Genius (2017) s04e08 Episode Script

Can You Imagine

KING JR.: Previously on Genius.
Come, Malcolm! Come!
be officially launching my own
Muslim organization.
From here on out,
I plan to join the frontlines of the
civil rights struggle.
Are you ready?
MUHAMMAD: Brother Clyde,
how would you handle deviation?
MALCOLM X: He wants me
dead and he's making it clear
in every direction.
I want cleansing and guidance.
SHABAZZ: Then go search for it.
Find it.
ABERNATHY: But we did it.
CORETTA: You know,
there's no stopping us now.
ABERNATHY: I'm not your damn sidekick.
I'm your partner.
And I've been carrying
the burden of this movement
every single day, just like you!
Everyone knows this!
KING JR.: Something remarkable
is unfolding in the South.
I can feel it.
CORETTA: Then it's best
we'd be on hand to witness it.
KING JR.: We will do
more than witness it.
We will lead it.

SHABAZZ: You might think you're slick,
but I heard those
heavy feet of yours from
the moment you entered.
I wanna be kissed ♪
Valentine's Day, my dear.
I need love ♪
SHABAZZ: Ah, you, you okay?
I wanna be hugged ♪
SHABAZZ: My frugal husband
couldn't have possibly
surprised me with flowers.
Thank you, Malcolm.
For a girl to think of ♪
SHABAZZ: It's very thoughtful.
But I, but I ♪
SHABAZZ: Your Hajj must have
truly been transformative.
I see.
I want to be loved, baby ♪
SHABAZZ: Did you get
a chance to finish your
speech for Detroit?
I want you to hold me so tight ♪
MALCOLM X: It'll get done.
Hold my hand and kiss me goodnight ♪
I need your love ♪
I need love ♪
I'm a girl but I feel like a woman ♪
SHABAZZ: Come on.
I want you to act like a man ♪
MALCOLM X: Betty! Betty!
Get up! We've been bombed!
We're all gonna be okay.
Unholy war ♪
Boy, you better run ♪

MALCOLM X: I taught my wife
how to use it and instructed
her to fire on anyone white,
black, or yellow,
who tries to force their way inside.
CHARLES: Minister,
why would you say guns are
necessary for your protection?
MALCOLM X: You see that
street sign on the corner?
Every day an unmarked
van lingers there for hours.
Now I'm no fool.
I realize the FBI is watching me.
That doesn't explain the
death threats we get to our
unlisted telephone number.
It's not only the
White man that wants me dead
but some of my own people as well.
When I broke from the Nation of Islam,
I realized there would be strife,
but it still pains me to see
some of the men I trained turn
their backs on me.
CHARLES: So what
plans do you have in store now
that you've completely broken
ties with the Nation of Islam?
MALCOLM X: I will create a
coalition for African Unity
to fight for our freedom.
The key goals would be
to secure economic justice,
unity with African nations,
defense against racist oppression,
and freedom and justice
by any means necessary.
And our group will be
speaking to Black people,
not begging for equality
from White people.
CHARLES: Do you see
opportunities to partner with
established leaders, especially
after years of contention?
MALCOLM X: I'll admit
there's work to be done to
remedy those relationships.
However, I'm excited by this
new path to create universal
dignity for the Black man.
CHARLES: So you'll work
with groups such as the
MALCOLM X: Shall the
opportunity present itself,
I will.
Freedom. Freedom. ♪
Everybody wants ♪
Freedom. Freedom. Freedom ♪
Everybody wants ♪
Freedom. Freedom ♪
Everybody wants freedom ♪
Freedom. Freedom ♪
Everybody wants ♪
SHERIFF CLARK: Look here, boys
Now, I've already
given you a courtesy head-start
to get out of dodge.
I ain't holding my
men back much longer.
Everybody wants ♪
KING JR.: Sheriff, we will
not bow down to any threats.
Freedom ♪
KING JR.: Until all citizens
are allowed to register to vote.
We will not stop.
Freedom. Freedom ♪
Everybody wants ♪
SHERIFF CLARK: Lock 'em all up.
Freedom ♪
OFFICER: Get them all.
Freedom. Freedom ♪
OFFICER: Stop resisting.
Give me your hands.
Give me your hands.
ABERNATHY: The Lord is
the stronghold of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked advance
against me to devour me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear,
though war break out against me.
Even then I will be confident.
ALL: Amen.
MAN: Amen.
KING JR.: Well I give Selma one thing,
of all the deplorable
jail cells I've been in,
this is the worst.
How many times we gotta
go through this rodeo?
ABERNATHY: Too many.
But as long as we keep national
attention focused on Selma,
it keeps pressure
on Johnson to push the
Voting Rights Bill
across that finish line.
KING JR.: And I believe
that we will prevail.
Some days, I, I fear
I'm leading my people
into a burning house.
ABERNATHY: Then maybe
we should be firemen.
KING JR.: Look, I know
things have been shaky between
us since we.
long night ahead of us.
I should get some sleep.

MALCOLM X: I'm thankful to
be here today with you all.
My house was bombed last night,
and the only things I
managed to get my hands on
before leaving was what I have on now.
Not everything burned,
but enough damage was done.
I'm thankful that my
family made it out safely.
And, you know,
it's amazing that when
you're faced with life or death,
you're brought closer
to the guiding light.
My recent hajj and
international travel
illuminated to me that when
the colonial powers of Europe
had complete control over Africa,
they projected a negative image.
They projected savages,
and cannibals, nothing civilized.
Now in hating Africa,
we ended up hating
ourselves because you
cannot hate the roots of the
tree and not the tree itself.
But I'm here to tell
you that the roots,
our roots are beautiful, tremendous.
And when watered correctly,
the tree itself will
grow into a magnificent form
of life that will serve
all of us more than we
could have ever met.
CROWD: Yeah.
There are some things involving
the Black Muslim movement,
which when they come to light,
you'll be shocked.
So I urge you to tune into my
speech next week at the Audubon.
LOUISE: I know it's been hard.
I know what it's like
blow after the blow.
Things piling up till you
just fall in under the weight.
MALCOLM X: I'm dealing with it, mommy.
It's not the first time I've
had to face something like this,
but this time feels different.
I don't think I'm gonna
make it out of it alive.
I'm just happy you are
here after everything.
LOUISE: And you can rest
assured you are not by yourself.
MALCOLM X: In the name of Allah
The most beneficent,
the most merciful.
All praise is due to
the Lord of the worlds.
MAN (OVER PHONE): Count your days.
The bombing was just the beginning.
MALCOLM X: Oh, Allah, please.
I seek protection. Protect my family.
Provide me with the
strength I need to continue
on this path and the ability to face
any evils that may come.
All humma ameen.
time are you starting today?
MALCOLM X: 1:00.
I've got Grant doing security.
I've advised against searches.
I don't want it to be
that kind of space.
talking for half an hour or so.
And you know,
I was thinking you
and the girls should come
down to the Audubon.
All this back and forth
between the hotels has me
missing y'all more than ever.
BETTY X: Well, let's make it a date.
After your lecture,
we can go out to
Long Island and search
for a new place.
MALCOLM X: That's a good idea.
Not sure how much I can
sleep on this mattress.
SHABAZZ: You hardly sleep anyway,
regardless of the mattress.
Well, I should get going.
Rallying these girls will
take half of my morning.
MALCOLM X: I love you.
SHABAZZ: I love you too.
MALCOLM X: You gonna hang up?
SHABAZZ: Are you?
MALCOLM X: Bismillah.

I admire the butterfly.
They start off crawling,
clinging to life,
moving slowly in the dirt,
hoping not to be stepped on.
Now, isn't that something
truly revolutionary?
MAN: Get your hand out of my pocket!
GRANT X: Hey, Betty.
Come on. It ain't safe.

CORETTA: That's exactly how
mommy wants her hair to look.
ALBERTA: Really.
news from ABC News desk.
Malcolm X, a controversial
Black Muslim leader,
has been shot to death in New York.
heard shots and I saw.
CORETTA: Juandalynn, Yoki, come on.
Martin, get your brother, Dexter.
Come on, let's go to bedroom, okay?
- ALBERTA: Go ahead.
- CORETTA: Okay. It's okay.
they had shot my husband.
ABERNATHY: We should, uh,
get a secretary to
draft a condolence letter
on behalf of the SCLC.
KING JR.: I'll write it.
It should be personal.

KING JR.: Dear Betty, I
send my deepest condolences
for the tragic passing
of your husband.
While we did not always
have the same solutions to
solving the freedom struggle,
I always admire Malcolm
for his talent to disperse
the unnecessary and identify
the true pulse of the problem.
He was a powerful orator
who challenged many,
including myself,
to consider alternatives
to addressing the race issue.
I have genuine respect
for your husband,
and I know his legacy will
get many to the promised land.
You and your family will be
in my continued prayers and
let me know if there's
anything else I can do to
ease your unimaginable load.
Three rings for the
elven king underneath the sky ♪
Nine for the mortal
man that I doom to die ♪

JOHNSON: All right. Dr. King.
Your turn.
Careful now. She got a kick.
KING JR.: Well, as funny
as it looks, Mr. President,
I wouldn't want it to
somehow get back to Hoover and
he has me arrested for possession.
JOHNSON: Oh, no, no, no.
The right to bear arms is a
constitutional right for every
man in the country.
And thanks to my administration
making it a top priority,
so is right to vote.
KING JR.: Well, unfortunately,
Negroes in the South are,
are facing difficulty
registering without conflict.
JOHNSON: I know, I know.
You're, you're,
you're right, Dr. King.
I hate that we ain't seen
the immediate changes that
we was looking for, but fixing
old ways is slow-moving.
It takes time.
But I did want you to know
that securing Negroes the right
to vote with our '65 Act is one
of my proudest accomplishments.
KING JR.: So that
landslide re-election you
won didn't hurt.
I know how grateful you are
of our special partnership,
Dr. King, which is,
which is why your
diplomacy on Vietnam is
so greatly appreciated.
KING JR.: Yeah.
You're referring to the
statement I made in Virginia.
While I was in no way
implying any negative criticism
on the administration's position.
I, I was solely speaking as
a pastor of the word of God.
JOHNSON: Well, now.
Of course, you were.
I know it was an honest misstep.
Besides, how, how could I
ever expect you to have a
handle on the intricacies
of foreign policy?
Now listen carefully.
I know that you are not in
public support of the war,
but I also need you not
to be in public opposition
to it either.
Not if we want to continue
to reap the benefits
of our partnership, Dr. King.
Now, I have to go catch an airplane.
I thank you for coming
down and talking to us.
KING JR.: Of course.
Give my regards to
the misses, all right?
The Senate today approved an
additional appropriation
of $12.2 million to support
American forces in Vietnam.
In other war news,
as the escalation of
American bombing continues,
13 US helicopters were
shot down throughout
South Vietnam in the
highest daily loss to date.
KING JR.: I feel like I
need to say something about
the war in Vietnam.
ABERNATHY: Oh, Martin,
it's not our fight.
KING JR.: Our organization
is based in non-violence.
Don't you think we have a moral
obligation to, to say something?
ABERNATHY: Our obligation at
this moment is to the black
folks living in third-world
conditions in Chicago slums.
KING JR.: And where do you
think the money to help those
conditions is going?
ABERNATHY: Martin, I have
no taste for this war just
as much as you do.
But if you come out against it,
our allies in Washington
might turn against us.
KING JR.: Yes.
I'm, I'm sure there'll
be a risk, Ralph, but
Because it's not just
White folks we'd be alienating.
Now Black folks ain't
gonna like it either.
People like Wilkins and the NAACP,
they took pride working
with the military during
World War II.
They'd see opposition is unpatriotic.
What you think, Andrew?
ANDREW: It might be worth it
just to really piss off Hoover.
ABERNATHY: Yeah, but you
gonna say that on your phone?
ANDREW: On my phone?
ABERNATHY: Yeah, I ain't
gonna say it on mine anyway.
Is something else on your mind?
I just feel like I
got so much going on.
I don't know.
Not enough time to do it all before.
ABERNATHY: Before what?
KING JR.: Nothing. Nothing.
All right, let's get back to work.
CORETTA: This country persists
in withdrawing resources from
education, housing, health,
and other deeply
needed social programs
for its poorest citizens,
yet continues to use them as
cheap labor or cannon fodder.
Why is it that the problems
of bigotry and poverty at
home and warfare
overseas are ignored by
the same men in Congress
who are responsible
for perpetuating both?
It's because we as a people
have turned our gaze away from
those who are in need
of our support the most.
WOMAN: Right. Yes.
CORETTA: We can no longer
debate the intertwining of
domestic and foreign affairs.
As children of God and
as proud Americans,
we can no longer ignore the
fact that the deaths over in
Vietnam will not stop if
we continue to be silent
here at home.
CORETTA: We shall be silent no more.
No more, no more.

KING JR.: I'm here at this
glorious house of devotion
because my conscience leaves
me no other alternative.
A time comes when silence is betrayal.
And that time is now
when it comes to Vietnam.
I stand before this sacred
desk to speak plainly to every
American willing to give me their ear.
I realize if I want to use my
station and influence opposing
the injustices levied upon us
in the slums of this country,
I must start by opposing the
most notorious peddlers of
injustice on this globe,
first, my very own country.
I can be quiet no longer,
for the soul of my nation is
in the balance.
So I speak to the leaders
of this great country,
the great action in
this war belongs to us.
Therefore, the action to
conclude it belongs to us,
and us alone, to end
all bombings in Vietnam.

AIDE: Mr. President, Gallup
reports 66% of Americans have
an unfavorable view of
him now that he's spoken out
against the administration.
JOHNSON: How do you go
from Nobel Peace Prize winner
to the most hated man in America?
WALKER: Man, what's it doing?
COLE: This thing ain't working.
WALKER: Man, it's the
third time this week,
this damn thing done conked out on us.
COLE: You all get in the cab,
we'll jump in the back.
Wouldn't be happening
if the city gave us one
of those newer trucks,
the White drivers get.
WALKER: Man, you ain't never lied.
Well, until they fix it,
I'm just gonna sit here on strike.
COLE: Hey, that'll show 'em won't it?
WALKER: Sure will.
Hey, what? Hey what the hell.
COLE: Stop the car. Stop the car.
WALKER: Stop the truck!
Stop the truck!
Clouds of tear gas filled the
streets of Memphis
today as workers continued
to strike over poor
working conditions and
the deaths of two
Negro sanitation workers.
Protests led by Martin Luther King
turned violent today,
as demonstrators clashed with police.
KING SR.: Chasing after all
these struggles is gonna leave
you like a candle
burning out on both ends.
First, it was the
voting rights, then the,
the poor people's campaign.
I even held my
tongue when you attacked
the president on Vietnam.
And now, it's, it's
the garbage man strike?
KING JR.: Sanitation workers.
KING SR.: You can't keep
chasing every issue just
because the phone rings.
You're just one man.
KING JR.: I never asked
you for your sign-off.
KING SR.: Hey.
KING JR.: I have unfinished
business in Memphis and I'm not
backing down because of
some name-calling in the South.
KING SR.: And with what protection?
They've send the national
guardsman down there,
but you have alienated
your closest allies.
Plus you can't control
those youngsters down there.
They're shouting "Black power"
for Christ's sakes.
KING JR.: I can handle it.
KING SR.: But you
don't have to, Martin.
ALBERTA: All this fussing.
When you get back from Memphis,
I think it's a good idea
if we take a family trip.
CORETTA: I agree.
It would be nice to go to
Atlantic City for the weekend.
KING JR.: A nice trip in the
sun could be good for all of us.
ALBERTA: Well then, it's settled.
CORETTA: Uh-hmm.
KING JR.: Hey.
DEXTER: Daddy, please stay.
KING III: Don't go to Memphis.
KING JR.: Hey, what's
gotten into you two?
It's only a brief trip.
I'll be back in no time.
KING III: We don't
want you in jail again.
KING JR.: Come here.
Look, son, I don't want
y'all worrying about that.
All right?
I'm supporting the
sanitation workers who've
suffered great losses.
God wants us to help others, right?
So you both know when
the Lord gives us gifts,
we must do what?
BOTH: Not let them go to waste.
KING JR.: Right.
So as long as you have faith,
God will always provide.
KING III: Daddy, why is
your hand always shaking?
Are you okay?
KING JR.: I'm fine. I'm fine.
When I get back.
I need you two to practice
your best swing because we
gonna play a few rounds
of baseball, all right?
All right, gimme a hug.
Come here.

CORETTA: Andy, I put
a plate together for you.
ANDY: I appreciate that.
Some people have a hard time sharing.
KING JR.: Nothing for me?
CORETTA: Well, I may
have sprayed these with
my favorite perfume.
I know last night was intense.
The riots have Memphis on edge.
KING JR.: Everything's
going to be fine.
When I get back, I promise to
spend more downtime at home.
Listen, I know I've sacrificed
a lot for the movement and
it's caused me to be a,
an absent husband and father.
CORETTA: That's not true or fair.
KING JR.: But I haven't
sacrificed as much as you.
Everyone gives me credit.
But this movement wouldn't
have got this far without you.
Of all the decisions
I've ever had to make,
the best one is marrying you.
So when I get back,
let's figure out a
weekend for Atlanta City.
KING JR.: All right.
Every chapter of fighting for
the struggle has brought upon
a challenging battle.
But I'm not afraid of what
happened yesterday because,
through it all, it's my
unshakeable faith in God that
guides me through any hard days.
And there will be harder
days and bloodshed amongst
the most vulnerable.
So while I cannot say that my
tomorrow is promised to me,
I'm here to testify that no
matter what happens to me,
we as a people,
we'll make it through to tomorrow.
Go tell it on the mountain ♪
That Jesus Christ is born ♪
So I'm not afraid anymore.
Not for yesterday and not
for today because my soul
has been filled with the
glory of the God almighty!
That shone a holy light ♪
Everybody ♪
Go tell it on the mountain ♪
Over the hills and everywhere ♪
Go tell it on the mountain ♪
That Jesus Christ is born ♪
Born this bright glorious morning ♪
KING JR.: You gonna get him
or I'm gonna get him.
ABERNATHY: Nah, you get get him.
Christ is born today ♪
He came to redeem every sinner and ♪
He washed their sins away ♪
Hallelujah ♪
Go tell it on the mountain ♪
Over the hills, Lord, everywhere ♪
Go, tell it on the mountain ♪
That Jesus Christ is born ♪
KING JR.: You had enough?
ABERNATHY: All right,
put yourselves together.
KING JR.: Yeah. All right.
We better get going.
And to wash their sins away ♪
Hallelujah ♪
RFK (OVER PA): Ladies and gentlemen.
I have some very sad
news for all of you.
And I think sad news for
all of our fellow citizens and
people who love peace all
over the world.
And that is that
Martin Luther King was
shot and was killed
tonight in Memphis.
CHARMICHAEL: When White America
got rid of Marcus Garvey,
She did it and she said
he was an extremist.
He was crazy.
When they got rid of
Brother Malcolm X,
they said he was preaching hate.
He deserved what he got.
But when they got rid of
Brother Martin Luther King,
they had absolutely
no reason to do so.
REPORTER: Three deaths
have been reported in the
Washington Rioting so far.
JOHNSON: I ask every citizen
to reject the blind violence
that has struck Dr. King.
one man in our race who was
trying to teach our people to have
love, compassion, and mercy
for what White people had done.
REPORTER: More than
350 persons have been
treated for injuries,
among them several policemen in fire.
CHARMICHAEL: When White America
killed Dr. King last night,
she declared war on us.
JOHNSON: We can achieve nothing
by lawlessness and divisiveness.
retaliate for the death
of our leaders.
The execution of those deaths
will not be in the courtrooms.
They're going to be
in the streets of the
United States of America.

BETTY X: Child, If I hear
that song one more time.
CORETTA: Believe me, I cannot
get my kids to stop singing it.
BETTY X: Oh, mine listen
to it all day every day.
CORETTA: It's a pleasure
to finally meet you, Betty.
BETTY X: You as well, sister Coretta.
Long overdue.
CORETTA: Yes. How are your girls?
BETTY X: They're well,
putting me through it,
but they're well.
How are your children?
CORETTA: Oh, they're here in Gary.
I told them why we're here and why the
National Black Convention
is so important,
but all they seem to
care about is that the
Jackson 5 grew up here.
BETTY X: You know, you inspired me.
BETTY X: Watching you on
TV in the past few years,
speaking out on so
many different issues.
BETTY X: And the people.
CORETTA: Uh-hmm.
BETTY X: I've never been good at that.
CORETTA: You know, I've
accepted that the world will
always see me as Mrs. King.
BETTY X: You are Coretta.
CORETTA: Yes ma'am.
BETTY X: I have been
introduced as the widow of
Malcolm X so many
times I'm starting to
believe it's my name.
CORETTA: Oh, but from what
I hear is it's going to be
Dr. Shabazz real soon.
BETTY X: Oh, that is
sweet of you to say,
but I'm only taking
classes one day a week.
CORETTA: Well, your daughters
are watching you do it and
they will be inspired.
I know I am.
BETTY X: What do you think
our husbands would've thought
about this, us two?
CORETTA: They'd probably laugh.
CORETTA: I know Martin would,
and I suspect that
Minister Malcolm would too.
BETTY X: Hmm. He'd smile.
That I can assure you.
Somewhere after we
wanting to get outta here to
get some ice cream.
CORETTA: I used to say
that Martin's sweet tooth
had a sweet tooth.
Oh my.
You know, Martin really
did respect Malcolm.
BETTY X: Uh-hmm.
Malcolm respected Martin.
What gets overlooked is all
the things they had in common.
CORETTA: Uh-hmm.
BETTY X: Like their, their
work ethic and the spirituality
and sense of duty to their people.
It's a shame they aren't here
to see how their legacies have
impacted so many.
CORETTA: It really is.
Which is why we must
continue to keep their ideas
and goals alive.
Sounds like we're up next.
Hey, what do you think
they will say about us meeting?
BETTY X: That it was
only the beginning.
CORETTA: Ooh, Amen to that.
BETTY X: Praise be to Allah.
CORETTA: Uh-hmm.

Oh, yes I am ♪
They don't believe it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
That's right. Say it again ♪
They can't see it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
Oh, yes I am ♪
That's right. Change the world ♪
They don't believe it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
That's right. Say it again ♪
Are you inspired to
push a little higher ♪
To the wire or are you
just preaching to the choir? ♪
The people I admire
were tested by the fire ♪
Speak truth to power,
never cower to a liar ♪
Almost like a messiah.
Non-believers called pariah ♪
Caught in a quagmire
when bad times get dire ♪
Instead of a revolution to
shudder the empire ♪
They aiming at the messenger,
shooting at the town crier ♪
I'm tired of all the rigamarole ♪
Of people forgetting their soul ♪
They sell it to get it a hold
of sparkly diamonds and gold ♪
Steady forgetting their roles ♪
The story where answers are told ♪
Stand bold, never fold,
take control of the future ♪
Pose for the camera
before they shoot ya ♪
Put your face on a
t-shirt to dilute you ♪
If you're seeing this, I'll
spell it out for convenience ♪
The spark, never grow
dark in the heart of a genius. ♪
They can't see it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
Change the world. Yes I am ♪
That's right ♪
They don't believe it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
Say it again. Change the world ♪
They can't see it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
Change the world. Yes, I am ♪
That's right. Change the world ♪
They don't believe it, ♪
But I know
I'm gonna change the world ♪
Change the world,
change the world ♪

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