Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (2013) s01e02 Episode Script

The Planet of Origin

1 This is Earth?! It's hovering! The situation's level of danger has climbed by 255%.
I propose a preemptive attack.
Wait, Chamber.
Tell them in words they can understand that we mean them no harm.
Do not attack.
I-It talked! We deny hostility.
Is there another one of 'em inside? We wish you to lower your weapons.
I am Ridget, the Fleet Commander's Aide.
Who are you? She's asking for your name and affiliation.
I am Ensign Ledo, pilot of the anti-Hideauze annihilation weapon, Chamber.
Ledo Annihilation weapon? What the hell is Hideauze?! Enemy.
Coexistence is impossible.
You are all fellow humans.
Join Alliance.
We request dialog.
Who is your commander? Chamber! What did you say?! In their language, I requested a dialog and told them the Alliance's purpose.
But why are they acting hostile toward us? Throw down your weapon! And whoever's inside there, get out! What's she saying? Cannot comprehend.
This machine is unmanned.
What does that mean? The Planet of Origin Amy, you're late.
The delivery was late, so I had to make up time.
So, what's up? I want to know your impression of that boy.
You talked to him too, Ridget.
Right? You're the one who's come in closest contact with him.
So what's he like? Um, let's see Normal? Well, it was like his first time here, so he was surprised and all, "What should I do?!" And it didn't seem like he intended to hurt me.
Although he did kind of touch my butt Your butt?! But I did sort of understand what the person inside the Yunboro was trying to say Why don't you try asking him directly? You gotta be kidding! What do we do if he goes wild? That's the guy who wrecked the hangar with one stroke! Pinion.
You examined that Yunboroid, right? I got no idea what it's made of or how it's put together.
Couldn't even fit a knife into a seam.
The thing's one tough son of a gun.
How about you, Bellows? Was there anything unusual when you brought it up? I dunno I just did what this guy asked me to do, pull something up that looked valuable.
Oh, that's right.
The crane's trashed! I didn't think that Yunboro was gonna be so heavy.
I'll send you my bill later.
Your skills just weren't up to snuff! Excuse me?! Fleet Commander Fairlock I'm listening.
It seems that Yunboroid is the product of high level technology.
I'd like to take it apart and study it, if possible.
That's right! That mech's different from any treasure we've ever dredged up! Let's bust the thing open already! Drag out the kid and the guy inside and deep six 'em both! We're not going to do that.
What if they have comrades? Think about it.
It could lead to the whole fleet being endangered.
I understand your line of thought, but Man, what a drag! The Fleet Commander is correct.
We'd be sitting ducks if more came to settle a score.
I fail to see the logic in your actions.
Please explain the reasoning behind prolonging this stalemate.
This machine has more than enough armaments to deal with the current situation.
For the moment, this is the best option.
Reasonable Course of Action: 1.
Overpower the armed ones and bring them under control.
Neutralize the nerve center and suppress any retaliation.
Our immediate priorities in these circumstances are establishing contact with our troops and determining our location.
If you can't figure it out, then maybe we can rely on any archives these people have.
Agreed, with reservations.
What's important is that Earth, as a planet, supports life.
We're told that abnormal solar activity made Earth a frozen, dead planet.
But this is the reality.
Securing a habitable planet is the Alliance's most fervent wish.
With this world's abundant water and air, it could replace Avalon as our new hub.
Suggestion: I believe that judgment goes beyond the limitations of your post.
You're probably right.
How about communicating with the Alliance? I continue to send out a distress signal, but have received no reply.
If you continue to operate on your own like this, you won't be able to obtain necessary military supplies, which will then bring on trouble with your metabolism.
Reasonable Course of Action 3: I think you should consider escaping these surroundings and going back into suspended animation.
Hey! Hey! Pinion! Who's gonna fix my boat?! Don't ask me, dumbass! See you! Yeah! Thanks! Amy! What's the merman like?! Merman? A boy took you hostage, right? How old is he? Is he handsome? People keep bugging me to ask you about it! Gimme a break! I'm trying to work here! Hey! Amy! Don't jump until the wings are spread! You need to be more careful! I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut after Ridget and them snatched my treasure?! I'll thoroughly search the exact same spot! Bebel, I'm back! Hi, Sis.
Sorry I took so long.
Sis, are you okay? I heard you were taken hostage? Yeah.
But I'm fine.
I'm lucky he wasn't a dangerous person.
Apparently, his name is Ledo.
Ledo What's he like? I'd guess he's about my age.
With his slim arms, he doesn't seem really masculine.
Huh And there's one more, still inside a Yunboro.
That one can speak a little bit of our language, enough to understand him anyway.
Then they should talk things over with them and become friends, right? Exactly! That's what I think too, but Here.
I brought you a present.
Thank you! Do you think you can use it? Yeah! A perfect fit! Thank you, Sis! I'm glad.
I wish I could talk to Ledo, too After all, he may have come from the heavens From the heavens? Ledo? Yeah! You know the legend.
About the people who escaped to the stars when the Earth froze that time But that's just a fairy tale! Besides, that Yunboro was brought up from the sea.
I bet they came from space.
The people that escaped into space long, long ago have come home! Space, huh? I don't know if they'd bother coming all this way Dr.
Oldham said that if a ship kept going all the way up, it would take just half a day for it to reach space! Someone is approaching.
I don't know about this The Fleet Commander said we mustn't provoke him, which is understandable but we can't just do nothing, either.
And so you chose her? If we had any other volunteers Do you want to take her place? Yeah, right.
Conjecture: The threat level is minimal.
It's possible that she's been sent as an envoy to negotiate.
Envoy? She's a kid! Shall I intercept her? No, that's not necessary.
It's the corpse of an aquatic animal.
Corpse?! What does she want me to do?! Conjecture: It is harmless food.
Don't tell me she wants me to eat it?! Conjecture: It is a friendship ritual.
It's a corpse! I leave the choice to you.
Chamber, ask her what her objective is.
She seeks conversation.
He ate it! She says her name is Amy.
She asks where you came from.
The heavens? So you two are soldiers fighting against those Hideauze? That is correct.
Then are you stronger than them? Super strong.
From space, seriously? Then Bebel was right Earth is different than it appears in our records.
I seek explanation.
You're getting better and better at speaking our language.
Interpreting must be tough.
Won't you at least show me your face? What do you mean, show my face? I mean, you're inside of there, right? There is no one inside.
It really is empty I am a Pilot Support Enlightenment Interface System.
System? Then that machine is talking? Chamber is an artificial intelligence that aids in battle and maintaining life support.
Wow Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! There really is no one in here! You're a machine! I repeat the question.
About the Earth Wow! Wow! Wow! We're told that it was a giant lump of ice.
But it melted and became a water planet.
Long ago, there were supposedly these places called "land", but I don't know about that.
Anyway, everyone lives on ships that are grouped together like this.
Ancient ships and materials are all sunk at the bottom, so we hoist them out of the sea.
Gargantia, too That's the name of this fleet It was one of them.
Gargantia? Uh-huh.
More exist? Oh, there are other fleets.
Small ones, big ones When ships join up, it doesn't take long to form a fleet.
And there are pains in the neck, too, like pirates Pirates are enemies? Yeah, I guess you could say that.
No worries.
A Milky Way.
Sometimes it's called a Sea Galaxy.
You have to see it.
It's so beautiful.
Thank goodness.
Now we can travel on a new Milky Way.
What is a Milky Way? It's a glowing path that runs through the sea.
We wouldn't be able to live without it.
So the ships forge ahead, staying on the path.
But there's no guarantee that the path will go on forever.
So when that happens, we search for a new Sea Galaxy and switch over to that path.
Lightbugs are what make Sea Galaxies glow.
They're a swarm of itty-bitty bugs that accumulate electricity.
We get our electricity from this band of light.
Beautiful What? Well? What's your analysis of our coordinates? Due to the existence of an atmosphere, lack of information, and the limitations of optical analysis, further observation is required to derive our current position.
It's true, I tell you! I think You think they'd come up with a better lie than that If that really is a talking machine It is! Even if that's true, come on, a war with an alien race? Impossible! But that aside, let's find out for sure if it can talk or not by taking it apart! Then we throw the kid overboard! Are you serious?! He's in trouble and has nowhere else to go! Everyone, listen to what Ledo has to say! Having undue contact with an outsider wouldn't benefit either side Not the sea and not space Confirming the terrain There's no mistake.
This is where the Yunboro was sunken.
Alright! Let's get psyched up and do this! They've got an abundance of commodities here and the threat level of these natives is low.
Agreed, with reservations.
If we can't return to the front under our own power, all we can do is wait for the troops to notice our distress signal.
I think the best course of action is to look for a cooperative relationship.
The front.
The people who live on this planet don't know what those words mean.
The desperate struggle against the Hideauze has no connection to this place.
What is it? What's wrong? Say, what's going on?! The salvage ship is under attack from pirates! Bellows's ship! Bellows and the others are Oh, hell.
They're surrounding us! Escort Fleet Commander! No good! There are too many of 'em! Salvage team, stand by underwater! There are several new points of engine noise.
Check it out! Ledo! Amy? Kites?! The enemy has nine ships and several small crafts! They're starting a kite attack! What about the reinforcements? I don't know if they'll make it in time Enemy attack? You two are strong, aren't you?! That's a totally strong Yunboro, right?! Do something! Help us out! She seeks assistance.
I'll do it.
This'll be a good bargaining chip.
Activate floater! Wha?! That Yunboro's starting to move! What?! What do they intend to do?! Liftoff.
Are you Bellows from Gargantia? You got what you came for! Now get the hell out of here! Dump that rinky-dink fleet you're with and join us! Empress Lukkage recognizes your skills, too.
Don't make me laugh, pirate scum! What do you think you're doing?! For your own good, I'd think twice about refusing Bastard! Identification of main enemy targets complete.
Request to identify smaller targets.
Do it.
Identification complete.
Deflector beam stand by.
Annihilate them.
What the?! What's happening?! What the hell is that?! G-Good lord What in the world?
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