Healer (Hilleo) (2014) s01e13 Episode Script

I'm Waiting

1 [Episode 13.]
Oh my! Healer, this is a trap.
There's no doubt about it.
So, you met Myung Hee a while back? What did you discuss with her? By any chance, did your son His name is Seo Jung Hoo, isn't it? Did he by chance ask Myung Hee to look into something? I haven't seen my son in over ten years.
We haven't even kept in touch.
He went to study abroad, but I don't know where.
I'm sure you know, but I'm a sinful woman who left my young child.
With what nerve would I be keeping in touch with Jung Hoo? Jung Hoo has probably long forgotten me.
You must be waiting for someone today? - With whom? - A friend.
I'm also meeting a friend.
I'll wait with you.
- I'll be in the restroom.
- Yes, go ahead.
Don't come Jung Hoo.
You can't be here.
Your mom's headed towards Secretary Oh's car.
Their trackers are right on top of one another.
Oh no.
What will we do? Looks like the door is locked.
Hey Healer.
It's been a while.
I'm really happy to meet you.
Why don't you show us your face? What do I do now? I've been caught.
- Hello? - Chae Young Shin? Yes, it's me.
You know Park Bong Soo, right? He should be somewhere in that building.
We got disconnected during a call and I'm certain he's hurt.
- Bong Sook! - Can you find him? I sent you so the car info and plate so track them! If there are this many of them out here, there's definitely something going on! I need to find out who that is.
Have you found Park Bong Soo yet? Those gangsters have taken someone with them.
You said Bong Soo is hurt? - There is blood on the floor so - No.
No, that's not it so, please calm down.
- How do you know? - His location hasn't changed.
So, just look for him, look for a place where he might hide.
Who are you? - How do you know that? - I don't have time to explain right now.
I like high places.
I see other people, but they can't see me.
Bong Soo! Hello? Someone here has lost consciousness.
He's lost a lot of blood.
I'm at I'm on the roof on Sungmin Center.
He feels very cold.
Please! Come quickly.
The wound on his arm is not severe, but he has lost consciousness.
BP is 80/50 and body temperature is 35.
Please get some heater lamps and hot pads.
Has he taken any drugs? He should not be this deep asleep.
No, there's no way.
Let's get that laceration looked at right away.
- Will his wound be alright? - He's very muscular so the wound was not deep.
Yes, Detective Yoon.
No, I didn't wait long.
I had something come up as well.
Then, please contact me when you're free.
I'll be waiting.
This number is not in service.
Park Bong Soo.
Why don't you get up already? I have so much to ask you.
What the heck were you doing up there in the cold? Bleeding and losing consciousness do you know how worried I was? And that woman who called me, who is she? I just called again and the number doesn't exist.
Bong Sook wake up.
Huh? Huh? - Are you awake now? - Chae Young Shin Did you say my name? Chae Young Shin.
Is he really on drugs or something? Wait.
How many pills? Two pills.
I know he has something he wants to say to me.
He shouldn't be staying silent like this.
I'm ready to hear what he has to say.
Can't it be me? If you wanted it I could live the way you want me to.
As long as I could, being very careful right here next to you.
Have you finished sleeping? The doctor said you were sleeping.
I slept a lot.
Are you feeling okay? Yeah, thanks to you.
I heard you're the one who brought me.
She told you? That I brought you here? Well that I'm Chae Young Shin, Park Bong Soo's boss at work.
She's just someone who's like a little sister to me.
Oh right.
Here's your car key.
I'll pay the hospital fees and bring the car.
I couldn't sleep and took some sleeping pills and I guess it didn't work until now.
And this I was sleepy and I fell over So, you're leaving? Yes.
With that girl? Yeah.
How did she know you were here? You were sleeping the whole time.
Ah, that's right.
I got a call before.
I think it was your mom.
She was really worried because she got disconnected while talking to you.
I should have called her, but I was busy and I forgot.
Your mother must have searched all the nearby hospitals, right? Probably.
She's probably waiting for you.
Were you shocked? Because of me? I was shocked.
I'm sorry.
Bong Soo.
You're coming to work tomorrow, aren't you? You're coming, right? [Min Ja.]
You're mother is safe at home.
I've secured a CCTV in front of her home and I'm keeping watch.
- And Teacher? - Sang Soo's kids took him.
Why did that old man have to go and do that? I don't think he's dead yet, so let's keep an eye on it.
Keep an eye on it? Are you really feeling alright? That tranquilizer can down an elephant.
With the wrong dosage, it can easily kill a person.
Gosh those fools! - Where should we go now? - Dae Yong Let's allow Healer to rest for now.
- So - Go to Kim Moon Shik's house.
- Why there? - He went after my mother.
And, he went after Chae Young Shin.
So, what are you going to do? I have to stop him.
Are you going to go beat him to death? Like Hwang Jae Guk would? - I'll kill him.
- Crazy bastard.
- Dae Yong.
Go to the condo in Kwangha Mun.
- Stop the car.
Get out of the car.
Get out.
You aren't going to get out? Give me the keys! Hey you stupid mutt! Get your head on straight! Do what? Kill who? Okay.
So, you go and kill a person.
Then, you prove your father's innocence.
After that, when another person gets in your way, you kill that person too.
Do it! Are you never going to see her again? Are you okay with never seeing Chae Young Shin again? Killing Kim Moon Shik will not end this.
He went after your mother to get to you.
But, don't you think you ought to find out why he went after Chae Young Shin? I can go ask Kim Moon Shik.
He'll answer me before I beat him to death.
Chae Young Shin's mother is there too.
Your woman's mother is there in that house.
Chi Soo.
Young Shin is here.
- Why is she back so late? - But she's a bit weird.
What is it? She doesn't smell like she's had alcohol, but her eyes seem unfocused.
Is something going on with you? Young Shin? Sorry I'll clean it later.
Chi Soo! Young Shin is crying! What? What is it? - Dad.
- Yes, go on.
This awful jerk he's been lying to me this whole time.
Who who exactly? Everything he said in front of me all the things he said, they were all lies.
I didn't even know.
I trusted him and told him everything.
Just talking, right? This really terrible jerk he fooled me right from the very beginning.
- But, Dad - Yes? I couldn't say anything to him.
If I say something if I said that I knew I'm afraid that he'll leave.
I couldn't say anything because I'm scared I might not see him again.
If I can't see him, that won't work for me.
I just can't have that.
What do I do? Just so you know, there are two guys that Young Shin is crushing on.
That's total nonsense.
Why would Young Shin be crushing on two guys? Maybe if it were the opposite.
I didn't make it up.
Young Shin, herself, said it.
Be quiet.
But in my opinion, those two guys are not the problem.
Then? You know that kid who hangs out at the cafe, her subordinate? - Bong Sook? - That's him! What about him? You know our Young Shin doesn't like to talk about her personal things, right? Yeah, I know that.
Now that you mention it, she's not the type to make friends.
She's never brought anyone home before.
That's because this place is full of ex-convicts.
Anyways, she does everything with that kid.
Bong Sook? I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own hears.
The secrets she doesn't even tell us, she tells that foolish guy.
So it's him.
Yes? Drink this, at least.
I won't tell you to eat dinner.
You get indigestion if you eat while crying.
I'm not crying anymore.
Drink this and sleep.
Dad? Yeah? Why was it me? It's strange.
Honestly speaking, I wasn't an easy child to like.
Was it that strange? At the orphanage there were many younger, prettier, more obedient children than me.
I couldn't talk and I didn't listen to anyone.
If it were only that.
Every time I tried to give you bath you'd tried to bite me.
When you'd get into corners or storage areas, you wouldn't come out all day.
And, you were so dirty! The smell was just Then, why did you bring me home? I didn't take you with me.
- You took me with you.
- I waited for you.
I waited for you and you came to me.
- I did? - You came next to me.
And, you grabbed onto my hand first.
So, we came together to our house.
So, you just waited? Of course.
Honestly, I could have waited longer.
You came to me faster than I thought you would.
Young Shin, you never did have much perseverance.
Daughter? Don't cry.
It makes your dad worry.
I'm almost done crying.
You've arrived? For you to come to such a shabby place I was going to lock him up in a basement storage.
But, he threw such a fuss about disliking the location.
So, he's here.
- You say he's Healer? - There's no doubt.
He also says he's a good friend of yours.
On the off chance he is, I sent you a picture.
Will everyone please leave the room? Oh it's dangerous.
He is a good friend, so it's alright.
Yes, sir.
Everyone get out.
It's been a long time.
Ah, what should we do? I don't feel like shaking hands with you.
You told those men that you're Healer? It was so sweet taking your money all this time.
And, it was you in my house last time? Do you want to keep working together? I'll give you a friend discount of 10%.
You're not Healer.
Has Myung Hee still been sleeping? How many hours a day does she sleep? - Young Jae? - You're alive Kim Moon Shik.
When did you get out? I'm sorry.
We never went to visit you.
What about Myung Hee? Sleeping? I think she sleeps over 20 hours a day.
Her husband is dead and her daughter too.
I'm sure she doesn't want to wake up.
Still, she's become a lot more stable.
- At the last examination - I've been out of jail a long time.
Two months? Maybe longer.
Why didn't you contact me? Because I'm suspicious of you Moon Shik.
Think about it.
One morning, three bears go out for a hunt.
But, two of them die and one lives.
That living bear gets rid of the junkyard he once owned and he becomes a what is it again? A department chief of some news company? Don't go around thinking nonsense.
You were in jail and you have no idea how much this world has changed.
Listen to what I have to say first.
How does a bear become a department chief? It's a really strange story, right? A bear should live in the forest, no? Joon Seok's son came to me.
He wanted to know about his father.
If a child asks, adults should answer.
The children won't understand the sacrifices we have made to make the world what it is today.
The word 'sacrifice' is making a sacrifice.
Young Jae.
I've worked to create peace in this world and I won't let you disturb it.
Those people are what we call bad seeds.
Young Jae, why do you live your whole life as a bad seed? We are bears, actually.
Are working with my brother Moon Ho? Is that why you're digging up the past from 20 years ago? Was it you two who told Joon Seok's son about his father? If two daddy bears died, there are two mommy bears.
Then, there are two baby bears left.
That child hurt Myung Hee.
You actually need three bears for the song to make sense.
There are three bears in a house.
Daddy bear, mommy bear, and baby bear.
I'm very angry.
- Don't make me angry.
- Moon Shik? - Can I ask you something? - Ask.
Were Kil Ahn and Joon Seok the only ones? The only ones that you killed? There's more, right? And the two baby bears, don't even think of harming them.
I'm going to protect them.
Because I'm a friend of the daddy bears.
- What are you doing here? - Ah right I'm - We're working right now.
- Please continue working.
We came because we received a call.
What call? We just got a report of a kidnapped individual being held in this building.
Okay! There are detectives downstairs.
If you're found here, it could be a problem.
Let's go through the back.
Quickly! - Young Jae.
Let's meet again.
- I'll think about it.
Over here.
There are three bears in a house.
Daddy bear, mommy bear, and baby bear.
Daddy is large and chubby.
Mommy bear is slim and thin.
Baby bear is so very cute.
Hey, don't you need a search warrant or something? No, we don't need that.
This is an emergency situation.
You kidnapped someone from the Sungmin Center parking lot today, didn't you? If you don't like that term, then forcefully accompanied? - You should have someone like that.
- What are talking about? Over here, Detective? Please save me.
It hurts.
It hurts.
Mom, someone's watching right now.
Mom, how's your acting? Do you want to try acting like it's been ten years since you've seen me? Should I act really excited to see you? That's easy.
That's very easy.
Let's get something else.
What do you like? - I can't talk long.
- Oh.
- Are you really okay? Now, how did you know my size? Look at this.
I said I wouldn't see you anymore if you keep crying, remember? I'm not crying.
I'm not.
I'm sorry for everything.
I never gave you a way to contact me.
I only contacted you when I wanted to.
And, told you never to ask questions.
Its okay.
That's all that I could do for you, as a mother.
But, for now, I don't think I can even do that.
I know you don't understand, but that's how you will be safe.
I do understand.
I know.
I've come to see your face for the last time.
- So, don't ask for my contact info.
- I won't.
Live well with your new husband and new son.
Forget about me.
That's what I want.
Because you left me, I've found my life's path just fine.
- Let's just end our relationship here.
- Jung Hoo.
I'm sorry.
We won't even run into each other by chance.
I'll be leaving Korea as soon as I figure things out.
I won't be back in this country again.
That's it.
With this farewell I'm done with my duty as your son.
Take care of your health.
- I found you.
- Jung Hoo.
I guess you still remember my name? Why aren't you dressed warmly? Aren't you cold? Ouch! - Don't make my mom cry! - Ki Chan! Ki Chan, stop it! Don't do that to your brother.
Mom, he's your son? You live with him? You can live with him? But, why not me? I'm sorry Jung Hoo.
- I'm sorry - That's enough! Stop crying! If you cry like that, what can you say to me? It was all my fault.
What is this? Your mother rejected me many times.
She didn't want to be with a guy like me.
But, I couldn't live without her.
- I forced it.
- What's he going on about? Your mothers speaks only of you.
I'm telling the truth.
When she speaks of you, she cries and cries again.
But I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
- Mister? - Huh? Does my mom always cry like that? - She cries easily.
- Make sure she doesn't.
It's annoying.
I'll do that.
I'm sorry.
- Give me that jacket.
- Huh? I'm cold.
Give me that jacket.
He'll let it go for now.
He only went after your mother to confirm whether you were Healer or not.
My brother Kim Moon Shik hasn't sunk that low.
Ah He hasn't sunk that low? That's why he used my mother as bait and tried to kill Chae Young Shin? Do you want some coffee? Why did Kim Moon Shik try to kill Chae Young Shin? I came all the way here to ask you that.
So, just answer my question, would you? It wasn't my brother.
There's someone called the Elder.
- What is that? - The person we are now up against.
'We'? Who is this 'we'? You and I and probably Young Shin.
Talk nonsense on your own time.
Who is the Elder? Give me the answer to that question.
People just know that he is called the Elder.
- No one knows his face or his name.
- Then What is that you know, Reporter Kim Moon Ho? I know where and how to start this battle.
Where and how Would that possibly include getting on air and pointing fingers at the bad guys? That's right.
Then, what happens? Wouldn't they be stopped from doing bad deeds? I'm not really concerned about whether they do bad deeds or not.
This is my plan.
First, find out who that Elder is.
Second, find out if he has my father's police file.
Because, corrupt people like that make it a hobby to collect data on others.
I'd say chances are 50/50.
And, lastly, the third step.
Make certain that he can never harm Chae Young Shin again.
It'll all be in vain.
Even if you kill that Elder, there will be another one to fill his shoes.
We'll think about that when the time comes.
Kind of early? - What is? - A lady I like.
Can you open the door? Really? Boss.
Hey, subordinate What brings you by? I mean What are you doing at the boss's house? This is not humane to make us work on a Sunday.
What? There's already a camera guy here.
Did I really have to come? Moon Ho, we're here! Thank you for agreeing to the interview.
No problem.
I was surprised too.
I think you've got the right idea.
How did you to think interview me for the story? You're the easiest target.
- Easy? - I was just joking.
- Hello, sir.
- Oh, you're here too.
Have your medicine and go to sleep.
What is it? I don't want to eat it.
I want to stay awake.
Cho said you need to stabilize yourself.
Why do yo keep trying to make me sleep? - You're sick.
- I don't mind being sick.
I'd like to think, is all.
What kind of thoughts? It's been so long.
What should I think about? For example, my hospital bills? - What hospital bills? - 22 years ago? After the accident, I was in the hospital for over a year.
I had multiple surgeries and I was always in VIP rooms.
- What about it? - The money Where did it come from? I've told you.
I sold the junkyard.
How much would the junkyard have sold for? How much would the hospital fees have been? I'm doing the math.
Addition, subtraction very basic.
Ever since you met Joon Seok's son, you've been very different.
So I told you, I'm doing some math.
According to our research Kim Moon Shik was the owner Sokyo Ho Junkyard until 1992.
And that was the entirety of his wealth.
Is that so? That's right.
Then, in the spring of 1992, he sold that junkyard.
That summer, he became a department chief at Jaeil News.
And, he was promoted every year.
He became owner of Jaeil News in about 5 years.
This is hard for me to logically comprehend.
He was not a long-time news employee, but from an outside industry.
Is it really possible to become president in 5 years? I was surprised as well.
At the time, guests came to the house almost daily.
If memory serves correct, rather than news people, it was other people.
By other people, what do you mean? The most memorable one was a investment company called Omega Investments.
Omega Investments? At the time, Jaeil News was about to go bankrupt.
They bought the shares to save it.
Afterward, Kim Moon Shik My brother became the owner.
Interesting, isn't it? I haven't slept for 38 hours.
I had to go in and change all records of you entering and exiting countries.
Of all the countries, did you have to choose Russia? I can't understand a thing.
On top of that, I have to keep an eye on Kim Moon Shik and on Sang Soo's gang.
So, Teacher is at the police station? Why? Is he under arrest? Don't worry! Don't you know him better? He'll be out by tomorrow morning, at the latest.
Teacher was in jail for over ten years.
He can't get arrested again! Should I go and get him out? Shut up and stop giving me a headache already! Wait, Min Ja.
Min Ja.
You're sure liking it.
This is everything I have on Jaeil and their financial connections.
This is data I have on Samhan Manufacturing.
You'll see similar patterns.
I'll look through these.
You can do it tonight, can't you? - Tonight? - Of course, no problem.
Wait I actually have some stuff to do tonight.
Jong Soo.
I need you too.
We don't have much time.
Then, Reporter Chae, let's go the office.
The office can get cold at night.
Let's go to my place.
Oh! Sounds great.
If I go, do I get dinner? Are you good at doing dishes? I worked the kitchen in the Army so That's good.
I can cook, but I'm not so good at doing dishes.
These are my co-workers.
This is my dad and that's Chul Min.
My name is Lee Jong Soo.
- I'm sorry to barge in on you.
- No, no, no.
We have to pull an all-nighter.
Can we borrow your office? Oh? Yes, of course.
Use it.
You know, this is my first time here.
- I should have brought a cake.
- We have tons of cakes here.
You know what? This cafe is really beautiful! The mood here is really just Yes.
Well, we don't have much time.
Let's go.
- So, you're here again? - Yes.
You're name is Bong Sook? No, wait - It's Bong Soo, isn't it? - Yes.
Yes, it's Bong Soo.
So, it's one of those two? The guy that made our Young Shin cry? Until just a moment ago, I had one vote for Bong Soo, but now - Ah - What? Who could it be? It seems that Omega Investments was involved with many companies.
- Let me see.
- Look right here.
In 1997, with Dae Il.
In 1999, with Dong Go.
Here, right here.
So many connections to Jaeil News.
East or West? - What? - Which side? East.
Alright then.
We'll stand next to each other for one minute and talk.
What was West? Hug you for ten seconds.
I want to change my choice.
I'm relieved.
You're laughing.
Why? I thought you were mad because you didn't even look at me once.
I'm not mad.
I'm just holding myself back.
- Holding back? - Yes.
From wanting to hold hands.
I want to be held.
And, talk all night.
I want to kiss too.
I want to do all of this with him, but I'm holding myself back.
All this holding back is making me mad too.
What? He still hasn't come.
There has to be a reason why.
I know.
I've been thinking that too.
You really think that? Yes.
But, he's still truly a jerk, right? I guess so.
I'm going to wait.
I'll wait, but I'm getting really mad too.
I know.
[Success of Kim Moon Shik of Jaeil News.]
Have you eaten? Go on and eat up.
The pickled radish here very good.
Real name Ki Young Jae.
Locked up 11 years and two months for breaching national security.
Released in February of 1993.
- Current address is Hyun Nam Myun - Hyun Nam Myun? - Where is that? - Kang Won Do.
Kang Won Do.
Sounds good.
Do you, by chance know a person named Jo Min Ja? Sounds like a woman's name.
She visited you five times,while you were locked up.
You should remember her.
Jo Min Ja.
She was a detective for the Cyber Criminal Investigations Unit.
And, she was my direct supervisor.
I really liked this person.
You liked her? Her hacking skills were like that of a god.
I learned a lot from her.
Yesterday, in the parking lot I felt a familiar presence.
I got hit on the back of head so many times learning about that root key.
It was that exact pattern.
- Detective? - Yes.
I guess I'll have to turn myself in to you.
Turn yourself in? Honestly, I am Healer.
- What is it? - Something is off.
What is? An hour ago, Kim Moon Shik's psycho met up with someone.
- And? - The guy he met looks familiar.
It's been bothering me for the past hour.
Get to point.
So, what is it? It was one of Yoon Dong Won's guys.
I started my Healer activities a year after I got out of prison.
The name Healer came from a magazine my friends and I published while in school.
It's a cool name, isn't it? Healer! You would have had a hacker partner.
Of course I did.
But, you know.
I don't know his face or his name.
That's how our work is.
Your very first job? Can't I start with my most recent job? I don't really have much time.
What is your most recent job? You know Kim Moon Shik, the owner of Jaeil News Company? I did a job for him.
Do you know Go Sung Chul? He's a man from LA? - Do you know Hwang Jae Guk? - I know him.
I emptied the safe in his house.
It was not suicide, was it? Hwang Jae Guk Look here Ki Young Jae? I told you.
I don't have much time.
Ki Young Jae? Ki Young Jae? Hey! Hey! Do you remember Ki Young Jae? I'll take care of things from now on.
You want to meet Kim Moon Shik? I'd like to meet his wife.
Tell me what I'm supposed to do! I couldn't do anything for over 20 years! It's been hard for me too! Others say you're brave, but you only fight just enough so you don't get hurt.
Is he okay? Where are you? Please?
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