Grey's Anatomy s21e07 Episode Script

If You Leave


MEREDITH: In 1986, Congress passed
the Emergency Medical
Treatment and Labor Act,
which prohibits emergency rooms
from denying patients care.
If you don't have a dollar to
your name, it doesn't matter.
You can go to any
emergency room at any time
- and they have to treat you.
- Uh, is your hand broken?
Door was open.
That's not an excuse.
What are you doing?
Socks got mixed up again.
Where are your clothes?
I stopped putting them away. Saves time.
- Yasuda!
- Try knocking.
Some people think this law
has contributed to overcrowding
and hospital closures.
Yasuda, open up.

But I don't know a single E.R. doctor
who would turn a patient
away even if they could.
Sometimes all that means is
treating an ear infection.
Other times you see
a patient on the table
- and your heart stops.
- MAN: Fire's knocked down.
All the stars are memories ♪
The rarest of diseases.
Hopeless co-morbidities.
All the hauntings daydreams ♪
Cases you've never seen that
you're not trained to handle.
Two victims, unconscious.
Get a couple gurneys.
All you can do is close
your eyes and say a prayer.
Help me out ♪
It's all too much ♪
Because once a patient
enters the emergency room,
- they're yours.
- There's no way out ♪
Without losing love ♪
So, should we go out for
breakfast for your last day?
And miss my last chance at burnt coffee
and watery oatmeal from the cafeteria?

I'm gonna miss this.
I'll be back before you know it.
Yeah, but six weeks feels like forever.
Maybe I can I can take a sick day
- and come visit you for a long weekend.
- Yeah.
And you'll be back for
your mom's birthday.
Actually, my mom is thinking about
coming down to San Antonio.
She wants to see where I'm living.
Well, there's, uh, Fourth of July.
But tickets are probably
through the roof.
Texas is feeling really
far away right now.
I don't have a name for it ♪
"For the Lord has not
given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and love
and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy, 1:7.

Is it wrong that I think it's hot
when you quote Bible verses?
"For there is no fear in love,
for perfect love casteth
out fear." [LAUGHS]
Lost in wherever

Can we talk?
I don't want you to be upset about this.
If I could just talk you
through what happened.
You let someone kiss you
when we were supposed to
be working on our marriage.
- I think I know enough.
Hey, can you play baseball?
Uh, pitched 85 miles
per hour in college.
Thank God. Are you free Saturday?
You resurrecting the
hospital softball team?
Yeah. I mean, I wanted
to do something fun
with everybody outside the hospital,
but, uh, Griffith asked
if she could use a tee,
and Millin said she'll
hit but she won't run.
Yeah, I would love to, but, uh,
I have to take my kid
to a birthday party.
Well, can't Dr. Bailey do that?
You want to ask her?
Two incoming traumas.
I'll meet you outside.
Chaplain to patient services.
Chaplain to patient services.
[GASPS] Oh, there you are.
How'd it go last night?
Oh. Uh, yeah. Tuck's team won by two.
Uh, Pru, uh, got a visit from
the Tooth Fairy, and, uh
- Yeah.
Uh, you?
Saved a patient. Lost a resident.
Oh, yeah. I heard about Schmitt.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
He's happy. I'm happy.
- Oh, boy. Okay. I'll see you at home.
- All right.
22-year-old female,
two-car collision, GCS 14.
Bilateral crush injuries
to both lower extremities.
Given morphine for pain en route.
Chloe? This is Dr. Webber.
[WEAKLY] My legs. They hurt so much.
Okay. We'll take a look. We got you.
Where's Mika? She was driving.
W-We'll check. You just be still, okay?
This is Yasuda's sister.

- Yasuda. That's Yasuda!
- BAILEY: What? Yasuda?
27-year-old female, GCS 14. Brief LOC.
Blunt trauma to the abdomen.
BP is 90 over 40.
Received one-liter bolus of LR.
- Yasuda, it's Altman.
- And Bailey.
C-Chloe is my my sister.
She's here. Webber's got her.
TEDDY: All right. Let's move.
Let's get her to Trauma 1.
Come on. Go, go, go, go,
go! We got you. We got you.
Uh, prominent bruising in
the right upper quadrant.
She's hypotensive and tachy.
All right. Let's get a FAST exam,
trauma panel, and
chest X-rays right now.
- Weren't you on last night?
- I operated with her this morning.
- X-rays are on their way.
- No, Adams. You shouldn't be in here.
- No. I want to help.
- Do it somewhere else.
- No, no. I need to stay.
Take care of C-Chloe please.
Oh. Sats are dropping. We
need to intubate right now.
- Adams, go!
- All right. Push etomidate and sux.
And I need a 7-0 ET tube.
No major lacerations. We
just need stereo strips.
- Where do you want me?
- In the waiting room.
- [SOBBING] Mika!
- Push 50 of fentanyl.
Chloe, I need you to
be brave for me, okay?
- You can do this.
- Yasuda asked me to help her sister.
You know the rules.
No friends, no family.
With all due respect, you've spent
more time with Chloe than I have.
I can't help in there.
Please let me stay.
- Go pull up the X-rays for Dr. Lincoln.
- Okay. Catch me up.
Chloe Yasuda, 22-year-old
female MVC with crush injuries
to the bilateral lower extremities.
- FAST exam came back negative.
- Yasuda?
- Is she
- Yeah.
- Okay. What do we got on the X-ray?
- It's coming up now.
Multiple comminuted fractures.
All right. Weak DP pulses bilaterally.
We're gonna have to check
for blood flow in the legs.
Adams, go get the Doppler monitor.

- Where is she?
- Who's with her?
LUCAS: Bailey, Altman, and
Ndugu. She's in Trauma 1.
Trauma 1.
TEDDY: All right.
Putting in the chest tube.
- How are you doing on your side?
- Scalpel.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, no. No.
You all need to step away
and let us take care of her.
She's definitely
bleeding in the abdomen.
I need a gown and gloves.
Millin, there's nothing
for you to do right now.
Damn it, we need to
put in a central line.
Call the blood bank and activate MTP.
C-Come on. Let's go.
No. She's She's bleeding out!
She needs to go to the O.R. now!
She's coding.
All right. Starting compressions.
No. No. Mika! Mika! Mika!
- Get her out of here now!
- No!
- Code
- M-Mika!
- TEDDY: Come on. Come on.
- WINSTON: Come on, Yasuda.
We'll be fine. People do
long distance all the time.
And I've always wanted
to work with kids.
I've only lived in Seattle.
I've only been here, just like you.
We need to get out into the world
and experience something new.
Make our mark.
- Your graduation speech needs work.
- Is this Ruby Garner?
- Yeah. I helped deliver her.
Is she going home?
Well, if she can pass
her car-seat test.
- Can't believe you're leaving me.
- I'll be back all the time.
Yeah, but you'll be with James.
Do you think it's a
mistake, doing long distance?
I don't even moved
yet. It's already hard.
I am not in the position
to be giving relationship
advice right now.
- Oh.
Dr. Yasuda was brought
into the E.R., MVC.
- She's in the trauma bay.
- Oh, my God.
- Do you need to go?
- Hi.
We know we're early,
but we're excited to bring her home.
- How's her car-seat test going?
- Well, she's not loving it.
- Is she
- She's turning blue.
Okay. Someone get me a
neonatal intubation kit.
- What's happening?
- Is she breathing?
Mr. and Mrs. Garner, I need
you to go to the waiting area
so that we can take care
of your daughter, okay?
- We're not going anywhere.
- Excuse me.
Nurse Madison, can you Thank you.
JO: Okay.
- LEVI: You got it?
- Yeah.
Got it.

I got your page. Where do you need me?
TEDDY: Prepping for a thoracotomy.
- Gown me.
- Stop compressions.
- Oh.
- WINSTON: We got a sinus rhythm.
All right. She's lost a lot of blood.
She's in hemorrhagic shock.
It's got to be a diaphragmatic rupture.
It looks like her liver
herniated into her chest.
She's still too unstable. We
got to get her to the O.R. now.
BAILEY: I'm calling up now.
Have the blood product sent
up to the operating room.
- MAN: Hang another unit.
- Uh, take over. I'll meet you up there.

Come with me.

Neither leg's getting a signal.
Somebody give me the pressure monitor.
She just had her first round of chemo.
We need to look out
for acute kidney injury.
High pressure in both legs.
No blood flow. Bone-crush injuries.
- Legs are tight. That's
- Acute compartment syndrome.
All right. We got to
relieve the pressure
- so she doesn't lose her legs.
- Okay, Adams. Step aside.
I'll take the right leg.
Warren, you take the left.
We're gonna do bilateral fasiciotomies.
I want full skin incisions,
anterolateral and posteromedial.
All right. Make it quick. Let's go.

How is she doing?
Better now that she can breathe.
- How are her parents?
- Worried.
You'd think being pregnant
would make me more sympathetic.
But I'm kind of just annoyed
their baby's already out.
You're okay, Ruby. I'm right here.
For today. Then he's leaving
us to fend for ourselves.
- Traitor.
- Are you being mean
because you're having
separation anxiety?
No. I am tired and hormonal.
Don't psychoanalyze me.
Okay. There it is.
Fluid around the heart.
Probably from the
viral infection she had
a couple weeks ago.
Gonna have to run
some labs and aspirate.
You want me to consent the parents?
Oh, you don't have to do
that. It's not your job.
I don't mind.
I don't know what I would have done
all these years without you.
Oh, my God. Shut up. I am
not crying before lunch.
WOMAN ON P.A.: Dr. Netelbeek to Ortho.
- Dr. Tessa Netelbeek to Ortho.
- Okay, Ruby.
All right. So, she appears to
have extensive liver damage.
- How's her neuro exam?
- No signs of TBI yet.
We'll have to scan her after the O.R.
We will try and keep you updated,
but right now, she
is our first priority.
Dr. Bailey, please.
We're going to do everything we can.
She means a lot to all of us.
- She really couldn't be a better hands.
- I-I switched with her.
She worked the night shift?
I was swamped, and she helped me.
And then I-I told Ndugu
to let her scrub in.
If she hadn't been on
the road when she was
You have to stop that.
Great. Advice from the no-feelings guy.
No. That's not what I m
Look, you can't think like that
or the guilt will eat
you alive, okay? Trust me.
Don't tell me what to think.
You don't know what the hell happened.
Neither do you. I'm just stating facts.
Okay. You want to hear facts?
Our friend is fighting
for her life in there,
and there's nothing we can do about it.
I know that might not matter to you
and your stone heart,
but it matters to me.

- Oh, I'm s
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How's it going?
It's pretty brutal.
At least you get to do
something. I feel helpless.
- I wish I could do more.
- I just want to camp out
in the O.R. corridor
and wait for updates.
But I can't find Millin.
She won't text me back.
- Then I'm talking
- Hey.
Keep me posted on Chloe, okay?
You okay?
I, uh
I called out Yasuda once
for eating an old doughnut.
It was after a meeting,
and I found her pulling
it out of the trash.
And for some reason, it just set me off.
She was struggling, and
she didn't deserve it.
I'm sure she forgives you.
I'm sorry about Cass.
I know. Don't think
about that right now.

Teddy, look at me.

We can do this.
We can do this.

BEN: Yeah. Abdomen and chest look good.
Has anybody called their parents yet?
Webber was trying to
get in touch with them.
You know, Yasuda she's
the glue of our class.
Somehow she manages to be
best friends with everybody.
Yeah, I'm still getting
to know everyone but,
I got Yasuda's number right away.
Yeah, one time, um, when
I was living at the house
one day, I thought
there was an earthquake.
But it turns out it was just
Yasuda pumping herself up
for the night shift.
Being a doctor is never harder
than when you personally
care for your patient.
LINK: How's it look?
Uh, no chest or abdominal injuries,
and the leg scans are coming up now.
RICHARD: I see a irregularity
in the popliteal artery.
Well, let's just keep an eye on it
and get a vascular consult
when we open her up.
LINK: All right. These
are complex fractures.
We're gonna have to
do a combined approach
of ORIFs and ex fixes in both legs.
Let's get her prepped for surgery.
Target is ID'ed below the
left of the xiphoid bone.
Okay. Needle's ready.
We have visual confirmation
on the ultrasound.
- Okay.
- All right.
We're almost ready.
Then you'll feel better and
your parents will feel better.
They sure do love you.
Even though you've been
living in different places.
Are you about to compare the
life of a baby in the NICU
to your long-distance relationship?
Well, you didn't give me advice.
- Monitor's showing bradycardia.
- You need to move.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
- Okay.
- Remove the ultrasound probe.
- Yeah.
- Right there.
- Okay, Ruby.
You're gonna feel a little sting.
You are my sunshine ♪
My only sunshine ♪
You make me happy ♪
When skies are grey ♪
Remember when you dropped your glasses
in somebody's abdomen?
- I try really hard not to.
You've come a long way.
- All right.
Heart rate is back to normal rhythm.
You want to tell the parents
we may need to keep her
another couple nights,
- but then she should be able to leave?
- Sure.
Okay. You want advice?
Long distance is awful.
It's expensive and lonely,
and I would never recommend it.
But if you are committed
to making it work
it will.

- Bears or worms?
- I'm not hungry.
She is gonna get through this.
I came down here to be alone.
She isn't just your friend.
- I know that.
- Do you know that?
Because you are acting like
this is happening just to you.
We are all freaking out here.
We all need each other right now.
Mika and I aren't just friends.
Like you're together?
I don't know.
Okay. What
What do you call it when
when you flirt with someone
and then sometimes you kiss
and you want to be together
but then her sister gets sick
and you work together,
and it's all just
- Complicated.
- Yeah.
Yeah, that's exactly it. [SNIFFS]
Gonna need something
stronger than gummy bears.

TEDDY: All right. Spleen's intact,
and there's no bleeding
in the retroperitoneum.
Okay. At least there's that.
She's still losing a lot of blood.
- Hang two more units.
- More lap pads.
Okay. This liver is fractured
right down the middle.
Pringle maneuver?
It's worth a try. Clamp.
- Okay.
- And staple.
Uh, bleeding is still too profuse.
- We should try hemostatic agents.
- WINSTON: Both lobes are jacked.
We need to remove the liver
before she bleeds out to death.
No, we are not adding
liver failure to someone
who is too hypotensive and too unstable.
- That could kill her, too.
- OWEN: I agree with Altman.
Let's move to damage
control. Embolize in I.R.,
then resuscitate in the
ICU until she's stable.
And then we move her back to the O.R.
We need to be more aggressive.
She'll continue to bleed.
We need to excise the liver
and put her on the transplant list now.
She just coded. She could code again,
and we might not get her back again.
Okay. Enough.
This is one of our own
lying on this table.
She needs us to stop
arguing and to save her life.
- We will not remove her liver.
- Thank you.
And we will also not leave
her in the ICU overnight.
- OWEN: Do you have a better plan?
Okay. We will pack her,
scan her head to toe,
then get her to the ICU, give her blood,
let her stabilize for a few hours
while we get our acts together
and figure out a better plan.
Anybody feels the need to
disagree, step the hell out.
Lap pads.

How's she doing?
She's putting up a good fight.
Uh, I can sit with her
if you have things to do.
Okay. Page me if you need anything.
I'll be close.
BLUE: You messed up laundry again.
I don't have a single clean sock.
And I-I know what you're gonna say.
I left my clothes in the washer. But
Yeah, I-I
I don't have a good
justification for that.

You still suck at laundry, though.

I'll tell you what.
You pull through this and I'll
do all your laundry for as
long as we live together.
But don't get greedy,
'cause I-I can't start
doing everything for you.
The dishes in the sink.
The hair in the drain.
The dried toothpaste on
That's all you.
Not that you actually
do any of those things.

You're a terrible roommate.

Altman said you were
here. I didn't believe her.
Ah. Whenever I'm stuck on something,
I like to go for a walk.
It clears the mind, settles the nerves.
But I don't want to be far
from my patients, so treadmill.
- Plus I get some steps in.
- Makes sense.
- Any ideas?
- Not yet.
Collectively, the four of
us have probably published
close to 300 case studies.
You counted?
Well, no, but I'm I'm just saying,
based on how much we've seen and
how much we've accomplished
We should have ideas.
Yeah. [GROANS]
I let Yasuda do the
bronchial anastomosis
on a lung transplant this morning.
- She's got real skills.
- Of course she does. I trained her.
- You like teaching?
- Yeah.
I didn't even think about it
when I decided to go into surgery.
But yeah, I do.
It's my favorite part of the job.
I get it. You get to
support fledgling doctors
and watch them grow into surgeons
who can stand on their own.
- It's fulfilling.
- You hit your step goal?
- I've got an idea.
- Yes.
- Yeah. Okay.
BAILEY: Her CT scan shows that
only 25% of her liver remains viable.
- Not enough to preserve function.
- Agree.
I still think the risk of
removing it is too high.
I agree with that too.
So what exactly is your plan?
We resect the entire right lobe,
then we resect the
damaged areas in the left.
Then we give the remainder of the liver
the circulatory support it
needs to recover and grow
with dialysis and
aggressive resuscitation.
How? The common hepatic artery
is completely damaged at the takeoff.

We remove her spleen and use
its vessels to reconstruct
and feed what's left of the liver.
You think the remaining piece
of the liver will be functional?
I am hoping it will.
This won't be as simple
as you make it sound.
Okay. I know. It's a long shot, right?
But Yasuda is strong,
and we've all seen her
give everything she's got
to her family, her patients.
- She would do it for any one of us.
- Yeah.
- Mm. Yep.
- I'm in.
Yeah. Me too.
Right. Let's get her back to the O.R.
- LEVI: Hi.
- Hey. How's your last day?
It's graduation day.
For the preemies, they
get to leave the hospital.
Ah. Do you need a chaplain for that?
Well, is there anything
else I can help you with?
- You could move to Texas with me.
- What?
People get into car
accidents, and people die,
and life is short, and you've
lived all over the world.
Why not San Antonio with me?
Well, I mean, my
my whole life is here.
You know, my job. I just bought my loft.
I'm falling in love with you.

I'm sorry to put you
on the spot like this.
You d You don't have
to decide this second.
You don't even have to decide today.
- Just just think about it.
- Sorry.
Let's talk about this later.
- I'll meet you in the lobby after work.
- Okay.

Nothing? You don't
feel a tiny bit better?
They're babies.
Who could also die in a
terrible car accident one day.
Come with me.
You're not going to make me
hold one of them, are you?
Do not test me. Not today.
Oh, my God.
It's like sitting into a hug.
How long have you and
Yasuda been a thing?
We haven't had sex yet, if
that's what you're asking.
It's not what I'm asking.
Couple months.
We keep trying to slow it down,
and then we just pick it back up again.
Why can't you just be together?
Because we're friends,
w-we work together.
I've never had a relationship
that feels like this.
So, like, easy and electric and

I-I think we were both
scared of messing it up.
It's kind of ironic now.
Mika is not going down without a fight.
Especially if she has you to fight for.

RICHARD: This poor kid.
She just started chemo, and now this.
- Makes you count your blessings, huh?
LINK: Popliteal artery is bleeding out.
- Damn it.
- Vascular clamp.
How can I help?
- There's too much blood.
- Okay. Page vascular!
She's gonna lose her leg if
they don't get here quick.
- Clamp!
- All right. I-I'll go get someone.
Good. Right there.
More suction.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.

- Here we go.
- WINSTON: Titan, please.

- How's the liver looking?
- Ischemic and still bleeding. Suction.
I need Dr. Altman or Dr. Ndugu.
We're a little busy right now.
Chloe has a bad vascular bleed.
She's about to lose her leg.
All right. I'll go.
Owen, take over for me.
What O.R. is she in?
BAILEY: Adams, they
need you in Chloe's O.R.


TEDDY: How's the signal down her leg?
Weak. At this point, there could
be irreversible ischemic damage.
Yeah. Her myoglobin and
C.K. levels are elevated.
We should continue sodium
bicarb and start Mucomyst.
Sorry. I got held up. Gown and glove me.
TEDDY: I need 6-0 of
prolene and vessel loops.
All right, Chloe. Hang in there.
Stay with me. We got you.
I see a house ♪
Up on the hill ♪
A light in the window ♪
An evening blue ♪
I wish you could see it ♪
Like I do ♪
Painting with colors ♪
We've never used ♪
Standing in the ashes ♪
Born anew ♪
I see it now ♪
A light on the horizon ♪
I see it now ♪
Calling out to you ♪
I see it now ♪
Been reading all the signs ♪
And every one ♪
Brings me back to you ♪
Can you see it now? ♪
See it now ♪
See it now ♪

Vascular anastomosis is complete.
It's holding.
Okay. Removing the clamp.
I see a house ♪
Now we all pray to God it works.
Through every storm ♪
Standing still ♪
I just told a woman that's
been laboring for 14 hours
that she was only two
centimeters dilated.
Thought she was gonna punch me.
How's Ruby?
Good. Her vitals have improved.
Okay. Great. Where's James?
I don't know.
Well, maybe he got held up
with, uh, with a patient.
You don't have to try
to make me feel better.
If I haven't completely freaked him out,
maybe it's just, uh,
back to long distance
and I'll rack up a bunch
of frequent-flyer miles
and we'll talk on the
phone all the time.
I could get better at sexting.
- Mm! Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- It's a silver lining.
Getting drunk and sleeping with you
was the best mistake I ever made.
Will you be my baby's godfather?
Are those two things
supposed to be related?
When I'm upset, you're my first call.
Because even on my worst
days, you always make me laugh.
And the reason I was so
mad when you quit O.B.
wasn't because I got you the job.
It was because I was losing my
favorite person to work with.
And now I'm losing you again.
I'm not dying.
We're gonna talk all the time.
The world is a hardened place
full of hardened people like you.
You walk through life
with this giant open heart.

I want you in my kids' lives.
I want you to teach
them to be gentle
and warm-hearted.
And all of that Star Wars stuff.
[LAUGHS] That'll be fun.

So be their godfather.
They'd be lucky to be loved by you.

I'm flattered. [LAUGHS]
I mean, I love them so much already.
But I am Jewish. Is that even allowed?
Just say yes and buy them amazing gifts.
I would love to be their godfather.

I didn't like her when I first met her.
Ow. I like her now.
She was just so loud
and all up in my face all the time.
I like calm. Quiet.
I met her right after I bumped
into someone I'd slept with.
She rescued me.
- Wait. Who'd you sleep with?
- That's not the point of the story.
Wait. I kind of remember this.
Did you sleep with Lincoln?
Well, I'm really glad
I didn't run into any
of you jerks that day.

She's stable, and she's
recovering in the ICU.
Now we wait and see.

Well, I guess this is one
way to get out of charting.
Ah! They should've reassigned
your paperwork today.
Yeah. Well, it's pretty
much the only thing
they'd let me do all day,
so I figured I might as well finish it.
Not that she cares.
Oh, Yasuda, weirdly, loves paperwork.
She blasts music and times herself.
WOMAN ON P.A.: Code blue, room 4429,
surgical ICU.
- Code blue
- That's Chloe.
Room 4429, surgical ICU.
Page an attending!
- room 4429.
- Someone start bagging.
I'll bag.
Push one of epi.
- I'll get the epi.
- LUCAS: Okay.
[EXHALES DEEPLY] Come on. Come on.
I know the shapes
you try to take ♪
Breakwater holding
back the waves ♪

Oh, hey. How's Yasuda?
Um, she's, uh [EXHALES DEEPLY]
She's good.
Interns are with her.

- Look, we should
- I know that today's

You go.

I overreacted.
It was a mistake, and
you told me right away.
You did nothing wrong.
I'm still sorry. I just
I would never want
to cause you any pain.
I know.
- Come on.
- [LAUGHING] Thank you.
Let's go home.
LUCAS: Charge to 200.
I believe it's coming soon ♪
A hundred-color super bloom ♪
- Again.
- What happened?
Her potassium spiked.
She went into V-fib.
LUCAS: Charge to 300.

[SIGHS] Come on. Come on.
- How long has it been?
- 40 minutes of CPR.

BEN: Adams.

You've done all you can.

Time of death 22:16.
No. No. You can't stop.
Someone bag.
- Millin, back away.
- Come on, Chloe.
Come on. Come on, Chloe. Help me!
- BLUE: Jules
- Chloe, come on.
- Come on.
- Jules

she's gone.


What's that?
Chloe's personal belongings.
She didn't make it.
Crush injuries on top of chemo
was just too much for
her body to handle.
It's it's her shoes and her phone
for when Yasuda wakes up.
- If she wakes up.
- Babe
No. No, no. 'Cause it's not over.
have to stay vigilant.
You know, if you
hug me, I'm gonna cry.
- Okay.
- And I cannot cry.
You're staying here?
I mean, I-I know that means
another night away from
you and the kids, but
Don't even worry about that, all right?
Yasuda needs you.
Tomorrow morning,
you you give the kids
whatever they want for breakfast, right?
- Waffles. Pizza. I don't care! Just
- We can do that.
You make something
good happen, Ben Warren.
I need something good to happen.
[SOFTLY] Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

MEREDITH: When you're
met with the impossible,
the only place to turn
is toward each other.
She told me to take care of her sister.
Do not blame yourself.
You did all you could.
I ran her code.
- I called her time of death.
- None of this is your fault.
S-She'll understand.
No. I-I have to go.
- Lucas.
- When you lose,
you have someone to cry with.
for the last time ♪
When you walk into the unknown,
you have someone to hold your hand.
slip away ♪
- All the days gone by ♪
- I'm Dr. Schmitt.
You made the right call.
All the good I find ♪
They can never take from me ♪
When the morning comes ♪
Hold it as it fades ♪
As the days slip away from me ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
JOHN: Levi!
- Hi!
- Hi.
I-I am so sorry about
the lobby. I just
No. It's okay.
This was a big ask,
and you weren't ready.
No. I was in the admin
office resigning from my job.

You still want me to go
to Texas with you, right?
If I had any longer ♪
Hold on any tighter ♪
I know you couldn't stay ♪
Wait. Wait, wait.
Please tell me that this is a yes,
because I just quit my job.
- Let's go!

And when you win,
there's someone by
your side to celebrate.
And suddenly, the
impossible feels possible.

But sometimes there's no one to turn to.
Sometimes you're all alone.
All the days gone by ♪
BAILEY: It's late.
You all should go home.

It could be days before
she wakes up, okay?
Go get some rest. Come on.
Could you let us know
if anything changes?
I'll call the second it does.
Hold it as it fades ♪
As the days slip away from me ♪

In those times, you
have to keep the faith.
Just as the sunlight ♪
Is still the night sky ♪
Across the skyline ♪
It's all in my mind ♪
Remember that even if you can't see them
or feel them or hear them,
your people are out
there, waiting for you.

- Hey, welcome back.
Your surgery, it went well.
You're gonna be okay.

- No.
- Shh.

[SOBBING] Oh, no.

Even after you're gone.

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