Giri/Haji (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Upon his arrival to London, the police detective makes enquiries into his brother's whereabouts.
Looking for one lost boy, he takes in another and discloses the truth of his quest to a woman with a secret of her own.
New players are introduced to an increasingly volatile game.
One member of his family missing, and one long-thought gone remerging from the shadows.
Stop the car! Stop the car! Hey.
Am I a fucking horse? Argh! I know it's you! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Fuck! Ah! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking hell! Oh, fuck, you're beautiful! Oh, my! You're so fucking beautiful! Oh! Oh! I know.
In the interest of safety For security reasons, baggage left unattended will be removed and destroyed.
Lisa, fuck off.
Listen, something happened.
Rodney, it's Tiff! Babe, slow down, slow down.
It's Tiff! He took something! I called an ambulance, but it was too late.
You should get going.
I thought we were going to get breakfast? That's just something nice I say when I want to screw someone.
Sun's up now, time to leave.
Fucking cokehead! Abso-fucking-lutely not.
Why not? I've said all I need to say to that man, plus, if we walk in there, we might not walk back out.
You know what I mean? This is Britain, there are rules, even for criminals.
No, let me tell you where there are rules - here, this buffet.
Brits love this shit.
Huh! Try and cut in line at the cereal bar, see what happens.
The big stuff? They're maniacs! This fucking country.
Mr Vickers, it is your responsibility to exhaust all non-violent options.
I don't believe anyone wants a conflict, but you need to go to the negotiating table.
Negotiate with what? You said it yourself, they are animals and they're looking for a fight.
If Abbot is smart, he'll want to do everything he can to avoid one.
Fine, I'll give it a go.
But if I end the day hanging upside down in some cold storage unit, that's very much on you.
All right? Can I help you, Miss? I'm looking for something heavy.
Heavy? Yeah.
What you playing? I'm not.
Well, some people swear by a crowbar, or a pipe.
But for me, nothing beats a bat.
Light enough to swing, but you will knock a motherfucker out no problem.
Er who is this now? Hello? Does it speak? Is it a mute? Hello.
Who are you? Taki.
Ah! I'm an entrusted advisor to your father in need of a fast cash loan.
What? Money.
I don't have money.
That is crushing.
Wait! Can I come with you? Bitch, if you can keep up.
That means yes.
Where are we going? To a confrontation.
Do you know what confrontation means? Yes.
Do you mind a confrontation? No.
That will help.
Please tell Mr Abbot that Mori-Kenzo of Tokyo graciously begs a moment of his time.
I'm shitting myself, in case you were wondering.
Just keep your cool.
I am cool.
Jesus Christ! Well, well, well! Huh! I weren't expecting this when I was dipping my eggy soldiers this morning.
I thought you'd fucked off back to Baltimore.
Konnichiwa, and, er arigato.
Thanks very much for that.
It's, er very kind of you.
Tyler, can you get a bottle of Bunraku down, please? Sit down, gents.
So right.
Well, look, I know who you are cos I had you followed.
Bit surprised to see you walk in here, to tell you the truth.
Ha! Here you are, so, er let's deal with that.
We have left a notice of where we were going.
So if we don't return Yeah, look, I understand, you've come in here under the flag of peace, I get it.
And I can assure you, nothing's going to happen to you during the course of this meeting, all right? On that, you have my word.
For what it's worth.
Is Yuto here? He's out the back, I'll just go and get him, shall No, 'course he ain't fucking here.
This is for you.
Thank you.
So, er .
when did this happen? When did you? I followed up a lead on Yuto and found Mr Vickers.
Is that right, Mr Vickers? He wants Yuto, I want my shit back, so all roads lead to you, like fucking Damascus.
It's Rome.
No, look, what can I tell you? I was going through a bit of a St Petersburg phase.
And now you're in a Japanese phase? It's not a phase.
Oh, no, it's a lifelong passion.
You know what they're big on in Japan? Honour, right? So, why don't you honour our arrangement and give me my money back? Because I've invested it, Vickers That means spent it.
Yeah? And you can have it back once it starts to pay I Perhaps as a show of faith, you can make an upfront retu Say, 10%? Good.
Fine, fine.
As a goodwill gesture.
Yeah, but what about you? I can't give you 10% of what you want, can I? Unless, I dunno, he cuts another one of his fingers off.
I require all of Yuto.
Well, I can't do that for you.
There are powerful men in Japan looking for him.
And if I cannot bring him home peacefully, I have no doubt that they will come here looking for him.
They can send who they want, as long as you tell them not to send font color="#0 Violence is bad for business, and you can easily avoid it by accommodating us in our requests.
I wish you hadn't done that.
Done what? Threatened me.
I'm not threatening you.
font color="# You said I can easily avoid violence if I give you and Vickers font color="#00ff That's a threat in anyone's language.
I apologise.
I fucking don't! Look, do you want another beating? Cos I will happily roll my sleeves up! This is a business mee It's respectable.
We are men.
Yeah, well, er let's knock this on the head now cos my cream font color="#00 Mr Abbot, Yuto does not belong here.
The British police are closing in on him.
Please let me take him back to Japan, for all of our sakes.
It is my understanding that he has every intention of returning to Japan, Mori-San, OK? I mean, we all do.
Come on, Vickers.
Huh! Get the fuck outta here! Shake his hand.
There you go.
You don't want to mess with me, Connor, trust me.
I have backing.
Oh, fuck it! Argh! No! I'm sorry, Vickers.
It's just I can't abide false bravado, it rankles me.
It always has done.
Let's see how tough you are when I shove the Albanian mafia font color="#00ffff What's he talking about? Mr Abbot, please Look, get him out of here! And here's a bit of advice for both of you - get on a plane, cos London is not a safe place for you two any more.
Truth be told, it never was.
All right? And don't forget your pressie.
Here you go.
It's disrespectful.
Huh? Fuck him! You were supposed to keep your cool.
Oh, Christ, this is a nightmare! This is a goddamn waking nightmare.
You know what I just did? I lost the element of surprise, and that's one of the useful elements.
I read that somewhere.
It was worth a try.
font color And now, the shotgun-wielding Albanians will get their turn.
That is a very bad idea.
Ah, the latest in a long line.
What don't you do what he says? Why don't you get on a plane and go home? I think you'd be a lot happier staying out of this.
Yuto is involved in this fight, so I am! Fine.
I guess I'll just let you know when the shit hits the fan, then.
We'll start a fucking WhatsApp group or something.
Lunch Club - pub edition.
Special guest star.
Come on.
You left your brick in my flat last night.
What? You threw a fucking brick through my window! Weitzmann.
You're all drinking together like nothing happened! I just want to get on with my life, Sarah.
Oh, bullshit!/fon I am watching you! You're making it worse for yourself.
Just fuck off, will you? For God's sake, just fuck off! Don't Why'd you come to London, anyway? I ran away.
Oh, you ran away? To the city where your father is? You're doing it wrong, darling.
Got it upside down.
Come on.
Yes? Brian, these are two of Tiff's friends.
I didn't catch your names.
Oh, sorry.
My name is Rodney and this is, um Taki.
This is my friend Taki.
Oh, he mentioned me, then? He mentioned you, too.
They're still looking into what It was pills.
Guess he wanted our attention.
Where would he have got them from? Boys like him know how to get things like that.
They learn They learn a lot of things from boys like me, yeah.
You were lovers, weren't you? Yeah, for a while, yeah.
He came back to us for a bit.
After you.
Cried his eyes out.
Then he was gone again.
That was the last time we saw him.
He didn't want to be here.
We wanted him here.
Did you? We never Never what? Planned to have a little queen for a son? You're crossing a line.
He didn't want to come back some He was always welcome here.
Bullshit! Who do you think you are? How dare you? Get out.
I want to go to his room.
Get out! He has something of mine and I want it.
I want something to remember him by.
All you ever did was cause him pain.
I loved him.
You broke his heart! Why would you do that? I don't know.
It's at the top of the stairs, on the left.
I know how that looked in there, but Tiff told me, so don't be fooled.
Fucking dads! It's all they can do.
I mean, look at us, what do they expect? Should have a fucking licence, that's what I think.
Should have a fucking licence to be I'd like you to study the image via the online portal and prepare your initial thoughts.
Thanks very much.
I'll see you next Thursday.
I had him, right there, in front of me.
I could have reached out and touched him.
Did you try to bring him in? I couldn't do it.
Couldn't, or wouldn't? Ms Weitzmann you're a police officer.
Your duty's to your job, not to me.
I fear I have already compromised It's Yom Kippur.
Sorry? Yom Kippur, tonight.
It's a Jewish thing.
You're supposed to fast and feel guilty about stuff.
I usually skip the fasting part.
I'm really good at the guilt, though.
My mum and dad would make a big meal and we'd all ask for forgiveness for our transgressions and, you know, receive atonement and stuff.
Massive leap, but I wonder if that might not be something I can't.
My daughter arrived last night.
So bring her.
Truth is, I could do with not being alone this evening.
Plus, you've still got to eat, right? What we doing here? Guard the house.
You have to throw it in Try again.
Try it again.
See? That's it.
Choose it by percentage.
Biggest percentage gets you the most drunk.
Do you like Riesling? Something drier? Something with Please, just anything.
Hello! You must be Taki.
Hi! Well, come in! Come in! Rodney, the glasses are in the cabinet up there.
Darling, could you grab a potato masher from the pot over there? Your window got smashed.
Hm? Oh, yeah.
Which cupboard, Sarah? Great.
Can you do the potatoes? Oh, Kenzo, I think there's more butter in the fridge.
Is this the only wine you've got? Lots of this, a splash of milk and then really go to town on them.
She doesn't know what "go to town" means.
Sorry, I should've mentioned you'd all end up helping me cook.
Huh! It's all right.
Out of the window, please.
So, Taki, how are you liking England so far? Yes.
Going to show her all the sights, aren't I? Who better to show her around London than a real-life queen? Fuck you! Queen? Cos she's a fabulous old bitch with a hat for every occasion? I don't think she got that.
Vickers was in here earlier.
Vickers? Yeah, you remember him.
Whiny bloke, silly accent, punchable face.
Turns out he's still in the country.
He's come in here, threatening a war with the Albanians.
Jesus, the Albanians! And here's an interesting wrinkle, Don He's only turned up with that Japanese policeman.
You know, the one you told me not to worry about.
So, do you still think I don't need to worry about him? I told him to go back home.
Well, I don't think he listened to you, Donna.
Did you tell him what'd happen to him if he didn't go back home? Yeah.
Well, you got a bit of work to go and do, then, ain't ya? I'll sort it.
Tyler? Call the restaurant, I want my table.
Tell Alkan and Ricky to meet me there.
I want to find out what the fucking hell's going on with this thing.
Yuto, as well? No, not Yuto.
Leave him under his rock.
No more warnings for this guy, Donna.
No more second chances.
And that goes for you, too.
Cos if I can't rely on you to deliver for me on simple stuff like this, you're no use to me.
And I'll make fucking sure you're no use to anyone else either! So I should state, by the way, on the scale of Jewishness, with ten being Jesus and one being a gammon salesman working on a Saturday, I'm around a three.
But basically, what we do is eat all this food to break the fast that none of us have been observing, and we talk about who we want forgiveness from, or what we want forgiveness for.
Or something.
Excuse me.
Hm! Who'd like to go first? Taki? What would you like forgiveness for, Taki? Oh, what about when you stabbed that boy with a scissors in the thigh? What?! I'm not sorry about that.
He was grabbing me.
I would like forgiveness for .
leaving home without letting my mother know where I was.
She was worried.
Well, by the power invested in me, by the Yom and the shalom and all the hummus, I hereby grant unto you the special forgiveness of the Jewish people.
Am I doing it right? Go on, then, it's your turn.
Yeah, OK, me.
I want forgiveness for .
for bad decisions.
Hm! And bad intentions.
Shit, if we need to ask forgiveness for intentions, we're going to be here all night.
Rodney, bear in mind we only have so long.
So I would like forgiveness Um I would like forgiveness for I broke a nice boy's heart and .
I made him believe that I was going to be his whole world.
And then I left.
And he was alone.
And I didn't care.
I make people get close to me and then I push them away and I don't know why.
Do I get forgiveness for that? Do I get forgiveness for the ten missed calls he left on my phone the night that he died? Yes.
Going to need to get some more wine at this rate.
Thank you.
Kenzo? Um Excuse me.
Probably would've been quite boring, anyway.
OK, so no offence, but Taki is still hungry.
Oh! Did you not like the food, Taki? I'm sorry, but you tried to fill this delicate lotus flower full of 35lb of heavily-buttered mash.
I'm surprised we didn't have an incident.
I'm so sorry.
/f I've got a Viennetta in the freezer.
Viennetta? No.
There's a Japanese takeout around the corner.
It wouldn't hurt her to pop out.
I'll have her home by 11.
Thank you very much for tonight.
Thank you.
I have them, too, sometimes.
Bad intentions.
Fucking hell! Yeah? What do you want? If you are really serious about taking him down, then you should know in an hour, you're going to get maybe And .
why exactly would you be telling me this? How do you quit a job you're not allowed to walk away from? You light a fire and run.
He'll be in the restaurant.
Couple of guys with him, that's it.
Tyler? Listen, I've changed my mind.
I want the whole war council there tonight.
Everyone, yeah? Except Yuto, he's got to keep his head down, but the rest of them, get them over there.
Sure thing.
This was Tiff's favourite bar.
JJ? Three sambucas, please.
Thank you.
Do you know sambuca? Rodney! Hi.
Three tequilas, please, JJ.
Yeah! Everyone's here.
What's happening? Tosh? What's going on? We are fucked badly.
What does? I-I don't know what that We're fucked.
Yes? We're taking Abbot.
There's a restaurant he goes to, it's going down in there, if you want to come along.
Will Yuto be there? I don't have the fucking guest list.
You wanted to be kept in the loop, you're in the loop, right? So, what do you think? We got plenty of room.
We got the soccer mom car.
Come on, we'll pick you up.
You have one new message.
Donna, is there a meeting tonight?! There's going to be an attack on the restaurant! I don't know what's happening, but you need to stay away.
Are you there?! If you're there, you need to get out! I'm coming to get you.
What's the matter - you never been in a gunfight before? Not now.
He sprayed it racing green! If you're there, you need to get out! I'm coming to get you.
No! FUCK! Shit! .
All of the time! That is Boss? What?! What you doing here? Where's Yuto? Two-zero-zero, over.
Assistance required.
Possible incident about to kick off on Lexington Street.
Numerous males acting suspiciously outside the Spanish restaurant.
They are here! What's going on?! There's definitely activity.
Right, fucking everyone get ready! Be ready! Move it! All right! My man, all right? Party.
Oh, shit! Guns, guns, guns!
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