Homicide: Life on the Street s03e01 Episode Script

Nearer My God to Thee

'This is better than my dream and my dream was pretty good.
'I couldn't stand being away from you.
'I hope you won't regret it cos it's hotter than Hades in here.
'The hotter the better.
' Oh, jeez.
That's disgusting.
Yeah, I'll have a fresh pot ready in a jiffy, big man.
No, no, that's disgusting.
It's gratuitous.
Gratuitous sex is disgusting.
There's no such thing as gratuitous sex.
Gratuitous violence, yes, all violence is gratuitous, but sex cannot and will not ever be gratuitous.
- They make 'em do that.
- Who makes who do what? The network make the writers and producers add sex.
I thought the networks were making the producers take the sex out.
The producers and the writers put all that sex in there, - then the network cuts it out.
- No, that's nudity.
The network takes out the nudity but they add sex.
How can you have sex without nudity? Well, big man, use your imagination.
OK, I know that you can have sex without nudity, I know that, but if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather be naked? See that, I mean, look at that, is that real? Come on.
It's TV, it's not supposed to be real.
'Besides, from what I've seen you're already back to your old self.
' Hey, hey, can you switch that channel off? All they got on the air is sitcoms and news magazines.
Now, yes, but soon, very soon, there's gonna be 500 channels.
Besides the sports channel and the weather channel, there'll be the ballet channel, the dog food channel.
There won't be any books or newspapers, no telephones.
We'll only be able to communicate with email and QVC, We'll all be interactive.
All you need to see and hear, you'll see and hear without having to rise from your Sealy posturepaedic.
I'm talking about high definition, I'm talking about virtual reality, I'm talking about living in the fast lane of the electronic information superhighway.
Better get ready, cos it's coming.
I gotta make a call.
I wish they'd bring back Hawaii Five-0.
Does this look like misty pearl to you? Wasn't Misty Pearl on ER - wore a hat with tags in it? No, this shade of pink.
I finally get the department to paint my office - they let me choose the shade.
Does this look like the sample? nights instead of misty pearl.
- Am I right? - You're right, Colonel.
That is not this, but my eyes could be playing tricks.
- I haven't slept in 24 hours.
- Sorry to get you outta bed.
I didn't make it to bed.
I was almost in bed.
I could see my bed when you called.
Remember the Civic Awards Luncheon last Thursday? Sure.
The mayor handed out awards and medals and smiled for the camera.
The city's highest honour, Samaritan of the Year, went to Katherine Goodrich, who founded the women's emergency services shelter.
You referred to her in past tense.
Her body was discovered in a dumpster behind St Stanislavs around midnight.
- She was naked.
- Sex crime? We don't know yet.
All she had on was a pair of white cotton gloves.
- White cotton gloves? - Samaritan of the Year award symbolises everything that's good about this city and its people.
This woman's murder symbolises everything that's wrong.
Frigging 60 Minutes did a piece on her last year - basically said she walked on water.
Al, we're in a position.
The only advantage we have is the press knows nothing.
For the moment.
The other shift commander is wet behind the ears.
Lieutenant Russert is anything but that.
- This will be volatile.
- Politically volatile.
- We're concerned.
The lieutenant is - A woman.
Inexperienced! She's only been commander a week.
Have you told her I'll be checking on her work? We thought it'd be better coming from a colleague.
An equal! Find out if Katherine Goodrich wore white gloves every day.
- What makes you think she didn't? - I'm not saying that, but most 30-year-old women never wear cotton gloves.
Was she going to or coming from somewhere special? The big question is why'd the murderer strip her but leave the gloves on? Hi, Al.
What you doing back here? Me? I, er forgot something.
- What? - Um a thing.
A thing? What kind of a thing? It's my favourite thing.
, I left it right here on my desk.
- Where? - Jeez! - It was there when I left.
- Nice try, Al.
The bosses don't think I can handle a red ball.
They sent you to help me.
They think you'll screw it up.
You won't, good night.
Al, wait, I'm not proud, I could use some help.
Tambelli's on his honeymoon, Almera's out with the flu, Walker's in rehab.
I'm short-handed and three hours into this murder, I have nothing.
Nothing isn't good.
She didn't have identification.
We lost two hours ID'ing the body.
So where are we? Sweeping the area for anyone who might be out - janitors, street cleaners, bums asleep in doorways.
- How did we get the report? - Anonymous call.
On the tape there's some sort of electronic scratch - it could be the murderer disguising his voice.
The phone company is running down all calls made from public phones at the time the call came in and I'm waiting for the ME's report, if I can get an ME to come in at this hour.
I'll round up my guys.
I'll need a phone.
Come on what's mine is yours.
Where the hell did you go? Lying in bed channel surfing myself into a deep sleep and your wife calls looking for you.
- Beth called you tonight? - Yeah.
She said you told her we were working a case.
What did you tell her? I told her you were washing up after some great sex.
You told her that? I covered for you.
What else would I do? Newt time you use me as an alibi, tell me first.
Even the stupidest sleazeball suspect knows that.
She threw me out of the house.
Beth? - When? - Last week.
Last week! You're only just telling me now, your partner? I shoulda guessed - you're on three packs again.
Two years of marriage counselling, three therapists and she still tossed me out.
Oh, yeah, she, little Beth Felton, all 105lbs of her tossed you, Beau Felton, master of his domain and avid Refrigerator Perry fan out of his own house? I couldn't fight in front of the kids any more.
Little kids shouldn't have to listen to that - the anger.
Now she won't let me in the house to visit them and that's killing me.
Where are you staying - one of your brothers? - With a friend.
- Male or female? Dad always said don't jump ship without a lifeboat.
That's what I love about men! You turn around, mope and whimper and beg, and a few minutes later, you're snorkelling with a stranger.
Waking in the middle of the night, my body clock is a mess.
Yeah, it's a sad thing when a man's life is shattered, by the ringing of the telephone and the voice of his lieutenant.
Now we gotta deal with those bozos on the other shift.
Yeah, never seen a sorrier bunch.
Eh what have you heard about this Russert woman that's running things? I dunno.
I heard she's pretty good.
I hate coming in with the other shift.
It's like one thing to know that they're sitting at your desk and they got your stuff out all over the place.
Gaffney couldn't follow a lead if it wrapped itself round his ankles and dragged him to his knees.
- Sad but true.
- Yeah.
Have you ever had a conversation with Stopolopolis? Yep.
Still life of an ice cube with a tongue.
Us and our shadows.
And one more dead soul who, like us, should've been home in bed tonight.
- She'll go down.
- She won't go down.
- This is no time for you to blink - Ssh.
- Guys.
- Hey, Timmy.
Hey, Meldrick, where's Crosetti? The guy owes me ten bucks.
Left this morning, Atlantic City, dream vacation - shots, slots, sluts.
- What were you guys talking about.
- Who? You two.
What were you talking about? - When? - Just now.
- Us? - Yeah.
- Nothing.
- I saw you.
You were having a conversation then I walked in and you shut up.
Now, if I was more paranoid, less secure about myself as a human being, - I'd think you were talking about me.
- Well, we weren't.
What were you talking about? Lewis and I are negotiating to buy a bar.
- The Waterfront, across the street.
- The owner won't come down in price.
She wants 205 but we can't afford 205, we'll pay 180.
- Says who? - Says me.
Can't afford 205 or we'd have to take on another partner.
We don't want another partner.
So that's what we were talking about.
You guys think I'm a jerk, don't you? Hmm? You think that I'm this naive rookie.
Listen, if you wanna talk about me behind my back, that's fine, you go right ahead, but when I ask you to cop to it, please don't give me some lame story, all right? Buying a bar? Yeah, right! Don't insult my intelligence, OK.
Just do me that favour, all right? - Gaffney, could you do me a favour? - What? Is it possible for you to remember to drop the chair down when you leave? Why? First thing I do every day when I come in is slam my knees against the drawers.
- Sure, I'll try to remember that.
- OK, thank you.
In fact, I'm gonna bring you some armoire oil and polish this up nice and pretty.
Maybe even some fresh cut flowers in the pencil holder, huh? OK, everybody, here's the deal.
Katherine Goodrich, 30-years-old, Cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head but she was also strangled.
Sexual assault? - Suspected but not confirmed.
- What about the crime scene? Due to the absence of other physical evidence, Roger, who is the primary, thinks the victim was murdered elsewhere and put in the dumpster.
She was found naked except for cotton gloves, white.
What gloves does Michael Jackson wear? - Silver and he only wears one.
- Maybe Tito tried to frame his brother.
That family is capable of anything.
You guys are here to assist Lieutenant Russert's shift any way you can, Munch.
- We need someone to DMV her.
- Munch and I can do that.
- What about her apartment? - It's being dusted.
Frank, could you and your partner Where's your partner? - I'm sorry, what's your name? - Tim Bayliss.
Tim, could you go down to the women's shelter Goodrich ran, talk to co-workers, some of the women she helped? Sure.
All right, please, everyone keep in mind that Goodrich was, last Thursday, deified by the mayor and the city council, which means when the media gets hold of this, they will eat this up.
We don't need that.
We need to close this case.
So, do not talk to the press, talk to each other and often, OK? She's banging the commissioner's brother.
It's a fact.
It's easy to get to the top if you bang the commissioner's bro.
She's banging her way to the top, as you so poetically put it? Absolutely.
No offence, Howard, but how did she get to be shift commander unless she's porking the commissioner's brother? Maybe she's porking the commissioner himself.
Could be.
Maybe she's shift commander cos in narcotics she got a citation for busting massage parlours that were washing dope money.
- She went undercover.
- Under the covers.
She couldn't carry Lieutenant Sintha's jockstrap.
Or fill it.
Sintha was no brain trust.
He was promoted because he was Italian - when Italians ran the department.
- Sintha was a good cop.
Did he graduate third from the naval academy like Russert, huh? Did he work in intelligence like Russert? Sure as hell doesn't smell as good as Russert.
Gaffney, why don't you call Baltimore Gas and Electric, see if and crews in the area saw something? Hey, Pembleton, go do your interviews, I got that under control here.
- Kay, it's for you, line three.
- Thanks.
Detective Howard.
- It's your wife.
- So? - Talk to her.
- She didn't call me.
Hey, Beth, how are you? Oh, oh, jeez! - Sister Magdalena? - Yes.
I'm Detective Pembleton, this is Bayliss.
We're investigating Katherine's murder.
The shelter said you were here.
I'm waiting for Father Obrowski, last rites.
You and Katherine ran the shelter together? Yes, six years.
Her body, I had to identify it.
I said "Yes, that's Katherine" but it wasn't.
It wasn't, are you sure about that? The light has gone.
Her soul.
Her body's just an empty vessel.
You were taught by the Jesuits, I'll bet.
Give me a boy until he's seven, and I will give you the man.
How did Katherine get home from work? The bus.
Sometimes we went to the bus stop together.
But not tonight? You treat battered women.
You rescue them from their husbands, boyfriends? We don't rescue them.
They come to us.
We give them a safe house.
You hide them so these same husbands and boyfriends cant find them? That's right.
- Do these men look for their wives? - Sometimes.
Recently? Three days ago, a woman called from an emergency room.
She'd been beaten and raped by her boyfriend.
Katherine went over to the hospital.
The boyfriend was already there.
Katherine faced him down, got the woman away.
- He he threatened Katherine.
- What's his name? Do you know his name? Excuse me No, I don't.
Do you know her name, the girlfriend's name? Katherine was handling the case so I don't know the woman's name.
But you can find out, can't you? Detective, the women who come to us for help are promised confidentiality, anonymity.
I can't betray that trust.
- Even to solve your friend's murder? - Not even for that.
Sister, did Katherine have a boyfriend? She dated, but no one regular.
Did she date a lot? Um did she have dates? Are you trying to ask me if Katherine was promiscuous? Oh, ah no.
In my opinion, Katherine could've used a little more sex in her life.
No, detective, she was not promiscuous.
Did she always wear white gloves? White gloves? Katherine never wore white gloves.
She would've thought it ridiculous.
Here's Father Obrowski, I'm sorry.
OK, we may need to talk to you again.
Do you believe in God, Frank? Look at the evidence.
This murder is proof that evil exists.
If evil exists then surely God must exist.
- Really? - Mm-hm.
Oh, where the hell was Mr God when Katherine Goodrich needed him? Why doesn't he rescue her or Adena Watson? Death is supposed to be an eternity in heaven - something not to be feared, something to be anticipated and embraced.
Well, that's an answer.
Do you believe that? No, I wear a bullet-proof vest, don't I? No, sir, nobody's implying anything.
We need to know the last time you talked to, saw or dated Miss Goodrich.
Goodrich's last address, Her last address was a dumpster.
- I'm out of correct tape.
- Higby, let me type the report.
You'd show me up in front of my own shift? You'd type faster with your elbows.
- I'm taking a class.
- What, a dance class? Typing.
I'm taking a typing class, OK? What's newt? Goodrich arrived at the shelter at 3:30pm.
- All right.
- That's 3, dot, dot This is Detective Beau Felton, Baltimore city police.
Yes, ma'am, I realise it's late, I'm sorry about that.
The reason I'm calling is You were colleagues with Katherine Goodrich at the Sasha Bruce house in DC? Ma'am, I'm sorry to have to be the one tell you this, but Katherine's been murdered.
This Goodrich may have been a saint but she had terrible parking habits.
She even got the boot last month.
She had to pay 300 bucks in back fines.
Jesus let a whore wash his feet.
- Yeah, so? - So, it didn't make him a bad guy.
Depends on whether or not the whore charged him for it.
You think that some disgruntled guy in parking enforcement got fed up with the lawless attitude of the general public, so he made an example of her? Possibly.
That is a workable theory.
Have you been smoking the dope in the evidence room again? Stan, have I told you Meldrick and I are buying a bar? Yes, you've mentioned it, about every five minutes for the past week.
It's because I trust your opinion.
I bow to you wisdom, your experience, your age.
It sounds like a good investment to me, but what do I know, I'm a cop.
You're a cop who sees how much we dribble away, eating and drinking in other people's restaurants.
You're a cop who's popular with other cops.
And those other cops would flock to any bar you were associated with.
You lost me there somewhere.
Meldrick and I respect and admire you so much, we've decided to give you a small piece of our new place.
- Give? - Sell.
Forget it.
For 25 thou we can be partners in a no lose situation, - a money-making bonanza.
- She wouldn't come down on the price? No, but it doesn't matter, we wanted to share our good fortune.
I don't wanna own a bar.
Every ewtra dollar I've got goes to pay my alimony.
You must have some money in the bank.
Insurance? What about your pension? I'm this close to collecting that pension.
I ain't gonna touch that pension.
Why don't you come over and look at the joint? Once you see its potential, - you'll change your mind.
- We got a red ball here.
- We got work to do.
- We can work while we're noshing.
Hey, Lewis.
Stan! Guess what, Stan, I'm picking up the cheque.
And I got the tip.
- How'd it go? - Barnfather was there, Colonel Granger, what's her name, head of the public information office, plus the mayor's PR guy and his chief of staff.
The doctors of spin.
The pastor from St Stanislavs, two monsignors from the archdiocese and their PR guru.
And what did all these great minds conclude? That we should pre-empt the media and announce Goodrich's murder.
I told them to announce nothing until we have something.
- And they said? - Get something.
So the ball's back in our court.
Oh! The clock is ticking and we've got no more time-outs.
Come in, Felton.
This may be zip but I talked to a woman who worked with Goodrich in DC.
They counselled runaways.
One of the boys in the home developed a crush on Goodrich, Jimmy Newer.
She tried to back out of it gently, the kid freaked, left the home and got arrested.
- Is he in jail now? - That's the thing.
I checked with DC police.
He was sprung from Larson two weeks ago.
- Got a description? - It's on the wire, Gee.
- Good, Beau.
- Thanks.
Guys, can I get your attention for just a minute Hold on, all right? Beau, you better take this.
- Who is it, Kay? - It's your son.
- What's he doing up this late? - He's crying.
He misses you.
Hey, Zack.
What you doing up so late, tiger? Don't cry, Zack.
I miss you too.
If Goodrich never wore white gloves, that means the killer put the gloves on her after he'd stripped her naked and dumped her body in the churchyard.
I wonder if the churchyard was deliberate or accidental.
What do you think? You think he took her to the churchyard on purpose or just threw her in the first dumpster he saw? She was a good catholic, found behind a catholic church.
Seems like more than coincidence to me.
- What religion were you raised? - You know, I was a mutt.
A what? A mutt.
My mother was a Methodist, my father believed in the Colts.
I was baptised by the Presbyterians, confirmed by the Episcopalians and I had a girlfriend who was a knockout in college, she was Unitarian, so, you know, I joined.
How about you, Frank, are you still a catholic? You know how the Jews have Orthodox, Conservative and Reform? Well, there are two kinds of Catholics - devout and fallen.
I fell.
What is this, Frank, this whole three hour mass thing? What do you mean? I went to a wedding and by the time I got up to take the host, I had to ask for two, I was starving.
You're not catholic and you took communion? - Yeah, is that wrong? - If my god wins, you're screwed.
Beau, does Beth ever sleep? She called me four times.
She wants to know if you're taking your vitamins, if getting enough sleep, who you're sleeping with.
I didn't marry her, she didn't throw me out, - would you please just call her.
- And say what? That you're OK, that you're not gonna kill yourself.
If she doesn't stop calling, I am gonna kill myself.
She wants me to call and when I do, she starts crying and hangs up on me.
Why don't you tell her to grow up and let me see my kids.
All right.
It's just what I didn't wanna have happen.
You've sucked me into the middle of your domestic sludge.
- You sucked yourself in.
- What did I do? I didn't do anything.
Beth and I were trying to rediscover our romantic roots - retracing the footsteps of our first date, trying to get the juices flowing.
Went to the same restaurant, same bowling alley, same motel.
You went to a motel on your first date? - Yeah.
- She let you do that? She couldn't resist me back then.
We take a bath, we drink some red wine, we get into bed, - and right at the moment of truth - You called my name.
No, you beeped me.
That's why you're saying it's my fault? I'm saying you owe it to me to help me out, cover for me.
I'm waiting for word on Jimmy Newer, the guy Goodrich helped in DC.
- I wanna see if he's in town.
- Where you going? - I've got an errand to run.
- An errand, at this hour? - You delivering milk on the side? - It's important.
Zack! Can I freshen your coffee? Can I get you something else? Sure? Stan, Stan, I would like for you to meet Dawn, our executive chef.
I wouldn't call me a chef.
I'm barely a cook.
- This is very good.
It's excellent.
- We don't usually serve breakfast.
But we can.
We can.
We will.
You see, by serving breakfast, which, as we all know is the most important meal of the day, we'll increase our profit margin tenfold.
I'm not sure.
Lorene served breakfast six months ago, it was a disaster.
That's why she's dumping the place.
We don't wanna keep you from your duties.
It's a question of marketing.
You gotta make the public aware.
Here's my idea.
You know how Kentucky Fried Chicken has Colonel Sanders and Wendy's has that guy, Dave? Well, we're gonna use you.
That's right.
Ads in magazines, TV commercials, billboards.
"A big man deserves a big meal.
" - Where you going? - Back to work.
Have another muffin.
Munch, have you ever seen me at the races, - you ever seen me bet on a nag? - No.
You ever seen me put $2 in the inter-office World Series pool? - No.
- So what makes you think I'm going to risk my pension investing in a bar? What make you think, even if I was gonna invest, - I'd wanna go into business with you? - I There's no chance you're gonna get a penny.
There's no way.
- But - Drop it, Munch.
- You let him get away.
- The bird has flown, man.
- Oh, man.
- Damn! - What are we gonna do now? - We'll have to find another investor.
- Where? Who? - I don't know.
Want half? - What kind is it? - Loganberry.
Nah, I don't eat breakfast.
Yes, colonel, I understand, but No, I just spoke with the medical examiner, he's almost done.
Well, sir, what would you like me to do - go down there and hold the scalpel for him? Well, at least then we'll know whether or not it was a sex crime.
Yes, I know we're releasing a statement in two hours.
Meanwhile, we're in meanwhile.
Yes, sir.
I expected this huge rush making lieutenant.
Commanding a shift, closing big cases, avenging the dead.
All I wanna do is go home and hug my kid.
Boy or girl? Girl.
Caroline, she's six.
You? I have three.
All grown up and not calling enough.
- In the blink of an eye, they say.
- Yeah.
Oh, I wish I'd had more children.
If Caroline's father had stuck around longer, I would have.
- Did he leave you? - Yeah.
He died.
Well, the crime lab didn't find anything on these gloves.
No fingerprints, no hair, no nail shards.
I don't get it.
What's he trying to tell us? What do these white gloves mean? Sister Magdalena won't disclose the woman's name? No.
- Or the lunatic boyfriend's name? - No.
We'll just get a subpoena to open the shelter's files.
If we find out which ER the girl went to, we can trace her through there.
I've been thinking, this angry boyfriend's a dead end.
There's a chance he was aggravated with Goodrich for helping his girlfriend.
This is a crime of perversion, not passion.
No bad boy getting back at his girl will take the time to put white gloves on the victim.
I'm the primary, I say we get a subpoena, Waste of time and money.
Look, hotshot, I intend to pursue every single angle of this case.
You're complicating and confusing things.
I am being thorough.
You're trying to save your ass, you idiot.
You telling me how to do my job, boy? Oh, yeah, come on, come on Hey, hey, trouble in paradise, gentlemen? - He called me idiot.
- You called me boy! You know, you're both right.
Gaffney, you're being a dumb cluck.
Pembleton, you're acting like a child.
- That's not what he meant.
- I know.
I also know some people say things when they're under a lot of pressure, some people are bigots, sexist.
I want him to apologise.
- Eat it! - Hey, eat this! Hey! No, here, go on, blow his head off, then it'll be over.
No? What about you? Come on, he'll be dead, you'll be at Jessop, serving time with the lowlifes you put there, and then the rest of us can get back to work, the rest of us can help track down Goodrich's killer.
Did you major in psychology at the naval academy? Guilt is a wonderful thing.
- Oh, jeez! - Now what? Hello, Al.
Cops at each other's throat - quite a story.
You must be the new shift commander, Lieutenant Russert.
Yes, and you are? Matt Rhodes, Channel 8 News.
Thanks for indulging me.
I needed the air.
I like it up here.
The view from the top.
Everything seems small, manageable.
Wouldn't that be nice, huh, if everything was manageable? So, you had a question.
- Katherine Goodrich, she's dead? - Yes.
When were you planning to announce it, or didn't you think the people would care to know that their Samaritan of the Year was murdered last night? The mayor's office is preparing a press release.
- Any leads? - All we know will be in the release.
- Everything? - Yep.
What about the white gloves? - Where did you hear that? - I'm good, I guess.
- Who told you then? - What, you're kidding, right? Mr Rhodes right now, only the killer knows about the gloves.
Make it public and every nut in Maryland will claim responsibility.
You broadcast it and I won't know who's telling the truth.
Is it a sex crime? - We don't know yet.
- But you suspect it? Off the record? - Yes.
- You got a murder weapon? Off the record, no.
Maybe I should go speak to Giardello.
- Why? - Cos I never done business with you.
I'm the only reporter that's heard about the gloves.
If I hold off, I want a promise, that when this case breaks, you're gonna call me first.
You have my word.
- Detective Howard? - What? Lieutenant Russert, hi! I haven't had a chance to tell I just wanna say I'm proud to be serving under you, temporarily.
Congratulations on your promotion - you deserve it.
Thank you.
Looking for a date to the prom? I'm sorry? You may have noticed a lot of activity here - a big murder investigation - so, the sooner you get your hands back on the phone, the less pissed off I'll be.
Yes, sir.
Looking for this? - Jesus, Beth, you scared me.
- Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Not very cool, a policeman breaking into a house.
At least it's my own.
- Good to see you, Beau.
- It is? Yeah.
Kay's probably told you I've been trying to find you at that time of day when I need you the most - at night.
- I've been working.
- Very hard.
I know, poor baby.
Beth, you threw me out of the house, you've been trying to reach me - what the hell do you want? Where are the kids? At my mums.
- I miss them.
- Don't lie.
You miss your clothes.
I had it dry-cleaned for you.
Thanks, I appreciate that.
I knew you'd come back for it.
Look, I I'm sorry.
Beth? Beth, don't! What the hell are you The shrink thinks maybe I've grown to hate you but I'm just not so sure.
Lock the door when you leave.
I wanna take a nap.
Bye-bye, sweetheart.
Meldrick, what are you doing here? Looking for rich widows with large inheritances.
Munch and I still can't find another investor for our bar.
You were serious about buying a bar? Yes.
More than serious, solemn.
Well, well, well.
- What? - You know.
- I just have a little money saved.
- Yeah? Yeah.
I'm thinking about investing in something.
- Uh-huh, good idea.
- I was wondering if Absolutely.
That's an excellent suggestion.
- I just wanna be a silent partner.
- OK.
I won't deal with day to day problems.
You won't even know the soup of the day.
- OK? - OK.
- I'm in? - You're in.
- I'm done.
- Oh, good.
No semen.
- What do you mean? - She wasn't raped.
There's no penetration? Neither fore nor aft, nor topside.
What you telling me here, doc? I'm telling you that Katherine Goodrich's murder was not a sex crime.
Not a sex crime.
How can this not be a sex crime? What the hell kind of a crime is it? What kind of whacko are we after? I still say it's connected to her working with battered women.
- A disgruntled husband or boyfriend.
- I say we dig deeper into her sex life.
- Maybe it was a lovers quarrel.
- I think the gloves are the key.
You said it was a crime of perversion, too.
You were wrong.
Perversion comes in all shapes and sizes.
- It doesn't have to mean sex.
- All right.
Roger, call the state's attorney about a subpoena.
Maybe we can get the women's shelter to open up its files.
Tim, Frank, I know this is a pain but go down to the church and canvass the area again.
You two haven't been down there.
Maybe with fresh eyes we'll find something that we've missed.
OK - Higby.
- Yo.
Take Shabaz and go talk to her family again.
They love her, but if they're anything like my family, one of them holds a grudge.
This is Goodrich's address book, call everybody in it, OK, Munch? And ask 'em? Abut her hobbies, habits, boyfriends, cholesterol level.
- Meldrick? - Yeah.
Check out all the stores in town that carry this brand of gloves.
- Maybe we'll get lucky.
- That would be a nice change.
- Where's Beau? - Got a lead on another case.
Another case? What other case? Right now there is no other case.
There is no other case.
OK Do you have any word on that Jimmy Newer kid? - Not yet.
I'll try moving it along.
- Yeah, thanks, I appreciate that.
OK, Al, you're here to advise me, what else do I do? Go.
- Go where? - Home.
Take a shower, change your clothes, hug your kid.
Sounds nice but it's the middle of the morning, I'm not doing that.
Megan, you need to get some rest.
I'll hold down the fort.
What if Colonel Granger calls or the mayor is looking for me? Well, I'll tell them you're in the ladies room.
- The ladies room? - Yeah.
If anyone needs me, I'm in the ladies room.
- This is futile, Frank.
- Yeah.
This ground has been covered Gaffney's covered it.
Half the police department has covered this ground.
If there were anything here, Frank, it would just be dust, you know? - Yeah, keep looking.
- Yeah.
Beth, I swear to god on the life of my brother, my sister, my father, Beau is not here, he's out! Where? Working.
We got an important case happening.
I can't really talk about it.
Well, maybe you should apologise.
Just write him a note.
I'll see he gets it.
I don't know what you should say.
Just, sorry, I guess.
You're not sorry? Imelda? Oh, lmelda, hi.
How's she doing? Still sniffling, no temperature.
Oh, good.
Um, I'm gonna be home for a couple of hours.
Good, I'll go do the shopping.
Si, gracias.
- Hi, Mum.
- Hi, angel, how are you? I feel like crap.
Oh! Hey, watch you mouth.
Watch yours.
Couldn't make it to school today, huh? - I'm too tired.
- Mmm.
- Who's that? - Milkman.
Jimmy Newer.
After he got out of prison, he went to Colorado.
- There's no way he killed Goodrich.
- Oh.

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