Frequency (2016) s01e00 Episode Script


CQ? [Static.]
CQ? Raims, are you there? - [Electricity crackling.]
- WQ2YV.
Look for Raimy Sullivan.
- Dad? - Yeah.
Yeah, hey.
- Hey, I'm here.
- How the hell did you fix it? [Chuckles.]
I don't even know what I did.
Can you hear me, though? I-I I'm having trouble hearing you.
You got him.
Robbie Womack.
You got the Nightingale.
Yeah, we got him last night.
We did it.
But man, please Tell me we cut off the trunk.
He died in prison, last year.
So we we did it.
It's done.
It's done.
- What about your mother? - Mom? What do you think? She's all over my wedding plans like a pit viper.
Ah, don't go crazy, would you? When she got on her wedding day was the courthouse ceremony and the $9.
99 ribeye.
And a stubborn jackass for a husband.
Yeah, that too.
Hey, Dad.
You got a pen? Uh, yeah.
Yeah, what's up? Write this down.
June 14th, 2011.
- Raims.
- That's the day.
Okay? - No, I told you - I don't care.
We never have to talk on this thing again.
We'll never mess with someone else's fate, our own, or anyone's we loved but on that day, you can't leave the house.
And you can't, God forbid, get into a car.
Because that is not the day you die.
Do you hear me? Tell me you'll do this.
Not for me, not for you.
I've never seen anyone miss someone the way she misses you, Dad.
You want to give Mom something back, you give her this.
Tell me you got this.
Dad, tell me you got this.
[Rumbling, electricity crackling.]
Dad? I got it kiddo.
[Joyful music.]
Synced and transcribed by kinglouisxx
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