prison here in Budapest,
including a legal aide
named Ana Horvath.
Except she wasn't a legal
aid or named Horvath.
It was Valerie Mehrez.
She didn't get her address wrong.
She sent us to that
family's apartment,
knowing Csonka was gonna
start picking us off.
- We have an address for her?
- We do.
- Come on, let's go.
- Hey, hey, hey!
You can't just barge
into her residence
and start questioning her.
- Are you on the take?
- Wes.
No, I mean it.
Why don't you want him caught?
I understand your
frustration and the urgency,
but if you want to interview her,
you'll need a réquisition
judiciare, all right?
The paper authorizing
the interrogation.
Without that, you can't touch her.
How long is that gonna take?
It varies.
I suggest you speak to the procurer.
But no warrant, no interview.
I will do my best to expedite this,
but please remember,
we cannot help Andre
if we get kicked out of here.
Your life's about to go in one of two
very different directions, Valerie.
You can't just break
into my apartment.
- Yet, here we are.
22 loaded?
Doesn't France have some
pretty tight gun laws?
Yeah, that's like seven
years right there.
I carry that because
my life is in danger.
- Hmm.
- From?
Greg Csonka.
You mean, your boyfriend?
No. Who said that?
We know you two are involved.
Maybe you don't realize
how deep this has gone.
He's not just on the run anymore.
He's wanted for attempted murder,
and he took an FBI agent,
one of my team, hostage.
So you need to think about yourself,
your future right now.
I told you everything I know.
OK, Valerie, you have
a chance right now
to go from suspect and
ultimately criminal
to cooperating witness.
You can change your
life for the better,
just like that.
We know your situation in France
isn't exactly rock solid.
You're French Algerian, right?
You have to renew your residency card
every three years.
What do you think French authorities
are gonna do when they find out
you've been aiding a fugitive?
They're gonna put your ass on
the next flight out of here,
unless they want to put you in prison.
Or, or you help us out.
And we made sure that the procurer
I can't pronounce it
the people in charge
know that you fully
cooperated and we fast-track
your citizenship, no prison time.
Plus, you're gonna get
50,000 euro from the FBI.
You see, we're offering
solutions here, not threats.
But I love him.
- Ty loves tequila.
- That's true.
- But he can't drink it.
- Also true.
Otherwise, bad things happen.
We all have to make
sacrifices, Valerie.
Now, I need your answer.
You can have the parachute or
you can have the handcuffs.
What's it gonna be?
You have three seconds.
It's not too late to turn back.
Well, you better hope
Agent Mitchell values
your life over his career,
because I meant what I said to him.
Now, where's the laminator?
You really need it?
What, am I gonna glue these together?
Yeah, I need it.
Why can't I come with?
We been through this, baby.
Let me get settled first,
then I'll arrange for you to meet me.
We've got him between
three cell towers.
Narrowing it down.
You know me, I'm greedy.
I want to be with you.
Running sound profile.
Don't worry.
Picking up traffic noises
and a faint train horn.
The next time I see you,
we won't leave the bedroom for a week.
Tell me. Tell me more.
What are you gonna do to me?
Just wait to hear from me.
Wi-Fi signal is identified.
Matching local SSIDs to locations.
Narrowing the search.
Got him, texting you
the coordinates now.
OK, we're on the move.
Not working out the way you planned?
We need to roll now.
- What about the laminator?
- The hell with it.
We'll make do.
Move his ass.
- Not yet.
- Valerie?
She's in the back seat. She's good.
Are we going in, or
do you want to wait
till we get a crowd out here?
- Apres vous.
- Let's go.
- Clear!
- Clear!
Well, they must have had Raines.
At least there's no blood.
Facial recognition is active.
System's scanning.
No hits yet.
We got something.
I recognize him, one
of Belmondo's men.
Jules Archambeau.
Yeah, what's up, Amanda?
One of Belmondo's men is hovering
around the edge of the crowd.
I just texted you
his name and mugshot.
Nice and slow.
What's this message from Amanda about?
- Stay with him.
- What?
All right, now tell me,
how did Agent Mitchell gain
access to the apartment
of Valerie Mehrez?
Imagine it was your colleague,
your friend, who has been abducted.
What would you do?
Just try to imagine that scenario.
That that is all I ask.
Flank him.
He's heading away from
the crowd toward the park.
We got him. We're moving in.
Don't lose him.
He's picking up the pace.
He's on the Rue du
Transvaal, heading south.
FBI, stop!
He's about to take an
alley on your right.
There are stairs down to the street.
Watch out. Watch out.
This street opens up into
a busy café district.
You'll be surrounded by
a lot of foot traffic.
We're on him!
He's trying to lose us
on the side streets!
- Ty! Ty!
- Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
He's heading for the boulevard.
Yeah, I'm right on him.
Hands! Let me see your hands now!
Hands! Hands. Don't move.
Yeah, we got him. Nice work.
Hello, Mrs. Vo?
My name is Amanda Tate,
and I am the supervisory
intelligence analyst
with the Fly Team here in Budapest,
and, um, I need to
bring you up to speed
on an incident involving Cameron.
Hey. He's in there.
I'm ready. Are we doing this?
Apres vous.
[SIGHS] All right.
Where's Greg Csonka?
We keep it in English,
and he ask the question.
I don't know.
Agent Andre Raines, where is he?
I don't know.
[CHUCKLES] I just do a little task.
I get espresso, a pack of cigarettes,
stuff like that.
They don't let me in the back room.
You're like an errand boy?
Well, here's what you're
looking at regardless, OK?
Harboring a fugitive, conspiracy,
aiding and abetting,
obstruction of justice,
accessory to murder.
You're gonna go away for decades,
you understand that? Behind bars.
Unless you want to start talking.
I don't know nothing.
You're tough now,
but I wonder how long
that will last when I transfer
you to Fleury-Mérogis?
You know what happens there, right?
You know the gangs run the place.
It won't take long for word to spread
to the Corsican mafia
or the North Africans
that you've been talking with us.
How long do you think
you will last after that?
Or you can help Agent Mitchell,
and instead of Fleury-Mérogis,
I get you a cozy cell in Réau.
Modern place, good security,
none of those unfortunate accident
that tend to happen elsewhere.
That sounds nice.
I strongly suggest
you accept my offer.
I swear, I won't be in
this charitable mood later.
Greg Csonka is going to use
your agent FBI credential
to bypass the security and
get into the FBO facility.
- I forget what that stand for.
- Fixed-base operator.
Right, that, at Paris-Orly Airport.
He's chartering a jet to
Dubai while we're talking.
FBOs are private
airline terminals hosted
at commercial airports but
managed by private companies,
not accessible to the public,
with separate entrances
and minimal security.
Vehicles can drive onto the tarmac,
right to the plane.
We need that entire airport shut down.
- OK.
I need confirmation
that all charter flights
have been locked down and
runway access closed off.
Detain all private flight
crews preparing to leave
and keep all charter
hangars under surveillance.
We'll be there in 10 minutes.
I've already coordinated
with the French authorities.
If this man gets on that
plane, he is gone for good.
You will be held responsible.
You're kidding me.
Any way in?
Pull over.
Pull over!
The airport's on lockdown.
Sorry, plan B.
- Hey!
Hey, Smitty. Smitty, it's me.
I'm OK.
Look, Csonka's on foot.
He's headed east near Rue
du Reuilly near the avenue
of Avenue Daumesnil.
We need the hospital where
Cam is at locked down now.
- Lock down the hospital.
- Hold on.
- How's it going?
- All right.
- Thank God.
- I'm good.
He took off that way, down the bridge.
I shot him in the leg,
man, so he's limping.
- Smitty, stay with him.
- Stay on coms.
Get him!
Thank God.
Ty, take the stairs.
Csonka, stop!
Let me see your hands now!
Here we are, brother, the kill floor.
- They'll carve me up.
- Get on your knees.
Oh, come on.
You know, if it's good enough
for a 1,500-pound steer
who never hurt nobody,
it's good enough for me.
It's over. Get on your knees.
Now, you ever seen one of them,
those big boys raising their feedlots
up in the Central Valley?
You know, they truck them
down in the dead of night,
hundreds of them crammed together.
Ty, we're on the bridge.
Get up here now.
They can barely stand
until they get pushed
into the slaughterhouse.
Well, then they perk up real quick.
Believe me.
My old man used to
watch 'em come through.
A pit in his stomach
just like the one you got
in your gut right now.
I'm arresting you, Greg.
It's just a job, Wesley.
Don't beat yourself up.
Some people sell insurance.
Others, they spill blood.
What did you stab him with?
I pulled this tack strip off the chair
they had me cuffed to.
Quantico's finest with the tack strip.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Hey.
Um, I'm sorry about the Valerie thing.
I had to.
I think she's happy with
the deal we gave her though.
Sounds like she is.
Detective Deschamps, less so.
Oh, I thought he and I were cool.
As did I, but he's
still making a fuss,
claiming it was unlawful
entry on her apartment.
I think he's generating a complaint.
Well, is there anything I can do?
I don't want to jam
you up on this one.
He can bugger off.
Celeste has an update.
Celeste, we're all here.
What's going on?
Cameron's in recovery.
She's going to be OK.
All right. What do you need?
[EXHALES SHARPLY] Uh, a drink.
All right, let's get one.
There's something I got to do first.
Just text me where
you guys are gonna be.
Hello, Mrs. Vo?
It's Amanda Tate here.
I've got some great news.
Avec mes avec mes
Avec mes excuses les plus sinceres.
Excuses acceptées.
- Bon soir.
- Bon soir.