Ghost Hunters (2004) s10e13 Episode Script

First Edition Apparition

What is that? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
NARRATOR: On this episode of "Ghost Hunters" JASON: - Heading back to The Mount, Edith Wharton's estate.
STEVE: The last time we were here, we had a lot of different experiences.
Look at that.
It's like a hand.
JASON: They're claiming activity has picked up again.
People report this shadow figure.
I had a co-worker with me, and a black figure floated by.
We both saw it.
It was very scary.
What is that? I felt a hand rest on the back of my head.
I spun around, and there was nobody there.
ROBERT: There's something strange going on here at The Mount.
Is there any danger to any of the people who come here? JASON: That's footsteps.
That's something upstairs.
STEVE: But, Jay, there's nobody up there.
-- Captions by VITAC -- So, I'm excited about this, man.
We're heading back to The Mount.
STEVE: Oh, yeah, The Mount.
I think this is gonna be good.
JASON: TAPS has been called back to Lenox, Massachusetts, to follow up on our 2009 investigation of The Mount, the former residence of Pulitzer-prize-winning author Edith Wharton.
STEVE: The last time we were here, we had a lot of different experiences.
I remember I was hearing sounds, like, down in the barn.
Yeah, I got - a huge thermal handprint Yep.
- on the wall.
I heard somebody running upstairs like they were running back and forth.
JASON: Since our previous investigation, reports of paranormal activity from both employees and visitors have increased dramatically.
Concerned about continued sightings of shadow figures and unexplained sounds, TAPS has been asked back to see what new evidence we can uncover.
You know, a lot of the team members haven't been there before.
JASON: No, that's right.
Me, you, and Tango, and that's it.
Good, let's get over there and figure out what's going on.
JASON: TAPS case -- The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts.
Hey, how are you? Good.
How are you? Good.
Great to meet you.
How you doing? I'm Steve.
- Nice to meet you.
How's it going? - Great.
Nice to meet you.
Thanks for coming back to The Mount.
Thanks for having us back.
I love this place.
Designed and built in 1902 by Edith and Teddy Wharton, The Mount is where Edith wrote many of her renown books and entertained famous friends, including noted author Henry James.
Unfortunately, The Mount is also where the Whartons' marriage began to unravel.
Teddy's bouts of severe depression and embezzling of Edith's trust fund took a toll on the couple.
They sold the estate in 1911 and got divorced, but The Mount remained an influential part of Edith's life and work.
So, we hear there's been a lot of activity since we were last here.
Well, when I first started working here at The Mount, I was a skeptic, but I've heard so many stories from visitors, from staff members, and, you know, I myself have had some unusual experiences here, so it has certainly led me to believe that there's something strange going on here at The Mount.
What have you experienced since you've been here? I was in the drawing room.
There was no one around, and I heard what sounded like my name spoken in my ear.
So, there was no one there that could have been speaking to me at the time, so that was a strange experience.
So, what other things have been experienced through others, then, lately? One of the things I'm finding is a very common occurrence is people report this shadow figure that they see in various places throughout the house and -- People are still claiming to have those experiences.
- Yes.
One spot where shadow figures are frequently seen is near the Henry James guest room on the third floor.
I had a co-worker with me, and she was running the broom over the floor.
And one of the floorboards had come up.
and at that point in time, a black figure floated by.
We both saw it.
We were both freaked out.
It was very scary.
One of our cleaning crew said she was upstairs on the bedroom floor and she was vacuuming.
And she looked down the hallway on the bedroom floor, and she could see what she described as a 7-foot-tall shadow figure sort of peering out from behind one of the doorways and then leaning back in again.
She was so scared she just left the house, left the vacuum.
[ Laughter .]
Came back the next day, we found a vacuum on the stairs.
Has the activity sort of spiked at all in the recent years? More and more people are coming forward with stories of things that they have experienced here, so now, to me, it's like the number of stories just keeps growing and growing.
JASON: On the third floor and up in the attic, there are reports of voices, loud banging sounds, and footsteps.
Also on the third floor, a photo of a female apparition in Edith Wharton's bathroom window was captured.
On the lower level of The Mount, people have reported feeling something brush against their legs, seeing male and female apparitions wandering around, and feeling a hand touch them on the head.
GRACE: I was in the entrance hall, and I went to go put my hand on the door, and I felt a hand rest on the back of my head.
It was pretty large, and I could feel all five fingers.
And I spun around, and there was nobody there.
It was pretty startling.
JASON: We'll also be investigating the stables again, where claims include mysterious lights and multiple apparitions.
I've heard stories about people seeing this shadow figure appear at the stable.
Well, I had an experience in the stable seeing a shadow-type thing, yeah.
In the hallway, right, on the second floor of the stable? Yeah.
Which is one of the places that many people say they've seen what looks like a head sort of looking out from the hallway.
All right, so, what are you hoping we're able to accomplish here? I'm hoping that you can find some evidence to support some of these stories, and if there's any way you might be able to find out who it is that is lingering here.
Some people say it must be Edith Wharton, but many people seem to feel that it's Teddy Wharton's presence here in the house.
Is there any danger to - any of the people who come here? Oh, okay.
That's certainly something that would be nice to know.
And we'll have pretty much full access? Yep, to the house, the stable.
Well, then, we'll go talk to the rest of our team and start figuring out how to set up.
Thanks for your time.
All right.
Thanks so much.
- Thank you for coming back.
Thank you.
Really appreciate it.
We'll see you soon.
Take care.
All right, guys.
So, we just finished talking with Robert about the activity that seems to be going on here at The Mount.
Got it? - Yeah.
The activity seems to have spiked quite a bit.
It could be that time of the year near fall and winter where activity seems to be at its greatest.
I'm excited just being back here and checking this place out.
Three of us, Steve, Tango, and myself, we've been here before.
We've investigated.
We've had experiences.
The other TAPS members haven't, so it'll be interesting to see if maybe their methods produce more results.
Okay, Dustin, you ready? DUSTIN: Yeah, buddy, you ready to do it? So, we're placing this camera here up on the third floor because apparently there's been pictures taken where they've seen an apparition of a woman just inside this bathroom window.
This camera's going here.
This is the Henry James suite.
There's been multiple sightings of an apparition in here and moving up and down the hallway outside.
So, anything moves around there, we'll capture it on the DVR.
Okay, we are recording.
This is a GoPro RR.
JASON: We got Dustin out here giving us a hand tonight.
Shari seems to be working out great with the team, so I'm really excited about the potential activity tonight.
Slow the deck.
All right.
It's good.
That's all cameras.
All right, let's get the lights out and start investigating.
Sounds good.
DAVE: Hello? STEVE: Teddy? Edith? Do you remember us? DAVE: Is there anybody here? Can you please make a sound and let us know where you are? Were you hearing, like? "Hoo.
" - No.
What? - I don't know.
It almost just sounded like another set of footsteps.
It did.
I know what you mean, but I really think it was this floor - 'cause of all the crackling.
This was Edith's bedroom.
Yeah, it's cool.
So, I guess she and Teddy didn't really get along.
He stole money from her.
He did? - Yeah.
Edith, we're in your bedroom.
You have two fans of your work here.
Would you like to talk about one of your books? Is there anything you want people to know, people that are reading your books nowadays? Edith? All right, buddy.
Here at the stables.
Here at the stables.
[ Sighs .]
All right, "Spaceman," what are our claims here? Someone was in here, working, turned and looked, and there was this floating ball of light somewhere right in this area.
There was a bunch of apparitions that have been seen, and then in the hayloft, there was, like, a crouching dark mass in the corner.
- Yeah.
A lot of cool activity here.
A lot of cool activity.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, to any spirits - that are here with us tonight, I'm Dustin.
This is my buddy K.
We're here to try - to communicate with you tonight.
We're gonna walk up the stairs now.
Curious as to how many of you are here.
Are you willing to come forward and talk with us? What's that? What is that? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
DUSTIN: Curious as to how many of you are here.
Are you willing to come forward and talk with us? What's that? What is that? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That just illuminated that whole area.
: Dustin and I were up on the second floor, and we saw the end of the hallway just lit up.
It took us by surprise.
But we decided to go down there and investigate.
That was weird, man, like, that all lit up down there.
: It did.
And one of the claims is that there is a strange, streaking light and strange light movement.
DUSTIN: Listen, we're gonna come a little bit closer.
If you're able to do that again, we'd love to see it.
Well, it looked like it was in here.
: Well, the thing is is that we know -- - Shh, shh, shh.
Is there someone here that can communicate with us? I thought I might have heard a faint voice in here.
Did you hear something in there? Yes, I did, in fact.
That's over where I thought I heard that voice before.
That's what I heard.
Oh, yeah? - But it was low.
It was like a --I It was like a [ Moans deeply .]
- Yeah.
It wasn't very loud when I heard it.
- A murmur.
We think we heard you.
JASON: [ Clears throat .]
STEVE: All right.
This is Jay and Steve in the attic at The Mount.
If I can remember it up here -- I do remember it up here.
GRANT: Gee, has someone been sitting with us the whole time? Look at that.
It stops.
I think someone's bootay is right here.
Hello? What was that? Huh.
I heard it, but I just thought it was the wood creaking.
It might be.
No, it sounds like a voice.
It was like [ Grunts .]
Could have been this door? No, but it sounded like it was right between us.
That's why I turned around like that.
I think you might be right.
'Cause none of this is making that sound.
Is there anybody here? We heard somebody say something.
Is Teddy here? Edith sent us to talk to you.
Teddy, did you embezzle money from your wife? We may have heard you.
We heard a voice.
Are you trying to talk to us? When I first heard it, the first impression was female, the way it sounded to me.
I can agree with that, at least the pitch of it.
Yeah, just [ Grunts .]
Want to go down one floor? Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, we heard that voice up here.
That was interesting.
DUSTIN: This is Dustin and K.
We're still in the stable, heading up to the hayloft.
: I feel like this is the beginning of a horror film.
Hello? Anybody in here? To anyone that's up here right now, we're just coming up here out of curiosity.
Here to try to talk with the spirit world.
There's a spirit that's been seen crouching in the corner up here.
A dark mass.
Why is it that you linger up here? If you're here, come out now and let us see you.
Come close to one of us.
Touch one of us.
I would imagine, even in the daytime, it seems a little creepy up here.
Oops, that's a little step down there.
Okay, you're - at the end of the line there.
It's just a little step down.
There's a hole.
If you're here, now's your chance.
Do you know the Whartons? Try not to scare so many people when they come up here, huh? JASON: Jay and Steve, third floor, at The Mount.
STEVE: So, this is the floor that they see Teddy on.
Yep, this is also the floor that we had the - thermal handprint show up on.
The handprint, right.
What the? Look at that.
Why is that there? It's like a hand.
The same temperature as JASON: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Like the flat of your hand and the fingers.
STEVE: The handprint was shown right over here, huh? Yeah.
JASON: "Money Matters.
" Look at this, Steve.
"Edith Wharton could only watch helplessly as her $92,000 inheritance was locked up in the trust fund controlled by her brothers.
Laws of the day prevented women from full access to their own money.
" STEVE: This is crazy.
- I know.
Teddy? We're not here to judge you for what you did to Edith.
Though you should be.
Now, we've been told you've been seen in here.
EMF is a little higher on this floor.
- What is it? .
2, .
Got a .
7 Why am I getting such a heat signature down there, though? You're getting a heat signature? JASON: Yeah.
- STEVE: Let me see.
What is that? STEVE: EMF is a little higher on this floor.
Got a .
7 JASON: Why am I getting such a heat signature down there, though? You're getting a heat signature? JASON: Yeah.
- STEVE: Let me see.
What is that? Yeah, see, almost like somebody leaning out.
See? Like head, shoulders.
I just don't know where it's coming from, though.
While we were shooting the thermal down the hallway, we saw what appeared to look like shoulders and a head peering out.
Steve went down there.
As he started heading down there, it disappeared.
It's gone.
And it never happened again throughout the time we were there.
JASON: Well, that's weird, 'cause now -- STEVE: We would see it now.
JASON: Now it's gone.
Yeah, that's just the radiator over there.
STEVE: Right.
- JASON: But STEVE: If it reflected off of that metal door, we would be seeing it right now.
JASON: Oh, yeah.
You'd be seeing your reflection.
So There's nothing.
Now it's just nowhere to be found.
Teddy? K.
: This is K.
and Tango.
We are now in the attic.
DAVE: A few claims happened up here.
They've seen a shadow person pretty much everywhere in this whole area, and they hear footsteps walking up those stairs up into this area into the attic.
We'll see what we can find.
All right, sounds good.
Got the thermal going.
Is there someone up here? There have been reports of people seeing what they believed to be someone that used to inhabit this house.
We're trying to figure out who it is.
Robert just wants answers.
He wants to know who's here, what's going on.
It's a lot of new activity that's been happening since we were here about six years ago.
Do you know Edith Wharton? How about something easy? I'm gonna knock three times.
If you can, - please knock back three times.
That way we'll know that you're here and that you have intelligence.
Ready? We're looking for anyone that may be able to make contact.
VOICE FROM PHONE: I'm not sure what to say here.
[ Laughs .]
That was me.
DUSTIN: - This is Dustin and Shari, and we are in the dining room at The Mount.
All right, so we are on the second floor now.
This is in the dining room.
And there's been reports of an apparition that actually will interact and speak with you here.
If you're wondering what all the commotion is here tonight, we're here to try - to interact with any of you that have passed on - from this life as we know it.
So, there's a couple of names here.
I'm thinking if we call these names out, if you're here, maybe you can yell really loud.
Beatrix Jones Farrand.
How about Henry James? Henry, are you here for dinner tonight? Speak into this device.
Speak into one there - that my friend Shari's holding.
Thank you very much.
Are there any puppies here? There's a couple puppies that she always -- right? They always sat next to her at the table.
She let dogs sit next to her at the table? - Dogs.
There's a bed near the table, and there's dog bones, and there's pictures of her everywhere with her dogs.
'Cause another claim was that people felt something up against their legs.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm gonna move into the next room before anything attaches itself to my leg.
SAMANTHA: This is Sam and Dave at the stables at The Mount.
DAVE: Right here, they saw, like, a bouncing light.
- Mm-hmm.
At first, it was just, like, a streak.
And then, he got up and tried to, like, figure it out.
Then, he came back, and when he couldn't - figure it out, he saw it again.
I mean, the thing is -- There's windows on both sides.
There's windows on both sides.
This is where he saw it.
It's just, I mean, is that a coincidence? I'm gonna do something.
I'm gonna go outside real quick.
And I'm gonna flash my flashlight in here a little bit.
And tell me what it looks like on that window.
- Okay.
And then, I'll be back.
So, what we're doing right now is Dave just went outside to shine his flashlight on the side of the building around the window because, directly across, there's another window.
So we just wanted to see what it looked like coming back and forth.
Maybe somebody was walking around the grounds, and when he went out to check, they were gone.
DAVE: Okay.
SAMANTHA: So, this is what happened.
So, when you're shining your flashlight in, I can see it reflecting off the window down there, but this room's lit up.
But that room doesn't get lit up.
The thing is that way, that's where there's a lot of roads.
And you see traffic lights and things.
I would assume he would know the difference between headlights, since he works here.
Yeah, I can tell what a car is.
I can see there are trucks and things that drove by when I was here.
You can make out the trucks.
You can make out the cars.
- Mm-hmm.
That is a parking lot over there.
- Mm-hmm.
So, we can't really explain it.
Very strange.
STEVE: This is Jay and Steve, and we're checking out the third floor again.
JASON: This is just, like, a sad, cold room.
It really is.
Really, it's like a very sad, cold room in here.
[ Shuffling .]
STEVE: Is that above us? - Yeah.
It was like a snapping or a cracking.
That's footsteps.
That's somebody moving upstairs.
STEVE: But, Jay, there's nobody up there.
[ Shuffling continues .]
[ Shuffling .]
STEVE: Is that above us? - JASON: Yeah.
It was like a snapping or a cracking.
That's footsteps.
That's somebody moving upstairs.
STEVE: But, Jay, there's nobody up there.
[ Shuffling continues .]
Heard it again.
It's like somebody opening a door and stuff upstairs.
Sounded like an open, close.
I'm gonna go upstairs, just see if I can get closer to the source.
All right.
It's complete and total darkness in front of me.
[ Tapping .]
- Wait.
You hear that? [ Clack .]
[ Clattering .]
[ Gasps .]
Jay? Yeah? - Okay.
It's the same sound.
When I first came up here and we were right here JASON: Mm-hmm.
at the end of this hallway, we could hear movement, sharp, loud sounds.
So, where did it sound like it was coming from? STEVE: Right here.
JASON: Where we heard the voice earlier? Really? Right at the end, right here, yeah.
Edith? Edith, is that you? All right, so Shari and I just ended up here on the third floor.
Edith Wharton's bedroom is at the end of the hallway, as well as her husband's bedroom.
They've seen multiple sightings of apparitions up here, as well as physical interaction.
So we're gonna see if we can get anything to come forward and try to capture some evidence.
: Now, in reading some of the history of Edith that we have for this case -- She had made a mention that this was the only place that she ever felt was really her home, so she obviously was very attached to this home.
SHARI: Right.
If people are seeing apparitions, they're also seeing this female figure [ Tapping .]
Did you hear that? Some noise just came from that end of the hallway.
Like, maybe we're touching on something right now.
Edith Wharton, are you here? Mrs.
Wharton? We don't want to be disrespectful and go through your house.
We know it's yours.
There are people that say that they've seen you.
Is there any way - that you can show yourself? Edith? Teddy? STEVE: All right, back here at the stable.
JASON: When I was here last, I saw that head lift up, and that was upstairs.
Hey, Grant, come here.
GRANT: What do you got? It almost appeared as if a head popped out of the doorway and then went back in and then popped out of the doorway and then went back in.
STEVE: When I was here last and I was hearing those sounds, they were coming from upstairs.
Go up right here.
Let's do it.
JASON: Yeah, let's do it.
What's the EMF over there? High? - Not really.
2, .
'Cause you're right near a power box, too, right here.
Hello? Is there anyone in here who would like to talk with us? A woman has said that you've tried to show yourself to her.
Can you tell us why you would do that? Robert asked us to come in.
We're up on the second floor.
Edith? Teddy? DUSTIN: This is Dustin and Shari.
We are on the third floor.
Let's go down to the bathroom area where they saw the face in the window.
- Okay.
DUSTIN: Now, from the photos, it looks like it's in this pane over here, to the left, right? Right.
To the left of the flowers.
But, I mean, the pictures are pretty clear.
It's not like a matrixing thing where, you know -- I mean, you can see definition.
You can see eyes and stuff like that.
I'm gonna try to re-create it.
Just see what you get.
Shari and I took a good look at the pictures, and, you know, not trying to discredit anybody, but we just tried to re-create it just to see, you know, if we can make something that looks similar and how difficult that would be.
Just kind of using a low flashlight and just kind of backed away from the glass.
You get something that looks a little similar.
You know, I don't know.
The thing that gets me is that it looks like there's, like, eye makeup or something like -- see how black, like, the eyes are around the sides? Like her eyes are closed or something.
- Yeah.
We did try to re-create it, and it looks like it can be recreated, however, it's still sort of on the fence of, you know, maybe it could be a spirit.
So, you know, we're not really sure.
Let's see what else is going on around here.
: All right, this is Sam and K.
We're on the second floor at The Mount.
We've come here in hopes of making contact with any member of the Wharton family.
Specifically, this is an area where people have seen a woman wearing circa 1900s clothing.
I just heard, like, a really loud, like, exhale.
It just sounded like it came from this direction.
SAMANTHA: Is anybody on the second floor? Could you make a loud sound where you are? Could you close a door or move a chair? [ Bang .]
Holy [bleep.]
SAMANTHA: Could you make a loud sound where you are? Could you close a door or move a chair? [ Bang .]
: Holy [bleep.]
[ Laughs .]
I hate when that happens.
[ Both laugh .]
You jumped pretty good on that one.
I did.
That was a good one.
You know, Edith, if you're here and you can hear us -- Many people think - they've seen you around here, and we'd really like to make contact with you.
Is there anything you could do to tell us that you're listening? K.
: Edith? STEVE: Does anybody have a flashlight I can borrow? Say goodbye to it.
Say goodbye to your flashlight.
Steve Gonsalves -- the human black hole for flashlights.
Thank you.
They're right.
[ Laughs .]
I know.
I trust him.
No, you'll get it back.
I trust him.
- Someday.
It's pretty and blue.
"Steve has my Sign right here.
"I will give Shari back her flashlight.
" That's your handwriting right there? This isOh, I was just writing really fast.
He's a handwriting analysis.
- Oh, geez.
" [ Laughter .]
I am a process? STEVE: [ Chuckling .]
"He is a handwriting analysis.
" [ Laughter .]
All right, do you have the -- What do you -- This? You have And this.
Okay, let's go.
This is Tango and Steve on the second floor at The Mount.
We're heading into the dining room.
Do you remember this room? Are you sure this was the room? - Yeah.
It does look like it.
We were running in circles around here banging on stuff, making noise.
Ohh! Oh! Who's in here? I like investigating like this.
I don't know, man.
STEVE: Hey, we disproved this door right here that they said opened on its own.
STEVE: Yeah, I mean, it's just taking a tap, you know? - Yeah.
STEVE: Are these dog treats? Oh, yeah, 'cause she loves dogs.
They are.
They're little Milk-Bones.
Dare you.
You would eat one.
I don't think so.
Yeah, you would.
- No.
Would you try one? Let's try one at the same time.
You're gonna chicken out.
I won't chicken out.
If you don't chicken out, I won't chicken out.
Little Milk-Bones.
Little dog bones.
Come on, man.
One, two, three.
Ooh! - Awful! [ Groans, coughs .]
It's like a Milk-Bone mixed with sawdust.
Ooh, it's actually making me a little nauseous.
We should spit it outside.
I can't swallow this.
I did a little bit.
That's why you're getting nauseous.
[ Both spit .]
I'm sorry for spitting on your property, Edith Wharton.
Hey, guys, it's time to wrap.
Let's get the lights on.
So, we just wrapped the investigation here at The Mount, and it's been a very productive night.
We've had a lot of great activity throughout the main house.
We've been able to have a lot of the experiences that the people here have had, which helps add credibility to their claims.
STEVE: As soon as we walked in the building, Jason and I were hearing voices, we're following footsteps, and we caught something amazing on the thermal.
JASON: We know we've already caught some evidence for Robert, so it'll be interesting to go through the stuff and see what else we've caught and try to bring him some of these answers that he's looking for.
Hey, guys.
- The Mount -- awesome place.
So awesome that we visited.
We have a new client, Robert, and he wants to know whatever's there -- is it dangerous? Could we validate the stories that he hears - from everyone all the time? And also, there's so many people that lived in that building.
He kind of just wants us to just identify who's there.
But as far as experiences go, I didn't have anything right in front of me, but I know your father, Jay, and Steve, they were hearing footsteps, they were hearing voices.
- Mm-hmm.
So as far as evidence goes, I have some backups - of Jay and Steve's experiences.
There's so many sounds that Jay and Steve were hearing.
Some of them are just thumps, but they reacted to it, so I wanted to have it.
This is when they're in the attic.
There it is again.
I definitely hear that.
So, they kept hearing sounds like that.
- Yeah.
This is kind of low.
It's another bump.
But I'll play it for your guys.
There's movement in there.
You can kind of -- "da, da, da.
" Yeah.
- Yeah.
Definitely sounds like there was a lot of movement around those guys.
- Mm-hmm.
You know, in all different areas.
- Yeah.
All right, guys, this is coming off of the audio recorder.
And, Shari, this is you and I.
We're up on the third floor, and I picked up this.
It's pretty faint, but I wanted to show it to you guys first and see if you're hearing what I'm hearing, as well.
: If people are seeing apparitions, they're also seeing this female figure Did you hear that? Yeah.
It's really light.
Yeah, pretty faint.
But it's something you heard.
But we heard it, yeah, and it took me by surprise.
So, this next piece I'm gonna show you -- Now, this is Dad and Steve.
You've seen the thermal, and, at this point, they're on the third floor, and there's no heat signature showing up, and then you see what looks like something's maybe come into frame.
- Hmm.
So, look at it, get your take on it.
That's it, isn't it? Oh, my God.
It looks like a human shape.
JASON: TAPS has returned to Lenox, Massachusetts, to once again investigate The Mount, the historic home of Pulitzer-prize-winning author Edith Wharton.
We've been called in for a second time, as there was a dramatic surge in paranormal activity since our last visit in 2009.
How's it going? - Good.
It's good to see you again.
JASON: Steve and I will now present our latest evidence to our client, Robert Oakes.
Eager to see what you found.
We'll start off with some of the activity we had throughout the night.
So, this first piece we want you to take a listen to, it was Shari and K.
, two of our investigators.
They were investigating on the third floor.
I just want you to take a listen to it.
- Okay.
: And that's a big one for us.
Are you hearing that? - Mm-hmm.
All right, so, you want to hear that part with headphones, though? Sure.
- All right, here you go.
Just throw those on.
That's a big one for us.
That's a big one for us.
Does it sound male or female to you? Well, it sounds female to me.
- Okay.
It sounds like the word "please.
" Okay.
We weren't sure if it was "ways" or something similar.
- Yeah.
But, yeah, "please" would definitely fit into there.
That's a good one.
So, this next piece we're gonna show you -- Steve and I were on the third floor, where we are right now, and we were investigating.
And there was a whole lot of sound that seemed to be coming from the attic area, the next floor up.
- Okay.
I went upstairs, but as I did, I got to the top of the stairs, and I could hear walking coming right towards me on that floor.
Here you go.
It's complete and total darkness in front of me.
[ Tapping .]
- Wait.
You hear that? You can hear banging.
You can hear movement.
Definitely like a shuffling going down the hallway.
That's definitely a place in the house where people often hear that sound of footsteps Oh, really? Oh, good.
- or some other kinds of noises.
Well, keep the headphones because the next piece we're gonna show you is -- When we were on the third floor, we were able to hear what sounded like movement, doors closing and so forth upstairs.
So, take a listen.
It's like somebody opening a door and stuff upstairs.
STEVE: Yeah.
Oh, yeah, I heard, like, a little "chh.
" STEVE: Mm-hmm.
Sounds like a door opened and closed.
[ Laughs .]
That's good.
- Yeah.
So, you can see it's definitely unsettling 'cause you're sitting there, you're listening to all this stuff.
And even when you go up there, you can hear a lot of this stuff happening, but you're not seeing doors move - Right.
which almost falls under, like, a residual-type haunt, where it's just the energy trapped in an object, so it's just repeating itself like a tape player, rewinding and playing itself over and over again.
So, this piece you're gonna see here -- it's thermal imaging, and what that does is it picks up a heat signature.
- Mm-hmm.
While we were upstairs in the attic area, there was a female voice that seemed to originate in between us, and it was quick -- boom -- and it was gone.
Take a listen.
- Okay.
JASON: Oh, I do.
I remember this.
Do you hear that? Yeah, what was that? - Here.
It's weird.
It's hard to make it out.
Like, it doesn't - necessarily sound like a word.
Yeah, we weren't sure, you know? Initially, some of us thought it sounded like a quick "hello.
" Right, right.
But it was definitely a female voice.
It happened just so quick.
So, definitely a neat piece there.
- Yeah, yeah.
All right, so this last piece we're gonna show you -- we're looking down the hallway on the third floor shooting back - towards the servants' quarters.
And there was a weird thing that sort of appeared on the thermal.
You can watch it.
It's at about 20 seconds.
It's this right here.
Now watch 'cause it's gonna become more and more prominent.
It's moving for sure.
Right? It looked like it was to us.
- Yeah.
STEVE: You'll see what appears to be a head shape.
Oh, yeah.
Then kind of like pop out.
And there was - no one standing down there? There was nobody standing down there.
But it's red, so that means it's warm, right? Exactly, it's giving off more heat, yeah.
There were no radiators in that spot, and they give off a heat signature.
So, what was giving off this heat signature that was there [snaps fingers.]
and then gone? Right, and that does seem to fit the description a lot of people talk about.
Well, then, that's what it appeared to be on this.
That's pretty wild.
That's a good one.
[ Laughs .]
And I know you were hoping that we were able to figure out possible who is here.
I don't think - we have been able to.
Very difficult.
Of course, it's appearing more and more female, so we can go down that area.
- The voice is, yeah.
And bottom line, I know another concern was the visitors here, if they had anything to worry about, and, no, I truly don't think there is.
It just seems like there's living history in the house, and it's not here to bother or hurt anybody.
It's just going about its routine.
Well, that's good to hear.
Well, thank you so much for coming back.
Thanks for having us out, man.
We really appreciate it.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
- It's great.
All right, cool.
We'll get out of here.
So, today, I got to see some of the evidence that TAPS found while they were here at The Mount.
One of the questions I had for TAPS was whether or not this presence here is threatening, and they assured us that there really isn't a dangerous presence here but just simply a presence.
JASON: Good job in there, man.
STEVE: Thank you.
It went good.
- Yeah.
He was really excited about that thermal.
Well, and I'm excited about the thermal, mainly because it helps back up the experiences that one housekeeper was claiming to have.
- Oh, yeah.
It's very similar.
Is it the same thing? I don't know.
I'm just happy we're able to back up evidence again, back up new experiences.
It's super-fun.
Well, good job.
- Yep.
Thank you.
On to the next, man.

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