House, M.D. s04e11 Episode Script

HOU-411 - Frozen

Doc! Help! Doc! It stopped bleeding.
It stopped bleeding.
That's because your blood is freezing as it's hitting the air.
Apply pressure on it.
I think my leg is frozen.
That's the least of your problems.
The blade severed your femoral artery.
Am I going to lose my leg? Frostbite's not too bad.
But I've got to fix your artery now.
This is going to hurt.
Are you going to put that in me? Glue's the best way to repair your artery at this temperature.
It looks okay.
Tear off some pieces.
I have to check your foot.
Blood flow looks good.
Your leg should be okay.
I thought I was done.
Yeah, like I'd let anything happen to you.
You're the only one who could fix the generators.
One, two Cate.
Cate, are you okay? Are you okay? Hey.
I need help.
Who am I supposed to get? Why do I even give you an office? New case.
Psych department asked for you personally.
The patient's a crazy person? You're a crazy person.
The patient's a psychiatrist.
There's something wrong with coma guy's cable.
He seems fine with it.
Your patient is an adjunct faculty member here, but currently The budget committee voted to charge for cable in the patient rooms.
Slippery slope.
Today, we withhold porn.
Tomorrow, it's clean bandages.
Talk to Carlson in Derm, he runs the budget committee, after you look at this.
After you talk to Carlson, maybe I'll The patient is trapped at the South Pole.
Any possibility of evacuating her? Well, that wouldn't be any fun.
And for the next two months, winds make it impossible to fly anything in or out.
Could be appendicitis or a gallstone.
Or a kidney stone.
That wouldn't be any fun.
If it's appendicitis down there, her appendix ruptures, she dies.
There's nothing we can do.
If it's a stone, she takes pain meds, stone passes.
There's nothing we need to do.
Could be a struvite kidney stone.
Most kidney stones are calcium and benign.
Why would you suspect a struvite stone? Because he said kidney stones were boring.
It's possible.
She's on birth control.
Lots of sex could lead to urinary tract infection, which could lead to an infection-laced struvite kidney stone.
Excessive Antarctic drilling, bad for the environment and the ladies.
If it's a struvite stone, she needs to break it up quickly before the infection shuts down her kidneys.
This is where it gets fun.
These are the supplies and medications she has available.
Nothing here that could break up a kidney stone.
What else do they have down there? I just said I don't mean medical stuff.
Other stuff.
Some geological equipment breaks ice and rock the same way we break kidney stones.
Discovery Channel.
I like watching them blow stuff up.
Who doesn't? That reminds me.
Coma guy needs cable.
Women's billiards is the only thing that's keeping him alive.
I'm sure Carlson will be moved by his plight.
Carlson won't listen.
He says I hit on his wife.
You knew? God, no.
I thought I was hitting on his daughter.
Look, you're on the committee.
He'll listen to you.
I'm an avid reader of Committees with Hotties message boards.
Amoxicillin, Studies conducted at major hospitals indicate that happy patients recover faster.
Studies conducted in my apartment show that TV makes people happy.
Premium channels have a particularly striking effect.
Charging patients for cable is bringing in 13 grand a month.
Until this injustice is righted, I am going to waste 13 grand a day.
That's $2.
49 down.
Get an EKG and a cardiac enzyme.
If those check out, discharge him, and tell him to get a snow-blower.
How much is 13 grand divided by 4 cents? I am not giving you cable.
You're gonna have to somehow survive with the broadcast networks alone.
I'll be fine on Tuesdays.
If sound waves from the flaw detector break the egg, it should safely dissolve your kidney stone.
This isn't going to work.
Well, there's no reason it shouldn't.
Sound waves are sound waves.
Stones are stones.
Some are bigger than others.
Some are inside me.
How's it going, Team MacGyver? Oh, great.
I can't get cable, but I can get the South Pole on high-def.
We're almost ready to start the test.
Test? Did Ford test the Edsel? Did Coke test New Coke? Did Shakespeare test his final play, Snow Dogs? I'm guessing you're Dr.
House? I was wondering when you might drop by.
Could she see me? Oh, yeah.
You think Jagger shows up for the sound check? Okay, roadies, off the stage.
Go help Cameron in the ER.
Why? No way you're just doing her a favor.
ER is standing room only.
Which means Cameron's bound to make a mistake.
Find it so I can blackmail her.
As far as you know, this is way more than just some silly battle over cable.
You might wanna dial it down a smidge.
I am not doing this.
Your kidney stone theory hinges on me having sex, but I Let me guess.
You're as pure as the driven snow.
Only if the snow likes to be on top.
But I am here doing psychological research.
Generally not a good idea to swap fluids with your subjects.
Struvite stones are possible in people who don't have sex.
They're certainly possible in people who claim not to I've had no UTI's, no pain on urination.
You do realize that only one of us is a real doctor.
You do realize only one of us has any control over my actions.
Milton, are you able to run a CHEM-7? Yes.
Well, that'd tell us if her kidney function is declining.
If it is, he's right.
Struvite stone's the most likely explanation.
If not, she's right.
I know how you like to avoid avoiding confrontation.
While we're waiting for that test to prove me right, start IV cefuroxime.
Keep the infection in the stone from wiping out your kidneys.
I'll send the CHEM-7 results when I'm done.
She's a great psychiatrist.
One session, I've got shrinkage.
House wants us to spy on you, report back.
And you're telling me this because We don't want to do it.
I don't see a problem so far.
If our choice is between pissing House off or pissing you off, that's not much of a choice.
So unless I give House cable, you're gonna make my life miserable.
And you're telling me this so you won't feel as guilty when you do it.
Accommodating House's every whim is not my job anymore.
But it is ours.
House will get what he wants.
Maybe we should just pay for it ourselves and tell him she folded.
Your CHEM-7 results showed your kidney function is declining.
Sounds like a kidney stone to me.
The decreased function could be from dehydration caused by vomiting due to a gallstone.
You agreed that the CHEM-7 would decide if it was a struvite stone.
I agreed to do the test.
The results are up for interpretation.
I'll re-do the test in an hour when I'm re-hydrated.
Have you noticed any improvement since starting the cefuroxime? Not really.
Pain's about the same.
While you're waiting, we should run another test with the geology equipment.
You're not taking the cefuroxime.
She's right-handed.
Means she would put the IV in her left arm.
Catheter in the arm makes it hard to bend the elbow, the way people do when they drink.
We have a limited supply of medication, and I am not about to waste it.
Last I checked you had a limited supply of doctors.
Right before I got sick, one of my crew members severed his femoral artery.
He needs the cefuroxime.
He called dibs.
His need is definitive.
Mine is speculative.
You're breathing fast.
It's because I'm pissed off! Lift up your chin.
Show me your windpipe.
My chest hurts.
It's deviating to the left.
Because her right lung is collapsing.
Cate, is anyone there with you? Sean went to the mess.
You need to call someone.
There's no time.
Get a syringe and a needle.
Why am I doing that? Shut up and look.
She could pass out.
She needs to She needs to re-inflate that lung.
Now, pull out the plunger.
I want you to stab yourself in your right side between the second and third rib, in the midclavicular line.
By the time we get someone else there, you'll have suffocated.
Just do it.
See all the good stuff that happens when you listen to me? Means it's not a kidney stone.
Right side pain, vomiting, and now a lung that gets traumatized without any trauma.
Sounds odd.
Probably is odd.
We should discuss this, then call her back.
No, it's fine.
I made sure we got the South Pole long distance plan.
Her latest kidney function test shows I know what it shows.
I ran it.
The more you interrupt, the longer my grandstanding is going to take.
Since when do you let patients participate in differentials? Since the patient and her doctor happen to be the same person.
Your kidney function is still declining.
Means you have a kidney problem.
But not one that needed antibiotics.
Makes us equally wrong.
Makes us both wrong.
Not equally.
You were at least six wronger.
They run a PPD before you shipped out? On me and everybody else here.
It's not TB.
Excuse us a second.
Cancer explains her symptoms.
A tumor in her lung or kidney that threw a clot to the other organ.
And you're worried the tumor might overhear, realize we're on to it.
Cancer's a hard diagnosis for patients, even when they're not in the South Pole.
We should figure this out, maybe bring Wilson in.
Obviously, you two think I'm in bad shape.
Only if you count the tumor.
Probably in your abdomen.
But you don't have any advanced imaging equipment.
You also don't have a surgeon to biopsy it, any stains to use on the slide, or an oncologist to analyze it.
I'm too far away to hold her hand.
I have cancer? Possibly.
Since the only imaging equipment you have is x-ray, let's start there.
X- ray your entire body.
I'll upload the images when I'm done.
Good for you.
She's annoying.
Refused to take the antibiotics because other people might need them.
She said she cares about other people? What a poser.
KUB is clean.
You don't like her because she's a psychiatrist.
Mmm, I'm a complicated man.
I loathe her for many reasons.
Never before has a profession been so decried by someone who needed it so badly.
You talk a lot of smack about tranny hookers.
Enlarged mediastinal node.
Lymphoma? Probably, but we can't confirm it without a biopsy.
We can't analyze a biopsy without a stain.
We can't biopsy.
Since they don't have stains down there, we need a substitute.
She can't biopsy that node without a surgical team and an OR.
Anything with a strong color could work as a stain.
Printer ink, food coloring, coffee.
No, thanks.
I'll find a node closer to the surface.
One she can biopsy.
That makes sense.
That makes sense? I said it first.
In a shockingly calm manner.
After I've just been jerking you around for 30 seconds without you complaining or analyzing said jerking.
I was being mature.
In a lavender shirt.
You, for some reason, are happy.
How dare you.
The x-rays don't show any other abnormal nodes.
Abnormal nodes can be felt before they can be seen on an x-ray.
You're wearing that shirt for someone.
The Health Department.
They frown on topless oncology.
You're gonna do a physical? Have to.
You and Foreman are going to be here looking for a stain.
I can do the physical.
There's no reason you need to watch.
I can think of at least three reasons.
One of them is medical.
Where are you? Not in your office.
You're not in the hospital.
No reason for me to be.
I'm not undressing for you in your apartment.
You're not in my apartment.
You're three quarters of a world away.
I promise not to get fresh.
I'm not taking off my clothes.
One of us has to.
Show me your place.
It's got walls, a floor, and in some places, a roof.
I am not exposing myself without some reciprocity.
It's my apartment.
It's not my soul.
Living room.
Slow down.
Huh! Lots of books.
I'm betting all medical.
Only if you count Jenna Jameson's autobiography as a gynecological text.
Fiction is a waste of time.
Unless you can laugh at it? I love to laugh.
Moving on.
Back up.
How bad is the insomnia? Let me quantify that.
Do you drink two or three scotches before passing out in front of the TV? You are so far off.
It's bourbon.
No photos anywhere.
Family and friends aren't important? Well, you're sick.
You have 20 people down the hall, and you've had exactly one visitor.
I don't want to panic anyone.
You don't like people.
You hide on that ice cube, so Stop projecting.
You're antisocial, so you assume I'm antisocial? How about if I just get naked, and you shut up? If I thought I could get you naked, I would have led with that.
You'd rather show me your soul than your leg.
You got me all figured out.
You going to try and fix me now? I never said you needed fixing.
He's letting her take part in the differentials.
Of course he is.
He likes her.
Big shock.
Spaghetti sauce doesn't work as a lymph tissue stain.
I'll try the coffee.
He's annoyed by her, doesn't respect her as a doctor, constantly insults her.
That's House's version of courtship.
Oh, God.
He's been wooing me for years.
She's the perfect woman for him.
Willing to literally go to the end of the earth for her career, making her unavailable for a real relationship.
And she's afflicted with a mysterious illness.
Soy sauce is a no-go.
We're gonna be here all night.
How long does it take you to get naked? It's the South Pole.
I wear a lot of layers.
I saw socks.
That's not naked.
Have I mentioned it's freezing here? When they discover lymph nodes in feet, I will take off my socks.
Use your right hand to palpate the nodes.
Any node you can feel is the one we can biopsy.
Let's start with your breasts, move down to the ass, then I was thinking go from the neck and work my way down.
We could, but I'd never forgive myself if we found something before we got to your breasts.
I'm starting with the anterior cervical nodes.
Turn your head.
Locate the SCM muscle.
I know how to find my lymph nodes.
Did they teach you that before or after the class on fondling your inner child? No swelling.
No tenderness.
And I can hear that, House.
Just thought it might help you relax.
Anything in the axillary nodes? All clear.
Both sides.
Now slide your hand to your sternum.
Probe for nodes moving slowly downward.
Down to what, House? Sorry.
Can't hear you on account of your heavy breathing.
I'm supposed to be on oxygen, you tool.
Hold it.
Your fingers didn't go quite as deep.
Feel that node again.
It's swollen.
Looks like you're doing a biopsy.
It's pretty numb.
Take a deep breath and insert the needle into the node.
Come on, Cate.
Let's get this over with.
You used her name.
Just trying to move things along, Bob.
I'm in.
You need to pull back on the syringe.
You need to pull harder.
You okay? Yeah.
"Are you okay?" It's a valid medical question.
I have never heard you ask a patient that question.
You've never asked me that question, and you've seen me fall down a flight of stairs drunk.
You've slept with her.
She's 9,000 miles away.
And while a certain part of me, unfurled No, I Somehow, you've been intimate with her.
Why are you following me? I thought you were following me.
You are definitely following me.
Where are you going? Out to lunch.
You never go out to lunch.
Which means there's a reason you're going out to lunch.
I assume that reason is a human being.
Or a sandwich.
Sandwiches can come here.
So can human beings.
And yet, she's not, which I find interesting.
I'm leaving, now.
Small world.
Are you going to follow me into my car? It's got two doors.
Okay, look, the reason I haven't told you is Call off your dogs, House.
Your little helpers are interrogating my patients, swiping my charts, intercepting prescriptions.
Why would you think that I Because I'm not a moron.
You had to be pulling the strings, here.
You think that because they make me miserable, I'm going to give you cable.
Let's assume that's true, and it certainly sounds like it might be.
What are you going to do? Nothing.
I resigned from the budget committee.
I only joined the committee to help the hospital.
You made me a liability.
I now have zero influence over the hospital's cable policy.
Well done.
It didn't work.
There's nothing more that we can do Put these up.
"Free rottweiler puppies.
"Please call after 11:00 p.
And before 5:00 a.
" Is this Cameron's home number? I'd love a new puppy.
My last one was delicious, very tender.
There's no point in torturing her.
If she can resign, she can un-resign.
Go to DEFCON 1.
Forget waiting for a mistake.
Make her make one.
You want us to sabotage another doctor, possibly harm a patient, all so you can have cable.
Harm suggests permanent damage.
Get her to screw up, then fix it.
Oh! And this time, don't tell her what you're gonna do before you do it.
So, how long do I let the lymph node marinate in the red wine? It should be ready, now.
Try increasing the magnification on the camera.
You know, I emailed a couple of colleagues at the hospital about you.
You're checking up on me? Not House? Yeah, well House is straightforward, brilliant and an ass.
Two out of three good qualities.
Clear majority.
Whereas you, on the other hand, have a perfect score.
You are responsible, nice, human.
And yet, you're House's best friend.
Hold there.
Makes you think he's secretly nicer than he seems? Makes me think that you're secretly a lot less nice than you seem.
Do you always insult your doctors? It's not an insult.
Indiscriminate niceness is overrated.
No wonder he likes you.
Based on this slide you do not have cancer.
Oh! Thank God.
I do see some inflammation, which could mean Cate? You all right? My left side.
It hurts.
It's the same pain that I had on the right.
Your other kidney.
I hope it's, it's something, it's maybe I'm screwed.
The bad news is you're O for two in the kidney department.
Is there good news? You're back at home.
Of course.
There's cable.
And freedom to work pant-free.
That is good news.
Wilson found signs of inflammation in your biopsy.
That, plus the two failing kidneys, points to autoimmune disease.
Probably SLE or vasculitis.
Treatment for both is prednisone.
Start with a hundred milligrams.
Autoimmune is just your latest theory.
Like cancer before that, and a kidney stone before.
Take the prednisone.
You'll get better.
That will be your confirmation.
You practice medicine like it's a fire sale.
You've wasted antibiotics, x-rays That was not a waste.
We've ruled out We have a crew member here who has asthma.
If he has an episode after I've used up the prednisone, he'll die.
There's a good chance he's going to die anyway.
Since there won't be a doctor there to help him.
Show me proof that it's autoimmune, and then I'll take the prednisone.
We should send her outside.
Let's just tell her to head north until she runs into a hospital.
Autoimmune diseases are basically inflammation running wild.
Extreme cold has been used as treatment, like putting ice on a sprained ankle.
She starts to feel better outside, we know it's autoimmune.
Is that my wallet? You can have it back.
I've already been through it.
I like your ice on the sprain metaphor.
Makes it seem like we're not killing her.
She'd only need to be outside five minutes.
Without her mittens.
Mom told me that was a bad idea.
Especially that winter.
It was 70 below, and I had dual kidney failure.
This is a good idea.
It's perfect for you.
Experimental, risky.
Wilson's right.
You care about You didn't touch the cash, but you took the receipts? A hundred and ninety dollar restaurant tab.
That's dessert, probably booze.
It means you lingered.
Means it's at least a third date.
Means Where are you going? To talk to the people I pay to come up with medical ideas.
There are no ideas.
The test for autoimmune is ANA.
Unless penguins poop immunoanalyzers Before ANA testing, people had autoimmune diseases.
How did they know? C3.
Before that.
LE Prep.
But she doesn't have any controlled pore glass beads.
You don't need them.
When you shake the test tube, the paperclip will damage some of your blood cells.
If you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system will gorge itself on the damaged cells.
They'll get big and fat so that you can see them under a microscope.
How you doing? No change.
So, how long should I give the cells to fatten up before I check them? A couple hours.
Or you could stop being a hypocrite and take the prednisone now.
Not bending to your will makes me a hypocrite? If your psych patients demanded lab results you'd never make a diagnosis.
So, I'm wrong.
You sleep like a baby.
Your life is unfolding as you dreamed.
Everyone is miserable.
You don't change that because people don't change.
You want to believe that because then you're freed from any responsibility for your misery.
Oh, shut up.
I get enough of this from Wilson.
And yet, you keep hanging out with him.
And, from what I hear, you have spent more time with me than with any other patient.
Sorry about that.
Call me when you get the results.
How's your patient? She has an autoimmune disease.
Tell the psych department she's in denial.
I had to fire Cameron.
What? What happened? A sixty-five-year-old man came into the ER with a hip fracture.
Cameron gave him Demerol.
The guy was on an MAOl.
Put him into a hypertensive crisis.
Is he going to live? Taub caught the error in time.
If she'd just admitted the mistake, maybe I could have just suspended her, but She's packing up.
If you want to say goodbye.
We should be hearing from the South Pole in a few minutes.
That's it? There's nothing to be done.
She screwed up.
She's got no one to blame but herself.
I've got to go talk to Cameron.
Cuddy wouldn't can her for one screw-up.
And if she did, she wouldn't come to me.
And if she did, she wouldn't open with, "How's your patient?" And if she did Why would she lie? Timeless question.
In this case, she conspired with your co-workers to teach me that some things are more important than cable.
I'm going to have to teach them that they're wrong.
Come on.
South Pole really should be calling.
LE Prep test was negative.
It's not autoimmune.
You're basing that on a test done with a paper clip.
Just take the prednisone.
Either find another diagnosis, or find another test.
There is one way.
You can take this experimental drug called prednisone.
If your kidneys start working There is another test.
I think Foreman may have just broken up, there.
What he actually said was, "There is no other test.
" If you have an autoimmune disease, exposure to the cold should decrease your kidney pain.
If I go outside, we'll have our answer? And you knew about this? I rejected it because if you're frozen solid, it's hard to get the needles into your arms.
How long do I need to stay out? At least five minutes.
Eight minutes outside would kill a healthy person.
And healthy people don't suck on oxygen masks.
Healthy people can pee.
I'll go get Sean, have him come with me.
Just take the prednisone.
Once I come inside, if it's autoimmune.
Are you all right? Oh, I'm sure she's just fine.
Cate? Do you know if there's anyone down there who has a cell phone? It took the station mechanic She'd already slipped into a coma.
Started her on prednisone, but no improvement.
Means it's not autoimmune.
Good thing she's in a coma.
Or we'd have to listen to her gloat.
And where are we going? To find the useful members of my team.
You're letting them off the hook? You happy? Because of you, I'm not gonna be able to watch Law & Order in Korean.
Why am I here? Because I want to ask you about your girlfriend.
I must know who she is, or you'd have told me her name.
She doesn't have a name.
It's some sort of birth defect.
There's only about And I can't remember five of their names, so we're down to Cuddy, your ex-wives.
Your mama.
You need to run a kidney function test.
If only she wasn't in a coma, we could get her to run a test to find out why she's in a coma.
The results would likely be paradoxical.
It can't be Cuddy, because you're straight.
It can't be We could talk the mechanic through the test.
Too complicated.
Unless he's thirsty.
Drink her urine? If it has a strong, concentrated taste, it means the problems are in her kidneys.
Watery taste means it's her brain.
And then you can fix it? Let's say, yeah.
How do I get the urine out of her? Take a straight catheter and insert it Those are your only questions? Not, "Is it safe?" Or, "Is there another way?" Or, "Are you out of your minds?" You wouldn't ask me if Wait a second.
You're in love with her.
That explains why you're so eager to get her naked, then have a drink.
Because most guys like to go the other way around.
Why do you care how I feel about her? Because now I know that I can get you to do anything to save her.
Tell him how to tap the keg.
You got Cameron fired.
Cuddy wasn't supposed to find out.
No kidding! Get me cable.
How tough can that be? You cost a woman her job.
There's only one thing you can say to keep me from firing you.
Cameron wasn't fired.
We Wrong.
You know? We're still fired? That should be a hint as to what you're supposed to say.
We're sorry.
I love you.
This is a game? First, we have to screw with our co-worker, now we have to try to figure out what you want us to say? This is insane.
I'm not playing.
You should have said this two days ago.
Do not play games with me.
Number one, you are going to lose.
You're just not ready.
Number two, the game was to force you to stop playing games.
I need you to stand up to me.
Challenge me.
I need you to stop worrying about getting fired.
And go pay for my cable.
No! I didn't mean on this.
I need cable.
Milk, milk, lemonade.
It tastes kind of watery.
That's bad news.
Either increased intracranial pressure or something's wrong with her hypothalamus.
How do you figure out which one it is? We don't do anything.
You're gonna drill a hole in her skull.
If she regains consciousness, it's increased intracranial pressure.
And if it's the other thing? She'll die.
But if it's the hypothalamus, she's dead, anyway.
If the problem is the pressure in her brain, and I fix it, is she going to be all better? No, but it'll give us more time to figure out what's wrong.
I have to get someone else.
I can't do this.
You love her.
You'd do anything to save her.
Not this.
I can't do this.
If she dies because of something that I did, then I Listen.
I am not going to let you hurt her.
Okay? Now, please.
This is her only chance.
That was easy.
Her head is stabilized, and the drill bit is sterile.
Place the drill bit against the upper left part of her forehead, about an inch above the temple.
It's not going anywhere.
Bone's harder than wood.
Lean into it.
The skull is only a quarter inch thick.
Once you're midway through, drill in shorter bursts.
If you come out the other side, you've gone too far.
Now, what? Now, what? Let the fluid drain.
She's waking up.
She's waking up.
Sean? What's going on? South Pole doc is out of her coma, and now we have a new symptom.
Increased intracranial pressure.
Why are we out here? That's the patient room.
ICP plus kidney problems plus lung collapse equals The most likely suspect is a tumor throwing off clots.
We ruled out cancer.
But not clots.
What causes blood clots? Bacterial endocarditis.
Not without a fever.
Deep vein thrombosis plus an existing PFO.
PFO would have been discovered on her pre-South Pole physical exam.
What if the clots aren't clots? Atherosclerosis.
Fatty plaque builds up on the arterial walls.
Pieces break off, block blood flow.
Explains everything.
She has zero risk factors.
Forget fat.
Think clots.
You're standing up to me? Maybe.
Just to clarify, you should do that when you're right.
Sorry for the confusion.
How could a clot Could be a different kind of fat.
Fat emboli.
It's a perfect fit.
Except it's completely impossible.
Fat emboli requires an un-repaired bone breakage.
Between the x-ray and the exam, I've seen her entire See, that's what I'm talking about.
Take off her socks.
I can I can do it.
I got it.
Your toe is broken.
Oh, my God.
Bits of bone marrow have been leaking into your bloodstream.
Those fat emboli have caused blockages in your kidney, lungs, and brain.
It doesn't even hurt.
Cold numbs everything.
Does a particularly great job on the extremities.
You'll need to close the break to stop the marrow from leaking.
This one you will feel.
Will you do it? He drilled a hole in your skull after drinking your pee.
I think he's up for this.
Grab the tip of her toe with your right hand.
Hold the break with the other.
On the count of three, pull hard.
One, two, three.
Splint your toe.
You'll be fine.
Thank you, House.
Don't thank me.
He's the one who saved your life.
He likes her.
A bottle of the Bordeaux and some sparkling water.
Well, you didn't pick her up, which means she's coming from work, too, which means you're comfortable enough to meet her.
I thought I lost you when I walked backwards through my own footprints in the snow.
I think I've got it narrowed down to three possibilities.
Better leave.
If you see her, it'll be cheating.
It's not one of your ex-wives.
Because they hate me.
They don't.
They should, but they don't.
I called them.
It's someone new, but someone I know.
Did you ever consider being happy for me? Briefly.
You ordering the wine before she got here Girls are good, House, and you know it.
You solved your case because you cared about that girl.
You're demonstrating the illusion of manly confidence, which means you haven't closed the deal, yet.
I closed the deal.
I just like her.
Still? You knew your patient hated having cold feet, because you did a physical exam, because you liked her.
Your theory is I cared, therefore I let her keep her socks on.
If that's what love is, then I don't wanna have anything to do with it.
It starts with warm feet, but leads to other things.
Your mom and I will explain when you're older.
If I'd made her take them off like I should have, I'd have seen the toe and solved the case days ago.
But you don't care about her.
Of course not.
House doesn't care about anyone.
Sorry I'm late.
Cutthroat Bitch? I call her Amber.
Was she on your list?
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