Greek s03e04 Episode Script

High and Dry

Previously on Greek: We'll see what we can do to get your o-chem grades back up.
Even if I get "a's" in my other honors classes, i'm still gonna drop below the required 3.
5 cum.
My "d" is officially a "c".
- Wait, that's it? - It's good enough for now.
You're a good kisser.
What are we doing? I didn't kiss evan at the end of the world party.
I kissed fisher.
What? I was drunk.
And I screwed up big time.
When someone cheats on me, it's over.
Grant and I kissed.
If anyone from the house saw him, he's screwed, 'cause he didn't want to come out yet.
We, at pan-hellenic, are deducting blue ribbon points from sorities whose sisters choose to participate in the undie run.
But it's a 60-year-old tradition that fosters school spirit and unity.
Moving on Nice work saving the undie run.
Some people didn't think so.
So pan-hellenic scholarship applications are due at the end of the month.
Moving on Tomorrow we start our annual dry weekend, a chance for cru's greek system to prove it can actually go 48 hours without alcohol.
This is always so lame.
Excuse me? Is she looking at me? I understand it might be difficult to muster the enthusiasm for this event you had for running around in your underwear, but do you have a comment, zbz? I just said I think dry weekend is a little ineffective.
Houses can't have parties with alcohol so we They end up at a packed dobler's or drinking in some smelly fraternity basement.
That's not gonna happen.
There won't be underground partying.
Ifc and pan-hellenic are doing sober patrols of all the houses.
And any house found in violation faces social suspension for one month.
Great, now it's gonna be lame and alcohol free.
I'm sorry, we're in a small room.
Why do you think I can't hear you? It just seems like all you're doing is telling people what they can't do.
If the whole point of dry weekend is to show people they can have fun without alcohol, why not give them something they can do? Something that's fun.
Like? Me? OK.
I guess we could do a party, a progressive party.
Where each sority has a different sober activity.
Like A drunk-driving simulator.
Or root beer pong.
And karaoke! Everyone loves karaoke! Since you have such a good take on it you're in charge of dry weekend.
Me? Moving on OK, so you combine silicon tetrachloride, diphenylmercury and Crap, what is it? What about absinthe? Absinthe isn't an organometallic compound.
But it could be the perfect cocktail for this year's dry weekend.
It's very hip right now.
But dry weekend is supposed to be alcohol-free, right? Technically, but for the kappa taus' underground wet weekend party, i'm reading about the "green fairy.
" Do you really think it causes facial tics? Whatever.
Why are you giving me this? It's yours.
Your mails still come to the house.
- I moved out months ago! - Yeah, there's a bunch of it.
It's the anchor.
Your nickname's Spitter because you spit on a girl.
- What does anchor even mean? - Maybe it means "news anchor?" Because I'm always up on what's going on in polymer science? Excuse me.
You called spitter "anchor.
" If I may, what is the derivation? It's because he got such a low grade on his o-chem midterm, he's holding down the curve like an anchor.
Get it? Yeah, I get it.
That's my first experience with nerd-on-nerd hazing.
I still prefer spitter.
Yeah, me too.
Kappa Tau Team you're here! I was just making our escape plan from dry weekend.
I have movies, pedicures and to honor the occasion, an in-town bar crawl.
The bar crawl is especially important, because that is where i'm going to meet a new boy who isn't fisher.
I hate to burst your new boy bubble, but pan-hellenic's enforcing dry weekend this year.
Each sority has to host a sober party tomorrow night, including zbz.
What? Whose dumb idea was that? I don't know, just some girl Are you done with that, ash? I am.
He has been trying to do that all day! - What? Make eye contact? - Yes! And I can't avoid him.
I don't want to see him, hear him, or smell him ever again.
He smells like cupcakes and man.
Speaking of cupcakes and man, since we're not going to have alcohol at the party, we have to have killer food, which means we'll probably need fisher to work tomorrow.
Stupid dry weekend! Knock knock! Can I come in? Fancy wrapping paper.
Who's it for? It's for my roommate's birthday.
Is he a girl? OK, what do you want? Can't I just come over to hang out without having an ulterior motive? OK, you have to get ashleigh to forgive me.
I've apologized, groveled, told her I liked those silly arm warmer things she wears.
Nothing's worked.
You kissed her boyfriend.
All right? And if you're feeling a little bit guilty, then maybe you should be.
Guilt! That's what it is.
- Is this grant's room? - Yeah.
Perfect, I'm here to surprise him for his birthday! Have you seen him? Are you his sister? What are you doing here? Surprise! Close family.
We having a garage sale for the lord? No.
No tithing today.
Just, putting some of these things in storage, until me and god work some of our issues out.
I don't really need nana's crucifixion linens around.
Or my precious moments baby angels.
They're so judgy.
Have you heard anyone call me "anchor?" I only said it twice.
It was behind your back.
But that was it, OK? I swear.
Not to god, of course.
This is all because of stupid o-chem.
I've been busting my butt trying to make up for this midterm and now I have to deal with my reputation? What more can I do? Try being known for something other than grades.
Maybe do an outside project.
I'm thinking about doing one.
That's a great idea.
I've been tinkering with eco-polymers.
There you go.
All you need is a faculty sponsor.
There's only one professor I know well enough to ask.
- What do you want, cartwright? - A minute of your time? You have exactly one before my weekend begins.
Since I started here at cru, I've had this intense desire to study another book signing? They expect me to spend my free time at some stupid party to kiss larsen's ass because he wrote a book? I personally hate books.
And people who write them.
Makes sense, given your grades.
Which was exactly why I was thinking you might consider sponsoring this idea I don't sponsor projects.
I find them to be a waste of my time and expertise.
The thing is, I'm really trying to make a name for myself - in this department.
- You mean, besides "anchor?" - You know about that? - I believe I started it.
And now, it's the weekend.
Saw your girlfriend, grant.
- She's smokin'! - Yeah.
Yeah, who wouldn't want to tap that, right? I'm sorry I didn't tell you about whitney.
She and I have been dating since high school.
I'm obviously gonna end things, but I really wanted to do it in person.
She's here now.
Hey guys! I hope you don't mind.
I put some stuff up in your closet.
It's huge.
You could fit, like, a person in there.
You're staying here? Don't worry.
Grant and I won't do anything naughty until you're asleep.
What's up? Jeez, if you vibe that guy any harder, you might get pregnant.
Tonight is my last chance to meet a new hot guy before I'm trapped in the house with my old hot guy.
When did you two get so friendly? We're not friendly.
We just have the greeting down.
Trust me, anything longer than an elevator ride would be totally awkward.
- To dry weekend! - Cheers to you And to weekends Dry ones.
Awkward like that? I hope you guys aren't planning any stealth parties.
Pan-hellenic and ifc are patrolling this year.
Not to worry.
My brothers and I are amazing at hiding liquor.
Like right now, I may or may not have a vodka bottle down my pants.
I'm sure I can handle whoever they send over.
They're sending me.
- What? You have to patrol? - Nice! A cop on the inside who knows all your best hiding places.
Under the stairs, the tool shed, and that secret closet off your room where we talked.
Thanks for the warning.
I can't believe you're ditching me.
I'm pretending you're the lemon.
Bitter's not pretty, ash.
Who's that? It's katherine.
She was gonna text me - who I'm patrolling with from ifc.
- Is it a cute boy? And does he have any non-cheater friends for me? It's a boy all right.
- That looks really great, you guys.
- Thanks.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
It is pretty impressive that you were able to put this all together on such short notice, zbz.
- What can I say? I'm awesome.
- And humble.
There's just one little hiccup.
Which is kinda funny, because it's dry weekend.
Anyway, I was wondering if there was someone else I could patrol with tonight.
I'd prefer not to go with evan chambers.
Because you guys used to date? And it didn't end well.
Bribes, power and My point is, it might be a little awkward.
I know, right? What is this, eighth grade? Way to be powerful.
I was thinking, with all your good ideas on dry weekend, you might even be pan-hellenic board material.
There's a spot on the board? Janette dropped out to focus on school, imagine that.
If you can't even handle something as simple as riding in a golf cart with an ex, I think I'm gonna have to find someone who can.
Moving on No, don't move on! I can handle it.
I can totally handle it.
Yes? Yes! Good.
Yeah, I can.
I know, beav.
It's hard to understand.
The greek council could've at least had the decency to give us a heads up, so maybe I could get a nice buzz on before the patrols started.
That's weird.
My nana usually sends me money for my birthday.
- Times are tough.
- She must not love you anymore.
Regardless, we can't afford being on social suspension again.
So this weekend, the kappa tau house will be closed for business.
One weekend sober, big deal.
The rest of my college career known as "the anchor," bigger deal.
- But you're spitter.
- I've already logged a complaint.
- You're just gonna throw in the towel? - What else can I do? Hastings is the only professor I have a relationship with.
As with all relationships, spitter, it's a numbers game.
Wade, how many girls smacked you last weekend before one would go home with you? My cheek went numb after the first dozen, but then I found a transfer who didn't know better.
See? Just find a high concentration of professors to hit on.
Sure, you might get slapped by 99 of them, but all you need is that 100th professor to sleep with you - You know, metaphorically.
- Is there a dobler's for teachers? - Where do smart people hang out? - Computer stores! - Ethnic restaurants! - The moon? Dr.
Larsen's book signing! There's gonna be tons of professors.
There's gotta be one that'll sponsor me.
And I'll go for moral support.
And the open bar.
- Thanks, but I don't think I need - Open bar.
Is grant around? He's down the hall taking a shower.
I'm just gonna come back.
Actually, can I talk to you for a second? Things seem kinda weird between me and grant.
How - terrible.
- And I think it's because of this.
Is grant cheating on me? No, the "c" is It's me.
Of course! I just assumed from the beautiful wrapping that it was from a girl! Should've used a gift bag.
We're all going to Dobler's for Grant's birthday.
You should come.
And bring a date! Is there someone in your life? Kinda.
- Do I know them? - Kinda.
Look at this.
Cap, to what do I owe the pleasure? You know, spitter's career, the open bar.
Perhaps a little Canoodling.
- I need your help meeting a professor.
- It's a done deal.
I'm so dialed in here.
Gonna find you a match made in heaven.
Not that I believe in that anymore.
What up, Dr.
Giddings? - Maybe you can introduce me to him.
- No, it's a waste of time.
He'll tell you he wants to work with you, then when it gets serious, he bails.
He's kind of a project tease.
What about her? No, Dr.
Alpert's saving herself until she gets tenure.
What about her? She's a student.
She's irrelevant.
- What about Dr.
Larsen? - The man of the hour? Come on, it's an impossible get.
I've seen him make national science grant winners cry like little girls.
Anyway, I'm gonna hit the head.
When I get back we're gonna find you somebody, OK? - Larsen's the one.
- What? He's an impossible get.
Stick to the plan and play the numbers.
But if I can land a big fish like him, people will take me seriously.
I won't be the anchor anymore.
Foregoing the others to get the "hot girl".
It's bold, it's risky, and I like it.
I'm going in.
There you go.
Excuse me, Dr.
Larsen? I'm Rusty Cartwright.
- I have this idea - Hey, the anchor's here! "To the anchor.
To engineer is human.
" "The anchor?" That's an odd moniker.
I come from a long line of seamen.
That came out wrong.
No surprise.
No rager at the Psi Phi Pi house.
Remember, we did this patrolling thing once at the Omega Chi house? We really don't need to chitchat, Case.
Especially about the past.
Let's just get through this.
Apparently we should stick to elevators.
- What? - Nothing.
Brownie? - You guys are all good.
- Great.
We can start our Star Trek movie marathon.
Live long and prospect! So disrespectful.
Tell Ashleigh what she's missing! Thanks to our burnout brother Nitrous, we have a treat that will delight all your senses.
I think you'll appreciate my double entendre when I say, "These brownies are dope.
" Now, beam me up! Then my team and I realized that by polarizing diodes, we could control the movement of electrons in a low-pressure space.
Is that right? My team and I are very close to perfecting a two-story beer bong, so That's Fascinating.
Would you excuse me? I think I see Dale.
It's a weird night.
How'd it go with Larsen? I blew it.
Maybe we should go.
Or, we can stop ignoring the obvious.
There's something we both need.
A wingman.
I'm listening.
I don't speak science and you've got no mojo.
Well, I've got plenty of mojo, and you've got plenty of You know, science talk.
- I could be your translator! - And I can be your teacher greaser.
By the time I'm done with Larsen, he's gonna name a star after you.
- And that star'll be called Rusty.
- Right.
- Beaver? What are you doing here? - Being sciency.
Play it cool.
Two chardonnays, please? Extra ice.
- Here you go, sir.
- Thank you.
OK, now let's figure this out.
How about over here? - Studying on a saturday night? - I'd rather not hang out in my room.
Still freaked out about your roommate kissing his sister? I'd just rather not talk about it.
- There's something to talk about? - No.
How fortunate I'm here.
- Are you upset because you like Grant? - How do you know? No one uses embossed wrapping paper unless they want to get in guy's pants.
Definitely should've used a gift bag.
Look, I'm gonna tell you something as a test of your trustworthiness.
If you pass, maybe I will help you with Ashleigh.
You can trust me.
So Grant and I - are dating.
- Grant's gay? And He still has a girlfriend.
I mean, why didn't he tell me? And why hasn't he come out to her yet? Sometimes it takes people a long time to come out.
Was it that easy for you? Yeah, summer after sophomore year of high school, - I was working at express for men - And that's how everybody knew? Sorry.
And I told some friends that I worked with.
People close to me.
Yeah, it took a while, but you gotta start somewhere.
I don't know, maybe your girlfriend should be at the top of the list.
Or maybe you should just let Grant do this his own way.
Can't believe you're telling me to be more respectful of people's feelings.
Mention this to Ashleigh when you tell her to forgive me.
What are you doing tonight? Sundae bar's almost ready.
I was really hoping you'd find another hasher tonight.
Yeah, I get it, you don't want me here.
But everybody I know split town because of the dry weekend, so - You're stuck with me.
- No.
My point is this is a social event.
With Guys.
And I'm a girl without a boyfriend.
Yeah, don't worry, Ash.
I'm not gonna stand in your way.
OK, good.
Now, see? This is good clean fun.
I feel kind of sick.
But not Sick.
Must have been that red asphaltscreening at the Gamma Psi house.
Hey, let's just finish checking here, and And then go on our way.
This party clearly sucks, so I'm gonna get the ball rolling with some karaoke.
Yay! Karaoke! Karaoke.
That's That's a fun word to say.
Is it hot in here? I love Music! I wish I had some maracas.
That's a fun word to say, too.
It's like a furnace.
Did you ever notice how many cats are in this house? I hate cats! I hate 'em.
They freak me out! They're everywhere.
On the shelves, on throw pillows.
Fake cats.
Do you think cats put us on their pillows? You guys are here! These drunk simulation goggles aren't working.
Is there, like, an on/off switch? This is awesome.
Let's go see what the kitchen looks like! This way.
I guess they do work.
- Hey, Hilary.
- Hey, anchor.
This is my friend.
He helped create the first synthetic polymers that use hydrogen bonding to reversibly fold themselves into nanoparticles.
David Wong? Yes, I am.
I was adopted.
By two gay dudes.
- From China.
- I'd love to hear about how you knew nucleic acids were capable of performing such ordered folding.
Or We could talk about you.
But first, let me get you a glass of wine.
Something to dull the senses before we dive into my folding stuff.
What are you doing? You were in.
I know.
Always leave 'em wanting more.
Besides, you helped me, now it's my turn.
Thank you.
Do you have any bigger glasses? Dr.
Larsen, I couldn't help but notice you were dry.
Another pinot? Well, thank you.
David wong.
And this is Rusty Cartwright.
The seaman? Among other things.
Rusty's one of cru's brightest young minds.
Between you and me, you'd be missing out on a tremendous opportunity if you didn't hear about his amazing science thingy.
Larsen, I was hoping that you might be interested in sponsoring a project of mine.
I'm sure you have a wonderful idea, but I've already committed myself to sponsoring another student.
- Come over here a minute.
- Yes.
Do you gentlemen know Dale Kettlewell? Ready? Go! Perfect combo! Sweet, salt Cheese! Sorry.
You guys are gonna love those.
- So, are you having a good time? - Cupcakes? They're good.
There you go, have a cupcake.
Ashleigh? Cupcake? I said I wouldn't stand in your way.
I didn't say anything about these guys.
Excuse us for a second, please.
OK, since Casey's back, I think we can handle the rest of the night from here.
You think she can handle this? Yeah, no offense to the hashers of the world, but I think Casey can put pretzels in a bowl.
That's pretty impressive, considering she's totally high.
I'm high? That's what it is! No! No! I'm supposed to be keeping people sober.
Katherine gave me a clipboard! Is this bad? They were put on sober party patrol, in charge of the whole greek system, and they decided to chuck it all to get high! Trust me.
They sat under that table for ten minutes pretending to be shoes.
That's ridiculous.
Casey doesn't get high.
Would you tell him you're not I'm gonna go look for them.
You're such a caution! - What? - I thought Larsen was an - "impossible get".
- It just happened, OK? We were talking and found ourselves bonding over our mutual lack of faith.
One thing led to another.
Between you and me, I think he's only agnostic.
Yeah, you know, I think I like the god-fearing Dale better.
- You totally screwed me over.
- Now, spitter, come on.
Now, what's one of the tenets of a Kappa Tau friendship? Don't ever let a conquest come between you and a friend.
I'm sorry.
I'm happy for you.
I just wish I had the opportunity to pitch my idea to Larsen.
Why can't he sponsor you both? I don't know, it would kind of pull focus from my project.
Come on.
You don't need this as badly as I do.
Though I'm not down with JC, I still have this weird desire to do the right thing.
All right.
I guess it would be OK if you gave it a shot.
Thanks, man.
I won't forget this.
You need a wingman? This time, I'm flying solo! - I couldn't find them downstairs.
- They're not up here too.
- Maybe they went outside.
- No, they wouldn't be outside! The one time Casey got high, she was terrified of trees.
You know.
You can Just go.
I'll find her.
I'm not gonna leave you when your friend's missing.
I know, i'm a lot of things, but I'm not someone who bails when there's a problem.
I'll go check the pantry again.
Katherine will never find us in here.
Try Lavender.
That is calming.
And one of my favorites, pina colada.
- I want to taste it.
- No, don't.
It's my job to keep you from eating beauty products.
- I just got sad.
- I know.
I wish we had real pina coladas, too.
Stupid dry weekend.
I used to have so much fun with you.
Before you cheated on me and hit rusty with a pledge paddle and paid off a lambda sig and dated Frannie.
I know, right? You know, I was a little surprised to see you tonight.
I thought you'd try to get out of it.
I wouldn't I did.
Yeah, I guess I left quite an impression.
I think I've been such a jerk because Whenever I'm around you it just reminds me of all the bad crap I did to you.
Do you ever wish we could go back to freshman year? You, me and Cappie hanging in the dorms.
Eating ramen.
That was so good! You two having contests on who could grow a goatee faster? Hairy bastard.
I hardly ever see him anymore and You You two don't even talk at all.
I talked to him.
At the end of the world party.
You You talked to Cappie? What about? You.
He was on his way to see you.
I told him I didn't think it was such a good idea.
I said You guys had been there.
And It didn't work out then, so What would be different now? I really wasn't trying to mess you guys up.
I was just being honest.
You know what? If he wanted to come, he would have.
That's it! That's it! I'm trying the pina colada! No, don't! Don't! I did it once! - Was it delicious? - It was nasty! So nasty! But you can smell it.
Excuse me.
Hey, Dr.
I know you've already chosen Dale, but I'd never be able to live with myself if I left this party without telling you my idea.
You know, that kind of determination is what got me on Charlie Rose.
Go on.
It's inspired by environmental factors and how we're creating new land masses with all our waste.
I think we can create eco-polymers from recycled biodegradables.
You mean like turning carbon dioxide - into synthetic material? - Exactly! There's a method to use certain recycled materials in lighter, stronger and cheaper ways.
I'm impressed.
Really? But I only work with students who excel academically.
And since I'd never heard of you until this evening, you must not fall into that category.
But I can offer you a position assisting Mr.
Kettlewell on his project.
Wait, before you give me an answer, I think it's only fair that you know.
He's an atheist.
Isn't this perfect? The four of us on a double date for my baby's birthday.
Last year for Calvin's birthday we stayed at this cute little B&B on Canyon Lake.
Remember how romantic it was, honey? You guys are such a cute couple.
The cutest! You know what would be perfect right now? Isn't it perfect enough? - Presents! - No, no, no! I mean, this is the kind of present that should be opened only when the time is right.
- Why? What'd we get him? - Well, it's his birthday.
What time could be more right? Once you open it, you can't take it back.
And I wouldn't want you to have to open it here, now, just because I gave it to you.
Why don't I just open it later? Don't be silly.
Open it! OK, fine, I'll open it for you.
I'm gay! And And I have inappropriate feelings for my straight roommate and this gift is proof of that.
You're what?! No wonder you never kiss me with tongue! - How long have you been gay? - Enough! Would you two mind giving Whitney and I some time? - But, Grant, you don't have to - Please.
You've been really great these last couple days.
It's time to be honest.
Honest about what? - Let's go.
- We're leaving? - But it's just starting to get good.
- Come on.
That's the problem in our couple.
We never do anything fun! That's why I don't date girls.
I'm going to take a little break, but I'll be back.
Don't even think about it.
Casey and Evan must've left.
I can stay until she gets back.
Or I could drive around and look.
No more.
You don't get to be the good guy while I sit around being the bitter bitch.
It's not fair.
Fisher, I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
But then it goes away and I want to punch you really hard.
- Then punch me, please.
- No, it'll not make me feel any better.
I was right.
Doesn't make me feel any better.
What would? I'm just trying to make you happy.
But everything I try seems to make it worse.
Because it does.
It keeps reminding me of what a great guy I thought you were.
I can still be that guy.
Tell me what you want.
I don't know what you want me to do.
- You want me to quit? - I don't know.
Maybe? OK.
Then I quit.
- Wait! - Hello? Where's casey cartwright? The zbz casey cartwright? I'm right here! We totally got this.
Dude! Be cool! Be cool.
Where have you guys been? Where haven't we been? We talked about our lives, childhood time travel.
I'm talking about tonight.
You only went to five houses.
We had issues with the karaoke machine! So, casey cartwright to the rescue.
She's like our sober superhero.
I thought you were gonna take this more seriously.
The whole point of tonight was to do the patrols and make sure everyone stayed sober.
But it's clear that what's most important to you is having fun.
Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
We may have gotten a little Side-tracked tonight, sure, but casey is a great addition to pan-hellenic.
First of all, she loves it.
Right? Yeah, the binders, the meetings, the giant copy machine that makes those cool pamphlets.
How could you not love it? Right.
We may not have made it to all the houses, but this is the only dry weekend that hasn't totally sucked.
That's all because of casey.
You're lucky to have her.
Thanks, evan.
She may be afraid of trees, but when push comes to shove, she doesn't let you drink the shampoo.
No matter how good it smells.
Thanks, evan.
- Are they stoned? - Yeah.
Nice work getting hilary's number.
You gonna call her? I don't know.
She was cute, but for the first time in my life, I felt a little dumb around a girl.
You're not dumb.
And that's not fair for her to make you feel that way.
What's she judging you on, anyway? One conversation? - One bad grade on a midterm? - Calm down.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.
" It's actually "without your consent," but you're right.
The good news is you got in with Dr.
Glad you got what you wanted.
I guess.
Did you see the way katherine left to go bust the psi phi pis? She went so fast, she blurred like a cartoon.
Fisher quit tonight.
Is that Good? I don't know.
I thought it was what I wanted.
But if it is, why do I feel so crappy? I Miss him.
Do you think you could trust him again? I think I want to try.
But I drew a line in the sand.
Cheating is a deal-breaker.
What does that say about me? It says you're a human being that understands life isn't always black and white.
Deciding to forgive someone can be a sign of strength.
Like you forgiving evan? Something like that.
So, how'd it go? I don't see any blood, so that's gotta be good.
Whitney took it better than I expected.
She said she knew something was up when I started shopping at express for men.
I just hope I didn't force you - to come out before you were ready.
- No, I'm glad this happened.
I just feel bad I pulled you into all this.
It wasn't fair.
I'm sorry.
Happy birthday.
I really love it.
You got my check? We're looking for a new hasher.
If you know of anyone.
Someone who works hard, shows up on time, has his own transportation.
Like, a motorcycle.
I know a guy.
Class m license and everything.
Is he trustworthy? Absolutely.
In fact if you give him a chance, i'm sure he'll prove it to you.
OK then.
He's hired.
Really? Yeah.
But it's only probationary.
'cause you really screwed up, and I'm not used to giving second chances.
I know.
And you won't regret it.
I hope not.
I understand you turned down an opportunity to work with Dr.
I'm intrigued.
But it could just mean you're stupid.
I'd rather take a chance working on my own project, even if they call me "anchor" until I graduate.
At least I won't be getting in line to suck up to larsen.
So what, he was on charlie rose? I don't want flash, I want substance.
Stop trying to sweet talk me, cartwright.
I'll do it.
- Do what? - Sponsor you.
But I thought you don't do those things.
Normally, I don't, but I actually think your ideas about eco-polymers are not the worst thing in the world.
I never even told you my ideas.
I'm not deaf.
I've heard you yammer on all year long.
I just pretend not to be listening so as not to encourage you.
Does this mean we're a team? I'm already starting to regret it.

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