Girls Gone Wild: The Search for the Hottest Girl in America (2010) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

I'm Joe Francis, and join me as we search for the hottest girl in america.
whoa, oh whoa, oh-oh-oh were taking the bus, the jet, And whatever else we can.
To discover the hottest girl.
That you've ever seen.
Girls gone wild! let me go wild don't you think that's wild it's unlike any competition.
That's ever been done.
second time, oh yeah I love girls gone wild! here we go again we're dancing in the streets tap our feet to the beat with the top down low girls are able to go to.
Com, submit online.
Their pictures and videos, and.
The fans will get to ultimately.
Decide who wins this.
so let me go wild vote for me at.
Joe: Some of these candidates.
Will be flown to los angeles.
For their very own.
Girls gone wild magazine.
Photo shoot.
I got the cover! I'm going to get on.
Girls gone wild, and I'm going.
To be on that bus.
I am the hottest girl.
In america! let me go wild! We love girls gone wild! Whooo! ♪ let me go wild ♪ whoa, oh-oh let me go wild! hottest girls in america Girls gone wild! Whoo! What's up, florida, I'm.
Talkin' to you, it's wingnut.
From kiss 95.
Here in Melbourne, florida.
Shout-out to all you hot girls, Because you know what? Girls gone wild on hdnet are.
Searching for the hottest girl.
In america, and tonight.
Florida's on the spotlight.
At the county line.
In melbourne.
Come on out, the place is.
Always packed every time.
Girls gone wild is in Melbourne, and if you want to.
Enter the contest or even to.
Cast your vote for the hottest.
Girl in america, log onto.
We love girls gone wild! There have been some changes.
On the bus.
The burn-out rate for these.
Guys is pretty high, they're.
Working really hard, late.
Nights, wild clubs, wilder.
Girls, and some of them just.
Need to take a break.
So right now we need to give gio.
And zoo some time off, give em.
A break from the road, and we're.
Gonna bring in some new people.
We're gonna bring in a guy.
Called anthony cooper, and Whitney, one of our lady.
Shooters, so that should be.
Really, really interesting to.
See how the girls react to her.
Now, the only guy still on.
The bus is joey.
My name is joey, A.
A joey casanova.
It's a beautiful day out, We're here combing the beach.
We're always in search of the.
Hottest girl in america.
We're here on the east coast.
Tour in florida.
This is actually my first tour.
In florida.
I'm trying to feel out the.
Waters; I heard that florida.
Girls are hot, I'm really.
Excited to get those cute, hot.
Surfer chicks, and that's.
What we want.
Let's do it.
So here I am.
I've been on tour for about.
A month, just lettin' it ride.
Girls gone wild! Whoo! So, dana, what's going on.
With the hottest girl in america.
Contest today? Any movement? Yeah, it's going great.
The girls from last week have.
All moved up, rachel, codi, Keira, and jenny.
They have all moved up on the.
Board, and looking good.
What's going on with the buses? The west coast bus in down in Ohio, they're gonna head down.
To vegas for the open.
Casting call.
We got a lot of rsvps, so.
Party town, it'll be.
A good shoot.
What about the east coast bus? They're working really hard, And they're burning the candle.
At both ends.
Joey is really working hard, He's doing great, he's hanging.
In there, and he's more.
Determined than ever to find.
The hottest girl in america.
So, guys, who's the.
Front runner for the week? You know, I think it's- Right now it's this girl.
I'm dana, I'm the talent.
Coordinator here.
At girls gone wild.
It's my job here at girls gone.
Wild to review submissions, Flag any girls that I think.
Have what it takes to be the.
Hottest girl in america.
I coordinate everything with.
The magazine, with the editors, With the photographers, with.
The guys on the buses on the.
Road, and work together with.
Them to see who is in the.
Running for the hottest girl.
In america.
I think joe's gonna.
Like her a lot.
Gorgeous, yeah, A beautiful shot.
She's awesome.
Hi, my name is sarah.
I'm 19 years old, and I'm from Tucson, arizona, and I'm the.
Hottest girl in america.
My impression of sarah was.
That she's a sweet girl.
She's very pretty.
This is my first photo shoot.
I'm just kind of like open to.
Anything, and I don't want to.
Set boundaries, because I feel.
Like this is my life and I want.
To experience it.
Wherever life takes me, that's.
Just where I want to go.
So I got a new outfit.
It's, I don't know, kind of.
Laid-back, chill, Girl-in-the-house-wear.
So My expectations for the photo.
Shoot is just for it to be laid.
Back, just be fun, and in the.
End I just want it to turn out.
Really well.
I'm just teasing, I'm not.
Showing, just so you know.
She's shy, but I think once.
She gets comfortable behind the.
Camera she's gonna look great.
Sarah: I think my best asset.
Is my eyes, but I think.
Personality is probably the best.
Asset that I have.
I was actually by the bamboo and.
Everything, so it was really.
Cool, and I got to wear this.
Really cool outfit.
So I just finished my shoot, and.
It was just such an amazing.
Before it, I was just so.
Nervous, and I was just, "I don't know if I can do this," But after everything, I just had.
So much fun.
I think I'm the hottest girl in America just because I have that.
Natural beauty inside and out, And I think in the end, That's what people want.
I think she has the look for.
One of the hottest girls in America, she definitely.
Can be in the running.
And that's a wrap.
So I want you to vote for me.
At girlsgonewild.
This is the crew, this is Whitney, my female camera.
I'm whitney, A.
The ladies' lady, and I am a camerawoman.
For girls gone wild.
People are always coming up to.
Me and asking me, "are you.
Really into girls? Are you just.
"Telling me this?" And the answer is "maybe.
" this is our tour manager.
I gotta make.
Sure everything is good.
He takes care of us.
On the road.
My name's anthony, A.
A mr.
My official title is associate.
Producer, baby-sitter, Accountant, all-around grunt.
Man; I gotta do it all.
Daytona beach, whatcha got? Before this I was doing news, And I was literally at my.
Cubicle at three a.
About death and destruction, And looking at the girls gone.
Wild infomercials, like, "holy shit, that would be.
So much fun.
" girls gone wild! Whoo! Yeah! The east coast kills it.
Yeah, we get the most footage.
On the east coast.
It's a team effort- East and west combined.
The same goal, to find the.
Hottest girl in america.
This is going out to the.
Hottest girl in america.
We still want to see your.
Videotape yourself getting.
Crazy, whatever, send 'em in to.
Maybe you can be the next.
Hottest girl in america, get.
Your face on this bus, and.
Become the next icon.
hottest girls in america girls gone wild hey, joe.
We have codi here.
You ready for her? Yes.
I'll send her in.
I thought we brought codi in.
To review the consolidated.
Dana: That and to look at.
Her pictures from the girls gone.
Wild island shoot.
Did you enjoy your trip to.
Girls gone wild island? I loved it.
You liked it? Yeah.
I really like that.
I really like that one, too.
That'd make a great cover.
This one's fantastic.
You like that one? I do.
What about this one? I like that one.
That one's cute.
I think that one's.
Awesome, too.
It was awesome, wasn't it? Yes, it was.
Fun trip.
Can I use "awesome"? Is that still cool? So we'll have our guys throw.
A layout together and some.
Possible covers.
What do you think? Sounds awesome.
Wouldn't that be fun? And then another trip? Return to girls gone wild.
Island? Hi.
I'm xian nicole.
And I'm codi blue.
And we're gonna take you on.
A tour of girls gone wild.
Now we're coming into the.
Main entrance of the house, Like the big living room.
I mean, this is way bigger than.
My apartment alone.
The doors are all open all the.
Time, it's super open, and.
Really warm and welcoming.
And this is an infinity pool.
When you're lying down on these.
Beautiful chairs here, you look.
Down across and it just looks.
Like it goes straight.
Into the ocean.
It's really cool.
The property is so spacious, And it's luxurious; It's great.
Some of these rooms, like- I know.
I can't keep track.
I think we should go.
Look at joe's room now.
We'll play some games.
Oh- Oh! He's in there doing business.
He's actually working.
Hi, joe.
Joe: Hi, guys.
My favorite part was walking.
Up the stairs, and it was dark, And there's some candles.
Everywhere, and then you see.
This big buddha, and it's.
So awesome.
Now, this is his balcony, And you can see the ocean and.
You can see his tennis courts.
A really great view.
Of the ocean, too.
The sand is so soft, and the.
Water's so warm.
It's like 80 in the water.
It's like swimming.
In a jacuzzi.
Massive! My favorite part of the.
House is this little room where.
He has these tiles that are like 300 years old that he saved from.
Some church in France and had.
Installed in this little tiny.
Room, and it's so beautiful.
So joe has this ridiculou.
Shower Aaaah! That is a fancy.
Freakin' shower.
So, oh-look at you.
Working out.
This is joe's private gym.
Uhhh! Ha ha! Dude, I should go for the- dude, you're weak.
It's pretty heavy for me.
This is how shakira gets the Booty shake going is on.
This machine.
So we just want to thank you.
For coming in and viewing.
This beautiful place.
There's a lot more to see, and.
There's a lot more to do, but we.
Got to get going to the jet.
Skis and laying out and all that.
Stuff that you don't get to do.
Go tan.
See ya.
It's kind of like being at your.
Own private resort, pretty much.
Today and yesterday we have.
Already started all of.
Our shooting.
We were down here at like.
Eight o'clock this morning.
Dominic petruzzi is our.
Photographer, and he's.
Just amazing.
Yeah, that's hot there.
Love that, xian.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yesterday he was taking.
Pictures of me in the water.
Now he's taking pictures of us.
All over this amazing house.
For me, the most important.
Feature I look at when I see.
Somebody is their eyes.
It's like the character comes.
Through the eyes, and I think.
That's the most beautiful thing.
About somebody is their.
Personality coming through.
Without a word.
Codi: I'm really happy to be.
Down here, we're having.
A really good time.
I don't want it to end.
Hey, leyland.
What do you got? I got some submissions I would like to go over.
With you.
These are all new.
Submissions? Yes.
She's cute.
I get to work with leyland.
Every day, and he's awesome.
We have so much fun.
Picking these girls.
I really like her, I really love.
This photo, I think we should.
Bring her in for a test.
For sure.
She looks familiar.
She hasn't been in here before? I don't think so.
I haven't seen her.
Do you have her pictures.
Online? I can do better than that.
Check out her submission video.
My name is capri anderson, And I'm from florida.
girls gone wild yeah capri: I think the hottest.
Girl is definitely.
The full package.
She's gotta have nice boobs, Butt, lips, eyes- I want it all.
She's gotta be a perfect ten.
'cause you're all so fine when you're at the club never waitin' in line dana: The hottest girl in America, she has to be sexy, She has to be fun, her.
Personality has to shine.
while I'm sitting here right next to you capri: Girls are hot Especially wild girls.
Dana: If you're outgoing, you.
Will get very far with girls.
Gone wild, you have to be fun, Everybody in this company is.
Fun, and that's what.
We're looking for.
and it's okay if you wanna celebrate every day livin' a dream just like a fantasy you put a spell on me capri: Hopefully I will be.
The hottest girl in america- Ha ha! When our viewers decide.
girls gone wild leyland: Wow, she's adorable.
Definitely hottest girl in America material.
Now we know why she looks.
Familiar, we shot her in Vegas recently.
Cameraman: Capri.
And all this, just up in the.
Club and having a good time.
Oh, yeah, that's what vegas.
Is all about, right? All you packed was.
This little black dress? 'cause it seems like.
That's all you need.
Now, does that just like.
Slip right off, or I can get it off.
Pretty easy.
Yeah? I think she definitely has.
The look, let's set her aside.
For sure, then.
I like her.
Why don't we send.
Ththe east coast bus out to Florida to surprise her? We can invite her to l.
Shoot for the magazine.
And see how she reacts.
Whitney: Capri, this little.
Cutie, she had no idea who I was, but I knew who she was.
It's always better that way.
Is your name capri? How do you know my name? How do I know your name? Let me ask you this: Did you do.
A little girls gone wild thing.
For us in las vegas? Ha ha! Maybe I did.
Maybe you did.
Yeah, I did.
I'll tell you right now, We saw that Joe francis saw that.
Really? Yes, yes.
Yeah, right.
We think-america thinks- That you are one of the hottest.
Girl in america.
What? What do you say you and I, We'll hang out here, see what.
Gets poppin' off.
Girls gone wild, baby! Let's get the party started.
Girls gone wild is here.
are y'all ready to get this party started make some noise all the girls go wild when we walk up in the room joey: We are looking for.
The hottest girl in america! all girls go wild when we walk up in the room we're looking for.
The hottest girl in america.
Anthony: This club right here.
Is pretty hot, it's a country.
Bar, it's called county line.
From what I hear, there's.
A local college, can fit about.
Almost a thousand people.
In there, so when you're close.
To a college and you can fit.
That many people, it's ladies.
Night, all those things add up.
To craziness.
On the count of three, county.
Line, I want to hear you say "girls gone wild!" we like to build that.
Anticipation so once we light 'em up, like, everybody just.
Gets crazy.
One, two, three! All: Girls gone wild! Go wild when we walk up in the room all the girls go wild when they hear that boom-boom all the girls go wild when we walk up in the room girls gone wild hottest girl.
In america, I don't know if she.
Was the hottest, but she looked.
Pretty good right now.
Ha ha ha! Whitney: My strategy is.
Basically to find the one person.
That when the lights go on them.
They do this move: "girls gone wild!" girls gone wild! Yay! And then grab them instantly.
And try to take them to the bus.
Sometimes you have to do the.
Whole slide the hand behind the.
Back, whisper in the ear, like, "you know you're a sexy girl, Right? You know that.
" They do this, like I think that's when they start.
Questioning, "what am I supposed.
To do? I'm kind of intrigued.
" It's all about having fun, Making the girls feel.
Comfortable, telling them.
How good they look.
"oh, yours.
Look at mine.
" Oh.
So no, yours are good.
Everything is good.
"Let me see more.
" I want you to say.
"I love girls gone wild" And flash it.
Aah! I love girls gone wild! Whoo! Oh, my god, girl, Those e e the best tits ever! Hi, guys.
My name's nicole, I'm from cocoa beach florida, Aid am the hottest girl.
In america.
Anthony: I found this.
Cutie-pie in the back room.
She was hot as hell, We got her back on the bus.
What makes you so smokin' hot? Um, well, I'm actually really.
Shy, but, like- I can tell.
Youre super shy.
If you Get to know me a little bit, You might see a little bit more.
Than you do now.
Girls gone wild is an.
Experience, you know, it's not.
Just a dvd, so when girls walk.
Away and they're feeling sexy, They're feeling confident, They're feeling like, "hey, this.
Might actually be a good shot.
For me," that's what we're.
About, making people feel good.
Thank you, girls gone wild.
Whitney: It doesn't matter if.
We're in a podunk town or.
A big city, we always find the.
Party, come in with as much.
Energy as possible, And just make things happen.
Joey: We're not just a team, We're a family.
The family and the team.
Combined, you get the.
Best results.
I'll go to sleep knowing.
We did the best we could.
Did you have a good time.
Tonight, wingnut? Hell, yeah, I did, Of course.
It was amazing.
Too many beautiful girls.
On my own eyes, I coulnonot.
Handle it.
My god, joe francis, you have.
Got to come to melbourne and see.
These girls, because tonight.
America's hottest girls.
Love girls gone wild! Bye, everybody.
I'm going to california for my.
Girls gone wild photo shoot.
Super excited.
So you'll get to see.
Tons more of me.
Tons more of me.
Girls gone wild! Bye, guys.
Being that you guys came down.
Here to florida, I feel great, You know, I'm like so excited, And hopefully I will be the.
Hottest girl in america.
I shot for the hottest.
Girl in america Man: Nice.
Aaahh! It was a still photo shoot.
It's pretty hot, pretty sexy.
It was fun.
Yes! Capri's really fun, we wanted.
To have some interaction, so we.
Brought in another one of our.
Models, dani, a cute redhead.
We thought a pillow fight.
Would be great.
Capri: When it comes to.
Girls, I like to get wild.
Man: Low blows, low blows.
Capri: They definitely have.
Some great photographers.
You guys can look a.
Each other, too.
Capri: The pictures.
Came out beautiful.
SoI really enjoyed it.
I love girls gone wild! That issue's coming out soon.
I'm capri from florida.
Vote for me at.
Who's your vote for the.
Hottest girl in america? Log onto girlsgonewild.
Right now and cast your vote.
Takes a few seconds.
Coming up on the search for.
The hottest girl in america Your test shoots were.
Amazing, and we want you to.
Shoot for the magazine, and we.
Want you to do it righnonow.
In vegas.
Oh, my god, that would be.
So awesome! Yes! Here we are in las vegas, baby! Joe: The west coast bus hits.
The jackpot in las vegas.
Fuckin'-a, that's hot.
Letme be there, whoa, oh second time, oh yeah let me go wild nice.
We're in vegas, there's hot.
Girls everywhere, I'm gonna go.
Find the hottest girl in America right now.
What better place to search.
For the hottest girl in america? Joe: What happens in vegas.
Stays in vegas, but nobody ever.
Said anything about.
Girls gone wild island! Girls gone wild island.
Every guy's dream.
Stick around, because me and Amanda might have something in.
Store for you and a little.
Surprise later.
Joe: It's all coming up on.
The search for the hottest girl.
In america! Remember, if you'd like to.
Vote for any of the girls you've.
Just seen, and see thousands of.
Sexy amateur photos and videos.
Of all the contestants, go to.
We're still accepting.
Submissions! Hi, I'm holly.
From sunny california.
And I think that I'm the.
Hottest girl in america.
Hi, I'm kendall myers, I'm from oregon, ohio, I'm 19 years old, and I'm the.
Hottest girl in america.
Hi, I'm kryssa, I'm 23, I'm from washington, and I want.
To be the hottest girl in America, so vote for me at.
My name is dani, and I'm from.
Rancho, california.
Could be the hottest girl in America? let me go wild!
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