H2O: Just Add Water (2006) s01e04 Episode Script

Party Girls

I've got a special power that I'm not afraid to use.
So come on this is my adventure this is my fantasy, it's all about living in the ocean, being wild and free.
Coz I'm no ordinary girl.
I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea I've got the power if I just believe.
Coz I'm no ordinary girl.
I'm from the deep blue underworld, land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl.
No ordinary girl.
yes,just a second it's for you so have we decide what time is the party tonight? Emma,this is a tradition we're talking about i know,but i just don't see how we can have the party this year not with the recently development your new job? the dolphin tank at the marine park the what? yes of course the tank's full of water,Emma they are aquatic mammals yes i do remember what water does me but i'm not gonna let that run my life look,Emma,i really wanna make this work Cleo i've got to go Cleo,are you alright? yep,ready when you are she could be so ?? sometimes so,you really think that's gonna tell us something useful? it's already told me you guys are hotter than the average mermaids and they don't have ?? there's only one place we would find answers to why we became mermaids there's where it happend there's where the answers are ????? no,not you Lewis i'm faster on my own are you really sure that's a good idea? try this time to well,wouldn't you say yeah,thanks nearly got some water in my eyes,would've stung i does stings,doesn't it but not when you're actually under water why is that,i wonder? i don't know lots of things are a mystery still,you've got time to learn stay in dry,that's the big one Cleo looks like a normal necklace to me whatever was in it is long gone but,i found it in the bottom of the moon pool it's gotta be important maybe there's some earings with special magic i just trying to find answers here settle,ladies Emma,it's still ??? you guys mermaids see? however,i think i've just about to figure out which liquids won't turn you into fishes Lewis,what are you doing? you think is funny? what is that stuff? mostly vegetable oil,no change interesting is that the party? what party? every year my mom throws a party for me only this year it's not happening can't have heaps of people and drinks filling and tails apprearing when was this party suppose to be? tonight tonight,i have probably be invited it's not really your scene party,me,that's what the world did together oh,you don't want me there,is that it? of course i do so the party's on no,it's not pity,we would been great boys,dancing,boys it's not really that type of party,Rikki what do you mean? it's a sleepover so it's a sleepover wow,that is so ?? i wish i haven't printed my nails we could print them together and we're gonna have a pillow fight and play til that one had a 32 percent of water contact you OK? fine,thanks Lewis she knows something like what? i'm not sure but she knew was dangerous to me to get water on myself you got water on yourself? -i knew it -one drop,i wiped it straight off nothing happened,i took the ?? i can do this job i told you we should've discuss this further what would that prove? you just scared no,i'm not yes,you are scare for me,and you're scare to having your own party well,i'm not living like that anymore,Emma i'm not gonna scare of every drop of water i see as crazy as it sounds,i agreed with Cleo just this one's wow,where did you get that? the moon pool it's beautiful hi mom,i need you to start texting the invitations yes,all the girls in the list,because of Rikki Cleo's right,if i don't have this party,it's like i'm not even ??? free frozen Colers what about them? you look thirsty,enjoy prank juice? mature,Zane,real mature Emma's sleepover's on hey,party in Emma's did you get one? ? ? go to her stupid party anyway why don't we go you and me i don't think we're invited,surprise come on,who need the invitation? Emm,are you sure our far from black ?? juice is really the way you want to go? what do you mean? well i just thought maybe this year,now that you've quit this swimming team it'd be a good chance to try something new like what? sugar sure,why don't we just have full cream milk ?? at it that's just crazy talk are you sure people are gonna go for these? sure,people will love them individual bottles and it's ???? and,these? just say your mom was doing the washing the room looks great don't worry i'm not gonna hang around bla bla bla and bla bla bla thanks mom i'll make myself scarce,you have fun hi,come in,right on time hey,Emma you mom still serving vegetable salads,right? i brought my diet ?? just in case i might not be in the swimming team anymore but i still 8 cents weight i'm tapering but i've got to be up at 5:00 in the morning for training so is Jay,so is Kelly ralax,i've set up a quiet room up stairs for anyone who have to crush early that's ??,Emma we so miss you in the swim team i still swim,occasionally these are so cute i told you it wasn't your scene i can't believe it was anyone's scene i don't know which one of my numbers you've send my invitation to but it manage to get lost so how about joining in? glad you could make it Zane!fancy seeing you here what a delightful surprise and Miriam,i haven't see you in ages can't stand that crashers do you want me to kick them out? forget it,i don't wanna make ?? in front of my mom and what about you.
Zane? your mom has invited us to stay here with you guys i hope there's enough food well,Zane must have thought the same thing,he has brought a lot of contribution ?? good and free very thoughtful mom,can i talk to you mom,they wasn't invited well they are here now and you ask them to stay Emma,you and Zane might not get on the way you used to be but he's now family friend you should make more ?? he's a lovely young man alright,time for me to go,have a good party hey,let's getting ?? it's gonna be a ?? universe well this is boring everyone are just talking to Zane he's up to something yeah,taking over my party Zane,i need to speak to you,now sorry,Emma,i can't,the girls need me Zane Emma,really,i'll be letting them down excuse me,ladies,i'll be needed for a moment in private oh,check this our promise girl fighter whatever you trying to prove,Zane forget it hey,i'm just here with Miriam oh really,and what is your girl friend think of you flirting with everyone else girlfriend?i don't think so Miriam's the girl like follow me around,and never suits me you are such a user! me,hey,i brought her a new outfit for tonight she's getting a good deal ?? anyone i really shouldn't,there's a gift for you and your guests but you are a guest,Zane go ahead how about that one it's delicious perhaps i will eat the more myself what? you didn't think i'd be so immature to put ?? or something in them,did you? OK,let's go,Zane you'll be sorry you're looking in the life for the party here,girls hey,Emma,come show us your necklace just a minute get rid of him and do me a favor keep an eye i won't surprise if he make a reappearance it's beautiful that's so pretty are you gonna come and get a new ?? yes,i'm just gonna get us more pillows towel fight! what's the problem?it's just about empty i'll fill it it's OK,i can do it no no,you're the guest really is fine i'm so sorry are you OK in there? hang on hey,Cleo the party's out here just in a second ??? Cleo about time to got comfy and hit the DVDs right girl? hey,i've got an idea now,this was Cleo's idea i think we should give her a turn yes,Cleo,now is your turn Cleo,Cleo,Cleo you will have some serious injure i am heavier than i thought i suffer from motion sickness and air sickness ah! not again,every time this room gets hot and full of people something just happens to the airpusher and bang! here go the drinks well those drinks just ruined my new top you know,i'm thinking this is the worse party i've ever been to i think throughout my life i'll never get back give it back give what back? you know what i'm talking about get out of my way i've got better things to do with my time thief get over it,it's your word against mine and no one's gonna believe you hey,some people might even think that you took it see you it's not your fault that you got wet no,but it's my fault that you have the party i was the one who talk you into it i'm glad you did otherwise i'd be stuck in my room,watching TV all night at least you'd be safe from black ????? juice Cleo,you were right to get the job at the marine park we can't spend our life hidding i was right?me? gee,i want to get used to that one Miriam's got some nerve taking this? should we tell everyone? no point,like she said,it's my word against hers we should join the party i'm thinking not it's not really my scene hey,Emma,which guy in the swimming teams got the cutest legs Sam no way,Joshua come on,we're boding the perfect guy out of the guys in the swim team ????? there might be something normal about these chicks after all this might be save with you with me?you found it and i'm nearly manage to get it stolen i know how much you like it,here are you sure? anyone who can hide a mermail tail in the middle of a party that's got what it takes to look after that come on keep up the good work,Cleo you're really starting to fitting around here thanks Mrs.
XX you found it,in the pool,didn't you? on mako island that's where Gracy lost it,50 years ago so you mean you're i'm 65 years old,yes but i don't look any more than 68,right? that's not what i meant i know what you mean even if you don't what's your name again? Cleo you've got spirit,Cleo enjoy it and enjoy all you can you and your friends maybe,you'd be alright eventually wait!don't go what do you mean?
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