Ice Road Truckers (2007) s07e12 Episode Script

Winter Takes All

Tonight on the season finale of Ice Road Truckers Last trip.
Hey, hey! Time's running out as both teams race to the finish line.
There's a lot of water.
These roads are melting fast.
Still rough! But in the battle for the winter roads Shake it till we break it.
Team Polar! - not everyone - Look, he's gonna back into the ditch.
will make it to the end.
On the winter roads of Manitoba two rivals have fought all season.
I started VP Express to put Mark out of business.
If it's the last thing we do this winter, we're gonna put him under.
I'm not taking this lightly.
I'm gonna make sure that this is their first and last season.
As spring arrives and roads are shutting down the load count is too close too call.
So it all comes down to the last few hauls.
They're gonna shut the roads on us.
You know what, we're not even just going day by day, we're going hour by hour.
It was a good season, but it's gonna be at a shitty end, 'cause she's warming up real quick.
400 miles north of Winnipeg You know, this is the last big, hard push to Wasagamack.
This is the last run.
VP Express drivers Todd Dewey and boss Hugh Rowland are in the final stretch of closing out a half-million-dollar contract.
She's starting to get pretty slick out here.
But the melting roads aren't making it easy.
She's a rough son of a bitch.
Temperatures are definitely climbing fast.
The warmer the temperatures get, the more the ice starts melting, the slicker, the more treacherous the road gets.
Still rough! We're here, we finally made it.
That was a good trip right there.
These two deliveries put VP in the lead.
Gonna get unchained and get everything kind of ready to go.
We made it here, and obviously it was a big relief.
I'm glad that this is the last big push up here.
Todd offloads the trucks.
Hey! But the boss isn't ready to call it quits.
Okay, I'll talk to you soon.
We got a hold of MIT this morning and, uh they're opening a road for Gods Lake.
So the push is on there.
As most roads are closing, the trail to the village of Gods Lake is opened after late season maintenance.
But drivers have been given just 48 hours to get supplies to the remote village.
It's the season's final dash for the cash.
Uh, Gods Lake.
Where are we at? We're just finalizing the last couple loads.
At Polar, owner Mark Kohaykewych is securing all the loads he can get.
Sounds good.
We're in crunch time here, so we gotta get everything out before those roads close.
That's what we're pushing for.
All right, dude.
The boss wants the business, but it's not without risk.
Gods Lake just opened up, and the season's ending.
I mean, this is-- this is crazy.
This is chaos.
I'm just hoping and praying that everybody gets in and out of there safely with no wrecks or breakthroughs.
First out of the gate for Polar No, I'm outta here.
Gods Lake, here we come.
Art Burke's tackling the swampy trail with a van load of appliances.
I'm taking this up to Gods Lake, and then we're homeward bound, buddy.
Tchoo, for Yellowknife.
The roads are kind of awful, but we can handle her.
Last trip.
Hey, hey! Earlier in the season I don't feel there's any sense in me being here.
We've come to a mutual agreement here.
So we're gonna let you go.
Art was sent packing by VP bosses Hugh Rowland and Vlad Pleskot.
Fuck you, VP! Fuck y'all! - But now - I'm feeling great, man.
It's the last run.
We can handle the last one.
He's helping Polar take on his former employer.
I see there's the old crow's nest backing in the there.
I should swing around, tear the bow off it.
Thank assholes I'm not in that.
Oh, yeah, I miss that like a case of the fucking dose.
Been a long season, broke down half the time.
I'm just hoping this is gonna work so I can kick ass and get this one over with really fast, eh? If you make it, you're a hero.
If you don't, you're a fool.
- Just behind Art - Yeah, right.
40-year veteran Alex Debogorski joins the push to Gods Lake.
Shake it till we break it.
You know, there's a big rush to get everything in before the roads close.
This is gonna probably be our last run if we can make it up there.
The dash for the crash.
Across town Me and Darrell are trying to get outta here.
Teammates Lisa Kelly and Darrell Ward are also gearing up for the final run to Gods Lake.
Let's get this show on the road.
The last run, and we didn't even know we were gonna get this one.
The convoy's looking to put Polar on top hauling 40,000 pounds of cement bags.
I'ma get this shit done, I'ma get on the road.
We'll get these concrete bags off of here.
You got it, Darrell? I'm ready, I'm looking good.
Let's get on the road while it's still frozen.
All right, time's a-wasting.
Team Polar! As Darrell and Lisa - hammer down - Gods Lake? Yeah, two? VP Express isn't far behind.
All right.
Thank you very much for the business, appreciate it.
Sweet! Vlad delivers the news.
I'll tell the boss man, and we're ready to hit the road.
And with two cement truck to haul the load count's anybody's game.
Well, this is kinda the last hurrah, going to Gods Lake here.
So it's gonna be a long little haul.
Like I said, the push is on.
So we're doing her.
It's not over yet! Ain't over yet! We got these son of a bitches loaded, it's been one hell of a freaking afternoon.
It's been a long freaking day.
We got a long way to go tonight.
It's gonna be one of those days where a guy's gonna just have to push himself right to the limits.
With their trucks loaded up, the race is on.
I'm just thinking that we should actually go tonight because the roads are probably gonna be better tonight.
If we wait and go in the morning, the roads are probably gonna be shit.
They might be still shit tonight too.
Who the fuck knows? This road here is like supercross for 18-wheelers.
Nothing but freaking air the whole trip.
Because if you ain't catching air, you ain't making it.
If you ain't going fast enough to make it up the freakin' solid ice freakin' hills or the great, big, huge bumps that are right before the hills-- it's just nasty.
This is a horrible freakin' road.
Come on, bitch.
Ah, motherfucker.
Hold her up, Todd.
Hugh just got fucking stuck.
Hugh backs up for another run at the hill.
Look at-- He's horrible about backing up, dude.
Dude cannot back-- Look, he's gonna back into the ditch.
Getting pretty close there to your driver's side to the ditch laying there, Hugh.
He knows there's a big hill coming up.
Juice on the motherfucker, get going! I understand it's gonna bounce the truck around a little bit, but you know what, put some wood down to the floor and get up the freakin' hill.
Yeah, it was dirty, so I thought I could go slow.
But I can't.
Yeah, you're gonna have to give her a little juice.
Yeah, 10-4.
Come on, you bitch.
The boss makes it to the top.
- But to keep VP on target - Get her done.
the rookie's also gotta make it.
Damn it! Hugh, I didn't make her.
Son of a bitch.
Coming up crash landing.
On the road to Gods Lake Come on! Todd Dewey's spun out.
Hugh, I didn't make her! Son of a bitch.
She's a rough bitch up there.
I had to give her shit, man.
Todd's forced to back down and give it another go.
Solid ice.
That hill is solid ice.
It's the final stretch of the load count race and the VP rookie has to gun it or he might not make it off the road.
But higher speeds mean less control.
Hold on.
Okay, I'm over it.
I'm glad that stretch of road's over.
I don't know what else is coming up.
I knew that road was gonna be freaking treacherous.
I knew it from the freaking beginning.
Ain't no doubt.
When you're an ice road trucker, man, there ain't no rest for the freakin' wicked.
While VP Express plows ahead so does the competition.
We're headed for Gods Lake with cement super sacks.
Darrell Ward and Lisa Kelly are looking to score two final loads for Polar.
These roads are melting fast and there's a lot of water.
Lisa's back there, right behind me, keeping up well.
You see that open water back there? I did see that open water back there.
Looks like it's melting.
Yeah, it definitely is.
Well, the roads had a little bit of water on it, and the shoulders are really soft.
We gotta get the last of the supplies to the villages before they're cut off for a whole year till next winter.
We wanna get offloaded and get turned around and come back before we can't get back.
'Cause I don't wanna get left behind and trapped on the other side.
It's even bumpier trying to keep up with Darrell.
Trying to play catch up now.
Damn you.
That was so close.
We're sliding around corners.
It's really slippery out.
I have chains on and I'm sliding like crazy.
Stupid sun.
Hey, Darrell, I, uh-- I just got sideways on that corner back there.
I don't wanna end up in the ditch, that was pretty close.
I've been there before.
I'm doing my best to keep up with ya.
Just give it all it's got.
While Darrell and Lisa gun for Gods Lake Okay, what do we got here, buddy? Gods Lake.
We going on home when this is over, boy.
Art Burke is already miles up the road.
They're counting on me.
It's the only time I've really had the ball without some kind of a fuck-up.
Looks bad up there, man.
It just opened too, didn't it? Whoa.
Surprised it doesn't stay closed.
A lot of them trucks behind us on the road might be fucked too.
I'd like to get the jump on them, eh? Uh-oh.
Ah, fuck her.
Let's go this way.
We made her, buddy.
There's Gods Lake right there, huh? After struggling all season, the VP castoff is the first to score for Polar.
And then I can kick ass outta here and boot her for home, eh? Where the fuck did that go? How you doing, Mark? This is Art.
We're in Gods Lake.
It's the last one, we hear, boy.
We're kicking ass on her.
Okay, how do I get this back load? Okay, thank you.
Bye-bye, Mark.
He's rewarded with the only backhaul bound for Winnipeg.
I'll just boot her right over there and pick that up, eh? That's the plan.
Then get the hell outta here.
But this load could be hazardous to his health.
Okay! If you can back further, can we lift it right off the truck maybe? flammable propane gas.
Well, I got my backload.
Last load.
That's it? Okay, cool.
I don't want them bouncing all around there.
The next thing you know, it'll blow the arse out of the fucking trailer or something.
I don't know if it all goes in a great big flare or great big boom or how it works.
Art's in for a rough ride on the melting road.
If the canisters come loose, one spark could turn this into the last run he ever makes.
Away we go now.
We'll kick ass for Winnipeg, man.
But now they'll shift around a bit, eh? I don't want them to move at all.
As Art heads out teammate Alex Debogorski arrives in Gods Lake.
Everybody's in a rush.
It's like a bunch of rats jumping off a ship.
It's gonna get really exciting here in a minute.
Here we go.
Another successful maneuver.
The old pro ties the load count with his haul of construction supplies.
Well, thank you again.
God bless you, buddy.
Take care.
The veteran completes the final haul of his 40th season.
I'm happy to have delivered a load.
We'll bounce our way back.
But now he's gotta make it back before it's too late.
It's just in the nick of time that we're leaving, I'll tell you that right now, because heck, next thing, the leaves'll start coming out, and here we'll be.
Sinking into the muskeg.
Disappearing into oblivion.
Spring is coming.
I mean, there's no if, buts, or maybe.
And next step is the road's gonna disappear.
And, uh, I think it's fortunate that I'm getting off the road before it disappears.
- On the road to Winnipeg - It's just in the nick of time that we're leaving, I'll tell you that right now, because the road's gonna disappear.
Alex Debogorski's on a collision course.
- Oh, my God.
- We're done.
Am I all right? Yeah, I'm okay.
The truck's not okay, but I'm okay.
There's not too much we can do with this one.
Fortunately for Alex, he's not the only driver on the road.
Would you like a pull? I'd appreciate it.
Not a problem.
I assume you can pull the tractor out from underneath the trailer.
All right, well, let's figure it out.
Okay, well, I'll, uh-- I'll see if I can pull the pin on it and drop the legs down.
We're gonna try to pull the truck out from under the trailer.
I don't know if this is gonna work.
I guess it doesn't matter.
We've got that much damage done on the truck.
Think that's about as good as that's gonna get.
Okay, watch out.
This might break.
Life in the fast lane.
What you do for love, eh? Love or war.
Are you ready? Yeah.
Just come ahead and give her a good jerk.
Well, that's a good start.
The truck's out, now we gotta get the trailer out of the road.
Okay, watch out for flying chain.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
- Take her easy, eh? - All the best.
Let's put her back together again.
Broke it for sure this time.
The truck's out of the ditch.
It's damaged, but drivable.
And until the rig's checked out, there's no telling how much it'll cost Polar.
The show must go on.
All the pieces are back together again, we're all pointed in a straight line.
Going the way we're supposed to be going instead of having a conflict in the trailer wanting to go one way and the truck wanting to go the opposite way.
The truck and the trailer had an argument there, and they wanted to go in opposite directions, and I didn't help the situation by sticking my nose in it.
Needless to say we got a whole bunch of thousands of dollars' worth of pieces missing now.
After 40 years on the ice roads, fate has finally - caught up with Alex - Oh, well.
I don't have to worry about working in the trucking business anymore, I guess.
As Alex limps the damaged rig back to Winnipeg Gods Lake.
That's where I'm going.
That's where Lisa's going too, 'cause she's following me.
Darrell and Lisa close in on Gods Lake.
Lisa got here right behind me too.
She hung right in there.
I'll run with Lisa Kelly any day.
Looks like we made it, Lisa.
Awesome! Right over here on the left, there's a bunch of, uh cement bags like what we have.
So this must be it.
Unloading the cement bags puts Polar back on top.
Sure this is our last load for the season We conquered it all.
- All right.
- All right.
Now they've gotta race to get back to Winnipeg before the roads shut down for the season.
It ended well.
But then again, I'm not back yet either.
Back down the road Yeah, that last 50 clicks is a brutal son of a bitch.
Yeah, yeah.
That's definitely, by far, the nastiest road I've been on yet.
VP Express boss Hugh Rowland and driver Todd Dewey are trying to catch up to Polar.
So did you wanna stop here, or you just wanna head out on the ice? I'm fine.
To get the loads delivered, they'll have to cross Island Lake with Let me know when I can roll on there, Hugh, would ya? Anytime there now.
Copy that.
This is a big lake, dude.
So I'm pretty tired, but it-- this is a huge ice road.
I mean, this is freaking-- this is definitely, by far, the biggest ice road I've ever been on.
This is a freaking huge lake.
I think this is one of the biggest ice crossings I've been on this season.
Yeah, what a freaking day, man.
What a day.
You know, I never dreamed, in a million years, that in the middle of the freaking night, in an 18-wheeler with an oversized load would I be on the freaking frozen ice above water on a huge freaking lake, driving.
This time a night, this late, with an oversized load, you're going to the bottom so freaking quick you wouldn't have time to do nothing.
And you would freeze freaking solid by the time you hit that freaking water.
You'd be done.
Oh, there's a monster crack in the freaking ice.
Wow! Did you feel the ice moving when I rolled over it? Mr.
T, when you get to the end of that lake, you just drive right over that hill there and come straight across onto another one.
Thank you, Hugh.
I'm just getting ready to get off the ice here.
They make it across the ice but they've still gotta deliver to catch Polar in the load count.
It's been a hard push, and we're continuing on through the night into Gods Lake hopefully.
I don't know how far we'll make it.
But you have to push all the way through, you don't have a choice.
- Coming up - Holy fuck.
Alex faces judgment.
Not good, Alex, not good.
- In Gods Lake - Once you hit it, don't stop.
Todd Dewey and Hugh Rowland's all-night run pays off.
That's how we do it, buddy.
Yes, sir! Whoo! The cement truck hauls are delivered.
And now VP Express and Polar are locked in a load count tie.
This has been one hell of a journey.
We had to push through the night, get her to Gods Lake.
Got unloaded, so we are done.
We are a wrecking machine.
We're good to go, man.
- Let's get the fuck, uh-- - Let's hit the road.
Let's get the fuck outta dodge and let's go.
VP turns and burns for Winnipeg.
- But 200 miles south - and we're rockin' and we're rollin' Art Burke is trying to bring in the tie-breaking load if he can survive the trip.
Away we go now.
We'll kick ass for Winnipeg, man.
I'm glad.
We'll be outta here before the fucking road closes up here.
Roads are closing and the clock is ticking.
But with a trailer of explosive gases, Art can't afford to put the pedal to the metal.
The sun is beating on the road, and there's one spot down here.
There's a spring coming up through it or something.
The water is like a foot deep.
And then once the springs break through, she's over, boy.
We were lucky to get in there when we did.
See, I knew, I knew.
We had to kick fucking ass, man.
Ah, she's showing some sliding today, eh? Whoa, baby! I don't want them propane bottles banging together.
All you need is to fucking bang one around and then bang them together and get a spark.
You know she's gone.
Great big boom, make flapjacks right out of her.
While Art tries to bring home the title for Polar time's nearly up for the ice road truckers.
We're just on our way to go and shut the roads down for the year.
MIT's Tim Smyrski is riding out to shut 'em down.
Have to close 'em all.
Mother nature's, uh, pulling the plug on us.
She tells us when it's over, and a lot of the times, the, uh, water starts to build up on top of the ice and that tells us it's time to shut 'em down, because if we don't shut 'em down, boom, the truck's will go down below the ice.
And we always try and keep 'em on top of the ice.
As routes are closed it's a desperate race back to Winnipeg.
When springtime temperatures reach the back country the frozen swamp the roads are built over starts to melt.
Trucks that don't make it out in time will sink in the thawed-out bog.
It's warm out here.
I'm gonna get outta here before the fucking ice melts and turns to shit.
Every driver's scrambling to make it off in time.
We're gonna get off this thing.
Yeah, she's melting.
Water's halfway across the road.
That's why they don't want anybody on here right now.
We need to get the hell out of dodge and get off that ice road.
Think it's time to go home.
My final run is over.
Take this thing to Polar and park it.
Just in time.
We just about got her licked.
Ain't gonna be long.
Road by road, the season comes to a close.
There we have it.
Closed for another season.
At Polar headquarters, one driver's already made it back.
Overall, how did you enjoy Manitoba ice roads? I've never driven these roads before, so it was a challenge to me.
Darrell Ward's wrapping up with boss Mark Kohaykewych.
You succeeded with every challenge we threw at you, you know.
So we're saying that, you know, we'd love to have you back, Darrell.
You know what, Mark you give me a call, I will come and take care of whatever problems that you guys been having.
Right on.
So in saying that, Darrell, I'm gonna give you, uh, your final check.
- All right.
- Thank you very much.
And you know what? I rarely do this, Darrell.
But you, uh-- you did a hell of a job this year.
Uh, we threw some crazy challenges at you.
You pulled it off.
So with, uh, everything you've done for us, above and beyond the call of duty, here's a bonus check for you.
- Nice! - Yeah.
I've never had anybody do that for me, Mark.
I'm going home, start a new life, and I appreciate the bonus.
You got it.
Come back next year, buddy.
- Kicks it over the top.
- Pleasure.
It's always been a pleasure.
Team Polar.
The year is over.
I got an opportunity to come back here next year.
These guys are real happy with my performance.
When the winter roads freeze up and they give me a call, I will come back to Polar.
As Darrell heads out on a high note Ah, fuck! Alex Debogorski's season is also over.
You know, that headache rack was brand-new.
But he's delivered a huge financial hit to the boss.
This is gonna be a write-off.
On the slick road back to Winnipeg Alex suffered one of the worst wrecks of his career.
- Oh, my God.
- We're done.
Back panel, side panel and you see fairing.
The window lost-- we lost three inches in the window.
Holy fuck.
The cost to repair the damage is more than the price of the truck totaling the rig.
Not good, Alex, not good.
- Coming up - VP Express ain't going anywhere.
VP Express, as far as I'm concerned, is no competition to Polar Industries.
Winner takes all.
I don't think that truck's gonna make it.
I think it's done.
At Polar headquarters in Winnipeg I feel-- I feel bad about it, you know.
It's judgment day for Alex Debogorski.
We put a lot of pressure on the guys at the end of the season to get in and out.
I do fault Alex a little bit.
But, uh, you know what, I'll take a little bit of responsibility in the sense that we did put pressure on him to get in and out before those roads closed.
My main concern is you didn't get hurt for number one, and my customers got their freight.
And that's what's important to me.
Can't really take it back after you wreck it, you know.
Well, you could buy it.
You could take it back to Yellowknife with you if you want.
Ah, you know what, Alex, it was a good season overall.
We'll start again next year.
Right? Okay.
- Thanks, Alex.
- Hey, thank you.
No matter how much experience you have, these winter roads in Manitoba, if you don't respect them they'll take you out.
- Polar may have lost a truck - Well, this is the last drive home.
I can hardly wait to get my little butt back to Winnipeg.
But they've gained a load count victory thanks to Art Burke.
What do you think, boy? These are my new driving glasses, boy.
Well, they're pretty sharp, eh? I had them from day one.
I was just never happy enough to put them on, boy.
The former VP Express employee delivers the load for Polar Industries.
Yee-haa! Ice road truckin' is just one more feather in my hat.
She's got enough right there, boy.
Had the ball, kicked ass last trip, everybody's happy.
Happy days are here again How's it going? Welcome, welcome.
Oh, gotcha! Polar's celebration is underway as they squeak out the victory over VP Express in the battle for the Manitoba winter roads.
I think we solidified our reputation a little bit more this year.
We're where we wanna be, and we're gonna continue to grow like this.
VP Express, as far as I'm concerned, is no competition to Polar Industries.
What do you got to eat? Pierogies, cabbage rolls, some cole slaw.
Moose sausage.
Oh, yeah? I got exactly what I wanted out of this season.
I had a freaking blast.
Loved every second of it.
And I'll have memories that I'll never forget.
Just wanna thank everybody for coming.
I wanna thank everybody for a great season especially Darrell Ward here.
I really feel like I've accomplished a lot out here.
Knowing that I've conquered these roads.
I came up here perfect time.
I have my children and I have my high school sweetheart back.
To come up here and make enough money to put Ladawna and I down a new road and keep my children on the right track.
This is gonna be the most perfect summer I've ever had, no matter what.
Cheers to that.
To sum the whole thing up, I'd say thank God it's over.
I found the beginning of this very, very, very stressful.
But all that went away.
I learned a lot.
A lot.
When I'm laying on the death bed, boy, I'm thinking of all the things that I did this season will definitely be on there.
Ready? Another successful season, right on! Ho! But across town VP Express is having their their own celebration.
We're wrapping the season up.
We're having a good time.
I love race days.
They may have come just shy of beating Polar but Hugh and Vlad have established themselves as a force in Manitoba.
It's been a phenomenal year for me and Vlad here.
We're pretty happy with ourselves.
I mean, VP Express ain't going anywhere.
We're here to stay, and, uh I know one thing for another.
I'm gonna put him out of business next year.
Despite being their first year in business together, VP carved out an exclusive contract with Wasagamack, and the future of the company is looking bright.
This is just a cheers to say it's been great.
It's been one hell of a year, and I've had an awesome time.
This season's been great.
Even this is our first year, I have huge plans for VP.
We got a contract for next year for more loads than we hauled up there this year already.
So by next year, we'll be hauling the most loads up the ice road than anybody.
As spring comes to Manitoba the truckers head home.
Surviving another season on thin ice.
Sharp corner, sharp corner.
You can't ask for any better of an experience in a guy's life if you like driving a truck like I do.
It's been an awesome feeling.
It feels like a huge accomplishment.
Ah! It's rough.
It's not for the meek, I'll tell you that, eh? It takes a certain type of bird, that's for sure.
Holy mackerel! Fuck! Get outta the truck! I made a difference this season.
I make a difference every season, I make a difference every day.
Sometime it's a good difference, sometime it's a bad difference.
I'm just trying to make more good differences.
I've got a lot of memories of these roads, and I'll remember these roads forever because these roads are the roads that put me on the right road.
I told you! It's still a blast driving through them hills, and you know, across the rivers.
And you watch the sun come up and the sun go down, the moon come up and the moon go down.
And and you're just driving where nobody else gets to go.
There ain't very many people who get to do what we do.
Yeah! I love trucking, and it's in my blood.
And I can't imagine life without trucking.
But it takes a different breed to come out here and do this.
The ones that survive, you're like, "Yeah, you're pretty badass.
That's awesome.
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