Gone (2018) s01e09 Episode Script

Exigent Circumstances

1 .
[crickets chirping.]
[suspenseful music.]
- Sam? Sam? It's Mom! It's okay, baby, I'm gonna bring you home! I--I did what you said.
I didn't call the police.
It's--it's 18,000.
It's the most I could get.
I can fix this, please, I just need more time.
- [voice distorted.]
Don't move! - No, no! No, no, no, no! No! Stop! Stop! [tires screeching.]
No! Stop! Sam! - Mom! - No, no, no, no, no! Stop! Sam! Sam! [screaming.]
Sam! [upbeat music.]
- Mom, no, no, no, no.
You know I don't like making a big deal about my birthdays.
I don't want presents, I don't want people staring at me while I blow out birthday candles.
I just don't.
- I promise it'll just be a small get-together.
Think of it as a gift since we've been getting along better.
Look, at least we have from my end.
I promise it'll be painless.
- [sighs.]
All right, Mom, a small get-together.
- Great.
Saturday at my house.
You can invite Noah, if you want.
- Wait, who told you about Noah? Was it James? I am going to kick his ass! - Don't you dare hurt James, he's making the playlist.
- Mom, I gotta go.
I'm meeting someone.
- It's Noah, isn't it? I always liked that boy, even in high school.
[lounge music.]
[indistinct chattering.]
- Nice outfit.
- You didn't say this was a fancy place.
God! - I didn't say it was a Zumba class, either.
- You know what? I was half asleep when you texted me, and I have no problem going back to that.
- You're driving me home.
- Mm.
Let me guess, she was hotter than you.
So you got nervous, and you started bragging to try to impress her.
And she got bored and left, obviously, right around the time you mentioned being All-State in football two years in a row.
- Three years in a row, and it was baseball.
But that--that wasn't it.
- It was the home brewery, then, wasn't it? - [scoffs.]
- Sorry, Bishop, but girls don't want to try beer from your basement, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this.
- Some girls want to drink my beer out of my basement.
- Yikes.
- And it wasn't a date.
I was having dinner with my father.
Well, we ordered dinner, and then he got up, walked out.
He's really good at that.
- What happened? - Well, I had the audacity to mention my brother.
I mean, all these years since Mark was taken, and He still can't say his name.
Like if we don't say it, it never happened.
He didn't exist.
You know, we had a funeral for him.
Isn't that crazy? - That's--that's insane.
- It's insane.
- Well, if it makes you feel any better, my mom can't stop talking about what happened to me on national TV.
- Yeah.
- So it's really fun.
- [laughing.]
It's not fun.
- Good times, for sure.
- Well, I guess you can't pick your family.
- I'll drink to that, friend.
- They don't make protein shakes.
- Well, they should.
- They should.
I know you're in full spandex.
- It's my fault.
- But you look really It's good to see you.
[phone chimes.]
- Hold on.
Oh, it's Frank.
Guess what? We've got a case! We gotta go.
Excuse me.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Could we just get the check for this and could we get a large black coffee to go? All right, all right, we're good.
That's enough there, buddy.
There you go.
[plane engines roaring.]
- Okay, here's what we got.
Samantha Dillon, 16 years old, from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
She was abducted yesterday after school, her mother, Nancy, got the ransom call at 4:00 p.
Kidnappers told her that if she called the police, they'd kill Samantha.
Nancy, in her infinite wisdom, decides to drop off the money herself.
Drop-off went south, kidnapper took the money and the girl.
- It never goes well when people try to fly solo.
- Yeah.
- She was scared.
She panicked.
- Which is why it's a bad idea.
Well, did she see the kidnapper? - Kidnapper was masked, but she got a look at the car.
It was a black sedan.
Unfortunately, she didn't get a plate.
- Security cameras? Tire marks? - No camera, but tire mark is generic.
- The ransom call came from Samantha's cell.
The phone went dark right after that.
- All right, we need a timeline.
Where did Samantha go between the time she left school and when Nancy got the ransom demand? If we put those two together, we've got a good start.
Let's go.
Long night? Kick had to drive you? - Yeah.
Is that a problem? - Well, the most disciplined guy I know is suddenly getting sloppy.
- I had one too many.
- What's going on, John? - I had one bad night.
Something's gotta be going on? - There's something else.
I didn't even want to tell you this, but the Bureau's opening up an EFI on Peter Gomes from the Tiger abduction case.
- Wait a minute, for taking down a kidnapper? They opened an Excessive Force Inquiry for that? - For putting him in the ICU.
- Yeah, well, he put a gun to Kick's head.
Remember that? - I'm not done with you.
Come here.
Listen to me, I'm getting enough scrutiny from the Bureau because we have Kick on the team.
I can't keep my eye on her if I gotta keep my eye on you.
- So this is about you covering your own ass? - No, this is about me protecting the team.
- Well, sir, you don't have to keep an eye on me.
[plane engine roaring.]
- My phone rang, and Sam's name came up.
But when I answered, it was a man.
He said I had six hours to come up with $25,000, or he was gonna kill Sam.
And I--I should've called the police, I know, but I just panicked.
If someone had your baby, what would you do? - Probably The same thing you did.
You were under tremendous pressure.
- All I could come up with that fast was 18,000.
- Nancy, have you received any threats lately? Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt you or Sam? - I work in Payroll, so my name's on everyone's checks.
People love me.
- Sam reminds me of me at that age.
Little headstrong.
- Well, the last few months have been hell.
She's been cutting class, sneaking out with her friend Emily, I don't know where she goes half the time, and I had to really crack down on her.
We had a--a big fight yesterday.
And she left for school slamming the door.
- Sam knows how much you love her.
And that's what she's thinking about right now.
- Thank you.
- It doesn't add up.
Millionaires get ransomed, CEO's kids.
But not the children of payroll managers.
- Let's try Sam's school.
Maybe her friends know something.
What? - I'm trying to picture you with pink hair.
- Oh, well, it looked good.
Trust me.
[bell ringing.]
- We checked the school's security cameras.
Now, Samantha left on foot yesterday.
Do you have any idea where she went? - The only time that she doesn't take the bus is when we go to Starbucks, but we didn't yesterday.
Now I wish that we had.
- Sam's mom said that she's been sneaking out.
Hanging out with you.
- Of course she's trying to blame this on me.
She thinks that I'm a bad influence.
- Are you? - No! Sam's mom is just crazy strict.
She wouldn't let her have a boyfriend and she took away her iPad.
Sam had to use mine just to message people.
- Okay, so Sam wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend.
Was she seeing anyone behind her mom's back? - Not that she told me about.
- Well, wouldn't you know? You're her best friend, right? - We tell each other everything.
- You know that iPad you let Sam borrow, we'd like to see it.
- I don't think I have it with me today.
- Emily, that might work on your parents, but we're gonna need to see that device.
[dramatic music.]
- So where are we on Samantha's phone? - Still dark, but we did get her friend's iPad.
Sam was using it to message people.
James is working on who.
- Do you think she knows her kidnappers? - Well, we're not sure.
I mean, she did break her routine by not getting on the bus.
- What do you got, James? - Nothing too scandalous in Sam's messages.
Lots of complaints about how annoying her mom is.
Oh, wait, hang on.
- Mm? - Look at this text she sent to "Grant H.
" "I loved talking to you today.
I can't wait to meet you in person.
" - Mm.
- Hmm.
'Cause remember Emily told us that Sam's mom wouldn't let her have a boyfriend? - Yeah.
- I wonder if she's talking to a boy behind her mom's back.
- I can't relate at all.
- [scoffs.]
Are there any other messages from him? - Uh, no.
But maybe she called him from this device.
Let me check the log.
Yeah, sure enough, a bunch of hour-long calls to Grant H.
- Trace that kid.
- Whoa.
Hey, Grant H.
Grant Holland.
48 years old, Green Bay address.
- All these phone calls, and they've never met in person.
- But he might very well be grooming her.
- Let's go knock on his door.
[dramatic music.]
[voices on TV.]
- What did you just call me? - You heard me.
We're gonna settle this once and for all! [door slams open.]
- FBI! Show me your hands! Where's the girl? - Where's your warrant? - It's right here.
- Samantha? - Exigent circumstances, we don't need a warrant.
- Samantha? - Get up off me! You got any idea who I am? [straining.]
- Yeah, you're a guy who's going to jail for a long time! .
- Now, I'll ask you again, where's Sam? - I want to speak to a tribal elder, or a representative from the Bureau of Indian Affairs! - Yeah, I told you, they're on their way.
- And I told you that I don't talk to the FBI or anybody representing the occupying government known as the United States of America.
[knocking on doors.]
- Maybe I can help.
Special Agent Jeremy Riggs, Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- John Bishop, FBI.
This is my partner, Kick Lanigan.
- Hey, you got an expense card in that wallet? 'Cause you're gonna pay for my door! - Grant, just calm down.
- All right, listen, we're looking for a missing girl.
Her name is Samantha Dillon, and he won't tell us anything.
- Grant? - Yeah, she's one of my cases.
- Cases? - Agent Bishop, this is Grant Holland.
He's an activist for the Oneida Indian Nation.
He heads up a group called "Return Our Youth.
" He connects kids adopted out of the tribe with their Native American birth parents.
- By kidnapping them? - No, no, no.
The government's the kidnapper.
Adoption laws make it easy for white families to take our kids.
That's who I help: Native kids.
I give them information, recommend a lawyer, if they decide to go that way.
- Look, Holland's been doing this for-- - 22 years! - Get up.
- [straining.]
- Wait, so I don't understand.
Sam contacted you? - Yeah, she was doing an ancestry project at her school.
Took a DNA test, found out she was part Oneida.
She wanted to know more about her heritage, so I did some digging around for her.
All I could find was her birth mother's name.
- Wait, her birth mother? - Sam was adopted.
I got her birth certificate right here.
Birth mother's name was Fiona Porter.
No father listed.
- We spoke to Nancy Dillon.
She didn't tell us Sam was adopted because she didn't think it had anything to do with her kidnapping.
- What about the birth mother? - Agent Riggs put us in touch with her.
Fiona Gardner, maiden name Porter.
Priors for drug possession and petty larceny.
That's the husband.
He didn't know his wife had a kid with someone else.
- Well, that family must be loving us right now.
- It was supposed to be a closed adoption.
I was shocked when she called me.
You know, she told me who she was, and she said that she wanted to get to know me.
It was hard, hearing my baby's voice.
I only held her for an hour before I gave her up.
- And what did you say to her? - I told her I couldn't meet.
And she was devastated.
And she pleaded.
You have to understand, I was 18 when I had her.
I was using.
I left all that behind.
I have a new life.
A new family.
- Um, Fiona, we noticed that you left the father's name off the birth certificate.
- He was bad news.
You know, when I got pregnant, that's when I turned things around.
I got clean.
I went back to school.
It's been a long road.
- Most people couldn't do what you did.
I'm proud of you.
- Well, we think Samantha might be looking for her father the same way she went looking for you.
- God, I hope not.
He's not a good guy.
- Is he the kind of guy that would kidnap his own daughter and hold her for ransom? - If there's a dollar at the end of it, he'd sell his own mother.
- Anthony Silvera.
Priors for felony possession, felony intent to distribute, and behind door number three, impersonating a police officer.
Furloughed out of Stevens Point last November.
- And went right back to old tricks.
Outstanding warrant for assault from two nights ago.
- Yeah, Silvera punched a bartender then stole a couple credit cards he was holding for bar tabs.
- Well, can you trace those cards? - Yeah, the card numbers are included in the police report.
Looks like one was cancelled yesterday.
And the other one Boom! One forgot to cancel.
He just paid for Silvera's stay at the Irondale Motor Lodge.
- 342 Juanita Street.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
- Boy genius.
- [laughter.]
- 16 yard line.
Goal line offense still in.
Under center.
Takes the handoff, looks to hand to Morrison again, off tackle run, looks to get to the goal line.
And he's in! A five-yard dive for the Huskies, for the running touchdown! Morrison, his 11th of the year at the 11:03 mark.
Not much in the way of defense-- - [coughing.]
- He's now 52 of 55 on the year on extra points.
[engine revving.]
[line trilling.]
[indistinct TV voice.]
- Hello? - Mom, it's me! [kicks door open.]
- FBI! Get up! Put your hands up! Go! - Backed up against the wall.
Fourth down-- - I'm okay, Mom, he hasn't hurt me.
- Go ahead and risk it.
Line up long left.
[kicks door open.]
- Where are you? - I don't know where! Um, I'm at a hotel.
I--I'm sorry.
- What's going on? Who is that? .
- All right, tell me where she is.
- Why don't you come on in here and make me remain silent? - Look, we talked to Fiona Porter.
We know Samantha reached out to you.
So tell us where she is right now.
- Samantha? - Yeah.
- No, I could've swore that blonde said her name was Nikki.
Look, I dumped Fiona when she got knocked up.
I never met the kid.
- Agents, a minute? - That's your guy.
[radio chatter.]
- Silvera's been holed up in this rat trap for two days.
Only visitors were a pizza delivery guy and a call girl named Nikki Vella.
- Security footage backs that up? - Interior and exterior.
His car never left the lot.
I'm afraid he's not your guy.
He does have a couple outstanding warrants on the rez.
- Well, handle Mr.
Classy however you want.
We're done with him.
- Anthony.
Did you miss jail? [phone ringing.]
- Yeah? - Hey, so we've been monitoring all calls in and out of Sam's house in case the kidnapper called again.
- Well, did he call? - No, but Sam did.
We think she stole the kidnapper's phone just long enough to call her mom.
Now, she only got out a couple of words before she hung up.
- Well, were you able to track it? - [laughing.]
I hope you're ready to continue your grand tour of the motels of Eastern Wisconsin.
Sending you the address now.
[door slams.]
- FBI! - Ah! Ah! - Sorry, ma'am.
I didn't mean to startle you.
- Ugh.
You work here, you see every kind of badge sooner or later.
- Well, we're looking for the man who stayed here last night.
- He left this morning.
Him and his daughter.
- Ma'am, is this the daughter? - That's her.
Pretty girl.
- Okay, we need to find him as soon as possible.
He's a suspect in her kidnapping.
- Well, they just left an hour ago.
- Did you see which way they went, or what kind of car they had or anything? - No, I--I passed them on their way out.
It looked like she'd been crying.
I didn't realize what this was.
She was walking around with him.
I mean, if he kidnapped her, why didn't she just run? - "Psychic leash.
" That's what one of my old shrinks used to call it.
I hated that, it's like, he was comparing me to a dog on a chain.
- Well, just because an abductor doesn't keep you locked up 24/7 doesn't mean you're not a prisoner.
- Right.
Mel would take me the movies, and take me to the book store.
And I would just sit there in the corner, reading stories, hoping to God that someone would make eye contact with me or call the police.
But I never ran.
I never did anything.
- Well, you were a scared kid.
- This guy has all the power over Sam.
We have got to find her.
- All right, well, let's say we're right.
I mean, Sam reached out to her dad, and found this guy instead.
Okay, the piece we don't have is how they crossed paths.
All right? What was their point of contact? - [sighs.]
Who are you calling? - Riggs.
If Sam found out she's Oneida, and she hit a dead end with Holland, hit a dead end with her mom, let's find out where she would've tried next.
- You guys want to know anything that's happening on the rez, Sal's the one you want to talk to.
[rock and roll music.]
- Have you seen her? - Yeah.
She was in here.
I remember 'cause she looked underage.
She was asking the dealers if anyone knew her mom.
Apparently someone must have told her she used to hang out here.
I took her number, then she left, then the luckiest thing happened.
Guy next table over says he thinks he knows this girl's dad.
So, I gave him her number.
- Well, do you remember this man's name? - He comes in here from time to time, I think it's Jake, or Johnny, maybe.
Kim! You know the guy that's in here always drinking a Bahama Mama? - Yeah, he hasn't been in in a while.
- What? He hit the jackpot? - God, no.
I heard he owed some guy some money.
You're talking about Jimmy Diaz.
- Jimmy Diaz, or depending on the day of the week, Jimmy Barker, Jim DiSanto, James Hastings, Jacob St.
- This guy's got about as many priors as he does identities.
Fraud, forgery, identity theft, kiting checks.
- At least he's an organ donor.
A con man and an abductor.
I don't put those two together.
- Well, enlighten him, Bishop.
- The skill set's nearly the same: identify a target, gain their trust, find a vulnerability to prey on, strike when their guard is down.
- Now, let's set the scene.
This guy's sitting at a bar in the casino.
He overhears Sam's story, he starts seeing dollar signs.
- Maybe he reaches out to her, says he knows her dad, ingratiates himself.
- And then, when they meet, he kidnaps her.
- And holds her ransom.
- Right.
- She just wanted a dad.
[computer beeping.]
- Oh.
Agent Riggs! - Yeah, I'm at an antique store about two miles from the motel.
It just got held up 30 minutes ago.
Suspect matches Jimmy Diaz's description.
- We just got lucky.
- Let's go.
- We've been robbed before.
Usually it's kids, but this guy was different.
I didn't make him as a stickup artist.
But turn around, and he pulls a piece.
I gave him what was in the drawer.
A couple grand.
Then he says, "Open the safe.
" He grabs a bunch of money, I didn't know what he was gonna do.
So, man, I keep a piece under the counter.
- Agent Bishop, here's your brass.
- You fired just the one round? - Bishop, look, it's Diaz.
[radio chatter.]
[dramatic music.]
- All right, let's start checking the hospitals, urgent cares.
[radio chatter.]
- It's Sam! She was his getaway driver.
- So tell me again about that psychic leash.
[radio chatter.]
- That doesn't make sense.
I mean Jimmy overhears Sam at the casino, he calls her, says he knows her dad, then what? They decide to fake her kidnapping? - Wait.
What if he didn't tell her "I know your dad"? what if he told her, "I am your dad"? [radio chatter.]
That would make her want to help him! - And the waitress at the casino said Jimmy owes some guys money.
Maybe he's in deep.
That's why he robbed the store.
- Jimmy staged Sam's abduction and she helped him do it.
[train horn blaring.]
[dramatic music.]
- [grunting.]
- Okay.
- [straining.]
- Does it hurt bad? - I'll be fine.
I'll be fine.
I'm sorry you have to see this.
Hey, last night at the motel, I'm sorry I yelled at you.
- Look, I know calling my mom was dumb.
I just - It's okay.
- The look on her face the other night - Sam! Sam! Sam, stop! - I just wanted to let her know I'm okay.
- Yeah.
- I know, bad idea.
- Yeah.
Getting you mixed up in all this wasn't exactly my best plan.
You know, I should've let you go the other night.
I panicked.
- No, Dad, I-- I wanted to stay.
I wanted to help you get the money! And now, we've got it.
Most of it, anyway.
Enough so those guys will leave you alone.
- It's not your problem! Sam, you've done enough for me already.
- It's okay-- - No, it's not okay! We need to get you back to your mom.
- Do you know how long I've been looking for you? My whole life I've been wondering who my dad was.
What you're like, what your job was.
It's really dumb, but I gave you a name.
You--you were an attorney.
It took me 16 years to find you.
I'm not leaving you now.
- And I can't get funding for paperclips.
- James.
- Frank, this is Agent Riggs, BIA.
- Agent Riggs.
- Frank.
- We notified Green Bay Police.
If they see Jimmy Diaz, he's wounded and armed.
Approach with caution.
- Okay.
- The guy Jimmy owes money to is Victor Creech.
He's a local racketeer, loan shark, bit of a butcher, if I'm being honest.
- Well, that's not good, because Jimmy is with a 16-year-old girl, and I do not want to see a shootout.
Jimmy's a career criminal, right? And when career criminals feel the heat, they usually have someone they can go to.
Let's find out who that is.
- Riggs.
- All right, what do you have? Can you find something, please? - I'm gonna start with Creech.
- Hot water heater.
She said she needed it fixed as soon as possible.
- [grunting.]
- How long has the water heater been broken? - Um, let's just say it needed a cleanup for a very long time.
- [heavy breathing.]
- What the hell are you doing, Jimmy? - What do you mean what am I doing? - She's 16.
You're running a con on a 16-year-old? - Yeah, I mean it started out like that, but I don't know.
I mean, I got to know her.
You know, taught her to play cards, talked to her about her mom, and what it's like being adopted.
I mean, you know I never knew my dad.
And she's a good kid! Plus, she's really good at this.
- You've got to tell her you're not her father.
- And break her heart? The kid's always wanted a dad! - All right, then I'm going to tell her.
- All right, okay, all right.
I'll figure a way to let her off easy.
- Samantha, hon, got you a grilled cheese.
[phone ringing.]
[dramatic music.]
- So you and my dad dated? Did you love him? - Not in the marrying kind of way.
He's a lot of fun, Jimmy.
You just can't rely on him.
- He's my dad.
I can rely on him.
- Sam-- - All right, meeting's all set.
This will all be over in an hour.
- I'll drive you.
- I can drive.
- No, no.
You stay here.
- Dad, I want to come.
I have to come.
- I'm your dad, and I say no.
- Well, I'll stay in the car with Chrissy.
Come on, I helped you get that money.
I earned this! Please! - Got it.
The last three times Jimmy got busted, the same woman bailed him out.
Chrissy Alpers, Green Bay address.
- All right, let's go.
Text it to me.
- Okay.
- Nice.
[lock clicking.]
Go! - FBI! - No one's home.
- They must have just left.
The stove's still warm.
- Well, check this out.
Open bag of sunflower seeds, the other half was in Jimmy's motel room.
I'll have James ping Chrissy's phone.
- Yeah.
[suspenseful music.]
- All right.
I'm gonna go see my friend Victor.
I'll be right back.
Ten minutes, tops.
And Chrissy, did you ever think an ugly guy like me could have such a good-looking daughter? [engine turns over.]
[tires screeching.]
- I put Chrissy's phone at 11200 Clearvue Avenue.
I'm sending it to you now.
- Jimmy better be here.
- He will be.
Talk to him.
- Guy's got a gun! But we have to tell Jimmy! - No, we're staying right here.
I'll call him.
[line trilling.]
Come on, come on.
Pick up, Jimmy! Sam! Get back here! Sam! Sam! Sam, stop! .
[suspenseful music.]
- Hello, Jimmy.
- Hey, I got the money right here.
That's--that's--that's the most I could get.
- The most you could get.
- Hey, come on, man.
I got shot for this.
- You must think I'm pretty stupid.
[gun clicks.]
- No-- [grunting.]
[tires screeching.]
- It's Chrissy.
[tires screeching.]
- She ran inside before I could stop her! Hurry! [tires screeching.]
I told her not to go in! I did! - [moaning.]
- Okay, we're done.
- No, stop! - Who's this? - Victor, don't.
- Dad! - I didn't know you had a kid, Jimmy! - Please don't.
- Do you love your dad, kid? You love him? Tell him to pay his debts! - Please, I-- - Victor, don't.
- You're gonna make me hurt a kid, Jimmy! - Please, don't.
- Aren't you, Jimmy? - I just want to go home! - You're gonna make me hurt a kid! - No, stop, please! Please stop! She has nothing to do with this, I-- I was just conning her to get the money I owe you.
She's not my kid.
- No, that's not true.
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- [heavy breathing.]
- FBI, drop your weapons! [gunshots.]
- [crying.]
- [straining.]
- [grunts.]
- Get down! Get down! [gunshots.]
- Don't shoot! - Put your gun down! Kick it away! On the ground, now! Hands behind your back! - Are you okay? - [gasping.]
- Sam! Sam! - I forgot to duck.
- I'm sorry I lied to you, Sam.
It's time for you to go home.
[radio chatter.]
- She got the whole dad experience.
- Even got to grieve for him.
He took a bullet for her.
She wasn't even his daughter.
[car door slams.]
- Maybe you can pick your family.
[plane engine roaring.]
- [sighs.]
- You ever meet my friend Dutch? - No.
- Besides taking my money and my cigars at poker, he's my go-to guy when I need to talk about all of this stuff we do.
I'm just trying to tell you something.
You cannot keep this bottled up inside of you.
It will eat you alive.
I don't want to see that happen to you.
You got to find somebody to talk to.
If not-- - [clears throat.]
- Hey.
Um - You know, I have someone.
- Good.
- Thank you.
[fluid sloshing.]
- [gagging.]
How-- [soft acoustic music.]
- Soon I'll be on my way home Somewhere inside rising down I feel you breathing And I see you waiting So I'll stay as long as I can Yeah, I'm coming home Soon I'll be on my way home You'll find out I'm walking home I feel you calling And I see you waiting So I'll stay as long as I can 'Cause I can't say I miss you If I'm here holding your hand Soon I'll be gone - Oh my gosh, okay! So we have cake! - Is this your worst nightmare? - Pretty much.
- Okay! - Mmm, that looks good.
- So, Noah, Kick tells me that you work for a foundation.
- Yeah, I'd tell you all about it, but you might have a narcoleptic fit.
- [laughing.]
- Someone's a hit with your mom.
- More like hitting on your mom.
- Um-- - Ow! - Mom! What happened to Bishop? - He didn't return my call.
- Hm.
Sounds like Bishop.
- I'm not drinking enough.
- Oh, Lord.
- James! - Here I go.
Don't get used to this.
- I am.
- [laughing.]
[glass clinking.]
- I would like to propose a toast.
To-- - To the birthday girl! - Oh! - Ah! - Prince Charming has arrived! - Aw! - [laughing.]
[indistinct conversation.]

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