Go On s01e12 Episode Script

Win at All Costas

1 Hey, Ryan.
This is Bob Costas.
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh, God! Oh my God! Hey, Ryan.
This is Bob Costas.
Hey, Ryan.
This is Bob Costas.
Hey, Ryan.
Why don't you play the whole message? Because Bob Costas is my hero.
He's the greatest broadcaster who ever lived.
He's the closest we humans have to a deity here on Earth.
I'd like to believe there's a God.
I know there's a Costas.
And he called you.
That's good, right? Unless it's bad.
He's a notoriously savage critic.
Maybe he called to say he doesn't like the show.
He's the entire reason they canceled 'My Name is Earl'.
You're great.
You don't need his approval.
Check that.
Big fan.
Ryan, Bob Costas calling you back.
Guess were playing the phone tag now.
Ooh, what will we play next, Bob Costas? I have news.
My niece is having her quinceanera.
It's a beautiful celebration for girl's 15th birthday.
Wow, did the group just share two pieces of good news in a row? Time for Anne to throw some cold water on everything.
And that is just the kind of joke we're not ready for yet.
Look for invitations.
All my best families, all my best friends.
It's time.
Oh, no.
Are we all gonna die? No, the Mars Curiosity soil sample arm is about to engage.
Ryan, Mr.
K's an accomplished aerospace engineer with the jet propulsion labs.
I'm sorry.
K is a rocket scientist? Yes, he's been designing the Curiosity rover for ten years now.
I just played a small part.
You make it sound like I'm Dr.
Adam Seltzner, who, by the way, just left me a message.
Didn't feel the need to make a big deal about it.
An 8 centimeter robot arm is about to take a soil sample on Mars.
If it succeeds, my life has been worth living.
If it fails, I'll be like Yolanda.
Oh, it's okay.
We have a thing where we're mean to each other, but it's fun.
No, we don't.
Oh, here it goes.
Come on, baby.
Do your business.
It dvvvft-ed.
Oh, congratulations.
Let's hear it for Mr.
But not too loud, as we know it sexualized him in the past.
That's great, man.
I can't wait to hear what you're gonna do next.
- Next? - Well, you know, that's over, so what's your next challenge? You're right.
I have nothing.
No, no, no.
I was just My life has no purpose.
I'm just waiting to die.
Like Yolanda.
Carrie, I'm getting antsy waiting for Bob Costas to call back.
- Costas is on the phone.
- It's happening.
It's happening.
Ryan king? Yeah, this is Bob Costas.
"Hey, Ryan, this is Bob Costas.
" Like the message you left me.
I've listened to it like a thousand times.
It's like if Stairway to heaven called me.
Funny, I actually played the message you left for me - a bunch of times too.
- Really? No.
Listen, I'm rolling out a new TV show.
I think there might be a place for you.
You come do a spot.
If it works, we're in business.
What do you say? - Bob, I'm really flattered.
- Great.
Call my office, and we'll set it up.
It could win you another Emmy.
Actually, I don't have any.
Tell you what, I'll bring one of mine over, you can keep it.
Ryan, that's amazing.
I can't do TV.
Why not? Have you never googled him? What do you do all day besides read your old lady soap opera magazines? Long ago, Ryan tried his hand at TV.
One fateful day, found himself on camera next to a Mr.
Richard Eisen.
We're talking football, then he switched it up to soccer, took me out of my comfort zone.
The lights, the cameras recording an image.
One that would end up on the Internet and be seen by everyone.
This is why I can't do TV anymore, even if Bob Costas himself asked me back in.
Ryan, we've all had embarrassing moments.
Remember Owen's story about how he was on the beach wearing only a towel, then a white horse came and ate his towel? That never happened.
Lauren, I might be having dreams about Owen.
Sonia, don't start another group affair.
That's how we lost Carl.
Dude, that was worth it.
Nothing's worth it anymore.
My life is devoid of meaning or purpose or hope.
What brave emotional honesty.
Let's discuss that further.
No, Ryan has his thing.
My despair can wait.
So, Ryan, if this had gone well, you'd still be doing TV? Yeah, if I could go back and erase that, yeah.
Then go back on that show and get it right this time.
Eisen would have me back on.
It'd be tough to pull off without Janie around, though.
She knew just how to relax me.
She would smile and give me a scalp massage and tell me that I was gonna be great, and I believed her.
That's it.
That's my new purpose.
- What? - Ryan.
I'm going to replace Janie.
What? I'm capable.
I can do great things.
Wow, it's like she's back.
What do you wear to a quinceanera? You know, Danny, I'm happy you asked, because, if you don't commit to the appropriate cultural garb, it's really offensive.
I would hate to offend someone.
Well, you have bullfighter stuff, right? - No.
- Dude, we need to go shopping.
We need to get you some Fausta, honey, there's been some kind of mistake.
You forgot to send me an invitation to the quinceanera.
I didn't forget.
You are not invited.
Wait a minute.
Not that I care I mean, I clearly have way better things to do Why not? Because you are how you say You are sour, you are difficult.
Sonia wrote a few down for me.
"You are wet blanket, bummer, buzz kill, bit-cah?" How you read? - "Bitch.
" - Yes.
That's good.
" If Jenny were here and you have something in your chin and she told you, would you appreciate that? - Yeah.
- Put this poppy seed in your teeth.
Well, look who it is dipping his toe back in the TV waters.
Returning to the scene of the crime, Ryan, it's a bold move.
Hey, very nice of you to have me on, especially after all the shots I take at you on the air.
Well, what happens on the radio is between you and Dan from Burbank.
Listen, is there anything I can get you? Coffee, medication, anything to help you avoid another epic meltdown like the last time you were on TV? You know, I figured out what happened last time.
I had an allergic reaction to your hair gel.
Shouldn't be a problem anymore, huh, Rich Eisen? I'm frozen without retort, sort of like Oh, is that playing on every possible screen behind me? Yeah, it is.
We've been practicing this ever since you called.
He's gonna destroy me.
When people leave ESPN, they're angry, deranged.
What does Chris Berman do to them? Shh.
No, Mr.
K, you can't Oh, oh, so good.
Oh Now take off your shirt.
- Get out.
- Okay.
And we are on in three, two [Music begins.]
Welcome to Rich Eisen live.
It's Ryan King on the show, everybody, and, Ryan, we are gonna talk about the NFL, but first I'd love to talk a little bit of soccer and get your thoughts on this year's premier league championship.
Ryan, you okay? Yes, I'm just surprised by the easy question.
I love an underdog.
That's why I'm a big Rich Eisen fan.
So I'm going with man city to repeat.
Especially since their vice-Captain Micah Richards will be back in boots.
It's a pleasure talking footie with you.
All right.
I got this.
I'm ready for Costas.
This is called a walk-off.
It's a baseball term, Rich Eisen.
Whoo! My man! Making my moment weird.
Get out, get out, get out.
[Knock at door.]
Do you experience me as a wet blanket? A bummer? Anne, you're kind of catching me off guard here, but yeah.
Fausta didn't invite me to her niece's thing.
I mean, yes, okay, I'm not all sunshine and rainbows, but my life is hell.
I'm basically drowning in a sea of sorrow.
Hard to imagine why she wouldn't want that at a 15-year-old's party.
I can be as difficult as I want.
My stuff is bigger than hers.
I don't think she sees it that way.
Why are you defending her? Why aren't you mad? Well, I was invited.
What? It never even occurred to me that she would invite you.
That's it.
She's not getting away with this.
Honey, is she bothering you? What the [Bleep.]
is this? I don't want to know.
So will I be joining you for your special TV show tomorrow? Well, the stakes are pretty high tomorrow.
Why don't we discuss it over dinner? Let's take a look at this lasagna.
You were in there for three hours, and this is cereal.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Maybe we skip tomorrow.
- What are you doing? - I'm loosening up.
I heard Costas goes in hard for the handshake.
He believes he can measure a man's worth by his grip, and I don't want to come up short.
Just think, Carrie.
Any moment he's gonna walk up with that voice.
"Hi, I'm Bob Costas.
Hi, I'm Bob Costas.
" Hi, I'm Bob Costas.
He does it so much better.
- Good to meet you, Ryan.
- Oh, thanks for ha You know, everybody I shake hands with has pretty much that same reaction.
And the funny thing is, I'm a natural lefty.
Who's this? Oh, that doesn't matter.
All right, look, I got to find out what you're all about.
Just vibe with me here.
I want to try something, okay? Go with me.
Epic, defining moments, blah, blah, blah, unscripted drama of sports, blah, blah, blah, Mr.
October, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, this is gonna work.
Here are the topics.
Look 'em over, and I'll see you for the second segment.
- Okay.
- Hey, Bob Costas.
Put her there.
Oh, my God.
This is perfect.
Hockey, the state of the Red Sox This is everything I ever talk about.
Can I touch you up before the shoot? [Chuckles.]
You're not gonna try to put anything in my eyes to make them pop, are you? [Laughter.]
Actually, could you? [Latin music playing.]
- I love this guy.
- [Laughs.]
Owen, where's your outfit? You're offending everyone here.
Everyone is offending everyone here.
Oh, Danny, the jacket, that's Owen's fault, but the shoes ooh, the shoes are on you, bud.
- Hey.
- Anne, what are you doing here? Shut it, Aladdin.
Fausta does not get to exclude me from this.
Look there.
A completely empty table.
All right, out of the way, girls.
Widow coming through.
Yeah, that's right.
Life ain't all Justin Bieber and second base.
We're back in five.
Hello, is Ryan King here? He forgot his lunch.
- Who are you? - Who are you? I'm Bob.
What do you do, Bob? I'm a sports broadcaster.
Is that all? My name is Mr.
Robert Quinlan cost Well, all right, Mr.
I'm listening.
Sports broadcasting How long have you done that? Well, I was the voice of the spirits of St.
Louis of the A.
back in 1974.
Huh, I spent the last ten years building a robot arm that goes dvvvft, dvvvft.
Now I have to be brave enough to ask, "what's next?" You know, I can relate to that.
Here I am with a new show, and yet I'm talking about sports.
There's so much more I could talk about Philosophy, poetry, music, nanotechnology.
I'd watch that show.
I could do that show.
But you won't.
That candy, is that, like, for anybody? Hoo.
Hey, gator, forget about the graphics on the kings and the Red Sox.
Load these in.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, Ryan, this is gonna be good.
We're gonna change things up a little bit.
Why? I was excited for the way things were going to exactly be.
I talked to him.
You're welcome.
Ooh, your eyes look awesome.
And welcome back to a new and we think improved Bob Costas show.
There's a lot to talk about out there, and Ryan King is here to help us get to the bottom of it all.
Thank you, Bob.
For the first time, Los Angeles is a hockey town.
When the L.
Kings won the cup Ryan, let's take a look at the first graphic, all right? Thoughts? Uh No.
Tale of the tape: Leonardo Fibonacci, mathematician.
Born 1170, Pisa.
Died 1240, Pisa.
Your thoughts on the Fibonacci sequence Divine numerical progression or cruel illusion of order out of chaos? No, Costas is going intellectual.
You want to talk numbers, 911, that's a sequence of numbers that you should call.
The fashion police to talk about that firbucci's hat there.
Has Ryan had the talk with you? About how he's secretly stupid? - He is? - Big time.
Doesn't know what the Taj Mahal is.
Uses the word "literally" wrong all the time.
He does.
The other day, he said it was literally 1,000 degrees.
What he's brilliant at is steering a conversation back to his sweet spot.
He's got two moves first, hard turn back into sports.
Now personally I'd say that's too much power even for a supreme court justice to have.
Well, you want to talk about a justice with too much power David justice.
Hit a lot of home runs, Bob, but how many of them were clean? I mean, how many of 'em should have a little star thingy next to 'em? You mean, an asterisk? He doesn't know the word "asterisk.
" I've heard him call it an asteroid.
His other move is distracting with lame pop culture references.
Here's my question Where has all the talk about Monet and Manet gone? All kids learn about is Dali and M.
Well, I would like to quote another M.
- M.
- No.
Because, when you take the Monets and the Manets, you can't touch this.
Am I right? Last topic: Space or time? Which are we really moving through, and ultimately does it matter? Ryan.
Well, our thanks to Ryan King.
And the Bob Costas show continues after these messages.
- We're clear.
- All right.
Let's change this back to sports.
That sucked.
Did you see that, what just happened? That was literally a train wreck.
No, Ryan, it was figuratively a train wreck.
- What? - That was awesome, Ryan.
You! You ruined everything.
Just like Janie used to? I told you to stay home.
But you forgot your lunch.
This is pictures of food! Look, be as weird as you want in group, but this is my life.
This could have been a huge opportunity for me, and you ruined it.
I don't want your help anymore.
I make things worse.
I'm gonna need those eyelashes back.
What lashes? [Latin music playing.]
- Anne.
- Yeah.
If you're gonna be here, would you care to come sit someplace less conspicuous? Look at her having so much fun with her family and her friends while I sit at the table with my partner, loneliness.
Yeah, I'm off the clock.
- Bueno, bueno.
- Hey! Banana shoes, come.
Translate for me.
I want to hear what she says about me.
No, don't sit at the table.
It lessens my isolation.
[Speaking spanish.]
She's glad that we made it.
She loves her niece.
Wow, what an orator.
Move over, Abe Lincoln.
[Continues speaking spanish.]
Oh, here it is.
What'd she say about me? "This table is left empty to honor those "who can't be here with us.
"Like, two beautiful sons, my husband, my little girl.
Every day I miss them.
" [Continues speaking spanish.]
"Being without them fills me with a great sorrow.
" Disculpame! She's apologizing for my shoes.
She's explaining don't be mad at me.
My head is soft like a There's not an exact translation, but it's a large, Mexican gourd-like vegetable.
Fausta, I'm sorry that you miss your family.
I'm sorry I sat at your table.
I, uh, I am a bit-cah.
It's okay.
You and these people, you help fill my empty table.
Oh, my chiquita.
How do you do it? How do you smile with so much pain? You can smile or you can cry.
And I choose to smile.
You people help.
Come on.
Let's get you fun clothes.
- What? - No more sad man suit.
This is a good suit.
No, it's not supposed to be.
Hola my little mama the way you move it, you get me going Oh! [Exclamations.]
Anne, you look so pretty.
Yeah, Fausta's niece made a costume change, so this was available.
Now come with me, senorita.
We find you a man.
- Oh.
- And don't say no.
Why can't she find a man? Maybe she's shy.
- That's it.
- Vamonos.
Oh, good God.
Okay, I'm first.
So the Costas thing didn't go so well, huh? It was literally the apocalypse.
Look, Mr.
K is really upset.
He feels responsible.
I think you should go talk to him.
I got enough problems.
I let that guy back into my life, there'll be no end to it.
The man is a menace.
Ryan, do you remember how excited you were when you thought Bob Costas was gonna be in your life? Yeah.
You are Mr.
K's Bob Costas.
Now I'm really sorry you lost yours, but does he have to lose his too? Oh, God, look at him.
Are those tears in his beard? Yeah.
Becoming a better person is such a drag.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry I yelled at you.
You were just trying to help.
It won't happen again.
Put this poppy seed in your mouth.
You have something in your teeth.
Thank you.
We're back.
How long we gonna do this for? Exactly 45 seconds.
- Starting now.
- Okay.
Lots going on in the world of sports, and we will talk about none of it.
You all remember this instant classic, don't you? Well, now he has a brother.
Christmas has come early, Rich Eisen fans, or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa.
Ryan King's humiliation knows no religious boundaries.
It's the gift from the heavens, the gift that keeps on giving.
Eisen, you evil bastard.
You win again.
Oh, honey, you're on TV.

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