Hobitit (1993) s01e09 Episode Script


1 Part IX Liberation The Shelob got it.
You filth! Master Frodo! It's Sam! Don't leave me alone! Don't go where I can't follow He is dead.
Not asleep but dead.
What do I do now? What do I do now?? I have to finish the job.
Do you understand? I have to take the Ring and go to Mount Doom alone.
Why am I left here to make decisions? Why not at least good old Gandalf or someone else? I'm bound to screw everything up.
I'm not fit at all! But then again neither was Frodo.
Nor Bilbo.
They didn't choose themselves I do have to take it.
Please forgive Sam.
When the deed is done he will come back here.
And after that he won't leave you.
There's something here! A spy! A spy! Don't touch, it's Shelob's prey.
It's just a corpse.
Let's fry it.
A corpse? Gimme a break! You should be the one to get fried! Shelob has merely poisoned it, and will soon return for dinner.
This maggot is gonna wake up soon enough.
Whaddya say if we sneak outta here with some other mates? I'm getting tired of this warfare.
Yeah! Just like old times! No big bosses around! Let's get outta here! Let's sell these in Umbar and get rich! You're alive! Am I dreaming? This is no dream but absolutely real! I'm here! Can you walk? Yes, I can.
I'm just so tired and in pain.
Sam! They have taken it! Everything I had! Do you understand? Everything.
Not quite, master.
I took it.
I have it! You're not allowed to keep it.
It's mine.
Give it to me! You thief! Wants it WANTS IT! Master! This Mordor You're going to find out that it's damn dangerous and heavy to carry.
Wants it This is going nowhere.
I'm exhausted and there's no hope.
I can't go on I can't recall the taste of food Nor the sound of water Nor the sound of wind I have no memory of trees grass nor flowers.
Sam I'm thirsty Master, wake up.
The sooner we get rid of it, the sooner we get to rest.
Wake up now, master! I can't carry it for you but I can carry you both at the same time.
Sam I can't go on Let me carry it for just a moment! Don't touch me! You hear? DON'T TOUCH ME! Mine Not there Not to the mountain Musn't hurt the precious! Give it to me Master! Keep going forward! I'll take care of this! KEEP GOING! All right! ALL RIGHT! Alone at last! Don't kill us! Let us live for just a bit longer! We're all gonna die if the Ring goes Okay, then Get lost you cruel stinky.
GET LOST! Before I change my mind! No! Not the Ring to the mountain Master! Watch out! Behind you! I have come.
But now I won't do that what I came here to do.
This deed I will NOT do! THE RING IS MINE! MINE! PRECIOUS! Frodo! Preeecious PRECIOUS! OUR PRECIOUS! What a terrible nightmare.
So it wasn't a dream I wonder where we are? In the realm of Gondor.
In Minas Tirith, in the care of the king.
He is waiting for you.
Well, master Samwise? How are you feeling? Gandalf? I thought you were dead! Then again, I guess I thought I was a bit dead too What has happened in the world? A great shadow is gone.
How are we feeling, you ask? It feels a bit like It feels It feels like I remember the spring after a long winter.
And the sun.
And leaves, and horns and harps and all the damn songs I've ever heard in my life.
How's Frodo? It was terrible, what happened to his finger, but surely he's otherwise OK? Otherwise I'm just fine, yes.
I fell asleep again, while waiting for you to wake up.
You sleepyhead.
Well, I guess it's midday already.
Day? What day? The 8th of March, according to the Shire calendar.
But from now on this will be the new year in Gondor.
Ever since the 25th of April when Sauron was defeated .
and you two were brought through the flames here to the king.
King? What king? The king of Gondor, and lord of the West.
He has returned.
Aragorn, son or Arathorn, the heir of Isildur, has returned, and taken back all the lost provinces.
You mean Strider! - Yes Sam.
He's going to be crowned soon, and he's waiting for you.
Master Merry and master Pippin! Oh, dear.
It'll probably take weeks for any of us to understand a damn thing about all this! Definitely.
And then we have to lock Frodo up in a tower to write it all down.
Otherwise he will forget half of it, and then Bilbo will be sorely disappointed.
And so was Aragorn crowned king of Gondor.
And during his time the city was made more beautiful than it had ever been.
We rested for many weeks in the city until we headed home.
And so our Fellowship arrived one rainy evening in the town of Bree, and the Prancing Pony Inn.
There we heard from Barliman Butterbur that something was wrong in the Shire.
So we said goodbye to him, and proceeded towards the Shire.
I wonder what the good old Barliman was talking about We should have returned sooner.
In any case, the Sackville-Bagginses are behind it, that's for sure.
Behind, yes, but not the most.
You have forgotten about Saruman.
He got interested in the Shire before Mordor did.
Well, you're with us now so I bet things will be solved quite easily.
I won't be coming to the Shire.
You must solve your problems yourselves.
That's what you've been trained for now.
Do you still not understand? My time is over.
And you don't seem to need any help anymore.
You have fully grown up, to be among the greats.
Goodbye, my friends.
Here we are again.
The same four, when we set off.
Everything is like a dream, that slowly begins to fade.
Not for me.
I feel like this is the beginning of a new dream.
At night we arrived at the gate of Brandywine river.
ENTRY FORBIDDEN BETWEEN SUNSET AND DAWN There was a spiky fence on both sides of it.
Behind the fence we saw houses two stories high.
They were gloomy, and had dim lights.
'Entry forbidden' - Forbidden?! Open the door! Who is it? Get lost! You can't come here.
Can't you read? If Hobbits of the Shire are forbidden to enter on such a terrible night then I'll rip the damn sign.
What is the meaning of this? Blimey! Master Merry, and armed to the teeth.
They say that you were dead.
It's so nice to see you again.
Then stop staring stupidly, and open the gate.
You mustn't shout I'm sorry, master Merry, but we have our orders.
- Whose orders? The leader of the Bag-End.
The leader of the Bag-End? You mean Lotho Sackville-Baggins? I guess so.
But we must only say 'the leader'.
You must, huh? I think it's about time for someone to stand up to him! You mustn't say that.
You'll wake up the big man What's happening here? - Oh no! Are you guys trying to break through the gate? Get lost or I'll break those little necks of yours.
I'll squeeze some steel under your skin if you don't open this gate now! Open the gate.
So much for your 'big man'.
Later we'll settle things with 'the leader' Sackville-Baggins.
What has happened here? Has it been a bad year, or what? Yeah! This year has been alright.
But there are those collectors and sharers And they collect much more than they share and we only get a small amount.
Shut up, Hob! You know you're not allowed to speak of such things If the leader finds out, we'll all be in trouble! He wouldn't hear anything, if some of you weren't spies! Silence! - Spies! NEVER MIND! I don't want to hear any more! No welcome and no pipe-weed! But plenty of rules, and orc-like attitudes instead! I thought we could finally rest here but instead, I find only more mischief and work to do! Merry blew the horn of Rohan, and the sign of Buckland was heard.
And soon, the whole village was wide awake.
At least a hundred sturdy Hobbits, armed with axes, rakes, hammers, hunting bows, and even more people were coming in from nearby farms.
The villagers had lit the torches just for fun, and because the leader had forbidden it.
According to Merry's instructions, roadblocks were built on both ends of the village.
When the guards came to the lower blocks, and saw what was happening, they took the feathers off their hats, and most of them joined the rebellion.
And the rest ran away.
But Frodo never really recovered.
And one evening his time had come.
Where are you going? To the harbour, Sam.
Can I come with you? No, you can't.
At least, not yet.
But You too were the Ringbearer.
Even though for just a little while.
Your turn will come too, some day.
Don't be sad, Sam.
You can't always be between two.
You have to become one and a whole, for many years to come.
Go, Sam.
I won't say, "don't cry", because not all tears are evil.
To the Sea, to the Sea The white gulls are crying The wind is blowing And the white foam is flying West, west away The round sun is falling Grey ship, grey ship Do you hear them calling The voices of my people That have gone before me I will leave, I will leave The woods that bore me For our days are ending And our years failing I will pass the wide waters Lonely sailing Long are the waves on the Last Shore falling Sweet are the voices in the Lost Island calling Jounin Ensio & Spiny Norman
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