Heartbeat (1992) s07e12 Episode Script

Affairs of the Heart

Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?
Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪
I'm getting married
in the morning
Ding-dong, the bells
are going to chime
Pull out the stopper
Let's have a whopper
And get me to the
church on time ♪
Cheers, mate. Thanks a lot.
- A present for you.
- That's very kind of you, Claude.
- It's not much, but it's the thought.
- Well, let's have a look, then.
Here we go.
Blimey Claude,
where did you get these?
Tomb of Tutankhamen,
but the looks of it!
A very special brew, that,
carrot and rhubarb.
Well, thank you very much, Claude.
Have you got any glasses, Gina?
Well let's have a taste then.
You ought to go steady wi' it.
It's vintage stuff, is that.
Yeah, well, this is a
vintage occasion, Claude.
Last night of freedom, Nick.
Live dangerously, mate.
A very small one for me, Nick.
I promised Mrs. Ventress
I'd be careful.
Very wise, Alf. You know what
a devil you are at stag nights.
Last one he went
till he got so drunk
he ended up in a cell!
Do you remember?
That was a long time ago.
Besides, I've got responsibilities.
I've got Mrs. Ventress's
cake to think about.
That's nothing.
I've got a blooming speech to make!
- I'll have one.
- Hey, hey. You don't want to do that.
- Why?
- It's a bit potent, that's why.
You've got some driving
to do, haven't you.
Let's face it. Half a shandy
and you're anybody's.
- Buy us one of them.
- Why don't I keep my big mouth shut?
Right, everybody.
To the happy groom.
ALL: The happy groom!
It's far too late.
Can't we do it in the morning?
This is NOT a good idea.
No, you've got to
trust me on that!
Sarge, it's really
What is it?
Well, I'm not much
of a gardener myself,
but I understand you can
turn that into a fountain.
Fountains out of molehills!
With the aid of a
small electric pump.
The round tables along there.
The cake table there.
And the drinks table here.
So we can keep an eye on things.
Well I gather Nick's family's a bit
you know
A bit what?
I don't want things getting
out of hand, dear, that's all.
Excuse me, madam.
She's uh
doing her best.
And making sure I know just
how much she disapproves.
- Come on.
- Well, isn't she?
I'm sorry, Dad.
Pre-wedding nerves.
I know she means well.
I wouldn't have chosen
to do it this way.
I know.
If your mother has been alive,
we'd have had it at home in York.
I like it being in Aidensfield, Dad.
I love the hotel.
It's all beautiful.
Come and have a drink, then.
Yeah. Jellied eels.
- Straight up from London.
- Oh, no.
No. It's very kind
of you, Mr. Rowan,
but I really don't think so.
Well, I brought 'em up special.
They wouldn't go with the
rest of my menu, you see?
I'm sorry, I'm afraid
you'll have to take them away.
Look, lady. Nick is my grandson.
Come on, Grandad.
He's my grandson and a good
East End boy same as what I am.
And he'll be expecting 'em, see.
As far as I'm concerned, it ain't
a proper wedding without 'em.
Grandad! Sorry!
I told him not to bring 'em,
but he would insist.
Snooty old cow.
Ugh! Disgusting.
Time, gentlemen, please!
Second time I've asked you.
I'd better be off.
See you tomorrow.
Don't be late.
Remember you're driving
the Bentley, so wear a tie.
With a bit of luck, I might remember
to put a pair of trousers on!
Claude. About your wine
I was wondering
Place an order.
He wants to place an order.
I'd like Mrs. Ventress to try some.
Ventress, I'm taking you home.
Come on.
Hey! Hold on, sarge.
I'm just trying to carry
out a bit of business.
This is Nick's. Go on.
Time! Please!
Everybody out!
You heard what the lady said!
Come on, Ventress, in my car.
Now you too, Bellamy.
You're not driving in that state.
And Nick, I'd go home if I
were you and get some sleep.
He says you won't get
any tomorrow night!
Ladies and gents! Have I got a
bargain for you in these buckets!
You're not driving anywhere
tonight, either of you.
- Right, Bellamy. In the back seat.
- Yeah, but, sarge.
You can pick your car
up in the morning.
I have got things to do.
I have got to do a speech.
Ventress, where are you?
Come join him in the back seat.
Brian, it's this way. This way!
You brought 'em to the wrong place!
Look, if it helps, I tell you what.
I'll take 'em and give 'em
to somebody for pig food.
These eels ain't for pigs,
they're for humans beings!
Aye, not up here they're not.
We wouldn't touch 'em wi' a barge pole.
Well, I want a good price for 'em.
Pigs or no pigs.
You've more chance of knitting fog!
Come on, Grandad!
Have you heard about your year's
about your medical, sir?
I'd give the small talk a miss
if I was you, Ventress.
I think I'm going to die.
You dare!
Can we have a window open,
please, sarge?
You'll look sweet, upon the seat
Of a bicycle made for two ♪
Come in.
All right?
Got everything you want?
Yes, Dad.
Good night, Dad.
Good night.
How am I going to manage?
How am I going to do my speech?
Oh, get up, for goodness sake.
I haven't even prepared it yet.
Come on.
Look, I've got a lot to do.
Right. Now, you and Nick get in here
ten minutes before the service.
You sit there and Nick sits there.
Nick thereand me here?
Now, you wait there
for Jo to arrive,
and then Nick moves
up there next to her.
The vicar gets cracking
and that's all there is to it.
What about the ring?
We've been through this already.
You've got it in your
pocket, like I said.
Only you pretend to lose it.
How do I know when
to hand it over?
Because the vicar will tell you.
Oh, try and pay attention, Phil.
Look, I've got a bad
head as well, you know?
I'm not cut out for this
sort of responsibility, Alf.
Come here!
Ray, I've got summat to tell you.
I've got a new job.
Have you, love?
Well done. What is it?
Wait a minute.
It's in Newcastle.
It's not five minutes
from your office.
Look, there's nothing
to keep us apart now.
I'm moving up to join you.
Oh, Ray
I'm so happy.
How are you this morning?
- Bacon sarnie, Nick?
- Yes, please, Mum.
Hello, Grandad.
Mr. and Mrs. N Rowan.
Oh, that's lovely, that is.
I was worried about you.
I thought you were gonna be sad
and lonely for the rest of your life.
Just because I found Jo, it doesn't
mean I've forgotten the past.
Of course not!
She's right there in little Katie.
Always will be.
And in me, Mum.
I don't feel it's disloyal
to love someone else.
Of course it isn't!
You're doing absolutely
the right thing.
And I'm thrilled to bits.
Oi! What do you
think you're doing?
Taking this out to Nick's car.
Oh, no, you're not.
You're gonna sit in this chair
and stay out of the way.
You can laugh.
You should have seen
her ladyship's face
when he gave her his jellied eels.
One of her lot.
He called her a snooty cow.
Sounds like her Auntie Alison.
The Duchess.
- Grandad, have you pinched my razor?!
- No! I ain't!
My razor's gone, Rube,
and my shirt.
I'll be up in a minute!
Your wedding's not till 2:00.
Why don't you go out for a
bit while I get 'em all ready?
Then you can have
the place to yourself.
- I'll go and fill the car up.
- Ruby!
All right!
Oh, Nick. Don't come
back for at least an hour.
This way. Everything's ready
and laid out in Jo's room.
Hello! Hello, Katie!
Oh, I'm so pleased to see you!
- How are you?
- Oh, nervous.
Better for seeing a
friendly face, though.
Like that, is it?
Oh, she's like Mum, but she's not Mum,
if you know what I mean.
Have you seen Nick today?
I wouldn't tell you if I had.
Total news blackout till
you meet at the altar!
When the world in
which you're living
Gets a bit too much to bear
And you need someone to lean on
When you look
there's no-one there
You're gonna find me
Out in the country
You're gonna find me
Way out in the country
Where the air is good
And the day is fine
And a pretty girl
has her hand in mine
And the silver stream
is a poor man's wine ♪
There's no need to worry.
It's all above board.
I only want a little table.
Little surprise I'm to
lay on for the family.
Look, I tell you what.
You'd better put it round the
back behind the marquee.
Don't worry, there'll be
a few quid in it for you.
This way, Mr. Ventress.
It won't be a stylish marriage
He can't afford a carriage
Ashfordly Police.
Oh, morning, sir.
What? Now, sir?
I'm just coming to the end of my
shift, and then it's Rowan's we
I understand, sir.
Half an hour then, sir.
(SIGHS) Now what?
- Oh, it's wonderful.
- Yes.
Mrs. Ventress is very
good with her hands.
The only thing I'm not
sure about is the colour.
I mean, is this navy
the same as this?
What do you think, Maggie?
Funny things, weddings.
They certainly can be.
This one's going to be wonderful.
Mr. Weston's done
them proud, hasn't he?
He certainly has.
Ready, Maggie.
There's been an accident.
Excuse me, sir.
Ah, Sergeant Blaketon.
Good of you to come.
I thought it only fair to
see you straightaway
given the circumstances.
Sit down.
Thank you, sir.
Send in Sergeant Blaketon's
personal file, Ann, please.
Just try and tell me what happened.
But I can't.
It's definitely on this road?
- Yes.
- Are you sure we haven't gone past it?
It's here.
It's down there.
I don't like doing things
like this over the telephone.
That's why I asked you to come in.
Well, if it's about the
monthly crime reports, sir
No, it's not. No. No.
Look, there's no point in beating
about the bush, is there, Blaketon?
No, sir.
Particularly with someone
who's been with us for
Wel, now let me see
25 years, sir.
25 years.
Yes. Yes, indeed,
that's a long time.
So, I'll come straight to the point.
What exactly are we
talking about, sir?
Is it my extension of service?
Yes it's about your medical.
Not good news, I'm afraid.
Looks like we're going
to have to let you go.
Let me go?
Not allow the extra year
in a nutshell
your health's not up to it.
My health's perfect.
That's not what it says here.
What does it say there?
There's nowt wrong with me.
Bit of a dicky ticker.
A dicky ticker?
Oh, my God.
What have I done?
Over here!
It's my leg.
It's okay. It's alright.
We'll get help as quickly as we can.
- I'm sorry, Ray. I'm sorry.
- Keep her away from me!
- I didn't mean it!
- I won't ask what all this is about.
The important thing
is to get some help.
Oh Ray, please! I can't bear it.
Will you go and wait
in my car, please.
It's all over years ago, Gwen!
Only you're too thick to see it!
- It's all right. It's all right, sir.
I'll just try and make you a
bit more comfortable, okay?
Don't Throw Your Love Away
No, no, no, no
Don't throw your love away
For you might need it some day
Don't throw your dreams away
No, no, no, no ♪
Will your wife have phoned for help?
Well, she's not my wife.
Whoever she is.
Will she phone for an ambulance?
You must be joking.
She just tried to kill me!
Why do you think I'm lying
here with a busted leg?
She drove the car straight at me!
I'll have to go out to the road and
try and flag someone down.
- No, don't leave me.
- I'll have to.
She might come back.
You need a doctor and I need
to get back out there, please.
I'm getting married in
less than two hours time.
'I thought it only fair to
see you straightaway,
given the circumstances.'
'Not allow the extra year'
JET HARRIS: Main Title
Here you are, Brian.
Gloria. Maureen.
Oh, I'll do yours, Grandad.
You'll only hurt yourself.
Here comes the good old best man.
Maureen, give him his carnation.
And that last one is for Nick.
- Where is he?
- She sent him off out of it.
Told him to go for a spin,
clear his head.
Without you lot bawling
and screaming at him.
Ain't he back yet, Bri?
- Dunno. I ain't seen him.
- Right. We all ready?
Come on, everybody.
We're off down the pub.
Get out of your way, darling.
Here Glor, you'll never
walk in them shoes.
See you at the altar, Phil.
Oh. And I want that boy of
mine looking a million dollars.
When Nick asked me
to be his best man,
I said,
'Not if I have to make a speech!'
NOT if I have to make a
When Nick asked me to
be his best man, I said,
'Not if I have to make a speech!'
Ladies and gentlemen
JET HARRIS: Main Title
- This time tomorrow you'll be there.
- Wherever 'there' is.
Your secret destination.
I just hope I packed the right things.
'Summer clothes and a
swimming costume', he said.
That could mean anywhere,
couldn't it?!
- You don't know, do you?
- I might.
Is it Cornwall?
My lips are sealed.
You don't mind all this,
do you, Maggie?
The wedding and everything.
I hope it doesn't rub
salt on your wound.
Why ever should it?
I don't know. What with your
ex turning up and all that.
I'm not going to let
him spoil my day.
I'm determined to enjoy myself.
Good. So am I.
Mr. Rowan, what's up?
Ladies and gentlemen
When Nick asked me to be
Is that as far as you've got?
The first line?
Shut up.
This is the worst
day of my life, this.
Where's the car?
- I wish I knew.
- What?
He's taken it for a drive.
It's a quarter to one.
Oh, heck!
Oh, what do you mean,
"He's taken it for a drive?"
That's what Mrs Rowan said.
- Where is she?
- At the pub.
Well, you'd best give her a ring
and find out what's going on.
He should be getting into
his glad rags by now.
You're right, you're right,
you're right, you're right!
There we go. Hold on.
There we go, Rube.
How do I look?
- Is it all right?
- I'll say!
Glass of bubbly for
the lady, please.
No sense in waiting for
an ambulance, Mr. Rowan.
I'll take him in myself.
I can do a detour first,
drop you in Aidensfield,
then go straight
on to the hospital.
Well, if you're sure.
I know what would have happened
if I'd been late on my wedding day.
Missus would never
have forgiven me.
Ten to one.
I should do it easily.
- Well?
- No answer.
- So what do we do now?
- I don't know.
Oh, dear.
Phil, it's supposed to be your job
to get him to the church on time.
I know, I know!
Can you believe it?
I'm the best man, and I've
lost the flipping groom!
Once we've done this,
we're gonna get you
in the back of the van
and Mr. Thompson is going
to run you to the hospital.
I've got a board at the back of the van.
We can use that as a stretcher.
Argh! Ah!
What is it?
Terrible pain here.
- In your side?
- Yeah.
It won't be long now.
- I don't like the look of this.
- I'll back the van up.
We'll run him straight to the hospital.
We haven't got time to drop me first.
It's no good, Alf.
No-one's answering.
- Where's Rowan?
- They don't know.
Only I was nearly mown down
by his car half an hour ago
on the top Whitby road.
On the top Whitb
Which way was he going?
- Towards Ashfordly.
- Right.
Bellamy, he weren't driving.
It was a woman.
- A woman?
- What woman?
I don't know what woman.
- So where was Nick?
- That's what I'm trying to find out.
A woman was driving Nick's car
heading towards Ashfordly.
- Right.
- And Nick wasn't in it?
What's going on, sarge?
I don't know, but we've
got to find out smartish.
Now, you stay here in case he turns up.
This is turning into a nightmare.
There we are.
Oh, that's lovely.
Thank you.
- Who is it?
Come in.
Do I look all right?
Oh, we're there.
Won't be long now.
- She could have killed us.
- I'll report it straightaway.
I'm a policeman, Mr. Coombs.
Stay with him, I'll get a doctor.
I don't want it reported!
I'm in casualty.
No, no, I'm alright.
Just come and get me, Phil.
Quick as you can.
You're not phoning
the police, are you?
Mr. Rowan?
Mr. Rowan?!
Can I speak to Mrs. Eileen
Reynolds, please?
Eileen? It's me. Listen.
Can you tell Jo to get to
the church 15 minutes late.
I'll explain later.
I'll see you there. Bye.
Excuse me.
What is all this, Mr. Coombs?
You've got to report it.
- I can't.
- It's GBH at the very least.
I can't report it,
or my wife will find out.
I told Gwen I'd marry her, you see.
I just wanted to make her happy.
She's not very happy now, is she?
No. That's because
she went and spoilt it all.
Got herself a job in Newcastle
wanted to fix a day and everything.
- So you had to come clean?
- Yeah. She went mad.
Drove the car straight at us.
If the wife finds out, I'm done for.
Would you leave us?
I don't want anyone told!
I want to make a report.
It's a stolen vehicle.
Registration number LTR 573.
He's in Ashfordly Hospital.
I'm just going to pick him up.
Okay, sarge?
BACH: Air On A G-string
Morning, ladies. Morning.
Leave them, for goodness sake.
And why you had to bring Alfred
when I expressly told you not to
There's no way I was gonna leave him
for all that time on his own, is there?
- He stinks.
- He does not stink!
He smells better than you and me.
If you must know what smells,
it's the eels.
- Well, leave them then.
- All right.
This is the last time I ask
for your help, Claude.
Definitely the last time.
Promises, promises.
- Excuse me, madam.
- Go away!
I'm looking for Nick Rowan
and you're in his car.
Go away!
- Hello again.
- Hello.
We met last night, remember?
I just found out who you are.
Jo's mum's sister.
And now Jo's a Rowan,
we're all one big happy family.
Westons and Rowans.
I suppose so.
Here, Rube, that's the old cow
had a go about me and my eels.
Shh! Grandad!
She won't tell me what
she's doing in your car.
- How is he?
- He's going to be fine!
Nick. You've got ten minutes.
He's at the hospital. He's got a
broken leg and a ruptured spleen.
- I must go to him.
- You can't.
- I must.
- His wife's with him.
- Nick.
- His wife?
He just phoned her,
she should be there by now.
- Nick, will you please listen?
- There's nothing you can do, Gwen.
He doesn't want to press charges,
don't push it.
Excuse me a minute.
Alf can deal with this.
You've got ten minutes
to get to Aidensfield,
wash, change and get to church.
You don't leave now,
you're gonna miss your own wedding.
So, come on. Go!
Will you be all right, then?
If Ray doesn't report it,
is that the end of it then?
Well, there still have
to be a police enquiry.
So I might still
have to go to court?
Look, I shouldn't worry
about it if I were you.
From what you say,
this man's been lying to you
for ten whole years, hasn't he.
So if I were you, I'd go inside,
and make yourself a nice cup of tea
and thank your lucky stars
that you're shot of him.
- Will you do that, then?
- Yeah.
Put this on.
Yes, I've got it. Leave the comb.
That's it. Put your hand in.
I've got it in the jacket.
Get my tie.
You've got my tie.
You have got the tie!
Come on, Dad. Stop worrying.
I don't understand why Nick
asked us to be late. That's all.
It's going to be alright.
And you'd better
start trusting him
cos he's about to
become your son-in-law.
- You look
- Radiant?
Isn't that what a
bride's supposed to be?
And you are.
- If only your mother could see you.
- I know.
She would have loved today.
I hope so.
She'd have come round, you know.
Dad, you don't have
to say these things.
I know what Mum was like.
She was ill those last few weeks.
If she'd had time to get
to know Nick properly
Good luck, darling.
A long and
happy life together.
Oh, I feel a right idiot, Eileen.
Talk about mutton dressed as lamb.
Don't be silly, you look lovely.
Matron of honour, indeed!
Are you all right, Maggie?
- Only you seem a bit
- What?
I don't know.
Not quite your usual self.
Something bothering you?
Well, sort of, but
Oh, it's not really the
time or the place.
My husband's come
to live in Ashfordly.
He's got a job at the hospital,
would you believe.
He did very kindly come
and ask me if I minded.
Do you?
Here comes Daddy!
Only you and Jo know.
Don't say anything.
Excuse me, ladies. Katie.
Come on, Nick.
- Where have you been?!
- Oh, Nick!
Look at you!
You look like a princess!
I'll see you in a minute.
Shake hands and look
directly into the camera.
Great. Thank you.
Oi! I told you before!
Here Comes The Bride
Dearly beloved, we are gathered
here in the sight of God
and in the face of
this congregation,
to join together this man and
this woman in holy matrimony,
which is an honourable estate,
instituted of God Himself,
signifying unto us
the mystical union
that is betwixt Christ
and His Church,
which holy estate
The Air That I Breathe
If I could make a wish
I'd think I pass
Can't think of anything I need
- To have and to hold.
- To have and to hold.
- From this day forward.
- From this day forward.
- For better, for worse.
- For better, for worse.
- For richer, for poorer.
- For richer, for poorer.
- In sickness and in health.
- In sickness and in health.
- To love and to cherish.
- To love and to cherish.
- Till death us do part.
- Till death us do part.
- I, Joanna, take thee, Nicholas.
- I, Joanna, take thee, Nicholas.
- To my wedded husband.
- To my wedded husband.
- To have and to hold.
- To have and to hold.
- From this day forward.
- From this day forward.
- To love and to cherish.
- To love and to cherish.
Peace came upon me
and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel
Go to sleep
I declare by giving
and receiving of the ring
and by joining of hands.
I pronounce that they be
man and wife together.
In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
MENDELSSOHN: Wedding March
Bride and groom, please.
Best man and bridesmaids.
Welcome to the family, darling!
I had to go to Whitby
this morning, Alf,
to see the Superintendent.
Did you, sarge?
What was all that about?
Oh, nothing much.
Just a general chat.
Oh, one thing he did say though,
we're about to get a new constable.
A new constable?
- In Ashfordly?
- Apparently.
Could you move to
one side, please, sir?
I'm trying to get a family group.
Love letters, Mrs. Coombs.
Your precious Ray's love letters.
Have a good read.
And you can have this back and all.
Because I wouldn't marry you now,
not if you went down
on your bended knee!
Madam, please! Come on!
I hope you rot in hell, Ray!
Well done! Marvellous!
- Cheers to you both!
- Cheers!
Here's to us.
Here's to us. And may we have
A long life and happiness?
- fun!
- Love!
- Adventures!
- And lots of babies!
Hey, I haven't
decided on that yet!
Excuse me!
Darling, how are you?
Thank you very much.
Ruby, it's nice to see you.
What I can't understand is
why a gorgeous girl like you
- Get off, Brian!
- doing in a place like this.
Getting away from
horrible men like you.
That looks disgusting.
Ah, Mr. Weston.
Shilling a portion, sir.
Salt and vinegar free.
There you are.
Thank you very much, sir.
Very kind.
Ladies and
Ladies and gentlemen
when Nick Go away.
Guess what I've just heard.
We're getting a new
constable at Ashfordly.
And not just while Nick's away.
From what Blaketon said,
it's permanent.
Permanent? We don't need
anybody permanent, do we?
That's what I said.
We're all right as we are.
- Young man, speeches!
- Right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
would you be kind enough
to resume your seats now?
Cause we're about to
have the pleasure of
hearing a brilliant speech
from the best man.
Ladies and gentlemen
When Nick first asked
me to be his best man,
I said,
- I said
- Oh, get on with it!
'Not if I have to make a speech!'
Hang on.
Tell them a funny story.
We can't usually shut him up.
It's that rhubard wine,
it's pickled his brain!
Look, all I really want to say is
I've known Nick ever since
he first came to Yorkshire.
And he's been the best village
constable we could have had.
Best mate I ever had.
We've been through
some times together.
Good, bad and indifferent.
Sometimes a bit sad.
But then Jo arrived
in the village and
and I knew everything
was going to be alright.
I don't have to tell any of you
what a great lass she is.
Her and Nick hit it off at once.
We could see they were
made for each other.
And being a schoolmarm,
she'll keep Nick in order.
- And being a sergeant
- Almost!
he'll keep her on the
straight and narrow.
So uh
what could be better?
Well, it gives me great pleasure
to propose a toast to
To the lovely, lovely bridesmaids.
- If you'd all raise your glasses
To the bridesmaids.
ALL: The bridesmaids!
What's going on?
I haven't even done
the telegrams yet.
Hang on, hang on, hang on!
That is my money.
- You've got to be joking.
- And them was my eels.
Yeah, they was.
But you didn't want them, did you,
so you gave them to me.
Yeah, to get rid of,
not to sell to my own family!
You never said owt about that
when you gave me 'em.
I don't care.
That's my money and I want it.
Well, you're not getting it.
What on?
Ugh, how dare you?!
I distinctly told you
not to bring these eels.
It was him!
Why don't you get back
in the Moss Bros window.
Right, okay. Come on, outside.
What are you talking about?
We are outside!
Grandad! Stop showing us up.
If you don't stop this,
I shall ring the police.
I am the police. I'll handle this.
Right, you two, leave now
and don't come back.
You're barred.
Something special.
Oh, Dad!
- It was Mum's.
- She wanted you to have it.
Now, that's lovely, that is.
Look after her for me.
I'll try.
Time, Nick. You don't want
to be late all over again.
Late for what?
Come on, Phil. You can tell me now.
(Thanks, mate.)
I think, Graham, dear,
you've probably had enough.
Put on your dancing shoes
And dance away your blues ♪
All the takers of
my old fried fish
You can have a little,
if you wish
You can have it
on a plate or dish
Or on a little bit of pie ♪
Ah, Mr. Weston,
thank you very much.
May I join you?
You haven't been barred and all,
have you?
I'm not allowed to drink at
my own daughter's wedding.
It's that old cow again, is it?
I'm afraid so.
Don't worry about it, Mr. Weston.
Get your chatting gear round that.
Your very good health.
Sweets for my sweet
Sugar for my honey
Your first sweet kiss
Thrilled me so
Sweets for my sweet
Sugar for my honey
I'll never ever let you go
- Manchester Airport?
- Yeah!
I can't go abroad.
I haven't got a passport.
I've put you on mine.
Will you please tell me
where we're going?!
This car has been reported
as a stolen vehicle.
Can I see your driving licence?
- Torremolinos.
- Oh, Nick!
I'm sorry. In all the confusion,
I forgot to tell HQ that
I'd found it already.
That is wonderful!
He's a ruddy copper!
I do love you.
If you wanted a king
to keep you smiling
I'd tell the sandmen
you were blue
And I'd ask him to
keep that sand a-piling
Until your dreams
had all come true
Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?
Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪
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