Hotel Portofino (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

First Impressions

Which ones, roses or daisies?
That's enough, Betty.
Yes, thank you.
Lovely colour.
Wow! Look how beautiful it is
over there!
Do be careful not to get
smuts on your dress, Rose.
Attenzione, prego!
Hotel Portofino?
Good. Our luggage.
Nostri bagagli.
We have eight cases. Otto?
Mrs Drummond-Ward?
Si, Signora.
Marvellous. Let's try
not to lose any of them, shall we?
Come along, Rose.
Do try and keep up, darling.
They're one of the oldest families
in the county.
I've known Cecil since I was a girl.
And what about Mrs Ainsworth?
Oh, she's quite a different sort.
A different sort?
Don't be dim, Rose.
You know exactly what I mean.
Not sure I do, Mama.
she is the sort of woman who thinks
nothing of opening an hotel,
for one thing. God knows what
poor Cecil must make of it all.
Betty, I have come to see
how you're getting on.
I'm making do, Mrs Mays-Smith.
Making do.
Well, this is not like any
cut of meat I've ever cooked before.
It's beef.
Yes, it's beef all right.
Italian beef.
And is there a problem
with the Italian beef, Betty?
Well, there's not much fat in it,
Means I won't have any dripping
for me puddings. Or the potatoes.
Oh, yes, potatoes. These waxy
little bullet-type things
that are not like
proper spuds at all.
Well, you'll just have to manage.
I'll do my best, ma'am.
Please make sure you do.
My mother is very keen
we make a good first impression
on the new arrivals.
To make everything feel like a
..a home from home.
They could arrive any time, Billy.
Yes, Mrs Ainsworth.
Remember first impressions.
First impressions. Yes, ma'am.
Nuovi arrivi?
Una fresca consegna di rose Inglese.
Billy, go get the suitcases.
Mrs Drummond-Ward, Rose. Welcome.
Mrs Ainsworth?
Yes, but please call me Bella.
I do hope I can call you Julia.
How was your journey?
Long. And exceedingly tiresome.
Well, we must do our best to make it
all seem worth your while.
Welcome to the Hotel Portofino.
How utterly charming.
Lucian, I do hope you looked after
our guests
on the way from the train station.
You're Lucian?
Why didn't you say something?
the moment never seemed to arise.
How very irregular.
Oh, darling!
What are you doing?
It was a joke!
Yes, Aunt.
What's that dreadful racket?
I believe some guests are arriving.
Oh, I knew
we should have rented a villa.
I very much doubt it would have
been as comfortable as this.
A lot more private, perhaps.
How are you feeling, Aunt?
Simply ghastly.
Shall I let them know
that you won't be down for dinner?
Goodness, no.
One has to keep one's strength up.
Look at how dear and delightful
everything is.
Do you think Mrs Ainsworth
does it all herself?
I'm sure she enjoys
getting her hands dirty.
Let's take a look at you.
Well, I suppose you'll have to do.
Remember, Rose, first impressions.
Hello. Oh, Champagne. How lovely.
It's Prosecco.
Lighter and fruitier than Champagne.
From a local vineyard.
How did you find your room?
Somewhat smaller than we're used to.
But so exquisitely decorated.
We were wondering
if you did it all yourself.
Thank you.
Weren't we, Mama?
Well, I do hope that
all of our guests are as observant
and sweet as you, Rose.
Are we amongst your first?
We've been open since Easter,
but it's only in the last month
or so that we've got busy.
How many times do I have
to tell you? I don't drink alcohol.
I am very sorry, Lady Latchmere.
It won't happen again.
It's deeply irritating.
Is there anything else
I can get you? No.
And that is?
Oh, Count Albani and his son,
I shall introduce you.
I understood that all the guests
were to be English.
Your advertisement
was quite specific.
"A very English Hotel
on the Italian Riviera."
Yes, quite.
English or English speaking.
Count Albani is an Oxford man.
And what about that gentleman?
Ah, Mr Sengupta.
Yes, he's a dear friend of my son's.
It's evening.
Speak of the devil. Lucian, perhaps
you'd like to redeem yourself
to Mrs Drummond-Ward and to Rose.
You could tell them
all about Portofino.
Hmm? Erm Ooh, I hardly know
where to start.
Will you excuse me?
Well, then
start from the beginning.
How does an English family
come to be here in the first place?
Oh, well, that one's easy.
Mother really rather
fell in love with the place
when she was on her honeymoon
with Father.
But what made her
decide to move here?
I think she thought we would all
benefit from a fresh start.
A new adventure. After the war.
For Alice, for Lottie, for myself.
Even for Father.
And will Cecil be gracing us
with his presence this evening?
Erm, I'm afraid my father
sends his most sincere apologies.
He has been unavoidably delayed.
'Creole Clarinet'
by Keith Nichols
The main course.
Thank you.
May I have some salt, please?
That's enough.
Billy, when you have a moment,
can we have another?
Oh, Billy. Thank you so much.
Well done.
Take it off. It's sweltering.
I'm ready. Come on!
See you out there.
Come on! Get in!
The water is beautiful!
Darling, you were an absolute
trooper tonight, thank you so much.
Oh, botheration!
What is it?
Another stain.
Don't worry, I can fix that.
I think it went about as well
as can be expected.
No, the introduction to Rose.
She's very pretty, isn't she?
Not that it matters.
No, no. Of course, of course not.
It's character that counts, but
Her father's 6,000 acres
of prime arable land is what counts.
Don't be so cynical!
You know it's true.
She could look like
the back end of an omnibus
and Father would still be keen
for Lucian to marry her.
You know, I don't think
Father would spend
one tenth of the amount of time
trying to find me a new husband.
And you know I'm right.
Take it off, it's soaking.
I'm not going to catch a cold.
Don't be such a baby!
I've seen it before,
hundreds of times.
Lucian, I'm serious, take it off.
I'd like to see how it's healing.
What's the prognosis?
Just a scratch.
Does it ever bother you?
Hardly at all.
It has been eight years.
Italy suits you.
Betty, you are still here.
I were just going, Mrs Ainsworth.
Can I get you something, ma'am?
Perhaps I'll have a fresh mint tea.
Oh, no, no, no.
I can manage, honestly.
And thank you for dinner.
Count Albani sends his compliments.
Oh! Did he just?
Particularly for the potatoes.
Oh! Well, I never!
I told you,
this is such marvellous stuff.
Olive oil.
I've been greasing
the pans with it, ma'am.
Waste not, want not.
Oh, olive oil! Whatever next?
So, what do you think?
What do I think about what?
Of the girl, you ass.
First impressions?
She's a bit of a peach.
Do you really think so?
Although it was hard to tell
from five yards away
and with you drooling all over her.
I'm sure you'll be very happy.
..nothing's decided yet.
Posso aiutarvi?
It's Constance March, ma'am.
The new nanny.
Oh! Come in, come in!
How on earth did you get here?
I walked, ma'am. I got a lift
on a cart for the last mile or so.
Oh, for goodness sake.
Why didn't you telegram, dear child?
Let us know you were coming.
I didn't want to waste the money,
Mrs Ainsworth.
We would've reimbursed you.
Are Are you hungry?
I can manage until breakfast, ma'am.
Very well.
Let's get you to bed, then.
And we can acquaint ourselves
properly in the morning.
Let me help you,
I'll show you your room.
It's slightly makeshift
at the moment,
but hopefully it will suffice.
I'll, erm
I'll say good night here.
Aren't you coming up?
No, I'm going to take a turn
around the garden.
Do you want me to come with you?
No, you go ahead.
"My darling Bella,
how your last letter thrilled me.
"I do so wish I could be with you,
"to experience
all that Italy can bring.
"The beauty of that blessed country
"is surpassed
only by your loveliness.
"I yearn to see"
You're late.
The train was delayed.
Ah. How was Genoa?
You know, Genoa was Genoa.
So How was it?
Ah I think Julia
was rather disappointed
you weren't here to greet her.
And Alice's nose is out of joint.
But apart from that,
I think it went rather well.
And the girl?
Rose is charming.
Yes, yes, yes, but is she pretty?
Will he go for her?
She's beautiful, but as you know,
looks are only a part of it.
But they, er
they help sugar the pill.
Come along.
Let's get you to bed, you're drunk.
Oh, the agony!
Oh, Nish.
Mrs Ainsworth?
I'm sorry to disturb you.
Not at all. How may I assist you?
Lady Latchmere's been taken ill.
And I was rather hoping
Ah. I'm a little out of practice,
I'm afraid,
and somewhat ill-equipped.
Please, Nish. It's just if anything
should happen to Her Ladyship
Give me a moment.
Oh, thank you. I'm so sorry to ask.
It's all right.
Hello. Mr Sengupta has agreed
to attend to Her Ladyship.
Someone help me!
He's medically trained.
Are you sure?
Yes, she's in very good hands.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Or something a little stronger?
Yes, please.
Come along.
Have you been in there all night?
I told Miss De Vere
I'd make myself comfortable
in case her aunt took ill again.
Do you think I should call
a local doctor?
I think not. I've relieved
her immediate symptoms,
although you might um
serve prunes for breakfast.
And may I suggest a digestif
for Her Ladyship, after every meal.
Did you have anything in mind?
Perhaps a little of that excellent
Limoncello you served last night.
You do know Lady Latchmere
doesn't drink alcohol.
Then tell her it's Italian lemonade.
How do you find Lucian?
Like he's finally starting to heal.
Physically, at least.
And otherwise?
What he went through
it will always cast its shadow.
Yes, yes, of course.
It's just
he used to be so full of plans
and schemes and
a sense of purpose, and now
He will be again.
Give him time.
Thank you.
Mrs Scanlon.
Oh, let me look at you!
What a sight for sore eyes!
I can't quite believe I'm here.
When did you get in?
A little after midnight.
And you're up at the crack of dawn.
I could barely sleep.
It can have that effect on you.
Though if you ask me, Whitby's
just as handsome. In its own way.
Oh, these are for you.
Oh, bless you!
And proper English mustard.
And this is from my mam.
Ah. Bless you, love.
Who'd have thought it
When me and Fanny Gray
were girls in service together,
that I'd be standing here,
nearly 30 years later,
with her daughter.
In Italy, of all places!
Oh, come here. Come, come here.
Who's Henry Bowater Esquire?
He's one of my father's accountants.
Not from the textile factory?
From his private estate.
I'm writing to him
about our cash flow.
Well, I thought I might
saunter into town later.
Do you want me to post anything?
I'll find you when I've finished.
Good, good.
I know what you did.
Then you're one up on me.
It's bad enough
that you took the money,
but please don't lie to me as well.
I was going to tell you.
Really? When?
When I had the means
to pay you back!
But you do. What about the money
from your family trust?
I've spent every last sou,
I'm afraid.
What?! Cecil,
I cannot run this hotel on credit!
I need all the ready money
I can get!
Me too, sweetheart. Me too.
Why me? Hmm? Hmm?
Of course,
Lottie will be your priority,
but there will be other duties
as well, I'm afraid.
I understand, ma'am.
Helping Betty in the kitchen.
A little bit of cleaning, if
needed. We'll need you to muck in.
I'll be happy to turn my hand
to anything, Mrs Ainsworth.
Oh, that makes me
very happy to hear.
Perhaps you could start by taking
these to the dining room.
And be sure to answer any questions
the guests might have.
Oh. You can read and write, child?
I get by, ma'am.
Yes. We'll have to do
a bit better than get by. Um
This is Constance March.
The new nanny.
This is Mrs Mays-Smith,
my daughter and Lottie's mother.
Might now be a good moment
for her to meet Lottie?
No time like the present.
Come along.
Faresti una commissione per me?
Dove vai?
Vado a imbucare una lettera.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Have you breakfasted?
We're just on our way.
And how did you sleep?
Adequately. It was hot.
And the room was somewhat cramped,
I'm afraid.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Well, I slept like a baby.
It was much more like a wonderful
country house than a hotel.
Do you know, that's exactly
what it was before we converted it.
Oh. Has it taken you long?
Three years in September.
In addition to the other three
that it took
to persuade my husband
to come here in the first place.
I was wondering if you had
something more spacious.
And on the first floor.
Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
Maybe I should speak with Cecil
about it.
Well, perhaps I could move
one of the other guests.
Come along, Rose.
I hope it'll make you feel
much better.
I'm still feeling frightful.
Do you want some more?
Yes! Very nice.
Thank you so much.
There you are.
Here I am.
Well, what a pretty view.
I thought perhaps that we might
take a trip down to the beach.
It's much cooler in the afternoon.
Or if you prefer,
we could have a boat trip.
You do know how to swim?
I'm not sure I do.
Well, in that case,
it'll be my pleasure to teach you.
I should see what Mama says.
They make a fine couple.
As much as we did at their age.
Have you been avoiding me?
As if I could.
Or would.
Has he been
making himself agreeable?
Let's just say we didn't get off
to the best of starts.
You know, there really are so many
wonderful things to do here, Rose.
Pisa and Florence
are only a day away.
And Genoa's just up the coast.
Yes, we came through it
on the train.
And there's an awful lot
closer to home.
Every church seems to house
some treasure or other.
It's like living in a museum.
I do hope it's not too stuffy.
What's that noise?
What noise?
That awful throbbing hum.
They are cicadas. They're insects,
like a sort of grasshopper.
Why don't I see
if I can find one for you?
They're always hanging around.
Oh, no. Lucian, don't.
No, really.
I simply can't abide bugs.
Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise.
Well, what about the girl?
Will she go along with it?
Rose is entirely biddable.
She'll do whatever she's told.
Your Ladyship.
Oh, Mrs Ainsworth. Good day.
Thank you for the fun.
Gosh! What a splendid entrance!
Jack Turner at your service.
Che bella!
Thank you.
Billy. Please stop gawping.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
Come, let me register you.
If you'd like to sign
for yourself and Mrs Turner?
Thank you. Of course.
So wonderful.
Ah, oh. Look at this.
We can get you some tea.
A little later, perhaps?
We're all the way at the top.
Billy shall bring your suitcases.
How was your journey?
It was long, but beautiful.
Ah. Where is everybody?
asleep if they've got any sense.
Did you not fancy a siesta?
You were up rather late last night.
You know that I can't sleep
during the day.
Did you want something?
No, really, I'm just trying
to stay out of Father's way.
Oh, Luc.
He's always chivvying away at me
for some reason or other.
Can't you just tell him
that he doesn't need to worry?
It's me that's worried.
About this blasted wedding.
No. About you.
Well, you needn't be.
You haven't been yourself lately.
What exactly
is that supposed to mean?
It means you've been
frittering your time away
in the most unproductive fashion.
Nice. You sound just like Father.
Go home, get a job, get married.
I don't give a fig what you do.
I just can't bear to see you failing
to use the most of your talents,
when there are so many
who will never get a chance
to show what
they might have been capable of.
Well, Father says that painting
is a waste of time.
No act of creativity is ever wasted.
Mm-hm. And yet I can't remember
the last time
I saw you
with a paintbrush in your hands.
Ah, but that's because
now I have a different canvas.
That's enough to fulfil you, is it?
That and motherhood.
And marriage to Father?
Yes, of course.
Of course.
Can one find one's purpose
in loving someone?
If you truly love them.
Yes, I think so.
What if you don't?
What are you two
skulking around out here for?
Talking about creativity.
And love.
Dear God.
Oh, dear.
Not bad, are they?
They're a lot better than "not bad."
Cecil Ainsworth.
I imagine
you've already met my wife.
Indeed I have. Jack Turner.
Is it a local artist?
You could say that.
It's my son, Lucian.
Really? Well, he has some talent.
Yes, but keep it to yourself,
old boy.
The last thing I want him thinking
is he can make his living
as a painter.
Hmm. Are they for sale?
They might be. Are you a collector?
No, not really. But I know a few.
This is Mr Ainsworth.
Are you sure you won't join me?
No. No, I'm gonna stroll into town.
Well, this is much
the best time of day.
Yes, quite.
Calm down, dear. Don't flap.
But you have to see this!
Good heavens!
Oh! I feel quite unsteady.
Shall I fetch Mr Sengupta?
No, no. That won't be necessary.
Perhaps I'll have a glass
of that Italian lemonade
I had for breakfast.
Yes, Aunt. Thank you, Aunt.
Run along.
Ah. I think you might be wise
to start with something
a little less ambitious than Homer.
Wouldn't you say?
I've been told that you need some
assistance with your letters.
Well, I couldn't read the menu,
that's all. It was written funny.
My mother was quite keen
that I give you a hand, so
I don't want to be here
any more than you do.
So I think we ought to
just make the best of it, don't you?
Good. I thought we might
start with the alphabet.
Aspetta. Aspetta un attimo.
Sono Vincenzo Danioni. Piacere.
Siete un membro del partito?
Ma sto pensando di unirmi a voi.
Una straniera.
Che altro potrebbe essere?
Siete all'hotel Inglese anche voi,
Spero vi guardiate alle spalle.
Mio padre adora gli Inglesi.
Sono degli infidi bastardi, eh?
Are you finished?
I have to go.
Steady on. Let's have a look.
Are we doing the same time tomorrow?
Let me talk to Mrs Mays-Smith.
'Norma: Casta Diva'
Mind if I join?
Oh. No.
Please, be my guest.
Oh, no. I
Don't worry, they're imported.
There are certain things
you don't rely on the Italians for.
Thank you.
You were, er
You were telling me about your
connections in the art world.
Was I?
I can tell you have an eye for it.
Is it your line of work?
Well. I buy and sell a bit.
Oh, you have a gallery.
Private clients.
And, er
And do you think they might
be interested in purchasing
some of Lucian's work?
Oh, no. No, no.
My interest was entirely personal.
There's really not much money
to be made
from anything painted this century.
Unless you're Matisse, of course.
Now, the Renaissance,
that, my friend
Whole other ball game.
Really? Yeah.
That's what paid for the Mercedes.
The Old Masters?
They're selling like hot cakes
back in the States.
Museums. Old money.
Wall Street bankers. Just
can't get enough of them.
How fascinating.
Of course, the smart money
is in authentication.
If you're gonna spend
a hundred grand on a Tintoretto,
you're gonna want to make sure
you got what you've paid for.
And they pay for your seal
of approval?
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Not mine, buddy, but
Well, I have the best guy
in the business.
I don't mind telling you I wept
buckets while I were reading it.
Bless your kind heart.
When your mam wrote me,
and asked me
to find you a place here
I never dreamt the reason.
You weren't to know.
You've had a terrible time of it.
Poor little petal.
No wonder you jumped at the chance
to come here.
For a fresh start, hey?
Somewhere far away.
So that's just what
we're going to give you.
A new beginning. A chance to put
all your troubles behind you.
Time heals everything, sweetheart.
Time, hard work.
And good food.
Yes, I would like to send
a telegram.
You understand English?
Jolly good.
Proposition for you. Stop.
Make us both rich. Stop.
Telephone 27th. Stop.
Cecil. Stop.
The king had a forbidding scowl,
which nearly made the tiger
But T, without a trace of awe, said,
"Give His Majesty a"
He added with
Oh, buongiorno.
Buongiorno. Sono il Signor Danioni
del Consiglio comunale.
Molto piacere di conoscervi.
Grazie. Parlate Italiano?
Un pochino.
Eccellente. E molto bello, eh!
C'e un posto dove possiamo parlare
in privato?
Mio marito non e qui, temo.
Tornera piu tardi.
I see.
Let me make this clear for you it
isn't your husband I wanna speak to.
It is you, Mrs Ainsworth.
Very good.
Lottie, I'll be back in a minute.
Constance, will you carry on
rehearsing our play?
My office is just this way.
Hello, little one.
Please. Do come in.
Your daughter?
Oh, my granddaughter.
And her nanny.
Ha! The great British nanny, huh?
The rock on which
an empire is built.
Signore, how can I help you?
Well, it is a delicate matter.
Let's see, how to start this
I believe this belongs to you.
Who gave that to you?
You have to know nothing happens
here without me knowing about it.
But this is a private letter!
I know, full of private sentiments
and it will be
"una grande disgrazia."
I mean,
it would be a disaster if this
How do you say?
Fall into the wrong hands?
Yes. You're quite right.
Well, then, I must thank you
for returning it, Signore.
Let's hope the many letters
you wrote
have reached their destination. Hmm?
What exactly is it that you want?
What we all want, Signora Ainsworth.
Next Episode