Found (2023) s02e10 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 10
You know if I could
turn the clock back
a year to the time right
before my dad died,
I'd do it all differently.
Gabrielle, it's time.
I've done everything
possible to fix your M&A family.
You can leave them now and
take your rightful place with me.
Shoot the bastard.
No. No! No, Gabi.
I'm here. I'm here.
- You OK?
- I'm fine.
What the hell just happened?
Sir was fighting someone off.
If it wasn't us, he wasn't alone.
I don't think he left
on his own accord.
If I didn't have my ankle carry on me,
you'd be burying an officer tomorrow.
But now he has your firearm.
Unfortunately, Sir.
- I'm fine, Zeke.
- A little shaken, but I'm OK.
What about Dhan?
Zeke, I need to call you back.
Sorry to interrupt,
but can you send police
- protection to the hospital?
- Is Dhan
He's alive.
He made it through surgery,
but he hasn't woken up yet.
- And
- He's vulnerable.
My whole team is.
I'd go myself, but it's
better that I don't.
I'll send a couple of officers.
Thank you.
I'll take you home.
Trent, I'm fine.
Gabi, there is a
madman out there whose
only mission is to get to you.
When isn't there one?
I'll wait for you outside.
You were right.
Gabi Mosely stopped Lacey
Quinn from killing Hugh Evans.
She talked to him in that phone booth
two times that we know about.
And just days ago, she's locked
in a school gymnasium with him.
And yet again, he gets
away, she's unscathed,
and there's no call
to the DCPD for help.
At best, she's a kidnapper,
enjoying this dance with him.
At worst, she's working with him.
With all due respect
I'm issuing that arrest warrant.
You said her confession wasn't enough.
The situation has changed.
Hugh Evans has your gun.
Do you know what kind
of damage that can do?
Gabi Mosely's linked to him.
We get her in jail,
we get him in jail.
You have no evidence.
Then it's a good thing we're filing
for a search warrant too.
I warned you.
Once you're on this train,
there's no stopping it.
You set this in motion.
She's got 24 hours.
I am so, so sorry that Sir
violated your house that way.
As soon as I know for
sure that Dhan is OK,
I am putting all my energy
into finding Sir and Christian.
He has to be the accomplice.
I will not rest until both
of their asses are locked up.
I won't either.
[SIGHS] I know the
fact that you can't go
see Dhan must be killing you.
I can't go there, Trent.
I can't.
I know.
I know.
Look, you can lean on me, Gabi.
I can't afford to
fall apart right now.
What is it?
Mallory is executing a search
warrant for your house.
You're gonna be arrested.
I'm sorry, Gabi.
I I was so hurt when
you first confessed.
I I put into motion something
that I cannot take back.
Believe me, I have tried.
You should run.
I can't.
You would never forgive
yourself for letting me in.
I will never forgive
myself for all of it.
I have to pay for my crimes.
How much time do I have?
24 hours.
Maybe less.
Hey, Gabi.
I'm on my way down.
I'm coming.
24 hours, Gabi.
Make it count.
Hey, what are you doing?
Doc said surgery was a success.
Gunshot missed all major organs.
Can't keep a good man down.
[SIGHS] Hopefully they'll
discharge me in a day or two.
I'm bored.
I should go.
No need.
I, uh, actually asked
Dhan to call you.
There's a potential case.
May I speak with you for a minute?
Listen, Sir broke into
Trent's house this morning.
He almost got Trent and me.
We both know if Dhan
finds out, there's
no way to keep him here.
Please keep him away from the news.
And don't tell him.
I am sorry about the hell that Sir
continues to put you through.
But let me worry about Dhan.
About this case, it involves
a missing college teen.
A friend of mine is a retired
professor from Rennan College,
where, uh, this happened.
- All right, shh, shh.
- Keep it down.
Keep it down.
Oh, my god.
- Is that a guy?
Are you seriously gay?
The young man being
humiliated in this video
is Jarad Price.
He hasn't been seen since he
was picked up during a hazing
ritual eight hours ago.
All the other pledges have
returned to class except
for Jarad, who is now missing.
I'm sorry.
Are are we not going
to talk about what
just happened with Sir?
I mean, I know that
this case is important,
but it is Hell Week on campus, right?
And it's only been eight hours.
He could just be sleeping it off.
DCPD is on an all-out manhunt for Sir,
and Zeke is on the trail
of new RV purchases.
There is nothing more right
now we can do about Sir.
There's something more
that you're not saying.
Please, let's do what we
do best and find Jarad.
We could be looking at a hate crime.
Ethan has never asked me for much.
I owe him this.
His phone is off.
He hasn't returned to his dorm room,
and his roommate
hasn't heard from him.
I believe that Jarad
was officially outed.
Look at his expression.
His facial reactions point
to humiliation and shock.
Based on the kid's socials,
he grew up in a conservative
working-class family
about an hour outside D.C.
There are dozens like this.
He seems legitimately
close to his parents.
And that's his older brother, Jacob.
He was killed by a drag
racer six years ago.
We also know that Jarad is
on an academic scholarship
at Rennan College.
He majors in architecture.
Rennan is a very prestigious school.
A lot of its graduates
move on to become senators,
high-powered lawyers.
The college doesn't
have much on its website
or its socials.
"Hello, I'm University
President Gregory Benoit.
"Our number one priority is
creating a safe environment
"where young people are
free to grow into tomorrow's
world leaders."
Why does it sound like
something out of a
"Skulls" movie?
We'll know more when
we get on that campus.
Lacey with me.
Zeke, if there are any skeletons
in this college's closet
I'll find them.
I'll try to track down the
parents and bring them in.
That won't be necessary.
It looks like they are
pulling up outside.
I know Jarad's professor
said to come here,
but shouldn't we call the police?
Honey, it's Hell Week.
There's probably
nothing to worry about.
Jarad is our whole world.
Him going to that school
is a dream come true.
It's it's life-changing.
How did he handle the transition?
Did he make friends easily?
Was he seeing someone?
No, um, Jarad was very
focused on school,
just like his
We're sorry about the loss
of your older son, Jacob.
Thank you.
I I noticed that Jacob
was into architecture,
just like Jarad.
My boys were very close.
Jarad kept us going after Jacob.
In many ways, he was our rock.
I think that's part of why he didn't
want to go far for school.
Sounds like a lot of pressure.
Well, we didn't pressure him.
Everything he's done is
because he wanted it.
It's such a nightmare.
[SOBBING] First Jacob and now Jarad.
Don't go there.
Give us a chance to find your son.
We have a limited amount of time,
and this family can't
lose another child.
- Zeke?
- The last place Jarad's phone pinged
was at the frat he was pledging.
Lacey, any luck reaching
the university president?
No, his assistant must have
a PhD in blocking access.
That must come in handy
when your boss is up to
anything shady.
Margaret and I will
swing by the frat house.
Lacey, head over to the dorms,
talk to Jarad's roommate,
see what he knows.
Zeke, I need you to
Um did you all just
get this invitation?
Oh, god, it's, um
it's from my mom.
[CHUCKLES] Gina's throwing
us an anniversary party?
I told her not to say
anything with everything
that's going on.
But she insisted these
moments are worth celebrating.
She's not wrong.
- But for now, let's focus on Jarad.
- I'll go get the car.
And I'll keep digging
for those skeletons.
You OK?
What are my chances of making
bail once I'm arrested?
They're closing in, aren't they?
In 24 hours, I will be arrested.
You're a flight risk, Gabi.
You won't make bail.
Oh, when my counselor
said I had enough credits
to graduate early and
enroll mid-year at Tulane,
I almost couldn't believe it.
You excited about
starting your new life
or leaving your old one behind?
Sweetie, you've only got one dad.
Don't you want to make things
right with him before you go?
- What do you think, Bella?
College Barbie chic?
Even though I'm going to college,
we're still best
friends, still sisters.
We'll visit. We'll talk on the
my bad.
We will talk when you're ready.
But until then, I was
saving this for later.
But now is as good a time as any.
Even if we can't see
each other every day,
we'll still be in each other's hearts.
We haven't seen the dude.
We know the last place
the phone was traced
is this location.
Here you go.
We take all the pledges'
phones during Hell Week.
It's ritual.
Jarad left before we could
give his back last night.
It's no biggie.
What else happened to Jarad when he
was snatched from his bedroom?
And don't try to lie.
We saw the video.
That's confidential information.
Smith, shut the hell up.
Just let me apologize on
behalf of my brother here.
I'm president of Tau Psi Alpha.
And truthfully, there wasn't supposed
to be any stupid roundup
rituals this year.
Some brothers made poor choices.
Yeah, well, traditions matter.
So did you pledge some
people at the party
you had last night?
How'd you know?
The trash cans outside are
full, pizza boxes on top,
beer cans hidden underneath, right?
And one of your guests left
their earring on the couch.
Yeah, we had the initiation
party last night.
We had some girls over to celebrate,
and Jarad left with one of them.
He's probably still with her.
So Jarad made it into the frat?
Is that why you tried
to out him on the video?
Wanted to humiliate and
shame him out of the frat
he just got into?
I was just messing around.
It's giving homophobe.
Lady, get over yourself.
Yeah, I recorded the video,
but posting it online
would ruin the brotherhood.
I may not be a big Jarad fan, but I'm
ten toes down for Tau Psi.
He's telling the truth.
Look, our frat isn't homophobic,
but we are traditional.
If Jarad is gay, this probably
isn't the place for him.
- Ooh!
You won't get away with this.
The dog has returned.
One more word out of
your mouths and I'll
make sure this house is condemned
and torn down before you
can so much as blink.
You led me on.
I hate you.
All right, show's over.
Everybody inside now.
Come with me, sweetie.
Come on.
Were you at the party last night?
Uh, yeah, I had a few drinks.
Brian started flirting with me.
And I don't know he's cool,
and that never happens to me.
So I agreed to sleep with him.
But as soon as I said it, he
started high-fiving his friends
and exchanging money with his bros.
It was all a bet.
To see who could
sleep with the biggest
loser, which I guess I am.
You're beautiful and
a fighter clearly.
Do not let some man child
determine your worth.
Did you happen to see him
at the party last night?
Yeah, but I didn't talk to him.
He looked really angry, like he'd
been fighting with someone.
He was in love.
You know, I mean, I
never really met them,
but there was definitely
someone special, so
When's the last time you saw Jarad?
A couple of days ago, maybe?
Can you be more specific?
I'm sorry. Yeah, I I'm sorry.
You know, it's just with all
my classes, my work study job,
and my labs, I've
been stressed as hell.
And now my freaking car is missing,
which happens every Hell
Week, and I'm kind of over it.
But yeah, no,
I just sort of won the
roommate lottery with Jarad.
He's amazing. So that's a positive.
Uh, do you need water?
- No way.
- No way.
Gabi Mosely?
Uh uh, you are a goddess.
Sorry, can I get a selfie?
Just seriously, like, you're my hero.
While details are scarce, the D.C. PD
has officially named Christian
Evans a person of interest.
Coming up next, traffic
with Xavier Tee.
Search warrant and arrest
warrant for Gabi Mosely.
I assumed you wanted to be
the one to bring her in.
Yeah, uh, you're right.
It should be me.
Are you gonna be able to see
this arrest through, Detective?
There is a missing college kid.
Are we supposed to just
leave him in the wind
because we're arresting Gabi?
Serve and protect, right?
That's what I'm doing.
Me and Jarad have sort of
been like ships passing
in the night recently, you know,
with his, uh, frat
schedule and me practically
living at the library.
But this must be serious
if, uh, Ms. Mosely is here.
Campus security.
You got people from Mosely
and Associates in there?
There's been a complaint on campus.
- Who?
- Uh, no.
No, no, no, no.
Um, just just me.
But I was actually planning
on going to the library
to study for my calc midterm.
And if there's like
like, weird people running around,
I don't know if I feel
safe walking alone.
So would you mind, um, escorting me?
Fine, but hurry up.
Thank you.
I think I found Jarad's journal.
"I don't know how long
I can go on like this.
I want to end it all."
Jarad was suicidal?
Reading someone's journal
is a violation, Margaret.
I understand your hesitation.
I do, but we're trying
to save Jarad's life.
And these suicidal thoughts
were written before the frat
outed him in that video.
Meaning Jarad was already
struggling with his mental health.
Look, it was only a few days ago
that I was on that beach feeling
like there was only
one way to end my pain.
You know this.
It is so easy to mask how you really
feel to people, especially
parents who think you're
perfect and happy and who may
have unknowingly pressured you
into becoming the
son that they lost as
opposed to who you really are.
I mean, his room is
full of of psychology
books, not architecture.
I mean, he he can't even
be honest about his major,
for Christ's sake.
Will you please help Jarad
the way that you helped me?
Thank you.
So how are you holding up?
Jarad is only a few years older than I
was when I got kidnapped.
I know I have less than 24 hours,
and I know I should be
focused on Sir, but
Jarad's parents
already lost one child.
You can't let them lose another.
If returning Jarad to his
family is the last thing I do,
it will be enough for me.
OK, thanks.
I'll relay.
That was Zeke.
There was a class-action
lawsuit against the university
alleging they failed
to uphold their duty
to protect their students.
It was settled out
of court and sealed,
but the student plaintiffs
aren't students there anymore.
Actually, that tracks with the dozen
911 calls we found
on campus for welfare
checks on suicidal
students just in this last
semester alone.
Also, assaults which got
reported but never prosecuted
because students declined to cooperate
after the initial outcry.
What the hell is going
on at that school?
Get this over to Zeke's.
It's Jarad's.
We need to get in it.
Oh, yeah.
He, uh, wants to talk to you.
He's big mad.
Why didn't you tell me about Sir?
I asked you not to tell him.
Well, that's the difference
between you and me, Gabi.
I don't keep secrets from
the people that I love.
We've gotta find Sir.
He's getting more brazen, Gabi.
We're on it, Dhan.
So I need you to lay
your ass back down so I
can get back to finding Jarad.
You need to rest, babe.
So Ethan was able to
give us some insights
into Jarad's journal entries.
It seems like some of them were
written about another person.
They don't read like self-entries.
They seem more like the bumbling
documentation of someone who's trying
to learn to be a psychologist.
Also, it doesn't seem like
Jarad wrote the suicidal note.
So who wrote it then?
That's what we need to find out.
I can't be here.
Sir is on the loose.
You need to focus on recovering.
M&A is my recovery.
Solving cases is my healing.
I know that.
I'll talk to him.
[SIGHS] I love him.
But this is who I am.
So what time is the press conference?
Soon, but it's not gonna quite
be what you think it will be.
I don't want to risk outing
Jarad on a national scale,
so I'm gonna put a little
Gabi Mosely spin on it.
I love it already.
Uh, if you agree to stay
put, I'll share my plan.
All right.
Hey, um, excuse me.
Um, where did you get your shirt?
From a friend.
Jarad Price?
How'd you know?
- We're actually
- we're looking for him.
I was just with him last night.
He walked me home from the party.
So you're the person
he left the party with?
It wasn't like a hook-up or anything.
Jarad was helping me.
He's been giving me a lot of advice.
There's nothing to be
ashamed of, sweetie.
I'm I'm Margaret.
What's your name?
My anxiety was on ten at the party.
Anyway, Jarad found me and
convinced me to get help.
And so he gave you
his shirt so that you
could cover up your arms so
other people at the party
wouldn't see?
He's the best.
I know this is personal, but did
you give him a note saying that
you couldn't go on like this?
Jarad saved my life.
I understand more than you
will ever know, Kaitlyn.
A friend of mine did the same for me.
What exactly do you
think you're doing?
This is private property.
Well, since your college has failed
to comply with numerous
reasonable requests
for information regarding
Jarad Price, I had no choice
but to make a direct
plea to the public.
Reporters are on their way.
If you want me to leave,
all you have to do
is turn over the security
footage from the frat house
the night Jarad went
missing or I will turn
this press conference into the biggest
circus you have ever seen.
So, Jarad and Brian had a fight.
The timestamp makes it
after the viral video
where Jarad was outed.
But Jarad doesn't look ashamed.
In fact, he looks pissed. Strong.
Wait, what are they even
fighting about, though?
He's saying, "I love you."
That boy is saying, "I love you."
How do you know that, Mom?
Well, I didn't know if
you'd ever speak again.
I didn't know what skills I'd need.
So I learned sign
language, lip reading.
I learned everything.
I need to add lip reading
to my list of skills.
With Gabi going away soon, we
all need to step up our game.
Can we stop acting like
this is happening tomorrow?
Oh, my god.
It it is happening
tomorrow, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Son of a
Trent is not to blame. I am.
Only me.
I still have a little time left,
and I would like to spend it
finding Jarad and reuniting
him with his family.
Trent, we need to talk to Brian.
He was in love with Jarad.
How far would he go
to keep that a secret?
What is wrong with you people?
You all are sitting
around here sulking
while your friend, your
sister, your family
is headed to prison?
Gabi kept a secret
from you, a bad one.
That does not mean you give up on her.
You protect her at all costs, damn it,
the way she has always protected
each and every one of you.
We've tried, but this is what Gabi
keeps telling us she wants.
Enough is enough.
Fight for her!
Because I promise you, that's
exactly what Sir plans to do.
I thought your wounds were healed.
Why do you need sedative painkillers?
Look, I'll mind my own business.
I just need one thing
to ensure my silence.
I need you to help me disappear.
I've lost everything because of you.
The clinic where I worked fired me.
The manhunt for you
brought too much negative
attention and suspicion.
And now my face is plastered
all across the news.
I have nothing left.
You owe me.
Help me.
I can help only Gabrielle and myself.
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
You're going after Gabi again.
The poison inside you ♪
I won't let you.
The poison inside you ♪
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
All the things that you do ♪
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
Look, I told you, I
don't know anything.
It's just the two of us.
No frat brothers around.
No need to hide or cover.
I need you to tell
me the truth, Brian.
Were you and Jarad in a
romantic relationship?
I know it was you who ran from
Jarad's room on the video.
You must think I'm a coward.
I think you're human.
I told Jarad to wipe
his phone so there
wouldn't be any evidence
of us when the frat
took the pledges' phones.
Then after the initiation
party, we got into an argument.
I didn't know Smith was picking
up Jarad for his final rites
that night.
That's why I was with him in his dorm.
And I panicked and ran out when
Smith and the guys busted in.
I'm sorry I didn't
say anything sooner.
I you know, I honestly thought
he was just off somewhere mad
at me and that he'd cool off.
I knew it.
That's why you didn't tell
Brian the time of Jarad's
initiation abduction.
You suspected something was going on
between Brian and
Jarad, and you wanted
to bust them both, shame them.
There's no room in my frat
for a perverted deviant like him.
He assaulted me.
You saw it.
I'm not a cop.
I didn't see a damn thing.
Well, I hope to have
some news for you soon.
No, no.
Call as much as you want.
Jarad's parents keep
calling every half hour.
Mm. I know what they're going through.
I'm sorry, baby.
I shouldn't have gone off about Gabi.
It was not my place.
It was absolutely your place.
It was the kick in the ass we needed.
But, Mom, I
I've really looked at every
possible legal loophole,
and there are none.
I don't know how to protect Gabi.
I don't know how to protect her.
What is it, baby?
What's the matter?
Bella, what is going on?
Well, I think I know what's going on.
You're worried about Gabi leaving.
Come here.
[SIGHS] Baby, it isn't
dangerous for Gabi
to want to leave and
start something new.
We have to support her.
She has given us so much of herself.
And now, she's expanding her life.
Maybe that's something we
should think about doing, too.
Were you able to
de-encrypt Jarad's phone?
I can do you one better.
I just got into his messaging apps.
Guess who posted the
video of Jarad online.
It was Jarad himself.
Why would he do that?
To get his power back.
No longer have to be the perfect son
in place of his brother,
to not have to be
the perfect frat guy,
to finally just be him.
I am so pissed at you
for leaving the hospital.
I can't protect you from there.
I need to be right here, by your side.
So that was Kaitlyn
hey um, the girl that
Jarad helped at the party.
She didn't remember until she
just looked at her phone just now.
But Jarad apparently made a
phone call from Kaitlyn's phone
to 703-555-0166.
She remembered something
about borrowing a car.
That number sounds familiar.
It's Jarad's roommate's cell phone.
Why didn't Rob mention this?
Lacey, will you will you
pull up the photos you took
in in Jarad's dorm room?
Because he was too sleep
deprived to remember.
That would explain why Rob
thought his car was missing.
Jarad had it.
Jarad and his parents are close.
What if he wanted to tell
his parents what happened
before they saw the video?
Protect them from anymore hurt.
- He couldn't call then.
- The frat had his phone.
So he took Rob's car to go tell them,
but clearly, he never made it there.
Zeke, look up police dispatches
on calls about abandoned
cars or accidents
on the route between campus
and Jarad's parents' house.
Already on it.
I already checked all the
hospitals, both near campus
and his parents.
He hadn't been admitted.
I got something.
There was a report of a
damaged, abandoned car
along Lincoln Road.
Jarad hit an animal, like a
like a large deer or something.
We need to find Jarad.
Jarad? Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
Over here!
Over here.
Jarad, honey?
Oh, Jarad.
Jarad, help is here.
We need a medic over here now!
Tell my parents.
I'm sorry I made you worry.
You need to stop worrying
about us so much, honey.
- We saw the video.
- No, it's
There's nothing to explain, son.
We've always known.
We just wanted you to
decide for yourself
when you were ready
to talk to us about this.
It's just after Jacob, I just
I didn't want to rock the boat.
We love you unconditionally,
just like your brother did.
There's nothing that you
could say or do that could
make us love you less.
I don't know how to
tell you this, but
I'm a psychology major.
Like, I I truly hate architecture.
Sorry to interrupt.
Someone else wanted to say hi.
Taller than the trees ♪
I know you see ♪
Oh, I know you still see ♪
We can grow taller than a tree ♪
Woo, ooh ♪
Mom, Dad, this is Brian, my boyfriend.
Come here.
And we'll make sure to be careful ♪
And I'll fall apart ♪
When I look back ♪
Thanks for finding Jarad.
I'm just grateful my last
case had a happy ending.
We got through all of that ♪
And we'll be just fine ♪
Gabi, wait.
I still don't approve of your methods,
but there's no arguing
with the results.
And with the sense of purpose
that you've given Dhan
I know you see ♪
you can't go to jail.
He needs you.
I know you still see ♪
We can grow taller than a tree ♪
[TOGETHER] Welcome home.
Happy second anniversary, M&A.
Guys, I don't know what to say.
Just thank you.
I love you all so much.
When is the DCPD bringing you in?
I don't know.
A few hours.
OK, it's time to move.
Gabi, I'll be parked across
the street keeping watch.
You guys really don't have to do this.
I'll get Zeke on the line and we'll
erase everything on your hard drives
beyond the encryption key recovery.
That way, nothing can be restored.
DCPD can arrest you,
but without evidence,
they can't hold you.
Dhan did a good job, but there's still
a few loose ends to tie up.
After everything I did,
why are you helping me?
My MargaretVision is back.
I noticed at the frat house.
Initially, um, I felt betrayed by you.
But, um, after what
happened at the beach
and, um, after my time with Taylor,
I realized that I was projecting
my feelings about myself and
my my failures onto you.
So was I hurt?
Did you deserve
everything I threw at you?
I mean, I don't condone your actions.
But that doesn't change
the fact that we're family.
And we're gonna fix this together.
Hey, Shaker, what's up?
The RV?
Yeah, anyone inside?
Yeah, I'm on my way.
I asked Dhan and Margaret
for some alone time.
They're on watch in Dhan's car.
You know if I could
turn the clock back
a year to the time right
before my dad died,
I'd do it all differently.
I'd talk to my dad about his drinking.
I'd lean on my M&A village.
When he passed away,
I'd gotten the help that
I needed because I didn't.
All of you are paying the price.
You're forgiven, Gabi.
And what matters is
you're leaning on us now.
And we got you.
Do you remember when you gave me this?
You don't have to keep watch.
You're never going to lose me.
Here it comes again ♪
Here it comes again ♪
Here it comes again ♪
The rain's gonna wash you clean ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Take your memories ♪
Wash away your dreams ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Take you down once again ♪
The rain's gonna wash you clean ♪
You know if I could
turn the clock back
a year to the time right
before my dad died,
I'd do it all differently.
Gabrielle, it's time.
I've done everything
possible to fix your M&A family.
You can leave them now and
take your rightful place with me.
Shoot the bastard.
No. No! No, Gabi.
I'm here. I'm here.
- You OK?
- I'm fine.
What the hell just happened?
Sir was fighting someone off.
If it wasn't us, he wasn't alone.
I don't think he left
on his own accord.
If I didn't have my ankle carry on me,
you'd be burying an officer tomorrow.
But now he has your firearm.
Unfortunately, Sir.
- I'm fine, Zeke.
- A little shaken, but I'm OK.
What about Dhan?
Zeke, I need to call you back.
Sorry to interrupt,
but can you send police
- protection to the hospital?
- Is Dhan
He's alive.
He made it through surgery,
but he hasn't woken up yet.
- And
- He's vulnerable.
My whole team is.
I'd go myself, but it's
better that I don't.
I'll send a couple of officers.
Thank you.
I'll take you home.
Trent, I'm fine.
Gabi, there is a
madman out there whose
only mission is to get to you.
When isn't there one?
I'll wait for you outside.
You were right.
Gabi Mosely stopped Lacey
Quinn from killing Hugh Evans.
She talked to him in that phone booth
two times that we know about.
And just days ago, she's locked
in a school gymnasium with him.
And yet again, he gets
away, she's unscathed,
and there's no call
to the DCPD for help.
At best, she's a kidnapper,
enjoying this dance with him.
At worst, she's working with him.
With all due respect
I'm issuing that arrest warrant.
You said her confession wasn't enough.
The situation has changed.
Hugh Evans has your gun.
Do you know what kind
of damage that can do?
Gabi Mosely's linked to him.
We get her in jail,
we get him in jail.
You have no evidence.
Then it's a good thing we're filing
for a search warrant too.
I warned you.
Once you're on this train,
there's no stopping it.
You set this in motion.
She's got 24 hours.
I am so, so sorry that Sir
violated your house that way.
As soon as I know for
sure that Dhan is OK,
I am putting all my energy
into finding Sir and Christian.
He has to be the accomplice.
I will not rest until both
of their asses are locked up.
I won't either.
[SIGHS] I know the
fact that you can't go
see Dhan must be killing you.
I can't go there, Trent.
I can't.
I know.
I know.
Look, you can lean on me, Gabi.
I can't afford to
fall apart right now.
What is it?
Mallory is executing a search
warrant for your house.
You're gonna be arrested.
I'm sorry, Gabi.
I I was so hurt when
you first confessed.
I I put into motion something
that I cannot take back.
Believe me, I have tried.
You should run.
I can't.
You would never forgive
yourself for letting me in.
I will never forgive
myself for all of it.
I have to pay for my crimes.
How much time do I have?
24 hours.
Maybe less.
Hey, Gabi.
I'm on my way down.
I'm coming.
24 hours, Gabi.
Make it count.
Hey, what are you doing?
Doc said surgery was a success.
Gunshot missed all major organs.
Can't keep a good man down.
[SIGHS] Hopefully they'll
discharge me in a day or two.
I'm bored.
I should go.
No need.
I, uh, actually asked
Dhan to call you.
There's a potential case.
May I speak with you for a minute?
Listen, Sir broke into
Trent's house this morning.
He almost got Trent and me.
We both know if Dhan
finds out, there's
no way to keep him here.
Please keep him away from the news.
And don't tell him.
I am sorry about the hell that Sir
continues to put you through.
But let me worry about Dhan.
About this case, it involves
a missing college teen.
A friend of mine is a retired
professor from Rennan College,
where, uh, this happened.
- All right, shh, shh.
- Keep it down.
Keep it down.
Oh, my god.
- Is that a guy?
Are you seriously gay?
The young man being
humiliated in this video
is Jarad Price.
He hasn't been seen since he
was picked up during a hazing
ritual eight hours ago.
All the other pledges have
returned to class except
for Jarad, who is now missing.
I'm sorry.
Are are we not going
to talk about what
just happened with Sir?
I mean, I know that
this case is important,
but it is Hell Week on campus, right?
And it's only been eight hours.
He could just be sleeping it off.
DCPD is on an all-out manhunt for Sir,
and Zeke is on the trail
of new RV purchases.
There is nothing more right
now we can do about Sir.
There's something more
that you're not saying.
Please, let's do what we
do best and find Jarad.
We could be looking at a hate crime.
Ethan has never asked me for much.
I owe him this.
His phone is off.
He hasn't returned to his dorm room,
and his roommate
hasn't heard from him.
I believe that Jarad
was officially outed.
Look at his expression.
His facial reactions point
to humiliation and shock.
Based on the kid's socials,
he grew up in a conservative
working-class family
about an hour outside D.C.
There are dozens like this.
He seems legitimately
close to his parents.
And that's his older brother, Jacob.
He was killed by a drag
racer six years ago.
We also know that Jarad is
on an academic scholarship
at Rennan College.
He majors in architecture.
Rennan is a very prestigious school.
A lot of its graduates
move on to become senators,
high-powered lawyers.
The college doesn't
have much on its website
or its socials.
"Hello, I'm University
President Gregory Benoit.
"Our number one priority is
creating a safe environment
"where young people are
free to grow into tomorrow's
world leaders."
Why does it sound like
something out of a
"Skulls" movie?
We'll know more when
we get on that campus.
Lacey with me.
Zeke, if there are any skeletons
in this college's closet
I'll find them.
I'll try to track down the
parents and bring them in.
That won't be necessary.
It looks like they are
pulling up outside.
I know Jarad's professor
said to come here,
but shouldn't we call the police?
Honey, it's Hell Week.
There's probably
nothing to worry about.
Jarad is our whole world.
Him going to that school
is a dream come true.
It's it's life-changing.
How did he handle the transition?
Did he make friends easily?
Was he seeing someone?
No, um, Jarad was very
focused on school,
just like his
We're sorry about the loss
of your older son, Jacob.
Thank you.
I I noticed that Jacob
was into architecture,
just like Jarad.
My boys were very close.
Jarad kept us going after Jacob.
In many ways, he was our rock.
I think that's part of why he didn't
want to go far for school.
Sounds like a lot of pressure.
Well, we didn't pressure him.
Everything he's done is
because he wanted it.
It's such a nightmare.
[SOBBING] First Jacob and now Jarad.
Don't go there.
Give us a chance to find your son.
We have a limited amount of time,
and this family can't
lose another child.
- Zeke?
- The last place Jarad's phone pinged
was at the frat he was pledging.
Lacey, any luck reaching
the university president?
No, his assistant must have
a PhD in blocking access.
That must come in handy
when your boss is up to
anything shady.
Margaret and I will
swing by the frat house.
Lacey, head over to the dorms,
talk to Jarad's roommate,
see what he knows.
Zeke, I need you to
Um did you all just
get this invitation?
Oh, god, it's, um
it's from my mom.
[CHUCKLES] Gina's throwing
us an anniversary party?
I told her not to say
anything with everything
that's going on.
But she insisted these
moments are worth celebrating.
She's not wrong.
- But for now, let's focus on Jarad.
- I'll go get the car.
And I'll keep digging
for those skeletons.
You OK?
What are my chances of making
bail once I'm arrested?
They're closing in, aren't they?
In 24 hours, I will be arrested.
You're a flight risk, Gabi.
You won't make bail.
Oh, when my counselor
said I had enough credits
to graduate early and
enroll mid-year at Tulane,
I almost couldn't believe it.
You excited about
starting your new life
or leaving your old one behind?
Sweetie, you've only got one dad.
Don't you want to make things
right with him before you go?
- What do you think, Bella?
College Barbie chic?
Even though I'm going to college,
we're still best
friends, still sisters.
We'll visit. We'll talk on the
my bad.
We will talk when you're ready.
But until then, I was
saving this for later.
But now is as good a time as any.
Even if we can't see
each other every day,
we'll still be in each other's hearts.
We haven't seen the dude.
We know the last place
the phone was traced
is this location.
Here you go.
We take all the pledges'
phones during Hell Week.
It's ritual.
Jarad left before we could
give his back last night.
It's no biggie.
What else happened to Jarad when he
was snatched from his bedroom?
And don't try to lie.
We saw the video.
That's confidential information.
Smith, shut the hell up.
Just let me apologize on
behalf of my brother here.
I'm president of Tau Psi Alpha.
And truthfully, there wasn't supposed
to be any stupid roundup
rituals this year.
Some brothers made poor choices.
Yeah, well, traditions matter.
So did you pledge some
people at the party
you had last night?
How'd you know?
The trash cans outside are
full, pizza boxes on top,
beer cans hidden underneath, right?
And one of your guests left
their earring on the couch.
Yeah, we had the initiation
party last night.
We had some girls over to celebrate,
and Jarad left with one of them.
He's probably still with her.
So Jarad made it into the frat?
Is that why you tried
to out him on the video?
Wanted to humiliate and
shame him out of the frat
he just got into?
I was just messing around.
It's giving homophobe.
Lady, get over yourself.
Yeah, I recorded the video,
but posting it online
would ruin the brotherhood.
I may not be a big Jarad fan, but I'm
ten toes down for Tau Psi.
He's telling the truth.
Look, our frat isn't homophobic,
but we are traditional.
If Jarad is gay, this probably
isn't the place for him.
- Ooh!
You won't get away with this.
The dog has returned.
One more word out of
your mouths and I'll
make sure this house is condemned
and torn down before you
can so much as blink.
You led me on.
I hate you.
All right, show's over.
Everybody inside now.
Come with me, sweetie.
Come on.
Were you at the party last night?
Uh, yeah, I had a few drinks.
Brian started flirting with me.
And I don't know he's cool,
and that never happens to me.
So I agreed to sleep with him.
But as soon as I said it, he
started high-fiving his friends
and exchanging money with his bros.
It was all a bet.
To see who could
sleep with the biggest
loser, which I guess I am.
You're beautiful and
a fighter clearly.
Do not let some man child
determine your worth.
Did you happen to see him
at the party last night?
Yeah, but I didn't talk to him.
He looked really angry, like he'd
been fighting with someone.
He was in love.
You know, I mean, I
never really met them,
but there was definitely
someone special, so
When's the last time you saw Jarad?
A couple of days ago, maybe?
Can you be more specific?
I'm sorry. Yeah, I I'm sorry.
You know, it's just with all
my classes, my work study job,
and my labs, I've
been stressed as hell.
And now my freaking car is missing,
which happens every Hell
Week, and I'm kind of over it.
But yeah, no,
I just sort of won the
roommate lottery with Jarad.
He's amazing. So that's a positive.
Uh, do you need water?
- No way.
- No way.
Gabi Mosely?
Uh uh, you are a goddess.
Sorry, can I get a selfie?
Just seriously, like, you're my hero.
While details are scarce, the D.C. PD
has officially named Christian
Evans a person of interest.
Coming up next, traffic
with Xavier Tee.
Search warrant and arrest
warrant for Gabi Mosely.
I assumed you wanted to be
the one to bring her in.
Yeah, uh, you're right.
It should be me.
Are you gonna be able to see
this arrest through, Detective?
There is a missing college kid.
Are we supposed to just
leave him in the wind
because we're arresting Gabi?
Serve and protect, right?
That's what I'm doing.
Me and Jarad have sort of
been like ships passing
in the night recently, you know,
with his, uh, frat
schedule and me practically
living at the library.
But this must be serious
if, uh, Ms. Mosely is here.
Campus security.
You got people from Mosely
and Associates in there?
There's been a complaint on campus.
- Who?
- Uh, no.
No, no, no, no.
Um, just just me.
But I was actually planning
on going to the library
to study for my calc midterm.
And if there's like
like, weird people running around,
I don't know if I feel
safe walking alone.
So would you mind, um, escorting me?
Fine, but hurry up.
Thank you.
I think I found Jarad's journal.
"I don't know how long
I can go on like this.
I want to end it all."
Jarad was suicidal?
Reading someone's journal
is a violation, Margaret.
I understand your hesitation.
I do, but we're trying
to save Jarad's life.
And these suicidal thoughts
were written before the frat
outed him in that video.
Meaning Jarad was already
struggling with his mental health.
Look, it was only a few days ago
that I was on that beach feeling
like there was only
one way to end my pain.
You know this.
It is so easy to mask how you really
feel to people, especially
parents who think you're
perfect and happy and who may
have unknowingly pressured you
into becoming the
son that they lost as
opposed to who you really are.
I mean, his room is
full of of psychology
books, not architecture.
I mean, he he can't even
be honest about his major,
for Christ's sake.
Will you please help Jarad
the way that you helped me?
Thank you.
So how are you holding up?
Jarad is only a few years older than I
was when I got kidnapped.
I know I have less than 24 hours,
and I know I should be
focused on Sir, but
Jarad's parents
already lost one child.
You can't let them lose another.
If returning Jarad to his
family is the last thing I do,
it will be enough for me.
OK, thanks.
I'll relay.
That was Zeke.
There was a class-action
lawsuit against the university
alleging they failed
to uphold their duty
to protect their students.
It was settled out
of court and sealed,
but the student plaintiffs
aren't students there anymore.
Actually, that tracks with the dozen
911 calls we found
on campus for welfare
checks on suicidal
students just in this last
semester alone.
Also, assaults which got
reported but never prosecuted
because students declined to cooperate
after the initial outcry.
What the hell is going
on at that school?
Get this over to Zeke's.
It's Jarad's.
We need to get in it.
Oh, yeah.
He, uh, wants to talk to you.
He's big mad.
Why didn't you tell me about Sir?
I asked you not to tell him.
Well, that's the difference
between you and me, Gabi.
I don't keep secrets from
the people that I love.
We've gotta find Sir.
He's getting more brazen, Gabi.
We're on it, Dhan.
So I need you to lay
your ass back down so I
can get back to finding Jarad.
You need to rest, babe.
So Ethan was able to
give us some insights
into Jarad's journal entries.
It seems like some of them were
written about another person.
They don't read like self-entries.
They seem more like the bumbling
documentation of someone who's trying
to learn to be a psychologist.
Also, it doesn't seem like
Jarad wrote the suicidal note.
So who wrote it then?
That's what we need to find out.
I can't be here.
Sir is on the loose.
You need to focus on recovering.
M&A is my recovery.
Solving cases is my healing.
I know that.
I'll talk to him.
[SIGHS] I love him.
But this is who I am.
So what time is the press conference?
Soon, but it's not gonna quite
be what you think it will be.
I don't want to risk outing
Jarad on a national scale,
so I'm gonna put a little
Gabi Mosely spin on it.
I love it already.
Uh, if you agree to stay
put, I'll share my plan.
All right.
Hey, um, excuse me.
Um, where did you get your shirt?
From a friend.
Jarad Price?
How'd you know?
- We're actually
- we're looking for him.
I was just with him last night.
He walked me home from the party.
So you're the person
he left the party with?
It wasn't like a hook-up or anything.
Jarad was helping me.
He's been giving me a lot of advice.
There's nothing to be
ashamed of, sweetie.
I'm I'm Margaret.
What's your name?
My anxiety was on ten at the party.
Anyway, Jarad found me and
convinced me to get help.
And so he gave you
his shirt so that you
could cover up your arms so
other people at the party
wouldn't see?
He's the best.
I know this is personal, but did
you give him a note saying that
you couldn't go on like this?
Jarad saved my life.
I understand more than you
will ever know, Kaitlyn.
A friend of mine did the same for me.
What exactly do you
think you're doing?
This is private property.
Well, since your college has failed
to comply with numerous
reasonable requests
for information regarding
Jarad Price, I had no choice
but to make a direct
plea to the public.
Reporters are on their way.
If you want me to leave,
all you have to do
is turn over the security
footage from the frat house
the night Jarad went
missing or I will turn
this press conference into the biggest
circus you have ever seen.
So, Jarad and Brian had a fight.
The timestamp makes it
after the viral video
where Jarad was outed.
But Jarad doesn't look ashamed.
In fact, he looks pissed. Strong.
Wait, what are they even
fighting about, though?
He's saying, "I love you."
That boy is saying, "I love you."
How do you know that, Mom?
Well, I didn't know if
you'd ever speak again.
I didn't know what skills I'd need.
So I learned sign
language, lip reading.
I learned everything.
I need to add lip reading
to my list of skills.
With Gabi going away soon, we
all need to step up our game.
Can we stop acting like
this is happening tomorrow?
Oh, my god.
It it is happening
tomorrow, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Son of a
Trent is not to blame. I am.
Only me.
I still have a little time left,
and I would like to spend it
finding Jarad and reuniting
him with his family.
Trent, we need to talk to Brian.
He was in love with Jarad.
How far would he go
to keep that a secret?
What is wrong with you people?
You all are sitting
around here sulking
while your friend, your
sister, your family
is headed to prison?
Gabi kept a secret
from you, a bad one.
That does not mean you give up on her.
You protect her at all costs, damn it,
the way she has always protected
each and every one of you.
We've tried, but this is what Gabi
keeps telling us she wants.
Enough is enough.
Fight for her!
Because I promise you, that's
exactly what Sir plans to do.
I thought your wounds were healed.
Why do you need sedative painkillers?
Look, I'll mind my own business.
I just need one thing
to ensure my silence.
I need you to help me disappear.
I've lost everything because of you.
The clinic where I worked fired me.
The manhunt for you
brought too much negative
attention and suspicion.
And now my face is plastered
all across the news.
I have nothing left.
You owe me.
Help me.
I can help only Gabrielle and myself.
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
You're going after Gabi again.
The poison inside you ♪
I won't let you.
The poison inside you ♪
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
All the things that you do ♪
They'll come back to haunt you ♪
Look, I told you, I
don't know anything.
It's just the two of us.
No frat brothers around.
No need to hide or cover.
I need you to tell
me the truth, Brian.
Were you and Jarad in a
romantic relationship?
I know it was you who ran from
Jarad's room on the video.
You must think I'm a coward.
I think you're human.
I told Jarad to wipe
his phone so there
wouldn't be any evidence
of us when the frat
took the pledges' phones.
Then after the initiation
party, we got into an argument.
I didn't know Smith was picking
up Jarad for his final rites
that night.
That's why I was with him in his dorm.
And I panicked and ran out when
Smith and the guys busted in.
I'm sorry I didn't
say anything sooner.
I you know, I honestly thought
he was just off somewhere mad
at me and that he'd cool off.
I knew it.
That's why you didn't tell
Brian the time of Jarad's
initiation abduction.
You suspected something was going on
between Brian and
Jarad, and you wanted
to bust them both, shame them.
There's no room in my frat
for a perverted deviant like him.
He assaulted me.
You saw it.
I'm not a cop.
I didn't see a damn thing.
Well, I hope to have
some news for you soon.
No, no.
Call as much as you want.
Jarad's parents keep
calling every half hour.
Mm. I know what they're going through.
I'm sorry, baby.
I shouldn't have gone off about Gabi.
It was not my place.
It was absolutely your place.
It was the kick in the ass we needed.
But, Mom, I
I've really looked at every
possible legal loophole,
and there are none.
I don't know how to protect Gabi.
I don't know how to protect her.
What is it, baby?
What's the matter?
Bella, what is going on?
Well, I think I know what's going on.
You're worried about Gabi leaving.
Come here.
[SIGHS] Baby, it isn't
dangerous for Gabi
to want to leave and
start something new.
We have to support her.
She has given us so much of herself.
And now, she's expanding her life.
Maybe that's something we
should think about doing, too.
Were you able to
de-encrypt Jarad's phone?
I can do you one better.
I just got into his messaging apps.
Guess who posted the
video of Jarad online.
It was Jarad himself.
Why would he do that?
To get his power back.
No longer have to be the perfect son
in place of his brother,
to not have to be
the perfect frat guy,
to finally just be him.
I am so pissed at you
for leaving the hospital.
I can't protect you from there.
I need to be right here, by your side.
So that was Kaitlyn
hey um, the girl that
Jarad helped at the party.
She didn't remember until she
just looked at her phone just now.
But Jarad apparently made a
phone call from Kaitlyn's phone
to 703-555-0166.
She remembered something
about borrowing a car.
That number sounds familiar.
It's Jarad's roommate's cell phone.
Why didn't Rob mention this?
Lacey, will you will you
pull up the photos you took
in in Jarad's dorm room?
Because he was too sleep
deprived to remember.
That would explain why Rob
thought his car was missing.
Jarad had it.
Jarad and his parents are close.
What if he wanted to tell
his parents what happened
before they saw the video?
Protect them from anymore hurt.
- He couldn't call then.
- The frat had his phone.
So he took Rob's car to go tell them,
but clearly, he never made it there.
Zeke, look up police dispatches
on calls about abandoned
cars or accidents
on the route between campus
and Jarad's parents' house.
Already on it.
I already checked all the
hospitals, both near campus
and his parents.
He hadn't been admitted.
I got something.
There was a report of a
damaged, abandoned car
along Lincoln Road.
Jarad hit an animal, like a
like a large deer or something.
We need to find Jarad.
Jarad? Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
- Jarad!
Over here!
Over here.
Jarad, honey?
Oh, Jarad.
Jarad, help is here.
We need a medic over here now!
Tell my parents.
I'm sorry I made you worry.
You need to stop worrying
about us so much, honey.
- We saw the video.
- No, it's
There's nothing to explain, son.
We've always known.
We just wanted you to
decide for yourself
when you were ready
to talk to us about this.
It's just after Jacob, I just
I didn't want to rock the boat.
We love you unconditionally,
just like your brother did.
There's nothing that you
could say or do that could
make us love you less.
I don't know how to
tell you this, but
I'm a psychology major.
Like, I I truly hate architecture.
Sorry to interrupt.
Someone else wanted to say hi.
Taller than the trees ♪
I know you see ♪
Oh, I know you still see ♪
We can grow taller than a tree ♪
Woo, ooh ♪
Mom, Dad, this is Brian, my boyfriend.
Come here.
And we'll make sure to be careful ♪
And I'll fall apart ♪
When I look back ♪
Thanks for finding Jarad.
I'm just grateful my last
case had a happy ending.
We got through all of that ♪
And we'll be just fine ♪
Gabi, wait.
I still don't approve of your methods,
but there's no arguing
with the results.
And with the sense of purpose
that you've given Dhan
I know you see ♪
you can't go to jail.
He needs you.
I know you still see ♪
We can grow taller than a tree ♪
[TOGETHER] Welcome home.
Happy second anniversary, M&A.
Guys, I don't know what to say.
Just thank you.
I love you all so much.
When is the DCPD bringing you in?
I don't know.
A few hours.
OK, it's time to move.
Gabi, I'll be parked across
the street keeping watch.
You guys really don't have to do this.
I'll get Zeke on the line and we'll
erase everything on your hard drives
beyond the encryption key recovery.
That way, nothing can be restored.
DCPD can arrest you,
but without evidence,
they can't hold you.
Dhan did a good job, but there's still
a few loose ends to tie up.
After everything I did,
why are you helping me?
My MargaretVision is back.
I noticed at the frat house.
Initially, um, I felt betrayed by you.
But, um, after what
happened at the beach
and, um, after my time with Taylor,
I realized that I was projecting
my feelings about myself and
my my failures onto you.
So was I hurt?
Did you deserve
everything I threw at you?
I mean, I don't condone your actions.
But that doesn't change
the fact that we're family.
And we're gonna fix this together.
Hey, Shaker, what's up?
The RV?
Yeah, anyone inside?
Yeah, I'm on my way.
I asked Dhan and Margaret
for some alone time.
They're on watch in Dhan's car.
You know if I could
turn the clock back
a year to the time right
before my dad died,
I'd do it all differently.
I'd talk to my dad about his drinking.
I'd lean on my M&A village.
When he passed away,
I'd gotten the help that
I needed because I didn't.
All of you are paying the price.
You're forgiven, Gabi.
And what matters is
you're leaning on us now.
And we got you.
Do you remember when you gave me this?
You don't have to keep watch.
You're never going to lose me.
Here it comes again ♪
Here it comes again ♪
Here it comes again ♪
The rain's gonna wash you clean ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Take your memories ♪
Wash away your dreams ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Let the rain come down ♪
Let it wash you clean ♪
Take you down once again ♪
The rain's gonna wash you clean ♪