I Heart Arlo (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Community Garden

It's original ♪
Like me!
[opening theme music plays]
[Arlo] We all need
Someone to hold us up ♪
To help us on
We make each other better ♪
Though the world's not always right
Tough times, they can make us strong ♪
We all belong
We're beautiful together ♪
We're beautiful together ♪
- [wind gusting]
- [birds chirping]
- [laughing]
- [music playing]
- [Alia] I'm Arlo!
- [laughing]
- [laughter]
- Hey, where's Bertie?
Bertie! Bertie!
- Bertie, where are you?
- Hey!
Ah, my delicate fish holes!
Bertie! ♪
- Bertie! Bertie!
- [car alarm blaring]
[Bertie giggles]
- [inhales deeply]
- [Arlo] Bertie!
- [gasps] Oh.
- [car honks, crashes]
[woman] Hey! I'm driving here!
Hi! I'm walkin' here!
- Bertie, there you are!
- [plant snaps]
Oh, it's okay.
I gave 'em space to grow,
so just be careful with the rest.
Did you plant all these flowers?
Yeah. I've been gardening here
for a few weeks.
It's been a form of meditation for me.
I like the quiet.
[rumbles loudly]
- Well, usually it's
- [horn blaring]
- It's usually
- [honking, clinking]
It's usually
[officer] Pull over the unicycle!
Well, I love it. What can I do to help?
Need a fence
so no one else steps on your flowers?
- Oh, I don't know if you need
- [hammering]
Thank you, Arlo.
[chuckles] Give me a hammer and I'll help.
[pleasant music plays]
Aw, it's perfect.
I'll see you later, Arlo.
I'm going to stay here and
You call this a fence?
This isn't gonna protect nothing!
- Anyone could hop over it.
- I think it's good enough.
- Let me show you.
- No, please don't!
Look at that.
What if a roving band
of crazed jumpers came through?
I don't think
[gasps] No! Not jumpers!
Give me $20 and I'll build
the best fence you've ever seen.
Oh, no, thank you.
Okay. I'll do it for free.
But only 'cause I love you twos.
Oh, I love you twos!
So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so
Oh, he left.
- [reverse beeping]
- [upbeat music plays]
Give me that slice ♪
Let's build this baby.
Give me that slice ♪
Yeah, that would be nice ♪
Pizza ♪
Well, we forgot to build the gate.
We can just jump over the fence. Hup! Ah!
The fence works great.
Love it. Whoo-whoo!
[sniffs] You know, this is good dirt.
I could plant my own tomatoes
for my tomato sauce.
Then I wouldn't have to
bow down to Big Jersey Tomato,
that no-good gangster who runs
- the whole tomato racket!
- [playing melody]
Not you, Sammy.
Just letting off steam.
[sniffs, snorts, gulps]
This is good dirt.
That gives me an idea. [retches]
- Know what we should do?
- Hit Big Jersey where it hurts.
In the tomatoes!
Nope! We should make this place
into a community garden!
- Bertie, can you hold this?
- Oh yeah.
There's room for everyone.
Tony can plant tomatoes,
and, Alia, you can plant your catnip.
Furlecia can plant coconut trees!
Oh, Arlo, you remember my business plan
to sell my own homegrown conditioner!
You see me, honey.
It sounds really, uh busy and loud.
Isn't that exciting?
Say goodbye to your alone time garden!
It's community garden time now!
[upbeat music plays]
Come on, y'all!
What I got to be sharing ♪
What I got to believe in ♪
What I got, what I got
Is a place to thrive ♪
Oh, why?
Gonna shape, make something happen ♪
Gonna take all my friends
What it happening ♪
Lift it up, raise it up
Yeah, it's alive! ♪
'Cause we got care for the ones ♪
Who grow with the love
Right beside you ♪
Huh? Ah!
In the community garden
Invite everyone you know ♪
In the community garden ♪
Ooh, oh! ♪
[Arlo] It's a you, me
Her and him show ♪
We gonna ride out our new hideout ♪
Dig it ♪
We gonna ride out
This is my community ♪
Well, uh
- Mm-hmm!
- [Arlo] Oh, yeah, I got ♪
[sniffs, purrs]
[Arlo] What I got! ♪
What I got! ♪
You know! ♪
- [sighs]
- [Arlo] 'Cause we got ♪
Care for the ones
Who grow with the love ♪
- Right beside you ♪
- [sighs]
[Arlo] In the community garden
Invite everyone you know ♪
In the community garden ♪
Ooh, oh! ♪
[Arlo] It's a you, me
Her and him show ♪
We gonna ride out our new hideout ♪
Dig it ♪
We gonna ride out
This is my community ♪
[vocalizes] Ooh! All right! ♪
Grow with the love ♪
This is my community ♪
[indistinct conversations]
[mariachi music plays]
[hooting and laughter]
[seagulls squawking]
[pigeon coos]
[relaxing melody playing on flute]
[laughs, honks horn] Can't catch me!
In the community garden! ♪
Ooh, I'm sorry, Bertie,
I stepped on your flowers?
Hey, y'all,
where did Bertie and her flowers go?
Wasn't Bertie's spot
a little more ooh over there-ish?
I'm pretty sure it was right here.
[chuckles] Arlo. Yo!
What if Bertie's spot
got up and walked away?
Rickety-biscuit, do you think?
Wait, that's impossible.
- [rapidly] Bertie! Bertie! Bertie!
- [car alarm blaring]
Bertie! Bertie! Bertie! Where are you?
Bertie! Bertie!
- Bertie!
- [chanting]
Bertie! Bertie! Bertie! Bertie!
Bertie-Bertie! Bertie!
- [grunts] Ooph!
- [objects clattering]
- [slowly] Bertie?
- [gentle piano music plays]
Have you seen your plant?
Oh, there it is.
And here you are.
Um why are you under your bed?
And why is your flower out of the garden?
Because I felt like it.
I'm all for acting upon one's feelings,
but this feels wrong.
- You both belong in the garden.
- [groans]
It's not really the same anymore.
Well, yeah, it's better
with everyone together in it.
Well, it's nice
that everyone is having fun,
- but it's too crowded.
- [yelps]
I can't go there and be alone
like I used to.
Oh, well, I can fix that.
How about
Oh! Bertie-only hours! What time works?
That's sweet of you,
but that's not what I meant.
I don't get it!
How do I say this in Arlo?
[melancholy music plays]
Just for a moment
When I find that I'm alone ♪
My language!
Just for a moment
When I feel the most at home ♪
Even in a garden
Seeds need room to sow ♪
Even in a garden
Things need space to grow ♪
I love how I feel
When the wind wraps around me ♪
Nothing else feels more real ♪
Like a branch in the breeze
I drift into my scene ♪
More like a time to heal ♪
And I love how I feel
When the wind wraps around me ♪
Nothing else feels more real ♪
Like a branch in the breeze
I drift into my scene ♪
- Ooh!
- Like a time to heal ♪
This is my community ♪
And I love how I feel
When the wind wraps around me ♪
Nothing else feels more real ♪
Like a branch in the breeze
I drift into my scene ♪
Like a time to heal ♪
Even in a garden
Seeds need room to sow ♪
Even in a garden
Things need space to grow ♪
- [music ends]
- [sighs]
- [crash]
- [grunts]
[thud on glass]
- Bertie, look!
- Huh?
I'm in the sky, on the window.
- Yeah!
- Hey!
Can you see me?
How did they
Look! Over here!
Furlecia, hurry up, she's coming.
I am moving. Don't rush me. Thank you.
- [Bertie grunts]
- Hello, Bertie.
[gasps] I am awake!
[Bertie] Hmm
- What's all this?
- [chuckles]
After your song,
I realized that we are different.
I don't understand this alone time.
Yeah, I know.
But it's okay,
I don't need to understand to see,
and I don't even need to see
to feel how important alone time is
to uh
to you!
So we made you this.
[delicate music playing]
[Bertie gasps] Oh
Oh, wow.
[sighs] Mm.
[rustling softly]
Look at her smile.
It almost makes
the nails I broke worth it.
Mm. She does look really happy.
It's time to skedaddle.
I'd like to get back
and check my tomatoes.
Dibs on Bertie's spot!
- I wonder if it's still there.
- [munches, chuckles]
[breathes deeply]
Plenty of room to grow.
[breathes deeply]
[closing theme music plays]
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