House, M.D. s08e14 Episode Script

HOU-814 - Love is Blind

I'm telling you, Will, you got a real winner here.
She's just gonna love it.
Stacy? Box her up.
Just the box.
I'm sure it's prettier than the paper.
One tiny rock.
So many other cool things I could have bought for myself.
Sam, Stacy, it's been a pleasure being ripped off by you.
Such a nice boy.
Too bad he's a handicap.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Just calm down.
Kid's a blind diabetic.
He's hyperglycemia hyperosmolar.
Which is what we thought until his blood tests showed a controlled sugar level and no ketones.
Could be caused by drug abuse.
His tox screens were clean.
You lying sack of crap.
I have them right in front me.
Not you.
This time.
My former BFF.
He's S.
Stabbing me in the back as we speak, Where exactly are you'? If anyone should happen to ask, I'm at an out-of-state medical conference till further notice.
Why would any And don't really care.
Auditory hallucinations and disorientation could be signs of schizophrenia.
They did a psych consult.
Mental status is normal.
A seizure? Noise-induced epilepsy.
The sound of rush hour traffic could have set it off.
Run an EEG, and blast his brain with harmonics to find out.
Also, if anyone should further happen to ask, I spent the whole of last year in Africa with Doctors Without Boundaries.
Who are you hiding from? Evil.
Where's House? Uh He's at an out-of-state medical conference.
In Baltimore, I think.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Blythe.
His mother.
Do you want me to pick up the Braille writer and laptop from your apartment? I don't plan on being here that long.
I didn't eat lunch yesterday.
I probably just fainted.
Or had an epileptic seizure.
Which is only one possibility.
I'm Dr.
We'd like to discuss your case with you privately.
I'm his girlfriend.
Is it all right if I stay for this? Melissa can stay, and I've never had a seizure before in my life.
They can be mild, like a loss of concentration or a muscle tremor.
A lot of times a family member notices before the patient does.
I'm Dr.
Park, by the way.
I'm 5'2", Asian, and I'm totally cool with it if you want to feel my face.
Blind people only do that in movies.
But you sound nice, so if you want me to Her point was you may not have realized you were having a seizure, but maybe your girlfriend has.
But I haven't seen him for the last five months.
We were on a break.
Like Rachel and Ross on Friends.
Never seen the show myself, but I hear it's good.
That joke usually kills my blind friends.
Will, this is serious.
No, it's not, since I don't have epilepsy.
I have to pay attention to every signal my body sends or receives or I end up taking a dirt nap.
You don't think I'd know if I was having seizures? It was probably just low blood sugar.
If that's true, then you shouldn't have a problem passing our test.
How is he, James? Really.
He's better than I've seen him in along time.
Is he happy? It's okay.
He's always been a complicated child.
Were you in the hospital recently? Nothing serious.
I just had a few moles removed yesterday.
I forgot I even had it on.
Look, if Greg happens to get back early from the conference, I'm staying at a hotel in town for the next three days.
I would like him to call me.
I will pass it on.
Thank you.
Do you think that they would mind if I got a refill for the road? Not at all.
Not seeing any seizure activity in response to low frequency sounds.
I'm starting him on mid-range.
Have you seen his girlfriend'? Extremely hot.
Blind people can't have attractive girlfriends? Not my point.
He actually convinced her to go for the whole relationship break thing.
How do you know it wasn't her idea? Because she's back with him.
Women suggest a break when they want to break up.
Men do it because they want to have sex with other women before they settle down.
They're a little young to get married, don't you think'? I was their age when I did.
I see your point.
He's seizing.
The sound frequency's at 300 hertz.
It's not a seizure.
He's not spiking on his EEG.
And not moving air.
I think he's choking on something.
Blood, but I don't see any blockage.
Help me move him.
Just relax and breathe.
What are these? Three teeth detached from his jaw bone and lodged in his throat.
He almost choked to death on them.
Environmental? Could be heavy metal poisoning or radiation exposure.
Then he wouldn't be the only one.
He's an accountant who works on the same floor with 50 other people.
Maybe his girlfriend poisoned him.
House usually thinks that's a good guess.
And she's gotta be pissed off and have low self-esteem.
Why else would she give him a free pass to pork other women? Because he's handicapped.
Women feel sorry for us.
This cane is tail-bait.
Where are you now? You expect an actual answer this time? Hi, guys.
Was wondering if House's mother left yet.
He won't let me go to our house It's not environmental.
It's periodontitis.
An oral infection doesn't explain his disorientation and auditory hallucinations.
They're laughing 'cause they know diabetes exacerbates the condition.
It could progress to a systemic disease.
The bacteria spread and affect other organs.
Like his brain.
Stan him on broad-spectrum antibiotics and book him an appointment with a periodontist.
He has fake children now, too? You think I'm not good enough for your mother.
Not in front of the kids, honey.
Add a couple of flies, toss in a dead goat or two and we might have a winner.
Is she gone? Yeah.
We really need to talk.
Crayons down.
Line up if you want to get paid.
It's the only time I ever successfully lied to my mom.
Is with elaborate preparations and props.
Hey, hey, hey I said no Transformers, slick.
Stay here until the coast is clear.
But you sleep on couch tonight.
You're sleeping with her now? Just in case an INS guy comes in through the window.
Yeah, she didn't buy it either.
You need to talk to your mother.
When I'm ready.
I still need to get a fake passport, doctored photos, maybe a case of AIDS.
She's sick, House.
Did she say that? She was wearing a hospital admission bracelet and carrying around a book on dealing with terminal cancer.
I'm sorry.
She's staying at the Grand for the next three days.
The antibiotics will stop the infection from spreading further.
And I'll spare you the lecture you'll get from the periodontist tomorrow but you need to practice better oral hygiene.
So, are you guys saying this is happening because, what, I didn't floss enough? Probably didn't help, but diabetics are prone to this type of infection.
Half the time he doesn't even bother getting undressed before he goes to bed.
I can only imagine how many times you've skipped brushing your teeth since we Sorry.
I don't mean to lecture you, babe.
But I guess you're right.
Look, you haven't eaten anything all day.
Why don't you go grab a bite'? I'll be fine.
All right.
I'll see you in an hour, okay? Not if I see you first.
I was wondering if I could ask you guys for a favor.
I really need my laptop and Braille writer and I can't ask Melissa to get them for me.
Why not? Because I want you to put this someplace safe.
It's beautiful.
People always say diamonds are beautiful.
But to me they just feel cold and have really sharp edges.
I guess convincing her to take a break was a good thing.
The break was her idea.
Melissa's the only girl I've ever dated.
She wanted me to be sure before we took the next step.
What are you doing? We're here.
We might as well search the place in case we're wrong about periodontitis.
What are you doing? We're here.
Might as well eat.
You're stealing food from a blind man? We're doing him a favor, he owes me.
Hake it from your low self-esteem theory, you have some experience with relationship breaks.
What happened? He talked me into it, then slept with three of my friends, then dumped my ass.
College boyfriend.
I thought he was the love of my life.
Then why agree to a break? My self-esteem wasn't as high back then.
No one's is.
Ugh! Sugar free.
I'll check the bathroom.
You keep checking the snacks.
Greg? Sorry I didn't call first.
I just flew back from my conference.
This really isn't I need your medical records, and the name of your primary physician.
You remember Mr.
Bell? If I didn't, I will now.
You're not dying.
I may have misled James by letting him see a book on cancer.
We did however have some expectations that you might call first.
This isn't how I envisioned you finding out.
Bell and I, we're Having sex? Got it.
Getting married.
We wanted you to be the first to know.
I need 10 milligrams of benzodiazepine.
Help me hold him down.
I'm putting epilepsy back on the table.
And I'm taking it off because it doesn't explain losing his teeth.
The kid's diabetic.
The periodontitis could be real but completely unrelated.
A coincidence? You buying that, House? Until I hear something that takes my mind off the Jurassic schlong that I was traumatized by this afternoon.
I know what's wrong with the patient.
Illegal drugs.
Some kind of acid.
His tox screens were clean.
His apartment wasn't.
We didn't find any drugs.
Then why am I completely tripping balls right now? I am seriously freaking out here, guys.
Can't you tell? You pretty much look the same you always do.
Take your glasses off.
Pupils dilated.
Pulse elevated.
Hallucinating? I think so.
Because he's a rabbit.
Oh! I get it.
Because she's his wife.
They flirt a lot.
I've seen things.
And Taub.
Taub is either a tooth fairy or Rainbow Brite.
And you? You're just House.
She ate ice cream and gummy bears at the patient's apartment.
One of them must have been dosed with it.
Go back and find the drugs.
You two find out where he bought them and then MRI his brain check for infections, masses and plaques.
Am I gonna die? We'll get back to you on that.
I've been blind since birth.
I thought maybe if I tried LSD, I might, you know Colors, a shape.
I just wanted to see something.
How many times? Maybe five or six.
We need to know where you bought it so we can find out what was in it.
My girlfriend gave it to me.
I'll find her.
It wasn't Melissa.
I met someone else.
When were you planning on telling her that? Before or after you ask her to marry you? The ring isn't for her.
We were on a break.
She wanted me to see what else was out there and I did.
I was gonna tell her the other night, but I ended up here instead.
We just need to talk to the one who supplied the drugs.
She's on vacation with her parents.
This is her cell.
I don't want her to know I'm in the hospital She'll only freak out.
That's very considerate of you.
You think this is easy for me? I know I have to tell Melissa.
Then what's stopping you? She's still one of my best friends.
And I don't want to be alone in here.
You seen your mother yet? She's not dying.
She was having sex with my father.
Ignore her.
She's on acid.
Your father's dead, House.
Not the dead dad, the biological dad.
The one I pointed out to you at the fake father's funeral.
Hun! Are you sure? Your only evidence is that birthmark you saw when you were 12.
Well, now I've seen two.
The good news is, I won't technically be a bastard much longer.
We're gonna be one big crappy family.
Well, that's great news.
Your mother won't be alone anymore and you can finally get to know the guy.
That is one option.
Are you saying you're not even curious? You want to know what I think? I think you know the answer to that question.
You avoid your mother because she's the one person whose opinion you actually care about.
If that was true, you'd have every reason to shut up.
I avoid my mother because she's boring.
That's why you've been so open and honest about prison and marrying a complete stranger.
Even if I care what she thinks, why would I care what some sperm donor does? You read the guy's book about three times.
Years ago and it took three times because it was so badly written.
Om I get it.
The second birthmark was on his penis, right? The kid's a dick.
You've been working for House for months and just now realized that disabled people can also be dicks'? What he's doing now to that girl isn't fair.
The break was her idea.
And now she thinks they're back together.
He's a scared, sick blind kid who doesn't want to be alone.
You really don't get that? I do.
But What is it? Not good news for him.
Or Park.
Where's Park? Wilson's babysitting her.
Talking about the fact that she could have permanent brain damage might bum her trip out a little bit.
Dark spot doesn't necessarily equal brain damage.
It could be a congenital malformation connected with his blindness or a tumor.
A clot.
We need to do another scan, then inject dye I said a clot, not or a clot.
It's a clot.
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
That'd be good news for Park, but I've never seen one present this large before.
It fits.
When it was smaller, it caused his initial disorientation and hallucinations.
As it grew larger, the seizures.
If left untreated, it leads to cerebral edema and death, but what causes that and tooth loss? Any hyper-coagulable state.
Lupus? I counter your lupus with Behcet's syndrome.
He doesn't have any of the earlier symptoms, color blindness, abnormal visual fields or We've been ignoring his eyes because he's blind.
If he wasn't before, he would be by now.
Confirm with an eye exam and start treatment with heparin for the clot.
Interferon and steroids for the Behcet's.
Give me back my teeth! Park, listen.
Park! You're a tooth thief! No, no, no, stop it! Stop it! Back on the couch! What are you doing to this poor girl? It's not what it looks like.
She's She's tripping on acid.
Good Lord, man.
That's no way to treat a bad trip.
Put the chair down.
You'll end up hurting the poor wee thing.
Hello, darling.
I'm Thomas and this beautiful creature here is Blythe.
Is there anything we can do to help you? That rabbit stole my teeth.
Of course, he did.
But I'll tell you what he's done.
He's put them back again and they're twice as nice as they used to be.
You can feel them if you like.
See? Now why don't we sit on this nice, comfy couch, have a nice cool drink and talk all about it? Would you like that? He's had some experience with things like this back in the day.
As I recall, both of us' Ah! Not the time or the place, dear.
See? There you go.
There's no way that guy's related to you.
There's fresh scarring and swelling in both fundi and a bleed on the left.
House was right.
It's Behcet's syndrome.
Give it to me straight, Doc.
Am I ever gonna see again? That's a little out of our jurisdiction.
We need to wrap a dressing over your eyes to keep the light out.
Not really a problem for me.
You might not see it but your tissue does.
It'll also help with the swelling.
I'll leave you in Dr.
Adams' capable hands.
You think I'm an ass, don't you? I can tell by your breathing.
Either you're angry or fat.
I think it's unfair that you're leading on a woman who obviously loves and cares about you.
I love and care about her, too, but we just don't work together as a couple.
You need to tell her that.
I'm going to, but I just want to do it the right way.
I don't want her to hate me.
When she finds out you bought an engagement ring for another woman, that option is out the window.
It was going to be for her.
What changed? She told me we were going on a break.
I didn't even get a say in the matter.
She wanted you to be sure about your relationship.
I can see how that would be annoying.
I think I liked it better when you were just breathing angrily.
She still sees me as the same sheltered blind geek she met in college.
Most of the time she acts more like my mother than my girlfriend.
I asked her to marry me.
She tells me I need to date somebody else first? I'd rather she just dumped me.
At least that I can understand.
So you were hurt so much you had to marry the next woman you met? Julie doesn't see me as I was, but for who I am now.
She trusts me to make my own decisions and to help her with hers.
For the first time in my life, I have somebody who needs me instead of the other way around.
She finally fell asleep.
I think she'll be fine in a couple of hours.
How do you know about handling a bad acid trip? Friends in your gardening club been experimenting again? I was young once.
A little scrapbook that Thomas threw together.
He even has a couple of pictures of you as a child.
I've known Greg almost since he was born.
His father and I were like brothers.
I was a Navy chaplain in those days.
I left the service in the late '60s.
I don't think his dad ever forgave me for protesting the war.
Of course, if he knew I got Blythe involved You protested the war? When? You were a child.
I didn't share my entire schedule with you.
We knew if we told you, you'd tell him and he'd kill us both.
He was a Marine.
That was the ultimate betrayal.
Sweetheart, I think we need to get back to the hotel.
Wilson, it's been a real pleasure.
You're right.
Much too formal.
Come here, lad.
We're practically family now.
We'll see you boys tonight.
I invited them out to dinner.
Told them it was your idea.
I know we agreed that whatever happened on break would stay on break and I don't expect you to talk about yours.
I just want you to know that there was no one else.
I missed you so much I barely even saw my own friends.
I'm just so glad it's finally over.
Are you okay? What's happening to him? Is he gonna be okay? I'm gonna need to discuss that with my colleagues.
We have to talk.
No, you need to rest.
I have to tell you about what happened on the break.
Later, you just lie back and relax.
Stop it, Melissa.
Just stop telling me what I need and listen for once, okay? How are you feeling? Embarrassed.
I'm still not sure what was real or what I hallucinated.
Did you try to kiss me? What about you? He's stabilized for the moment.
Coughing up blood? That doesn't really change anything.
Hemoptysis is a symptom of Behcet's.
Except our treatment should make him better not worse.
It could be doing both.
Our treatment breaks down his clot in his head like it's supposed to, except a piece broke off and traveled to one of his arteries in his lungs.
If anything, we need to increase the heparin to prevent further clots from forming.
We do that and he starts hemorrhaging, we won't be able to stop the bleeding.
We don't do that, the next clot causes a heart attack or a stroke.
Park's way, he at least has a shot at living.
CT his lungs to confirm and up the dose.
She's young and hot.
She'll bounce back.
How much weight I put on when my break ended the same way.
People were calling me Park-ing-lot.
Almost 9:00.
I think your boy's gonna stand us up.
No, no.
He'll be here.
He practically walked in on us having sex.
God, if I saw my mother doing that, I'd claw my own eyes out.
Of course, she was nowhere near as attractive as you.
Horribly fat, as a matter of fact.
Guy sleeping with my mother.
This is Dominika.
My wife.
It's so nice to be meeting you.
Gregory tells me that you were born in Richmond, Virginia, and your father was a tailor who stole from his clients.
James has persuaded me of the value of openness and honesty in relationships.
We see people with disabilities all the lime.
But seeing and understanding aren't always the same thing.
Are you talking to me or writing a Facebook post? I'm saying we should have picked up on the degeneration in his eyes sooner.
We ignored them because we assumed they weren't even part of the equation.
I also realized, intellectually, I may understand what it means to be disabled, but emotionally? I didn't have a clue.
Apparently, his girlfriend didn't either.
So you're back on his side? It's not a side, it's a perspective.
He just wants to be treated like an adult.
Make his own decisions.
I may not agree with all of them, but how the hell can I judge him? I'm sure that's exactly what disabled people want.
To be treated like completely foreign entities, incapable of being judged and understood.
Park was rig ht about the clot.
Hopefully, the anticoagulants keep it from killing him.
So, she gets the couch on the odd nights, and I get the bed on evens.
In exchange for a federal felony, she gets a green card and I get a live-in maid.
Good for you.
The immigration policy in this country is a travesty.
It forces people to lie just so nice people can stay here.
Thank you.
I'm grateful you approve.
You should also know that I was not in Africa last year.
You were in jail.
I've been reading the Princeton Police blotter ever since you moved here.
And I'm afraid I haven't been truthful with you either.
And I've wanted to tell you this for a very long time.
Thomas and I.
We got married two months after your father passed away.
You understand, we didn't want you to think we were disrespecting the memory of your father.
And is there another secret that you want to share with me? There's nothing you think might be relevant to my life? Like what? I don't know.
Just off the top of my head, something like I DNA-tested my dad and found that he was not my biological father.
You are.
That's impossible.
People lie.
Birthmarks don't.
Oh, my God! You told me he was a preemie.
This bloody lunatic is my son? He's not a lunatic.
All those years, you could've told me, I could've done things.
I could've made a difference in the boy's life.
I think we should all just calm down and Look at him sitting there! A pill-popping sociopath.
If you wanted to screw up his life, you couldn't have done it better.
He's got you there, Mom.
He's one of the most well-respected doctors in the world.
He's saved more lives than you can count.
Now you apologize to him, or I swear you will never see me again, Thomas.
I can't deal with this anymore.
s m Y son, ' I'm gonna have a bloody breath of fresh air.
That's what I'm doing.
So, who's for dessert? Somebody help me! Will, it's Dr.
Adams and Dr.
We just need to know where My eyes! My eyes! Feels like ifs on fire! It's not Behcet's.
It doesn't necrotize tissue like this.
I think it's streptococcus pyogenes.
Except we've already treated him with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
It shouldn't be spreading, it should be dying.
It just means it's drug resistant.
We need to remove what's left of his eyes before gangrene sets in.
It's something that looks and acts like a bacteria, but isn't one.
Could be viral.
No, it couldn't.
No evidence of viral markers in the necrotized tissue.
Let me see that image you took last night of the clot in his lung.
That's not a piece of the clot from his brain.
That's the point of infection.
He breathed in the spores.
Must be growing and spreading ever since.
A fungal infection spreading this fast? Kid's a diabetic.
He already has a compromised immune system.
He's right.
This sample from his eyes is crawling with it.
Treat him with amphotericin B.
We treated him with gentamicin when we thought it was bacterial.
Which means the dose of amphotericin B we'll need to cure him will probably leave him deaf.
Sorry, stopped listening after you said, "The dose we'll need to cure him.
" Blind and deaf? I'd rather be dead.
You will be.
I can live with that.
You never did get my humor.
There's a chance your hearing won't be completely gone.
How much of a chance? A small one, but a chance.
I'm refusing treatment You don't know how hard things are already for me.
I can't handle any more.
I can't.
Oh! Hi.
I'm hereto apologize.
I could have handled the news with more aplomb.
I have a son.
That's great news! What else did she tell you to say? You're not a lunatic, you're not a mistake.
I never liked your friend, my father.
He could be a bit intense at times.
But unlike you, I did respect him.
Do you respect your mother? Well, we do have that in common.
And we all love her.
So we don't have much choice, do we? Son, see you at dinner.
Will, it's me.
Let me guess.
The doctor who thinks I'm an ass wants you to convince me to live? Yes.
It won't work.
I know.
So I won't.
You're that angry.
I've made enough decisions for you.
This is your life.
Why did you come back? Because I love you.
And I want to be with you for as long as I can.
Melissa, I'm so scared.
Me, too.
I'll always love you.
Even if I was deaf? Even if anything.
Is it working? He's still very ill, but if he keeps responding the way he has been, he should be fine.
And his hearing? It's gone.
We don't know yet if it'll be permanent.
Melissa, is that you? We've been squeezing his hand once for yes, twice for no.
Can I ask you something? I'll completely understand if you squeeze no.
Will you marry me? Don't leave me hanging now.
Yes! Of course, yes! I heard that You said yes, right? You said yes.
How long are you gonna wait until you tell me'? I thought we already had the Santa Claus talk.
You don't think I saw you steal Thomas' fork from the restaurant? Why would I do that? For his DNA.
That's Very observant of you.
See, you are more me than you pretend.
You had to know for sure.
So you needed proof.
And the fact that you haven't told me can only mean He isn't your father either.
I'm sorry.
You know what that means? Your mom's a slut? That.
And she's not as boring as I thought she was.

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