Fire Country (2022) s03e05 Episode Script

Edgewater's About to Get Real Cozy


(CHUCKLES) Round two?
No. I'm making sure
that you don't look
like you and I just
Did exactly what we wanted to
every night that I was in prison?
Mm-hmm, for the third time this week.
Okay, let's get going.
I'm pulling another double
to pay off wedding debt.
- you have a big day, too.
- Yeah.
It's all finally happening.
Cal Fire's closer than ever.
You and I are
We can, we can do this.
Us for real.
Whenever you're ready.
I'm nowhere near ready to make
a big life decision.
I'm squatting in a trailer
so that I can pay Diego's family back
for the wedding that never was.
And I
I can't even face my own dad.
Gabs, look.
You ditched on your wedding.
I held up a store at gunpoint.
I mean, you-you-you're living
in an Airstream?
I lived in prison.
And look at me today.
Don't ask me what we are.
Don't ask me what's next. I
I can only give you right now.
I'll take right now.
Okay, but not right now right now.
We're gonna be late.
Sneak out.
I appreciate the appointment.
I will be in as
- soon as I can get there.
- No problem, glad I could help.
- That is some crap.
- I got news.
Okay, the test results are in,
and there's no signs of organ failure.
Your stupid brother's
stupid kidney is fine.
Which is great news, right?
No, they are missing something.
I-I-I told them as much.
I have not felt right
since the heat dome,
and my shoulder is still stiff.
Okay, you've been working your ass off
trying to reopen Smokey's.
Right? I'm sure you just
you know, pulled something.
Oh, good.
Well, if you think I'm fine,
then I must be fine.
But I'm not.
So I asked them to run more tests.
Why is everyone treating me like I'm?
Sorry. What's your news?
Bode's gonna move out.
- Oh, my God, no!
- No, no, no, no, don't freak out.
Don't freak out.
This is a good thing, okay?
He's looking for apartments.
That was actually a landlord
checking on his, his current residence.
I know he's gonna move out
at some point,
but it's not the right time.
Shouldn't he, like, at least
I don't know graduate the program?
Thought we agreed on this.
No more over-parenting.
Right? (SIGHS)
He's ready.
We're just gonna have to agree
to disagree on that one.

Little crisscross,
up over and tuck.
If it's a boy,
you want to try to keep it covered.
Unless you want to get hosed.
So girls are easier?
(STAMMERS) I wouldn't say easier.
Anyways, who wants to try?
- Hmm?
- I'll try.
All right. Hey, fellas.
How y'all doing?
- What's up, Cap?
- Hey.
Can I talk to you?
All right, big dog, how's it going?
It's going great.
These guys are gonna nail fatherhood
- when they get out of here.
- I'm asking about you.
I know Gabs hasn't come to visit yet.
But, uh, you know,
she agrees that eventually
we want to get back
to being a family again,
so I'm gonna hold onto that.
That's what I love to hear.
All right, man.
Hey, how-how is she, by the way?
How's her new place?
You know, I-I wouldn't know.
I haven't seen it or her actually.
Well, then
I mean, that's no good.
When something's wrong
with Gabriela, she hides out.
When I go by Smokey's,
I'll ask about her there.
Oh, right, yeah, yeah, you're gonna
go for the reopening, right?
No, I'm, um
I'm going for a, um
a family thing.
Thanks for coming, guys.
Not exactly a massive turnout.
Is there a fire sale
at the chicken feed store?
Hey, I don't know, I-I put
the flyers all over town.
I-I really thought
that people were gonna come.
I mean, at least the cadets came.
- Right?
- Yes.
I came for the grub.
- And the support, Chiefs.
- Yeah.
Well, I guess I'll go get
some more blood
suctioned out of my arm then.
Oh, right after I talk to Bode.
Uh, go easy on the
moving out stuff, okay?
(CHUCKLES) You're telling me
how to converse with my son?
So Dad says that you're moving out?
Guess I should've kept it to myself.
When I find a place.
Don't worry,
I don't need any money or
- you know, a cosigner.
- Really?
I mean, we know how much cadets make
and we know what rent costs.
But I have to do this myself.
Okay? For me.
Hey, you don't have to worry.
All right, all right.
Okay. (LAUGHS)
- I am so worried.
- Yeah, me, too.
Mostly about all the money we're
dumping into this ghost bar.
Hey, you seen Gabs?
JAKE: Uh, how about:
"Hi, Jake.
"My friend.
- How you been?"
- Hi.
What's been going on?
- You good?
- Thanks, yeah.
And, no, I have not seen Gabs.
Can you sit down?
Yeah, I can't stay.
Uh, I have to meet someone.
Please tell me it's
that hot kettlebell girl
that you keep making
nervous dad jokes at?
Okay, shut it, no.
I'm meeting my brother.
Wow, uh
you know, I knew
you texted Elijah, but
Yeah, I wasn't sure he was
gonna text me back, either.
here we are.

A Dodger fan in NorCal.
You're gonna get your ass handed to you.
She grew up ♪
Maybe, but, uh,
not as bad as the Giants
are, next season.
Someone's been hit
by one too many Santa Anas.
He's standing me up.
You think he's standing me up?
Who's standing you up?
Hey, Gabs.
Over here.
- not saying nothing
- Hey. Oh.
I was introduced
and we both started grooving ♪
She said, "I dig you, baby" ♪
You two together again, huh?
But y'all hooking up, right?
Ha! I'm right.
Damn it. I'm right. Pay up.
So y'all gonna make it weird again?
Oh, they for damn sure
gonna make it weird again.
Okay, I'm gonna go grab a drink.
I'm-a grab a drink, too.
Yeah, I just got thirsty.
Yeah, yeah. Stay hydrated, y'all.
B, you cool with this?
We're making it work.
Okay, look, man, I'm
not your trainer anymore.
So as your friend,
whatever this is
do not let it mess up your goals.
You're almost through training.
But that last phase is
It's tough.
Look, this
All this with-with me and Gabs is not
it's not slowing me down
it's pushing me forward.
It's motivation, you know?
To get through training,
get my own place,
just get everything together so that
we can move forward when she's ready.
MAN: Look who it is.
It's the homewrecker.
They're Diego's homies.
You shouldn't get the win.
Not Edgewater and not Smokey's.
Uh, least we took care
of one of those, huh?

JAKE: Okay, B,
don't take the bait.
You took my family's flyers down?
AUDREY: Nothing good happening
over there.
Guy's a cadet, like me.

You got a problem?
It's with me.
EVE: No, Gabs, don't.
It's just gonna get worse.
You mind?
Diego's gone, but I'm right here.
Okay, B,
you are on parole.
You are on parole.
I'm not.
You mind, uh

Thank you.
All right, boys!
Why don't you go have yourselves
a good night?
Somewhere else.
Sure. Yeah.
I'm guessing you can, uh,
fight your own battles
- just fine.
- Oh. Yeah, he can.
He just shouldn't.
Yeah, I got that. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)
Dodgers gear, huh? (GRUNTS)
That's, uh that's brave.
(CHUCKLES) I've heard.
I'm Bode Leone. Let me buy you a beer.
Cadet Leone,
nice to meet you.
Uh, name's Camden Casey.
42's Phase Three training captain.
Your new boss.

Station 42, over here.
We got a major airliner about to
touch down in Edgewater.
But we don't have an airport.
Yeah, they're gonna attempt
an emergency landing
in that field just west
of Glenville Gorge.
There's no way that little field
is big enough to land
a commercial plane safely.
That's right there
on the edge of Green Valley.
So if that plane doesn't stop,
gets into all that vegetation
It will.
It's gonna be a rough landing,
so we'll need all hands on deck.
I'll radio Three Rock.
All right. Cadets, you're coming with.
Oh, hell yeah, let's go.
Welcome to Edgewater.
Greencrest, can we attach
Three Rock to the crash site?
- Copy, Cap. Rerouting.
- Hey. Uh
I would've been here earlier,
but Wendy had a thing.
Yeah, I-I have to go. Um, I'm sorry.
Um, thanks for coming,
but there is a plane crash and
VINCE: I'm on scene at Glenville Gorge.
Aircraft is into the vegetation
with multiple fires surrounding.
Air traffic control
initial report says, uh,
minor injuries on board,
probable inhalation. You're on ops.
Okay, Captain Edwards,
you and Three Rock
secure perimeter. Perez,
set up a CCP and start triage.
All right, let's cut line
around this mess.
We're on it, Cap. (OTHERS SHOUTING)
I want a head count. Minor injuries
to the left, immediate transport
to the right.
JAKE: All right,
that plane was Portland-bound from L.A.
Had a mechanical error.
172 souls on board. Let's get them out.
Let's go.

CAMDEN: Okay, so we got Leone,
triple nugget, all-state pitcher,
Extraordinary Conduct Credit.
And James, North Carolina transplant
by way of Coachella Valley, music major,
and you-you, uh,
First Saw second week of fire camp.
Good on you.
I do my homework. All right, carry on.
Hey, Cap, I'm taking Leone and James.
Whoa, hey. (SCOFFS)
Okay, look, they just
finished ride-alongs.
Right. Then they're ready
for work-alongs.
Got it open!
Okay, everyone, stay
calm. We're going to exit
All right, Leone.
You want to hold that ladder
or you want to climb it?
Climb it, of course.
- CAMDEN: Great.
- BODE: We got to complete
all of Phase Three
before we can be active.
Uh, as your new trainer,
I'll tell you what you do
and don't got to do. Listen,
I saw how you didn't want
to back down from that fight in the bar.
Show me your fire in the field. (COUGHS)
How about you? You want
to show me what you got, too?
Yeah. I don't do FOMO well.
All right. We got to take control
of the interior fire
that's blocking this exit.
James, I need you on the engine.
- AUDREY: Copy.
- CAMDEN: Leone,
you got the cockpit.
I'm going in?
You're going in.
CAMDEN: James, let's get water
on that engine and cool it down.
AUDREY: On it.
GABRIELA: You need medical attention,
over here. If not,
safe zone is to your left.
Where do I go for my checked bag?
This is a crash site, not a resort.
But I-I-I need my suitcase.
Safe zone is to your left.
These people moving in slow motion?
JAKE: We got a fire in the cockpit.
It's been evacuated already,
but with people still on board,
the smoke's gonna fill up
faster than they can exit.
Everybody, listen.
I know you're scared,
but we need you to move as quickly
and carefully as possible.
Do not stop for your
belongings. Let's go.
CAMDEN: You got eyes on that, Cadet?
I'll hit that with water from up top.
It looks like it came from the cockpit.
CAMDEN: All right, Leone, you got this.

Hey! Hey.
Bode's not cleared for that.
He's doing great.
JAKE: I don't care.
It's way too dangerous up there.
Listen, this is not SoCal.
We do not skip steps here.
I'm guessing Bode's a buddy of yours
I get it, you want to protect him,
and that's great
but he's not my buddy,
he's my cadet. It's my job to make
a firefighter out of him.
My way.
BODE: Fire's out.
I'm going back to the door.
Exit is clear. Get the remaining
passengers to the front.
CAMDEN: All right,
let's clear the ladder.
Come on. This way.
(BABY CRYING) Follow me.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
All right, go, go.
CAMDEN: Good work.
Cockpit fire's out.
Cadets are safe
and passengers are exiting now.
- Great work, Cap.
- Thanks,
but, uh, but there's
a new situation.
I just found out that they're
not gonna be able to reroute
small planes for these
passengers until tomorrow.
So, these 172 people are
gonna need a place to stay.
- Starlight Motel's not gonna cut it.
- Nope.
Looks like Edgewater's
about to get real cozy tonight.
GABRIELA: Just keep this
on, come back in 15 minutes
and I'll check on you again, okay?
SHARON: Ah, Wade, I appreciate you,
and so will the person
who sleeps in this tonight.
Our son went viral.
Uh cool?
This, Vince.
Hmm, yeah, his trainer
apparently thought
it was a good idea to put him
on top of a plane.
Where he handled himself like a pro.
- I know. I was there.
- He is a cadet.
Thank you. He is not done with training.
He has not finished the program.
He should not be on top of a plane.
We're talking about the same kid, right?
The one who runs into explosions,
not away.
You're worried about him
handling a hose?
- On a plane.
- Share,
you should start worrying
about what's going on here.
Okay? All these people are
gonna want food and drinks.
Oh, no, it's a literal restaurant.
That just opened.
Okay? We we can't afford this.
Oh, so you want to charge
the people that were
just in a plane crash?
No, I don't want
to charge them. I just
I'm just saying,
we're responsible for a herd of locusts.
Well, I'm just saying
that you are focusing
on the wrong things.
EVE: Did I really get a call
about someone vaping in here?
Can't do that in here.
Why? It's not smoke, it's steam.
Well, 'cause it's bad for you,
and this is a fire station.
This is, like, the safest place ever.
Okay, that's the opposite
of my point, but
W-Why don't you just keep the pen, bro?
You clearly need it more than I do.
Sorry to bug you, um
is there somewhere
we can go for some privacy?
Yeah, um, you go down this way,
there's a lounge, you can talk.
We're actually looking
for a little more privacy.
EVE: Uh, I-I'm sorry,
Edgewater only has one motel,
and it's full right now.
That's why we're putting people
wherever we can.
Do you have a office space we
could use or a storage closet?
GINA: Uh, we were, we were
supposed to be in our hotel by now, and
we got a corner room
with a California king.
Yeah. Uh, wish I didn't.
Uh, I-I
I can't help you because
I have to get the, um
the juices to other people who
are a different kind of thirsty.
- No. That's not what we were
- EVE: Juice!
Nice work out there, Leone.
Uh, can't be easy with all those voices
weighing in on what not to do.
- Oh, it's no big deal.
- Yeah, well, uh,
they see who you were.
Me, fresh eyes.
I see who you are.
- Hope you see something good.
- I see a man
with instincts.
Good ones.
Pay attention to them.
That's how you'll help people.
Hey, you ever hear of the, uh,
Bigleaf Valley Fire a while back?
Yeah, sure.
Lost a lot of firefighters that day.
Nine. My entire crew.
See, I knew how to save them,
but I didn't trust my gut.
I listened to my superior.
Should've been
ten firefighters down that day.
Sometimes I wish it was,
but but I lived.
That's I'm so sorry.
That's awful.
You know, I saw you today, at the plane.
You didn't follow procedure.
And it worked.
You moved without hesitation,
and you were right.
So, you want to know what I see?
I see a man
who wants to take the biggest swings,
and you should.
You got a wolf in you.
You gotta feed it.
And don't ever keep that wolf in a cage.
Hey, have you, uh,
you seen Gabs? She okay?
Uh, yeah, she came in to Smokey's.
Uh, but Diego's buddies,
they started some crap about
Bode driving him out of town.
What, Diego's gone because of Bode?
Bode, Gabs.
Gabs and Bode. Either way, he's gone.
Gabs and Bode, huh?
What's that mean, they're back together?
(SCOFFS) I don't know.
Okay, keep it dry. It'll be fine.
Hi. I still haven't found my bag.
I'm sorry about your bag, sir.
I'm providing medical care.
Right. It-It's really valuable,
so it's kind of an emergency.
An emergency is a plane crash.
A lost bag is an inconvenience.
LARRY: It's black,
with a blue string around
the handle, so if you've seen
It is the least of mine
or anyone's problems.
No one cares about your damn bag!
Come here.
Look, we all know
you're stressed out, okay?
But you cannot talk
to civilians like that.
Especially not in uniform.
So, you're benched. Go home.
I don't have one.
Yes, you do.
It's our Airstream.
I told you you can stay there
as long as you want.
Also told your dad that I would
- You told my dad that I live there?
- No.
- You promised me that
- No, I did not.
I will pay you rent.
I don't want your money,
but you need to cool off and go home.
- Ruth made this?
- Mm-hmm.
I might chow down myself.
You done with triage at Smokey's?
Oh, I'm done.
Look, I
I know that you've kind of
put us into a box, but I was thinking
Come to the Airstream.
Right now?
I'm I'm on shift
and there's a million people here.
you're kidding, right?
We'll be quick and quiet.
Gabriela, are you
are you okay?
Get down! Look out!
You okay?
Get back. Get back.
Hey, what happened?
Uh, she said I couldn't vape,
so I just came in here
to smoke a little bit of weed.
- No, you did not.
- It's legal.
Not in a fire station.
The match was out, I just
But then I flicked it on the ground,
it just ba-bam!
Okay, look, B, let's take care of this.
I got it.
What the hell's in that suitcase?
Get him the hell out of here.
- Yeah, come on, move, move!
- Chill out
All right, listen,
this is not a normal fire.
(SIGHS) I'm on it.
There's a fire at the station.
It started with one
of the pieces of luggage.
Was it black with a blue string?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Uh, do not put water on it.
You better start talking, Larry.
It's vintage film.
I'm a collector. Very rare, very old.
Nobody uses it anymore because
well, it's kind of obvious now.
Also obvious: Don't bring it on a plane.
SHARON: It says here, "Will continue
to burn even if submerged in water."
JAKE: Okay, listen,
get all civilians to safety.
Yeah, right, uh,
we'll take care of the fire.
No, don't put water on that.
Yeah, new guy just figured that one out.
Yeah, there's cellulose
nitrate in there.
Okay, okay, listen, I say we smother it.
No, no, no, bad idea.
New guy, really?
Step back, Casey.
All right? You have cadet jurisdiction,
but I am a captain in my station.
And what I say is that
we need to smother it.
That pallet
is no less dangerous
than a dumpster fire.
We have no idea what's in there,
how flammable it is, how dangerous.
Okay, then, what is your idea?
It wants to burn, yeah?
So we let it burn.
We don't put it out.
We move it out.
Okay, yeah, let's do this.
All right. I got it, new guy.
All right.
Watch yourself.
Let me know when you're in.
EVE: All right, here we go. And
- In. Let's go.
- Let's go.
Yeah, this is a disaster.
Guy's okay starting
a fire with his luggage,
but he can't drink the cheap stuff.
All these people.
Free lodging and Wi-Fi and grub,
they got to drink the
top-shelf booze, too.
Our son has been out of prison
for 12 minutes,
and is running into fire,
and this is what you want to focus on?
The good gin?
Well, I don't see you
pouring your favorite cabernet.
If this is too much for you,
Vince, you should just go.
Just go.
You just go.

Uh, she's right there. Go right ahead.
Uh, coffee?
Uh, two sugars and one cream, right?
You know I pride myself
on being consistent.
And I see that you're still
making plans that you can't keep.
Don't be like that.
There was a plane crash
and I was helping people.
You know, it's crazy how
strangers get your very best.
Firefighting's my life work. I'm
It could be my legacy.
When you were out making your legacy,
I was at home preserving ours.
I had a full ride
to Cal Poly for marine biology.
you didn't know that, did you?
I mean, how am I supposed to know that
when y'all just keep shutting me out?
I'm surprised that
you even noticed that.
You know what? I'm-a
I'm-a go ahead and let you
get back to your legacy.
Thank you for the coffee.
Oh, fire looks like it's almost out.
We good here?
You know
when Gabriela is on fire,
she isolates, too.
It's not good for her.
You know what's also not good for her?
I care about Gabriela.
But if I'm picking
the lesser of two evils,
I'm gonna go with you, Bode.
Not my favorite take ever, but
You know I love you like a son,
and I'm trying my best not to jump in,
but it's damn hard.
Maybe maybe you with her,
at least she's not alone
in all that loneliness, right?
You know?
Hey, 24K.
Hey, you got, uh, $1.7 million
you could loan me?
Not without committing
a serious parole violation.
Why, what's up?
Well, me and my man
send each other dream houses.
Yeah, his are all Outer Banks,
ocean views.
Mine are ATVs and meteor showers
in Joshua Tree.
Long-distance dreams
that we'll settle down together
one day, in the same place.
I get that.
Sucks, right?
But it's temporary.
I try to remember that.
Kind of like fire camp.
(SHOUTS) Whoa! Yo!
What-what are you doing
in my safe space?
EVE: Hey! We heard a scream.
Are you okay? What-What's going on?
Hey, what are you doing here?
JAKE: All right, look,
pack up your crap and get out.
What crap? No, no, no, no.
None of this is mine.
Okay, then, whose stuff is all of this?
I don't know. Some chick's.
Wait, have you been living here
this whole time?
EVE: All right. Move it.
Here you go. All right. And sit down.
Look, you have lost your
walking-around privileges.
And y'all, I would tell
you to go get a room,
but there aren't any,
so I'm going to give you a job.
I need you to make sure
this man right here
doesn't smoke, doesn't leave,
and doesn't blow anything up.
Can y'all do that for me?
Might as well babysit.
It's not like we're making
a baby of our own today.
GINA: It is
well, it was my fertility window.
That's why you guys wanted privacy,
so that you could start your family.
- I'm sorry.
- GINA: Uh, not start.
- Trying to expand.
- Our three-year-old
- wants a sibling.
- Mm, she needs one.
We know it'll be a minute
before the baby
whenever we get 'em cooking
grows up to be her friend.
But it'll be worth it.
GINA: Yeah.
And then they'd always have each other.
I have a minute before I have
to roll back to camp.
You want to talk?
That's cool.
I guess I'll just
I'll just sit here then.
Next to my daughter
who maybe could use her dad
right about now?
I could have used my dad when
I was blowing up my life.
But you were a little busy
getting locked up.
I know this move, mija.
You feel shame.
And you move into a hole with it.
All alone.
But you came into it honest
'cause that's my move, too.
C.O.: Three Rock, on the buggy!
Don't follow my example.
Let me in.
Or let someone in.
C.O.: Perez, let's go!

Thank you so much for the
house call, Dr. Andrews.
Anything for the Leones.
But I'm sure you don't want small talk,
so let's cut to the chase.
Yesterday's bloodwork came back.
Sharon, you're fine.
- Huh.
- See? There you go.
Right. I'm not buying it, okay?
My shoulder is still jacked,
and I feel off.
I-I feel weird, and I feel mad.
Stress can manifest physically.
It happens
all the time, and many patients
have post-transplant anxiety.
Sharon, there are tools
that can help you manage it. Here.
Check this out,
make an appointment in a month.
You're gonna be fine.
I'll see myself out.
- Thank you.
- You bet.
So, it's all in my head?
No. Nobody's saying that.
Okay. Just
I want to tell you something.
All those people yesterday
You held them together.
I, um
I lost sight of what we were doing,
trying to help the community,
and you never did, so
Thank you.
About Bode, though.
He's gonna be fine, okay?
This is the next step for him.
Okay. Uh, this is the next step, yeah.
And he did do great at the plane.
You were you were right.
Oh. I was right. Look at that.
But I am still worried
about that trainer.
Come on. I know that we said
we were not gonna over-parent.
But you think we should anyway?
Don't you?
Agree to disagree.
Oh. Yeah.
Use my own words against me.
It's a hell of a turnout.
And here's my son, the Internet star.
Turns out people like a guy
on top of a plane, I guess, huh?
I guess.
Well, ones that ended up staying here
left good reviews,
and a news station's picked up
the story that Edgewater's
taking everybody in.
And here we are.
It's a good night for Smokey's.
It is a good night for Smokey's.
Yeah, um I talked to your mom
about getting your own place, and, uh,
we do want to help.
I don't want your money.
I-I'm not gonna give you any money.
You're gonna earn it.
Here? A job here?
I mean, it'd help us out,
mostly your mom.
'Cause the restaurant, plus D.C
that's a lot for her to juggle. Um
Leones at Smokey's.
I like it.
Yeah, I do, too.
Uh, one more, please.
You know, me and you, uh
We're on the same side.
We both want Bode to shine.
I'll give you that.
I think we both know he can't shine
he can be everything he's meant to be,
everything he already is.
Bode's tough to captain.
Fair enough.
But I know him.
And I know cadets.
Been training 'em for a long time.
Hundreds of 'em.
And Leone, he
he's not like the rest.
Guys like Bode, you you got to
You got to let him be free
to run into the fire.
And don't worry.
He's not gonna burn.
I promise you, Cap.
I got him.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, well, I almost didn't.
All right. (CLEARS THROAT)
Can we start over?
I should've said in
the very beginning
siblings are forever.
And I miss you.
Eve Vivian Edwards.
Not the triple name.
Sis, I appreciate you being honest.
- Mm.
- I got to be honest
with you, too.
God, I've wanted to call you.
Yeah. Oh, same. I
You know, six years
that's too long, man.
I'm sorry. No, no, no, no.
I'm talking about recently.
Yeah, 'cause, um,
I've got some news.
You're gonna be an aunt.
Mm-mm. Mm-hmm.
You lying.
Shut up, El! For real?
Promise me something.
Do not give that baby
the same name as their initials.
(LAUGHING) It's tacky.
I'm sorry, but I can't make
no promises. (LAUGHS)
- All right, well
- Oh?
- Yeah. (SNIFFLES)
- Yeah.
- But, look, Eve?
- Yeah.
If you want to see that baby,
you know you're gonna have
to see Mom and Dad, too.
Sting of the needle
dropping on a vinyl ♪
Neon singer with a jukebox
title full of heartbreak ♪
33, 45, 78 ♪
When it hurts this good
you gotta play it twice ♪
(BOTH SINGING): Another vice ♪
All dressed up
in a pretty black label ♪
Sweet salvation
on a dining room table ♪
Waiting on me ♪
Where the numb meets the lonely ♪
(BOTH SINGING): It's gone
before it ever melts the ice ♪
Another vice ♪
Another call, another bed
I shouldn't crawl out of ♪
At 7:00 a.m. with shoes in my hand ♪
Said I wouldn't do it,
but I did it again ♪
- And I know I'll back tomorrow night ♪
Mm ♪
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