In Search of Aliens (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

Nazi Time Travelers

I'm in Poland, at the former headquarters for Hitler's subterranean weapons project to investigate the secret work the Third Reich and their apparent interests in the occult, ancient wisdom and possibly even advanced, extraterrestrial technology.
At the height of World War II, the Nazis engaged their top scientists to develop a number of what they referred to as Wunderwaffe, or "wonder weapons," weapons that were so diabolical and so scientifically incredible they would turn the tide of the war against the the Allies.
According to testimony collected just after the war, one of these top-secret projects was code-named Die Glocke, or "The Bell", and it was believed to be a serious attempt to create a time travel device that could soar through the sky, and eventually maybe even reach the speed of light.
But following the war, no trace of the Bell was ever found- only a handful of drawings.
I'm determined to find out whether or not this device actually existed, and if so, could it have been based on designs left behind by ancient astronauts.
Could there really be a link between extraterrestrial visitors and the Third Reich? My name is Giorgio Tsoukalos.
I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation, the known and the unknown.
What we've been taught by mainstream scholars is not the whole picture.
I'm convinced that, every day, we are one step closer to the truth.
During the Second World War, it was widely believed that the German Army possessed the most technologically advanced military on the planet, boasting an arsenal that included guided missiles, jet aircraft and precision bombers.
Adolf Hitler planned to use this weaponry to defeat the Allied forces and create an empire that would rule the world.
But after they were defeated in 1945, more than 1,600 German scientists were brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip, and there are some who believe that these diabolical minds brought secret knowledge that may have had an extraterrestrial origin.
I'm in Ludwikowice, Poland, with Igor Witkowski, author of The Truth About the Wunderwaffe, or "wonder weapons.
" In 1997, while working as a military journalist, Igor was shown original documents by a Polish intelligence officer concerning a top secret Nazi project titled "Kronos" and a mysterious weapon known as Die Glocke, or the "Bell.
" Because Kronos, in ancient Greek mythology, is also the name of the Titan god of time, there are some who believe that Project Kronos involved the study of time travel, and Die Glocke might have been part of some type of a time machine.
We are turning left and, uh, we are just about to enter the valley in Ludwikowice, Poland, which was, uh, sort of a Nazi equivalent of the Area 51, I guess.
Igor is taking me to a place called the Henge, which is believed to be a former Nazi science laboratory and the headquarters for Project Kronos.
So this entire valley was sealed off, and for what purpose was it sealed off? I mean, what-what was so secret about this area? Under this valley, there is a huge mine that, uh, bankrupted before the war and was taken over by the SS for, uh for their purposes because it's, uh it's something the size of a medium-sized city underground.
It's here.
I mean, I'm-I'm speechless right now.
I mean, I don't even know what I'm looking at.
So this is what they're referring to as the Henge? Looks as if it's made of concrete, and, uh, I mean, it's a very interesting structure.
So what can you tell me about this? It appears for the first time on, uh, aerial photographs in, uh, September of 1944, so it certainly has been built, uh, shortly before the end of the war.
And the entire valley was dedicated to research and development purposes, and this is one of the objects here.
And do you think that this had something to do with them building the Wunderwaffe and Die Glocke? There is one clue about it.
The entire valley was sealed off from the outside world, and this structure stands in the very center of the security rings.
The security rings consisted of, uh, lines of fortifications, guarding rooms, uh, bunkers, uh, gates, blockades for tanks and even lines of trenches, which is something very unusual because this place was, uh, never close to the front line.
According to Igor, the entire valley is honeycombed with chambers, tunnels and subterranean laboratories, all once dedicated to the development of futuristic technologies.
So this here is ground zero for the Wunderwaffe.
Looking around, there's some power plants over here which would require a lot of energy, and one has to wonder, what was it for? The SS general Hans Kammler has, uh, built here an enormous industrial research complex, and, uh, this power plant here, which consumed around 1,000 tons of, uh, coal per day, was used to power all that undertaking.
Leading the search for the Wunderwaffe was Nazi scientist Hans Kammler.
Some claim that Kammler was the most important officer in the SS and masterminded the development of cutting-edge projects based upon ancient knowledge.
Some have suggested that the Henge was designed to test Die Glocke and that large chains would have been attached to the bizarre structure so that the bell-shaped craft would not fly away prematurely.
But the Henge is nothing compared to the vast network of tunnels and chambers which lie hidden underground, the place where many believe Die Glocke, or "the Bell," was constructed.
This is very creepy down here.
Very creepy.
It's cold.
It's damp.
According to Igor, Nazi Germany's prisoners of war were forced to participate in high-tech experiments here at the Henge.
This is the guard room.
There was a machine gun here.
These holes were for throwing grenades.
I mean, this is crazy.
Exactly how many of these experiments were conducted is unknown, but it has been documented that many former participants suffered nerve damage and even a condition where the skin was coming off the participants' faces, as though they had been exposed to high levels of radiation.
So do you think that the Bell might've been a-a type of a propulsion device for an antigravity machine or something like that? The Germans were using a phenomenon which occurs when a high-energy vortex of some kind is separated from the outside world, and, uh, it is causing an antigravitational effect.
According to reports discovered after the war, some have suggested that German scientists had been experimenting with antigravity technologies and had been developing a type of vortex engine powered by mercury.
The idea was that the mercury would spin in a gyroscopic manner within a closed system and create lift, seemingly defying gravity in much the same way many modern UFO sightings are described.
Are you aware of any blueprints that were ever discovered of this Wunderwaffe, the way it might've been shaped, the way it might've looked like? Somewhere here, yes, you see, it's something that resembles a bell and it is portrayed here as a part of some larger propulsion system.
A time machine device embedded in something that looks like a flying saucer.
Could such a device really exist? And if it did, could it really travel through time? You know, the first thing that jumps out at me is that they named this thing here the "Vril Number 9.
" And vril is something that refers to power in ancient Tibetan and Sanskrit texts.
So why would anyone use this? It's a very obscure term, this whole "Vril" thing.
What can you tell me about why or how this "Vril" was actually used, in this context here? What they have discovered is that one may induce gravity from electromagnetic forces.
"Vril," in this case, seems to be the most accurate description of the force that we are discovering.
According to Igor, The Bell disappeared at the end of the war, along with its mastermind, Hans Kammler.
And there are those who speculate, to this day, that both escaped through a window in time.
I'm at Castle Ksiaz in Lower Silesia, Poland- a former development headquarters for many of Adolf Hitler's top-secret weapons known as Wunderwaffe, or "wonder weapons.
" Author and researcher Igor Witkowski has brought me here to show me what he claims to be authentic Nazi documentation for a device which some people believe could have been some sort of a time machine.
Igor, do you think that maybe The Bell- that they also sometimes refer to as Die Glocke- was a type of flying craft? It was a combination of some flying machine with weapons of mass destruction.
It seems that The Bell was the main part of a propulsion system, of a flying craft, not a flying craft itself.
But we don't know the rest of the picture.
It has been widely reported that the Nazis had an almost fanatical desire to locate and study ancient religious texts and artifacts, which they believed possessed great power.
They were also fascinated by the occult and the study of the forbidden or so-called "Dark Arts.
" Although much of this ancient knowledge was lost at the end of the war, much of it was thought to be taken by the Allies as spoils of war and may have served as the inspiration for many of the advanced communications and weapons systems in use today.
The very idea of generating gravity was based on scientific discoveries that they had made.
They were open, also, to the idea of incorporating knowledge from the ancient past.
And to the very possibility of other intelligences in the universe.
This all seems highly advanced for its time.
It was such an advanced idea, the most secret research project carried out in the Third Reich.
And I have a very interesting document here, which is signed by the General Kammler, which says that it was, uh, engaging all the forces of the SS at the end of the war.
The way Igor describes The Bell reminds me of the numerous accounts in ancient Hindu texts of the "vimanas"- airships that could stop on a dime and change direction at top speed, seemingly defying the laws of physics.
The ancient Sanskrit text, the Mahabarata, describes an earthly arrival by these ancient spacecraft, which curiously resemble modern-day UFO accounts.
Today, most mainstream historians identify the stories of the vimanas as works of fiction, but in India some Hindus regard them as history.
Is it possible that the Nazis had somehow rediscovered an alien technology that existed on Earth thousands of years ago? And, if so, where did they get such detailed information? In his 1993 book Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century, author Jan van Helsing wrote that a UFO crashed in Germany's Black Forest in 1936 three years before the start of World War II.
According to his account, Hitler's SS troops took possession of the downed craft and carried it away to their top-secret headquarters at Wewelsburg Castle.
There, it is believed that Nazi scientists began their attempts to reverse-engineer technology found aboard the damaged craft.
As I said good-bye to Igor, I couldn't stop thinking about the idea that the strange designs I'd seen of the Nazi Bell reminded me not only of Hindu vimanas, but also of stupas- an ancient bell-shaped design that Buddhists believed had mystical powers.
After leaving Poland, I travelled to Switzerland to meet with my good friend and mentor, Erich von Daniken, the founding father behind what's known as the "ancient astronaut theory.
" So do you think that extraterrestrials are responsible why we have the stupa motif today? This particular shape? You see, we always were copiers.
We saw some vimanas, which had the shape of a stupa.
So, later, we made copies out of the stupa.
The-The cultures in the past- intellectually, they may have been brilliant, but they could not understand the technology.
The stupa dates back thousands of years and is believed to have been inspired by early burial mounds in which the deceased were seated in an upright position and covered with earth.
Later, the stupa was thought to represent a seated Buddha, and over the centuries, its basic bell shape became refined with the addition of more and more elaborate designs.
You know, some people have suggested that the stupa shape itself or, you know, that whatever vehicles were described in the past, might have had the possibility of-of time travel.
Do think that such a thing is possible? Uh nothing is impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
I would not exclude this completely, because who knows what the future brings? Exactly.
So I'm in the Swiss Alps, consulting with Erich von Daniken about Die Glocke, also known as The Bell, to see if he thinks whether or not the Nazis may have been developing a time travel device based on ancient Hindu and Buddhist designs designs that perhaps were directly inspired by ancient extraterrestrial technology.
You see, the stupa is, uh, a shape which you find in the Mahabharata- the old Indian epic.
There, small vehicles called "vimanas" had the shape of a stupa.
Since that time people always copied stupas because stupas had to do something with the gods and with heaven.
There are numerous accounts in ancient Sanskrit texts that describe vimanas and stupas, ancient chariots of the gods.
And they were described as flying chariots made of gleaming metal with amazing maneuverability in the air with powerful weapons that could annihilate the enemy from afar.
Some were even described to be able to cloak themselves.
Now, while mainstream scholars interpret these events in divine and symbolic terms, the ancient astronaut theory suggests that this is rooted in misunderstood technology and that they were perhaps witnessing extraterrestrial craft.
You see, for example, here, this is the so-called Borobudur in Indonesia.
It's a gigantic temple and it's just composed of hundreds and hundreds of stupas.
Now these stupas are not empty.
In every stupa, inside is the young Buddha.
And what is the young Buddha doing? He's using his hands, you see, to manipulate some control because, according to their belief, the stupa is the small vehicle with which you reach the big vehicle.
The big vehicle is surrounding the planet.
The small vehicle comes down to earth and goes again, but just to the big.
So you have to manipulate some controls and you remember, Giorgio, that we have this famous plaque of Palenque in Mexico.
Yes And there, this young ruler Pakal is sitting on this sort of chair manipulating some controls with two hands.
If you turn it a little, you have exactly the same pictures as young Buddha sitting in a stupa.
And, you see, when you take any Indian temple, it doesn't matter if the temple is a young temple- by young, I mean maybe it was constructed just 50 years ago- or if it's an old temple, if the temple is 2,000 years ago, it doesn't matter what.
On top of every Indian temple, still, today, you have a so-called vimana.
Vimana is, again, the flying machine from mythology but it was not mythology, and sometimes, it was reality.
And sometimes the vimana has the shape of a stupa, again.
What do you say to people who suggest that the ancient Indian epics are nothing else but a product of fantasy? This is all garbage.
It was real.
It was reality.
The vimanas always came from the so-called "cities in the sky,"- today, we would say "mother spaceship.
" You know, there are some that have suggested that some of the Nazi scientists were inspired by Sanskrit texts.
Do you think that's a possibility? Yeah, that's true.
That's true.
We know from, uh, some diaries of these scientists that they studied ancient Sanskrit texts and they were influenced.
Erich then shared an interesting story with me about one of the German scientists he'd once met in person concerning the Wunderwaffe developments.
You see, Werner von Braun was the one who launched up Saturn V to the moon.
He was a student of Professor Dr.
Hermann Oberth.
Hermann Oberth is what we call the "father of rockets.
" They were studying Hindu and, and the Veda text, definitely.
Because when he was an old man, I had the chance to speak together with Hermann Oberth, and I asked him about these things.
Did you work at some kind of stupa sh, uh, a kind of secret weapon and he said, "Yes, we did work, but we never finished the work.
If we would have finished it, we would have won the war.
" Well, thank you very much for-for answering some of these questions.
And, uh, you know, I'm not sure yet where I will go next in this investigation, but, uh, this was invaluable information.
Thank you very much, Erich, as always.
Thank you, Giorgio.
You can come to my archives.
It's endless.
It will never end, all the links and stories together.
It all comes together, absolutely.
It's always fascinating to talk with Erich, and speaking with him made me wonder if maybe Die Glocke wasn't only designed to be a part of a time-traveling craft but, perhaps, was also designed to be a time-traveling craft.
Because he kept on saying how the ancient people often reported seeing stupa-shaped craft coming down from the sky.
But was the mysterious bell-shaped object, simply known as Die Glocke, really capable of space travel? And if so, could it reach the kind of incredible speeds necessary to enable it to travel through time? Human beings have dreamed of traveling through time for hundreds of years.
In 1905, Albert Einstein proved that time travel is, in fact, achievable based on his famous theory of relativity.
Since then, scientists have been trying to develop a time machine that can travel both forward and backwards in time.
And some propose that the best way to manipulate time is by creating an artificial time vortex, or wormhole.
Even NASA is developing warp drive technology that would allow us to exceed the speed of light.
And in so doing, travel into the future.
Now I'm back in the States, in Pittsburgh.
I still have some questions about time travel and there is no one better to ask about time travel than Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist.
So I'm really looking forward to meet with one of the greatest minds in ufology today.
Stanton, such a great time to see you again.
How are you? Just fine.
It's been a while.
So, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me and answer some of my questions.
Not at all.
I actually went to Poland to look at the Henge.
Because, allegedly, the Nazis were working on this bell-shaped weapon called Die Glocke at which they were able to manipulate space and time.
Clearly something went on, but what was it? There's no question that German technology was outstanding.
And before the Second World War, certainly, they were ahead of the United States in many areas of technology.
What is your opinion on the feasibility or the reality of time travel? Well, there are areas where we know it works, as a matter of fact.
As you get close to the speed of light, time slows down.
How much? Well, it depends on how close you get.
In Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, time dilation refers to the passage of time being affected by the laws of nature, such as differences in gravity and velocity.
This phenomenon may be best illustrated by comparing an atomic clock on Earth with another one in space- even though both clocks function perfectly, the clock in space will run slower, due to the bending of space-time by the forces of gravity.
So I wanted to know- since time travel is theoretically possible- if the Nazi scientists could have achieved it during World War II.
Could you surmise that this bell shape or cone shape, in any way, shape or form, is conducive to manipulating time and space? Whether it has anything to do with time or not, I don't know.
I like the symmetry of it.
Because I expect anything with time is symmetrical.
If Hitler's guys had figured out how to build a time machine or an antigravity machine or some entirely new physical craft, they would have used it during the war.
I cannot believe that Hitler would have withheld it.
What if they couldn't complete what they were working on and it just so happened to be that America Grabbed it.
I've seen no signs of that.
However, we finally got 156 pages of top-secret UMBRA NSA UFO documents.
You can read one sentence per page.
Everything else is whited out.
Okay CIA yeah, the CIA released a bunch of blacked-out documents.
Some of them have six words you can read, some eight words you can read.
And people said, "There's no cover-up.
" Well, there is a cover-up.
It's very hard to say anything is impossible.
Well, Stan, this has been a great honor.
I've learned a lot.
And, uh, your contribution here has been invaluable.
So thank you very much.
It's been my pleasure.
I've learned something, too.
And I'll let you know how all of this goes.
All right? I'm in Southern California about to meet with Dr.
Bob Frisbee, a retired aerospace engineer, and we're about to conduct some wind tunnel tests on a bell-shaped object.
I want to find out whether or not a vehicle with this shape is suitable for flight, because we still don't know if Die Glocke was designed to be some kind of spacecraft.
Giorgio, welcome to the NASA wind tunnel at Cal State L.
This is awesome.
So this is where the hard-core science takes place.
I've been all over the place, investigating this idea that the Nazis built this strange weapon called Die Glocke, or "The Bell," and that this might have had something to do with a time- travel device, which I find very intriguing.
In order to do something like time travel, you're going to need very large energies and masses, and very odd configurations, in order to make the equations of general relativity come out the way you want them to.
You touched upon something that I've always found very interesting, because, yes, it is conceivable that time travel is possible.
But the energy requirements for that would be so vast that even if we combined all of our available energy resources today, is it correct that we don't have the energy resources to actually fire up the engine? To make something like this work requires an enormous amount of mass to warp space-time.
So if we somehow had an enormous amount of negative energy, we could warp space in just the directions you need, and the way you need, to do things like antigravity, warp drives, wormholes and, potentially, time machines.
I love it.
In this investigation, when I read up that maybe the Nazis were working on a bell-shaped energy device that some have proposed might have been a time machine or something like that, my mind, you know, was blown.
What do you think? Well, first of all, Germany invented relativity and quantum mechanics.
So, intellectually, they had more than enough horsepower to actually come to grips with the science of something like this.
The idea of time travel being possible is very exciting to me, and the concept that a person could travel not only through space but also through time is even more incredible.
But was the mysterious bell-shaped object simply known as Die Glocke really capable of space travel, and, if so, could it reach the kind of incredible speeds necessary to enable it to travel through time? That is what I needed to find out.
Giorgio, I'd like to introduce you to Dr.
Pleasure to meet you; how are you? Welcome to the wind tunnel lab, gentlemen.
This is this is great.
Let me So this is it.
Today we're gonna measure the aerodynamic drag.
Now, of course, in the vacuum of space, drag is not an issue, but a craft that's also designed to maneuver on Earth would need to be aerodynamically sound.
Let's fire her up.
I'm meeting with retired aerospace engineer Dr.
Bob Frisbee.
I've asked him to test a stupa-shaped object in a wind tunnel to determine if it is aerodynamically suitable for flight.
If we can prove that the object could not only fly but be capable of reaching the incredible speeds necessary for space travel, then it's just possible that the German Die Glocke might actually have been capable of time travel.
Let's fire her up.
And now we increase the air speed, you can see the drag will be increasing.
Where do we see the air speed? Right here.
As Dr.
Wu increases the air speed within the chamber, a drag sensor measures how efficient the object is in terms of aerodynamic resistance.
We almost reach 100 miles per hour.
I think that's we have more than enough information.
And so now we can look at the data.
When Dr.
Wu showed us his evaluation of how the bell-shaped design performed in the wind tunnel, I expected that it would produce a lot of drag, because it doesn't look anything like a rocket ship or the sleek aerodynamic designs associated with most flying machines.
So what does this mean? How efficient is this shape? It's a comparison with other shapes like a spherical ball.
The wind tunnel test indicated that the bell shape is about twice as efficient as a sphere.
I'm surprised how aerodynamically sound the stupa actually is.
Even though it looks like it would be terribly inefficient, it's better than the simplest sphere yeah.
I mean, that is, uh, very interesting.
That is surprising, for sure.
If the tests prove anything, it's that appearances can be deceiving.
In May of 2014, an aerospace company called SpaceX unveiled Version 2 of their Dragon spaceship, designed for travel into deep space.
And this ultramodern spacecraft, like the Nazi Bell, bears a striking similarity to ancient stupas.
Frisbee, thank you very much for answering some of my questions.
And those wind tunnel tests were incredible.
This is a way of opening the possibilities as to what can be going on in the world and the universe around us.
Those are the only questions that we ask because this is something where people have forgotten that science, in the end, is an adventure.
I now know that the design for Die Glocke is aerodynamically sound, but what I still don't know is whether or not the device was ever constructed.
To find out the answer, I traveled to Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, the sight of a now-famous UFO crash involving a mysterious bell-shaped object.
On December 9, 1965, a brilliant fireball streaking across the sky was witnessed by thousands of people as it flew over Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Several hundred people saw it come crashing through the trees into a deep ravine.
These witnesses also reported that the U.
Army later arrived on the scene, placed the object on a flatbed truck and quickly took it away.
To this day, the military has denied that this event even took place.
My first stop is to meet with Stan Gordon, a local researcher who is an expert in the 1965 Kecksburg crash.
This is, um, one of the photos I took in the mid-1980s.
This is where we found what appeared to be a pattern of tree damage.
These were actually all physically knocked down.
Okay, now, as you went down into the wooded area and followed the trajectory, well, then you found the fact that, as this thing moved along, it knocked tops of trees out.
Some trees were broken in the same direction.
Clearly, there was something there, and there were reports in the news? Well, the newspaper accounts are quite interesting.
The story made the national news, so it was picked up by not only the local papers, but it was also picked up by the national media as well.
This was from our local Greensburg Tribune-Review.
Look at that.
"Unidentified Flying Object Falls Near Kecksburg.
" "Army Ropes Off Area.
" Interesting, okay.
In your investigations, did you come across any reports whether or not there were any people inside this object? Because in Roswell's story, we always hear how they carried away bodies and that one of those bodies, allegedly, was alive.
So is there anything similar in this particular case? There have been some very interesting accounts which suggest the possibility that someone or something may have been inside the object.
What do you, personally, think the Kecksburg object was? Well, I can tell you there's various theories on it.
It ranges from being a very sophisticated power source to some type of antigravity machine and to, in fact, a time machine.
A time machine? Is it at all possible that Die Glocke, or the Nazi Bell, and the UFO that crashed in the woods at Kecksburg are one and the same? And if so, what happened to it? And could there be an extraterrestrial connection? I'm in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania with local researcher Stan Gordon, about to look at a full-sized model of the UFO that allegedly crashed here in 1965.
According to reports, it looks very much like the German Die Glocke, and I can't wait to see it with my own eyes.
So this is it, huh? That's correct, yes.
Let's go take a little closer look.
I mean, this is pretty interesting.
Is this I mean, tell me the story behind this.
Is this a an exact replica of the eyewitness report? Well, this is the mock-up of the object that reportedly fell here, back in 1965.
The Kecksburg UFO looks almost identical to the designs and drawings I've seen of the so-called "Nazi Bell.
" And it's sort of blowing my mind.
So what can you tell me about the size reference to the eyewitness reports in comparison to this replica right here? Well, according to eyewitnesses who were up in the ravine and were standing only several feet away from the object, they estimate that this thing was approximately, maybe, about ten to 12 feet, maybe more, in length.
And about eight to ten feet in diameter.
And the popular term here is that this is called "The Acorn," right? That's correct.
Well, one eyewitness said it looked like somebody took liquid metal and poured it into an acorn-shaped mold.
There's no rivets.
There's no seams.
There's no weld marks.
There's no fuselage, no windows.
No doors.
And on that raised-up back area, what really caught his attention, and others, were these unusual markings that were raised up off the surface and looked more like symbols than letters.
All right, I'll just take some some pictures for my archives.
This has a perfect acorn shape.
So can you actually take me to the crash site? I can take you up to the general area where a lot of the activity took place that evening.
Sounds great.
All right.
So let's go to the crash site.
Yeah? Okay.
I know this is crazy to think about, but did a time machine built by the Nazis during World War II really crash-land here in Kecksburg in 1965? I mean, it's highly speculative and I'm not saying that this is what happened, but just the possibility is mind-blowing and I can't wait to see the area where this thing touched down.
So this was the general area? Right.
It-it's deep inside the wooded area.
So you're telling me it's down there.
In this general Right, yeah.
Let's see if I can And so, from what direction did it approach? Well, the object came in, roughly, from that general area, went out towards the mountains, out towards Laurelville.
Then the object turned and began to track back towards Kecksburg, went a little further out, and made another turn and then came down into the wooded ravine.
So multiple turns? Yes.
I mean, this would indicate to me that it wasn't necessarily a flat-out crash, but maybe they were looking for a clearing to land safely.
Well, this object, whatever it was, apparently had made an unintentional landing.
It crashed through the woods.
It knocked down trees and then it ended up down into the bottom of the ravine.
That's interesting.
I would love to go a little bit closer to see if we maybe can spot some of those knocked-over trees.
Maybe they still exist.
So, in this place, you're telling me that there used to be trees that were cut off in some sort of a pattern where the thing allegedly came in? Well, we had found what appeared to be a pattern of trajectory.
We had found some trees that were knocked down in the same direction.
Other trees with the tops knocked out.
This is quite fascinating.
After visiting the site of the Kecksburg UFO crash, I'm fascinated by the eyewitness accounts of what appeared to be an acorn-shaped spacecraft and its similarity to the designs for Die Glocke- that were discovered after the war.
Is it possible that the technologies the Nazis were developing toward the end of World War II were based on ancient Buddhist and Hindu texts? And was their plan to construct a time travel device made possible by reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology? Two facts are certain: Dr.
Hans Kammler, the man in charge of the Nazi Die Glocke project, disappeared after the war.
And in 1965, thousands of people witnessed a UFO that they described as looking almost like an upside-down bell- one that changed direction like someone was inside, steering it.
Although a connection between these two events has not yet been proven, I am sure that, one day, we will achieve some type of technology that will allow us to travel not only through space, but perhaps also through time in search of aliens.

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