Hawaii Five-O (1968) s09e20 Episode Script

Blood Money is Hard to Wash

- Listen, McGarrett, I tell you, he's - Buy him.
Must be very satisfying to receive a gift like this.
It sure is, Danno.
Jovanko is going to try it again, you know.
He'll have to wait till you're out.
McGARRETT: Got some security? DANNY: A germ couldn't get in here.
FRANKIE: Hey, Charlie.
Got time for an autograph? Sure.
It's for my kid.
He thinks you're super.
- What's your kid's name? - Jovanko.
Frankie Apollo, California-type hood.
There was another goon with him, but we have no ID him.
Did the football player make a positive ID? Just came from the hospital.
He saw that photo, there was no question.
CHIN HO: We put out an APB on Apollo, Steve.
But he's probably back on the mainland.
- Any idea why the goons did it? - I checked with San Francisco P.
Apollo works for the Jovanko brothers, Albert and Victor, medium-weight syndicate figures.
And get this, Steve.
Victor Jovanko's in town.
Been here for several days.
Here for his health, he says.
I've heard of the Jovanko brothers.
- Their specialty's laundering money.
- Laundering money? Should we bring him in for a little talk? No, it's too soon for that, Danno.
But I think I want camera surveillance on Jovanko.
I wanna know everything he says and does.
Tell Steve we trailed Jovanko to the stadium.
- He might wanna join us.
- Okay.
MAN: I don't know why we couldn't have had this meeting in my office.
VICTOR: Well, I wanted a chance to soak up all this glorious sunshine.
Say, tell me, uh, how many seats does this place hold? - Fifty thousand.
- I bet we could fill every one of them.
You probably could if you offered free beer.
No, no, no.
You got a winning team.
This place should be packed.
If you gave away free tickets.
- Who you been consulting, Burt? DAVIS: Mr.
Jovanko I don't know why I'm calling you "mister.
" It's Victor.
Call me Victor.
Jovanko, I'd rather have cancer than sell my team to you.
Say, tell me, uh, what does the doctor say about that quarterback, what's-his-name? They said he has a severe shoulder separation.
He's out for the season, maybe for keeps.
Aw, gee, that's tough.
How many more quarterbacks you got, huh? Friend of yours? He's from Five-0.
What's that? What's Five-0? Department of Laundry Inspection.
Burt, we'll have a little chat later.
Right, Burt? When do you think he'll be back? He may not come back at all, Mr.
Davis, if Steve McGarrett has his way.
Let me tell you about that guy.
Well, we'll wait a day, and then we'll bend another player if we have to.
You might wanna go a little slower.
Things are different in the islands.
Aw, come on, it's just Cleveland with coconuts.
The weather may be different, but people are the same all over.
Uh Steve McGarrett, Victor, head of Five-0.
McGARRETT: Victor Jovanko.
I hope your badge isn't scratching my car.
Oh, no, no.
I carry that up here.
If that's a subpoena, you can give it to my lawyer.
It's an airline schedule.
That's right, listing all the flights going to San Francisco.
Well, that's very considerate of you, McGarrett.
See, I'm gonna be flying back and forth quite a bit.
My brother and I are thinking of making some investments here.
Such as a football team? - Now, how did you ever guess that? - Oh, that's easy.
I've learned about your new method of laundering money.
You buy a legitimate business, such as a football team, and then you use the cash flow from the box office to wash all that dirty money that you make in drugs and other related rackets.
Why, you got it all wrong, McGarrett.
- My brother and I, we're just, uh, fans.
- This club's in trouble, McGarrett.
And after your client buys the club, the attendance figures miraculously go up, not because more people are buying tickets.
Well, he'll take care of that by issuing more passes and freebies.
That way he can account for any amount of cash that he can put in the bank.
And, zippo, all of a sudden, that dirty money is nice and clean.
Huh? - Am I coming through, gentlemen? - Loud but not clear.
Study that airline schedule.
There's several planes leaving this afternoon.
What's this? Tow-away zone.
Aloha, gentlemen.
What do you wanna bet he makes pig of the month? [VICTOR GRUNTS.]
Come on, you'd better get with it, Nathan.
- I'm two up on you already.
- Well, I'm not awake yet.
When you're in the nightclub business, this daylight comes awful early in the morning.
Well, take it easy.
Relax, take it easy.
As a matter of fact, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
You know, a chance for you to sleep a little later every day.
I'm already working on it, Victor.
I'm closing one of the clubs.
You don't have to do that.
I'll buy both of them.
That's if you wanna sell them.
Both clubs? But why? Business is down, Vic.
I, uh, like the location.
- Location? - I like Hawaii.
Would you be interested in the figure I got in mind? I'm listening.
What would you say to something in the neighborhood of 500 big ones? VICTOR: Huh? [MILLER LAUGHING.]
Not much height, but it was a straight ball, Victor.
Wasn't it George Bernard Shaw who said, uh, "Golf is a nice walk spoiled?" [BOTH CHUCKLE.]
How many balls did he lose? About a half a dozen, including this one.
Blew it.
That's his best shot.
Where are we now, Chin? CHIN HO: In Kaneohe.
He made an offer on two buildings.
Ha, ha.
Don't worry.
It was an old mike.
Hey, he has a pretty good arm.
All right, gentlemen.
Stay on him.
He's beginning to twitch.
- What do you think he's gonna do? - I don't know.
But let's take every precaution.
Two men to a car.
- You think it's gonna get that rough? - Could.
Could, before it's over.
VICTOR: There must be some way of handling these backwater deputies.
Like San Jose, remember how we handled that? - Not here, Vic.
- Look, it's been five days.
My brother's gonna say, "What the hell are we doing here?" You know what a cardiogram would look like on you now? I know what his blood sugar looks like.
He's right, Victor.
Calm down, please.
You're right, you're right, you're right.
After all, I'm here for a little vacation, play a little golf, do a little business.
But that cop is disposable, Ed.
Vic, you can't make this a personal thing with McGarrett.
Sit down, Victor.
It's time for your insulin shot.
Come on.
- Can you get this up? - Aw, here, here.
JOVENKO: Watch it, you almost killed me last night.
ANNA: Don't be such a baby.
Hello? Yeah, he's here.
- It's your brother.
- It's your brother.
JOVENKO: I told you he'd call.
- In San Francisco.
Remember, you can't talk much on that.
Hello, Al.
Well, you pick up a little of the language, that's all.
Uh, I can't talk too well, Al.
Well, after five days, I should think you'd be ready to talk about something.
People are waiting back here.
Well, the phone's tapped, Al.
Say hello to Officer McGarrett.
- McGarrett? - Yeah, scoutmaster, Troop Five-0.
He's got this wild and wonderful fascination for yours truly.
Well, you should feel flattered, Vic.
Uh, Al, look, I'll call you back on a clean phone, okay? Yeah, I'll be here.
: Operator.
Albert Jovanko.
This is a collect call.
- Yeah? - Hello, Al.
Look, it'll take them a few minutes to jack in on us.
- You sound paranoid, Vic.
- But this guy is all over me.
You told everyone back here it would be whipped cream.
It will be, it will be.
But this McGarrett, I tell you, he's Buy him.
Stop fiddling around.
: Buy him.
- No, you can't.
He's from, uh - He's from Sunny-Good Street.
- What about his men? Some of them are bound to have a sweet tooth.
- Maybe.
ALBERT: You've got the money, Vic.
Use it.
All right, I'll try.
But, look, if it doesn't work, send me ALBERT: Make it work! - Make it work, Vic.
- All right, all right, I'll let you know.
WOMAN: Oh, now, what did I do? CHIN HO: Here, let me give you a hand.
I can't believe I did this.
Seems like every time I come to this store, something happens.
- Are my eggs all right? CHIN HO: It happened to me last time.
I wouldn't be embarrassed.
Must have been a shock when your wife opened the package, Chin.
It was a shock to me, Steve.
Twenty-five grand.
That's a lot of bread.
Yeah, but it's blood money.
Well, too bad we can't do something with it.
Maybe we can, gentlemen.
Maybe we can.
Victor, please.
I'll put it on later.
The metal gets too hot in the sun.
Well, don't forget.
I won't forget, I promise, I promise, all right? [VICTOR SIGHS.]
There goes the sunshine.
Oh, you mustn't overdo the sun, Mr.
We're only 20 degrees above the equator here.
Should I speak into your tie clasp, or you got a microphone in that envelope? Oh, no, no.
This is just a report on your local activity.
All that tapping and bugging you've been doing, that's illegal.
- You know that, don't you? - Really? Seems to me we have a document from a judge.
Well, my lawyer says he can throw it out of court and you can get busted down to a meter maid.
That would be tragic.
Speaking of lawyers, we've been doing some checking on yours.
I have a picture here of a lady named Betty Watanabe, your lawyer's secretary.
- You recognize her? - Never saw the lady.
Well, one of my men did.
It seems that she gave him a present in a supermarket.
Dropped this very generous gift into his shopping cart.
So when her photo came in, naturally, he recognized her as his benefactor.
McGarrett, are you leaning on me, or are you just fishing? McGARRETT: Now, would I dare lean on a philanthropist of your stature? I have a receipt here, Mr.
Jovanko, for the $25,000 donation that you made to the Kaahumanu Home for the Handicapped.
A most generous gift, one that will build a much-needed wing for the home in your name.
- Victor, that's wonderful.
- Look, will you shut up and lay down? McGARRETT: Your husband is a very generous man, Mrs.
Not many people know that.
Suppose that money were withdrawn or reclaimed.
I could put my lawyer on that, you know.
Oh, do that, do that, because I'd be curious to know how you reclaim money from an attempted bribe of a police officer.
Now, you'll be needing this receipt for your income taxes.
If you file any.
Safe trip home.
- Did you really give $25,000? - Oh, shut up, will you? Victor, I don't like the way you're behaving.
You've changed since we came here.
And you'll be glad about what's gonna happen next.
Because we're checking out.
I thought we were gonna be here for two weeks.
We're leaving, I said.
Now go upstairs and pack.
- You're leaving? - Yup.
Pulling up stakes, catching a plane today.
You see, Hawaii's a good place for getting a tan, but for real living, give me San Francisco.
I thought that you and your brother were planning some investments here, no? Well, we've kind of given that up.
We couldn't find anything that interested us.
Well, I can't exactly say we'll be sorry to see you go, Mr.
No hard feelings, McGarrett.
And, uh, if I may say so, you run a pretty sharp operation here, I gotta hand you that.
Well, it's nice of you to say so.
Well, I'm a good loser.
And besides, I may be back someday.
Not too soon, hmm? [VICTOR CHUCKLES.]
Well, if I do come back, maybe you can arrange a tour for us.
It might be nice for a change to ride in the same car.
If you don't mind wire screens.
You know, I like your style, McGarrett.
You got a great sense of humor.
Well, mustn't miss my plane.
Would you care for a police escort? No, thanks.
I'm perfectly safe.
- You believe any of that? - Not a word.
You tell Duke to stay on his tail until his plane is in the air.
- Lukela.
Let me talk to Steve.
- Yes, Duke? DUKE [OVER PHONE.]
: He's on his way.
Direct to San Francisco.
: No tricks? - Not unless he's got a parachute.
- Okay, Duke.
Come on in.
: Flight 627 now arriving at Gate 3.
- Aloha.
- Aloha.
You got a great tan.
How was the trip? Very nice.
Now, you got things lined up? - All set.
How was the movie? - Oh, it was Come on, come on, get inside.
- Are you in a hurry? VICTOR: You're damn right I am.
ALBERT: You're a different guy.
- From the outside.
- Well, I never would've known you.
- Well, that's the whole idea.
Vic, are you sure this is the only way to handle this problem? It's the only way if we wanna move in on that territory.
Why do you have to go back? Why not let Augie handle it? I told you, Albert, McGarrett's no dummy.
Augie can't handle this alone.
That's why I gotta be there.
You're not letting this guy get to you, are you? - Where's Augie? - I'll get him.
Victor, why do you have to go back there like this? VICTOR: It's business, Anna.
ANNA: This the only way to handle it? VICTOR: It's the best way.
And no more questions, Anna, please, no more questions.
But I don't like it.
I don't like the way you look, the way you act.
- Will you forget it? ANNA: It's McGarrett, isn't it? The policeman who came to talk to you about the money? You think he made a fool of you.
You know, that's crazy, Anna, because nobody ever makes a fool out of Victor Jovanko.
Yes, that's it.
Oh, Victor.
You be careful.
Please? I'm worried about you.
Don't say any prayers for me.
If you got any prayers, you save it for him.
AUGIE: Didn't, uh, you used to be Vic Jovanko? Ha, ha.
Cut the jokes, Augie.
We got business to attend to.
Keep your mind on it.
Victor, your medicine.
Make sure that he takes it.
Arrived 8:10.
McGarrett, my friend, I'm beginning to know you.
VICTOR: Same old story.
Never takes the same route twice no matter where he goes.
Yeah, makes it tough.
No pattern.
Can't put off the hit much longer.
Pretty soon he's gonna spot you.
- You know what? - What? There is a place we can take him.
- Where? - The barbershop.
He's a regular.
Same time, same day, both weeks.
Well, that's it.
That's the place.
Now, Augie, l Augie.
You'll need a car, so get a hold of Rulu.
Now, come on.
Get going, will you? And, Augie, make it fast and make it clean.
All right, he's ready to move.
Go on, keep going.
DANNY: Okay.
Got it.
Patch me through to Steve.
He's on his way to the courthouse.
: Central to McGarrett.
- Central to McGarrett.
- McGarrett, go ahead.
Steve, a brown Maverick, license number 1 B-5591, is registered to the Palm Rental Car Company.
A Paul Kalani rented the car yesterday and returned it two hours later.
- The name and address were phony.
- Hmm.
Wonder how long they've been tailing me.
- Did you get a good look at them? - No.
No, not enough to identify them.
Could it be someone who doesn't want you to testify in the Sunada case? STEVE [OVER PHONE.]
: I don't think so, Danno.
Whoever's behind this is a heavyweight.
Get on the horn to San Francisco P.
Find out if our old friend Jovanko is still in the Bay Area.
You think he can pick you out of a lineup? No way.
But he got the license number.
A friend of Rulu's at the car rental said the police checked.
From now on, it's gonna be tough because now he knows.
Maybe a stakeout, huh? No, he'll be looking for that everywhere.
We gotta make it something special.
Answer that, will you? Yeah? It's Albert.
- Yeah? - What's going on back there, Vic? Well, we've had a little trouble, but we can handle it.
: Our friends are waiting back here.
They're asking questions.
And I'm getting hard lines, and they're saying that you can't close anything.
Yeah, well, I can close this.
ALBERT: When? - Soon, real soon.
I hope so.
And what's this $25,000 bit? What are you talking about? I have a letter here addressed to you from some home for the handicapped.
ALBERT: And they're thanking you for your contribution, 25 grand.
And they sent you a present, a statue.
How did you get ahold of that? They mailed the letter to where you were staying, and they sent it out here.
Hey, you know something, Albert? That 25 grand could be a very, very good investment.
I'll tell you all about it later.
That could be a real good investment.
So since I was driving by, I thought I'd just, you know, drop in and say hello.
- How nice of you, Mr.
- "Jovanko.
" - Oh, I'm sorry, Mr.
- Ha, ha.
And I would like to thank you for that wonderful contribution.
Ha, ha.
My pleasure.
Would you like me to show you around? No, not today.
I'm kind of in a hurry, but soon.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
VICTOR: Uh Say, uh, these statues, do you make them here? Oh, yes, our people do that.
We sell them for souvenirs, along with other things.
They're very professional.
Say, could you do a special order for me? Now, just what did you have in mind? The report from San Francisco is negative, Steve.
Jovanko hasn't been seen there in weeks.
Have they any idea where he is? His office says he's in Chicago, but it hasn't been confirmed.
- Do you have anything, Duke? - If he's here, no one's reported it.
That's strange.
Okay, let's get back to the Wymanello case.
And who may I ask is calling? One moment please.
- McGarrett.
LANl: The governor's office calling.
Well, thank you.
Hello? Hello? Lani, we must have been cut off.
No one's on the line.
I'll call them back.
- For Steve McGarrett.
- Thank you.
Sign here, please.
- When's your birthday, Steve? CHIN HO: Oh.
Not this month.
I'm a Capricorn goat.
- What's that? LANl: It just arrived.
Must be an admirer.
- Yeah? Who is she? - Ha-ha-ha.
- Yeah, let us in on the secret, Steve.
- Oh, you had a private life going.
- Told us he was working at night.
CHIN HO: I could see it coming.
- Let's open it and see what's in it.
LANl: Okay, fine.
Let's see.
- There we go.
- What's the card say? Let's see.
"To Steve McGarrett, in grateful appreciation, from his admirers at the Kaahumanu Home for the Handicapped.
" - Oh.
- Oh, good.
- Speech.
- Shortest one on record.
Okay, let's get back to work.
Thank you.
LANl: Where do you want it, Steve? - Oh, anyplace.
How about over here? Thank you, Lani.
What about that call from the governor? - I'm concerned about it.
LANl: I'll try it again.
Must be very satisfying to receive a gift like this.
Yeah, it sure is, Danno.
Especially when you realize it was Jovanko's blood money that prompted it.
- McGarrett.
LANl: The governor, Steve.
- Oh, yes.
Yes, sir.
- Hello, Steve.
I'm afraid we were cut off, governor.
What can I do for you? Do for me? I didn't call you, Steve.
Well, a call came from your office just a few minutes ago.
Not from me.
That's strange.
I'm sorry, sir.
Somebody must be playing games.
We got two of them in there.
One in a corner under a beam.
Get Steve.
Get some men over there.
MEDIC 1: Okay, easy, now.
MEDIC 2: All right, get him out of here.
MEDIC 1: Get that beam off of him.
Hold it.
Take it easy, now.
MEDIC 2: Take it slow.
Wait a minute.
MEDIC 1: Soon as we get him in the ambulance, give him some oxygen.
MEDIC 3: Easy, easy.
MEDIC 1: All right.
Chin, how you doing? I'm okay.
What about Steve? I think he caught most of it.
MEDIC 1: Okay, get his arm.
All right.
Got the head? Okay, let's go around this beam.
Hey, sport.
You've got a broken arm.
I thought you were gonna use enough to take the office apart.
I did, believe Believe me, I did.
Man's got a rabbit's foot, that's all.
But you know what? We may be in luck yet.
: He's been in surgery for a while.
Yeah, well, if he comes out of this, you better have something in mind.
Yeah, right, right, right.
You know what, Victor? I might need some help.
I mean, this whole, you know, hospital's turning into a police academy.
McGarrett's the top hog.
I don't care.
You button this up, and fast.
I can't say he's off the critical list, but we're improving his chances.
You know, with a depressed skull fracture, there's pressure on the brain.
What about his lungs? Well, no problem with that, nor the blood clot.
What's your prognosis? Well, it's all too soon to see, but I'm optimistic.
Right now, I recommend you find a bed for yourself.
Thank you, doctor.
And I'll let you know as soon as I know something.
- How's Steve? - He's coming along, Duke.
What about Chin? Two fractured ribs.
Otherwise, he's okay.
Have H.
Post guards on the ground-floor stairways, as well as the elevators, maintenance doors, kitchen entrances.
I'll get a personnel list from the hospital, make sure everybody has identification, coming and going.
There's gotta be a way to get in there.
There's gotta be a way.
Well, that hospital is wall-to-wall pork, Victor.
They're checking everybody's ID.
- Maybe we ought to just back off - No.
Don't answer it.
Suppose it's Albert.
Sure, it's Albert, but what am I gonna tell him? That I can't handle a hick cop? What do you think he'll say? We got partners in the deal.
What do you think they'll say? What do you think they'll do? You think I'm gonna go back there and tell them I'm sorry? All right, all right.
Maybe I can, uh, get in as some kind of delivery man, huh? No, no, no, they'll spot you in a minute.
You okay? Victor? You all right, huh? [PANTING.]
- Insulin shock.
He's wearing a tag.
- Get him to Emergency.
It belongs to him.
- Easy, fellas.
ATTENDANT: Unh, unh, unh.
- What hospital is this? - Queen's Hospital.
New York? Hawaii.
You're in Honolulu.
Should be resting, not talking.
I remember.
I remember.
: Dr.
Vernon to Station 432.
Vernon to Station 432.
Hello, Danno.
- Finally caught up on your sleep, huh? - Yeah.
How are the others? Pretty good, considering.
Chin Ho is up and around, complaining about the food.
Tell him we'll try to have some egg rolls sent in.
He'd complain about them too.
He prefers manapua.
Jovanko is going to try it again, you know.
Maybe, but he'll have to wait till you're out of here.
- Got some security going, have you? - A germ couldn't get in here.
He's pretty good at finding the soft spots, Danno.
That Trojan horse really was something.
Yeah, we should've had Che check it out.
Screen everybody carefully, Danno.
I know.
: EKG, please call the page operator.
EKG, please call the page operator.
Drop it.
Stupid of you not to realize your medical tag would reveal your identity, Jovanko.
Book him, Danno.
Attempted murder, five counts.

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