Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e38 Episode Script

Two Rookies of the Year

I got a body blow!
There it is! Makunouchi's power blow
that sends them flying, guard and all!
All right! We have control of the pace!
Whale into him!
His punches aren't as powerful
as Sendo-san's!
I'll go forward prepared
to take a few hits!
Don't pull back.
Oh, my! This time Makunouchi's guard
is blown away!
Okita hammers an intense right straight!
This punch!
It's a corkscrew! Just like Date-san's!
The fighters have backed off
from their ferocious battle.
Now, how will they act?
Who will make the first move?
It's the same pose as Date-san too.
Will he use his right,
or will he use his left?
The pose makes it hard to tell.
Left! No, right!
Which is it? Which will he use?
Left! Oh, no!
A feint?! I dropped my opposite guard!
Another feint!
This time, it's
A body blow.
He pretended to throw high and aimed low!
He's doing it again.
Which is he going to use? Which?!
Damn! He made a punch
look like a corkscrew and showed their
difference in careers in one shot.
Ippo's rhythm has been shattered.
He's good at keeping distance.
Okita's actual match skill
is greater than I imagined.
Hey, they've gotten quiet.
What happened to their energy?
This isn't an arranged marriage!
Go at it harder, would you?!
That's easy for you to say.
Don't wait for him to punch!
Remember your own boxing!
He's right. I have to box my way!
I have to weave past his jabs
and get on the inside!
He's going to attack.
No, right!
I got it backwards again.
I can't tell them apart!
Whoops! Okita's jabs are hitting
their mark quite well!
Makunouchi tries to charge in,
but he can't get near!
What's wrong with Ippo-kun today?
He can't find a venue!
His boxing consists of diving in
and weaving through
the opponent's punches,
but he can't see where
those punches are coming from.
Idiot! Don't get fooled by simple feints!
Pull back for now! Keep a distance!
Stupid, that's just what Okita wants.
If he backs off even slightly,
he'll be run back into the rope.
Okita will aim for the rope-side punch
he planned for.
A corkscrew?!
I take back what I just said!
Ippo, don't back off no matter what!
I don't care if you have to force it!
Just go forward!
Okita's aiming for the moment
you back off!
Makunouchi's face is
starting to change shape.
If you take that many jabs,
it'll have an effect.
Is he going to make a KO?!
I'll finish this!
Don't flinch, Ippo!
Get out there!
Kid! Don't back down!
He pulled back!
You fool! You lost sight of
your own boxing style!
Ah, Makunouchi is running!
He is cornered in one attack!
His back is to the wall!
I told you not to back up, you moron!
Get out of there quick!
See that? My boxing is Date-san's boxing.
I've made countless simulations
of what Date-san would do
in a situation like this.
I'm fighting this match in his mindset.
If you think you can take him on
when you can't even beat me,
you're ten years
too premature!
Got you!
No! It's a corkscrew!
Hey, was he waiting for my corkscrew?
This is explosive!
Makunouchi throws a right uppercut!
The punches keep coming!
Whoops! Makunouchi is also hurting!
Okita also roundhouses!
Makunouchi, left! Okita returns the favor!
It probably hurts to move,
but they don't stop!
Whoa, he returns the body blow!
Okita is down!
He's down! Back to your neutral corner!
A reverse development
in the blink of an eye!
He felled him by force!
That's this year's Rookie of
the Year for you! Ippo Makunouchi!
All right! This is
what we came here to see!
That punch is inhuman!
It sent shivers up my spine!
Huh, he fooled us.
The bastard was aiming for that.
He aimed for that?
A venue of attack.
He doesn't know what's coming next,
so Ippo thought hard.
He forgot his own
forward-attacking style of boxing.
So he decided to wager on the punch
he knew was coming,
the corkscrew.
The idea was to force
a venue of attack from there.
That makes sense.
He backed off without provocation
in order to coax out a corkscrew.
No, it's not nearly that cool.
It means he was driven so far
into a corner,
that he took a gamble out of desperation.
Still, Okita sure fell for it.
He pulled off
a different pattern of boxing
than anything he's ever done before.
There was an impact.
Don't get up!
Okita makes a response.
Will he get up? Can he get up?!
Get up!
My boxing is Date-san's boxing!
If I lose,
it will make Date-san's boxing
look bad as well!
I I can't lose!
Okita's almost there!
Will he make it to his feet?!
I can go on!
Okita is up! He's on his feet!
He takes a fighting pose!
Ippo! Don't show him any sympathy!
Finish him off!
If you win, you'll get 5th ranking!
You'll be within firing range of doing
what you want - challenging the champ!
Within firing range!
Now, 30 seconds remain in round one.
Will Okita weather it out?!
Will Makunouchi put
his opportunity to good use?
If you win, you'll get 5th ranking!
You'll be within firing range of doing
what you want - challenging the champ!
Within firing range!
Now, 30 seconds remain in round one.
Will Okita weather it out?!
Will Makunouchi put
his opportunity to good use?
The match continues!
Makunouchi attacks with vigor!
How will Okita evade him?
Or will he be defeated in the face
of Makunouchi's destructive power?!
I must win. I must win
so I can challenge Date-san!
He's strong. This guy is strong, Date-san!
I must win!
Damn it!
I I can't afford to lose!
I have to win to challenge Date-san!
I always looked up to him!
I'm going to be the one
who catches up to him!
Both boxers move in at the same time!
How's this?!
Makunouchi's left
is a split-second faster!
Whoa, he took it head-on!
He's a goner!
I connected!
He's powerful
I can't hold on
Way to go, Rookie of the Year!
Oh, Date-san!
You really have gotten tougher.
Not really.
I just learned to copycat you better,
that's all.
You idiot.
You have other textbooks
to rely on than me, right?
Like Leonard and Hagler.
No, thank you.
I like your boxing best.
Really? Well, do as you will!
I look up to you. I want to be like you.
Like you, Date-san.
He withstood the blow! I'm surprised!
Okita took Makunouchi's
power blow full-on!
However, he props himself
on the rope, refusing to fall!
If I fell, I wouldn't
be able to get up again.
It was a really solid impact too.
What incredible willpower!
The most astounded person here
has to be this man-Makunouchi!
Until a moment ago,
he most likely thought victory was his!
Willpower? No, it's tenacity.
This guy is different from anyone
you've dealt with so far.
There's tenacity that comes
from the unwillingness to
relinquish a position you fought for.
The higher you go,
the stronger that tenacity becomes.
Go, kid! If you don't take advantage
of this opportunity,
you can't go for the top!
Pin down Okita, tenacity and all!
If I don't use this chance
I can't aim high!
He's going to attack!
Calm down, Okita.
This is the time you need to be calm.
I'm feeling the pain,
but I still have strength in me!
That's it. Good.
If he's going to attack me straight-on,
that's what I have to aim for!
Makunouchi's final move
is well established.
However, it's direct.
-There will only be
-One chance.
Ah! Makunouchi strikes!
Will this lead to the finish?!
If I go now, I can go all the way!
If I beat Okita-san, I'll be ranked 5th.
I'll be closer to Date-san.
To the champion!
His right guard is wide open!
He fell for it!
The left was a feint to bring
Makunouchi around to the right.
Okita's aiming for
The corkscrew!
My guard! It's no good.
I'll have to shake it off!
It's bang-on!
That bastard! He rigged a fiendish trap
at the last possible moment!
It's a corkscrew counter!
Got you!
Okita's is faster!
My God! Makunouchi's right straight
scored as a counterpunch!
Okita has been flung off!
This is his second knockdown!
He made it there first.
His timing was perfect.
But he took on too much damage
to move his legs.
That was close.
Okita-san lost control of his legs,
making him miss his mark.
Now, the countdown begins!
Will Okita be able to show
the same perseverance as before?!
He was in such bad shape
he was barely able to stand,
but he still came up
with that calm, calculated plan.
What a guy!
Okita doesn't move!
Is it hopeless this time? Is it hopeless?!
Okita, keep going!
Get up, Okita! Show us
what you're made of one more time!
Whoa, there's movement from Okita!
Stay down!
Date san.
Date-san, I
I failed
to be you.
The match is over!
Okita is unable to continue!
Ippo Makunouchi wins!
He pulled it off!
I I did it.
I did it!
Oops, this is unusual!
Makunouchi strikes a victory pose!
It was only one round of combat,
but his pose speaks for itself!
It was a difficult victory!
The nonstop KO expressway -
the fists that rule the ring
are raised high in triumph!
You did it, Ippo-kun!
Thank you, sir!
Uh, Chief
You don't make the face
of a victor every time around.
However, you took down a fifth-ranker.
I guess it's to be expected.
Thank you, sir.
Uh, thanks.
You got me.
Uh, Okita-san
Date-san is nothing like me, got it?
Thank you for the match!
Okita, you did a great job
hanging in there!
I want to see you here again sometime!
I have to start over.
I'm still a long way from where you are.
I see.
You lost because you can't catch up to me?
That's not true.
The difference in his attitude as
a challenger showed in the final result.
You'll realize that soon enough.
There are those who try to catch up,
and those who try to overtake.
Makunouchi showed the difference
of those two.
Overtake, huh?
Congratulations, Makunouchi-kun.
That was a great fight!
Now your ranking went up. How do you feel?
Uh, I only just finished the match,
so I don't know how to feel yet.
All right, interview's over!
-You're kidding!
Oh, no! It's already started!
Takamura-san, what's happening now?
The challenger, Suzuki, fell down twice.
He's a goner.
Twice? But it just started, didn't it?!
The old guy is really hyped up tonight.
He's surprisingly strong.
Oh! The champion connects
with a right punch!
Suzuki lapses into defensive mode!
How will he survive?!
Now Suzuki charges forward with tenacity!
A right from the champion!
What's wrong, Suzuki? You're not moving!
Heartbreak shot.
He throws a left!
Three knockdowns! The match is over!
The champion flatly denies
the 2nd-rank challenger his position!
His strength is that of a titan!
He's strong.
He would have fallen
no problem from the left alone,
but he threw in a right for good measure.
Not only that,
they were all corkscrew blows.
Are you really going to
take on that monster?
Aw, well. I hope you don't die.
That's not that funny.
He really is on a totally different level.
And now for an interview with the victor.
Champion, congratulations.
You seemed to win with ease.
There's talk of you returning
the title within the year
and re-challenging the world title.
Has this paved the way to that objective?
Yeah! Go for the world! The world!
Go take the world belt!
We're counting on you!
I will not return the title.
I still have some unfinished business
within the country.
I will settle that first.
The world can wait until afterwards!
Takamura-san, he's looking this way.
He's looking at you, stupid!
It looks like
his unfinished business is you.
The old guy's totally
in the mood to fight.
Um, Ch Champion?
Don't look away! Give him the evil eye!
For all his hesitation,
he's ready to rumble.
Draw. To end in a tie after
the completion of the last round
based on the point count
of the two judges and referee.
In a world like boxing
that battles over strength,
no number of draws will lead to a victory.
Because instead of being viewed
as a match you didn't lose,
it's viewed more as a match
you failed to win.
Next time, "Challenge in a Foreign Land."
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