Greenleaf (2016) s03e06 Episode Script

She Changes Everything

1 Previously on "Greenleaf" - What is the problem? - I'm getting ripped off.
Ah! - What is she on? Did they say? - Oxycodone.
That pretty little bunny prancing around your party, she's into cryptocurrency.
Bishop Greenleaf, you come to chide me for not coming to service today? Tell the church like adults that we're getting divorced.
I just keep getting this pain in my side.
Maybe you're pregnant.
There wasn't enough healthy tissue left to preserve the ovaries.
- I can't have children? - What's this? It's a draft of what I think we should tell the church Sunday.
Feel free to make any changes you see fit.
The deacons may ask you to step up.
- Step up? - Take over as head Pastor.
May I claim a moment of time? How may I be of service to you? My revised proposal of what we're going to say to the congregation on Sunday about our divorce.
Ah, the long-awaited rewrite.
I assume it takes into account how the children responded when we sat them down and told them? Yes, I softened it considerably.
I'm still amazed I didn't see it coming after all the high drama.
Yeah, I as well.
It's a testimony, I guess, to how badly they wished it was otherwise.
What, James? You always managed to coax flowers out of the hard ground of fact.
It's fine.
May I hold onto a copy of this? There's one by your bed.
I've printed it in large font so that you can read it on Sunday.
Thank you.
And you should also know that I've asked Charity to sing because I want the people to know that it is still going to be the Greenleaf show every Sunday.
I'm just curious how you plan on saying goodbye, I mean, because there's nothing in this writing that indicates oh, how I will be floating away like an inuit woman on an ice floe? That you'll be following the Lord to the lamb to which he leads you.
Well, my Lord and myself will be staying put.
- We are divorcing.
- Oh, I know that.
Uh, my attorney is cashing my checks.
I'm well aware of the situation, and I have prayed about this considerably, James, and I have come to the conclusion that the best thing for Calvary is that I stay on.
After we're divorced? We built this church together, and we have tended our respective flocks on neighboring hillsides together, and I see no reasons besides this ridiculous custom that I should be forced to leave now, especially considering the circumstances by which I have had to keep my distance from you personally! Well.
Well? Well, at the expense of joining pilate and pharaoh in God's hall of highly mistaken individuals, let me just say I will be praying for you! Amen All right Amen Uh-huh, hmm Ooh-ooh, ooh Well Oh-ohh, ohh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Amen, amen oh Yeah [BABY CRYING.]
What? Wake up.
Didn't you hear this child crying for you? When? Maricel said that he was calling for you so loudly that she could hear it all the way down the hall and into the laundry room.
- With the dryer on.
- With the dryer on.
Please just give just give him to me.
You are not going anywhere near that child until you're in your right mind.
Charity Are you under the influence? I couldn't sleep, mama.
- I took one pill.
- What pill? Just over-the-counter pills, mama! - Shh! Okay.
- What? I'm sorry, baby.
Just take the baby out.
Take the baby out.
I am going to take this whole pharmacy of yours and just throw it into the toilet and flush it right now.
Don't you dare.
- All right.
- Don't.
All right.
I just I needed sleep.
Don't put me in the position where I have to agree with Kevin on this.
On what? Your fitness as a mother.
I won't.
Come in? Don't mind if I do.
Go away.
So austere.
Leave me alone.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have talked about You know, I I didn't know you were really sick.
Who told you to come here? - No one.
- Lie.
Grandma, but it's true.
I forgive you.
Go to hell.
Seriously? You're going to act like I hurt your feelings, your sense of decency? You made a joke about me getting pregnant right before my ovaries died, right before I fell over.
I know.
I'm trying to apologize.
I don't want an apology or anything from anybody like you.
- Get out.
- Anybody like me? - Get out! - Thanks for the update! Sweetheart? I don't want to talk about it.
Is that legal defense fund of yours operational yet, like, funded? Why? Woman in Collierville just killed her husband while he was sleeping.
She's saying it was self-defense.
- Come in.
- Hmm.
I'm allowed to visit again, huh? Well, you are here on business.
Huh, boy, go, stay, business, pleasure.
Keeping up with you is a workout.
Well, I'm grateful for the flexibility.
You said in your text that you might be able to help with the tax bill? Yes, uh, so let's get right to it.
- Well, no, I just meant that - no, no, no.
We're here to talk business, so let's talk.
What do you know about cryptocurrencies? - Nothing.
- And Blockchain? - Less.
- That's what I thought.
Just like back in Rome, nobody knew about Jesus, and he was there ready to save their lives.
Hmm, you better preach.
Now people are getting rich quick.
Can we? Has she come downstairs yet? MARICEL: No, ma'am, she hasn't.
Is she still on that sofa? [KNOCK ON DOOR.]
Her car just pulled up.
Oh, I'll be right there.
Maricel, I have to go.
I want you to tell Javier to go outside to the fuse box.
Turn off the power in her suite for awhile.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Look at this.
People don't know how to act, but I kind of get it.
She is Maxine Patterson, after all.
Well, she's just a person now.
You're right.
I know, Lady Mae, but everybody just needs to calm do oh, my God.
There she is.
Oh, Lord, have mercy.
- God bless you.
- Maxine.
Oh, Mae.
Oh, my gosh.
Everyone, I want you to meet my dear friend, Pastor Maxine Patterson.
And, Maxine, this is Calvary.
I'll be here for a minute, but as soon as I'm finished, we can catch up.
I can sign autographs, take photos, but right now, I need some time with the first lady.
Let me on through.
Follow me, please, women of God.
Now I do know where my office is.
Follow me, sister warriors.
Coming through.
Ooh, she is a piece of work, that one.
Oh, she's adorable, and you don't know the half of it.
I bet you're right.
So you're on your way to Grace's? Yeah.
Greenleaf to Greenleaf.
Uh, you know, about that website you mentioned Yes, Coindesk, you got to check that out.
Uh - Bishop.
- Maxine.
Been so long.
What a surprise.
Mae didn't tell you I was stopping by? You know, as a matter of fact, she didn't.
We have a lot to catch up on.
How long has it been, forever? And a day.
Well, I can't wait to have you to myself, so much to talk to you about.
- Yes, first lady.
- Mm-hmm.
Maxine Patterson, huh? I wonder what Mae is up to.
The devil only knows.
- Excuse me.
- Mm-hmm.
So she killed him with a hammer, which sounds unattractive if you're someone who's thinking about backing her, but apparently, it's something he'd used on her a few times before.
- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
Is that a custom shirt? Excuse me? The shirt you're wearing, did did you have it made? No, just off the rack.
Really? It just fits you so well.
Did you pick that out? Mnh-mnh.
He does his own shopping.
You know, so many men, well, men with money, some of my male clients, I mean, they put no thought into clothes, and where it shows is around the neck right up here by the opening, and and yours is it opens just right.
- Well, thank you.
- Yeah.
You want to hear any more about this case, Rochelle? You can just take a look at it on your own and decide then.
Grace, I trust you.
Look, I know you have the gift of discernment, but if you say that this is the case, then this is the case.
All right then.
That's settled.
All right.
Now tell me more about being a reporter.
That has to be an exciting job.
So I could come in Thursday? Uh, if you could.
Gloria, can I come on Thursday? If you fly in that morning.
No problem.
I'm going away Sunday to Corfu.
Corfu? Beautiful place.
Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but right now, I am so happy to nail down these dates.
Gloria, can you give me a moment? Uh, Karan - Yes? - Would you, please? Oh, yeah.
Holler if you need anything.
I'll be right outside right over here.
So what is this about, Charity? Well, what isn't it? First of all, she was going out on this gospel tour, and then that went up in smoke, poor baby, and then she ran off with a baby, and her ex called the police, and now she's on pills.
- What kind of pills? - Oh, I don't know, something that they gave her after the cesarean.
She's even taking sleeping pills.
Why is she in such a state? The breakup, who knows? Honestly, I am at a loss.
Sometimes, God needs a little help.
He orders all your steps, and sometimes, he gives you a Walker, help you put your shoes on so that you can get to stepping.
Pastor, make it plain.
I know a doctor.
What kind of doctor? A soul doctor, certified.
But is the doctor discreet? No, and that's her gift.
- Let me let me call.
All right, Pastor.
You keep me up-to-date on that.
Yes, ma'am, I will.
I'll let you know as soon as I talk to our legal team.
You do that.
Y'all, take care.
- Ooh, she likes you.
- Jealous? [SCOFFS.]
Interested, yeah.
She's playing me.
She's good.
See you later.
Greenleaf, is that my phone? [KNOCK ON DOOR.]
MAE: Charity, I'm coming in.
I just put Nathan down, mama.
We're fine.
Baby, I got you some help.
I don't need any help.
Would you please just give her a chance? Give who a chance? Hello, beloved.
I'm Dr.
Vanzant, and your mom seems to think that you have a problem.
You know the rules no phones, no computers and no contacting that boy, or have I not been clear? No.
You've been perfectly clear.
And now you're going through people's things like some little thief? Didn't I say I was sorry? When you are home, you will be in this room, or you'll be with me.
It's like prison.
For you and me both.
If you think I imagine it's some kind of special prize to be spending time with somebody who is so full of disrespect and so lacking in gratitude for everything that God has given you, you think again! Now you got me wondering what I did wrong pulling this kind of detail.
I'm not having it.
You hear me? - You will not - I hate it here.
Oh, what you hate is yourself because, if you didn't, you would not be trying to talk to this boy who has hurt you.
Now I want you to think about that.
I I'm sorry that you came all this way, but it's no use.
I am not going to fight you for your healing, but before I go, I just want you to know that, when I look at you, I see so many breaks in so many places, and all I see is pain.
Yeah, well, I'm not in pain.
Then why take painkillers? Because I had one bad night.
And what about this morning? I understand that you slept through your son crying.
Did that happen? Yeah, sure.
Come on, beloved.
Come on.
Don't think of it as help, just an opportunity to speak your truth.
Tell me where it hurts, and what's the real problem here? No one cares about me.
Really? Your mother seems to care.
No, she doesn't care.
She doesn't want me to be an embarrassment.
Did you embarrass her by marrying a man who's gay, or did you embarrass yourself by marrying a man who could never love you the way you want to be loved? Who told you about Kevin? There's already a question on the floor.
Did you embarrass yourself? I didn't know.
- Really? - Yes.
- You didn't know? - I didn't know.
No signs, no problems in the bedroom? - Nothing.
- He hid it from you? Of course! Of course he hid it from me! I just find it hard to believe that somebody can hide a secret that big, but you know what? There are some secrets that are just too terrifying to face.
He made me feel safe.
Safe? And what's the distinction that you make between being unsafe and being unwanted? When did you start feeling or believing that you weren't safe? I've never felt safe.
Never? You live in this great big beautiful house behind a gate with a guard, and you don't feel safe? Why wouldn't you feel safe? Maybe the real question is What would it take for you to feel safe? To feel safe and wanted.
Yeah, safe and wanted.
Thanks for this.
You're welcome.
Sorry I'm such a buzzkill.
You don't need to apologize.
Does it still hurt? A little if I sit up too fast.
You want to pray? Not really.
You know, when I broke my shoulder, praying was the only thing that seemed to help.
You couldn't pitch anymore.
It sucked.
I'll never have kids, and I have to take hormones for the rest of my life.
It's a little different.
You're right.
I just meant that I understand what am I supposed to say to God anyways? Thank you? [SCOFFS.]
He did this.
No, he didn't.
Then who did? God is in control of everything, isn't he? And if if he isn't, it's because he chooses not to be, right? - Who did it? - I don't know.
Abraham's wife, Samson's mother, Joseph and Jacob's, the Bible is full of women who were barren but later had kids.
Barren? Yeah.
I'm not barren.
I'm sterile.
They mean the same thing.
No, they don't, and if you'd ever lost more than a pitching arm, you'd know that, but you don't.
I'll just come see you tomorrow.
Come in.
I want to call my mom.
Of course.
Be my guest.
Hello? I want to come home.
Why? What happened? Oh, you said I can come home if I wanted to, and I want to now.
I'll be good.
I promise.
I'll talk to your dad.
I love you, mom.
Good night.
- Hey, first lady.
- Got a sec? What happened? Zora just asked to come home.
Oh, no.
I told her that we would discuss it.
We just did.
We agreed that my mother taking Zora was best for everybody.
She's miserable over there.
That means it's working.
We didn't send her over there to have fun.
- I know but - look.
You told her we'd discuss it.
Thanks for giving me the veto.
I'm using it.
The answer is no.
And today, the Shelby county courthouse district attorney, Brent calum, held a press conference with the family of the deceased, vowing to seek the death penalty against the accused, Coralie Hunter.
Hey, sweetheart.
How'd it go with Roberto? I don't think it's going to work out.
Why? Well, it's just not a good fit anymore.
Says who, him? Me.
- Come here, baby.
- No.
Come here.
Sit down.
What's really going on, hmm? Can you please do little saints for me Sunday? You're not going to feel well enough to preach? How can I stand there and tell kids God is good when he isn't? Oh.
He's not! I'm not going to church anymore.
You quit going.
But, baby you quit going for 20 years.
And that was a mistake, sweetheart.
Darius never goes except for work.
It's all just a a racket.
Things just happen.
That's all there is.
I'm not going.
Vanzant wants us to sit with her and Charity tomorrow morning before church.
I said I'd ask you, but if you have something of course, whatever we can do to get that girl back on her feet, I'm for.
I said 7 A.
Is Charity why Maxine came? What do you mean? Is that why Maxine Patterson descended from heaven with her retinue, to help Charity? I'll see you in the morning, James.
Mae? I said, "I'll see you in the morning.
" I heard what you said.
I also heard what you didn't say, and I believe I know what you're thinking, too.
You don't.
Well, either way, take a look at that statement you wrote for church tomorrow and add a farewell because there won't be another chance to say it.
VANZANT: I want you to share with your parents.
Share your truth with them.
Don't be afraid.
Um, so when I was growing up, I I felt scared.
What did you have to be scared of? Now she's not accusing you of anything.
She's sharing with you what she felt, how she feels, so I'm going to ask you both to just let her do that.
And I felt like Faith and Grace were scared.
I never knew what of, but that made me feel scared, too.
But you never told me that.
I assure you, Dr.
Vanzant, I never knew about this.
Why didn't you tell us? I knew you didn't want to hear it.
And that, that scared me even more.
God, but, you know, I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to that.
I mean, I just cannot apologize for the rest of my life to everyone.
She's not asking you for an apology.
She's trying to explain to you what she's been feeling and why she's been behaving so erratically.
Well, listen.
I know that everything wasn't perfect around here.
You've told her all about your uncle, I suppose? Would you rather she hadn't? No, doctor.
What I would rather is that people in this family just for once demonstrated some kind of backbone.
I mean, you were scared, but I can assure you that, that was minuscule compared to what little Faith felt or even what I felt when I was a little girl, but, Dr.
Vanzant, I never, ever blamed my mother for any of it.
I'm not blaming you! I'm doing what you want me to do! I'm trying to get better! Mama, would you just listen? No, not right now.
In less than an hour, I have to go to church and tell the whole world that I failed at the one thing that I never meant to fail at, so I don't need another person coming at me and calling me out right now.
Mae, she doesn't mean you any harm.
What do you know about harm, James? You are crashing through our family like an old bull in a China shop.
I am sorry that you were scared.
We are all scared.
The world is scary, but you know what? If you don't have faith to go through it, then pray for faith, and if you don't have the faith to pray, then pray for that, but don't look at me.
Don't beat me up.
It won't fix it.
Fix you.
That's how Jesus works, not me.
Thank you, Dr.
We're here for you now, sweetheart.
No, you're not, and after this morning, I doubt you'll ever be again.
You don't knock anymore? Mae.
This is what I have to give.
You can have the house.
I'll take care of the IRS bill.
How? That's none of your concern.
Let it be, um, my additional gift to you, but you have to leave the church.
Let me have "Day with Lady Mae.
" All right.
"Day with Lady Mae," but you have to move on.
- What's happening? - Hey, baby.
Oh, Lord Lord, see, and I hear it Because I know because I know For this we know For this we know There is a love There is Love and giving There's a book There is a book Lord, there's a love and giving If you need healing If you need joy, there is a book Oh There is a love and giving There is a there is a There is a salvation Restoration There's a book There is Yeah Love and giving [APPLAUSE.]
- Amen.
- Amen.
Please be seated.
The first lady is joining me up here today because we have some news to share.
This news is going to be, for some, hard to hear, and for that we apologize.
But we're only human and never claimed to be anything but.
Isn't that right, Mae? That's right.
Now this is news that we have shared with our family and friends over the past few days.
Way to go.
We're divorcing.
I know some of you are thinking, "well, have they prayed about it?" - We have.
- We have.
"Have they have they tried to work it out?" And we have.
We have.
We will always be family.
And I'm still your Bishop.
And I I am not going away just yet.
I will continue on as your first lady up through "a day with Lady Mae.
" And what a day it will be.
Yes, where we will have a very, very special guest, my dear, dear friend, Maxine Patterson [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE.]
a true woman of God.
It will be a day-long seminar on the historic, indispensable power of women in the church.
That's right.
And it is entitled "she changes everything.
So I want you to tell all your friends from Calvary to Triumph and beyond, churched and unchurched.
Tell them, "she changes Everything.
THOMAS: Didn't they just do their vow class for all those engaged couples.
Well, you know what they say, Thomas.
Those who can't do teach.
WOMAN: These divorces start out being amicable, but it doesn't last.
It's the honeymoon period.
Did they tell you this was coming? No, not for years.
When have they ever shared anything important? I think it's time for a change.
Well, I'll stay to see Maxine, but after that, it's time to go.
I can't have a Pastor who is divorced.
I feel you on that.
We need somebody up there who's solid.
- Yeah.
- Oh, hi, Pastor Greenleaf.
I'm so sorry to hear about your parents.
Yeah, we all are.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for doing it.
Oh, Mae, what we're going through here now is sankofa reaching back, picking up what you dropped.
That's life, girl, and if this don't get you Calvary or that man on the bricks, we going to march up the road and plant you a brand-new one.
- Amen? - Amen.
All right.
Thank you again, Maxine.
Oh, you're welcome, baby.
Vanzant, I appreciate how you came on such short notice, but I'll have you know that I don't appreciate being bushwhacked like that and certainly not in my own home.
I am sorry you felt bushwhacked.
I didn't feel bushwhacked.
I was.
By your daughter's truth, not by me.
I didn't ask you to come here and tell my daughter that her problems were all my fault.
I get enough of that from my oldest.
I don't need it coming from my baby, too.
You didn't ask me to come, but when you're ready to deal with your pain, I make this vow.
Call me, and I'll be there.
Your father and I spoke, and we both feel it's best if we just stay the course for now.
- I'm sorry.
- It's fine.
I'll just stay awhile.
It's not going to be easy, but I think it's what I need.
Well, I guess I'll go.
Kiss winkie and dad for me? I will.
If you're making this nice as a favor to me, you don't have to.
I'm not.
I know it'll be over soon.
Got a minute? Yeah, a minute.
I'm going for a walk.
Well, don't go too far, sweetheart.
Why not? You're still weak.
What do you want to tell me? Ooh, so a lot happened today at church.
Hmm, I know.
My phone has been blowing up all day, and Pastor Moore wants to know when I'm coming back to do the little saints again.
And what'd you tell her? I haven't told her anything yet.
What do you want me to say, cool? No.
Uh, I just want you to know, I know you didn't go today, but, sweetheart, you're going to have to.
I'm not.
I'm not going to church ever again.

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