Forever Knight (1992) s01e08 Episode Script

Cherry Blossoms

We're done here.
NARRATOR: He was brought across in 1228.
Preyed on humans for their blood.
Now he wants to be mortal again To repay society for his sins To emerge from his world of darkness From his endless forever night.
MAN: One more from this angle over here.
Captain What took you so long? Cross-town traffic.
Tell me about it.
This is just like the movie.
"Forget it, Jake, it's only Chinatown.
" This isn't a movie, Schanke.
This is real life.
Any leads on the shooters, Captain? It's a hit, full-time and professional.
Overkill, if you ask me.
We got three victims, all Chinese, huh? Excuse me.
Ray Quan, Immigration.
Pleased to meet you, Mr.
I'm Captain Stonetree.
Detective Knight, Detective Schanke.
The Chief has asked that we give Mr.
Quan and his department our full cooperation in this matter.
Captain, why? This is police work.
Immigration, huh? Does that mean they're illegal? Pretty gruesome stuff for a pencil pusher, isn't it? Yes, it is, detective, and no, they weren't legal, but they were important, and what do you know about the Chinese community, detective? The crimes? All I know is my wife loves Moo Goo Gai Pan.
Has this got something to do with Hong Kong? Look, detective, Nancy Lee Young was going to testify against one of Hong Kong's major crime families.
She was going to give us everything we needed to put them away, and now Mr.
Quan, all three bodies found in the car were male.
Then Nancy must have got out of the cab alive.
If she was in it.
NATALIE: She was in the cab, in the back seat.
We found three separate blood types.
Two of them are accounted for, the third is AB-negative.
And none of these lucky stiffs was AB? You got it, Schanke.
See, the cab driver, Raymond Chow, and both his fares all died the same way, multiple gunshot wounds.
Probable cause-- tissue and blood loss, major organ damage.
Basically, somebody blew these guys all to hell.
Any idea how badly she was hurt? Oh, what? I'm supposed to know that? Give me a break.
I got some blood samples from the cab and that's about it.
If you want any more, buy a Ouija board.
I'm sorry.
It's been a bad day.
They cut my budget all to pieces.
I've got to lose two of the attendants off my shift.
Both of them have families, and the worst of it is neither of them have anything to go to.
I mean, working in a morgue doesn't exactly qualify you to do anything else.
Life's a bitch.
And then you die.
If she's still alive, time is of the essence.
Quan, I already told you-- I only can afford two men on this, tops.
Captain, we have to find her.
And I'm telling you, I can spare these two men.
We're going to need a Chinese player on this.
People down there don't trust the cops, and we don't speak the same language.
I thought I heard you speak Chinese before.
Well, I know a little.
Have we got a Chinese detective we can bring in? Maybe I can get ahold of Wally Lee.
Come on, Detective, the fewer people who know Nancy might still be alive, the better.
My people have reason to be intimidated by the gangs.
Let me assist you.
I don't think that would be a wise idea.
Why not? I'm a trained investigator.
Maybe not by police standards, but down at Immigration, I'm considered pretty hot.
Well, maybe we'll give it a try.
Okay, we'd better get to it, then.
I think, for now, Mr.
Quan, if you and Detective Schanke were to begin preliminary questioning Right, me and Mr.
Hot will hit the streets.
Keep an eye on him.
Thanks, Nick.
I guess we need him, so don't let him get hurt, and don't push too hard with the questions.
Babysitting detail? You got it.
So when do we get started? Right away.
Quan, Immigration normally plays these things close to the vest.
How'd the hitters know what was going down? Are you suggesting there's a leak? Yeah, I think it's a possibility.
You'd do well to check your own department as well as the streets.
Will do.
And captain, we can't let the press get all over this.
We have to be very discreet.
Don't worry about it.
I'll Stonetree them.
Look, I'm going to snoop around for a little while.
Go grab a coffee, huh? [ .]
I know.
Do you really think this will work? Men come to me to control their desires, their urges, for sex, for food, for opium.
For you, the urge is blood.
It would be better if we did not have to live here, but what better place for him to learn the evils of temptation? Urges and desires are all in the mind, and the nerve that leads from the mind.
You see? The mind controls all.
Where are you going? You must face your temptation.
Don't move.
You move, I shoot.
Take it easy.
I'm a cop.
Inside my jacket, in my pocket, I've got my badge.
I'm just going to reach inside and get it.
Is this your shop? And my home too.
Did you see a young woman come in here? Never mind who come in here.
She was hurt, bleeding.
How I know badge is for real? Call the station, ask them.
No, no, no.
Don't move.
You stay there.
You-- You say you looking for young woman.
What she do? Nothing.
She was shot.
She's in danger.
The people who shot her are going to try again.
I have a picture.
Have you seen her? Uh I-- I don't like much police.
Well, it would be a pity to save her life just to have another person take it.
If I saved it and if I'd even seen her.
She's in danger.
I think I can help her.
If you see her, call me.
[ .]
Mommy, wake up.
Mommy, please wake up.
SCHANKE: What I can't figure out is why nobody down here in Chinatown talks to the cops.
I mean, you're Chinese.
How come nobody talks to you? QUAN: We Chinese view police differently than you.
The men in blue have never been considered our friends, and even though I'm Chinese, I'm still working down here with a fan gwai.
Qu'est-ce que c'est "fan gwai"? It means barbarian.
Well, sort of.
Barbarian? I'll have you know this is an exact copy of a very expensive Italian designer suit, so don't give me that barbarian stuff.
It's not meant personally, detective-- off the rack.
It's just a fact, our civilization has been around a lot longer than yours.
Oh, civilized? That machine-gun attack was civilized? Let's go in here.
QUAN: Are you going to get something done? You think you could do better? I couldn't do any worse.
Problem? Yeah.
I've had it with this little creep.
Can't you get me a real detective to worth with? I'll "real detective" you, you little That's enough.
What's the trouble? He's a fool, trying to browbeat people in the stores.
Listen, I am trying to question witnesses and he will not interpret, he will not cooperate, and then he-- No, no.
Don't stop on my account.
Sounds great, really professional.
Captain, you were told to cooperate with me on this investigation.
I'm going to have to speak to the chief about this, and when I return, I want another detective to work with.
OohI'm scared.
I should have popped him when I had the chance.
You missed a real career opportunity with the diplomatic corps, Schanke.
What have you got, Nick? My turn? Okay.
I believe that Nancy Lee Young was treated at this address.
It's an acupuncture shop.
Where is she now? I don't know.
So you don't have any more idea than we do.
You think she was at the needle doctor's? Trust me, I seem to have a nose for these things.
You got a hunch? Yeah.
The old guy, the acupuncturist, he was hiding something.
I say we go down there and persuade him.
You won't be doing that, Schanke.
I want you and Quan down there in the morning.
No, no, I say we don't tell Quan diddly-squat.
There was a leak, right, at Immigration, right? Well, the worst leaks come from the top, and Quan's the top.
I don't have time for this.
We were ordered to cooperate, and that's exactly what we're going to do.
You understand? All right.
We got a lead that Nick gave to us, and we're going to follow it up.
We've got a break.
Henry Rowlands confessed to the McCauliffe murders.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah, this morning.
That means I can free up a few men for this.
Nick, I want you to set it up and brief them.
Captain, I think you should put Schanke in charge.
No, seriously.
I mean, he knows the case.
He knows the street.
I'm not really a team player.
I can do more good out there on my own.
Schanke's the obvious guy to put in charge of something like this.
Any objections? That's it, then.
Way to go, Schanke.
Give 'em hell.
[ .]
So we saturate the area around this acupuncture shop and do a house-to-house.
I want everybody to keep on their toes.
We are dealing with some very heavy hitters here, who know exactly what they're doing.
All right, so just go in there, smile, show the picture, ask the questions, and get out.
Now, I want you to call on every house, ladies and gentlemen, and I can't emphasize this enough, but be nice, be courteous, because these people have a different way of doing things than us.
Okay? Oh, yeah, and if Immigration shows up, tell them to take a hike.
Let's rock 'n' roll.
Nancy Nancy, are you all right? Dr.
Chong, I was worried.
I thought something had happened.
Nothing happen.
Just aa memory.
Something from my childhood.
What is it? I'd better have a look.
Oh, it's bleeding again.
Does it hurt? Yeah, just a little.
Mostly, I just feel so weak.
Listen, I brought some herbal medicine for your strength.
I know it's bitter, but I will give you some of my soup afterwards.
It will control the pain but the bullets tore her up inside.
Your needles can't fix that.
Please I'd rather you didn't pull the gun on me again.
Call it a weakness.
Don't be afraid.
It's all right.
I'm a cop.
Don't shoot me.
Leave us alone.
The best thing we can do for her is get her to a doctor.
I won't go.
No, no.
Calm down, now.
Stay quiet.
I don't want to go.
They're going to kill me.
Nobody's going to kill you, I swear.
Would you go over there and sit down? And don't say anything.
Now, go over there.
All right.
You're disturbing her.
They killed my brother, my uncle.
Please, don't take me from here.
They want to kill me too.
You'll be safe.
We'll protect you.
Nobody will protect me, not if they know where I am.
There are so many people here who will talk.
They will tell them I'm still alive.
Please be calm.
Stay still.
You know, everybody here is afraid.
You understand? But the police aren't afraid.
How can I trust the police? Or Immigration? Someone told them where we were.
Someone told them.
They shot us down.
She needs a doctor.
I am a doctor.
She probably needs surgery.
I will care for her with what I have learned in 60 years.
Whatever I remember.
Yeah, well, I have to move her somewhere safer than here.
She will not go with you.
The people who shot her are still out there, Chong.
If you try to take her to a place where she does not want to go, you will harm her, and she will fight you, and so will I.
Can you keep her safe here? I will die before I let anyone harm her.
You'll both be here when I get back, I have your word? We will be here.
Because it would be a shame for her to survive a mob attack and end up dying because of stubbornness.
Stubbornness? Huh? What appears to you as stubbornness is a fear of revenge.
We should all be afraid of revenge.
What are the red pins for? Red means possible.
Jeez, how many times do I Good career move.
And the green? Definite negatives.
47-Mobile to base.
151 Queens.
Nobody saw anything.
Base, do you copy? Schanke? [SIGHS.]
Yeah, I copy.
I found her.
Aw, jeez.
Don't sneak up on me like that, Knight.
I can't be responsible for what might happen next.
Is she alive? Yeah.
Where is she? She's in good hands.
I don't care whose hands she's in.
I just want to know where she is.
She doesn't want anyone to know that.
She doesn't trust Immigration I knew it.
Or the police.
Is she hurt? Broken rib, a couple of bullet holes, some internal bleeding.
We should take her to a hospital.
If we try to move her from where she is, she's going to fight us, and then we can say goodbye to any chance of her testifying.
If she won't come to us, how about we roll a SWAT team out to sit on her? I don't think that's a good idea.
If no one knows where she is, nobody can leak it.
Yeah, it's funny how you've taken my theory and decided to call it your own.
Hey, law of averages, Schanke.
I mean, every once in a while, even you've got to be right.
Captain? Gentlemen? I would like to apologize for my anger earlier.
This is a very important case to me-- I mean, Immigration.
I understand, Mr.
We were all tense.
I'm sure Detective Schanke will agree with that.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, right.
We were tense.
And we have some good news.
We have found Nancy Lee Young.
You found her? Where is she? My people have it under control, and I think we'll have her here shortly.
I'll make arrangements to have her taken to a safe house out in the country.
We have to keep her alive at all costs.
If you'll excuse me.
What'd you do that for? Huh? I told you she was in a safe place.
You just jeopardized all that.
Did you hear me tell Quan where she was? No, I didn't.
Look, Nick I agree with you about keeping her location secret, but Immigration's in on this case too.
I had to throw him something.
If you're going to keep her out there on her own, I want you out there with herevery second.
And I want a doctor out there with her too.
These are not suggestions, detective.
You understand? Yeah, I understand.
Detective? Where do you think you're going? I'm going to find me a doctor.
What are the red pins for again? [EXASPERATED SIGH.]
I don't think this is a good idea.
Come on, it's like riding a bike.
You never forget.
Nick, I don't know if I've ever told you this before, but most of my patients over the last few years have all been dead.
Well, then, this will be a nice change.
[ .]
You're sure? They said the girl was found.
Why didn't you question them? Find out where she was? They're going to bring her in.
I thought I'd call you first, before they bring her into protective custody.
My family.
When you get Nancy Lee Young, you swore you'd let my family go.
I said we would.
We keep our word.
This is remarkable.
I don't think they could have done much more than this at a trauma center, but she is almost comatose.
My needles have made her asleep.
Well, medically, that's about all she needs Mm-hmm.
For now.
She will need surgery to close the internal wounds.
And then you want to take her away with you.
I have no choice.
Your kind never has a choice.
Her only real protection is to testify.
Once she puts the crime lord in Hong Kong behind bars, she'll be safe.
Immigration will give her a new identity.
They'll relocate her.
Set her up in business, even.
What about hername? Her past? Her past will be over, forgotten.
The past One never forgets his past.
She will never escape her past.
I know.
I have never been able to.
Now, you just relax.
This is just to help you rest.
Detective Knight? Yeah.
Why should I testify? Can you assure my safety? If you say nothing, the people who killed your brother and your uncle will be able to do the same to someone else.
You can stop that.
Now, just try to rest, okay? [CLATTERING.]
MAN: Downstairs.
Come on.
Nick! Wha-- You did not see this.
Ah, but I did.
I better go radio in for help.
But, Nick, he I know.
He saw me.
Well, maybe they won't believe him.
He hates me, Nat.
I don't know why, but he does, and he knows he's got me.
Well, then, get out of here.
It's happening again.
The story of my life.
If I have to leave, I'll get in contact with you somehow.
Hey, promise me one thing? Whatever happens, you won't ever stop trying to become human.
Nick, I've been talking to Mr.
Chong-- You know, captain, he's a pretty old man.
He can hardly even trust his own eyesight.
I mean, I know the guy shot at me, but he didn't hit me.
I mean, ask Natalie.
Chong probably thought-- Nick, what are you talking about? Chong just asked me if you'd give him a ride home.
We found the leak.
It was Quan.
They were holding his wife and kids.
They all right? Yeah.
Schanke persuaded one of the hoods to take him to the location.
Nick, do me a favor.
After you drop off Chong, go home and get some rest.
All right, let's go.
Well? He didn't say anything.
What? I'll talk to you later.
But Go on.
Why didn't you say anything? What should I have said? You could have told him what you saw.
I saw you saving Nancy Lee Young's life, the life I was fighting to save as well.
What are you going to do now? I'm an old man.
I'm going to rest.
I've been seeking rest for long time.
I'll give you a lift home.
Thank you.
I'll bring my car.
Wake up.
Please, struggle.
The needles will make you suffer more.
Why are you doing this? Because I know what you are.
You are the thing that killed my mother.
Chong, that's not possible.
These are old eyes, but they see clearly.
They do not deceive me.
Youyou were alive, huh? During those days? You can't deny that.
I know what you are.
I know the legend of Kuphue Kiongsi, a drinker of blood, one who lives forever But I have a spell that will end all that.
I don't deny that I was alive when your mother was living, but I have killed no one ina hundred years.
Liar! I saw it with my own eyes.
You killed her.
You sucked the blood from her.
I was only a little boy, but-- [SPEAKING CHINESE.]
But-- But I saw you.
I remember as if it was only yesterday.
Yes, yes.
I remember that face through a thousand endless days.
I remember that face through endless, sleepless nights.
You're Mai's little boy? I didn't kill your mother.
No, no, no.
You don't lie.
I saw you.
You saw me holding her.
I tried to help her, to save her.
That night The night your mother died, I was not the only one there.
There were three of us.
Oh, Nicholas.
Nicholas, when will you ever learn? Do you think any of those needles can save you? Do you think any one of them ever could? Can't you leave me alone? An immovable feast.
Why won't you understand? Our friendship is over.
It's forever, and anyway, it's not your choice.
LACROIX: What are you doing, Nicholas? You can't become human.
Your desires are in your soul.
They're immutable.
Mai, get out of here.
No! He killed from lust, not hunger.
He killed just to kill.
You are what I am.
The memory of my mother's death demands that you pay demands that you pay with your death.
Wait! There were three of us.
One was a woman, a beautiful woman.
Do you remember her? Do you remember her? [SPEAKING CHINESE.]
Yes, I remember.
I remember her.
Let her come to us.
Let her speak in my defense.
That woman? She is alive? Yes.
All right, but if you are lying, both of you will die.
Oh, the sun! Oh, Nick.
Nicholas! Where are you? Nick, this better be-- [GROWLS.]
No! No! Then what do you want me to do? We were in San Francisco, remember? Oh, yes.
How could I forget, sweet Nicholas? Tell him exactly what happened.
I know what happened.
You killed my mother.
He didn't.
Yes, he did.
I saw.
I saw.
You saw wrong.
Why should I trust you? Because I could kill you in an instant.
He could probably have killed you too.
He could have ripped your throat out, but Nick has repented his ways.
He tries to do good.
No such thing.
I saw, I saw.
Listen to me.
Nick did not kill your mother.
Another of us did.
Now, I want you to think back.
I saw him holding her.
I saw a man bending over my mother And you You were watching her.
You were watching all this.
You, you killed her.
On my word.
The man's face.
Remember seeing it.
I I thought he could see me.
I thought he would kill me, and when he turned around, I It wasn't you.
It wasn't.
Well? After nearly I would have thought that you could do just a little bit better than this.
Well, I'm a cop, Jeanette.
If I have too many possessions, they'd think I'm dirty.
Oh, yes, right.
You know, I honestly don't know why you bother, Nicholas.
You're not human, and you never will be.
May I? Yeah, help yourself.
What is it? It's cow, isn't it? [GASPS.]
You know, Nick, your life would be so much easier if you came over and joined us again for good.
Oh, I refuse to do that.
Instead, you choose to cower before an old man, a man that you could snap like a twig.
Well, for me, it's a better life.
Is it really? Even though you needed me to save you? I'm grateful for that.
Are you? Then show me.
Show me, Nick.
You may become one of them someday, but right now, right now, I know exactly what you are.
NATALIE: Nick? Oh.
I'm sorry.
I thought you'd be asleep.
I'll-- I'll just, I'll just go and-- Nat.
This is Jeanette.
We're just old friends.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Natalie.
Nick has spoken of you often.
We'll have to get together to talk.
[ .]

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