Hudson and Rex (2019) s03e07 Episode Script

All in the Litter

1 Hey.
What do you think? It's purple.
Purple shirt.
It's not trying too hard, Rex.
Could you actually could you just stay down here? Uh, just until I have a chance to come and introduce you, okay? Thanks buddy.
Get! - Michelle! - Hi, Charlie.
- Ah, you look great.
- Thank you.
- Can I take your jacket? - Yes.
Great place.
Thank you.
I love the view.
Yeah, it's not too bad of a neighbourhood too.
Yeah, it's nice to finally see your home.
You know, the coffee dates can get a little repetitive.
- Yeah, change is good.
- Yeah.
- Change is good.
- Yeah.
Oh! - Excuse me.
- Oh.
That's okay.
Oh! This must be the legendary Rex! Mm-hmm.
I didn't know that police dogs lived with their masters.
Uh He's my partner.
Are you allergic? Oh, no! Maybe a little.
But it's going to be fine.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Joe Donovan.
It's Karl Buell.
- I haven't spoken to you in ages! - There's no time to chat.
There's something big going down.
Meet me at our old spot.
And come alone.
I'm not talking to anybody but you.
Karl? Karl! Hey.
Hey! Karl! Karl! I'm here! Hang in there, okay? I'm going to get help! I'm going to get help! - Tross! - What? Tross! Okay okay! Okay! Just hang in there! Dispatch! This is Superintendent Joseph Donovan! I'm at the junkyard! A man's been shot! I need a I need an ambulance.
Right away.
Hey, Joe.
What have we got? The victim is Karl Buell.
Who found the body? Me.
Karl used to be an informant of mine.
- That's Karl's mother.
- Ahh.
Charlie, I need you to take care of this for me.
I have to talk to her.
Yeah, you've got it.
Oh Joe! I'm so sorry.
Let's go, pal.
Hey, Sarah.
What are we looking at? Hey.
So, the victim was shot once at close range.
We also recovered a 9mm cartridge nearby.
- Hmm.
- Are you ? Are you wearing cologne? Uh It's Saturday night.
- Oh! - So Who's the lucky lady? Oh, you mean who was the lucky lady.
Because she had a little bit of an issue with my partner.
- I'm sorry, Charlie.
- I'm sure one day, I'll find the perfect woman.
She'll walk into my apartment.
And you know immediately connect with Rex.
It could happen.
Any sign of defensive wounds? I took a quick look.
But no.
It doesn't appear so.
Which suggests to me that the murderer might have surprised him.
Maybe the victim knew the killer.
Find something, partner? What have you got? Looks like a lot of garbage.
Something in there has got his attention.
I'll have it brought in to be examined.
Oh my son! - Dying alone! - Hey, Joyce.
- Joyce.
- Oh God! Hey.
He was not alone.
I was with him right to the very end.
I'm glad for that, Joe.
Joyce, do you have any idea why he reached out to me? No, he was turning his life around.
I pushed him to see a therapist.
- Was it working? - It was really making a difference! He was staying out of trouble! Until now! Joyce, I hate to ask this.
But do you have any idea who might have wanted to do this to him? No.
What about the word Tross? Does that mean anything to you? Tross? I've never heard that word before.
I'm going to find whoever did this to your son.
I promise you.
Well so far I've come up donuts on the word Tross.
It's just an expression.
It's just a it's not real donuts.
Down, pal.
Maybe Karl just couldn't get the whole word out.
No, Tross was the whole word.
So you knew this Karl guy, huh? Yeah, he was an informant of mine back when I was on drug squad.
He had trouble re-acclimating himself after his service in Afghanistan.
So, got mixed up with some drug traffickers.
Maybe some of these guys came back looking for revenge? Well most of them ended up in jail, or dead or long out of the business.
But there is one possibility.
- Randy Sher.
- Randy Sher.
Looking it up.
Here we go.
He was a foreman down at the shipping yards but we believed it was a cover for a smuggling operation.
We also thought he was behind a couple of murders.
We tried like hell to build a case against him but we could never get anything to stick.
Either through a technicality or an informant would change their testimony or even worse.
- They'd vanish.
- You think Randy had a hand in Karl's murder? All I know is that Karl wanted to tell me something.
And if Randy thought for a second that he was going to rat him out, he wouldn't think twice about killing him.
Well I guess Rex and I should start - with having a little chat with Mr.
- No.
No, I want to talk to Randy.
There are some people you regret not being able to stop.
Randy Sher He's one of them.
These two containers They've got to get moved first.
The intermodal guys will be here in an hour.
So don't mess it up.
And remember, that shipment's coming in from Reykjav'k tomorrow.
Get on it! Well, well, well! Joe Donovan.
It's been a long time.
What are you doing down here? You looking to ship something? Because customs brokerage is my business now.
Dock foreman to customs broker.
You've certainly stepped up in the world.
So customs broker, that's - expediting goods in and out the country? - Right? - That's right.
- Sounds to me like a perfect opportunity for a smuggler.
I'm a busy man, Joe.
What can I do you for? When is the last time you saw Karl Buell? Karl? Yeah, it's funny you should mention him.
He showed up here about a month ago.
He said he was out of work.
So I offered him a job.
Doing what? Courier duties, maybe? You know, I think you're even more suspicious than you used to be.
I offered him a maintenance job.
Why are you asking about Karl? Because he's dead.
What? - How? - He was shot.
You know, but somehow I think you already knew that.
You know, that's sad, Joe.
Sad for Karl.
And sad that you think I had something to do with it.
Where were you last night at 10:00? I was in a business meeting.
- Can anyone confirm that? - Yeah, call the office.
And they'll give you a list of names.
- I'm going to do that.
- I bet you will.
It's been great to see you, Joe.
As always.
Good catching up.
Hey, Sarah, you wanted to see me? Yeah, I just got some forensic results back.
We found dog fur on Karl's body.
Any idea what breed it is? Yeah, we know more than that.
As you know, because Rex is often at the crime scenes we keep a sample of his DNA to eliminate him from any other relevant samples.
Why are you telling me this? The fur we found belongs to Rex.
How did Rex's fur get inside a sealed body bag? I have no idea what's going on, Joe.
We never met Karl Buell.
Charlie, are you 100% certain? The forensics say that Rex was in direct contact - with the victim before he died.
- Joe, come on.
The optics on this are not good.
I need you to lay low for a while.
Just until forensics can clear him and this blows over.
Who's going to take over the case? I'm going to handle this one personally.
Take some time.
Okay? We'll be in touch.
- Hi, Sarah.
- Hey! I got your text.
I thought you were taking some time off? This is me taking time off.
- Let me take your jacket.
- Thanks.
Come on in.
Ahh, hey handsome! Are you coming to say hi? You want a high five? You want to meet me up here? Do you want your paw ? Oh yes! Oh I love you! I love you! Oh you're the best! So what's going on? I was grabbing a coffee with Rex earlier.
And a woman walked by with a double baby stroller.
Come on in.
- Yeah, the kind they use for twins? - Right.
Which got me to thinking.
What if a dog with the exact same DNA as Rex came into contact with Karl? You think Rex might have a twin? That's exactly what I'm thinking.
That is if dogs can have twins.
Well actually there are cases where pups within a litter come from the same egg.
Meaning they are identical twins.
That would mean that his litter mate could have the exact same DNA as him.
Okay, tell me what you know about his litter.
Okay, well I called the K9 Unit and they said that Rex came from a litter of seven.
And I'm just waiting for the details as to where they were all placed.
We can immediately eliminate the females since their chromosomes would be different.
Okay, well there was four females.
So that would mean that we're looking for Rex's two brothers.
Well when you find them, give me some DNA samples and I'll see if I can find a match.
What about that, huh Rex? Are you ready for a family reunion? That is very generous of you Joe.
Ordering a round of java for me and the boys.
Well Randy, I know how difficult the customs brokerage business can be.
The long hours and all.
Well actually, I'm giving up caffeine.
It helps me sleep.
You having trouble sleeping Randy? Why is that? What do you want, Joe? I told you I'm legit now.
Oh, well let's just say I've I've taken a special interest in this case.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were obsessed with me.
Don't flatter yourself, Randy.
Well Thanks for the cup of Joe, Joe.
My pleasure.
His name is Otto.
And he's a real sweetheart.
I'm afraid the situation is not good.
Oh, the family must be devastated.
There is no family.
Otto's a rescue whose owner fell on hard times - and can no longer care for him.
- Hmm.
What's wrong with him exactly? Splenic tumour.
He's going to need surgery but that requires a blood transfusion.
It's very rare and I'm not likely to find a match.
What if I could find a donor for Otto? The blood would have to match.
And like I said, it's very rare.
Rex is his twin.
Are you serious? Yeah.
That would be amazing.
How long has Otto been here? And has anyone else been in contact with him? Five days.
And no.
Just me.
- Do you know anybody named Karl Buell? - Uh, no.
Where were you yesterday around 9:00 PM? Uh, at home.
I was hosting a dinner party.
I'll give you my contacts.
And so will she.
I appreciate that.
Looks like they're hitting it off.
Would you mind if I collected a DNA sample from him? It's the least we could do.
Especially since you're giving Otto a second chance.
It looks like Bucky remembers Rex.
- Yeah, they are brothers after all.
- Yeah.
How did you meet Bucky? I'm a cancer survivor.
Ampullary cancer, to be specific.
And I found the chemo especially draining.
And I found myself in need of a support dog.
- Well it looks like it's worked.
- Thanks.
A little too well actually.
By the time I returned to work, I discovered some of my clients responded to Bucky.
So I brought him into my practice.
- Your practice? - Yeah, I'm a therapist.
Bucky is both my companion and my partner.
Seems like you and I have a lot in common.
Listen Larissa, you said that you're a therapist.
Is Karl Buell one of your clients? Uh, I generally don't disclose information about my clients.
It's for their own protection.
I understand.
But Karl doesn't need protection.
He's been murdered.
What? - No.
I just saw him! - When? Uh - Two days ago.
- Was Bucky there? Yes.
Karl had been going through a bit of a rough patch lately.
I'm sorry.
I just can't believe it.
You know, he was just turning his life around.
I'm going to need a sample of Bucky's DNA.
Why? Well, you two were among the last to see Karl alive.
- Oh, I guess this puts Rex in the clear.
- Yeah.
Bucky's fur must have been transferred to him during one of his therapy sessions with Larissa.
Good, and you have the paperwork to prove it? I'm waiting on a confirmation test.
- But it should be ready by this afternoon.
- Okay.
Now, if Bucky's fur was found on Karl then I guess that makes Larissa a suspect? Well it's unlikely.
I mean, she is his therapist.
- But anything's possible.
- Well my money is still on Randy Sher.
Speaking of which, were you able to pull his DNA - off of that coffee cup that I gave you? - Yes, I was.
But we weren't able to match it to any of the trace evidence we found.
Alright, well you stay on it.
In the meantime, we need to keep Rex on standby until those test results land.
Well actually Rex and I have something that we need to do.
Rex's brother Otto needs a blood transfusion.
So Rex is the perfect donor.
But unfortunately, buddy, they're going to have to put you under.
It's okay, buddy.
I mean, for the record, I knew he was innocent.
You're a special dog, helping out your brother this way.
Don't flatter him too much.
It'll go to his head.
The things we do for the animals we love.
Yeah, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to Rex.
Yeah, you're feeling a little bit weird, huh? That is because they're sedating you so that you can give a little bit of blood.
I have a feeling your brother is feeling a little bit worse than you.
What you're doing, it's going to save him.
So you're going to go to sleep for a little bit and then you're going to wake up.
And I'm going to be here waiting for you.
Tell me about the last time that you saw Karl.
Sure, we had a session last Thursday.
He was making great progress and then a couple of months ago, he regressed.
And we were just working through it.
Did anything unusual happen during that last session? Just that Karl seemed very anxious.
Any idea what was causing that? He wouldn't say specifically.
Just that there was something he had done and he was going to fix it.
Did he ever mention the name Randy Sher to you? Not that I can recall but I'll check my records to be sure.
- Yeah, that would be helpful.
- Yeah.
What about Tross ? Did he ever reference that word with you? Uh many times.
It was a friend.
A nickname, actually.
The nickname of a friend.
A nickname for who? Another soldier he'd met in Afghanistan.
Karl talked about him a lot.
Actually, his real name was Trent Ross.
- Tross.
- They were quite close.
He would visit Karl in St.
John's whenever he could.
In fact, I met him once.
Under what circumstances? He came with Karl to one of our sessions.
They were close.
He had a soft spot for dogs as I recall.
I've got some of the debris that Rex found near where Karl was shot.
A piece of paper? That's it? It doesn't look like much to you or me right now but if I were to run this ultraviolet light over top, - it's a different story.
- It's fluorescing.
And because Rex can see some things in the ultraviolet spectrum, it caught his attention.
After you.
Now, this paper is coated with a layer of manganese.
It's a new technology and one of its purposes is to facilitate hidden messages.
- You mean like secret codes? - Yes.
Now it's dead simple to use.
You just have to write a message by applying some water and the water prevents the manganese from fluorescing.
So all these scrap pieces of paper had a secret message on it? Mm-hmm.
I just had to reassemble the pieces.
Okay, so I contacted the Air Force and they were able to help me identify Trent Ross.
Now he's 34 years of age, from Welland, Ontario.
He did three tours of duty in Afghanistan.
Served in the same unit as Karl Buell.
So where is he now? He's a sailor on a freighter based out of Rotterdam.
So, I went to the marine tracking database which gives us the precise location of every single freighter at sea on the planet.
- That's a lot of boats.
- Yeah.
The best part is that you can pinpoint the precise location of each vessel.
So where is Trent's boat? - St.
John's harbour.
- Mm-hmm.
Arrived about an hour ago.
Wait, hold on.
That code that Sarah found, can you pull that up? Yes.
One second.
Yeah, I didn't think anything of it until you told me that he came in on a freighter.
What is that? Some kind of bar code? This is a customs seal number.
See, every container that comes into harbour contains a customs seal.
It looks like one of those one of those carriage bolts.
See, a customs seal number tells you everything that is going on inside a container.
Where it was shipped from, who owns it, what's inside it.
And if the seal is broken, then the customs inspector knows that something is up - with that particular container.
- Customs brokerage.
It's got Randy Sher written all over it.
And I'm telling you Jesse, whatever it was in that container, is what it got Karl killed.
Okay, I'm going to call customs.
They'll give me the GPS for it.
That's good work, Jesse.
That's a lot of boxes.
Yeah, good thing we have Rex.
Alright, pal.
Do your thing.
What have you got partner? Good job, partner.
Even when he's not 100%, - Rex is better than most.
- Huh.
What's up? What's up, Rex? It's olive oil.
What is it, pal? I think he wants us to look deeper.
Cell phones? So Carl's tip is for a cellphone shipment? Yeah, there's about $15,000 here.
Tell me, Sarah, is this what a man's life is worth these days? Where's Charlie? He took Rex home.
He was feeling a little woozy after the treatment.
Hey, Joe! We brought you some coffee.
Me and the boys thought we'd return the favour.
So did you find anything interesting? It's funny you ask that.
Oh my.
No idea how those got in there.
I think you know exactly how these got in there.
And we're going to nail you for it.
Really? A bunch of measly cellphones, eh? Anyway.
Enjoy the cuppa Joe, Joe.
Let's go.
Joe! I might have something.
Get rid of this for me.
Give me some good news, Sarah.
These door hinges have recently been repainted.
What if someone changed the door of the container by the hinges and kept the seal intact? All you have to do is swap the door with another container.
That's right and then paint over the damages to the hinges so no one would suspect.
And actually, there's a bit of welding here too.
So, right seal, wrong container.
So that means, the container we're looking for is still out there somewhere.
Yeah, but there are thousands of containers on that ship.
Some of them have already been emptied.
How the hell are we going to find it? Those phones we found in the container, they're knock-offs.
Making it near-impossible to trace to the manufacturer or the buyer.
That's the least of our concerns.
I just got a phone call from the drug squad.
Apparently, they have intel indicating that millions of dollars of opium are coming into Canada through our harbour.
A major producer of opium is Afghanistan, that's where Karl served.
Yeah, I guarantee you that's what he was calling to talk to me about.
But he never got the chance to call.
Trent Ross served with Karl.
Do you think there's something there? We pulled a partial print off the customs seal.
It's his.
Patrol picked him up at a bar near the docks.
They're bringing him up here.
Wait a sec.
That's him.
He's here.
Trent Ross.
We need to talk.
I don't know anything.
Maybe this will jog your memory.
Your friend Karl Buell is dead.
And we think it has to do with a shipping container filled with stolen knock-off cell phones.
I told you, I don't know anything.
You can help us.
Do you want justice for your friend? Get him out of here.
He's lying.
He was scared.
His hand was shaking.
He could have PTSD like Karl.
So maybe what he needs is someone who can get him to talk.
Like the therapist you were talking about? - The one with her own Rex? - Yeah.
And more Rex is never a bad thing.
Why do you want me to talk to him? Because you both have Karl in common.
He won't talk to us.
And because he is the key to finding Karl's murderer.
Just treat it like any other session.
You get him talking.
And I'll be right here the entire time.
Let's give it a shot.
Actually, I was hoping we could send your partner in first.
Hey! I remember you! Bucky, right? Hey! Impressive memory, Trent.
You're Karl's therapist.
Sorry, I don't remember your name.
It's okay.
It's Dr.
You can call me Larissa.
May I talk with you? Like I told the superintendent, I've got nothing to say.
I just want to talk about Karl.
You know, you remind me of him when we first met.
Karl talked a lot about you.
What a good friend you were.
He told me your nick name: Tross.
My unit gave that to me.
I prefer Trent, thank you.
Of course.
How did you get that name? Because it spells your name, or ? That's part of it.
Tross is short for Albatross.
As in bad luck.
If a sniper shot somebody, it was always a soldier next me.
If an IED went off, I was the one who found the found the bodies.
The albatross.
How about Karl? Did he think you were bad luck? No.
He didn't.
We were like brothers.
He believed in me.
But Trent, now is the chance to pay Karl back for being there for you.
If I talk, he will kill me.
You can do it.
Come on.
Trent, I know that you've seen a lot of pointless deaths.
Don't make Karl one of them.
Karl called me a month ago.
He was working maintenance for Randy Sher, but Randy started to lean on him for names to help bring in a shipment of opium from Afghanistan.
That does not sound like Karl.
He didn't at first.
But Randy threatened to hurt his mom.
Karl asked me if he could use the freighter I was stationed on.
We loaded two containers aboard in Rotterdam.
One had knockoff phones, the other opium.
Then Randy called to say that Karl tried to rat him out.
And he's dead.
He said I would be too if I didn't find a way to make sure the opium made it through.
So how did you do that? I swapped the container doors to make them think it was an operation about smuggling phones.
Sacrifice a small payday to get the cops off the scent of a bigger one.
It all went down so fast when we got into port.
I never had a chance to tell him.
In fact, I've never even met Randy face-to-face.
I think you would have made Karl very proud today.
Rex! Hey, buddy! Hey! How's he doing? Rex is in top form.
So how are we doing on the shipment of opium? Oh well, Trent gave us the customs seal info for the container.
It's sitting unopened in Randy's container yard.
So what are we waiting for? We're waiting because I want more than the drugs, Charlie.
This is our chance to get Randy Sher off the streets once and for all.
Right now the only evidence that we have is Trent's word, and any credible lawyer will just tear that up.
We need hard proof that he was involved in Karl's murder.
Wait a second.
I think I have an idea.
Randy, he doesn't know what container the shipment of opium is in.
He doesn't know me.
And he's never met Trent either.
- You alright? - My heart is beating fast.
Hey, don't worry.
That's why you've got Bucky here.
He's here to calm you.
Alright? You put this in.
You're going to listen to everything that Charlie says.
Right? You're here to fill in the gaps.
- Okay.
- Okay? Don't you worry.
The mic is disabled.
You talk through me.
- Okay? - Okay.
Here we go, Charlie.
My name is Trent.
And the dog is Bucky.
What part of the method acting don't you understand? Alright, alright, DiCaprio.
Let's get going.
You're Trent? Yeah, that's right.
What's with the dog? He's my emotional support dog.
I got PTSD okay? Is that a problem? You and Karl with the trauma thing, huh? You and Karl, you're real close, right? What's his favourite sport? Really? We're going to do this? Yeah, I think we're going to do this.
European football! AKA soccer! Charlie.
Manchester United is his team.
Man United.
Yeah, he's a big Man United fan.
It's a little bit cliché.
But you know, that's Karl.
Whenever Karl is sweeping up, he likes to sing this song.
It's the same one, over and over again.
Drives me nuts.
You must know what song I'm talking about, don't you? The Reggae guy that's not Marley.
- Um-uh.
- Uh, he's a reggae guy, Charlie.
Not Bob Marley.
Reggae guy.
Not Bob Marley.
It's um Jimmy Cliff! It's Jimmy Cliff, Charlie! Jimmy Cliff.
Yeah, Jimmy Cliff.
Jimmy Cliff.
Derek, bring it in.
What song is it Trent? - I Can See Clearly.
- I Can See Clearly Now.
And if you're talking about I Can See Clearly Now, then don't get me started.
Because, Karl, he can't sing clearly now.
No, he really can't sing, can he? Hey, what's going on back there? Just doing a little bit of work here.
Something's bothering me though.
I've got one more question for you.
Karl has a ring on his pinkie finger.
What colour is it? His ring on his pinkie? Charlie? Is this Twenty Questions? Don't It's a trick question! He lost his pinkie during service! Charlie it's a trick question! Huh.
It's just what I thought.
Nice try, copper.
Alright, give me the wire.
Give it to me! Easy.
Now, I wonder who's on the other end of this? Could it be my old pal? Joe Donovan? You won't get anything from me, Joe.
Over and out, good buddy.
So what now? Now? You don't follow me.
And you and your little mutt here make peace with being two-dimensional.
So you just kill me, like you killed Karl? That's what happens when people go against me.
You and Karl, you made the same mistake.
I gotta go! I'm crushed to miss the ending.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's move! Move! Rex! Come on! Rex! Rex!! Aghh! Aghhh!! Whoa! How'd you do that? - Am I seeing double? - Hand in the air! Drop the gun! Hands in the air! Drop the gun! I'm calling police entrapment! You set me up.
You go ahead.
We've got you on tape.
Yeah, nice try.
I already got your wire.
You got one wire.
See, but here's the thing: Rex was wearing a wire too.
Alright! Way to go, Rex.
Hey, Bucky.
Not too bad for a civilian.
Turn around.
This has been a long time coming, Randy.
A long time coming.
Hey! You okay? Yeah! Just like Han Solo in the trash compactor! I kind of feel like pancakes! Pancakes.
Hey, how about donuts, huh? Hey! Look! You even got your favourite, Rex! Here you go! Hey! I've been meaning to ask.
What's happening with Trent? Oh, well Trent is actually out on bail.
He is going to face trial for his part in the smuggling operation, but since he co-operated with us and led the drug squad to the opium, the sentence is going to be fairly light.
Hi, kids.
Hey, donuts! So listen, I just got off the phone with the prosecutor's office and thanks to the wire that Rex wore, they're convinced they'll be able to convict Randy Sher of drug smuggling and Karl's murder.
- Mmmm! - I managed to link Randy Sher's company to those shipping containers.
Also, Interpol thinks that they might be able to tie him to some of their investigations.
Plus I read the ballistics on that gun Randy had and confirmed that it fired the shot that killed Karl.
Look at that.
Randy Sher's going to jail for a long time.
Congratulations, Joe.
You finally got your man.
I'm really happy about that.
I just wish we could have figured this out a few years ago.
Karl might still be alive.
But great job everybody.
Well done.
Can't replace that kind of bond, can you? Well, family.
Thanks to Rex and Bucky's heroics, we managed to catch Karl's murderer.
I can't tell you how appreciative we are.
Of course.
Anything for Karl.
Oh, they made it! This is great! Looks like Otto is in top shape.
He is! When Joe asked me if I was interested in taking him on, I was skeptical.
But it was love at first sight.
And now thanks to Rex, Otto looks like he's going to live a long and healthy life.
You know, I can't help but feel that Karl would be really happy to see the two of you together.
I can't imagine a happier ending.
You know, I'd love to get a little souvenir of the moment.
Are you, up for a picture? Okay.
Rex and his two brothers.
You guys get in a little closer.
Yeah? Family complete.
Next time on Hudson & Rex Thank God you're here.
The kids, they don't know what happened yet.
Blunt force trauma to the head.
We found handprints on the railing, dragging back, likely Stacey's.
I dug into Stacey's financials.
She put 65K down on a condo.
- Smells of drug money.
- What sounds better? Obstruction of justice or possession of narcotics? My clients are parents.
- Pillars of the community.
- Wait, are you telling me that all your clients were buying prescription drugs from you? Pill popping is more acceptable than getting day drunk.
You guys ready to go see what a real big bad wolf looks like? Just a figure of speech, Rex.

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