Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e02 Episode Script

Doryoku no seika

Huh? What?!
Come over here.
Give this a try.
What? You mean me?
If you manage to do this,
I'll teach you boxing.
Can I pull something like that off?
But how?
-You want to be like me, don't you?
If so, you got to at least try this.
Let's see here.
You should be able to grab
at least ten leaves.
Ten leaves?
That's right! If you can't,
then give up the idea of becoming a boxer.
I'll do it! I will grab ten leaves!
You have one week!
What?! Only one week?
I was able to do it without practice.
What a relief! That's not too hard.
I should be able to get ten fairly easy.
One! Okay
There's no way an amateur
can grab ten leaves.
I was definitely surprised
by the power of that punch,
but he's not the boxer type.
He should be made to give up
the whole idea for his own good.
One two!
One! Huh?
One, two!
One! Two!
One! Two!
I can't grab the second leaf!
This is really hard!
I'm late for school!
I'm home!
Welcome home. Where have you been?
Breakfast is ready
Oh, you're already eating. Chew your food!
See you later!
"Leisurely, I face my ink stone
all day with no particular objective."
"I jot down anything that comes to mind,
with a curious feeling I am not sane"
How do I grab the second leaf?
This is the famous introductory chapter
of Essays on Idleness.
Now, let's
What are you doing, Makunouchi?
Uh, nothing. I'm sorry.
Have a nice trip!
All right.
Aw, so close!
But I need to make
the snap just a little sharper.
Just as I grab the leaf,
I have to pull it in sharply yet quickly.
Sharply and quickly!
Hey, Ippo!
Don't you have anything to say to us?!
Uh, goodbye!
Do you do whatever you're told?
You know the only thing
guys like you are good for?
-Where'd he go?
-I'm not sure.
I did it! One step forward!
I did it!
I'm home!
Oh, yeah. We had
a morning reservation today.
I forgot to help her.
I'm sorry, Mom.
"Dear Ippo, I'm not sure what
you're so fascinated with lately
but it makes me happy to
see you so active and animated."
"Don't worry about the business.
I'm still young."
"So do your best
and don't get discouraged."
Yeah! My mom's cooking is the best!
One, two, three!
Four, five, six!
Is five my limit?
At dawn, it'll be the day.
One, two, three, four
One, two, three four!
I can't do it. Maybe it's too difficult
for someone like me.
Maybe it takes talent
to become a new person.
Why am I telling myself to give up?!
I'm the one who decided to do it!
That sound.
It's totally different.
Maybe it's a different punching speed.
I need that sound.
Damn. I'm completely hopeless!
And Takamura-san did it so easily.
This is it!
It's the same sound!
What are you doing?
I've been waiting for you Takamura-san.
Waiting for me? Did you
want to see me for some reason?
Oh, come on!
Today is the day, right?
Don't you remember?
You're covered with sweat.
How long have you been up working out?
You promised, okay?
Would you please come with me?
I'm so exhausted,
I think I can only do it once.
So please watch me carefully.
I did it!
I did it!
See? Take a look at these!
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten leaves!
Whoa, I did it! I was really worried,
to tell you the truth!
I'm so glad I succeeded!
I did it!
This can't be. He's just an amateur!
How did he pull it off?!
So, I passed, right?
Now I can dream about
becoming a boxer, right?
The moment my hand touches a leaf,
I give my wrist a snap and pull it in!
Until the moment of contact,
I keep my fist lightly clenched!
Clenching my fist too tightly
would actually slow me down.
That's the trick, right?
Uh, yeah.
All right!
Oh, what the heck.
I'm impressed you noticed it.
Those were pretty good jabs.
Jabs? Jab!
What a guy.
I meant for him to grab ten leaves
using both hands.
Instead, he did it
with just his left hand.
He's kind of weird,
but he might mature
into a pretty interesting boxer.
Hey, throw me some punches.
Uh, sure! Jab!
Good! Looking good!
Yeah! That's the way!
All right, I'll do my best!
I'm going to become a boxer!
-Whoa! Hey!
Wait a minute! Hey!
Don't get carried away!
I'm sorry.
You have one month!
During that time, work on your abs
and back muscles and do lots of running.
Hey, it's you, Yagi-chan.
Oh, watching the World Title Match
from the other day again?
As usual, the international level
is pretty exciting.
This is a dream match
between super champions.
I envy them. Speaking as
the manager of a boxing gym,
just once, I wish I could
handle a big match like that.
I totally agree.
Long ago, there used to be
a whole bunch of guys in Japan
who'd let us dream like that.
In the 20 years since I opened this gym,
we've had two champions
of Japan and one champion of Asia,
but no one to challenge the World title!
We have Takamura-kun.
Yes, he's different.
He's got the body
and the talent to make it big.
He has the potential
to become the most successful boxer
in this gym's history.
Oh, that reminds me. He called earlier.
Good morning!
Let me introduce this guy.
This is Ippo Makunouchi.
He starts training here today.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you!
Is he the new face?
Hey, old badger! Good timing!
This guy's going to start training today.
Ow! What are you doing, you mean old man?!
-Shut up and walk!
Man, that hurt.
Hey! I heard my champ
was bringing someone in!
So I hoped it would be
a new face who'd go pro!
What kind of a letdown is that?!
I don't sense a trace of
combative spirit from him!
Yeah. Me neither!
What do you mean "me neither"?
Then why did you bring him here?!
There's no way he's going to be a winner.
You think that kid can become a boxer?
Are you blind?!
Don't pass judgment until you try him out!
I brought him over
because I believe he has potential!
Nice to meet you!
I can't bring myself to
believe that kid is cut out for boxing.
What the heck?!
Then, why don't you test him
with sparring or something?
Ooh, such confidence!
Okay, let's give it a try.
Are you serious?
He's totally inexperienced.
Boxing is such a dangerous sport,
one little mistake can cost you your life.
If he's not cut out for it,
it's for his own sake to give up
at an early stage.
It means "practice match."
Wow, a match!
You're up.
You must be joking!
There's no way I'm ready for that!
Don't make a fuss!
No one's telling you to win.
You just need to show us
what kind of potential you got.
Potential? But I
You have no choice!
Would you rather go home?
I have no choice. I can't go home now!
Okay, he's ready!
Pleased to meet you.
-Who's he fighting?
You mean Miyata?
Yes, although I may
not be qualified for the task.
This is getting interesting.
Who is he?
Ichiro Miyata. He's 16, like you.
He has no professional license.
Oh, so we're the same age!
If he's not a pro,
maybe we're not that different.
You idiot! You're totally different!
He's way stronger than you are!
The only reason he has no license
is because you have to be at least 17.
When it comes to his skills,
he creams your average
four-round pro boxer!
He's a highly-skilled out-boxer.
Ever since he was little, he was
trained by his father, a former pro boxer.
In our world, he's what you call an elite.
He's stronger than
most professional boxers?
What am I supposed to do
against a guy like that?
That's why I'm not telling you to win!
Just show your potential!
-Show them how eager you are!
That's true.
I already made up my mind
to become a boxer.
There's no turning back.
He's my age!
I might stand a small chance!
Feeling a little calmer?
Listen! The rules are the same
as for a real four-round match!
It's the three knock-down system!
Three knock-down?
It means you lose if you fall
down three times in one round.
Here, put this in your mouth.
What was that for?
It looks like you've done the workout.
You might be able to make it through.
Okay! In the first round, I want you
to maintain a strong guard and persevere.
Don't lower your arms for anything.
After the first round,
I'll give you instructions
for the next round.
We'll call it "Operation Turtle"!
Turtle? Keep a strong guard
and my arms up.
All right, go!
Let's start!
He blanked out with the sound of the gong.
Idiot, why are you just standing there?
What the heck? Is he really an amateur?
You idiot! Be the turtle!
Keep your guard up!
I'm a turtle!
Aw, you idiot!
Ippo! Up, get up!
Is that all he's got?
What is this?
He hit me in the middle and
I don't know what happened next!
He's far different from me.
Sparring. With headgear on,
I get into the ring.
The ring is bigger than I thought.
But as soon as the opponent stands up,
it feels small and cramped.
I have to show them my potential.
My eagerness! Keep going, arms and legs!
I will become a boxer!
Next time, "Tears of Joy."
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