Heartbeat (1992) s02e10 Episode Script


Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?
Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪
BEATLES: Yellow Submarine
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed the seas
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sail unto the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all lived in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all lived in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them lived next door
And the band begins to play
We all lived in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
Come through.
You did that on purpose,
Roger Platt!
I never did!
- He wants a kiss!
- I don't!
- Need a hand?
- I can manage.
All the way through Belgium
and Holland without a squeak.
Now he has to go
and get a puncture!
Let me have a go.
Mam, I'm hungry.
Mmm, you're always hungry, gannet!
Oh, come inside,
I'll make you a butty.
- On holiday, were you?
- Aye.
Best bit were going over on t'ferry.
They were all sick as pigs 'cept me!
Wife's barmy idea.
Next year it's back to
Morecambe, no danger.
- Lancashire folk?
- Oldham.
But I've been working in Glasgow
for t'past eighteen month.
Got a living to earn.
I've made a nice
pot of tea, Constable.
Would you like to come
inside for a cup?
Oh we'll have it out here.
It's warmer inside.
Fetch it out, Eileen!
Stop fussing.
Constable's used to all weathers.
Did he come out
of school with you?
- Course. Didn't he, Bobby?
- Where is he, then?
One minute he's there,
the next he mizzled off.
Don't blame , mum.
You know what he's like.
CAT STEVENS: Matthew And Son
Yes, Mrs. Plummer?
It's not good enough, Constable!
It's just not good enough!
Oh, what is it this time?
The potholes them great
heavy things have made.
One good downpour and we'll not be
able to walk down that lane at all.
I take it you're talking about
the fairground trucks?
It's a hazard to life and limb!
Well, caravans and tractors
use that lane all the time.
They're not so big though, are they?
It's the same story every year.
That fair is nothing but trouble.
And if you were doing your job
proper, you'd put a stop to it.
Well, I couldn't,
even if I wanted to.
Most folk around
here enjoy the funfair.
Oh, they haven't got it on
their doorstep, have they?
They don't have to
put up with the noise,
and the mess, and all the other
monkey business that goes on!
There's a good few
fields between that site
and your farmhouse, Mrs. Plummer.
We can still hear them, though!
I have my visitors to consider.
The stink of fried onions and God
know what all over the place
not to mention the thieving!
Nothing will be safe.
They're all villains, them lot.
It's a known fact!
It's common land, Mrs. Plummer.
There's an ancient charter
allowing fairs to be held on it
dating back to the year dot.
So that's it, I'm afraid.
So my hands are tied.
Good afternoon.
- Well, thank you very much.
- Thank you.
Aidensfield Police.
Yes, Mrs. Birdsall?
Well, how long has
he been missing?
All right, I'll be right over.
I still don't know what we're
bothering to stop for.
It'll break the journey.
Besides, lads'll enjoy it.
Won't you?
They say there's some
grand fishing here.
Your chest sounds fine,
Mrs. Mercer.
Blood pressure's a
little on the low side,
but nothing to worry about.
Yes, but I keep getting
these pains, Doctor,
right across my shoulder blades
and the back of my neck.
Have you been carrying
anything heavy?
Well, not that I can think of.
If there's a lot of shopping,
Michael fetches it.
He's very good like that.
You've had quite a spate of
illnesses over the past few months.
Right nuisance, aren't I?
No, not at all. I just wondered if
there wasn't a common denominator.
Are you under any particular stress?
I don't know what you mean.
It's just my back.
Well, I'll give you a
prescription for an ointment,
see if that does any good.
Maybe you should try and relax more.
That's hard. I'm a right worrier, me.
So where exactly did
you last see him, Jean?
On the path, along the
edge of Kirby Forest.
You weren't holding his hand,
like I said, were you?
I always get the blame,
it's not fair!
She was kissing Roger Platt.
- I never!
- She was!
He's a blooming liar!
He tells lies all the time.
Stop it, you two!
There was no sign of him
when you went back to look?
Not a thing. You don't think anything's
happened to him, do you, Mr. Rowan?
He's just started school, you say?
The minute he turned five.
Couldn't wait to make friends
of his own age, could he, Jean?
Could he have gone
off with one of them?
Don't see how.
I'll go to the village and ask.
Right. You two, come with me.
There you are.
And if there's anything else
you need, just let me know.
And I do hope you'll enjoy
your little stay with us.
Please, my dad said
we can go fishing.
Oh, he's fishing mad!
They all are!
Well, there's a beck over yonder.
But you're not to go
down there on your own.
And I wouldn't let him go wandering
off down that way, neither.
There's a fair setting up.
And they're a very rough lot.
Don't worry, we won't
let him go on his own.
Our Howard's already gone for a look.
Now, this odd-job man of yours,
can he fix a leak for me?
Michael Mercer?
Aye, he's that handy.
I'll get him to come
around first thing.
Here, give us a ride, mister.
Fog off kids,
we're not open yet.
Last year's lot gave us free goes.
This year's lot don't.
You can test it though, half price.
- Got no brass.
- Well, that's your problem, son.
Will you take a swap?
Depends what you've got.
Go on, get the knife out.
Go on, then. Two goes each.
Three, it's a Swiss
Army knife, is that.
Yeah, and I'm Elvis Presley!
Go on, then, for your cheek.
Let her go.
JO BROWN: A Picture Of You
His dad will be home any minute.
He'll go potty.
Oh, we'll find him, Mrs. Birdsall.
Don't you worry about that.
Delta Alpha 24 to Control.
Are you receiving? Over.
Alf, I'm at the Birdsall's
It's a quarter of a
mile past the junction
of the Elsenby Moor Road
and the Kirby Forest turn-off.
There's a small boy's gone missing.
I'm requesting assistance.
Hang on, Alf, scrub that.
Where have you been?
You've had me worried half to death!
- Where did you find him?
- Just coming home along the lane.
You all right, Duggie?
He certainly seems all right.
Where did you get to, eh?
Go on, you tell the constable.
Were you in the woods?
I was with me friend.
You'd no right going off like that,
getting us in bother!
Which friend's this, then?
He had some apples.
He was with one of his new pals,
same as you thought.
Don't you ever do that again,
do you hear me,
or you'll get a smack!
No, Mam.
Sorry to have troubled you, Mr. Rowan.
You little monkey.
It's no trouble.
Just glad to see him back safe.
Let The Heartaches Begin
I can hear the
guitars start to play
And very soon they say
I was a fool to turn my love away
And with each glass
of wine I feel a glow
And very soon I know
I was a fool to let my baby go
So let the heartaches begin
I can't help it, I can't win
Tea's ready.
It'll be getting dark soon.
Sorry, Mum.
I didn't notice the time.
You shouldn't have
come up specially.
I enjoyed the walk.
It's getting freezing.
Oh, er
Edna Plummer came round.
She wants you to fix
some caravan tomorrow.
I'll go up first thing.
I don't like her. She's hard-faced.
She puts plenty of work my way.
Well, there is that.
- Busy surgery?
- So-so. What's this?
Well, it was a fry-up,
until a combination
of Edna Plummer and a missing
kid put the mockers on it.
Just as well, it's disgusting!
It's been stood there 1½ hours!
It's real gourmet stuff
when I first cooked it.
Nick, that junk wouldn't be gourmet
stuff if Fanny Craddock had cooked it!
You've no idea, have you?
I managed to feed myself for a
good few years before I met you.
I survived.
More by luck than good management!
Give us a kiss.
What's that about a missing kid?
Ah, young Duggie Birdsall.
He just toddle off.
Is he okay?
Yeah, he is, he turned
up right as rain.
Put years in his poor
old mum, though.
Double portion as usual?
Aye, go on then.
You've twisted my arm!
You can afford it now,
you're a bloody millionaire.
Ooh, I fancy being a
rich man's plaything!
You wouldn't if you saw me wi'
nowt on, it's not a pretty sight!
Evening, all.
- Hello, Constabule.
- Cod'n'chips twice, please.
I'm Gina. George's
niece from the pub.
I know.
How come we never
see you in there?
You're not TT, are you?
- No, I just don't go out much.
- You've got a girlfriend, then?
Gina, I thought I was s'posed
to cross-question people.
And don't we know it!
Mr. Rowan's right, Gina love.
Leave the lad alone,
you're embarrassing him.
I'm not embarrassing
you, am I, Michael?
So how you fancy taking
me to the fair, then?
- It's not open yet.
- When it does.
I get petrified on the
ghost train, me!
I can't imagine anything
petrifying this one, can you?
- What you having, then, love?
- Portion of chips, please.
Same for me, please, Frank.
Eat here or take out?
Eat here.
- Was it okay?
- What?
Whatever you went to
the village to check on.
Oh, yeah yeah, fine.
Good, we could do
with an early night.
Oh, what's that smell?
- What?
- Chips.
Oh yeah, I was just passing Frank
Parry's and I felt a bit peckish.
Just passing, my eye.
You went out specially.
I was hungry.
You had your supper not
a couple of hours ago.
Nick Rowan, you're hopeless.
I know. And that's why
[both] you love me.
You're going to put it up
on the side of the barn?
You what? Kath'd murder me!
I got enough stick over that
picture of Bridgette Bardot!
My damn stomach!
Been pigging yourself again, Claude?
What no, it's this flaming
indigestion I keep getting!
I'll I'll see you.
Oh, you're leaving that?
Oh, I've gotta get summat for this.
He's going early, isn't he?
Must be poorly.
Must be.
'Ere mate, ain't you the old
geezer we was told to talk to
if we fancy a nice juicy pheasant?
I might be.
If I was, where would I find you?
Up at the fairground.
Ask for Larry or Clem.
Alright, I see what I can do for you.
I'm not promising owt, mind.
What have you got there?
Your memory go back that far,
does it, Grandad?
Not so much as your granddad,
though I might be.
If you're interested,
I'll give you five bob for it.
Ten and it's a deal.
Go on, then.
Here. Don't spend it all at once.
Yeah, I thought I bring it to you
give first review, you know,
cause I know you're
interested in a bit of art.
Where did you say you found it?
Er, a junk shop in York.
Not your usual territory, that.
No, I know, only I had to
go and see my solicitor.
Huh, you've got a solicitor?
Well, aye. Mr Loomis, you know,
of Clough, Naismith and Loomis.
They look after my financial affairs.
Well, I s'pose you need someone,
now you're a man of substance.
What makes you think
this is worth anything?
(BLUSTERS) Well, it is, isn't it?
Might be.
Aye, well, that's what I thought.
You know, cause I've started
reading these books, you know,
on paintings and
antiques, you know,
cos, I mean, you never
know when you're
gonna come across summat of value,
do you, on your travels, like?
Indeed you don't.
How much?
Well, to anybody else, £25, Doctor.
Seeing as you've always had
nice warm hands, I thought 20.
Your windfall hasn't
changed your ways.
I mean, don't stop you having
an eye for a bargain, does it,
just cos you've a few bob.
Well, what do you think, then?
£20, is it a deal?
Leave it with me for a couple of days.
I'll think about it.
Right, well
I'm not desperate, am I?
- Morning, Alex.
- Ah, Kate!
I was just en route to see Nick,
as a matter of fact.
- Is he still in the house?
- Well, he should be there.
He's about to tackle a small
Everest of paperwork when I left.
Oh Alex, before you go, do you remember
a patient called Claire Mercer?
She registered with the practice
just before I joined you.
Difficult to forget anyone like her.
Always pestering on about
non-specific aches and pains.
Well, that's just what I
was wondering about,
if there's wasn't
something more to it.
Kate, she's had every clinical
test known to medical science.
The results are always negative.
The woman is a hypochondriac.
It's as simple as that.
Yes, but even if the symptoms
are psychological
there has to be an
underlying cause.
If I were you, I'd worry about
your patients with real illnesses,
not imaginary ones.
It's very fruity.
I wouldn't have thought it
was your sort of thing, though.
It's a Félicien Rops.
Belgian. 1833-1898.
If you say so, doc.
You're the expert.
I wouldn't say that, but I know it's
worth a hell of a sight more than
the £20 that Greengrass is asking.
Never took Greengrass
for an art buff.
Oh, he's not! He's certainly
got a nose for a bargain.
So where did he get it then?
Well, according to him,
from a junk shop in York.
Well art it may be,
but it's not the sort of thing
I'd hang on my living room wall.
Worth a few thousand quid
according to Ferrenby, if genuine.
Well he is something of an
expert in these matters,
so I'll bow to his judgement.
I've check through the stolen paintings
in the police gazette, sarge.
There's water colors there,
landscapes, drawings and figures,
and a couple of um
Who're they by?
Géricault, Delacroix, Rops.
Give it here, man.
Géricault, Delacroix.
Did you have an education?
Not that sort, sarge.
Ah. At least you got the Rops right.
Félicien Rops.
Looks like it's the real McCoy then.
Well, there's been a spate
of art thefts in France
over the last couple of months.
The French police seemed to reckon that
they're being smuggled into the UK.
There's plenty of bent
dealers down south.
So how did this land up here then?
Either way, it's a CID job.
I'll get on to Strensford.
Meanwhile Rowan, I'd suggest a word
in Greengrass's ear would not go amiss.
Greengrass, eh?
The well known art lover!
KATHY KIRBY: Secret Love
Now I shout it from
the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
That once I had a secret love
That lived
within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free ♪
So, you gonna take us
to the fair or what?
I don't know.
Don't you fancy me?
No, no, I think you're very pretty.
Nothing wrong with
your eyesight, then.
Here you are. Mind
you don't break them.
Driving around in that
ridiculous thing!
Why, this is my pride and joy
you're insulting here, missus!
Ta-ra, love.
How's it going up there?
Won't be long now.
Any sign of t'other fella?
He'll be here.
He'd better be.
I can't hang around forever.
- What other fella?
- George Taplow. Bloke at work.
You never mentioned him before.
He's a mate. He's booked
in for a couple of days.
I told him we'd meet up. All right?
No, it's not alright!
Not without asking me!
I don't know what's
got into you these days!
Honest to God, I don't.
Can we go fishing, Dad?
Not just now, son.
Oh, it's not fair.
You promised!
I said not just now, son.
Be off wi' you!
Stop pestering, lad.
Go and play wi' Brian.
Is nothing sacred?
I'm having my damn dinner!
I want some information
about that picture
you tried to flog to Dr. Ferrenby.
Well, what about it?
Well, I just like to know
where you got it from.
And don't waste my time
about junk shops in York.
I bought it off two lads in the pub.
Well, that's not what
you told Dr. Ferrenby.
Well, of course it's not.
I mean, I had to make it sound a bit
authentic, didn't I, being an antique?
You know, it's called
salesmanship, you know.
Oh, is that what it's called?
These lads, who were they, locals?
No, couple of lads off the fairground.
That don't mean nowt wrong, I mean,
all sorts of people buy and
sell things in the pub.
Especially if they're hot.
That picture is not hot.
Steam's practically rising off it
and don't say you didn't know.
I'm on fire. Ooh.
What's the matter with you?
I've got damned indigestion!
Well, you shouldn't be eating
that stuff then, should you?
Come all without
Come all within
You'll not see nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Come all without
Come all within
You'll not see nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Right, one's Larry and one's Clem.
Which one's which?
Why d'you wanna know for?
For knitting you both jumpers
with your names on.
A comic copper!
Oh, I can be hilarious!
Have you heard the one about the two
blokes who worked on the fairground?
They both get done for
handling stolen goods?
What stolen flaming goods?
How about a naughty picture?
We never nick that.
We got it off some young lad.
- What's his name?
- No idea.
Oh, so this lad that you don't know
just walks up to you and
gives you a picture?
Not give. Swap.
A lot of the kids do it.
They can't afford the price for
a ride, so we do a tradeoff.
We never thought it
was nothing special.
So why'd you think it
was worth swapping?
It was rude.
There's always a market for
something rude, ain't there?
I want that kid's name.
Get it for me. If you don't,
I'll do the pair of you.
No, it's not indigestion, Claude.
I want you to have some tests.
- What sort of tests?
- An electrocardiogram.
I think you might have
had a mild heart attack.
Oh, don't talk daft, doctor!
My heart's as sound as a bell.
All the same, I'm sending you
in for an ECG, just to make sure.
Send me where?
Ashfordly General.
They won't keep you in.
I'm sorry, I'm not
going to no hospital.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
You'll be absolutely fine.
But Claude, you're going to have
to do something about your diet.
I'm not on one.
All those chips and pies you live on,
you're gonna have to cut those out.
You mean don't have no chips?
Right, Rowan, carry on.
Well, Greengrass got the lithograph
off off two lads from the fairground.
Ah, I might've guessed!
Those kind of people,
they always make trouble.
Right then, wheel 'em in.
Well, I was gonna
bring 'em in, sarge,
but they say that they
got it off some kid.
And I believe 'em.
There's one born every minute!
If they were any part of the gang
that nicked the art works,
they'd hardly gonna flog it to
Greengrass for ten bob, are they?
Well, that's a fair point.
Right, did you get in touch with
DC Mitchell, Strensford CID?
I had a word, sarge, yeah.
He's got a massive workload
on at the moment.
Wants me to investigate
locally, keep him posted.
Oh, he does, does he?
I s'pose he thinks we've got
nothing to do here all day,
except sit around eating cream buns!
What's to eat? I'm starving.
Who said romance was dead?
No, not dead, just knackered.
I've been traipsing around
all over the place
looking for some poncy pictures
You know that they say steak
and kidneys are aphrodisiac.
What do they say about
grilled fish and salad?
- Grilled fish?
- Hmm.
You've already barred me
from Parry's chips shop,
isn't that sacrifice enough?
I saw Claude Greengrass today.
I reckoned he's had
a mild heart attack.
- I thought he had indigestion.
- Mm, so did he.
But I warned him that if he
doesn't cut out all that fried food,
Alfred could soon be an orphan.
It's got nothing to do with me.
He's years older and
four times as fat.
Carry on like you are and
you'll soon catch him up.
I want a husband to keep me
company in my twilight years.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
How much longer is this
Taplow bloke going to be?
He'll be here tomorrow.
He'd bloody better be!
Wife won't wear it much longer.
That's your problem, Mr. Currie.
You made the bargain.
It's up to you to keep it.
Hey, come here. Come here,
you can't go in there.
Come here, come here,
come here. Right.
Now hey.
Hey Alfred, behave yourself.
Don't bite any strangers, will you?
And don't fret, I'll not be long.
- Right, who's first?
- Me.
Come on in.
Shoulder's no better?
Yeah, it's better.
I keep getting these headaches.
Right across my temples here.
And I take an aspirin,
it does no good.
It could be eyestrain.
Have you had your eyes tested?
Well, about 18 months ago,
before we moved here.
The doctor said they were fine.
I'll just check them quickly.
You lived in Bradford, didn't you?
Oh, that's right.
Now just take your arm down.
Thank you.
And look up. And to the right.
What brought you to
this part of the world?
- Well
- Keep your head up.
We just fancied living
in the countryside.
These various ailments
you've been having,
they could be due
to emotional causes.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
Nothing! Will you just stop
asking me all these questions!
I won't bother you in future!
Delta Alpha 24 to control,
are you receiving?
Control receiving, go
ahead Delta Alpha 24.
Alf, I'm still working my
way down Mitchell's list.
I've drawn a blank so far.
- Any luck at your end?
- Negative.
Right. Well, I've got a
couple more to visit.
And then I'm making my
way back to Aidensfield.
I'll see you later.
It won't hurt, will it, Doctor?
Ooh, that's cold.
Fair opens today, Norman.
What about it?
The lads want to go.
I've already told 'em,
we've no brass.
Spent enough on 'em this last
couple of weeks to last a lifetime!
If you've enough for us to stick in
this dump another couple of nights,
you've enough for 'em to have
a bit of fun once in a while!
Howard? Brian?
Your dad says you can go
Where's Brian?
I dunno. I thought he was with you.
Norman, our Brian's gone missing.
We have to go find him.
- Morning.
- Hello.
What's all this stuff?
It's a talk I'm giving next
week on healthy eating.
Oh, is that what doctors do?
It's what this doctor does.
I want my patients to
know they'd be a lot
fitter if they chucked
away their frying pan.
Do you know any
miracle diets do you?
You ever thought we can eat
chocolate and still lose pounds?
Only wish I did, Gina!
So this talk of yours?
It's gonna be the usual
lettuce leaf rubbish, is it?
There's a lot more to it than that.
I'll give you a leaflet if
you're remotely interested.
Go on, then.
Here, take a few.
Give some to your friends.
Waste of time. All the girls round
here are dead from the neck up.
Except you, Doc.
That berk from Strensford
CID, DC Mitchell,
wants to know if Rowan's
made any progress.
They've got the Yard
on their backs.
Oh, he radioed in earlier, sarge.
He's still going round those dealers,
auction houses, antique shops, etc.
Seeing if any of those art works
off that list have turned up.
But he hasn't had a tickle so far.
(RADIO) 'Delta Alpha 24 to Control.
Are you receiving?'
Speak of t'devil!
Control receiving.
Go ahead. Over.
'Phil, I'm located at Moor Farm
Caravan Site, Aidensfield,
requesting assistance.'
'There's a small boy
gone missing. Over.'
Shall I go, Sarge?
No, I will.
I'd like a word with PC Rowan!
If I need anyone else,
I'll let you know.
He was only playing outside.
I've always told him
about not going too far.
How old is he?
Five. He's due to
start school next week.
Where have you looked so far?
Around the farm, down by the river.
His dad's searching the paddock.
That's the second 5-year-old boy
who's gone missing this week.
Really? What happened
to the other one?
Well, he just turned up.
Said he's been playing with a friend.
- No sign.
- He could be anywhere.
Don't worry, we'll find him.
I don't know what you're
wasting your time for.
It's that lot you want
to be talking to.
I've told him till I'm blue in the face!
But does he listen?
Mrs. Plummer's got it into her head
that the fairground
folks are responsible
for anything that goes
wrong around here.
Well, it seems like a
good place to start.
Let's get going.
By 'eck, Claude, you look
like you've seen a ghost!
I think I might have, my own.
Give us a pint, George.
What are you doing here, any road?
I thought doctor said you had to rest?
I am resting.
I shall sit down while I
drink my pint. Come on.
You should lay off the ale
if you want to lose weight.
And you, Uncle George.
It says so in here.
I don't want to lose weight.
It's only her that says all that.
And you don't take orders from
no woman, do you, Claude?
Nowt wrong wi' me.
Er, make that pint a dandelion
and burdock, will you?
A bit early to start
boozing, ain't it.
It's all that ruddy doctor's fault,
with her leaflets and her
posters and her lectures!
To hear her, the great British
chip is Public Enemy No.1!
She's quite right, Mr. Parry.
Right? Right?! The woman's only
ruining my flamin' business!
- Hello, Claire.
- Oh, hello.
- I s'pose you've heard.
- What's up, Mrs. Birdsall?
Another kiddy gone missing now.
His mum must be so worried.
What did you say?
First this one, though
he turns up, thank God,
now a little lad stopping
at the caravan site.
Our Jean's gone up to help 'em look.
I rang the hospital.
I knew you'd be worried.
Worried? I'm not worried.
What did they say?
Well, the ECG shows you have
had a small heart attack.
Oh, my God.
Well, but it's only a small one
and there's no residual damage.
I say, what did I tell you?
you are going to have to be
a lot more careful in future,
and avoid all the risk factors.
Risk factors? What's them?
Being overweight,
as I've already told you.
Not getting enough exercise.
In fact, Claude, you're going to
have to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
No chips.
Won't be long now, love.
These good folk have turned
up to help us find him.
He's been gone nearly three hours!
If anything happens to
him, it's your fault!
I never wanted to come
here in the first place!
Satisfied he's not here?
Far as we can tell.
Right then, where
d'you want us to look?
You offering to help?
Contrary to what some folks say,
we do have feelings!
Brass neck of 'em!
I told you they'd fetch trouble!
I've warned you.
We need all the help we
can get, Mrs. Plummer.
If these lads want to lend
a hand, we'll be glad of it.
Well now, Basset Quarry
might be worth a look.
It's disused now, but the
old workings are still there.
Follow the local men,
they'll show you where it is.
Leave it to us, mister.
Mister?! Sergeant!
- Here.
- Yeah?
- That lad you got the picture from.
- What about him?
- Is he here?
- Yeah.
In the blue hat.
Mrs. Mercer, the way you left
the surgery this morning
I didn't mean to upset you,
but you're obviously not
well and for your sake,
I want to find out
what's causing it.
Can't we at least talk?
You'd best come in.
What is it?
What's troubling you?
It's not me.
It's Michael.
My boy! My boy
Go on.
Well him and Sally
were childhood sweethearts.
They got married when
they were eighteen.
Tom was born a year later.
Just before Tom's third birthday,
Sally was crossing the road.
There was a hit-and-run driver.
She and the baby
were killed outright.
Michael went to pieces.
He became so so distant.
I thought it might
might help him to get away.
- So you moved here?
- Mmm.
I prayed he would get over it.
What's happened?
That little boy that's missing.
I think I know where he is.
JIMMY RUFFIN: What Becomes
Of The Broken-Hearted?'
Why didn't you tell me?
Oh, I'm sorry. I I didn't know
if I was imagining things.
And I was scared what
might happen to Michael.
He's been through so much.
You haven't got any
children, Dr. Rowan.
When you have, you'll understand.
What becomes of
the broken-hearted
Who had love that
has now departed?
I know I've got to find
some kind of peace of mind
I got your message.
Mrs. Mercer thinks she
knows where we can find
the little lad that's gone missing.
I'll follow you.
Did you suspect he might
do something like this?
But he'd never harm a child.
He loves children.
He just wanted to be
with a little boy for a bit.
You know, to do the things dads do.
Tom would have been five this week.
He saw the children coming
back from school.
It all came back to him.
What becomes of
the broken-hearted?
Who had love that
has now departed
I know I've got to find
some kind of peace of mind
Stay there.
The roots of love grow all around
But for me, they've
come tumbling down
Every day, the heartaches
grow a little stronger
Cos I can't stand this
pain much longer
I walk in shadows,
searching for the light
Cold and alone,
no comfort in sight ♪
Hello, Michael.
Oh, Brian!
Oh, lovie!
Come inside and I'll make you
some nice hot chocolate.
Thanks again, constable.
That fella!
I hope they put him
away for a long time.
You can't just walk off with
other people's children.
He deserves life for what
he brought us through.
He didn't actually harm
Brian in any way.
You can rest assured the
appropriate action will be taken.
So it bloody well should.
Excuse me, constable.
You going to the fair later, then?
Yeah. Me dad says we can.
Two blokes that work there,
Larry and Clem.
Yeah, what about 'em?
Well, they said you swapped
them a picture for a free ride.
So what if I did?
Depends whose picture
it was in the first place.
They're only stupid pictures.
There was a whole lot there,
you know. Just boring stuff.
I didn't think he'd miss one.
Who wouldn't?
Me dad. They were all dumped
in his fishing tackle bag.
So you just helped yourself?
Ah, you won't tell him it's
me that took it, will you?
Well, I can't promise anything, son.
You want to think before you go taking
things that don't belong to you.
So does your dad!
Can I come in, Mr. Currie?
So where did you get them?
Take your drink outside, son.
And stick wi' our
Howard, d'you hear?
Was it Rotterdam?
Yeah. This bloke comes
up to me and asks me
how would I like to
make myself £100.
Says all I have to do is fetch
some paintings back wi' me
and hand them over in Hull.
They don't search caravans,
takes too long.
You knew it was smuggling?
They're only pictures,
they weren't bloody gold bars.
I don't know what's come
over you, Norman Currie.
I'm so ashamed of you!
I've never done
owt like this before.
He hasn't, Mr. Rowan.
He's never taken so much as
a teaspoon from Kardomah!
You know how long it
takes me to earn £100?
But you didn't give the
pictures to this man in Hull?
He tells me I'm to fetch 'em up here
and meet up wi' this Taplow bloke.
And he'll give me my brass.
You told me he was
a mate from work!
So where is he?
He hasn't flamin' turned up!
She says he'll be here
tomorrow. Definite.
Who does?
Edna Plummer.
You mean she's part of it?
That's why we had to come up here.
I'm sorry, Eileen.
I've been a right mug.
AMEN CORNER: High In The Sky
We'll fly high in the sky,
girl, just you and I
We're two of a kind
See? You missed.
We'll fly high in the sky
where rivers go by
Leave troubles behind
We'll fly high in the sky,
girl, just you and I
We're two of a kind
Thank you.
Can I have another go?
You sure you haven't stuck these on?
Leave it to the expert.
Almost! Now watch this one.
See Gina's sorted him out, George.
Oh, he's a good lad, really.
There's a bit of talk
down the pub, mind.
There's nothing wrong with Michael.
He's been suffering from depression,
but that's being treated now.
Mind you, your Gina's a
better tonic than anything
my profession could prescribe!
Hey, that's a turn-up
for the books, eh?
Edna Plummer a villain!
Yeah! She got involved
through her brother in Hull.
What will she be charged for?
Handling stolen property.
Here, fancy going the
dodgems, George?
- Oh, no, no
- Come on, George!
No, I've got I've got
an empty stomach.
No, I'm gonna get something to eat.
- Alright. Mind the coconut.
- Oh, alright.
I'm driving!
No, let me drive.
Hello, Frank.
My flamin' business is going
down the drain, thanks to you!
I don't know what
you're talking about.
My livelihood is being threatened by
your so-called advice, that's what!
Kate's only doing her job.
Well, I wish she'd go and
do it somewhere else!
Don't worry about him, love.
His livelihood's threatened
cos he sells soggy chips!
He's eating candy floss!
He doesn't listen to a word I say!
Like somebody else I know!
Take that!
Ey. Serve him right,
grumpy old beggar!
Bend me, shape me,
any way you want me
Long as you love me,
it's all right
Bend me, shape me,
any way you want me
You got the power
to turn on the light ♪
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