Gwaith/Cartref (2011) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Oh, yippee ki-yay Some of my heads of department have informed me .
that coursework isn't being marked on time.
Can you remind me of the deadline for the coursework? I'll have to let you know.
The Welsh Waterways Art Competition for secondary schools.
What do you know about water? Smelly cow! I'm worried about Sioned Evans, 7H.
She's being bullied.
I was bullied at school because of my stammer.
Give the phone back to Sioned! Back to your seats now.
It was a good idea to use mobile phones .
but 7H has proved they cannot use the phones responsibly.
Come back inside.
Please? I've got a family, Emyr.
Yes, you do have a family.
It doesn't mean you can't talk to anyone.
I'm here, if you want to.
I've decided to move out.
You haven't been here long.
If I get to second base Third base.
you have to do my bus duty for a week.
You haven't got a hope in hell because he's asexual.
HOME / WORK WORK I'm delighted that these former pupils .
will speak to the children about their experiences as young mothers.
This is another example of the progressive education .
that we offer at Bro Taf.
Pro what? I'll need a volunteer to organize the condom workshop in the future.
Thanks for your enthusiasm .
but haven't you got enough on your plate already? Ah, Miss Harries.
Sorry, Mr El.
APPLAUSE If I'd known about your exhibition .
I could have arranged some publicity to promote the event.
Not every school has such a talented and creative teacher on their staff.
Aneurin's Mathematics Olympics are being held in the gym today.
Please encourage the pupils to take part.
Come and join in the fun yourselves.
Everybody's welcome.
You don't have to pretend that you still like the guy.
Shut up, Simon! Make sure you're there.
All you have to do is follow the questions Year 11 coursework.
I've almost finished marking it.
What time tonight, Ffion? Arnaud sera tres content d'entendre vos histoires outre-mer.
Um Oui? Si vous voulez, nous aimerons bien vous preparer le diner ce soir .
le vin, le repas, la conversation.
Ca sera magnifique.
Conversation? Oui, it sounds tres bon! Does she speak a language other than French? Voila, Monsieur James.
Don't, I'm moving in with her later.
Can everyone sit down, please? Well? The Head wants me to attend a management meeting.
Tell the chiefs how committed I am to the school.
Everybody knows you love your work, Simon.
A condoms workshop? It's a shame nobody told this lot about them.
Miss Haddon said you wanted a whiteboard.
You said you'd come over.
You're such a liar.
That's enough.
She's crazy.
Back to your class, Kyle.
He hasn't seen the baby in ages.
He doesn't even care about her.
The media is everywhere.
It's part of our lives.
How many of you have used an iPhone? Getting up early in the morning.
Anyone else? No freedom.
No freedom.
You've heard about Ffion French and Arnold, haven't you? It's Arnaud and no, I'm not a gossip, unlike some people.
Do you prefer living with swingers and eating brie .
as opposed to living with Grug and me? Don't you want the place to yourselves? Why? I've heard that Arnaud likes to watch.
Is there a French word for a voyeur? Where is everyone, Beca? It's still early.
They'd enjoy it if they gave it a chance.
They would realize that Mathematics can be fun.
Patience, alright? What are you doing? What are you gonna do about it? CHILDREN SHOUT AND CHEER Stop it! Fight! Fight! Fight! It's her fault.
She attacked me.
She squirted paint over my picture.
It was an accident.
Get out, Sienna.
Are you serious? Do I look as if I'm joking? Get out! She's wrecked it.
Don't upset yourself.
The competition closes tomorrow.
We'll fix it.
What's the point? I'll help you, Nadine.
Don't worry.
Thanks, sir.
No problem, ta-ra.
Hey, congratulations.
I forgot to mention magazines.
It was an excellent lesson.
You won't need me to hold your hand next time.
That's a shame.
Boys? Can you do me a favour? The Mathematics Olympics, remember? Oh, it suits you.
I've got enough on my plate looking after Simon, thank you! Where's Mia? What's this? A hint? You'd make a great mother, but I'd be a better father.
Where's Mami? Ah, Sara Harries! "One of our prominent, young Welsh artists!" Young? You know how the Head likes his adjectives.
Nadine Smith.
A quiet, interesting fragrant girl.
Can you excuse her from your lesson to work on a competition piece? As your Head of Department, I cannot release anyone to play with crayons! Oi! It needs to be finished today.
She could win.
I wouldn't ask otherwise.
Tell her to copy up the work.
You're a good guy - kind, fair .
Un coq au vin .
des legumes frais .
et une bouteille de Pinot Noir.
Ca te dit? Oui? Do you know what they say about her and her partner? They grow cannabis in the attic? I heard it was magic mushrooms.
Are you expecting an important call? 'LUNCHTIME IS FINE' It's my mother.
Have you seen Mia Bryant recently? Yes, she left in a taxi 15 minutes ago.
Why? CHILDREN LAUGH AND CHATTER I want the low-down.
BABY GURGLES Thirty is a milestone, Sara.
I've got enough to think about with this exhibition.
I'll arrange the restaurant, the cake, the strippergram.
I'll be in the gallery until late.
The Thai place serves until 12.
I'm grateful but I'll order balloons.
No! Just tell me if you'd prefer to celebrate with James.
I won't be going out with James tomorrow night.
No? No.
Why? Because his wife will be there.
Planning, Preparation and Assessment time, Mr Tomos? Yes, um a Blu-Tack crisis.
You said it was convenient to collect the um How much do I owe you? Don't worry about it.
Thank you.
At least Eirlys can't complain about her anniversary present this year.
Thank you.
That's very good.
The third point on the agenda is staff.
Gwen Lloyd? Well um Some of you are aware that Gwen is related to my wife.
I'm happy to say that the therapy has done her the world of good.
However, after much consideration .
Gwen has decided not to return to work on a full-time basis.
As a result, we will need to appoint a new Head of Geography.
Everything discussed in this room is completely confidential.
I hope that isn't a problem for you.
Not at all.
When can we play netball? When you get the answer right.
Say that again, and you'll be on the bench for the rest of the season.
Turn it around.
Yes! 4 minutes, 10 seconds.
The name of the winning team will be announced this afternoon.
They're really enjoying themselves.
Are you happy now? WOLF WHISTLES Sorry, I'm just I told you Mathematics was fun, didn't I? CHILDREN CHEER AND WHISTLE What's the news? I can't tell you.
Eh? Is the Head annoyed with me about something? No, I'm not allowed to discuss the contents of the meeting.
But we live together.
Don't make things awkward.
You're the one being awkward by not trusting me.
Simon? Si? "The self-gratification of the Welsh about their nationality ".
and status of the language " KNOCK ON DOOR Come in.
Ah, Mrs Reynolds.
You've decided to learn the language of heaven.
If you're asking whether I've found your diary, the answer is yes.
Where did you find it? The plumber found it behind the radiator in Mr Rowlands's room.
You're quite an artist.
And this red thing is A 'llysywen' an eel.
They are important to the river's ecosystem.
Aren't they, Nadine? I brought the work that Nadine missed today.
You've got some competition.
Miss Harries's works are amazing.
I agree.
I own one.
Does Ffion let her lodgers hang paintings on her walls? Lodgers? You're the third person to rent her spare room this year.
What have you heard? Do Ffion and her husband walk around naked? Are they devil worshippers? It's a shame you didn't say you were looking for somewhere.
The rent would've been useful.
Next time, maybe.
I'm sure you and Ffion will be very happy together.
Did you know there isn't a lock on the bathroom door? BABIES GIGGLE 'YEAR 11 COURSEWORK' I've got lessons after lunch.
This guy's approval will open doors for you.
I know it's a great opportunity .
but I can't just leave halfway through the day.
James? You've made your decision, so there's nothing more to say.
It isn't that easy.
I thought you wanted this.
I do.
I must have misunderstood.
You haven't No? It's 36.
Are you sure? I think We're losing time.
It's 36.
Stop the clock.
Well? It's 69, sorry.
A monkey could tell there was more than 36 triangles in that picture.
Tonight? What? I'll cook you a meal.
It's my way of saying thank you.
That sounds lovely, but Don't worry about Seren.
It's all arranged.
Is it official now? I don't know what you're talking about.
See you later.
Creep! How are you doing with this? Are you sure you don't want a sandwich? No, thanks.
I've got lunch in the van.
You've got um Oh, sorry.
I'm starving.
Do you know when you can start the job? The end of next week as long as the dry weather lasts.
Call by whenever you want.
I'll phone you.
That's the lot.
Thanks, John.
See you soon.
Tonight I'll see you tonight.
Did Mia come back eventually? Aye.
What came over her? I've given up trying to figure out what goes on in a woman's head.
What would you have done in my shoes? I'm not in your shoes.
Exactly, so don't judge me, OK? What have you lost? My phone.
How many mobiles have you lost this year, Becs? You haven't got much time before the bell.
I'm not coming back this afternoon.
What's wrong? I've got a migraine.
Are you alright to drive? Yes thank you.
What have you been up to anyway? Something I've been wanting to do for weeks.
Big smiles, everyone.
Lovely, and again.
If the teacher on the side could move slightly Could I have a word with you about Gwen Lloyd's job? I know it's I made it clear that Mrs Lloyd's decision was confidential.
I haven't told him anything.
Miss Lloyd told me herself.
She called me earlier.
This venture has been extremely successful.
Mr Rees should pass tomorrow's assessment easily.
You haven't seen him in front of 9C on a Friday afternoon, Mr Elis.
The advertisement for the position will be released shortly.
KNOCK ON DOOR Mr Rowlands.
Have you got the coursework I wanted? I finished it this morning.
It was here earlier.
Lots of things have gone missing in this school lately.
I want it first thing in the morning.
Silence, please.
Silence! I'd like a word about a sensitive matter, Emyr.
Our careers adviser saw Sara Harries in town this afternoon.
Was she lying about the headache? No, she suffers badly with them.
I think the collection is worthy of an exhibition at a London gallery.
There's a confidence about it.
It's very exciting.
Name the countries on the map, and if you don't know the names .
use an atlas.
I've finished my drawing, but I can't find Miss Harries.
Miss Harries has gone home.
She's ill.
What about my drawing? It's got to be in today.
Um Are you ashamed of our relationship? Don't be soft.
Why did you deny it to Beca? The news about us seeing each other would be music to her ears.
But it's true.
I don't want Beca to ruin things.
You know about Beca and me, don't you? But now it's just you and me.
It's all that matters.
First, I'd like to thank Mr Rees for all his hard work.
He has certainly managed to prove .
that Mathematics is interesting and exciting.
I'm delighted to announce the names of the winners.
I'm feeling lucky.
The bronze medal goes to the Athro .
um the Athro Athrometics.
I told you it was a stupid name.
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE The silver medal and second place goes to LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Well done, girls.
And the winners of this year's Mathematics Olympics are LAUGHTER AND CHEERING .
Pythagoras's Children.
LAUGHTER AND CHEERING CONTINUES Stop it! Stop it! Switch that off now! Neu? Alright.
Thank you, people.
Someone stole my phone.
Please, Neu.
We're friends, aren't we? Are we? Simon said something stupid one day .
and I took the bet.
A bet? It sounds worse than it is.
Don't be angry with me.
I think I have a right to be angry.
I thought I was doing something good today.
And you you ruined it.
You're hurting me.
Aneurin stop it.
Let her go.
Are you alright? Yes.
# Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera # Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Un jour c'est toi qui pleureras # Oui j'ai pleure mais ce jour-la non je ne pleurerai pas # Non je ne pleurerai pas # Je dirai c'est bien fait pour toi je dirai ca t'apprendra # Je dirai ca t'apprendra # Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Ca te jouera un mauvais tour # Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Tu le paieras un de ces jours # On ne joue pas impunement avec un coeur innocent # Socks? My feet were cold.
I wasn't sure when you were going to get home, so I've got Body Pump tonight.
We're on the same wavelength.
# Tu n'auras personne pour te consoler # Tu ne I'auras pas vole # Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera # Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles # Un jour c'est toi qui pleureras # Non pour te plaindre # Une carotte .
et un.
? Oignon? Bravo, Daniel.
There was no need to go to such trouble, thank you.
Tu veux deguster? Oui? Mmm, nice.
I usually warm something in the microwave.
Tu peux me prendre un oeuf dans le frigo s'il te plait? Egg? Oui.
# Alors tu te rappelleras tout ce que je te dis la # MEOWS LOUD HAMMERING I've left you some food and drinks in the kitchen.
I won't be long.
Aren't you staying at Mr Rowlands's house tonight? Why would I do that, Danielle? We're going to a lecture.
Behave yourselves.
FRONT DOOR CLOSES What? I thought it was safe.
That was last week.
Are you sure? You know how careful I am.
Pedantic is the word I'd use.
What? Don't worry.
What are the odds of you becoming pregnant? I've got to go.
Grug Wait.
Grug! Neu? Aneurin? Aneurin, please? Aneurin, please? DOORBELL Things didn't quite work out with Ffion.
Quel dommage.
Don't start.
Menage a trois? Taxidermy.
I came over to see if It's been a very successful afternoon.
Hasn't it, sweetheart? I am house-trained.
You can freeze the cheesecake if you don't want it tonight.
You have got a freezer, haven't you? I've been looking forward to this all day.
Me, too.
What do you want to do with it? I've got my own ideas for pudding.
Well today was fun.
You're telling me.
I'll send the boys over to get the rest of the pictures later.
Sara's worked very hard, Emyr.
I hear you've worked like a dog too.
And I've enjoyed every minute.
Call me if I can help with anything.
See you tomorrow.
I look forward to it.
I look forward to meeting his wife too.
This is your birthday present.
I thought it would boost your spirits seeing as you're ill.
I had to leave.
Did you have to lie to me too? It was it was easier.
A London journalist wanted to meet me.
I must make a name for myself.
At the expense of your good name in the school? This might be my last opportunity to succeed.
You're a great teacher.
The children love you.
You're far from being a failure.
What's wrong with wanting the best for myself? Nothing, but when did you decide you're better than everyone else? Better than me.
Emyr! Emyr! Lift the bar and down.
Concentrate on the shoulders and down.
Come on, smile! Down, slowly two, three.
MOBILE PHONE Are you going to tell me what's going on? Did he hit you? No.
We had sex earlier.
And what? Did he scream out another woman's name? He didn't in time.
We don't use condoms.
Aren't you on the pill? It doesn't agree with me.
Are you worried that you're pregnant? No well maybe.
These things happen.
Do they? Are you sure Simon doesn't want to start a family? Not yet, not whilst we're establishing ourselves in work.
A baby wouldn't affect Simon's career path.
He has more chance of a promotion with you at home changing nappies.
RUNNING WATER Oh! Do you want a shower? No, thanks.
Well, um what do you want to do? Do you want to watch a film? Shall we go for a drink? Eat? You said you were going to cook.
Yes, of course.
I can't promise anything cordon bleu though.
When did I say that you could help yourself? I'm sorry, I was desperate after the day I've had today.
I've got someone coming over tonight .
and I'd appreciate it if you gave us some peace.
Of course.
And for the hundredth time, Aneurin, put your trunks away.
You can put your feet up now, until tomorrow.
Emyr said something about a Thai meal.
Yes, he's addicted to noodles.
Is the meal still going ahead? Don't take any notice of earlier.
We always fight like cat and dog.
Everything will be fine tomorrow.
Nadine Smith was looking for you.
She said something about posting a drawing.
Tasty? Mm-hm, it's just like being at home.
They're good for you.
Protein and low fat.
Before I forget, I've got a present for you.
What is it? I wrote it a few years ago, and you did ask to see it.
MOBILE PHONE I look forward to hearing your comments.
Hello? What? You'd better come home! That's £8.
99, please.
How much? S-s-sorry.
W- w-what's wrong with you? W- w-w-w D- d-don't, d-d-don't! # The rain silently falls # It flows through the cold streets # There are no leaves on the branches # Without the street light, the moon # Hey, hey, hey.
I'm home now.
What happened? I'll tell you what happened.
They were dancing around in your underwear with the curtains open! My daughter and the sluts you paid.
That's enough.
It isn't fair.
Don't you think I have a right to be angry? Shouting and calling names helps no-one.
We were just having a laugh.
She's eleven years old! I think you'd better go, girls.
Are you going to let them go? What do you want me to do? Make them realize that their behaviour was wrong.
I think you've done that already.
Go upstairs, sweetheart.
Thank you, girls.
Is something wrong? Will you take Danielle and Branwen home safely, please, Wyn? Him? So your love life is more important than our daughter? Don't you even dare.
Will you be? Thanks for the lift.
Where are you going? To make sure Seren is alright.
TEXT ALER 'ON MY WAY' Which one is your house? I'm really sorry, sir.
You weren't to know that Seren's father would pass when he did.
Please call me Wyn.
We're not in school now.
He banged on the window and was shouting.
Come on.
Nobody's been hurt.
You've got a mature head on those shoulders.
Mature enough to know that what happened tonight remains private.
I won't tell anyone in school.
Danielle won't either.
Thanks for the lift, sir.
Um Wyn.
You're welcome.
How was it? Hard-going.
I'm really sorry, Grug.
You've often said that you want to start a family.
One day.
But that will be our decision, not yours.
What came over you? I work so hard to try and make a good impression on the Head.
I practically kill myself every day.
What have I got to show for it? And you? You're training to be a head teacher.
You go to all of these important meetings, and I'm just Jealous.
So I become pregnant and you get a promotion.
Is that the plan? I love you, Grug.
You don't know how much.
I've got no idea what goes on in your head sometimes.
What if you're? We don't have to worry about that.
Aneurin, what are you doing? It's over.
Look I know you're upset about what happened today .
but that won't help anyone.
I wanted to prove everyone wrong.
I really thought that teaching was the right career for me.
That's coursework.
What's wrong with you? Don't you know? Don't you hear what the children call me? Don't you hear the teachers mocking me? It was a bet.
Don't answer it.
These are the problem.
The children are too busy texting to listen.
PHONE All I've ever wanted was for someone to listen to me.
What the hell is wrong with you? I'm sorry.
I'm bleeding.
Let me see.
Emyr, please.
No, stay "Emyr is unavailable at the moment.
Leave a message after the tone.
" It's beautiful.
Thanks, Ems, and I don't know what I'd do without you, I'm so sorry.
Phone me, OK? KNOCK ON DOOR # It flows through the cold streets PERSISTENT KNOCKING # There are no leaves on the branches # Without the street light, the moon # Would bounce on me # Without a smile are the strangers # Who walk hurriedly past # It is such a strange feeling to nurture # I'm lost in my own company # # When I was a year or two younger # And I was a red-cheeked, innocent young lad # I'd go to school like every good little boy # Through fog and rain in the winter and the summer # At school, I had # History lessons, Geography lessons # And English lessons all the time # And one or two lessons in Welsh, fair play # Because I was a little Welshman #
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