Gunsmoke (1955) s02e35 Episode Script

Uncle Oliver

ANNOUNCER: Starring James Arness as Matt Dillon.
There's a thing about the country out here that sometimes makes people grow up with their arms dangling and their heads cocked to one side.
I guess it's the bad weather and the dry earth.
And the shame, maybe, of trying to scratch a living out of a land baked into hard clay.
A man can starve more than just his body doing that.
I've seen a lot of such people.
But it's not often that one really goes berserk, and comes into town to get himself killed.
Still, it happens.
Matt Dillon, U.
I wish you'd look at that, Mr.
Them two's been going at it like that for the best part of an hour.
You been sitting here for an hour watching them? Oh, well, no, no.
I ain't been, you know, what you call watching them all that time, no.
I thought you were gonna clean the stovepipe today? W-w-well, you- Well, the day ain't over yet, Mr.
Yeah, well, you were gonna clean it yesterday, but it got over somehow.
Well, I was just sitting here thinking, you know, what a dirty, awful mess that's gonna make, you know? I- I guess that's the reason why I kept putting it off.
I guess that's a good a reason as any.
Say, now, he's banging that little fella right into the post.
They might be using guns next.
He's just kinda squeezing him now.
At least he keeping the old man from talking at him.
I don't wanna hear no more about it.
Hey, turn loose.
Doggone it, you cracked my ribs.
All right, turn him loose there, fella.
Come on, turn him loose.
All right.
You're meddling, mister.
Meddling's my business.
Well I wasn't hurting him none.
You all right, ain't you, Uncle Oliver? Oh, shucks, I guess a little bear hugging ain't gonna ruin me.
You're his uncle? Yeah.
You see, uh, Viney's pa, he died a while back, and he practically never did have no ma, so, I kinda been taking care of him.
Little old to need taking care of, isn't he? Say, you don't understand, marshal.
You see, this is the first time that Viney's ever come to town and I know that he's gonna make out just real good.
Now, you'll see.
Oh, Uncle Oliver No, I mean it.
Shucks, you're gonna be an important man someday, Viney.
Yes sir.
Just as important a man as the marshal there.
Say, wait a minute.
I got a idea.
You been getting ideas all day.
Now, stop it.
I can't be marshal.
Use your head.
I am using my head.
And why can't you be marshal? Because they got him, that's why.
Aw, shucks, I don't mean right away.
Doggone it, you gotta learn how, ain't you? And how are you gonna learn how? By following the marshal around and by working for him.
Now, hold on here a minute.
Chester is giving me all the help I need.
What's a Chester? What's a? "What's a Ch-?" I'm Ch- That's my name.
Well, there you are, Uncle Oliver.
Oh, there I am nothing.
Well, what do you want me to do? Get rid of Chester? Shoot him or something? Now, just a minute, you two.
Hold on there.
What-? What kinda talk is that? You people crazy or something? Say, he's right, Viney.
Why you shouldn't ought to go and talk like that.
Oh, I'm gonna find our wagon and get me some sleep.
I've had about all your talk I can stand.
Say, you know, he didn't mean nothing by that, marshal.
Ah, he's just young and hotheaded's all.
Well, I sure hope that he didn't.
I'm not gonna stand here arguing.
I'm going over there and do me some gambling.
Well, I'll see you all.
Well, honest to goodness.
They ought to stay down on the prairie where they belong.
I wouldn't worry about it, Chester.
No, no, I guess you wouldn't, it wasn't you that they was talking about.
Oh, it was just talk.
Well, you know that talk like that, Mr.
Dillon, can end up in bullets.
Come on, I'll buy you a beer.
I could sure use one.
Coffee's cold again.
Well, want me to get you some more? No.
It'd just be colder.
Tell me something, Matt, this, um, Viney and Uncle Oliver, did you find out their last name? Stang.
Stang? Well, they sure sound like a great pair.
Few weeks in Dodge around people and they might start acting more civilized.
They sound just plain simple-minded to me.
Well, you've been meeting Oliver, anyway.
He's a gambler.
Oh, what's his game, Mumbly Peg? Ah, he might surprise you.
Well, maybe.
But from what you tell me, he won't surprise any of the dealers that I know.
Hm? You're about to meet Viney now.
Oh, he's darling.
Marshal? Yes, Viney? I don't aim to bust in on you and- And this lady here, marshal, but- That's all right.
I gotta tell you something.
Viney, this is Miss Russell.
How do, lady? How you do? It's about that job, marshal.
Working for you? Now, Viney, I thought we'd been all through that.
But I'm worried that you might let Uncle Oliver talk you into something.
Well, you can stop worrying.
What I come to tell you is, I changed my mind.
I don't want that job.
Well, good, fine.
You don't get it.
I don't want no part of it.
That's what I come to tell you.
Good, good, that's just fine.
Well, I guess you better get going, Kitty.
I gotta get to work.
Viney, you can stop worrying about that job.
It isn't there.
Now, uh, why don't you look around Dodge for a couple of days and then head back home.
I just might do that, marshal.
I been thinking on it.
And I'll go on thinking.
I sure will.
You didn't do him justice, Matt.
It'd take two of him to be simple-minded.
I don't know, Kitty.
What do you mean? I don't think anybody could be that stupid, not even Viney.
Wanna walk me to Long Branch? Sure.
Good evening there, Miss Kitty.
You out for a howl, Chester? Oh, no, no, I was just looking around a bit before I went to bed.
I'm gonna turn in early.
Well, I'm glad somebody is.
Yeah, well, early to bed and early to rise, it, uh Well, no, no, never did do much for me, come to think of it.
Maybe you just never gave it a real try.
Well, that- That could be.
Who is that? Oliver Stang? Has he been here all this time? He's been at the faro table over an hour.
Thank you, neighbor.
Howdy, Chester.
Howdy there.
Well, I gotta get back to the office.
Whoa, Ches, wait a minute, I'll buy you a drink.
Oh, no, no thanks, Oliver.
No? Uh, say Mr.
Barkeep, uh, gimme a glass of whiskey.
Uh, you, uh, all through gambling there, are you? Yeah, I sure am.
Man's gotta stop and get his strength back once in a while.
Is that what you're doing? Oh, shucks, no, I'm gonna have my supper.
Well, is that your supper there? Oh, no, no, no.
No, it ain't at all.
That's it right there.
What in the world is that? Why that's jerky.
Where you been? Well, right here, thank heaven.
Come on, Chester.
I'll give you half of it.
Oh, no, no, no, I really gotta get back to the office.
You see, Mr.
Dillon might be wanting me for something.
Uh, well, I'm going out back and, uh, eat my supper, and then I'm gonna take a little sleep.
Yeah, well, yeah, you do that.
Nothing's too good for Oliver.
No, he sure don't get too high off of the hog, does he? He sure doesn't.
I wish that he would take that Viney of his and just leave town is what I wish.
I'd feel a lot safer about it.
Aw, don't worry about him.
Don't wo- Miss Kitty, you talk just exactly like Mr.
Dillon, as if I had nothing at all to worry about.
Good night, Chester.
Say, Matt, did I ever tell you about that little Tennessee girl I met, that Lucy McGee, huh? Probably.
Well, I'll tell you, I met her in Memphis a long time ago, at a taffy pull.
Right from the start, she just treated me like I was something on a stick.
Your move.
Hm? Oh.
Where'd you move? Right there.
Dillon? Hello, Chester.
I didn't know that you was here.
Kinda quiet out tonight, isn't it? Yeah, it's, uh Oh, did you bring my saddle in from the back? Nope.
Well, never mind, I'll get it, you know, I just- Yeah, you do that.
Ah, we'll finish this game.
Now, let me see.
All right, there, it's your move.
Well, like I was telling you, this little Lucy McGee just fell for me.
Just fell for me right from the start.
That's what I like, Doc, a modest man.
Well, I can't help it if some little girl goes and falls for me, can I? Little girl, huh? I bet she weighed in at 200 pounds.
Chester! Where is he? Is he all right, Doc? I don't know, Matt.
We'll- We'll have to get him up to the office.
Well, never mind that now.
Come on, let's pick him up.
Get him out of here.
There we are.
What do you think, Doc? Well, my golly, it's hard to say.
Oh, he'd pull through all right, Matt, but, you know, another fraction of an inch would've sure fixed him.
Yeah, let's be thankful for that, anyway.
Yeah, who in the world was it? Who'd want to kill Chester? Oh, that crazy Viney Stang.
That's why he made such a point of telling me he didn't want the job.
He was planning this all along.
What? I'll tell you about it later, Doc.
Soon as I throw Viney in jail.
Look, keep an eye on him.
Oh, I'll- I'll take good care of him.
Gimme a deck of cards, Sam.
Here you are, boys.
Hello, Kitty.
Well, you look like you're about ready to strike.
I am.
Anybody in particular? Yeah, Viney Stang.
Oh? He ambushed Chester a while ago.
Oh, no- No, he's all right.
Well, thank heaven.
Are you sure Viney did it? I know I wouldn't be looking for him if I wasn't.
Well, the last I saw him was in the restaurant.
I can't find him and I was hoping Oliver might be able to tell me where he is.
Oliver's out back, asleep.
Asleep? I'd be surprised if he's ever slept in a bed.
Hm, I hope he doesn't mind my waking him up.
He won't.
Not when he gets a good look at you.
I'll see you later.
Oliver? Hm? Oliver, wake up! Hey! Hm? Oh.
Oh, hello, marshal.
Get up, I wanna talk to you.
I'm awake, I'm awake A feller's got a right to get a little sleep now and then.
Where's Viney? Viney? I don't know where he is.
When did you see him last? Well, I seen him this afternoon.
And you haven't seen him since then? No.
Hey, what are you all looking for him for? Chester's been shot.
And you think that Viney done it, huh? That's right.
Shucks, Viney never killed nobody in his whole life.
I didn't say he was killed.
Huh? I said he shot him.
He's been shot in the head and he's not conscious yet.
Oh, then he ain't dead.
You sound disappointed.
Marshal, us Stang's don't go around shooting folks, and I ain't going to stand here and let nobody say that we do.
I want Viney, Oliver, and you're gonna help me find him.
You know what his habits are, you know where he might be hiding.
Viney didn't do it.
I'll argue that with you later.
Right now, you're either gonna help me find him, or I'm gonna throw you in jail and find him myself.
You make your choice.
Jail, huh? That's right.
You say that Chester ain't come to? What's that got to do with it? Well, I was thinking that if Chester dies, then that's gonna make it awful bad, ain't it? Yeah.
Real bad.
Marshal, if Viney done that, I'm just as against him as you are.
Blood kin or not.
And I'll help you find him.
That's right, I sure will.
Let's go.
Well, if he ain't in here, then I swear I don't know where he could be.
Why this place? Well, this is the littlest ragtail saloon in town, ain't it? You know, Viney, he's more into home where there ain't too many folks.
All right, you wait here.
Well, there's nobody in there but the bartender, and he's asleep.
Well, then we'll wake him up and ask him.
No, they don't even talk to law in there.
Ah, shucks, I'm just plain confounded, marshal.
Now, we need just look everyplace that that boy could be.
Well, then you think of someplace.
You think of it.
I'm going over to Doc's office.
Say, just a minute now, marshal, you act like you didn't believe me.
I'll believe you when you find Viney.
All right, I'll find him.
And I'll look all night if I have to.
Don't take all night.
It's about 10:00 now.
You take till midnight.
Well, what do you mean? You have Viney at my office by 12:00.
Uh, now, there, you see? You don't believe me.
I believe you.
Marshal, I told you, I'm just as anxious to have him caught as you are.
All right, then you find him.
And don't try to run out on me, or I'll catch you if it takes all year.
Oh, you're terrible wrong about me, marshal.
I'll be at my office.
Where is he? Well, I moved him to the other room there, Matt, he's a lot better off in there.
Was he conscious yet, Doc? Well, no.
No, he was though, about a half hour ago, and he, uh, he- He mumbled some things and then he passed out again.
Well, what was he mumbling about? Did you hear any of it? Yup.
Just about the shooting, and I'll tell you something, he saw who it was.
He did? Yeah, but he didn't name anybody.
He tried to.
He couldn't.
I asked him questions but he- Well, he fainted away again.
I don't suppose you got any idea how long it'll be before he comes to again? Oh, golly no, Matt, there's just no way of telling.
It could be an hour.
Maybe a day or two.
But he did see who it was? Yes, he did.
But he didn't say who, and that's just no help at all.
I don't know, Doc.
It might be.
How do you figure that? Well, if Chester saw Viney, then Viney must know he saw him.
And he's not gonna feel very easy about it.
Well, you got him in jail.
No, not yet, but it won't take me long now.
Oh, well.
Look, Doc, while I'm out, lock this door and keep it locked.
Well, why do you have to lock-? Just keep it locked.
All right.
What are you doing there? Oh, howdy, marshal.
Say, I ain't been able to find Viney.
But I'll find him.
Uh, how's Chester? He's all right.
He came to for a minute.
Say, there's one good thing.
If Chester don't die, then Viney won't hang.
I'm just afraid that he'll find out that Chester's still alive and try to kill him before he has a chance to talk.
Oh, no, helli, I'll catch up with him long before that.
He's in enough trouble.
Oliver, the way things are, I'm not gonna wait for you to find Viney by yourself.
Oh, uh, you mean, uh, you want me coming with you? No, you go out and look for him on your own.
If you find him, you take him to my office and wait for me.
Oh, well, all right, all right.
Now, I swear I don't know where he could be.
What in the world's going-? Shh! Hey, throw down your fire rope, I'm coming up.
Fire rope? Throw it down.
Come on, hurry.
What in the world are you up to now? Is that front door locked? Yes, it's locked.
Well, go check it again, will you? Certainly.
Well, it's still locked, like I said.
Now, would you mind telling me what this is all about? I just wanna be sure he'll knock.
Well, you seem awful sure we're gonna have company.
We're gonna have company, all right.
And when we do, I want you to open the door.
And then get behind it and stay there.
I'll stay there, all right, but what makes you so sure Viney's coming up here? Because he's got to shut Chester up before it's too late, doesn't he? Well, yes, but he knows Chester isn't all alone here.
He knows I'm here too.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, my golly, Matt, you don't mean he'd walk in here and shoot me too? Doc, you must be a little tired tonight.
Of course he would.
Don't worry now.
This is gonna work out all right.
Well, I just don't like shooting, Matt, I never did.
Well, neither do I.
But this is one time I'm kinda glad I'm mixed up in it.
There's one thing I can't stand, it's a bushwhacker, I don't care who he's after.
Well, I won't argue with you about that, a man's got a right to fight back.
Chester wasn't even armed.
I know that.
Oliver! You killed him, Matt.
I thought you said it was Viney.
You done it.
You went and killed Uncle Oliver.
I had to, Viney.
Well- Why didn't you wait? I'd a-stopped him.
Why didn't you stop him downstairs? I'd seen him come back.
I was hiding across the street, but I couldn't get over here fast enough.
Where you been all evening? Well, Uncle Oliver told me to wait for him by the river, but I figured he was up to something, so I kinda hung around town.
And when I heard about Chester, I knew.
I see.
I was afraid to show myself, I thought you'd shoot me, marshal.
Just like you shot him.
I had to shoot him, Viney.
He'd have killed Doc and me both if I hadn't.
He only done that to Chester because he was trying to help me.
Like he promised Pa he would.
That's all he was trying to do.
He was trying too hard.
I only wanted to go home.
I didn't want Chester's job.
I told you that.
Don't you remember? Yeah, I remember.
But you forgot one thing, Viney.
What? You forgot to tell Uncle Oliver.

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