Gunsmoke (1955) s02e17 Episode Script

Sins of the Father

Starring James Arness as Matt Dillon.
Good morning.
How do, mister? I'd like me a room for a few days.
A double room.
A double, hm? Well, I guess you can use one.
You're big enough.
It ain't that.
My wife's with me.
She's out in the wagon.
She'll be right in.
I see.
Would you like to sign the book? I wonder if you'd oblige me, mister.
What's the name? Daggitt.
Big Dan Daggitt and missis.
All right, I'll- I'll give you number eight.
It's right up there at the top of the stairs.
Do you think you can find it? The number's right there on the tag.
That's all right, mister.
My wife will know.
Hey, wait a minute.
You didn't tell me.
What? She's an Arapaho.
She's my wife.
Hey, wait a minute! Wait a minute, mister.
Doc, are you sure Mr.
Dillon ain't come by here yet? Yes, I'm sure.
I told you, I've been sitting right here over an hour.
Well, he could've come up the other side of the street, and you'd never seen him, your nose stuck in that paper there.
Yes, if he came up the other side of the street, I might have missed him.
Why don't you just walk over to the office and take a look in there and see.
He just might be sittin' in there.
Oh, I ain't gonna walk clear up there.
Not unless'n I have to.
You're not, huh? No.
Well, you just got a terrible, terrible problem.
How you gonna solve it? Well, I'm just gonna sit around here.
I mean, he's gotta come by here sooner or later.
Yeah, I'll bet you do.
You'll sit right here.
You'll just- And somebody will steal something in town.
Something will happen, and you won't have any idea what- What it is.
You- Somebody will- You know, Doc, this early-morning air runs kinda cool and everything.
I mean, it makes you a little bit sassy, don't it? If you're gonna sit there, I wish you'd be quiet.
I just had my breakfast.
I'm trying to read the paper.
Breakfast? You know, I could eat breakfast all day, Doc.
Do you ever try taking a potato and just slicing it real thin-like, and then just dumping all of it right in a big skillet of hot grease and just lettin' it fry? Oh, that's good, Doc.
That really is.
If I ever have to open you up, I'm gonna charge you double.
Double? Why? I just know the way your eyes light up when anybody mentions anything about food that you- You must have two stomachs.
Two of everything.
You must have two livers.
Two gizzards.
All right, there you are.
There's Matt.
Now, you leave me alone, will you? There he comes.
Oh, Mr.
Dillon, I been lookin' for you.
Where you been? Why, is something wrong? Well, I guess so.
Dobie's awful upset about something in there.
He says he wants to see you.
All right.
Hello, Doc.
Morning, Matt.
Good morning, Mr.
Sure been wanting to see you, marshal.
Now, what's the matter? You got a riot in here or something? There'll be a riot if you don't get them people outta here.
Now, what people's that? The Daggitts, that's who.
And who are the Daggitts? "Big Dan" Daggitt, he calls himself.
One of them mountain men.
Hunter or something.
One of them real hairy fellas.
He shouldn't be allowed around other white men.
Why not? What's he been doing? He's been sittin' up there in my hotel room.
I let him in before I knew.
Knew what? You'll see for yourself.
You know, marshal, I don't have to let nobody stay in my hotel, unless I want 'em to.
No, I guess not, if you got a good enough reason.
I got plenty of reason.
Three people have already threatened to move out.
Sounds like he's got a box of rattlesnakes in there or something.
It's worse than that.
I brought Marshal Dillon with me this time, Daggitt.
Dobie here wanted me to come up and have a talk with you.
Well, come on in.
Well, you're right about one thing, Dobie.
He sure enough is a big man.
A man can't help being big.
No offense.
There's been times when I wish I was smaller myself.
Not that I can't move as fast as any man, but I'm easier to see.
That's the only bad part.
Tell me, what seems to be the trouble between you and Dobie? It ain't my trouble, marshal.
Nothing seems to be wrong here that I can see, Dobie.
It ain't him.
It's his wife.
He don't like my wife, marshal, 'cause she's an Injun.
That ain't it.
What do I care whether she's an Indian? Where is she? In the other room.
Well, go get her.
Dobie, do you know what I can do with the fingers of this hand, just the fingers? Don't forget I got the marshal with me.
I'll use the other hand on him if he starts orderin' me about too.
Now hold on here.
We're not gonna get anywhere with that kind of talk.
Marshal, you look like you'd be pretty good with that gun of yours.
But I killed a mountain lion with this knife.
I ain't scared of any man alive, and not many ghosts.
Ghosts! What a savage.
Oh, I didn't come here to fight you, Daggitt.
I just came here to find out what the trouble was.
If it has something to do with your wife- Dan, There, marshal.
If it's me they're talking about, why didn't you call me? Got nothing to do with you.
Dobie here is trying to order me around.
I only asked you to bring her in here so the marshal could see her.
Well, now he's seen her.
What's all the fuss about? You're playin' dumb, ain't you, Daggitt? Would you answer a question, Daggitt? Not from him.
From me? Where'd you meet Mrs.
Daggitt? Denver.
Denver? I'm a mountain man, marshal.
I never been on the prairie before.
Well, uh, what were you doing in Denver, Mrs.
Daggitt? I was sent there four years ago to get an education.
My father was a chief, marshal.
Chief? What chief? His name was Yellow Horse.
That's worse.
That's the worst yet.
I don't understand.
What's this about? Two years ago, the Arapahos raided through this country.
A lot of settlers were killed, and Yellow Horse was their leader till he got killed.
Why, I never heard that.
Is it true? I don't know.
I only heard he was dead.
Well, what difference does it make? She wasn't on them raids.
Well, of course she wasn't.
But there's still a lot of high feeling around here against the Arapahos.
We won't stand for 'em in Dodge.
Now, just a minute, Dobie.
You can't blame her for something she had nothing to do with.
I'd blame that whole tribe, especially her father.
And I won't stand for her being here.
She's probably as murderous as he was.
I'd like to apologize to your wife here for bothering her at all.
Apologize? That's right.
Come on.
Let's get outta here.
No, you gotta throw 'em out.
You know, Dobie, I'm like Mr.
Daggitt here.
I guess I don't take orders very well.
All right, marshal.
If the law won't help me- And the law won't help you.
And you're not gonna do anything by yourself, either.
Now let's go.
Now listen.
Listen to me.
You all remember the raid.
You all remember Yellow Horse.
Well, don't you realize this is his daughter? She's staying right here in this town.
All of you had a relative or friend killed, or mighty near it, by them murderers.
All of us did.
Now, you think that over.
I don't see why you stand for it.
What do you figure to do about it, mister? Well, I don't know, but we ought to do something.
Well, that Dobie, he just won't give up, will he, Mr.
Dillon? I don't like the look of that at all.
Neither do I.
He's gonna keep on till he 'causes some kind of trouble.
You mark my words.
Ain't there nothing you can do to stop him? Yeah.
Wha-? For an Injun, she's a looker.
She's a murdering Arapaho.
Well, marshal.
I thought I told you not to start anything.
This is a free country.
A man can speak his mind.
Now, those two people are gonna leave town in a day or two, and there's no point in stirring up any kind of trouble.
Now you men break it up and move along.
Go on.
Get movin'.
All right, that's you too.
Go on.
Dobie, why don't you try minding your own business for once.
That's good advice, marshal.
Why don't you take it.
Oh, that stubborn fool.
He will never change his mind.
Yeah, some people are like that, Chester.
And that Mrs.
She seems so real nice too.
Well, lookie there.
I wonder what they're goin' into Jonas' store for.
You think they're gonna buy her a dress or something? Maybe.
Which reminds me, Mr.
You mind stoppin' in there for a minute? All right.
I wanna get a little string tie for Sunday.
Oh, hello, Miss Kitty.
Hi, Chester.
Hello, Matt.
Hello, Kitty.
Ties are right over here, Mr.
I won't be a minute.
Well, you're getting as bad as Chester, buying clothes all the time.
As Chester? Matt, if Chester's always buying clothes, how is it ever since I've know him he's always worn that same pair of pants? Well, he just takes good care of 'em, I guess.
Sees that they don't get torn.
If they ever did, he'd have to go to bed.
How do you like this? Well, it's all right if you like it.
Say, where's Jonas? Oh, he's out back with Daggitt and his wife, showin' 'em something.
He sure is a buffalo, that man.
Isn't he, though? His wife's a beautiful little thing.
Yeah, she is.
Now, Matt Well, I guess he can't be all brute, or a girl like that never would've married him.
Yeah, too bad, uh, Dobie can't see it that way.
Oh, Dobie's just not thinkin' straight.
Marshal, where's Jonas? Oh, he's out back, Rodin.
Here he comes.
Hey, Jonas, I need some shoe nails.
Be right with you, Rodin.
I'm in a hurry.
Eh, this won't take a minute.
I ain't waitin' while you sell beads to her.
What's she doin' here, anyway? She's got just much right here as you have, Rodin.
An Arapaho woman? You throw her outta here, or I will.
This here woman's my wife.
Your wife? You'll have to throw me out too.
Now, look, I didn't mean nothing.
If you don't mean nothing, don't talk.
It's your business.
W-what do I care? Even if you do care, you shouldn't say nothing out loud.
I ain't sayin' nothing.
I gotta go now.
Well, how do, marshal? I didn't know you was here.
You handled that real fine, Daggitt.
Well, I can't fight every man in the world.
No, you sure can't.
And I don't aim to try, if they don't push me too far.
Has, uh, Dobie been leavin' you alone? Well, excepting for the talk.
But we're leaving town in a day or two, back to Colorado.
Oh, marshal, you come up for supper with us 'fore we go.
Rose here would like that.
It'll be a pleasure.
Come on, Chester.
Now, Mr.
Jonas, would you put this on my bill until the first of the month? All right.
Thank you.
You know, I wonder where Doc is.
He ain't come in for his morning coffee yet.
He ain't down in his office, either.
I been there.
He had a call out at the Duke place last night, Chester.
Somebody sick? Well- Heh.
-he doesn't usually get many social calls.
Well, I- I was gonna give him one.
I'll tell him that.
He'll really appreciate it.
See who that is, will you? Well, it ain't Doc, that's for sure.
He wouldn't even bother to knock.
Oh, hello, Dan.
I'm kinda worried, marshal.
Well, what's the matter? It's Rose.
I can't find her nowhere.
Can't find her? What do you mean? Well, I ain't seen her since 4:00 this morning.
I feel like a fool, comin' here and telling you this.
But I was hopin' you and Chester would help me look for her.
I've been everywhere.
Well, sure, we'll help you look for her.
It ain't like Rose to go off like that.
Not here with all this talk.
Rose wouldn't do that.
Where'd you see her last? In our room.
I woke up real early and I couldn't sleep.
I got dressed and went down on the street to walk around.
I didn't want to bother her.
I was only gone an hour, but I just never should've left her.
Didn't you try asking anybody at the hotel? See if they'd seen her? There weren't nobody there.
Not when I went out nor when I come in.
Well, where could she have gone at that hour of the morning? She couldn't have gone nowhere, not Rose.
That's why I'm worried.
Well, come on.
Let's start looking.
Well, I don't know, Mr.
She just ain't anywheres.
Did you talk to Dobie? Yeah, yeah.
He hasn't seen a thing, either.
Daggitt, isn't there anything else you can tell us at all? No, marshal, nothing.
That's Rose.
That's Rose in that buggy.
Rose! Rose, what are you doing there? We've been looking everywhere.
Well, get down.
Carry me, Dan.
Yes, you'll have to carry her.
And just carry her right on up to my office there.
Oh, Rose, what happened to you? Where have you been? What happened, Doc? You just better let her tell you, Matt.
Chester, will you take care of my rig for me, please? Uh, yeah.
All right.
Now, Rose, I- I want you to just lie back down there.
Tell your whole story.
Marshal Dillon is gonna be interested.
All right.
Now, go on.
Well, Dan had gone out to take a walk, and somebody came from behind and tied a bandanna over my face.
I never should have left you alone.
It wasn't your fault.
Go on, Rose.
It was two men.
They never said a word the whole time.
They never talked once.
They took me out and tied me onto a horse, and led it out onto the prairie.
Well, why didn't you yell or something? Oh, I fought.
I fought, Dan.
Yes, I know, but why didn't you yell? Injun women don't yell.
They finally stopped and untied me and took me off the horse.
Tore my moccasins off.
And hit me some.
And finally rode off.
I got the bandanna off, but they were out of sight.
I never did get a look at them.
So I walked and walked until I saw the doctor coming toward me.
I don't think I could've walked much farther.
Well, Dobie, are you satisfied now? I didn't have anything to do with it.
Your big mouth did.
Rose, are you sure that you didn't see any of 'em, or hear their voices? No, but I did hear them walk.
Everybody has a different walk.
Did you recognize 'em from their walk? No.
It wasn't Dobie or anybody I know.
But I'll know them next time.
And we'll find them.
We'll set on the street and listen till we find 'em.
And when we do, I'm gonna cut 'em.
I'll cut 'em something awful before I kill 'em.
You let Rose find 'em if she can.
But then I'll take 'em.
They're mine, marshal.
They're just as much mine as Rose is mine.
I wouldn't let nobody else in the world touch her but me.
That would be murder, Daggitt.
Is that what you call it? Dan, don't cause more trouble.
You fix her up, Doc.
Then we'll start listenin'.
That's as good a way of huntin' as any.
You know, it's kinda creepy, Mr.
They've been sittin' like that for three days.
Just sittin' and listenin'.
Not even lookin' much.
I know it.
The whole town's talking about it.
But I guess that's Dobie's doing.
He's the only one that could have told anybody about it.
You know, it's almost as if he warned them two men to keep away.
Well, I almost wish he had, Chester.
Huh? Oh.
Oh, you mean 'cause you're afraid Daggitt would kill 'em and get into trouble.
Well, that's one reason, unless we could stop him.
Yeah, well, what's the other? Well, those two, whoever they are, might get tired of waiting and decide to do something about it.
You mean, do something to her again? It's possible.
Yeah, well, I- I never thought of that.
I wish I could find those two myself.
Well, I don't think there's much chance of that.
No, I know there isn't.
But one of us has got to stay here every minute, as long as they're over here.
Yeah, I can see that.
Look, I'll stay first.
You go on back to the office.
Well, all right.
Hello, Chester.
Oh, Mr.
Dillon, you're back.
They gave up for the night, huh? Yeah, they went back up to their room.
Well, I guess they ought to be safe enough there.
Yeah, I hope so.
Funny how tired a man can get just sittin'.
But we'll keep at it.
I don't care how long it takes.
You're very tired, aren't you, Dan? Now, don't you fret yourself about me.
But I do.
You haven't had any sleep for so long.
I can go without it longer.
For me.
For me, will you rest? I'm all right.
You can lie down in there and you can still be close.
I won't be afraid.
Please, Dan.
You'll call me? If I need you, I'll call you.
Now, you go to sleep.
What is it? What's the matter? Please, will you run to the doctor for me? Quick, before he closes? What for? I feel dizzy.
Maybe you could get me something.
Some powders.
Well, I don't know nothing about them things.
What would I tell him? Just tell him my head hurts again.
He'll know what to give you.
Well, all right.
Come in.
Don't you think you oughta be turnin' in, Mr.
Dillon? That was a shotgun, wasn't it? Yeah.
It sounds like it came from the Dodge House.
Come on.
All right.
Everybody get outta the way here.
Get outta the way.
Now, everybody stay outside.
I'll take the gun, Mrs.
Were those men coming after you? You know who they are, Chester? Well, no, I-I don't.
I seen 'em around, but that's all.
Why didn't you tell me? Why did you send me away? I couldn't let you hang for what happened to me, Dan.
Why, I'd have gladly hung for it.
It's better than you goin' to jail.
I won't mind.
I won't let them do it to you.
It ain't fair.
Don't you try and take her, marshal.
Don't you try.
I'm not gonna take her, Daggitt.
What do you mean? Look here at these men.
They had a rope and a gag all fixed for her mouth.
They were coming for her.
It's a pure case of self-defense.
They had a wagon waiting at the back door.
I seen it, but I- I didn't think.
Oh, marshal, I've been a fool.
Marshal, there's something I wanna say.
What's that? I didn't know those men, but I seen 'em.
I seen 'em that day when I talked like I did.
They listened to me and they heard me.
I don't feel very proud.
You're the one that should be going to jail, Dobie.
You know that, don't you? That's what I'm tryin' to say.
Most of what has happened, ma'am, has been my fault.
The killings and all.
I feel like hiding.
Dobie Yes, ma'am? I'm not blaming you for what happened.
I'm not blaming anyone.
Thank you, ma'am.
Come on, Chester.

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